Issue 62 June 2019 Rural worship: God’s fridge, £2.50 In this issue God’s family, God’s field Rural worship: God’s fridge, God’s family, God’s field 1 worshipping communities are frequently Rural worship 2-3 God’s fridge family-sized, and size affects the way Music matters & news 4-5 here are two kinds of picture in our worshipping communities function and why Events 7 Thouse. Some are on the wall – framed, people join them. Larger churches tend to Learning and contributing 7 professionally painted, often exquisitely attract more people, who may have chosen Books 7 executed. Others are Blue-tacked to fridges them for the quality and style of the music Colin’s Column 8 and doors. These are the art works of tradition or preaching. Small churches 8 our children: we would make no money are frequently more about relationship. Next issue 8 selling them, but to us, they are priceless In our day, there are moves to attempt to expressions of love and creativity. If all unite small rural congregations, by rotating What is Praxis? worship is on a continuum between these around different village church buildings extremes of artistic merit, rural worship in order to create a bigger worshipping See most frequently belongs to the fridge rather community. Sometimes this works but often Praxis was formed in 1990, than the wall. Small congregations meeting there is surprise and hurt if people ‘will not sponsored by the Liturgical in buildings, which may or may not have travel’. Size transition theory helps us to Commission, the Group for the modern facilities, cannot usually aspire to understand why this may happen. Small Renewal of Worship (GROW) and the professional music of cathedrals, HTB- congregations are often deeply committed the Alcuin Club to provide and style city churches or wealthy suburbs. One to their village church because they are support liturgical education in the village keyboard player I know played on committed to each other and rooted in that . alternative Sundays with an elderly organist place. Travelling to another village might who had played for the little church for feel like gate-crashing a different family Praxis News of Worship is copyright half a century. She saw that his health was party. We may be diluting the very intimacy © Praxis 2019. Material for inclusion unpredictable but also that playing for of relationship which caused local people to should be sent to the editor, worship was precious to him. Unbeknown feel they belonged in worship. [email protected] to him and almost everyone else, she These are things to consider when We reserve the right to edit material practised his hymns every Sunday so that discerning patterns of services in multi- and make no guarantee to include the church would never be left without an church groups. We are coming to God, material submitted. The views organist if he were suddenly unwell. That not alone, but together. Our relationships expressed are not necessarily those of act of devotion, I think, must have one of matter and are nurtured by our worship Praxis or the Praxis Council. the places of honour on God’s fridge door. together. This little church also had a regular reader Contact praxis@praxisworship. with speech difficulties, a worship band of God’s field young learners, and almost every one of the small congregation contributing in some armers will tell you that you need to For general enquiries, affiliation and way to an unpolished, but truly divine, Fconsider the nature of the field when programme information, contact service. you consider what to cultivate. Root Praxis, The Vicarage God’s fridge is a reminder that however vegetables will thrive on sandy soil but not Brompton Regis, Dulverton, simple, our offering will delight the heart of in clay. Pollination of flowering crops by Somerset, TA22 9NL God when it springs from our love for him insects is superior within sheltered fields. 07803 922605 and for each other. Similarly, worship of different kinds helps [email protected] people to connect with God in different Affiliation God’s family ways according to context. In rural settings, we engage with situations which may not The work that Praxis does is eing God’s family is definitive of all be so easily found in towns, so that our supported mainly by affiliation. If Bchurch – but it is useful to think worship can grow in a distinctively and you are not an affiliate, why not about the family experience in particular in authentically rural way. There is something consider becoming one? relation to rural worship. This is because our immensely moving about candlelit worship

Page 1 Rural Worship in an ancient building without electricity free – decide if you are able to pursue this roles people would like to try in the service in a remote spot. There is something brilliant accreditation scheme by working of the church and community and have wonderful about using the talents and on sustainability with your community. never yet been left wanting for volunteers passions of local people. Necessity may This involves the ecological footprint of when we hold one of our regular celebration dictate that recorders or violins must the building, and the regular introduction services and its accompanying party. Church substitute for expected instruments – but of eco-themes in worship and preaching. in our village is variously described as fun, that in itself is a beautiful thing. The recent A Rocha encourage individual as well as awesome, challenging and generous in explosion of literature on ‘forest church’ and collective responsibility for the care and welcome. ‘wild church’ reminds us that worshipping conservation of creation. For us, bio- A rural idyll is indeed possible. outside should not be just about moving the diversity and ecological sustainability "" Dana Delap is Team Vicar in the Vale usual service outdoors in fine weather, but have proved to be an easy way for the and Cotswold Edge benefice. allowing the sky, the trees, the birds, the soil congregation to speak about the work and itself to speak to us of God’s glory. Similarly, mission of the church with those who don’t local agriculture, business, and family life attend our