Extensions of Remarks E498 HON. HAROLD
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E498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 18, 2013 program that is helping address unemploy- of his brave military service to this nation. My There are many more Americans living ment around our Nation to the one place, per- wife, Cynthia, and I wish Pat and his wife, with Alzheimer’s than HIV; more funding is haps, that needs help the most, the Northern Veda, the very best in the years to come. desperately needed. If we do not act now this disease has the potential to bankrupt this Marianas. f country. Money allocated today will have an The employment services the Wagner- CONGRATULATING ARMSTRONG enormous return on investment if it leads to Peyser programs provide have proven effec- the kind of successes obtained for other dis- tive in facilitating the connection between the CABLE ON THEIR FIFTIETH AN- eases. employers’ demand for employees and the NIVERSARY If you have not yet been touched by this labor market’s abundant supply of a willing devastating and debilitating disease it’s just workforce. That is why I ask my colleagues to a matter of time. I hope that my advocacy HON. MIKE KELLY will help prevent future generations having support this bill. OF PENNSYLVANIA We have to do more in this Congress for to suffer my fate and that of many others. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES You can help by increasing NIH funding for U.S. workers. This is not a new program. This Thursday, April 18, 2013 research on Alzheimer’s disease and other is not a fundamental amendment to the intent dementias. of the Act. This bill merely offers equal treat- Mr. KELLY. Mr. Speaker, Armstrong is I appeal to members of the House of Rep- ment to the Northern Marianas in giving them proudly celebrating its fiftieth anniversary of resentatives, the Senate and the respective the chance to access funding to support our providing loyal cable service to its customers. appropriations committees: Make the hard local businesses and workers in need. With 800 employees, Armstrong serves choices; increase funding for Alzheimer’s dis- ease. Do everything necessary to ensure that f 282,000 subscribers. Armstrong was founded Alzheimer’s disease gets the exposure, com- in 1946 by Jud and Ned Sedwick and remains TRIBUTE TO PAT WOOTON mitment and funding necessary to change a family-owned and operated business that the course of the disease before millions maintains close ties with the communities it more Americans are affected. HON. HAROLD ROGERS serves. My work as an advocate has provided op- OF KENTUCKY Cablefax Magazine, a leading telecommuni- portunities to share my story on a national IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cations publication, recently awarded Arm- platform. I have provided public comment during meetings of the Advisory Council on Thursday, April 18, 2013 strong the 2012 Best Customer Service Award Alzheimer’s Research, Care and Services in Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I for service excellence among independent addition to having my personal essay about rise today to pay tribute to a dedicated em- cable operators nationwide. overcoming the stigma of the disease fea- ployee of the U.S. House of Representatives I congratulate Armstrong on the 18th day of tured in the Alzheimer’s disease World Re- and a staunch Kentucky Republican, Mr. Den- April in the year 2013. I heartily commend port 2012. I have also become a member of the Alzheimer’s Association National Early– nis Patrick Wooton, upon his retirement from Armstrong for its dedication to customer serv- ice and offer best wishes for future success. Stage Advisory Group, helping to raise my Hazard district office following six years of awareness of the disease and provide insights service as my trusted Field Representative. f on the most appropriate programs and serv- Pat has been my right hand on many issues IN HONOR OF MICHAEL ices for individuals in the early stage of Alz- impacting constituents in the eastern half of ELLENBOGEN heimer’s and other dementias. Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District, cov- I hope that what I am doing now will allow ering 18 counties. Anytime a natural disaster me to leave this world knowing that I have HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK done everything possible to make genera- occurs in our region, such as flash flooding, tions to come have a fighting chance. Do not OF PENNSYLVANIA tornadoes and damaging mudslides, Pat im- forget these people or the future generations mediately reaches out to local officials to offer IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who will develop this disease. We face dying a helping hand and evaluate the potential Thursday, April 18, 2013 in the worst possible way. need for federal assistance. He has been a