
- λ BRICS ISSN 0909-0878 June 1996 BRICS Report Series RS-96-19 John Hatcliff Olivier Danvy and the Basic Research in

BRICS RS-96-19 Hatcliff & Danvy: Thunks and the λ-Calculus Copyright 1996, BRICS, Department of Computer Science

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John Hatcliff † Olivier Danvy DIKU BRICS § Copenhagen University ‡ Aarhus University ¶ ([email protected]) ([email protected])

May 1996

Abstract Thirty-five years ago, thunks were used to simulate call-by-name under call-by-value in Algol 60. Twenty years ago, Plotkin presented -based simulations of call-by-name under call-by-value and vice versa in the λ-calculus. We connect all three of these classical simulations by factorizing the continuation-based call-by-name simu- lation n with a -based call-by-name simulation followed by C T the continuation-based call-by-value simulation v extended to thunks. C

Λ F T / Λthunks







F v n F



We show that actually satisfies all of Plotkin’s correctness cri- T teria for n (i.e.,hisIndifference, Simulation,andTranslation C ). Furthermore, most of the correctness theorems for n can C now be seen as simple corollaries of the corresponding theorems for v and . C T

∗To appear in the Journal of . †Supported by the Danish Research Academy and by the DART project (Design, Anal- ysis and Reasoning about Tools) of the Danish Research Councils. ‡Computer Science Department, Universitetsparken 1, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. §Basic Research in Computer Science, Centre of the Danish National Research Foundation. ¶Computer Science Department, Ny Munkegade, B. 540, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

1 1 Introduction

In his seminal paper, “Call-by-name, call-by-value and the λ-calculus” [27], Plotkin presents simulations of call-by-name by call-by-value (and vice- versa). Both of Plotkin’s simulations rely on . Since Algol 60, however, programming wisdom has it that thunks canbeusedtoobtain a simpler simulation of call-by-name by call-by-value. We show that compos- ing a thunk-based call-by-name simulation with Plotkin’s continuation- T based call-by-value simulation v actually yields Plotkin’s continuation- C based call-by-name simulation n (Sections 2 and 3). Revisiting Plotkin’s correctness theorems (Section 4),C we provide a correction to his Transla- tion property for n, and show that the thunk-based simulation satisfies C T all of Plotkin’s properties for n. The factorization of n by v and makes C C C T it possible to derive correctness properties for n from the corresponding C results for v and . This factorization has also found several other appli- cations alreadyC (SectionT 5). The extended version of this paper [15] gives a more detailed development as well as all proofs.

2 Continuation-based and Thunk-based Simulations

We consider Λ, the untyped λ-calculus parameterized by a set of basic con- stants b [27, p. 127]. e Λ ∈ e ::= b x λx.e e0 e1 | | | The sets Valuesn [Λ] and Valuesv [Λ] below represent the set of values from the language Λ under call-by-name and call-by-value evaluation respectively.

v Valuesn [Λ] v Valuesv [Λ] ∈ ∈ ...where e Λ v ::= b λx.e v ::= b x λx.e ∈ | | | Figure 1 displays Plotkin’s call-by-name CPS transformation n (which simulates call-by-name under call-by-value). (Side note: the termC “CPS” stands for “Continuation-Passing Style”. It was coined in Steele’s MS the- sis [35].) Figure 2 displays Plotkin’s call-by-value CPS transformation v (which simulates call-by-value under call-by-name). Figure 3 displays theC standard thunk-based simulation of call-by-name using call-by-value evalu- ation of the language Λτ .Λτ extends Λ as follows.

e Λτ e ::=∈ ... delay e force e | | 2 n [ ] :ΛΛ C h·i → n[v]=λk.k n v Chi C h i n [x] = λk.x k C h i n [e0 e1] = λk. n [e0] (λy0.y0 n [e1] k) C h i C h i C h i

n : Valuesn[Λ] Λ C h·i → n b = b C h i n λx.e = λx. n [e] C h i C h i

Figure 1: Call-by-name CPS transformation

v [ ] :ΛΛ C h·i → v[v]=λk.k v v Chi C h i v [e0 e1] = λk. v [e0] (λy0. v [e1] (λy1.y0 y1 k)) C h i C h i C h i

v : Valuesv [Λ] Λ C h·i → v b = b C h i v x = x C h i v λx.e = λx. v [e] C h i C h i

