Structured Recursive Separator Decompositions for Planar Graphs in Linear Time

∗ [Extended Abstract]

Philip N. Klein Shay Mozes Christian Sommer Brown University MIT [email protected] Providence, RI Cambridge, MA [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT divide-and-conquer strategy [36, 10, 45, 44]. Graphs with Given a triangulated G on n vertices and an small recursive separators include planar graphs [51, 35, 11, integer r

505 and subsequently in many other algorithms [17, 9, 8, 40, 27, correctness in Section 3. A key ingredient in our algorithm 34, 29, 16, 39, 33].1 is a cycle separator algorithm (Section 4) that can be imple- Up to now, the fastest known algorithm computing an mented in sublinear time by using auxiliary data structures r–division with a constant√ number of holes per region runs (based on dynamic trees and Euler-tour trees). This is cru- in time O(n log r +(n/ r)logn)[27]. This makes it one cial for achieving overall linear time. In our algorithm, we of the time bottlenecks in the state-of-the-art algorithms initialize the data structures once, and then, in subsequent for minimum st–cut and maximum st–flow [27] and min- steps of the recursion, we reuse what has been computed al- imum cut [34] in undirected planar graphs and bounded- ready (Section 5), and we call an efficient dynamic-tree im- genus graphs [16]. Whether such an r–division can be com- plementation of our cycle separator algorithm (Section 4.5). puted in linear time was an open problem until the current Some of the proofs and figures have been omitted from work. For example, Cabello [8] remarks that “it is unclear if this extended abstract due to page limitations. See the full the algorithm of Goodrich [22] can also be modified to use the version for details. cycle-separator, and thus obtain a linear-time construction of r–decompositions with a few holes.” 2. PRELIMINARIES Contributions 2.1 Graph Notation We provide a linear-time algorithm for computing r–divisions Let G =(V,E) be a simple graph. For a subset V  of V ,  with few holes for any triangulated biconnected plane graph G we denote by δG(V ) the set of edges uv of G such that     and any r (Theorem 2). v ∈ V and u ∈ V . We refer to δG(V )asacut in G.IfV In fact, the algorithm produces a decomposition tree of G and V −V  both induce connected subgraphs of G,wesayit (Theorem 3), which is a tree that naturally represents a is a simple cut (also known as a bond). In this case, V  and recursive decomposition of G by cycle separators, and from V − V  are the -sets of the two connected components   which one can read off, in linear time, a recursive r–division of δG(V ), which shows that the edges of δG(V ) uniquely with few holes, for any exponentially increasing sequence determine the bipartition {V ,V − V }. r = r1,r2,... (Theorem 4). A graph is called biconnected iff any pair of vertices is Our√ linear-time algorithm improves upon the O(n log r + connected by at least two vertex-disoint paths. (n/ r)logn)–time algorithm in [27], removing one of the For a spanning tree T of G and an edge e of G not in T , time bottlenecks of the state-of-the-art algorithms for mini- the fundamental cycle of e with respect to T in G is the mum st–cut and maximum st–flow [27], as well as minimum simple cycle consisting of e and the unique simple path in T cut [34, 16] (all in undirected graphs). between the endpoints of e. Concurrently with and independently of our result, Arge, van Walderveen, and Zeh [5] also gave an algorithm that 2.2 Some Properties of Planar Graphs produces an r–division with few holes in linear time. The We assume the reader is familiar with the definitions of focus of their paper is I/O-efficient algorithms. Their ap- planar graphs and combinatorial embeddings.2 proach differs from ours in that their algorithm requires the Fact 1 (Sparsity). Let G be a simple planar graph. value of r as input, and uses it in a way that makes it unsuit- |E(G)|≤3 |V (G)|−6. able for producing recursive r–divisions in linear time. Such a linear time algorithm seems to be crucial for obtaining When the exact constants are not important we write O(|G|) linear-time algorithms using r–divisions (see [25]). to denote O(|V (G)|)=O(|E(G)|). Techniques Fact 2 (Simple-cycle/simple-cut duality [53]). A set of edges forms a simple cycle in a planar embedded graph G The overall approach of our algorithm builds on that of iff it forms a simple cut in the dual G∗. Goodrich [22], which is based on Lipton-Tarjan vertex sep- arators [35]. However, our approach must handle the addi- Since a simple cut in a graph uniquely determines a bipar- tional complexity of finding cycle separators (see Miller [38]), tition of the vertices, a simple cycle in a planar embedded which involves maintaining spanning