Journal of Environment and Aquatic Resources. 2: 47-61 (2011) doi: 10.48031/msunjear.2011.02.05 Biology, Ecology, and Fishery of the Cross-barred Grunt, Mesopristes cancellatus in Mandulog River, Iligan City Policarpo L. Openiano Jr., Henry E. Dejarme, Alex B. Apongan and Alita E. Openiano Mindanao State University at Naawan, 9023 Naawan, Misamis Oriental Email:
[email protected] ABSTRACT Observations on the abundance and certain aspects of the biology, ecology, and fishery of the cross-barred grunt Mesopristes cancellatus in Mandulog river, Iligan City were carried out in 1991 to obtain necessary information for the development of culture technology of the species. Data were gathered from two study stations, Hinaplanon and Bayug, representing the upstream and downstream portions of the river. Biological aspects of the fish investigated were sex ratio, sexual maturity, fecundity, and gut content. Physico-chemical description of the river included water salinity, turbidity, velocity, pH, D.O. and substrate characteristics. A description of M. cancellatus fishery in Mandulog river was also undertaken in the study. Results indicate that M. cancellatus exhibited seasonal abundance apparently influenced by flooding and lunar phase. The fish occurred abundantly in the months of April to September but were not observed between January and March and between October and November. A total of 125 fish were collected within the period with weights ranging from 25-700g, dominated by medium- sized individuals with body weight ranging from 261-420g (64%) while small individuals (25-100g) occurred at a relatively lower frequency (27.4%). Sex ratios generally showed higher number of female than male fish, and gonadal maturity appeared to peak between April and May.