Intersection Types and Computational Effects ∗

Rowan Davies Frank Pfenning Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A. Pittsburgh, PA 15213, U.S.A. [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT (see, for example, [3]). However, conventional type systems We show that standard formulations of intersection type sys- for realistic programming languages can not express, and tems are unsound in the presence of computational effects, therefore not check, many interesting program properties. and propose a solution similar to the value restriction for In prior research we have designed an extension of ML’s polymorphism adopted in the revised definition of Standard to capture invariants of data structures. In ML.Itdiffersinthatitisnottiedtolet-expressions and re- the resulting language of refinement types [7,5,4]wecan quires an additional weakening of the usual rules. define subtypes of data types, essentially via regular tree We also present a bi-directional type-checking algorithm for grammars. Experiments with refinement types and related the resulting language that does not require an excessive work on soft types [1, 21] have demonstrated the utility of amount of type annotations and illustrate it through some the additional expressive power to catch more programmer examples. We further show that the type assignment sys- errors and give stronger guarantees at module boundaries. tem can be extended to incorporate parametric polymor- For practical purposes, refinements require at least some phism. Taken together, we see our system and associated form of intersection types, because a given function may type-checking algorithm as a significant step towards the in- have more than one property. As a simple example (elabo- troduction of intersection types into realistic programming rated in Section 5), consider the types nat of natural num- ≤ languages. The added expressive power would allow many bers and pos of positive natural numbers where pos nat. more properties of programs to be stated by the programmer Then the function double maps natural numbers to nat- → and statically verified by a compiler. ural numbers (nat nat), but also maps positive num- bers to positive numbers (pos → pos) and hence has type (nat → nat) ∧(pos → pos). Categories and Subject Descriptors In this paper we demonstrate that general intersection F.3.3 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Studies of types are unsound in the presence of computational effects Program Constructs—type structure; D.3.3 [Programming and make two major contributions towards the use of inter- Languages]: Language Constructs and Features—polymor- section types in practical programming languages: phism; F.3.1 [Logics and Meanings of Programs]: Spec- 1. We propose a simple type assignment system for a core ifying and Verifying and Reasoning about Programs functional language with mutable references and inter- section types and prove that it is sound, and General Terms 2. we design a corresponding source language that per- Languages,Theory,Verification mits bi-directional type-checking without being pro- hibitively verbose. 1. INTRODUCTION We illustrate the resulting core language with some small The advantages of statically typed programming lan- examples. Our restriction is similar to the value restriction guages are well known, and have been described many times employed in ML [10] in order to avoid unsound uses of para- ∗ metric polymorphism (see [17, 20]). However, in addition This work was sponsored in part by the Advanced Research to a value restriction on the introduction of intersections, Projects Agency CSTO under the title “The Fox Project: Advanced Languages for Extensible Systems”, ARPA Order we also need to discard the distributivity law for subtyping, No. C533. leading to a system which is overall significantly simpler than general intersection types without a noticeable loss in expressive power or accuracy. Refinement types differ from intersection types in that Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for the intersection A ∧ B can only be formed if A and B are personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are specializations of the same simple type. We do not impose not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies this additional requirement here, since it is orthogonal to bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to both soundness in the presence of effects and the issue of bi- republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific directional type checking. So our results apply, for example, permission and/or a fee. ICFP ’00, Montreal, Canada. to operator overloading and even self-application. On the Copyright 2000 ACM 1-58113-202-6/00/0009 ..$5.00 other hand, we have chosen an inclusion interpretation of