Figure 2: Call-by-value CPS transformation

:ΛΛτ T → [b] = b Th i [x] = force x Th i [λx.e] = λx. [e] Th i Th i [e0e1] = [e0] (delay [e1]) Th i Th i Th i

Figure 3: Call-by-name thunk transformation

3 The operator delay suspends the evaluation of an — thereby coercing an expression to a value. Therefore, delay e is added to the value sets in Λτ .

v Valuesn [Λτ] v Valuesv [Λτ] ∈ ∈ ...where e Λτ v ::= ... delay e v ::= ... delay e ∈ | | The operator force triggers the evaluation of such a suspended expression. This is formalized by the following notion of reduction. Definition 1 (τ-reduction)

force (delay e) τ e −→ We also consider the conventional notions of reduction β, βv, η,andηv [3, 27, 32].

Definition 2 (β,βv, η, ηv-reduction)

(λx.e1) e2 β e 1 [ x := e2] −→ (λx.e)v β e [ x := v] v Valuesv [Λ] −→ v ∈ λx.e x η exFV(e) −→ 6∈ λx.v x η vvValuesv [Λ] x FV(v) −→ v ∈∧ 6∈ For a notion of reduction r, r also denotes construct compatible one- −→ step reduction, r denotes the reflexive, transitive closure of r ,and −→−→ −→ =rdenotes the smallest equivalence relation generated by r [3]. We will −→ also write λr e1 = e2 when e1 =r e2 (similarly for the other relations). ` + Figure 4 extends v (see Figure 2) to obtain v which CPS-transforms + C C thunks. faithfully implements τ-reduction in terms of βv (and thus β) Cv reduction. We write βi below to signify that the property holds indifferently for βv and β. + + Property 1 For all e Λτ , λβi [force (delay e)] = [e] . ∈ `Cvh i Cv h i Proof: + + v [force (delay e)] = λk.(λk.k( v [e] )) (λy.y k) C h i C h+ i β i λk.(λy.y k) v [e] −→ + C h i β i λk. v [e] k −→ + C h i β [ e ] −→ i C v h i The last step holds since a simple case analysis shows that + [e] always Cv h i has the form λk.e0 for some e0 Λ. ∈

4 3 Connecting the Continuation-based and Thunk-based Simulations

n can be factored into two conceptually distinct steps: (1) the suspension ofC evaluation (captured in ); and (2) the sequentialization of application to give the usualT tail-calls of CPS terms (captured in +). Cv + 1 For all e Λ, λβi ( )[e] = n [e]. ∈ ` Cv ◦T h i C h i Proof: by induction over the structure of e. case e b: ≡ + + ( v )[b] = v [b] C ◦T h i = Cλk.kh bi = n [b] C h i case e x: ≡ + + ( v )[x] = v [force x] C ◦T h i = λk.C h(λk.k x)(i λy.y k) β λk.(λy.y k) x −→ i β λk.x k −→ i = n [x] C h i case e λx.e : ≡ 0 + + ( v )[λx.e0] = v [λx. [e0]] C ◦T h i = Cλk.kh (λx.Th( +ii )[e]) Cv ◦T h 0i =β λk.k (λx. n [e0] ) ...by the ind. hyp. i C h i = n [λx.e ] C h 0 i case e e0 e1: ≡

+ + ( v )[e0e1] = v [ [e0] (delay [e1])] C ◦T h i C hTh+ i Th i i + = λk.( v )[e0] (λy0.(λk.k ( v )[e1])(λy1.y0 y1 k)) C+ ◦T h i C ◦T h+ i β i λk.( v )[e0] (λy0.(λy1.y0 y1 k)( v )[e1]) −→ C+ ◦T h i + C ◦T h i β λk.( )[e0] (λy0.y0 ( )[e1] k) −→ i Cv ◦T h i Cv ◦T h i =β λk. n [e0] (λy0.y0 n [e1] k) ...by the ind. hyp. i C h i C h i = n [e0 e1] C h i

