AGM MINUTES 2014 Lo Crispin Residents Cultural Association Annual General Meeting Friday April 25th 2014. First Call 10-00 am

The President opened the meeting at 10-45am with 51 members present. (see attached list). He commenced by reading out the Agenda for the meeting as follows:

Agenda: 1. President’s Address st 2. To present and discuss the accounts and expenditure for the year May 2013 to April 1 2014. 3. To review and discuss the proposed budget for the year May 2014 to April 2015. 4. To present and discuss proposals as follows: a. To discuss and agree the Associations Supported Charity for the coming year. b. To discuss plans to increase membership by offering members more benefits. 5. Announce future plans and events for the coming year. 6. To elect Officers of the Association and ask for volunteers to form a Committee for the coming year. 7. Any other Business

The president then commenced his welcoming address which is produced below: On behalf of myself and the Committee of the Association I would like to welcome and thank you all for attending today for what is our 5th AGM. I especially extend a warm welcome to those who have come along this morning to find out more about the Association and I will endeavour to explain how and why the Association exists and what its aims are. The Association was formed in 2010 and has up to 200 members, mostly from Lo Crispin. It is a fully registered Association registered with the Office de Gestion Tributaria, .

The Association has 3 main aims and these are:  To raise funds to improve facilities on Lo Crispin.  To organize social events and outings for members and guests.  Raise monies for Local Charities. The Association Committee also organize a number of fund raising events as well as the hugely successful annual Lo Crispin Fiesta which to date has raised over €5500 for local charities. Each member pays an annual subscription which is used to provide funds to improve facilities on the urbanisation,. Additional funds are raised by various means such as raffles and draws and the annual Lo Crispin Fiesta. Any profits from these events are divided equally between the Association and local charities. The coach trips and other events are self financing and are paid for by those attending. Because we hire the coach for the trips and not just booking seats the Association is able to decide where we go on the trip and our price to members is always cheaper than you could get from any of the coach firms direct. Members also get their seats at discounted rates. The Association has a Committee consisting of The President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, additionally we have up to a further 6 Committee members. All of those I have mentioned are volunteers and do not receive payment of any kind. Membership of the Association is open to anyone over the age of 16yrs and they do not have to live on Lo Crispin urbanisation. To date the Association has spent €6000 on giving the garden adjacent to the first roundabout a complete makeover, additionally over the last year we have spent a further €100 on basket ball posts for the children to use. A go cart was built and paid for privately and is available for the children to use when adult supervision is available and we have also spent another €300 on maintaining the afore mentioned garden keeping it free of weeds and also pruning. This year we have a further €2500 which is available to spend on improvements to the urbanisation. Members and guests have had the opportunity during the past year to enjoy a vast number of social events and outings. A Country and Western Party was held in May which proved to be extremely popular, raising almost €400. We also organised a two day fiesta in the park. The live entertainment and the bar facilities provided by the Coopers Arms attracted a large number of people from the urbanisation and surrounding areas which raised just short of €800 We also arranged a number of coach outings and other social functions such as a very popular Car Rally, an evening out at the Benidorm Palace, a three day trip to Madrid, A 3 day trip to Cordoba and , a number of day trips including visits to Denia and Javiar, Altea with lunch at Monroes and a trip to Aguilas Carnival. An Association Christmas dinner and dance was arranged at the Coopers Arms where 90 members had a great evening out which proved to be superb value. The Committee have decided that this year we will not hold a Fiesta in the Park because of the amount of organisation that it takes but instead we intend to hold 3 smaller events within the Association Gardens. The first of these will be A Lo Crispin Fete which will take place on Sunday 25th May and will feature a Bar, food facilities, live entertainment and a number of stalls and side shows. Given that many people from the urbanisation have returned to the UK during the past year membership of the Association has remained fairly static at around 180 members. However we are now beginning to see more and more new members joining which is very encouraging. But we need more members. The night market promised a lot but unfortunately failed to attract either the enough punters or stalls, A catch 22 situation. It looks unlikely that the market will return in the near future. The Association has within it a Help Group, which was formed to help members when in need, and to this end we have been able to help a number of our members throughout the year. . We are a very active organisation who regularly liaise with the Town Hall and the Local Police and as the largest Association in Algorfa we are held in high esteem with in these organisations. The Committee work hard to try to give the members what they want and we welcome any suggestions that you, the members may have which would be beneficial to the Association. For those of you are not already members I hope that the introduction that you have just heard has inspired you to join so that we may continue to achieve our objectives and aims, if this is the case then you can join the Association today after the meeting is closed. Membership renewals and coach bookings will also be taken at this time. Before we move on to the next item on the agenda I would like to thank the whole Committee for their hard work and dedication throughout the last year, without which we could not operate, Finally we the Committee, congratulate and thank you, the members and indeed the many non members who have given their support during the last year. We look forward to your help and support in the coming year. Thank you. The president invited comments and questions from the floor. No comments or questions were received, so the meeting then moved to item 2 of the Agenda.