1 subtyping which allows us to give an untyped operational 2. the progress theorem demonstrates that an untyped semantics without explicit coercions. This is sufficient for operational semantics is sound (i.e., types may, but refinement types and could easily be extended to a coercive need not be carried at runtime), and interpretation of subtyping and intersections [2, 15]. Finally, we show how our type assignment system can be 3. formulating reduction rules directly on terms with extended to include a value-restricted form of parametric some type annotations as in Section 3 is awkward at polymorphism. However, we do not show how to extend our best. source language, since a generalization of bi-directional type for this language is most likely undecid- checking to local type inference [13] in the presence of poly- able, and principal types do not exist. Therefore we present morphism, subtyping, intersections, and a value restriction a more practical source language which includes some type does not appear straightforward. information and an associated bi-directional type checking We close the introduction with a simple example that il- algorithm in Section 3. The untyped terms in this section lustrates the unsoundness of intersection in the presence of can be obtained simply by erasure which would naturally mutable references. Similar counterexamples can be con- be part of the compilation process (see Theorem 7). We structed for other computational effects such as exceptions. avoid coercions by considering only subtype relations which Assume,asabove,thatpos ≤ nat. We work with a represen- are inclusions, but this is not an essential restriction of our tation of natural numbers as strings so that  represents approach. 0and1represents1. 2.1 Syntax let x = ref( 1):nat ref ∧ pos ref The syntax is relatively standard for a call-by-value lan- in let y =(x:= ) guage in the ML family. We allow general fixed-points in let z = ! x with eager unrolling, which means we should distinguish two in z : pos kinds of variables: those bound in λ, let and case expres- In this example, we create a new cell with initial contents sions which stand for values (denoted by x), and those bound  1 and assign the type nat ref ∧ pos ref. Certainly, both in fix expressions which stand for arbitrary terms (denoted of these are valid types for x, since the contents of the cell by u). As proposed by Leroy [9], we can also easily admit is both of type nat and type pos. Then we assign  to x, a“byname”let expression. We further use identifiers l to which is well-typed since x has type nat ref, among others. address cells in the store during evaluation. Then we read the contents, requiring the result to have type We represent natural numbers as bit-strings in standard pos, which is valid since x has type pos ref, among others. form, with the least significant bit rightmost and no leading During evaluation, however, z will be bound to ,sothe zeroes. We view 0 and 1 as constructors written in postfix type system is unsound: the whole expression has type pos, form, and  stands for the empty string. For example, 6 but evaluates to  which represents zero and does not have would be represented as 110. type pos. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Types A ::= A1 → A2 | A ref | unit Section2weshowthatavaluerestrictiononintersection | | nat | pos | A1 ∧ A2 introduction leads to a sound type assignment system for a Terms M ::= x | λx. M | M M small functional language including mutable references. In 1 2 | let x = M1 in M2 Section 3 we present a corresponding source language and | u | fix u. M a bi-directional type-checking algorithm. Our type system | l | ref M | ! M | M1 := M2 | () is generalized to include in Sec- |  | M 0 | M 1 tion 4 and illustrated by various examples in Section 5. We | case M of  ⇒ M | x 0 ⇒ M | y 1 ⇒ M conclude with some remarks about future work in Section 6. 1 2 3 We use A, B for types and M, N for terms. We write {M 0/x}M for the result of substituting M 0 for x in M,re- 2. A VALUE RESTRICTION FOR INTER- naming bound variables as necessary to avoid the capture SECTION TYPES of free variables in M 0. In this section we present a small language with functions, We distinguish the following terms as values: mutable references, and intersection types. We also include Values V ::= x | λx. M | l | () |  | V 0 | V 1 an example datatype bits for strings of bits, along with two subtypes nat for natural numbers (bit-strings without lead- For type-checking, we need to assign types to variables ing zeroes) and pos for positive natural numbers. We place and cells in contexts Γ and ∆, respectively. Moreover, dur- a value restriction on the introduction of intersections, omit ing execution of a program we need to maintain a store C. the problematic distributivity rule from subtyping, and then Variable Contexts Γ ::= ·|Γ,x:A| Γ,u:A show that this leads to a sound system by proving an appro- Cell Contexts ∆ ::= ·|∆,l:A priate progress and type preservation theorem. An analysis Store C ::= ·|C, (l = V ) of the proof gives some insight as to why each of our restric- Program States P ::= C.M tionsisrequired. The term language in this section does not contain types We assume that variables x, u and cells l can be declared for several reasons: at most once in a context or store. We omit leading ·’s from contexts, and write Γ, Γ0 for the result of appending two 1. the typing rules are maximally general, admitting as variable disjoint contexts (and similarly for cell contexts and many programs as possible, stores).

2 2.2 Subtyping to the above. We use the notation Ao for an ordinary type, The subtyping judgment for this language has the form: namely one that is not an intersection, although it may con- tain embedded intersections. Due to the absence of distribu- A ≤ B Type A is a subtype of B. tivity, our subtyping algorithm is quite different to previous It is defined by the following rules, which are standard algorithms proposed for intersection types, such as that of except for the omission of distributivity (see below) and the Reynolds [14].

addition of subtyping for the base types bits, nat and pos. A  B Type A is algorithmically a subtype of B. Note that function types are contra-variant in the argument and co-variant in the result, while the ref

is non-variant.

  pos  pos pos nat pos bits

pos ≤ nat nat ≤ bits

  nat  nat nat bits bits bits

A1 ≤ A2 A2 ≤ A3

   B1  A1 A2 B2 A BBA

A ≤ A A1 ≤ A3 →  A1 → A2  B1 B2 Aref B ref

A1 ∧ A2 ≤ A1 A1 ∧ A2 ≤ A2 unit  unit

A ≤ B1 A ≤ B2 o o  A1  B A2 B

A ≤ B1 ∧ B2 o o ∧  A1 ∧ A2  B A1 A2 B

B1 ≤ A1 A2 ≤ B2  A  B1 A B1

A1 → A2 ≤ B1 → B2 ∧ A  B1 B2 A ≤ BB≤A We now prove some simple lemmas needed to show that algorithmic and declarative subtyping coincide. Aref ≤ B ref Lemma 1 (Algorithmic Subtyping). As mentioned earlier, we omit the following distributivity rule since it leads to unsoundness when functions involve The algorithmic subtyping judgment satisfies:

effects: 0 0

∧  ∧  1. If A  B then A A B and A A B.