5 This theorem implies that the diagram in the abstract commutes up to βi- + equivalence, i.e., indifferently up to βv-andβ-equivalence. Note that Cv ◦T and n only differ by administrative reductions. In fact, if we consider C optimizing versions of n and v that remove administrative redexes, then the diagram commutesC up to identityC (i.e.,uptoα-equivalence). Figures 5 and 6 present two such optimizing transformations n.opt and C v.opt. The output of n.opt is βvηv equivalent to the output of n, and simi- C C C larly for v.opt and v, as shown by Danvy and Filinski [7, pp. 387 and 367]. Both areC applied toC the identity continuation. In Figures 5 and 6, they are presented in a two-level language `alaNielson and Nielson [22]. Op- erationally, the overlined λ’s and @’s correspond to functional abstractions and applications in the program implementing the translation, while the underlined λ’s and @’s represent abstract-syntax constructors. It is simple to transcribe n.opt and v.opt into functional programs. C C + The optimizing transformation v.opt is obtained from v.opt by adding the following definitions. C C

+ + [force e] = λk. [e] @(λy0.y0@(λy1.k@y1)) Cv.opth i Cv.opth i + delay e = λk. + [e] @(λy.k@y) Cv.opth i Cv.opth i Taking an operational view of these two-level specifications, the following theorem states that, for all e Λ, the result of applying + to [e] (with ∈ Cv.opt Th i an initial continuation λa.a)isα-equivalent to the result of applying n.opt to e (with an initial continuation λa.a). C

+ Theorem 2 For all e Λ, ( )[e]@(λa.a) n.opt [e] @(λa.a). ∈ Cv.opt ◦T h i ≡C h i Proof: A simple structural induction similar to the one required in the proof of Theorem 1. We show only the case for identifiers (the others are similar). The overlined constructs are computed at translation time, and thus simplifying overlined constructs using β-conversion yields equivalent specifications. case e x: + ≡ ( )[x] = λk.(λk.k@x)@(λy0.y0@(λy1.k@y1)) Cv.opt ◦T h i = λk.(λy0.y0@(λy1.k@y1))@x = λk.x@(λy1.k@y1) = n.opt [x] C h i

6 + [ ] :Λτ Λ Cv h·i → ... + [force e] = λk. + [e] (λy.y k) Cv h i Cv h i + : Valuesv [Λτ ] Λ Cv h·i → ... + delay e = + [e] Cv h i Cv h i Figure 4: Call-by-value CPS transformation (extended to thunks)

n.opt [ ] :Λ(Λ Λ) Λ C h·i → → → n.opt [v] = λk.k@ n.opt v C h i C h i n.opt [x] = λk.x@(λy.k@y) C h i n.opt [e0 e1] = λk. n.opt [e0] @(λy0.y0@(λk. n.opt [e1] @(λy1.k@y1)) C h i C h i C h i @(λy2.k@y2))

n.opt : Valuesn [Λ] Λ C h·i → n.opt b = b C h i n.opt λx.e = λx.λk. n.opt [e] @(λy.k@y) C h i C h i Figure 5: Optimizing call-by-name CPS transformation

v.opt [ ] :Λ(Λ Λ) Λ C h·i → → → v.opt [v] = λk.k@ v.opt v C h i C h i v.opt [e0 e1] = λk. v.opt [e0] @(λy0. v.opt [e1] @(λy1.y0@y1@(λy2.k@y2))) C h i C h i C h i

v.opt : Valuesv [Λ] Λ C h·i → v.opt b = b C h i v.opt x = x C h i v.opt λx.e = λx.λk. v.opt [e] @(λy.k@y) C h i C h i Figure 6: Optimizing call-by-value CPS transformation

7 Call-by-name: (λx.e0) e1 n e0[x := e1] 7−→ e0 n e0 7−→ 0 e0 e1 n e0 e1 7−→ 0

Call-by-value: (λx.e) v v e[x := v] 7−→ e0 v e0 e1 v e0 7−→ 0 7−→ 1 e0 e1 v e0 e1 (λx.e0) e1 v (λx.e0) e0 7−→ 0 7−→ 1 Figure 7: Single-step evaluation rules

4 Revisiting Plotkin’s Correctness Properties

Figure 7 presents single-step evaluation rules specifying the call-by-name and call-by-value operational of Λ programs (closed terms). The (partial) evaluation functions evaln and evalv are defined in terms of the reflexive, transitive closure (denoted ) of the single-step evaluation rules. 7−→∗

evaln(e)=v iff e ∗ v 7−→n evalv(e)=v iff e ∗ v 7−→v

The evaluation rules for Λτ are obtained by adding the following rules to both the call-by-name and call-by-value evaluation rules of Figure 7.

e e 7−→ 0 force (delay e) e force e force e0 7−→ 7−→ For a language l, Programs[l] denotes the closed terms in l. For meta- language expressions E1, E2,wewriteE1 E2 when E1 and E2 are both undefined, or else both are defined and denote' α-equivalent terms. We will also write E1 r E2 when E1 and E2 are both undefined, or else are both defined and denote' r-convertible terms for the convertibility relation generated by some notion of reduction r.