Regards, Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I share this loyal, reliable resource in the mountains of MICHAEL ELLENBOGEN. letter on behalf of a constituent of mine named eastern Kentucky, always offering a friendly f Michael Ellenbogen. I hope his story helps smile, his contagious humorous attitude, and others in a profound and positive way. TRIBUTE TO GEE’S BEND QUILT word of encouragement. ARTISTS MARY LEE BENDOLPH Before serving as Congressional staff, Pat My name is Michael Ellenbogen. I am liv- ing with Alzheimer’s disease. I spend almost AND LORETTA PETTWAY BEN- bravely served our U.S. Army in the Vietnam every waking hour advocating for increased NETT War. He was awarded several medals for his funding for research that will improve the valiant efforts, including the honorable Bronze treatment of this dreadful disease. In 2008, at Star. He is a life-time member of V.F.W. Post the age of 49, I was diagnosed with Alz- HON. TERRI A. SEWELL 7378 and D.A.V. Chapter 64. Upon returning heimer’s disease after struggling to get a di- OF ALABAMA home, Pat was a teacher, baseball coach, and agnosis since my first symptoms began at IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES basketball coach at Buckhorn High School in age 39. There are more than five million Thursday, April 18, 2013 Perry County, Kentucky, where he also be- Americans now suffering from this dev- astating disease. Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I came one of the most beloved principals in The National Institutes of Health (NIH) rise today to pay tribute to two of my talented the history of the institution. In 2007, he was funds research into critical and devastating and distinguished constituents—Mary Lee elected to the Kentucky High School Baseball diseases such as cancer and HIV/Aids. Yet Bendolph and Loretta Pettway Bennett. Both Coach Hall of Fame. Through his dedicated there is much neglect and discrimination re- ladies are renowned quilt artists from Gee’s efforts in the county, Pat gained the respect of garding the allocation of funds for research Bend, Alabama. The beautiful work of these the people of Perry County, who elected him into Alzheimer’s and related dementias. As a honorees and the group of women quilters Sheriff 2003–2006. person who experiences the devastating im- from Gee’s Bend has gained international rec- Pat has also been a dedicated advocate for pact of Alzheimer’s disease every day I hope ognition and is source of great pride to my dis- conservative Republican principals and cur- that research will lead eventually to post- poning the onset or slow the progression of trict and the state of Alabama. rently serves as Chairman of the Perry County this disease, if not prevention and cure. Gee’s Bend is a beloved rural community— Republican Party. Currently, Alzheimer’s disease only re- geographically isolated on a peninsula at a Pat has a true heart of service, which is dis- ceives about $450 million for research from deep bend in the Alabama River, just south- played by his volunteer efforts across the Ken- NIH, compared to more than $5 billion for east of my hometown of Selma. For nearly tucky River region. His long list of service in- cancer and more than $3 billion for HIV/ 200 years the women of Gee’s Bend have cludes training the Buckhorn Volunteer Fire AIDS. I am astonished at the lack of funding been creating quilt art. These local women Department, serving on the Governor’s Smart dedicated to addressing the number one use available materials, in patterns of their Growth Task Force, the ARH Family Health health epidemic. Historically, leadership own creative design. They have received Service and Community Advisory Boards, from the federal government has helped lower the number of deaths from major dis- widespread, critical acclaim and their work has Buckhorn City Council, the Hazard Community eases such as HIV/AIDS, heart disease, been compared to the most valuable pieces of and Technical College Board of Directors, and stroke and many types of cancers. This past modern abstract art. many more. experience provides hope that increased ef- Mary Lee Bendolph, the seventh of 17 chil- Please join me in congratulating Mr. Pat forts directed at Alzheimer’s disease will be dren, descends from generations of accom- Wooton on his retirement, and in appreciation met with similar success. plished quilt makers in Gee’s Bend. She VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:26 Apr 19, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K18AP8.016 E18APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 18, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E499 learned to quilt from her mother, Aolar Mosely, Economic and Energy Conversion Act of tion. The intent of the bill before the House, and she worked over the years in a variety of 2013, a version of which I have introduced H.R.