2. A  A. 0 0

(A → B) ∧(A → B ) ≤ A → (B ∧ B )

  3. If A1  A2 and A2 A3 then A1 A3. A counterexample is given by (λx. ref ( 1)) () which would have type (nat ref) ∧(pos ref)since Proof. By simple inductions on given types or deriva- (λx. ref ):(unit → nat ref) ∧(unit → pos ref) tions. Reflexivity (2) requires monotonicity (1). ≤ and the above rule allows us to infer Theorem 2. A  B if and only if A B. (unit → nat ref) ∧(unit → pos ref ) ≤ unit → (nat ref ∧ pos ref) Proof. In each direction, by induction on the given In other words, distributivity would allow us to circum- derivation, using the properties in the preceding lemma. vent the value restriction on the introduction of intersec- tions given in the next subsection. It is somewhat sur- 2.3 Typing prising, however, that it is possible to simply drop the rule The typing judgment for terms has the form: and obtain a sensible system. The loss in expressive power ∆; Γ ` M : A Term M has type A in cell context ∆ that results appears to be minimal in practice, since often and variable context Γ. when we want to coerce type (A → B) ∧(A → B0)totype A→(B∧B0) we can replace the first type by the second The typing rules are given in Figure 1. These rules are throughout the type derivation (possibly using η-expansion standard for functions, definitions, fixed points, references, to satisfy the value restriction on intersection introduction, and intersection types, with the exception that the intro- similar to [20]). Dropping distributivity has the interesting duction rule for intersections is restricted to values. effect that the subtyping rules for various type constructors There are three typing rules for case, depending on (→, ref , ∧) are now orthogonal. This persists, even when whether the subject can be shown to have type bits, nat, further constructors such as products or lists are added. or pos. This illustrates that in a typical use of intersections The rules above do not immediately yield an algorithm as refinements, we derive introduction as well as elimina- for deciding subtyping. We thus present the following algo- tion rules for each type. Note that the branch for  does rithmic subtyping judgment, and show that it is equivalent not need to be checked when the case subject has type pos.

3 x:A in Γ ∆; (Γ,x:A)`M : B ∆; Γ ` M : A → B ∆; Γ ` N : A tp var tp lam tp app ∆; Γ ` x : A ∆; Γ ` λx. M : A → B ∆; Γ ` MN:B

` ` ` ∆; Γ M : A ∆; (Γ,x:A) N :B u:A in Γ 0 ∆; (Γ,u:A) M : A tp let tp var tp fix ∆; Γ ` let x = M in N : B ∆; Γ ` u:A ∆; Γ ` fix u. M : A

l:A in ∆ ∆; Γ ` M : A ∆; Γ ` M : A ref tp cell tp ref tp get ∆; Γ ` l : A ref ∆; Γ ` ref M : A ref ∆; Γ ` ! M : A

∆; Γ ` M : A ref ∆; Γ ` N : A tp tp unit ∆; Γ ` M := N : unit ∆; Γ ` () : unit

tp e ∆; Γ `  : nat

∆; Γ ` M : pos ∆; Γ ` M : bits tp z1 tp z2 ∆; Γ ` M 0 : pos ∆; Γ ` M 0 : bits

∆; Γ ` M : nat ∆; Γ ` M : bits tp o1 tp o2 ∆; Γ ` M 1 : pos ∆; Γ ` M 1 : bits

∆; Γ ` M : bits ∆; Γ ` M1 : A ∆; (Γ,x:bits) ` M2 : A ∆; (Γ,y:bits) ` M3 : A tp case1 ∆; Γ ` case M of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ N2 | y 1 ⇒ M3 : A

∆; Γ ` M : nat ∆; Γ ` M1 : A ∆; (Γ,x:pos) ` M2 : A ∆; (Γ,y:nat) ` M3 : A tp case2 ∆; Γ ` case M of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ N2 | y 1 ⇒ M3 : A

∆; Γ ` M : pos ∆; (Γ,x:pos) ` M2 : A ∆; (Γ,y:nat) ` M3 : A tp case3 ∆; Γ ` case M of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ N2 | y 1 ⇒ M3 : A

` ` ∆; Γ V : A ∆; Γ V : B ∆; Γ ` M : AA B tp conj tp subs ∆; Γ ` V : A ∧ B ∆; Γ ` M : B

Figure 1: Typing Rules

4 We omit formal statement and proof of the trivial exchange, Lemma 4 (Typing Inversion). weakening, and contraction properties.

