Sonrise Early to the Tomb ~ Easter Hunt ~

READ – Isaiah 25:8 The Easter Sonrise worship service, remembers that the women went to the tomb early in the morning to finish preparing ’s body for burial. They had been unable to anoint His body and wrap it in the traditional manner due to the coming Sabbath, which prohibited this type of work. So, early in the morning (before dawn), these women gathered the supplies and headed to the tomb. On this walk, they realized they didn’t know how they were going to get in. The tomb was sealed by a very large stone rolled in front of the entrance to keep people from entering. This would be a big problem. Yet, when we have a big God, even seemingly big problems become small. The stone is already removed from the entrance. Then, the women encounter another big problem. Jesus is not there! An angel of the Lord appeared to the women to declare that “He has risen, as He said!” Jesus is risen, just as He said. Jesus is risen, just as God promised in the Old Testament. That means, that the promise of Isaiah that death would be swallowed up in victory is just as true as it is that Jesus is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! This is what God promises when Jesus returns! In Revelation, John sees the new heaven and new earth! He hears a voice from the throne declaring the fulfillment of our hope that death would be swallowed up! The voice says, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Rev 21:4). This is the huge solution to the problem of death – Jesus’s glorious resurrection!

DO – Hunt Hide your and prepare for the hunt (or recall memories of Easter egg hunts). As you search, set your baskets in one place. Once you find an egg, you must bring it back to your basket and declare that “Jesus is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” before searching for your next egg. Add in additional parameters for more fun (can’t go until someone replies “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”). Have fun recalling the joy of the resurrection and the promise that God “will swallow up death forever!”

DISCUSS – As the women were told of Jesus’s resurrection, they were sent to tell the disciples. Who do you believe God has sent you to tell of Jesus’s resurrection? Share the hope that is given in God’s promises in Revelation 21:4. As we wait for these promised realities, how is Jesus our assurance (2 Cor 1:20)? What promises comfort you the most? What promises of Jesus give you the most hope?

EXTEND – Establish more games that encourage everyone to go and tell the good news of Jesus’s resurrection. Tell it out abroad, “Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

PRAY – O Resurrection and Life, fill me with Your Spirit that I might share the hope that I have in the Christ. May You daily comfort me with Your promises until you come to fulfill all our hope and take us to our eternal home in heaven with You. Amen.