worship. Respecting context finds itself expressed and offered in story- Many insurance companies now n a warm sunny evening in a fairly telling and in the offering of our whole lives. encourage churches to leave the building Otypical contemporary English All this is a reminder that the rural open through the day, and we pay someone commuter village, an Ascension Day context in which we worship is God- on a very low income a small stipend to service is about to start. The first hymn given. Praise and prayer springs from the open and close the building daily. Visitors is announced to the congregation of five environment and the lives which people love the brief children’s guide which the people, all getting on in years; it is the lead. This can release us from the pressure Arts Society (NADFAS) produced for eight-verse epic ‘Hail the day that sees him to conform to urban or suburban standards us at no cost. And we leave out various rise’. All the verses are sung, along with a and styles, and to rejoice that the rural field free resources about prayer which cost us sung Gloria, and two other hymns with a is God’s field. We live in the landscape of pennies, alongside a visitors’ book and cards total of 11 verses between them. The organ, his glory. for leaving personal prayers. These prayers despite being played sensitively, drowns out "" Sally Gaze is Archdeacon for Rural are included in daily prayer and Sunday all voices. Mission in the Diocese of St Edmundsbury worship, a reminder that we belong to a This scenario will be played out in and Ipswich. wider world. Local people come in to leave countless small congregations on many prayers and light a candle, even those who Sundays and weekdays in the year. All Diversity is key might not participate in services. Our wall too often we use familiar liturgy, or create safe is clearly indicated and well used by a standard hymn sandwich, without he popular image of the rural idyll visitors, and we have recently started using considering the people who will be present, seems to include the tower or spire T giving by text. or the time of day, how many hymns of a country church. These churches We advertise our church and its worship we really need, and whether the style of are a blessing to many communities, widely: small groups take responsibility preaching will help people to come close to sometimes the only remaining public for the website, posters, Twitter and God. building where the village can gather. But Facebook accounts. For a ‘hidden’ church Responding to context is not just about in our increasingly secular society, the this can be just as effective as a signpost. place or the liturgical calendar, important upkeep of the building and churchyard We regularly post images from the church though those things are: it is thinking about falls particularly on the diminishing, and and churchyard. We have been amazed at how an act of worship can be shaped to help sometimes ageing congregation. And this is the interest in our outdoor Easter Garden, people come close to God. a challenge that small rural communities are and the four metre Christmas tree that sits This process should have been taught struggling to meet. atop the church tower in December. We during training, but does it become a habit? For me, diversity is the best way to engage believe this advertising has contributed to Reviewing and reflecting on worship that with those for whom church attendance is the significant increase in the Easter and we have led or participated in is an essential an anathema. If it is too daunting to start Christmas congregations. part of development, and in doing this it is with the building, consider the ecology Finally, we offer considerable diversity vital that we don’t simply talk about what and biodiversity of the churchyard. A small of worship. Village churches often serve we liked or disliked, or what ‘worked’ for us. team and a small budget can introduce worshippers who, in an urban location, We need to ask such questions as: bird, bat and insect houses, and plant some would choose to worship in a ‘flavour’ • How did the organisation of the space aid wildflower plugs, reducing the need to mow of their choice. So during the month worship? all the grass and trim all the bushes. Ask we offer everything from traditional to • Was there a clear direction? Did the the community, especially those who are meditative to breakfast services, as well hymns, readings, prayers and sermon fit interested in commemorating a loved one, as fairly normal Common Worship. Our with this? if they would like to fund benches. DACs congregation is an ecumenical smorgasbord. • What did the service point to at the end? usually make the process of faculty easy in We offer something for everyone, on • Did the service allow the congregation to such cases. Signpost all this by joining the the understanding that everyone will get participate and to worship God? Quiet Gardens movement, and by involving something that is important to them in • How was God portrayed in the service? the local school. most services. We regularly ask what new • Was the service appropriate for and A Rocha UK eco-church registration is

Page 2 Rural Worship relevant to the people who attended? catering for specific tastes like theBook of short sermon, good music and film clips via • What might be done differently another Common Prayer or informal, contemporary the IT system, and at their preferred time of time? worship can be done where one church 5.30pm to 6.15pm. A new congregation has This not only helps us to engage with the ‘hosts’ on behalf of a benefice. But you will now become established and attracts about contexts and people we serve, but also still usually find some local parishioners 35 adults and 35 children each week. helps us to learn and improve our practice coming simply because it is in ‘their’ church. We designed a new liturgy with material in leading worship. Some will find it easier In BCP contexts, having a dedicated service chosen for its accessibility to children and to reflect alone and in dialogue with God; booklet with clear layout is helpful. those new to church, creative activities others