Presentation and Approval of Accounts from May 2013 to April 2014

The Treasurer of the Association, Mr Syd Kingston then presented the accounts from May 2013 – April 1st 2014. A copy of which is attached. The Treasurer announced that the full accounts for the Association were available for anyone to inspect during or after the meeting. The President then asked for any comments or questions from the floor regarding the accounts. There were no questions and a vote was conducted to approve the accounts for the period May 2013 to April 2014.

Votes in Favour 51 ,Votes Aainst 0 . (carried unanimously)

The President then asked for 2 members who would be willing to conduct an internal audit of the Association Accounts, which would be further reassurance for members that the Association is as transparent as possible. Mr John Pratt and Mike Cooper agreed to do this. The President then moved to item 3 of the Agenda.

To present the proposed budget for the coming year April 2013- April 2014

The President and Committee estimate that the Association would require a budget of €3500 for 2014-2015, which will enable us to finance this years project and to provide us with a float. It will also allow us to purchase essentials for the maintenance of the garden area such as weed killer and other essential items and services.

Questions and comments were invited from the floor. None were received and the president asked that we vote to accept the proposed budget.

Votes for 51, Votes against 0 (carried unanimously) The President stated that the Committee had received a proposal to change our adopted charity for this year. For the past 5 years we have supported The Needy families of Algorfa. He stated that the Committee had looked at different groups which could benefit from charitable donations and they have short listed two which they would like the members to consider The first is The Childrens Home in Elche. This home is entirely dependant upon charity to operate and it is home to 28 children, ranging from 4years to 18years old. They come from either broken homes or are orphaned. It was mentioned that although many organisations raise money for the home, the Children miss out on many of the things that other children take for granted and it is suggested that the Association could raise funds to take all 28 children plus their carers, for a day out by coach to a theme park or the like.

The second proposed Charity that the Committee looked at was to Support the Torrevieja Alzheimer’s Association. This is another group dependant on charitable donations to provide day care for those suffering from this terrible illness.

A brief discussion took place and it was suggested by the members that we change the proposal to support both charities. It was stated that the Association raise funds to take the Care Home Children to Terra Mitica in October and any remaining charitable funds for the year be donated to The Torrevieja Alzheimers Association. As there were no objections a vote was taken to Support both Charities.

Votes for 51, Votes against 0 (carried unanimously).

The meeting then proceeded to the next item on the Agenda, Proposal to postpone payment for improvements to the urbanisation for two years and try to encourage more residents and owners to join the Association.

The president explained that the Committee had received suggestions from members that as only approximately 10% of houses on the Urbanisation of Lo Crispin were actually members of the Association, they felt that it was unfair that they alone should pay to improve facilities on the urbanisation. It was proposed that the Association withhold further donations for a period of 2 years and also try to increase the number of members to the Association by rewarding members with possible free day trip or a heavily subsidised Christmas Dinner and Dance

The following events have been organised by the Committee:

Following a short discussion it was stated that The Community Presidents were looking at charging all households a nominal fee to be added to the community fees to finance improvements/ maintenance on Lo Crispin, and if this comes about then it would be unjust that members of the Association would in effect be paying twice. The President agreed that this would be unjust on our members if this came about. A further comment was received from the floor that the Community Presidents should work more closely with the Association to resolve some of the issues. The President agreed with this and stated that he is more than willing for this to happen and reminded those members present that this was why the Association was formed – To improve facilities on Lo Crispin. It was suggested from the floor that The Association try to improve communication with the non English speakers of the Urbanisation. This was agreed and the Committee will do this in the near future.

There were no further questions or comments from the floor and a vote took place to postpone payments to improve facilities on Lo Crispin for 2 Years and to reward members for joining the Association. (The president stated that the Association Gardens will continue to be maintained by the Association and that monies raised for improvements would continue to be raised and would be available for community projects in 2 years time).

VOTES FOR 51 VOTES AGAINST 0 (Carried unanimously)

The meeting the proceeded to the next Agenda Item To Elect Officers and Committee members for the coming year.