8 Plotkin expressed the correctness of his simulations n and v via three properties: Indifference, Simulation,andTranslationC . IndifferenceC states that call-by-name and call-by-value evaluation coincide on terms in the image of the CPS transformation. Simulation states that the desired is properly simulated. Translation states how the transformation relates program calculi for each evaluation strategy (e.g., λβ, λβv). Let us restate these properties for Plotkin’s original presentation of n (hereby noted n) [27, p. 153], that only differs from Figure 1 at the lineC for identifiers. P

n [x] = x P h i Theorem 3 (Plotkin 1975) For all e Programs[Λ], ∈ 1. Indifference: evalv( n [e] I ) evaln( n [e] I ) P h i ' P h i 2. Simulation: n evaln(e) evalv( n [e] I ) P h i' P h i where I denotes the identity function and is used as the initial continuation.

Plotkin also claimed the following Translation property.

Claim 1 (Plotkin 1975) For all e1,e2 Λ, ∈ Translation: λβ e1 = e2 iff λβv n[e1] = n[e2] ` `Ph i Ph i iff λβ n[e1] = n[e2] `Ph i Ph i iff λβv n[e1]I = n[e2]I `Ph i Ph i iff λβ n[e1]I = n[e2]I `Ph i Ph i The Translation property purports to show that β-equivalence classes are preserved and reflected by n. The property, however, does not hold because P λβ e1 = e2 λβi n[e1] = n[e2]. ` 6⇒ `Ph i Ph i The proof breaks down at the statement “It is straightforward to show that λβ e1 = e2 implies λβv n[e1] = n[e2]...” [27, p. 158]. In some ` `Ph i Ph i cases, ηv is needed to establish the equivalence of the CPS-images of two β-convertible terms. For example, λx.(λz.z)x β λx.x but −→

n [λx.(λz.z)x] = λk.k (λx.λk.(λk.k(λz.z)) (λy.y x k)) (1) P h i β λk.k (λx.λk.(λy.yx k)(λz.z)) (2) −→ v 9 β λk.k (λx.λk.(λz.z)xk)(3) −→ v β λk.k (λx.λk.x k)(4) −→ v η λk.k (λx.x) ...ηv is needed for this step(5) −→ v = n [λx.x] . (6) P h i Since the two distinct terms at lines (4) and (5) are βi-normal, confluence of βi implies λβi n [e1] = n [e2] . 6` P h i P h i In practice, though, ηv reductions such as those required in the exam- ple above are unproblematic if they are embedded in proper CPS contexts (e.g., contexts in the language of terms in the image of n closed under βi reductions). When λk.k (λx.λk.x k) is embedded in a CPSP , x will always bind to a of the form λk.e during evaluation. In this case, the ηv reduction can be expressed by a βv reduction. If the term, however, is not embedded in a CPS context (e.g.,[](λy.y b)), the ηv reduction is unsound, i.e., it fails to preserve operational· equivalence as defined by Plotkin [27, pp. 144,147]. Such reductions are unsound due to “improper” uses of basic constants. For example, λx.b x η b but λx.b x v b (take C =[]) −→ v 6≈ · where v is the call-by-value operational equivalence relation defined by Plotkin≈ [15, p. 9]. Note, finally, that a simple typing discipline eliminates improper uses of basic constants, and consequently give soundness for ηv. The simplest solution for recovering the Translation property is to change the translation of identifiers from n [x] = x to λk.x k — obtaining 1 P h i the translation n giveninFigure1. For the exampleC above, the modified translation gives

λβi n[λx.(λz.z)x] = n [λx.x] . `Ch i C h i The following theorem gives the correctness properties for n. C Theorem 4 For all e Programs[Λ] and e1,e2 Λ, ∈ ∈ 1. Indifference: evalv( n [e] I ) evaln( n [e] I ) C h i ' C h i 2. Simulation: n evaln(e) β evalv( n [e] I ) C h i' i C h i 3. Translation: λβ e1 = e2 iff λβv n[e1] = n[e2] ` `Ch i Ch i iff λβ n[e1] = n[e2] `Ch i Ch i iff λβv n[e1]I = n[e2]I `Ch i Ch i iff λβ n[e1]I = n[e2]I `Ch i Ch i 1In the context of Parigot’s λµ-calculus [25], de Groote independently noted the prob- lem with Plotkin’s Translation theorem and proposed a similar correction [10].