trees in both the input graph G uniquely determines a bipartition of the faces. graph and its planar dual, and of bounding the number of Definition 1. (Encloses) Let C be a simple cycle in a con- holes. We manage both primal and dual trees simultane- nected planar embedded graph G. Then the edges of C ously by using a primal spanning tree that follows a dual ∗ form a simple cut δG∗ (S) for some set S of vertices of G , breadth-first-search tree (Section 4.2). The levels of the dual i.e. faces of G.ThusC uniquely determines a bipartition BFS tree define connected components, which we maintain {F0,F1} of the faces of G.Letf∞,f be faces of G.Wesay in a Component Tree (Section 4.1). This component tree C encloses f with respect to f∞ if exactly one of f,f∞ is internally captures the structural connectivity of dual BFS in S. For a vertex/edge x,wesayC encloses x (with respect components. to f∞) if it encloses some face incident to x (encloses strictly x C Outline if in addition is not part of ). Fact 3 ([52]). T G Precise definitions of r–divisions, holes, recursive divisions, For any spanning tree of ,theset G T G∗ and decomposition trees, as well as formal statements of our of edges of not in form a spanning tree of . results are in Section 2.4 and Section 2.5. Wegiveahigh- For a spanning tree T of G, we typically use T ∗ to denote level description of the r–division algorithm and prove its the spanning tree of G∗ consisting of the edges not in T .We ∗ 1 often refer to T as the cotree of T [14]. Cabello [8] requires only that the average number of holes per region be small. 2For elaboration, see

506 2.3 Separators Definition 4. A division of G¯ is a collection of regions such that each edge is in at least one region. A vertex is a bound- Definition 2. For an assignment W (·) of nonnegative weights ary vertex of the division if it is in more than one region. A to faces, edges, and vertices of G, we say a simple cycle C division is an r–division if there are O√(n/r) regions, and each is a balanced separator if the total weight of faces, edges, region has at most r vertices and O( r) boundary vertices. and vertices strictly enclosed by C and the total weight not enclosed are each at most 3/4 of the total weight. Frederickson’s definition did not address the number of holes since it was not relevant in his algorithms (and in (Traditionally balance involves a bound of 2/3. We use 3/4 some subsequent algorithms building on his). The follow- because it simplifies the presentation.) ing definition follows the lines of that of Cabello [8] but our One can reduce the case of face/edge/vertex weight to terminology is slightly different. the case of face weight. For each vertex or edge, remove itsweightandaddittoanincidentface.Acycleseparator Definition 5. A natural face of a region R is a face of R that is balanced with respect to the resulting face-weight that is also a face of G¯.Ahole of R is a face of R that is assignment is balanced with respect to the original weight not natural. assignment. We may therefore assume in cycle-separator algorithms that only the faces have weight. Definition 6. An r–division with few holes is an r–division Let G be a planar embedded graph with face weights. in which any edge of two regions is on a hole of each of them, Suppose that no face has more than 1/4 of the total weight. and every region has O(1) holes. Lipton and Tarjan [35] show that, if G is triangulated (every face has size at most 3) then for any spanning tree T of G, This differs from Cabello’s definition in that his requires only thereisanedgenotinT whose fundamental cycle with that the average number of holes per region be O(1). We respect to T is a balanced separator. Goodrich [22]observed use a stronger requirement because some algorithms depend that such an edge can be found by looking for an edge- on it. separator in the cotree T ∗ of T . We modify this approach slightly: let T ∗ be a spanning Theorem 2. For a constant s, there is a linear-time algo- tree of the planar dual G∗ of G such that T ∗ has maximum rithm that, for any biconnected triangulated planar graph G¯ degree 3. Let T be the cotree of T ∗,soT is a spanning tree and any r ≥ s, outputs an r–division of G¯ with few holes. of G.RootT ∗ at an arbitrary vertex of degree one or two. Let v be a leafmost vertex of T ∗ such that the descendants In fact, our algorithm further guarantees that all regions in of v (including v) comprise more than 3/4oftheweight. the r–division are connected. This property is desirable in Lete ˆ be the edge of T ∗ connecting v to a child with greatest some applications (e.g., [33]) descendant weight. 