will benefit from reviewing and For hymnody, where there is still an such as ‘painting prayers’, and café-style reflecting prayerfully with collaborators. organist that is great, but organists are refreshments, the emphasis being on The process will not only help those in proving harder to get hold of than people hospitality and maximising lay leadership formal initial training but also those to take services! A live musician is always (including that of children). We have two whose skills and gifts are being gently better than a recording. But we have used options, using the Additional Eucharistic nurtured and encouraged more informally. CDs and the Hymnal Plus music machine Prayers, and adapted material from a Mentoring of those learning to lead (see variety of sources. We felt that the second worship is a powerful way of developing CDs are cheaper, but you are stuck with Additional EP was a bit wordy, so we omit confidence and building on innate skill. the number of verses and the speed, which the options of a preface and the questions Adapting to context and congregation is sometimes too fast for the congregation. and answers, (which we also feel are a bit is particularly important when leading Kevin Mayhew produce dedicated tracks condescending), and we finish with the worship in small congregations, as so much to go with their hymns books so that can Peace, so that it flows naturally into a time of our wonderful liturgy was created with overcome issue of the number of verses. I of fellowship. larger congregations in mind. Whilst the very much like the new A&M hymnbook: One of the interesting outcomes has been challenges of leading worship in small backing tracks for that are available either that young people and adults new to faith congregations can be significant, they are on CD or individually from iTunes. An can step up into leadership more easily in not insurmountable. There is a wealth of important thing with using prerecorded this smaller and more relaxed setting, and good practice and experience in many rural music is to make sure it is loud enough. An new preachers can grow in confidence. churches which needs to be better shared, iPod/iphone with good external speaker Interestingly, the unconfirmed adults say and not just with those in initial training. can work well. TheHymnal Plus is a great they do not feel excluded, and they value Gaining a wide range of experience of piece of kit which two of my churches use. being able to come up for a blessing, often different approaches to leading worship is It has the advantage of being able to alter in family groups (we do not have an ‘open key at all stages of ministry, and the way we the number of verses and also the speed at table’, unlike many Fresh Expressions). The interpret, review and reflect, as well as our which they are sung. But it doesn’t come clergy have been energised by the growth knowledge and understanding, develops cheap, it needs a good external speaker and evident in this congregation, and although practice and experience so that worship may someone confident enough to programme it it is a big commitment, an advantage is more truly become the offering of all the (although it is not that difficult). that we can test out ideas for our Sunday people we lead. Given the diverse backgrounds and innate sermon (the readings generally being the "" Jill Hopkinson is Tutor in Rural conservatism of many rural congregations, I same), and it is only in term-time, so it feels Ministry at Sarum College, Salisbury, and have found the most comprehensive hymn sustainable. As most of the rest of those a freelance researcher and consultant on the book to be Ancient and Modern: Hymns involved are not Sunday regulars, it has rural church. She writes here in a personal and songs for refreshing worship. Its title not imposed a burden on people who are capacity. pleases older members but it has the best of already stretched, and we don’t have rotas, contemporary, Iona and Taizé elements in which gives flexibility. Some of the Sunday Accessible music it. It also has a good number of hymns on regulars (such as children’s ministry leaders), modern themes (justice, the environment, can come and be resourced themselves on part from my first curacy, all my etc.) that can be sung to well-known tunes: Saturdays, and the high number of dads Aministry for over thirty years has been and that is where it particularly scores attending is striking, suggesting that the in rural parishes. I have had groups of highly over the Mayhew collections. style and timing meets a need for them too. three churches, four churches, one church, "" Colin Randall is Rector of the Coln River This new development is missional and and currently a group of nine churches. Benefice in the Diocese of Gloucester. contextual, the pattern of discipleship being They have been in Cumbria, Oxfordshire ‘belonging before believing,’ and it may and Gloucestershire. They range from Saturday Family not work for every community, but it came communities of fewer than a hundred about by listening to our community, being people (and locals congregations of fewer Communion Service willing to ‘give it a go’, and responding to than ten to commuter villages of over feedback as we’ve gone along, which so far ighteen months ago we started a 1000). has been very positive. You can find more new family communion service on Rural worshippers come from a variety E details at Saturdays, in response to requests from of worship backgrounds and have a "" Sue McWhinney is of St ’s, sporty families on the fringes of church, commitment to their local church. Indeed, Calverley, in the Diocese of Leeds. getting folk to move around the churches in who found Sunday attendance difficult. a multi-parish benefice is quite difficult, but The style is informal and interactive, with a