10 The Indifference and Translation properties remain the same. The Simulation property, however, holds up to βi-equivalence while Plotkin’s Simulation for n holds up to α-equivalence. For example, P

n evaln((λz.λy.z) b) = λy.λk.k b C h i whereas evalv( n [(λz.λy.z) b] I )=λy.λk.(λk.kb) k. C h i In fact, proofs of Indifference, Simulation, and most of the Trans- + lation can be derived from the correctness properties of v and (see Section 5). All that remains of Translation is to showC that Tλβ ` n [e1] I = n [e2] I implies λβ e1 = e2 and this follows in a straightfor- C h i C h i ` ward manner from Plotkin’s original proof for n [15, p. 31]. The following theorem gives the Indifference, Simulation,andP Translation properties for v. C Theorem 5 (Plotkin 1975) For all e Programs[Λ] and e1,e2 Λ, ∈ ∈

1. Indifference: evaln( v [e] I ) evalv( v [e] I ) C h i ' C h i 2. Simulation: v evalv(e) evaln( v [e] I ) C h i' C h i 3. Translation: If λβv e1 = e2 then λβv v[e1] = v[e2] ` `Ch i Ch i Also λβv v[e1] = v[e2] iff λβ v[e1] = v[e2] `Ch i Ch i `Ch i Ch i The Translation property states that βv-convertible terms are also con- vertible in the image of v. In to the theory λβ appearing in the C Translation property for n (Theorem 4), the theory λβv is incomplete in the sense that it cannot proveC the equivalence of some terms whose CPS images are provably equivalent using λβ or λβv [32]. The properties of v as stated in Theorem 5 can be extended to the transformation + definedC Cv on the language T — the set of terms in the image of closed under βiτ re- duction. It is straightforward to show that the followingT generates exactly the set of terms T [15, pp. 32,33].

t ::= b force x force (delay t) λx.t t0 (delay t1) | | | |

Theorem 6 For all t Programs[T ] and t1,t2 T, ∈ ∈

11 + + 1. Indifference: evaln( [t] I ) evalv( [t] I ) Cv h i ' Cv h i + + 2. Simulation: evalv(t) evaln( [t] I ) Cv h i' Cv h i 3. Translation: + + If λβvτ t1 = t2 then λβv [t1] = [t2] ` `Cvh i Cvh i + + + + Also λβv [t1] = [t2] iff λβ [t1] = [t2] `Cvh i Cvh i `Cvh i Cvh i Proof: For Indifference and Simulation it is only necessary to extend Plotkin’s colon-translation proof technique and definition of stuck terms to account for delay and force. The proofs then proceed along the same lines as Plotkin’s original proofs for v [27, pp. 148–152]. Translation follows from the Translation componentC of Theorem 5 and Property 1 [15, p. 39].

Thunks are sufficient for establishing a call-by-name simulation satisfying all of the correctness properties of the continuation-passing simulation n. Specifically, we prove the following theorem which recasts the correctnessC theorem for n (Theorem 4) in terms of . The last two assertions of the TranslationCcomponent of Theorem 4 doT not appear here since the identity function as the initial continuation only plays a rˆole in CPS evaluation.

Theorem 7 For all e Programs[Λ] and e1,e2 Λ, ∈ ∈ 1. Indifference: evalv( [e]) evaln( [e]) Th i ' Th i 2. Simulation: [evaln(e)] τ evalv( [e]) Th i' Th i 3. Translation: λβ e1 = e2 iff λβvτ [e1] = [e2] ` `Th i Th i iff λβτ [e1] = [e2] `Th i Th i Proof: The proof of Indifference is trivial: one can intuitively see from the grammar for T (which includes the set of terms in the image of closed under evaluation steps) that call-by-name and call-by-value evaluationT will coincide since all function are values. The proof of Simulation is somewhat involved. It begins by inductively τ τ defining a relation Λ Λτ such that e t holds exactly when λτ [e] = t. The crucial∼⊆ step× is then to show that∼ for all e Programs[Λ] and` Th i τ ∈ t Programs[Λτ ] such that e t, e n e0 implies that there exists a t0 ∈ + τ ∼ 7−→ such that t t0 and e0 t0 [15, Sect. 2.3.2]. 7−→v ∼