2.5 Recursive Divisions and Decomp. Trees Lemma e T 1. The fundamental cycle of ˆ with respect to Some algorithms, e.g. the shortest-path algorithm of Hen- is a balanced simple cycle separator. zinger et al. [25], require that the graph be decomposed into Proof. Simple algebra shows each of the two trees of regions which are in turn decomposed into regions, and so ∗ T ∗ \{eˆ} comprises between 1/4and3/4 of the total weight. on. That algorithm requires roughly log n levels of decom- One of these trees consists of the faces enclosed by C,and position, so it would take more than linear time to find all the other consists of the faces not enclosed by C,whereC the different divisions independently. We describe a simple is the fundamental cycle ofe ˆ with respect to T . decomposition of a planar graph that allows one to obtain such recursive divisions in linear time. Miller [38] proved the following theorem Definition 7. A decomposition tree for G¯ is a rooted tree Theorem 1 (Miller [38]). For a planar triangulated in which each leaf is assigned a region of G¯ such that each biconnected graph G with weights summing to W such that edge of G¯ is represented in some region. For each node x of the weight of each face, edge, and vertex is at most 2W/3, the decomposition tree, the region Rx corresponding to x is there is a linear-time algorithm that finds a simple cycle C of  the subgraph of G¯ that is the union of the regions assigned length at most 2 2 |V (G)| such that the total weight strictly to descendants of v. enclosed is at most 2W/3, and the total weight not enclosed W/ is at most 2 3. Definition 8. A decomposition tree T admits an r–division In this paper, we do not use Miller’s construction. We give with few holes if there is a set S of nodes of T whose corre- another construction that, with the aid of some auxiliary sponding regions form an r–division of G¯ with few holes. data structures, can be carried out in sublinear time. For simplicity of presentation, we present a construction that Theorem 3. For a constant s, there is a linear-time algo- achieves a balance of 3/4 instead of 2/3, and refrain from rithm that, for any biconnected triangulated planar embedded optimizing the constants that arise in our construction. graph G, outputs a binary decomposition tree T for G that admits an r–division of G with few holes for every r ≥ s. 2.4 Divisions r Frederickson [19] introduced the notion of r–divisions. Let Definition 9. For an exponentially increasing sequence = r ,r ,... r G G¯ be an n-vertex planar embedded graph. ( 1 2 )ofnumbers,arecursive –division of with few holes is a decomposition tree for G in which, for i =1, 2,..., Definition 3. A region R of G¯ is an edge-induced sub- the nodes at height i correspond to regions that form an graph of G¯. ri–division of G with few holes.

507 √ Arecursiver–division is exactly the kind of structure that consisting of at most c n natural vertices, where c is a con- is useful for the linear-time shortest-paths algorithm [25], stant and n := |V (R)| is the number of vertices of R (which although that algorithm does not require one with few holes. is equivalent to the number of natural vertices of R). De- pending on the current recursion depth , the cycle separates Theorem 4. There is a linear-time algorithm that, given R in a balanced way with respect to either vertices, bound- a decomposition tree satisfying the condition of Theorem 3, ary vertices, or holes. r r  and given an increasing sequence ,returnsarecursive – Note that SimpleCycleSeparator is called on R ,which G division of with few holes. has more than n vertices since it also has some artificial ver- Note that Theorems 2 and 4 follow easily from Theorem 3. tices. However, we show in Lemma 5 that there are at most twelve artificial vertices, so even if we use a generic algorithm√ for finding a simple cycle separator, the bound of c n still 3. COMPUTING A DECOMP. TREE holds for some choice of c (since n ≥ s). In fact, our pro- In this Section we give a high-level description of the al- cedure SimpleCycleSeparator takes into account which gorithm of Theorem 3 for computing a decomposition tree, vertices√ are artificial, and returns a separator consisting of at and prove its correctness. The input graph G¯ is assumed to most 4 3n natural vertices, and possibly also some artificial be biconnected and triangulated. It follows that, for every vertices. The number of artificial vertices on the separator region R of G¯, every natural face is a . does not matter in the analysis of RecursiveDivide. The algorithm is as follows. Given the input graph G¯, The cycle C determines a bipartition of the faces of the the algorithm performs some preprocessing necessary for the triangulated graph R, which in turn induces a bipartition sublinear-time cycle-separator algorithm (Algorithm 2), and (F0,F1) of the natural faces of R.Fori ∈{0, 1},letRi be RecursiveDivide G,¯ calls ( 0). This main procedure is given the region consisting of the edges bounding the faces in Fi, in Algorithm 1. The parameter s is a constant appearing in together with the edges of C that are in R (i.e. omitting the the statement of Theorems 2 and 3. artificial edges added to triangulate the artificial faces). See Figures 1(c), 1(d) for an illustration. Algorithm 1: RecursiveDivide(R,) Lemma R R R n |V R | 3. If is connected then 0 is connected and 1 1 let = ( ) is connected. 