Great Garment Sale
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THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SUNDAY; JUNE 18. 1911. 63 EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO RESORTS HEGIRA Society Coming Nuptials ADVENTUROUS BOYS Y. W. C. A. TO HOLD IS UNDIMINISHED Oakland Folk Told of CONFESS THEFTS OUTDOOR SERVICES Mountain and Seashore Are For Fall Months at Many Informal Parties Mystery Surrounding Disap- Special Ceremonies Arranged for ' Still Luring Smart Set pearance of Stolen Rigs Sunday in Many Churches Prominent figures in the events among the East bay smart set. by Scores week’s ':'% Solved :V,Y of Oakland June v OAKLAND. 17.—Mrs. Harry OAKLAND. June 17.—With the arrest i OAKLAND, June 17.— third of a Haya. formerly Hall, Miss Louise has today by Detectives Gallagher, and | series of'outdoor services will be held com* from Ventura, spend to the mid- Thompson of William Fett. a boy of 9 ! tomorrow afternoon at ..Mosswood summer as the house guest of years, park the '. auspices of the her and Edward Goldstein, 13 years j 'under--' . parents. Mr. anil Mrs. William Merton old. 'the mystery" surrounding the dis- ji Young "Women's Christian association. Hall. The Malls have recently ! "Through nam* taken appearance of a number of horses, robes , Nature to God" is the possession of a new home In the Pied- given the series sermons. Rev. H. and ..other buggy paraphernalia, -was of. monj hills. During the winter they K. Sanborne. pastor of Brooklyn Presf had cleared up. Reports had been made to , apartments at the Hays, ] byterian church, will conduct the serv- Pernlta. Mrs. the police "by M. W. Anderson of "461 ' ices. He has chosen as his subject \u25a0who, before her marriage nearly as of Crescent street, L. -A. Brown of 530 "The lesson of the Rocks'" and his three years ago. was popular subtext "As the Shade of a Great Rock with the Eighth .street, and Dr. J. W. Legault of!j younger set about the hay. will be ex- |in a Weary Land." « . 2251. Grove street, that their horses and ! Services at St. John's Episcopal tended a cordial welcome and be en- ' buggies had been stolen. ,; • church tomorrow will be conducted by tertained in an informal way during her ' The t boys recounted their escapades ; Rev. Edgar F. Gee. the rector. visit. to Captain of Detectives W. J. Petersen, j At the First < Methodist church the after which they were turned over to services will be conducted by Rev. home. ' j George W. White, pastor. .The.morn- A large number of Oakland the.detention * • friends .Last Tuesday morning they went to j ing sermon will be on "The Divine In- have been included in the invitation of the corner, of Thirteenth and Washing- \i tention," .\u25a0. and the. evening sermon on- Miss Claire Bowman to meet her ton; streets, where they unhitched the [ "The Master Force in Civilisation." aunt. J Concone's mass in F. entire, will be Miss Isabelle of Cleveland, .horse and buggy ofAnderson and drove 1 Bowman 0., about the city all day. In the evening i rendered tomorrow morning at high and Clarence Head by Mrs. at her homo in they left I the ; rig in a 'vacant lot \u25a0in ij mass at St. Mary's church the mem- Berkeley on Monday at the largest Thirteenth street, between Brush and ; bers of the Oakland Conservatory of i Music, under i the direction of Prof. bridge party of the month. Miss Bow- Castro. The next morning they found : the buggy, but; the ' horse and a robe ;I Adolf Gregory. The sermon will be man has asked almost 76 guests to ac- I delivered by Rev. father Dempsey. Rev. from ; the buggy were missing. The] cept her hospitality. Itis expected that has not yet been found. \u25a0 Father Kennedy will preach at vespers. horse >.. ser- the betrothal of the young hostess will The boy* found another rig tied at | Both: the morning and evening | mons at the First Congregational be formally announced at this time. ' 530 Eighth street, In front of the home i of Brown. They spent the day in |I church tomorrow will be delivered by drivingU.A. jRev. George C. Eldredge of St. Johns In honor of Miss Marlon Low, the and at night took the horse Presbyterian Berkeley. to the lot and tied it there. The next • j church. fiancee of E. K. Sprague, Mrs". Wallace At the . First Presbyterian church morning, when they returned, .the. j Rev. Oscar Boyd. Ph. D., of Wheaton Briggs entertained today at buggy was there, but the horse had j J. .Prince- I ton university will preach in the her home In Piedmont, claiming friends been taken. | morning on "The Teaching of Jeans." for the occasion^ .-,,%''\u25a0-. Later they unhitched the horse of and In evening on "The Founda- Dr.