12 :ΛΛ TL → [b]=b TLhi [x]=xb ...for some arbitrary basic constant b TLhi [λx.e] = λx. [e] TLh i TLh i [e0 e1] = [e0] (λz. [e1] ) ...where z FV(e1) TLh i TLh i TLh i 6∈

Figure 8: Thunk introduction implemented in Λ

1 Translation is established by first defining a translation − :Λτ Λthat T → 1 simply removes delay and force constructs. One then shows that and − establish an equational correspondence [32] (or more precisely aT reflectionT [33]) between theories λβ and λβvτ (and λβ and λβτ). Translation follows as a corollary of this stronger result [15, Sect. 2.3.3]. Representing thunks via abstract suspension operators delay and force simplifies the technical presentation and enables the connection between n C and v presented in Section 3. Elsewhere [14], we show that the delay/force representationC of thunks and associated properties (i.e., reduction properties and translation into CPS) are not arbitrary, but are determined by the relationship between strictness and continuation monads [19]. Figure 8 presents the transformation that implements thunks directly in Λ using what Plotkin described as theT “protectingL by a λ” technique [27, p. 147]. An expression is delayed by wrapping it in an abstraction with a dummy . A thunk is forced by applying it to a dummy argument. The following theorem recasts the correctness theorem for n (Theo- rem 4) in terms of . C TL Theorem 8 For all e Programs[Λ] and e1,e2 Λ, ∈ ∈ 1. Indifference: evalv( [e] ) evaln( [e] ) TLh i ' TLh i

2. Simulation: [evaln(e)] βi evalv( [e] ) TLh i' TLh i 3. Translation: λβ e1 = e2 iff λβv [e1] = [e2] ` `TLh i TLh i iff λβ [e1] = [e2] `TLh i TLh i Proof: Follows the same pattern as the proof of Theorem 7 [15, Sect. 2.4].

13 5 Applications

5.1 Deriving correctness properties of n C When working with CPS, one often needs to establish technical properties for both a call-by-name and a call-by-value CPS transformation. This requires two sets of proofs that both involve CPS. By appealing to the factoring property, however, often only one set of proofs over call-by-value CPS terms is necessary. The second set of proofs deals with thunked terms which have a simpler structure. For instance, Indifference and Simulation for n follow + C from Indifference and Simulation for v and and Theorem 1. Here we show only the results where evaluationC is undefinedT or results in a basic constant b. See [15, p. 31] for a derivation of n Simulation for arbitrary results. C For Indifference,lete, b Λwherebis a basic constant. Then ∈

evalv( n [e] (λy.y)) = b C +h i evalv(( v )[e] (λy.y)) = b ...Theorem 1 and the soundness of βv ⇔ C+ ◦T h i evaln(( )[e] (λy.y)) = b ...Theorem 6 (Indifference) ⇔ Cv ◦T h i evaln( n [e] (λy.y)) = b ...Theorem 1 and the soundness of β ⇔ C h i For Simulation,lete, b Λwherebis a basic constant. Then ∈

evaln(e)=b evalv( [e])=b ...Theorem 7 (Simulation) ⇔ Th+ i evaln(( v )[e] (λy.y)) = b ...Theorem 6 (Simulation) ⇔ C+ ◦T h i evalv(( )[e] (λy.y)) = b ...Theorem 6 (Indifference) ⇔ Cv ◦T h i evalv( n [e] (λy.y)) = b ...Theorem 1 and the soundness of βv ⇔ C h i For Translation, it is not possible to establish Theorem 4 (Translation + for n) in the manner above since Theorem 6 (Translation for v )isweaker in comparison.C However, the following weaker version can beC derived. Let e1,e2 Λ. Then ∈

λβ e1 = e2 ` λβvτ [e1] = [e2] ...Theorem 7 (Translation) ⇔ `Th+ i Th i + λβi ( )[e1] =( )[e2] ...Theorem 6 (Translation) ⇒ ` Cv ◦T h i Cv ◦T h i λβi n[e1] = n[e2] ...Theorem 1 ⇔ `Ch i Ch i λβi n[e1]I = n[e2]I ...compatibility of =β ⇒ `Ch i Ch i i