→ ·`  This type system does not admit principal types. For 1. If ∆; V :Aand A B1 B2 then V = λx. M ` example, the term ref ( 1)hasthetypesbits ref, nat ref and ∆; (x:B1) M : B2. and pos ref , but none of these is a subtype of the others.

2. If ∆; ·`V :Aand A  B ref then V = l and there

Even if we add parametric polymorphism (as in Section 4), 0 0 0 0  exists a B such that l:B in ∆, B  B, and B B . this term has no principal type. The value restriction on intersection introduction does not

3. If ∆; ·`V :Aand A  bits then we have one of the appear to result in much loss of expressive power, particu- following cases: larly since non-values may be η-expanded to values, just as in [20]. This only alters the semantics of the program when (a) V =  effects are involved. (b) V =(V0 0)and ∆; ·`V0 :bits Lemma 3 (Substitution). (c) V =(V1 1)and ∆; ·`V1 :bits 1. If ∆; Γ ` V : A and ∆; (Γ,x:A)` N :B ·` 4. If ∆; V :Aand A  nat then we have one of the `{ } then ∆; Γ V/x N : B. following cases: 2. If ∆; Γ ` M : A and ∆; (Γ,u:A)`N :B (a) V =  then ∆; Γ `{M/u}N : B. (b) V =(V0 0)and ∆; ·`V0 :pos ·` Proof. By a standard induction on the typing derivation (c) V =(V1 1)and ∆; V1 :nat for N. ·` 5. If ∆; V :Aand A  pos then we have one of the Stores are typed using the following judgment: following cases: 0 0 ∆ ` C :∆ Store C satisfies cell context ∆ (a) V =(V0 0)and ∆; ·`V0 :pos when checked against cell context ∆. (b) V =(V1 1)and ∆; ·`V1 :nat The rules simply type each value under an empty variable context. We are now ready to prove our main theorem, namely that our type system with mutable references and value- 0 0 restricted intersections satisfies progress and type preserva- ∆`C :∆ ∆; ·`V :A tion, i.e., that programs can’t go wrong as in the example 0 0 ∆ `·:· ∆`(C,l =V):(∆,l:A) in the introduction. The following judgment defines typing of program states: Theorem 5 (Progress and Type Preservation). ` ` (C.M):(∆.A) State (C.M)satisfies If (C.M):(∆.A)then either cell context ∆ and type A. 1. M is a value, or It is defined directly from the previous typing judgments: 2. (C.M)7−→ (C0 .M0)for some C0, M 0 and ∆0 ` ·` 0 0 0 ∆ C :∆ ∆; M:A satisfying ` (C .M):(∆,∆ .A). `(C.M):(∆.A) 2.4 Reduction Semantics Proof. By induction on the typing derivation for M. We now present a reduction style semantics for our lan- • The case for subsumption is immediate, using the in- guage, roughly following Wright and Felleisen [22]. We start duction hypothesis. by defining evaluation contexts, namely expressions with a hole [ ] within which a reduction may occur: • The case for intersection introduction is trivial: the value restriction forces M to be a value. E ::= [ ] | EM |VE |let x = E in M • For the remaining cases the typing rule matches the | ref E | ! E | E := M | V := E top term constructor of M. | E 0 | E 1 | case E of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ M2 | y 1 ⇒ M3 • The cases for the typing rules corresponding to λx. M, l, () and  are trivial, since they are values. We write C.M7−→ C0 .M0 for a one-step computation, defined by the reduction rules in Figure 2. We maintain the • The case for the typing rule corresponding to fix is invariant that M does not contain free variables x or u and easy, since we can apply the substitution lemma to that all cells l in M are defined in C. construct the required typing derivation. Critical in the proof of progress are the following inversion properties. These are generalizations of simpler properties in • In the other cases, we apply the induction hypothesis languages without subtyping, intersections, or effects. They to the subderivations for appropriate subterms Ni of are stated at a level of generality where each can be proved M which are in evaluation positions i.e. M = E[Ni] directly by inducting on the given typing derivation. (in each case, there is at least one).

5 C.E[(λx. M) V ] 7−→ C.E[{V/x}M] C.E[let x = V in M] 7−→ C.E[{V/x}M] C.E[fix u. M] 7−→ C.E[{fix u. M/u}M] C.E[(ref V )] 7−→ C, (l = V ) .E[l](lnot in C or E) C1, (l = V ),C2 .E[!l] 7−→ C1, (l = V ),C2 .E[V] C1,(l=V1),C2 .E[l:= V2] 7−→ C1, (l = V2),C2 .E[()] C.E[case  of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ M2 | y 1 ⇒ M3] 7−→ C.E[M1] C.E[case V 0 of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ M2 | y 1 ⇒ M3] 7−→ C.E[{V/x}M2] C.E[case V 1 of  ⇒ M1 | x 0 ⇒ M2 | y 1 ⇒ M3] 7−→ C.E[{V/y}M3]