2ifn ≤ s then return a decomposition tree consisting R of a leaf assigned The procedure calls itself recursively on R0 and R1, obtain-  3if mod 3 = 0 then separator chosen below to balance ing decomposition trees T0 and T1, respectively. The pro- number of vertices cedure creates a new decomposition tree T by creating a 4elseif mod 3 = 1 then separator chosen to balance new root corresponding to the region R and assigning as its number of boundary vertices children the roots of T0 and T1. 5elseif mod 3 = 2 then separator chosen to balance number of holes 3.1 Number of Holes  6 let R be the graph obtained from R as follows: The step (Line 6) divides each hole h into a triangulate each hole by placing an artificial vertex in collection of triangle faces. We say a hole h is fully enclosed the face and connecting it via artificial edges to all by C if all these triangle faces are enclosed by C in R. occurrences of vertices on the boundary of the hole  Lemma k 7 find a balanced√ simple-cycle separator C in R with at 4. Suppose that there are holes that are fully most c n natural vertices enclosed by C.ThenR0 has k +1 holes. F ,F R 8 let 0 1 be the sets of natural faces of enclosed and Proof. We give an algorithmic proof. See Figure 1 for an not enclosed by C, respectively   illustration. Initialize R0 to be the graph obtained from R i ∈{ , } 9for 0 1 do by deleting all edges not enclosed by C.ThenC is the 10 let Ri be the region consisting of the edges of faces  boundary of the infinite face of R0. Consider in turn each F C R in i and edges of that are in hole h of R such that a nonempty proper subset of h’s trian- T ←RecursiveDivide R , 11 i ( i +1) gle faces are enclosed by C. For each such face h, C includes 12 end the artificial vertex xh placed in h, along with two incident T 13 return the decomposition tree consisting of a root edges uxh and xhv where u and v are distinct vertices on T T with left subtree 0 and right subtree 1 the boundary of h. Deleting all the remaining artificial edges of h modifies the boundary of the infinite face by replacing R uxh xhv with a subsequence of the edges forming the bound- This procedure, given a connected region with more h than s edges and given a recursion-depth parameter ,first ary of . In particular, deleting these artificial edges does triangulates each hole of R by adding an artificial vertex and not create any new faces. Finally, for each hole h that is fully enclosed by C, delete attaching it via artificial edges to each occurrence of a vertex h h R on the boundary of the hole. Let R be the resulting graph. the artificial edges of , turning into a face of 0.There- sulting graph is R0, whose holes are: the holes of R that were See Figures 1(a), 1(b) for an illustration. The vertices and C R edges that are not artificial are natural. Triangulating in fully enclosed by , together with the infinite face of 0. R this way establishes biconnectivity of . If the recursion depth mod 3 is 2, Line 7 of RecursiveDi-   vide R Lemma 2. R is biconnected. must select a simple cycle in that is balanced with respect to the number of holes. To achieve this, for each Next, the procedure uses the SimpleCycleSeparator hole h of R, the algorithm assigns weight 1 to one of the tri- procedure (Section 4.4) to find a simple-cycle separator C angles resulting from triangulating h in Line 6,andweight0

508 v



(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1: Illustration of triangulating a hole and separating along a cycle. 1(a) A schematic diagram of a region R with four holes (white faces, one of them being the unbounded face). 1(b) The graph R and a cycle separator C (double-lined red). Artificial triangulation edges are dashed (triangulation edges are not shown for the unbounded hole to avoid clutter). 1(c) The region R0 consisting of the edges bounding the faces not enclosed by C together with the edges of C that belong to R.Equivalently,R0 is the subgraph of  R not strictly enclosed by C without any artificial edges and vertices. R0 has three holes. 1(d) The region R1 consisting of the edges bounding the faces enclosed by C together with the edges of C that belong to R.  Equivalently, R1 is the subgraph of R enclosed by C without any artificial edges and vertices. R1 has two holes. Note that a hole is not necessarily a simple face.