It was stated that it is a requirement of the Constitution of the Association, that members are required to be elected to serve as “Officers of the Association” who are elected to serve for a period of 3 years. Officers at present are as follows: President: Presently held by Colin Ranson Vice President: Post held by Tricia Walker Secretary: Post presently vacant Treasurer: Post presently held by Syd Kingston. The President then continued by stating the holders of these posts are not due for re-election until 2015 and the present holders are willing to continue to serve until then so there was no requirement to hold an election for these posts, However we do require a Secretary, due to the past Secretary resigning her post due to family commitments. A volunteer was needed to fill the Post of Secretary, Syd Kingston Volunteered to act as Secretary and also fulfill the role of Treasurer. The floor agreed to accept this. The President then continued by calling for volunteers to form the Association Committee for 2014-2015. He stated that in order to comply with the Association Constitution the Committee should consist of up to 6 members. He also stated that the following Committee members have volunteered to serve for a further year: Lucy Ongly, Jane Lewis, Jenny Tinkler. Steve Harrington, therefore there were 2 vacant positions for members who wish to serve on the Committee. Mr John Henderson and Mr John Pratt volunteered for these posts and a vote was taken to accept all 6 nominees to form the Committee.

VOTE FOR 51 VOTES AGAINST 0 (Carried unanimously)

The President then proceeded to the next item of the Agenda.

Future Plans and Events Saturday26thApril to the Wild West Theme park at Almeria. This trip includes coach travel, (picking up and dropping off at Lo Crispin), Entry to the park, Dinner and show. Price €55

Thursday 1st May 10.00 – 12.00 am Coffee Morning in aid of Charity. Hostess is Jane who lives at 43 Avd Naciones. Please come along and meet new friends and enjoy a chat with coffee and cakes.

Sunday 25th May The Association will organize a village Fete and Country and Western barbecue in the refurbished Gardens. The Coopers Arms will provide a fully stocked bar, hotdogs and burgers will be available. Live entertainment throughout the afternoon including The Pistoleros and also featuring Red Strokes. Vintage Cars will also be on display during the afternoon. Side shows and bouncy castle for the kids.

Friday 30th May Day out to Aguillas, a beautiful beach resort south of Lorca. We will spend the morning in Aguillas before embarking on a 2 hr boat trip prior to having lunch and latter visiting a homemade cheese factory. Inclusive price of only €29.

17th-19th June A 3 day trip to Granada, travelling early on Tuesday to Granada by Luxury coach and staying in a 3* City Centre Hotel (B & B). Wednesday a free day with travel back to Lo Crispin on the afternoon of the 19th. All inclusive price €109 each.

Association Members enjoy cheaper trips than non members so if anyone present was not already a member or membership had lapsed then those present could join or renew membership straight after the meeting. He continued by stating that membership is only €10 per year .

The President stated that the Association would not be holding a 3 day fiesta this year as we had in the past, however we would be holding 3 smaller events within the Association Gardens during the coming months, the first being the Lo Crispin Village Fete, The Association will hold another one day event in August and an another at half term in October.

The meeting then moved to Any Other business.

The President informed the meeting that he had received notification that The Community Presidents were planning to hold a Fiesta in the Park in August. He told the meeting that he has no problem with them doing this but informed them that as they propose to make a donation to the Red Cross and keep the remainder of the profits to repair the urbanization perimeter fence then they would require to be a registered Charity or Association to be able to withhold funds raised for charity for other purposes such as paying for fence repairs. The President stated that the Committee is willing for the Community Presidents to work with us to fulfill their aim by using our registered status so that it could fulfil the aim, however they would need to talk to us. We as an Association must not be involved in anything illegal, therefore if the Community Presidents organized and hosted the event as planned without being legal we would have to safe guard the reputation of the and legality of the Association by declaring to the Town Hall that we are not involved in any way with the proposed event.

Those attending were asked for their comments on the matter and it was agreed that we adopt the stance as outlined above.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 11-30 am Annex. Residents and members who attended the meeting or had submitted proxy votes.. Margaret Burston Lex Ongly Carol Platt Colin Ranson Lucy Ongly Lyn Tarling Bob Bunnion Dave Lewis Barry Tarling Rose Bunnion Venetta Lewis Jenny Tinkler Yvonne Dodd Trevor Chapman Rob Tinkler Alan Dodd Teresa Chapman Jane Lewis George Finch Mike Barnett Les lewis Beryl Ranson Elain Barnett Syd Kingston Graham Day Trevor Martin Steve James Ann Day Brenda Martin Elsie James Murial Bell Jan Brown Noreen Metcalf William Bell Robert brown Bob Metcalf John Pratt Sue Kingston Brian Freemantle Christine Pratt John Henderson Gloria Freemantle Mike Cooper Isobel Henderson Richard Berry Yvette Cooper Wendy Holmes Ron Thomas Robert Littler Margaret Littler Betty Dwyer

Financial Statement, 2013/2014. We raised €1100 from membership renewals & new members. €2200 was raised from various events. There were various expenses which came to €528, including the netting used at the fiesta, bunting, both of which are re-useable, weed killer for the garden area, bank charges etc. We also donated € 500 to Algorfa social services. With the balance brought forward from last year of €893, we have a Total balance of €3154 to date.