Figure 2: Reduction Rules

• Then, if for some Ni the induction hypothesis yields • The absence of distributivity is critical in the inversion 0 0 0 0 0 → (C.Ni)7−→ (C .Ni)with(C .Ni):(∆,∆ . property for values V : A for A  B1 B2 which →

B) then we can construct the required reduction and relies on the property that if A1 ∧ A2  B1 B2 then

→  → typing derivation for M. either A1  B1 B2 or A2 B1 B2. The analysis above indicates that if we fix the cells in the • Otherwise, each immediate subterm N with M = i store and disallow new allocations by removing the ref M E[N ]isavalue. i construct, the language would be sound even without a value • Then we apply the appropriate clause of the preceding restriction as long as the ref type constructor is non-variant. inversion lemma, using reflexivity of algorithmic sub- Overall, this proof is not much more difficult than the case typing. In each case we find that M can be reduced without intersection types, but this is partially because we and we can construct the required typing for the re- have set up our definitions very carefully. sult of reduction, using the substitution lemma in some cases. 3. BIDIRECTIONAL TYPE CHECKING In the previous section we presented a pure type assign- ment system. This language is not directly suitable for pro- gramming: for example, type inference is impractical and All of our restrictions are needed in this proof: principal types do not exist. In this section we present the core of a programming language which allows the program- • The case of E[! l] requires subtyping for A ref to be mer to specify types, along with an algorithm for type check- co-variant. ing. Previous proposals for explicitly typed languages with in- • The case of E[l := V ] requires subtyping for A ref to tersection types have required types to be given for each be contra-variant. With the previous point it means it bound variable. This leads to a problem, since the program- must be non-variant. mer may wish to associate different types with a variable in different branches of the intersection introduction rule. • The value restriction is needed because otherwise the This problem was solved by Reynolds [14] by introducing induction hypothesis is applied to the premises of the a type declaration including many alternative types. This intersection introduction rule was extended by Pierce [12] to a special form binding a type ∆; ·`M:A1 ∆; ·`M:A2 variable to one of a set of alternative types. Neither of these solutions is completely satisfactory. For example, there is ∆; ·`M:A ∧A 1 2 still no way to directly specify that a curried function has a → → ∧ → → which yields that for some C1, M1 and ∆1 type like (pos nat pos) (nat pos pos). Another solution appears in [19] and uses an intersection introduc- 7−→ (C.M) (C1 .M1) tion rule that explicitly includes two terms that are identical ` and (C1 .M1):(∆,∆1 .A1) except for type information. This solution is used for a com- piler intermediate language, and does not seem suitable for and also that for some C2, M2 and ∆2 directly programming in, since maintaining nearly identical (C.M)7−→ (C2 .M2) code fragments would be very tedious. and ` (C2 .M2):(∆,∆2 .A2) Our proposal instead distinguishes terms for which a type can be synthesized from terms which can be checked against Even if we show that evaluation is deterministic (which 0 0 a given type. This schema can type only normal forms, so shows M1 = M2 = M and C1 = C2 = C ), we have 0 we include an explicit type ascription C : A which checks no way to reconcile ∆1 and ∆2 toa∆ such that C against A and then yields A as the synthesized type for 0 0 0 the whole expression. Unlike a cast operation in some dy- ` (C .M):(∆,∆ .A1∧A2) namically typed languages, however, this ascription incurs because a new cell allocated in C1 and C2 may be no run-time overhead. In practice, we mostly ascribe types assigned a different type in ∆1 and ∆2.Itisprecisely to function definitions which is a small step from ML where this observation which gives rise to the counterexample “good style” already suggests explicit ascription of signa- in the introduction. tures to structures.

6 3.1 Syntax may sometimes need to restructure it by lifting local func- We use the same types as in the previous section. We omit tion definitions. For example the following term locations from the language of terms, since they are created by the evaluation of terms ref C and should not directly λx. let f = λy. x in fx occur in program source. maybeassignedthetype(nat → nat) ∧ (pos → pos) but there is no annotation that we can add for the type of f that Inferable I ::= x | u | IC|!I|I := C | () allows us to type-check the term with this type. This could |  | I 0 | I 1 also be solved, at some cost in elegance, by introducing a | C:A type enumeration construct as in [12]. We will not pursue Checkable C ::= I | λx. C | let x = I in C this further; more experiments with our implementation are | fix u. C | ref C needed to decide whether this is warranted and intuitive to | case I of  ⇒ C1 | x 0 ⇒ C2 | y 1 ⇒ C3 the programmer. In order to relate the terms of this section with those of We distinguish the following terms as values: the previous one, we define the erasure function |·| in the Inferable Iv ::= x | () |  | Iv 0 | Iv 1 | Cv:A obvious way, namely compositionally except that we remove Checkable Cv ::= Iv | λx. C type ascriptions:

We write I nv for an inferable term not of the form Iv. |C : A| = |C| 3.2 Typing Lemma 6. If A ↑ B then A ≤ B. The typing judgments for inferable and checkable terms have the form: Γ ` I ↑ A Term I has A as an inferable type. Proof. ↑ Γ ` C ↓ A Term C checks against type A. By induction on the definition of A B.

