MistakesPete Webber,and Four TimeHow Cyclocross Masters to National Avoid Champion Them

Pete Webber is a veteran cycling expert with more than 25 years experience in all types of riding. He started racing in college and raced the NORBA and World Cup circuits thru the 90s. Cyclocross became his niche, and he’s been teaching 'cross to up-and-coming racers for more than 15 years. Pete is a 4-time Masters Cyclocross National Champion and is also a member of the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame. He's a full-time coach, and is the head 'cross coach for Boulder Junior Cycling. Pete also teaches USA Cycling's cyclocross certification for coaches and can be reached at

BGN n cycling, every event has its own unique set of challenges INT that coaches need to be aware of. The following are 10 XTP common mistakes cyclocross racers make. Coaches can MSR I help their athletes succeed by reviewing these mistakes and taking steps to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Lack of Pre-Race Ritual Most successful riders have a well-tested routine and they stick to it. This ensures they arrive at the start line feeling calm and prepared. They know exactly what to eat and when to eat it. They have a schedule for when to pack the , drive to the race, and recon the course. They don’t forget items at home and they’re ready for every- thing.

Mistake #2: Not Prepared for Race Day Conditions Each race is different, with ever-changing weather, courses, and obstacles to overcome. It’s always important to plan ahead. Know the weather forecast and what extremes you need to be ready for. Un- derstand the course specifics and be prepared. Is it very muddy? Could a storm blow in? Is it an area with goat-head thorns? Is it brutally hot? Pete Webber Will you need toe spikes to get up a steep hill? Think ahead and don’t allow yourself to be caught by surprise.

Mistake #3: Making Last Minute Equipment Changes Remember: Nothing new on race day. Don’t change tires or the night before a race. Don’t test out some fancy new gizmo. Be sure your gear is well tested and properly dialed a day or two before the race. If it is currently working, don’t change it unless you have time to test it.

Mistake #4: Poor Start Know the call up procedure ahead of time, and take steps to ensure your position on the start grid is as good as possible. Don’t be late for call-ups. Practice your starts during training and before your race. Visualize what you need to do to have a good start. When the whistle blows, be ready and stay super- focused on executing a good start and first lap. Mistake #5: Lapse in Focus During Race Most mistakes happen in part due to a lapse in focus. Errors like getting caught in the course tape, being in the wrong gear on an abrupt climb, dropping your chain, puncturing on the edge of a concrete sidewalk… these all can be can be avoided. Concentrate, don't get lazy, look ahead, and don’t let your mind wander. Remind yourself of the skills and techniques you need to perform on each and every section of the course, and don’t let your guard down. In short: stay focused!

Mistake #6: Riding Like a Bag of Anvils Be smooth, baby your equipment, don't jam your chain, and stay focused. Concentrate on proper bike handling and don’t let the pain in your lungs distract you from staying balanced and smooth on the bike. If you make a mistake, use your mental “reset but- ton” to pause, collect yourself, regain focus, and move on.

Mistake #7: Poor Cornering Technique Understand the art of the racing line. Don’t approach the turn too straight. Aim for spots with good traction and use the entire track from tape-to-tape. Look forward out the exit of the turn. Practice cornering more than any other skill, it will pay off.

Mistake #8: Tire Problems It happens in every race: punctures, burped tubeless tires, rolled tubular, worn out sidewalls, goat head thorns, etc. To avoid tire problems, devote time to test your setup and be certain it works well. Use appropriate pressure, use liquid sealant, replace worn- out tires, and of course ride smooth and drive around the rocks!

Mistake #9: Getting Tangled in Course Tape That dang course tape can really mess up a drive train/wheel/handlebar. You can bet that someone comes to grief with it every race. Don't get lazy with your corning technique. Keep your head up and look ahead. Avoid tunnel vision. Beware of mope in front of you and don’t assume they will always take the proper line. Watch the wind, and be ready for gusts and wayward tape.

Mistake #10: Failure to Learn from Your Mistakes We all make ‘me, but we don’t need to make them twice! Keep a race “notebook” and write down things you learn. Review your notes before races to remind yourself of your own personal lessons. The wonderful thing about cross is there’s always another race and another chance to improve your skills and outcomes! O

Contact Pete at [email protected]