Page 3 Music matters & news I have always been a practitioner who and Director of the Birmingham-based Continuing to inspire? advocates ‘walking the walk’ as well as Christian Music Ministries. Mr Jones was n Spring 2018, all Praxis and RSCM ‘talking the talk’. It is therefore timely and honoured for his ‘unique contribution to Imembers received a complimentary copy significant that my husband and I have Christian music’. of Inspiring Music in Worship: A short course recently moved to the Walgrave Benefice, Roger Jones is a Reader in the Diocese of of guided conversations for churches. What a group of four village churches in rural Birmingham and, as well as composing, is a did you do with your copy and what has Northamptonshire. This will give the skilled planner and accompanist of worship, happened since? new book authenticity and credibility as I interweaving – as the citation says – ‘hymns, Like any seed planted in the ground, address first-hand the very real challenges songs and instrumental improvisation silent and hidden away, new things have facing rural music and worship in my own within a traditional liturgical framework’. started to grow, as this resource has begun benefice week by week. In 2017 he published Spirit Works, a to influence and inspire the worship life Many congregations face the challenge resource book for individuals, groups and of local churches across the country and of unavoidable change, but when viewed congregations about the power and gifts of beyond. ‘This was our choice of book for positively, this can be a God-given the Holy Spirit. our Lent discussion groups. Nineteen opportunity for deeper reflection and Some of his musicals use traditional people took part in two groups (about half potential transformation. We have a wealth hymns; he has also written new tunes for the congregation). They all engaged and of church music available in a breadth well-known texts, such as ‘All people that on enjoyed the course. An excellent piece of of different genres to suit all tastes and earth do dwell’ (included in Junior Praise), Spirit-inspired work.’ (The Rev’d Keith contexts. I have found, again and again, the tune LAUNDE for ‘New every morning Adlam, Wroxall, Isle of Wight) not an unwillingness to change, but a lack is the love’ (included in Praise – 219 – in We have already seen that participants of knowledge and a lack of confidence. an arrangement by David Peacock) and learn as much from the process of honest Cherie Miles, a lay worship leader in a a gentle solo or duet version of ‘When I dialogue as from the content. Supported rural benefice in the Diocese of Leeds survey the wondrous cross’ which is part by additional on-line resources, the course commented: ‘Helen has an impressive “can of the musical Saints Alive!, from the early fosters collaborative ways of working and do” approach which is really helpful. She 1980s. opens up new possibilities, as worship clearly understands the difficulties when teams, PCCs and whole congregations there are few singers and no musicians… Musical knight She has left me with the feeling that I could talk and listen to one another together. he Pentecost services in King’s College improve the musical experience of everyone Discussion sparks off all kinds of new Chapel should have been more who comes to our church.’ Inspiring Music T creative ideas, so that a wider range of exuberant than usual this year, following in Worship 2 for the Rural Church will be inspiring music is intentionally developed the announcement the previous day of trialled during the Autumn 2019 and and offered on a regular basis. The FAQs at a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Spring 2020 and will be due for publication the back of the book have proved a quick Honours for Director of Music Stephen later in 2020. and succinct ‘go to’ guide for many leaders. Cleobury. This is his final term after 37 TheInspiring Music in Worship books Since publication, I have turned my years in post. have the potential to re-imagine the attention to Inspiring Music in Worship 2 His final broadcast on Radio 3 of Choral Church’s worship and music ministry, specifically for the rural church. Around Evensong from the famous facilitating greater authenticity, ownership 60% of Anglican parishes are classed as chapel, on 3 July, to open with the first and participation. I am currently running rural, but what that means can vary hugely performance of a new introit by Cecilia training days based on the books in various from small market town to remote farming McDowall, ‘O sing unto the Lord’, based Praxis regions, so watch out for one near communities; readily accessible commuter on Psalm 98. Dr Cleobury has been bold you. villages to far-flung benefices covering many in commissioning new pieces for the sacred "" Helen Bent is Head of Ministerial square miles; leafy middle-England villages choral repertoire during his time in office, Training for RSCM working in partnership to isolated coastal hamlets. The need can including the Collegium Regale canticles by with Praxis, and SSM Associate in be huge as ordained ministers are stretched Sir John Tavener, also sung on that occasion. to breaking point and more and more lay the Walgrave Benefice in the Diocese of The closing hymn at his final service people step up to become ‘focal’ ministers in Peterborough. (Choral Evensong at 3.30 on Sunday 7 July, their churches. Inspiring Music in Worship is published by admission by ticket only due to expected The rural book will follow the same RSCM in partnership with Praxis at £5.95 demand) is ‘There’s a wideness in God’s format as before: five guided conversations and is available from mercy’. to open up discussion; short Bible readings Member discounts apply. in a lectio divina style; practical group CCLI Top 100 songs tasks; and case studies, again based on Award for Roger Jones real churches. The Arthur Rank Centre/ he most reported song for UK he has Germinate have been supportive. They Christian Copyright Licence holders awarded the Thomas Cranmer T provide many liturgical resources for the T at this point in 2019 is ‘Bless the Lord, Award for Worship this year to just one rural church but recognise their own lack O my soul (10,000 Reasons)’ by Matt recipient: Roger Jones, the composer of musical expertise. And music can be Redman and Jonas Myrin, now nearly ten of many musicals on Christian themes particularly challenging especially when we years old (copyright 2010). Also high on (beginning with