It is our intention that the rules for these judgments be in- Theorem 7 (Soundness of Type Checking). terpreted algorithmically: given Γ and I, we can construct ` ↑ all derivations of Γ I A (also constructing A for each 1. If Γ ` I ↑ A then ·;Γ `|I|:A. derivation); given Γ, C,andAwe can check whether there is a derivation of Γ ` C ↓ A. In an implementation, this could 2. If Γ ` C ↓ A then ·;Γ`|C|:A. lead to unacceptable non-determinism and further transfor- mations are required to obtain an efficient algorithm. We are currently investigating an algorithm which synthesizes all types of an inferable term and tracks applicable ones Proof. By induction on the typing derivations, using the through the use of boolean constraints. In any case, the sys- preceding lemma. tem is much simpler than full intersection types previously implemented in [6, 4] which have already demonstrated fea- sibility in most practical cases. 4. PARAMETRIC POLYMORPHISM The following judgment non-deterministically extracts or- We now show how to add parametric polymorphism to our dinary types from a type (possibly an intersection). language. Our approach is to consider parametric polymor- o o A ↑ B Type A has ordinary type B as a conjunct. phism as the infinite analog of intersection polymorphism, hence our typing and subtyping rules are infinite analogs of cnjct ord those in Section 2. In particular we include a value restric- Ao ↑ Ao tion on the introduction of polymorphism, and omit a rule for distributivity with the constructor. We do o not consider type checking here, however we hope that some A1 ↑ B1 cnjct left of the ideas from local-type inference [13] for parametric o (A1 ∧ A2) ↑ B1 polymorphism may be incorporated into the type-checking algorithm of Section 3 to obtain a practical programming o A2 ↑ B2 language. cnjct right ∧ ↑ o (A1 A2) B2 4.1 Syntax The type checking rules are given in Figure 3. Note that We add type variables and universal quantification to the there are two rules to check terms I against a type only types of Section 2. The terms and values of the language to avoid overlap with the rule to check terms Cv against a are as before. conjunction.

3.3 Soundness Types A ::= A1 → A2 | A ref | unit We now show that the bi-directional checking algorithm is | bits | nat | pos | A1 ∧ A2 | α |∀α. A sound with respect to the type assignment system in the pre- vious section. Completeness is somewhat trickier: while we As usual, we allow tacit renaming of bound type variables. can often directly annotate programs which are well-typed We write {B/α}A for the capture-avoiding substitution of according to the type assignment system in Section 2, we B for α in A.

7 x:A in Γ u:A in Γ ti var ti var0 Γ ` x ↑ A Γ ` u ↑ A

Γ ` I ↑ AA↑B1→B2 Γ`C↓B1 Γ`C↓A ti app ti type Γ ` IC↑B2 Γ ` (C : A) ↑ A

Γ ` I ↑ AA↑Bref Γ ` I ↑ AA↑Bref Γ ` C ↓ B ti get ti set ti unit Γ ` ! I ↑ B Γ ` I := C ↑ unit Γ ` () ↑ unit

ti e Γ `  ↑ nat

Γ ` I ↑ pos Γ ` I ↑ nat Γ ` I ↑ bits ti z1 ti z2 ti z3 Γ ` I 0 ↑ pos Γ ` I 0 ↑ bits Γ ` I 0 ↑ bits

Γ ` I ↑ pos Γ ` I ↑ nat Γ ` I ↑ bits ti o1 ti o2 ti o3 Γ ` I 1 ↑ pos Γ ` I 1 ↑ pos Γ ` I 1 ↑ bits

o ` ↓ ` ↓ ` ` ↑  Γ Iv ↑ AA B Γ Inv AAB Γ Cv A Γ Cv B tc subsv tc subsnv tc conj o Γ ` Iv ↓ B Γ ` Inv ↓ B Γ ` Cv ↓ A ∧ B

Γ,x:A` C ↓B Γ ` I ↑ A Γ,x:A`C ↓B Γ,u:A`C ↓A tc lam tc let tc fix Γ ` λx. C ↓ A → B Γ ` let x = I in C ↓ B Γ ` fix u. C ↓ A

Γ ` C ↓ A tc ref Γ ` ref C ↓ A ref

Γ ` I ↑ BB↑bits Γ ` C1 ↓ A Γ,x:bits ` C2 ↓ A Γ,y:bits ` C3 ↓ A tc case1 case I of  ⇒ C1 | x 0 ⇒ C2 | y 1 ⇒ C3 ↓ A