14 5.2 Deriving a CPS transformation directed by strictness infor- mation Strictness information indicates arguments that may be safely evaluated eagerly (i.e., without being delayed) — in effect, reducing the of thunks needed in a program and the overhead associated with creating and evaluating suspensions [4, 21, 24]. In an earlier work [9], we gave a transfor- mation s that optimizes thunk introduction based on strictness information. T + We then used the factorization of n by and to derive an optimized C Cv T CPS transformation s for strictness-analyzed call-by-name terms. This staged approach can beC contrasted with Burn and Le M´etayer’s monolithic strategy [5]. The resulting transformation s yields both call-by-name-like and call- by-value-like continuation-passingC terms. Due to the factorization, the proof of correctness for the optimized transformation follows as a corollary of the + correctness of the strictness analysis and the correctness of and v . Amtoft [1] and Steckler and Wand [34] have proven theT correctnessC of transformations which optimize the introduction of thunks based on strict- ness information.

5.3 Deriving a call-by-need CPS transformation Okasaki, Lee, and Tarditi [24] have also applied the factorization to obtain a “call-by-need CPS transformation” need. The strategy C characterizing call-by-need is captured with memo-thunks [4]. need is ob- + C tained by extending v to transform memo-thunks to CPS terms with store operations (which areC used to implement the ) and composing it with the memo-thunk introduction. Okasaki et al. optimize need by using strictness information along the lines discussed above. TheyC also use sharing information to detect where memo-thunks can be replaced by ordinary thunks. In both cases, optimiza- tions are achieved by working with simpler thunked terms as opposed to working directly with CPS terms.

5.4 Alternative CPS transformations Thunks can be used to factor a variety of call-by-name CPS transformations. In addition to those discussed here, one can factor a variant of Reynolds’s CPS transformation directed by strictness information [14, 30], as well as a call-by-name analogue of Fischer’s call-by-value CPS transformation [11, 32].

15 + Obtaining the desired call-by-name CPS transformation via v and depends on the representation of thunks. For example, if one worksC with T TL (see Figure 8) instead of , v still gives a valid CPS simulation of call- T C ◦TL by-name by call-by-value. However, βi equivalence with n is not obtained C (i.e., λβi n [e] =(v )[e]), as shown by the following derivations. 6` C h i C ◦TL h i

( v )[x] = v [xb] C ◦TL h i C h i = λk.(xb)k

( v )[e0e1] = v [ [e0] (λz. [e1] )] C ◦TL h i C hTLh i TLh i i = λk.( v )[e0] (λy.(y (λz.( v )[e1])) k) C ◦TL h i C ◦TL h i The representation of thunks given by is too concrete in the sense that the delaying and forcing of computationTL is achieved using specific instances of the more general abstraction and application constructs. When composed with , v treats the specific instances of thunks in their full generality, and theTL resultingC CPS terms contain a level of inessential encoding of delay and force.

5.5 The factorization holds for types Plotkin’s continuation-passing transformations were originally stated in terms of untyped λ-calculi. These transformations have been shown to pre- serve well-typedness of terms [12, 13, 18, 20]. The thunk transformation also preserves well-typedness of terms, and the relationship between + T Cv ◦T and n is reflected in transformations on types [15, Sect. 4]. C 6 Related Work

Ingerman [16], in his work on the implementation of Algol 60, gave a general technique for generating machine code implementing procedure parameter passing. The term thunk was coined to refer to the compiled representation of a delayed expression as it gets pushed on the control stack [29]. Since then, the term thunk has been applied to other higher-level representations of delayed expressions and we have followed this practice. Bloss, Hudak, and Young [4] study thunks as the basis of an implementa- tion of lazy evaluation. Optimizations associated with lazy evaluation (e.g., overwriting a forced expression with its resulting value) are encapsulated in