Jerusalem Joy in the 1970s) don’t think we have any resources. the list, which can be accessed on the CCLI Page 4 Music matters & news website ( She believes that to sing gospel is healing prior to ordination. results?List=top100), are Townend and and life-giving. One of the workshops will explore a new Getty’s ‘In Christ alone’ and ‘Here I am to For further details of Sing for Joy, African-American ecumenical hymnal, worship’ by Tim Hughes. ‘Be still, for the including how to book, see the listing One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism. This presence of the Lord’ (David Evans) appears on the Scargill website (https:// collection, published by GIA in January at number 16, and Graham Kendrick’s 2019, aims to reflect the past, present and highest entry is ‘The Servant King’ (28). future of black Christian worship and music, LST day conference and to preserve the theological, cultural and Richard Bewes musical heritages of these traditions. One (1934–2019) study day entitled ‘Sounds of Heaven of the editorial team was Birgitta Johnson, Aand Earth: Divine and Human Action who teaches world music, African-American n Friday 7 June the funeral took place, in Christian Musical Worship’ is to be music and ethnomusicology at the University Oat All Souls, Langham Place (where held at the London School of Theology of South Carolina; she will be attending he had served as Rector for 21 years), of (Northwood, London) on Monday 29 the Oxford conference. Last year she wrote Prebendary Richard Bewes, who died on 10 July from 9.30 am (coffee from 9) to 5 an article for the journal Liturgy (Volume May 2019 at the age of 84. pm. Jeremy Perigo (Director of Music 33, Issue 3) on ‘Singing down walls of Richard Bewes helped to edit Youth and Worship Programmes at the college) race, ethnicity, and tradition in an African Praise (1966), and was one of the speakers describes this as a ‘timely and exciting American megachurch’ which can be read at the fiftieth anniversary celebration three opportunity to engage with scholars’ online. years ago, when former colleague Michael focusing on the subject, and input Baughen recalled that Richard had been will come from perspectives including Betty Pulkingham reprimanded for taking a guitar to his liturgical history, biblical studies, theology, (1928–2019) ordination retreat. He remained involved in ethnography and musicology. etty Pulkingham, who has died in writing words for sung worship as a member Further details are online (https://lst. Texas at the age of 90, was a musician of what became Jubilate Hymns Ltd, and B who, with her husband Graham, was a also kept up his contribution as an editor of earth); tickets, to include lunch, cost £20, or founder member of the Community of published collections, notably with Hymns £12 for students/unwaged. An address will Celebration, an Anglican religious order for Today’s Church (1982). be given by John Witvliet, Director of the which developed a music outreach ministry, ‘Let us sing to the God of salvation’ was Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, and The Fisherfolk. Some readers may remember his text adapting Psalm 95 for singing to a significant contributor to contemporary the group’s ‘missionary worship tours’ the tune of ‘Sing hosanna’, which appeared debates regarding music and worship. in Psalm Praise, published by the Church while the Community was based in the UK Pastoral Aid Society in 1973. Like others Congregational song (1974–1985), at the invitation of Bishop of his songs and hymns, it is available on Bardsley. Later Betty served on the the Jubilate website ( conferences Episcopal Church’s Standing Commission Probably his most famous hymn (even on Church Music (1988-1994). s well as the annual conference of the notorious, to some) is ‘God is our strength Betty Pulkingham helped to edit three Hymn Society of Great Britain and and refuge’, a paraphrase of Psalm 46 sung to A songbooks influenced by the charismatic the tune of the Dambusters March by Eric Ireland, to be held this year in Canterbury movement – Sound of Living Waters: Songs of Coates (1954); it is widely published and from Tuesday 23 to Thursday 25 July, with Renewal (1974), Fresh Sounds (1976) and Cry sung. Christopher Idle (a pacifist), writing John Bell and Carl Daw among the speakers Hosanna (1980) – and she composed many in the Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology, and a festival of hymns taking place in the liturgical settings, such as her simple Jesus, observes that ‘Some have questioned the Cathedral crypt, another gathering will Lamb of God which is in Complete Mission use of a tune with such militaristic and even follow at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, near Praise (371). She liked to combine traditional bombing associations; others are happy to Oxford, from Tuesday 30 July to Friday 2 and folk elements in music and worship. find it re-employed for peaceful purposes.’ August 2019. This will be the Fifth Biennial There will be a memorial service in Austin, He points out that the line ‘Wars shall cease Christian Congregational Music: Local and Texas, in July. across the world’ (in verse 3) is from Psalm Global Perspectives Conference. Hymns 46.9. The introduction toHymns for Today’s Ancient & Modern and the Pratt Green HymnQuest Church said, ‘Because Family Services attract Trust are among the sponsors. many who worship infrequently, both well- The later conference is the more mong the latest updates to the known hymn tunes and secular tunes have academic, bringing together scholars and Ainvaluable HymnQuest database been selected.’ practitioners from disciplines which include ( are the texts of the musicology and ethnomusicology, theology, 2018 Wild Goose hymn collection Known Sing for Joy anthropology, history, and education. This Unknowns (see review in PNOW 59). Spring year’s speakers include Professor Emma Harvest’s 2019 Unlimited Songbook has also nna Weister Andersson will be leading Hornby from the University of Bristol, who been added to the enormous number of another weekend of gospel choir A was a key player in the editing of the online publications covered by this resource, which singing at the beginning of November Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology, and can now be accessed by smartphone via the (Friday 1 to Sunday 3), at Scargill House Jonathan Arnold, Dean of Divinity and new online app. in Yorkshire, where she is a member of the Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, who "" Anne Harrison edits Music News Community but now resident in Sweden. sang regularly in St Paul’s Cathedral Choir Page 5 Liturgical Study at Sarum College arum College has been a centre for spirituality, and Theology, imagination and Day with J.S. Bach’. Sliturgical study since its founding culture. Those wishing to ‘top-up’ their For details on all forthcoming courses see: in 1995 and offers a range of courses to learning without studying for an award can postgraduates, ministerial students and do so by attending the teaching weeks as an worship/; for postgraduate enquiries contact lay and ordained leaders of worship. The auditing student. Auditors participate in the Alex Weir, MA administrator, aweir@sarum. College also has close links with the Royal classroom but are not required to complete; 01722 424827. School of Church Music which has its an assessment. A certificate of attendance can "" The coordinator for the Centre for administrative centre in the College. be provided upon request. Liturgy and Worship is Dr James Steven: Regular taster days provide an opportunity [email protected]; Postgraduate studies to sample teaching sessions, have informal

The postgraduate study of Christian liturgy discussions with programme leaders, and get Courses seeks to understand how Christians have a sense of what learning at Sarum College is Taster Day all about. The last taster day for 2019 entry is worshipped in the past and the factors Saturday 7 September. Saturday 7 Sept. 2019 10 am – 3 pm influencing the evolution of Christian An ideal opportunity to sample worship. Students are equipped to Postgraduate Research teaching sessions from our postgraduate interpret the rapidly changing landscape Sarum academic staff play an active programmes, have informal discussions of worship within an informed liturgical role in supervising on the University with programme leaders and tutors, and and theological perspective and encouraged of Winchester’s MPhil/PhD and DTh get a sense of the Sarum College learning to develop a liturgical imagination that is (Doctorate in Ministry) programmes. community. alert to the significance of worship for the Applicants for postgraduate research in Contact [email protected] Church. liturgical study are very welcome. Contact Students can study for one of three awards, James Steven. Pastoral Liturgy Day: Finding Our PG Certificate, PG Diploma and MA, each Voice in Advent Sabbatical Study of which is validated by the University of Friday 27 September, 10 am – 4pm Winchester. These awards attract people, lay Sarum is highly regarded for its warm How to address themes about heaven and ordained, from a variety of Christian hospitality in the attractive and peaceful and hell, judgement and death against a traditions. The programme combines surroundings of Salisbury’s Cathedral Close. backdrop of the tinsel and lights of a three- residential teaching weeks with home-based With an award-winning independent month Christmas? We will explore the study, enabling students to benefit from bookshop, a theological library holding opportunity to reach those for whom the regular contact with tutors and peers, with in excess of 40,000 titles, and modern Christmas service represents their annual minimal disruption to domestic, ministerial, overnight accommodation, it provides an church visit. or professional responsibilities. excellent environment for intellectual and Speakers: Tom Clammer and James Steven The College has a well-stocked library spiritual refreshment. Enquiries for any Contact [email protected] and the SCONUL scheme enables students length of stay are welcome. Contact James to have access rights to libraries across the Steven. Approaches to Liturgical Studies UK. A wide variety of visiting lecturers give students the opportunity to learn from Pastoral Liturgy Courses Monday 7 October 2019 2 pm – some of the most highly regarded liturgical A series of one-day courses designed to Thursday 10 October 2 pm scholars. The programme leader is Dr James support those leading worship in the local An introductionto to the sources and Steven, a leading liturgist in the fields of church are led by teachers with expertise in methods used by scholars in the evaluation liturgical theology and the boundary between liturgical practice and provide a forum for and interpretation of liturgical forms. practical theology and liturgy. disseminating ideas and shared experience. Contact [email protected] The programme content will introduce Recent topics include ‘A Fresh Approach Liturgy and Mission students to a broad range of topics. In to the Art of leading Worship’, ‘Liturgy addition to the core module, Approaches to with Older People’ and ‘Concluding the 1st Monday 2 December, 2 pm – Thursday 5 Liturgical Study, students may select from World War Centenary: Liturgical Resources December, 2pm The Eucharist; Christian Initiation; Music and Perspectives’. The Church in the West faces new in Christian Worship; Liturgy and Time: challenges of maintaining and Calendar and Daily Prayer; Worship, Art and Music in Worship Courses communicating its identity in what is Architecture; Liturgy and Culture; Liturgy Sarum College partners the RSCM in the sometimes referred to as a ‘post-Christian’ and Spirituality; and Liturgy and Mission Music in Worship days, a series of one- society. In this context the practice of The programme encourages students day courses that provide opportunities for to develop their own specialist interests. public worship is receiving fresh attention those involved in church music to review This can be done through a guided reading as a means of articulating and embodying and refresh their practice. Courses range module, or in the case of the MA award, a the missio Dei, the mission of God. dissertation or a practical liturgy research from addressing the practical issues of This module will explore how recent project. Students on the liturgy programme music-making in congregations to exploring developments in scholarship and practice wishing to broaden their range of study can the work of Christian composers. Recent are bringing the two disciplines of liturgical study one module from any of the other examples include ‘The Legacy of African studies and missiology into conversation postgraduate courses at Sarum: Christian American Spirituals for Congregational with one another. approaches to Leadership, Christian Song’ and ‘Music and the Christian Faith: A Contact [email protected]