Γ ` I ↑ BB↑nat Γ ` C1 ↓ A Γ,x:pos ` C2 ↓ A Γ,y:nat ` C3 ↓ A tc case2 case I of  ⇒ C1 | x 0 ⇒ C2 | y 1 ⇒ C3 ↓ A

Γ ` I ↑ BB↑pos Γ,x:pos ` C2 ↓ A Γ,y:nat ` C3 ↓ A tc case3 case I of  ⇒ C1 | x 0 ⇒ C2 | y 1 ⇒ C3 ↓ A

Figure 3: Type Checking Rules

8 subtyping derivation of a conclusion involving an unbound type variable as a judgment parametric in that variable, that is, we may instantiate the variable with any type and obtain A  A a valid derivation. As in the Section 2, we now prove some simple lemmas

needed to show that structural and declarative subtyping


pos  nat pos bits nat bits coincide.


B1  A1 A2 B2 A BBA Lemma 8 (Structural Subtyping). →  A1 → A2  B1 B2 Aref B ref The structural subtyping judgment satisfies:

0 0

∧  ∧ 

o o 1. If A  B then A A B and A A B.  A1  B A2 B 0

o o ∀ 

2. If {A /α}A  B then α. A B. ∧ 

A1 ∧ A2  B A1 A2 B


3. If A1  A2 and A2 A3 then A1 A3.  A  B1 A B1 ∧ A  B1 B2 Proof. The first two are by simple inductions on the

0 o  {A /α}A  B A B supertype B. For transitivity we proceed by structural in- (α not free in A) duction on the two derivations. One interesting case arises


 ∀ ∀α. A  B A α. B when the first and second derivations end in

D1 D2

0 0 0 o { }  A  A A /α A A Figure 4: Structural Subtyping Rules 1 2 and 2 3 (α not in A1)

0 0 o ∀ ∀  A1  α. A2 α. A2 A3 0 4.2 Subtyping Here, we substitute A for α in the derivation D1 to obtain an { 0 } 0 We add the following subtyping rules for parametric poly- instance with conclusion A1  A /α A2 and then apply the morphism, which are infinite analogs of the rules for inter- induction hypothesis to this derivation (which has the same section polymorphism. structure as D1)andD2 to obtain the required result.

≤ Theorem  A ≤ B 9. A B if and only if A B. ∀ ≤{ } (α not free in A) α. A B/α A A ≤∀α. B Proof. In each direction, by induction on the given Analogously with intersection polymorphism, we omit the derivation, using the properties in the preceding lemma. following distributivity rule since it leads to unsoundness when functions involve effects: 4.3 Typing We add the following typing rule for introducing para- (α not free in A) metric polymorphism with a value restriction. Instantiation ∀α. (A → B) ≤ A →∀α. B of polymorphic types is done via the existing subsumption If we were to include this rule, our subtyping relation for rule. the fragment containing functions and parametric polymor- phism would be equivalent to that proposed by Mitchell [11]. ∆; Γ ` V : A Mitchell’s subtyping relation has been shown to be undecid- tp para (α not free in ∆, Γ) ∆; Γ ` V : ∀α. A able [18, 16], but the techniques used in these proofs do not seem to apply directly in the absence of distributivity. The substitution lemma extends naturally to include this We therefore do not know at present whether our subtyping rule. We treat typing derivations with free type variables as relation is decidable. parametric derivations, just as for subtyping. As before, we present an more directed version of the sub- typing relation. These rules are analogous to those for in- Theorem 10 (Progress and Type Preservation). tersection polymorphism, and allow the proof of progress to In the type system extended by parametric polymorphism, if be extended appropriately. Alas, they do not actually de- ` (C.M):(∆.A)then either scribe an algorithm, since they do not describe a method for choosing the type used to instantiate a polymorphic param- 1. M is a value, or eter when this is required. We therefore refer to our relation 2. (C.M)7−→ (C0 .M0)for some C0, M 0, and ∆0 as structural subtyping. satisfying ` (C0 .M0):(∆,∆0 .A). We use the notation Ao as before for an ordinary type, that is, that is neither an intersection nor a quantified type. Proof. The proof is structured exactly as before. The

A  B Type A is structurally a subtype of B. main change is that we have additional cases in each part of The rules are given in Figure 4. We include a general the Typing Inversion Lemma for the new typing rule, each reflexivity rule here even though it is only strictly needed of which makes use of parametricity in a similar manner to for type variables and base types. This allows us to treat a the proof of transitivity of structural subtyping.