16 the thunk. They give several representations with differing effects on space and time overhead. Riecke [31] has used thunks to obtain fully abstract translations between versions of PCF with differing evaluation strategies. In effect, he establishes a fully abstract version of the Simulation property for thunks. The Indif- ference property is also immediate for Riecke since all function arguments are values in the image of his translation (and this property is maintained un- der reductions). The thunk translation required for full abstraction is much more complicated than our transformation and consequently it cannot T be used to factor n. In addition, since Riecke’s translation is based on typed-indexed retractions,C it does not seem possible to use it (and the cor- responding results) in an untyped setting as we require here. Asperti and Curien formulate thunks in a categorical setting [2, 6]. Two combinators freeze and unfreeze, which are analogous to delay and force but have slightly different equational properties, are used to implement lazy evaluation in the Categorical Abstract Machine. In addition, freeze and unfreeze can be elegantly characterized using a co-monad. In his original paper [27, p. 147], Plotkin acknowledges that thunks pro- vide some simulation properties but states that “...these ‘protecting by a λ’ techniques do not seem to be extendable to a complete simulation and it is fortunate that the technique of continuations is available.” [27, p. 147]. By “protecting by a λ”, Plotkin refers to a representation of thunks as λ-abstractions with a dummy parameter, as in Figure 8. In a set of unpub- lished notes, however, he later showed that the “protecting by a λ” technique is sufficient for a complete simulation [28]. An earlier version of Section 3 appeared in the proceedings of WSA’92 [8]. Most of these proofs have been checked in Elf [26] by Niss and the first author [23]. Elsewhere [14], we also consider an optimizing version of that does not introduce thunks for identifiers occurring as function arguments:T

opt [ex] = opt [e] x T h i T h i

opt generates a language Topt which is more refined than T (referred to in TTheorem 6). Finally, Lawall and Danvy investigate staging the call-by-value CPS transformation into conceptually different passes elsewhere [17].

17 7 Conclusion

We have connected the traditional thunk-based simulation of call-by-name T under call-by-value and Plotkin’s continuation-based simulations n and v of call-by-name and call-by-value. Almost all of the technical propertiesC C + Plotkin established for n follow from the properties of and (the ex- C T Cv tension of v to thunks). When reasoning about n and v,itisthusoften C + C C sufficient to reason about v and the simpler simulation .Wehavealso given several applicationsC involving deriving optimized continuation-basedT simulations for call-by-name and call-by-need languages and performing CPS transformation after static program analysis.


Andrzej Filinski, Sergey Kotov, Julia Lawall, Henning Niss, and David Schmidt gave helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Thanks are also due to Dave Sands for several useful discussions. Special thanks to for enlightening conversations at the LDPL’95 workshop and for subsequently mailing us his unpublished course notes. Finally, we are grateful to the reviewers for their lucid comments and their exhorta- tion to be more concise, and to our editors, for their encouragement and direction. The commuting diagram was drawn with Kristoffer Rose’s XY-pic pack- age.


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22 Recent Publications in the BRICS Report Series

RS-96-19 John Hatcliff and Olivier Danvy. Thunks and the λ- Calculus. June 1996. 22 pp. To appear in Journal of Functional Programming. RS-96-18 Thomas Troels Hildebrandt and Vladimiro Sassone. Comparing Transition Systems with Independence and Asynchronous Transition Systems. June 1996. 14 pp. To appear in Montanari and Sassone, editors, Concurrency Theory: 7th International Conference, CONCUR '96 Pro- ceedings, LNCS 1119, 1996. RS-96-17 Olivier Danvy, Karoline Malmkjær, and Jens Palsberg. Eta-Expansion Does The Trick (Revised Version).May 1996. 29 pp. To appear in ACM Transactions on Pro- gramming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS). RS-96-16 Lisbeth Fajstrup and Martin Raußen. Detecting Dead- locks in Concurrent Systems. May 1996. 10 pp. RS-96-15 Olivier Danvy. Pragmatic Aspects of Type-DirectedPartial Evaluation. May 1996. 27 pp. RS-96-14 Olivier Danvy and Karoline Malmkjær. On the Idempo- tence of the CPS Transformation. May 1996. 15 pp. RS-96-13 Olivier Danvy and Rene´ Vestergaard. Semantics-Based Compiling: A Case Study in Type-Directed Partial - uation. May 1996. 28 pp. To appear in 8th Interna- tional Symposium on Programming Languages, Imple- mentations, Logics, and Programs, PLILP '96 Proceed- ings, LNCS, 1996. RS-96-12 Lars Arge, Darren E. Vengroff, and Jeffrey S. Vitter. External-Memory Algorithms for Processing Line Seg- ments in Geographic Information Systems. May 1996. 34 pp. A shorter version of this paper appears in Spirakis, editor, Algorithms - ESA '95: Third Annual European Symposium Proceedings, LNCS 979, 1995, pages 295–310.