Page 6 Events Learning and Books Societas Liturgica Conference 2019 contributing Alcuin/GROW Joint Liturgical Studies: Anamnesis: Remembering in Action, Space and Time The Eucharist in the A member of the Liturgical Commission reflects on her Durham 5-10 August 2019 Church of England experience. Societas Liturgica is an ecumenical 1958-2012, body dedicated to liturgical t started with joining General Synod in 2010. I SCM-Canterbury-Hymns scholarship and renewal. Its next became a member of the Liturgical Commission I Ancient & Modern, £15.98 for biennial meeting will be in Durham, in April 2016. I have previously been on two revision double-size volume and so this presents an exciting committees, one for Eucharistic Prayers when children opportunity for those with liturgical are present, and the other for the more recent additional Joint Liturgical Study 87-88, interests from the UK and Ireland to baptism prayers. That very vaguely explains how I ended just published, is by Colin work collaboratively with colleagues up being on the Commission. What do you do when Buchanan and Trevor Lloyd, from across the world. Booking has you find God has lead you to areas of church life or life who between them served on closed, but you can find out more in general that you never in a million years expected to the Liturgical Commission about the event here: www.societas- be part of? from 1964 to 2002, and on Well, that’s the journey I have been taking: trying to the General Synod and its england/ discover why God wants me there, both for how I can Revision Committees from grow through what I learn, and how I can contribute. 1970 to 2004. So they have The Complexities of There is invariably work to do in both cases: discovering seen the whole process from Inclusion: integrating what exactly is useful in each requires time, with others the world of Uniformity of physical, social and and sometimes just with God. 1662 with simply the Book of Common Prayer through emotional accessibility in My gifting is not the history of church liturgy: that has been an area of huge growth for me. The enormous to Common Worship 2000 – worship capacity among other members to remember the history, and the Additional Prayers Wednesday 30 October 2019 the journey of the Church, faith and practice is great, of 2012. The 128 pages offer 10.30 am – 3.30 pm and a pleasure to experience. Through this you see how first a chronicled account of St George the Martyr, Southwark liturgy has helped to shape faith over the generations. the various stages of revision, Praxis South But the way words are used is crucial. This is true in so then a thematic treatment of the revising of each of the Speakers: Frances Young, Fiona many areas of life and the Bible shows it brilliantly: Jesus elements of the liturgical text MacMillan, Zoe Heming, Anna de used words that others had used, but the meaning and as they have been shaped and Lange life they bring from his tongue is quite different. tweaked into their present Contact [email protected] How does the Liturgical Commission help with these nuanced understandings? Some may not like it, but form. Inspiring Music in Worship the New Patterns for Worship style tries to offer people a Training days for clergy, choice of alternatives to suit their setting. Sandra Millar, through various projects, has helped people understand Grove Worship W238 worship leaders, musicians the context for baptisms, weddings and funerals and How to celebrate and singers she helpfully fed back from this to the Commission. creation, Ian Tarrant Adrian Harris, Head of Digital Communications, shows Saturday 5 October 2019 Questions about the care of how other interactions with people can work and has All Saints Church, Lindfield creation and the environment useful information about how people respond to various (organised by RSCM Sussex Area) are all around us, and recent initiatives: Pilgrim for Lent and Eastertide being the Saturday 16 November 2019 events have heightened our most recent, and Follow the Star at Christmas. St Andrew’s Church, Taunton awareness even further – Why do we need liturgy? For me it helps us not to (organised by Praxis South West) but they still do not often forget, not stick to our favourite bits and ignore other Tuesday 19 November 2019 feature in our worship. This equally important areas. Liturgy also helps us express Sarum College, Salisbury exploration of the issues what is inside us when we can’t seem to find the words. (organised by Sarum College) starts with theological The recently produced safeguarding prayers tried to do reflection, and looks at this. RSCM Strengthen for Service creative ways of reflecting on Various psalms and prayers do this beautifully and Courses 2019: practical the environmental issues in the Commission is trying to ensure that resources are general term. It then offers a guidance on managing, available when people need them. But the Commission comprehensive overview of is constrained. We can’t just do the work we fancy: we maintaining and developing worship resources, including normally have to be asked by General Synod and the music in the local church prayer, liturgy and hymnody, House of Bishops. Please pray for how the Commission and will be invaluable in Tuesday 1 –Thursday 3 October moves forward in its work. helping us connect our 2019 at Foxhill House, near Chester "" Shayne Ardron is a Reader in the Diocese of Leicester worship with our world. Contact [email protected] and a member of the Liturgical Commission.