to all other faces. Then the algorithm finds a cycle C that Ri.Weobtain is balanced with respect to these face-weights. √ b0 + b1 ≤ b + c n. (3) The following lemma, whose proof follows from Lemma 4, establishes a constant bound on the number of holes. Moreover, if the recursion depth mod 3 is 1, then 3 √ Lemma 5. For any region created by RecursiveDivide, max{b0,b1}≤ b + c n. (4) 4 the number of holes is at most twelve. 3.3 Admitting an r–division 3.2 Number of Vertices and Boundary Vertices Let N be the number of vertices in the original input If the recursion depth mod 3 is 0, Line 7 of Recursive- G¯ T G¯  graph . Consider the decomposition tree of produced Divide selects a simple cycle in R that is balanced with by RecursiveDivide.Eachnodex corresponds to a re- respect to the number of natural vertices. To achieve this, gion Rx. We define n(x)=|V (Rx)|.Inthissectionwe for each natural vertex v, the algorithm selects an adjacent r ≥ s T r G¯  show that, for any given , admits an –division of . face in R , dedicated to carry v’s weight. The weight of each We adapt the two-phase analysis of Frederickson [19]. In face is defined to be the number of vertices for which that the first phase (Lemma 6), we identify a set of O(N/r)re- face was selected. Since each face in R is a triangle, every gions√ for which the average number of boundary vertices is weight is an integer between 0 and 3. A cycle C is then O( r). However, some of the individual regions in this set chosen that is balanced with respect to these face-weights. might have too many boundary vertices (since the number If the recursion depth mod 3 is 1, the cycle must be bal- of vertices and boundary vertices do not necessarily decrease anced with respect to the number of boundary vertices. For at the same rate). We show that each such region can be each boundary vertex, the algorithm selects an incident face; replaced√ with smaller regions in T so that every region has the algorithm then proceeds as above. O( r) boundary vertices, and the total number of regions In either case, the total weight enclosed by the cycle C is remains O(N/r) (Lemma 7). an upper bound on the number of vertices (natural or bound- For a node x of T and a set S of descendants of x such that ary) strictly enclosed by C. Thus at most three-fourths of S L x, S  no node in is an ancestor of any other, define ( )= the vertices (natural or boundary) of R are strictly enclosed −n x n y L x, S  ( )+ y∈S ( ). Roughly speaking, ( )countsthe by C in R . Similarly, at most three-fourths of the vertices number of new boundary nodes with multiplicities when re- C R are not enclosed by in . placing x by all regions in S. If the children of x are x0 and R R The vertices of 0 are the natural vertices of enclosed x1,Equation(1) implies by C (including the natural vertices on C,whichnumber  L x, {x ,x } ≤ c n x . at most c |V (R)|), and the vertices of R1 are the natural ( 0 1 ) ( ) (5) vertices of R not strictly enclosed by C.Letn = |V (R)| Fix r and let Sr be the set of nodes y of T such that y’s i ∈{ , } n |V R | and, for 0 1 ,let i = ( i) .Weobtain region has no more than r vertices but the region of y’s √ parent has more than r vertices.NotethatnonodeinSr is n0 + n1 ≤ n + c n. (1) an ancestor of any other. Letx ˆ be the root of T . Moreover, if the recursion depth mod 3 is 0, then Lemma 6 (Total Number of Boundary Vertices). 3 √ There are constants s and γ, depending on c, such that, for {n ,n }≤ n c n. γN max 0 1 + (2) r>s L x, S ≤ √ 4 any , (ˆ r) r . Similarly, let b be the number of boundary vertices of R, and, The proof of Lemma 6, which is included in the full version for i ∈{0, 1},letbi be the number of boundary vertices of of this paper, is an adaptation of Frederickson’s analysis.

509  n x O N Lemma 6 implies that x∈Sr ( )is ( ), since the re- 4.1 Levels and Level Components gions in Sr are disjoint except√ for boundary vertices, of which We define levels with respect to an arbitrarily chosen face O N/ r y there are at most ( ). For each parent of a node f∞, which we designate as the infinite face. x ∈ Sr, the corresponding region Ry has more than r ver- F tices, so the number of such parents is O(N/r), so |Sr| is Definition 10. The level  (f)ofafacef is the minimum  ∗ F O(N/r). Let c be a constant to be determined. For a number of edges on a f∞–to–f–path in G .WeuseLi to  F node x,letSr(x) denote the set of rootmost descendants y denote the faces having level i, and we use Li denote the of x (where x is a descendant of itself) such that Ry has at set of faces f having level at least i. √    most c r boundary vertices. Let Sr = x∈S {Sr(x)}. r Definition 11. For an integer i ≥ 0, a connected compo- G∗ LF i Lemma {R y ∈ S } r nent of the subgraph of induced by i is called a level- 7. The regions y : r form an – i division with a constant number of holes per region. component, or, for unspecified ,alevel component.Weuse Ki to denote the set of level-i components. A level-i com- ponent K is said to have level i, and we denote its level The proof is also an adaptation of Frederickson’s argument. K by  (K). A non-root level component is a level component whose level is not zero. The set of vertices of G∗ (faces of G) 4. A SIMPLE-CYCLE SEPARATOR ALGO- belonging to K is denoted F (K).