9 As before, all of our restrictions are needed in this proof: val plus :(nat → nat → nat) ∧ (pos → nat → pos) ∧ → → • The value restriction on parametric polymorphism is (nat pos pos) needed because otherwise the induction hypothesis is = fix plus.λn.λ n ⇒ applied to the premise of the introduction rule of  m | x 0 ⇒ case m ∆; ·`M:A of  ⇒ x 0 αnot free in ∆ | y 0 ⇒ (plus x y) 0 ·` ∀ ∆; M: α. A | y 1 ⇒ (plus x y) 1 ⇒ 0 0 0 | x 1 case m which yields that for some C , M and ∆ of  ⇒ x 1 | y 0 ⇒ (plus x y) 1 (C.M)7−→ (C0 .M0) | y 1 ⇒ (inc (plus x y)) 0 and ` (C0 .M0):(∆,∆0 .A) Again, for this definition to type-check we need to know But α may appear in ∆0, so we cannot apply the in- that inc : nat → pos. Application of plus to arguments of troduction rule for parametric polymorphism. type bits which can not be shown to have type nat or pos is prohibited by type-checking. In this example, a weaker type such as (nat → nat → nat) ∧(pos → pos → pos)wouldhave • The absence of distributivity is critical in the inversion → sufficed, but given subsequent calls to plus less information property for values V : A for A  B1 B2 which → about its behavior. relies on the property that if ∀α. A  B1 B2 then 0 0 → Next, we show how type-checking can catch errors which there exists A such that [A /α]A  B B . 1 2 could not be caught without subtyping: val double :(nat → nat) ∧(pos → pos) 5. EXAMPLES = λx. x 0 We now show some examples, primarily ones manipu- will fail to type-check for x : nat. Indeed, double  evaluates lating natural numbers represented as bit-strings without to  0 which is not a valid representation of zero. We leave leading zeroes. We have already given some counterexam- thesimplefixtothereader. ples to soundness in the absence of appropriate restrictions We can also write and type-check a function to standard- above, so the code below mostly illustrates bi-directional ize arbitrary bit-strings by erasing leading zeroes. type-checking and the use of subtyping and intersection types in a source language to enforce data representation val stdize : bits → nat invariants. = fix stdize.λ b We present examples as top-level definitions of the form of  ⇒  val x : A = M , which should be interpreted as syntactic | x 0 ⇒ case stdize x sugar for let x =(M:A)in ... with open-ended scope. of  ⇒  Here, M : A is inferable, which means M only needs to | y 0 ⇒ y 00 be checkable. First, a function for incrementing a natural | y1⇒y10 number. | x1⇒(stdize x) 1

val inc :(bits → bits) ∧(nat → pos) The following example shows how references and intersec- = fix inc.λ n tions may be used together in a useful and sound way, and of  ⇒  1 also demonstrates the syntactic structuring that is some- | x 0 ⇒ x 1 times needed for type-checking. Each call to the function | x 1 ⇒ (inc x) 0 count with some initial value n generates a counter of type unit → nat or unit → pos. This counter can be called Note that types for variables bound by λ or in the repeatedly, successively returning n, n +1, ....Thetype branches of the case expression do not have type labels. of count reflects that the counter is always positive if it is In fact, it would be difficult to allow for this, since the body initialized with a positive number. of the fix expression will be checked twice: once against val count0 :(nat ref → (unit → nat)) ∧ bits → bits and once against nat → nat. In the first situa- (pos ref → (unit → pos)) tion we analyze the body of the function with n : bits,inthe = λc. λx. second with n : nat. Further notice that subsumption allows let r = !c in us to derive additional types for inc, for example, using let y =(c:=inc r) in r (bits → bits) ∧(nat → pos) ≤ nat → nat val count :(nat → (unit → nat)) ∧ (bits → bits) ∧(nat → pos) ≤ pos → pos (pos → (unit → pos)) = λn. count 0 (ref n) Finally we remark that ascribing simply inc : nat → nat instead of nat → pos would have been insufficient: in order Finally, an example not connected to refinements, but more general uses of intersection types and parametric poly- to see that the result of the last case of the function definition morphism which are accommodated by our system: is a valid natural number, we need to know that the result of the recursive call (inc x) is positive. val ω : ∀α. ∀β. ((α → β) ∧ α) → β Our second example is binary addition. = λx. x x

10 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK [7] T. Freeman and F. Pfenning. Refinement types for We are in the process of implementing a refinement-type ML. In Proceedings of the SIGPLAN ’91 Symposium checker for a conservative extension of Standard ML based on Language Design and Implementation, Toronto, on the algorithm in Section 3. To avoid much of the non- Ontario, pages 268–277. ACM Press, June 1991. determinism in this algorithm, we synthesize all types for [8] R. Harper and C. Stone. A type-theoretic an inferable term, and generate boolean constraints to rep- interpretation of Standard ML. In G. Plotkin, resent the choice between them. We can then detect type C. Stirling, and M. Tofte, editors, Proof, Language, errors by checking the satisfiability of the accumulated con- and Interaction: Essays in Honour of Robin Milner. straints, using an efficient representation such as Binary De- MIT Press, 2000. cision Diagrams. [9] X. Leroy. Polymorphism by name. 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