Appendix 1 – Consultation responses

Writtle Parish Council

This proposed change to make almost all streets so-called ‘consent streets’ was discussed by Parish Council and has met with their complete approval.

There have been a number of instances where vehicles have been offered for sale at sites around the Village such as the roundabout on the junctions of Road and Greenbury Way and Highwood Road and Greenbury Way as well as some others areas. Writtle Parish Council have made attempts to get this stopped but have so far not been successful. This new proposal will achieve the desired affect and prohibit these areas to be used for this purpose.

Writtle Parish Council will look forward to this proposal being implemented

Great Waltham Parish Council

The Parish Council have considered the information which is displayed on the website and wishes to make the following comments: 1. The Parish Council welcomes control over burger and ice cream vans and similar. 2. The Parish Council expresses concern at the effect that the controls may have over locally organised events for fund-raising. For Example in – we have a Christmas tree festival which involves a market (currently contained within the church grounds) but could possibly spill onto the highway at Banbury Square (this year it did with Morris Dancers who made a traditional collection). Would this be street trading? Presumably School fetes and similar events held on school field or public open areas would remain and unaffected by the new controls. Locally each summer a village garage sale is held which does involve in some cases stalls being set up on utility spaces within the village which may be Highway Verge or amenity areas owned by City Council. How would this fare under the new controls? The local twinning association plans on 7 th July to set up a refreshment stall on the green at Duffries Close (area owned by CCC) to serve refreshments for visitors viewing the Tour De France as it passes through Great Waltham. This is to raise hard sought after funds for the local twinning group. How will this be affected?

Government Policy is to try and make the social events organised by local communities easier to arrange and to try to dispense with much of the onerous rules and regulations which threaten to supress such events. The Parish Council very much hopes that in preparing the control policy documents it can be written in that such examples as I have outlined above can be treated as exempt from the controls, otherwise the controls may be restrictive to our social activities.

Stock Parish Council

Thank you for your E-mail of 25th February 2014. I am writing to advise you that Stock Parish Council fully support your proposal.

Galleywood Parish Council

Thank you for your letter dated 25 February 2014 informing Parish Council of the intention to pass a resolution regarding designated consent streets within the Chelmsford City Council District.

The Parish Council Planning and Highways Committee held on 20 March 2014 wished to forward a unanimous show of support for the proposal. As a small village Galleywood regularly experiences the trade of motor vehicles within The Street, Beehive Lane and to the frontage of Cottey House, Watchouse Road. It is hoped that Chelmsford City Council’s proposed designation will go some way in alleviating and regulating this trade.

Great Baddow Parish Council

The proposals to place controls on street trading could result in problems by including such areas as the Recreation Ground within the definition of a ‘street’. This would result in permission being required to set up stalls for charity events such as the Baddow Races, and a fee would then be payable to obtain consent. It is understood that City Council grounds will be regarded as exempt from the controls, which would result in Noakes Place being exempt but not the adjoining Recreation Ground, causing some confusion as these areas are often viewed as one park.

The Council also queried whether the Horticultural Society trading hut (situated at the Vicarage Lane Allotment site) would require consent and queries were also raised about other events such as table top sales on driveways and school fetes.

It was agreed to recommend that the Parish Council grounds should be exempt from this Order in line with the exemption proposed for the City Council, and this should apply to all Parish Councils.

A query will also be raised about the status of stalls in school playgrounds, churches, driveways or on the land of social housing landlords.