Page 7 Colin’s column John Habgood

have given one or two hints in recent years about points ohn Habgood, 1973-83, Archbishop of Iat which I think the creation of Common Worship erred JYork 1983-95, died on 6 March 2019. He was never known somewhat. Some more hints in that direction may be found in as a liturgist, but in fact his strong hand on so much of the passing in the double-size Joint Liturgical Study 87-88 described management of the Church of England in those decades included earlier on in this edition. However, as we stand 20 years on from a lasting impact on several features of its liturgical life. I note the the formative year (1999) in which the final text of theCW following: services was largely hammered out, I venture to marshall my 1. In 1974 he devised the motion that went to the dioceses dislikes of its eucharistic provision (I have other things to say about children receiving communion before the age of making a about the ministry of healing, ordination and Times and Seasons, mature profession of faith. (He confessed its form had come to and they may well be in the pipeline for a year or two ahead). him when taking a bath at the Athenaeum.) The dioceses were 1. Having gone to some trouble to choose opening and asked first to affirm the principle and then to choose between two post-communion sentences of Scripture for Rite A in the ASB, I am different procedures for implementing it – one with admission sorry now to have lost them. They are probably receding beyond well before the time of confirmation, and the other with some memory. kind of infant ‘confirmation’ being combined with infant 2. At the preparation of the table, I cannot applaud the baptism. The result in the dioceses was chaos, and so no change variant on the Roman ‘offertory’ prayers, in which we have the to the rules was made. John Habgood thereafter declined to bread to ‘set before you’. ‘Set before’ was excluded from the change the inherited pattern. eucharistic prayers but the separate Revision Committee retained it 2. In 1977-78 he was, as Bishop of Durham, a key figure for these prayers. I tend to say ‘we have this bread to share’. in the Revision Committee settling the form of the ASB ordinal. 3. In the anamnesis, it is grief to have lost ‘we celebrate’ as Not only was the rite brought into disciplined shape, but John the main verb in the main prayer, and to find as its replacement ‘we Habgood then used it in the way it was written – it was, for make the memorial’, which, though sayable, is sadly unevocative, instance, good to find that in his time at York bishops were and was deliberately dropped by the Commission in my day. I consecrated by an archbishop who stood to pray and lay on suspect no-one consulted history when making this decision. hands, while southern archbishops were still caught sitting as in 4. In the bidding to the acclamations, I have little patience 1662 days. with ‘Great is the mystery of faith’. The traditional Roman mass 3. John Habgood also master-minded the publication of had Jesus saying at the last supper ‘this is the cup of my blood, the ASB, heading the Committee which determined its contents, the mystery of faith (mysterium fidei)’ In the post-Vatican II and negotiating contracts with the publishers (which led to reform, the Roman Catholic Church recognised that they could an ASB swollen by 600 pages of Scripture readings). He and I not credibly attribute this any longer to Jesus, but they rescued clashed over including Rite B, a clash which he, typically, won the term by moving it into the (new) bidding to the acclamations (though I, at that stage, had an interim consolation gain when I – and, of course, the Church of England had those who itched successfully resisted his attempt to print an antique Lord’s Prayer with Roman fever and got in into the Notes then (that is, back in ASB days). But I put it to the Praxis readers – ‘mystery of faith’ alongside the modern one – but the parallel texts came by a has virtually no connection with ‘mystery’ in the New Testament, dubious process in 1987). contributes nothing to a call to confess our faith, and is likely to do 4. Finally, readers of Joint Liturgical Study 87-88, nothing but mystify. mentioned elsewhere in this issue, will be able to read between 5. In the prayer of humble access we have an optional the lines something of the role the Archbishop played in chairing item as last thing before communion – muddling the invitation the House of Bishops in 1994. to communion which now may or may not be for immediate From my standpoint, it is a mixed record. Every step he took participation. But the real sadness is to find the medievalism of had great weight. I don’t think other obituaries caught his role in ‘our… bodies…made clean by his body’ and ‘our souls washed liturgy. A great man. through his…blood’. These words had been controversial in the "" Colin Buchanan 1976 Series 1 and 2 revised text, and had reappeared in brackets in Rite B in the ASB (they were not in Rite A at all), and had, from that position, been astonishingly promoted as the only text in Order One (as well as the other Orders) in Common Worship. But when will – or could – any correcting of Common Worship occur? No time-limit exists. But could an eagle-eyed, determined Liturgical Commission press the case? Wait and see. "" Colin Buchanan is a former Bishop of Woolwich. Next Issue

News of Worship 63

will focus on issues realated to creation and the environmantal crisis. It will be published in August so that it can be used to prepare for Creationtide in September.

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