**J. W. Legault, who was attending the Dr. '"Blxby tion ' of God." W. E. and Mrs. Blxby are TO a patient at Fourteenth and Jefferson High mass will be celebrated tomor- tended eastern tour, planning to go WICKER SENT reported being welcomed to Oakland on a brief streets. : Doctor j.Legault his at county Infirmary new making directly to New York, later making a row the In the visit which they are to the in .They' loss to the police, and today three that been provided by the young physician's trip through Canada. '•"."•'? the Yosemite valley. will chapel has mother in Brush spend two weeks in the great buggies and Doctor Legault'* horse board of supervisors. Rev. Father street For the last two years the » . *"•... scenic were found in the Castro street lot. • i \u25a0 -._ O'Mahoney. of region, i" \u0084---., _ \u25a0-, pastor St. Leander's Blxbys have lived In where Cards are being Issued for the mar- STATE HOSPITAL - - . .. - Cowell. Miss Lillian Kindred. Mrs. L. Kindred church, will officiate. Doctor Blxby physician riage of E. K. Sprague and Miss Marian —" - is to an im- \u25a0 Secretary Henderson of the. Gideons portant concern. Low, the ceremony to take place on the and Miss Claire Ritchie left today for MAN-TRAILINGDOGS x Glen Ellen to remain two weeks. 7:i7 will speak tomorrow morning at evening of June 30 In Plymouth Con- WILL BE EXHIBITED Eighth. Avenue Methodist Dr. W. S. Porter and Walter Leimert gregational church. Rev. Albert "W. Request for Commitment to the church. have leased one of the homes in the Palmer will officiate. An Informal re- Berkeley Social Events ' BERKELEY, June 17.—The man plunge in comfortably heated ocean hills for several months, ception supper at BERKELEY, June house Asylum Granted; Son the | A Piedmont and will follow the IT.— Is trailing bloodhounds belonging to water at \u25a0 planning to party, at her salt the Lurline Baths before establish a bachelor hall. Piedmont clubhouse. The bride to be which sorority sisters In Berkeley police department will be day's easy. • » Is the George Alpha Xi Helta sorority will be her breakfast makes the work • daughter of the late Low Under Observation sent to the dog show at Santa Cruz open 10 Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brown, Mrs. Lil- and Mrs. Low. guests, has been arranged for the com- . 4 - I Baths at 6 a. m. and until by August Vollmer, and '' ing by Chief of Police jp. m. Bush and Larkin streets. "lian BTOwn Everts and Miss Florlne « '*'•'-..'''" • -,-V week Miss Ruth Stark, who is at while there will give an exhibition of ... '. Brown make up'a family party which Miss Hazel Horton. the fiancee of Dr. present staying with her- parents at their skill In tracking men. The show will spend the midsummer at Shasta their home in park, on OAKLAND.. June 17.—H. E. Wicker, . MAS*KIT BY Oakland. June 17.—C. Ber Clifford Pruett. and her sister, Mrs. Guerman the be held July 23 and 24 by the Santa ger, watch maker of 814 Grov» street, wa* Springs. '•_ Russian river.' Miss is | l"'-1? Fair Oaks avenue, Alameda, who, will a .. Jessaline Horton, will spend the com- Bryant's grand- Stark a stu- Cruz kennel club, under the rules of struck by an Alameda electric car at Washing- - %'~V,' -",': at the home of Miss at son, top morning ... ing three months In the vicinity of dent the University of California I with his 11. E. Wicker Jr.. was the American kennel club.' Dogs from and Fourth street* this as be was Friends of Miss Helen Beckwlth and father. James A. Lewis. •• There were and has invited all of the members of counties will be One of crowing the track. He was taken to the. re- Lake TahOc. no attendants. The bride is the daugh- arrested yesterday on suspicion of in- several shown. celling hospital, where It was found that hi* Miss Lois Beckwlth are . welcoming :- ; :\u25a0 , her college sorority to he her guests. interesting-features will -T • • ter Bryant of sanity, the most be now hart been broken and that he suffered a them home after a several weeks' * of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. [ was committed to the Stockton ! \u25a0 tour The Santa Cruz mountains have been The members of Alpha Xi Delta at the work of the Berkeley police dogs. number of tat* and bruises. /. of the Atlantic coast. chosen by Mrs. Karl Nickel for her Saratoga. Her father officiated at the the university are: j State hospital today by , Judge Jones •-- • marriage .ceremony." .The bridegroom ' • summer outing. On their return to is the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. 1. Lick Ktaa Margaret John- Miss Lata Rnbke .«' Y-V " jof Nevada county.^ There was 'some i Announcement has been made of the '• town Mr.