Council summons

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of the TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Institute, Lime Street Gorseinon on Wednesday 4th JUNE 2014 at 6.30pm, for the transaction of the following business;

Note; All Councillors sit on Planning Committee. Plans are on display from 5.30pm


1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest.

2. Approval of the Minutes of the Planning Committee held on 7th May 2014

3. To consider and make recommendations on the following planning applications received from City and County Council as the Local Planning Authority;

2014/0712 Change of Use from A2 to A3 (Residential) 9B Alexandre rd Gorseinon

2014/0711 Rebuilding single storey rear extension, 5 Bryn Terrace Gorseinon

2014/0684 Demolish 2 bungalows and redevelop car parking, Gorseinon hospital, Brynawel rd Gorseinon

4. Notification of Approvals by Local Planning Authority

5. Notification of Refusals by Local Planning Authority;

6. Notification of Appeals by Local Planning Authority;

7. Enforcement matters.

Clerk to the Council

Council summons

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of GORSEINON TOWN COUNCIL to be held at the Institute, Lime St. Gorseinon on Wed. 4th JUNE 2014 at 7.00pm, for the transaction of the following business


1 To receive Apologies, Disclosures of Interests, and additions to the Hospitality Register from Members, in accordance with the Code of Conduct adopted by this Council.

Funeral of Mr Clive Rees former Clerk to Gorseinon Town Council on May 30 church 11am.

2. To receive a report on Police matters within Gorseinon and Penyrheol.

3. Town Mayors announcements; Events Mayor attended during May.

4. Public forum - max 15 minutes for Public to raise new matters relevant to the Gorseinon Town Council area.

5. To confirm & sign Minutes of the Council meeting held on 7th May 2014.(copy enclosed).

To confirm & sign Minutes of the AGM held on Wed May 14 th 2014 .(copy enclosed).

6. Update on vacant Town Council position in Gorseinon Central ward. – applications received;

Applicants 1. Mrs Kerry Rogers 117 Trinity St.Gorseinon 2. Mr Andrew Thomas 13 Brynawel rd Gorseinon

7. To deal with any matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda.

8. To receive reports from the Clerk.

a. Order form- keep fit equipment at Parc y Werin (phase 1),Parc Melin Mynach (phase 2)( meeting May 27 2014) b. Larger Council conference Builth July 9 th c. Streetscene workshop 11th June 5pm committee room 3 Civic centre Swansea d. Rowland Jones agents- asking if Town Council wants to take over the Brynteg chapel cemetery. e. Thank you letters from Leisure centre re bikes & Singers leisure centre

9. To receive report on County Council matters from the County Councillors for Gorseinon/Penyrheol. Penyrheol – C/Cllrs Jan Curtice, David Cole Gorseinon – C/Cllr David Lewis.

10. To receive reports from the Council’s Representatives on Outside Bodies on following meetings;

11. To deal with correspondence .

12. To receive Accounts report from Clerk for approval of cheques

Clerk to the Council


1. Explore opportunities to acquire / lease a permanent new multi user base for the Town Council and groups, that is both accessible and affordable for all residents of Gorseinon and Penyrheol wards.

2. Deliver projects for the area that will engender and strengthen pride and respect by residents in their communities of Gorseinon and Penyrheol.

3. Deliver projects that will improve the physical appearance of our town and suburbs.

4. Aim to improve communication with, and represent views of the local residents, as well as better explaining what the Town Councils role is, and what can be done for the community.

5. Support worthy community groups / local initiatives and community projects, focused on sporting/social and cultural activities, particularly for the youth of the area.