RITHM Note that we use K (not K∗) to denote a level component In this section we present our cycle separator algorithm. even though it is a connected component of a subgraph of As a one-shot algorithm, the input is a simple biconnected the planar dual. K should be thought of as a set of faces. graph G with m edges and face weights such that no face Thus we can refer to it as a subgraph of G∗ or of G.Inthe weighs more than 3/4 the total weight and no face consists of former case K is the subgraph of G∗ induced by the faces in more than 3 edges. The algorithm outputs a simple cycle C the set K. In the latter case K is the subgraph of G induced in G, such that neither the total weight strictly enclosed by the edges that belong to faces in the set K. by C nor the total weight not enclosed by C exceeds 3/4 Lemma of the total weight. The length of C is guaranteed to be 8. For any non-root level component, the sub- |E G | G graph of G∗ consisting of vertices of G∗ not in F (K) is at most 4 ( ) .Since is a simple graph, this implies a bound of 4 3 |V (G)| on the length of the cycle. Better connected. constants can be achieved, at the cost of complicating the Corollary 1. For any non-root level component K,the algorithm and the analysis, which we avoid for the sake of edges of δG∗ (F (K)) form a simple cycle in the primal G. simplicity and ease of presentation. In a similar manner, we aim for 3/4–balance to simplify the presentation. A balance In view of Corollary 1, for any non-root level compo- of 2/3 can be achieved. nent K,weuseX(K) to denote the simple cycle in the The cycle separator algorithm consists of a preprocessing primal G consisting of the edges of δG∗ (F (K)). We refer to step, which runs in linear time and computes certain aux- X(K)asthebounding cycle of K since, when viewed as a iliary data structures used by the main procedure, Simple- subgraph of G, K is exactly the subgraph enclosed by X(K). CycleSeparator, which performs the computation. These  data structures can be represented so that SimpleCycle- Lemma 9. Let K and K be two distinct components.  Separator takes sublinear time. One auxiliary data struc- X(K) and X(K ) are edge-disjoint. K ture is a tree , which is called the component tree.The Proof. Let i be the level of K.TheedgesofX(K)are tree K captures the structural connectivity of dual BFS com- ∗ edges of δG∗ (F (K)). Therefore, as edges of G ,theyhave G ponents of . The dual BFS components satisfy a certain one endpoint in K and one in a level-(i − 1) face. If an edge disjointness property (see Lemma 9). The other auxiliary   of δG∗ (F (K )) has an endpoint in K then K = K implies T G T ∗ data structures are a spanning tree of and its cotree . the level of K is at least i + 1, so it cannot be an edge of The spanning tree T satisfies a certain monotonicity prop-  X(K). If, on the other hand, an edge of δG∗ (F (K )) has erty (see Lemma 10). The disjointness and monotonicity an endpoint in level i − 1thenK = K implies the other properties guarantee that the length of the cycle separator endpoint is not in K. output by SimpleCycleSeparator is 4 |E(G)|. Our algorithm for constructing the decomposition tree T Definition 12. The component tree K is the rooted tree invokes SimpleCycleSeparator multiple times, on vari- whose nodes are the level components and in which K is an ous regions of G¯. It computes the auxiliary data structures ancestor of K if the faces of K include the faces of K. K, T ,andT ∗ once, for the input graph G¯, and efficiently up- dates their representation when separating a region into two The root of the component tree is the unique level-0 com- ∗ regions. However, the disjointness and monotonicity proper- ponent consisting of all of G . ties mentioned above are slightly weaker (see Invariant 1 and ff G∗ i f Invariant 2); they only apply to natural edges (disjointness) Definition 13. An edge of has level if has i − f  i E ff and to natural vertices (monotonicity). One implication is level ( 1) and has level .Wewrite ( )forthe ff LE i that the number of natural vertices on the cycle separator C level of .Weuse i to denote the set of edges of level . SimpleCycleSeparator produced by is bounded in terms Note that not every edge of G∗ is assigned a level. of the (square root of the) number of natural vertices in the V input graph. However, the cycle C might also include some Definition 14. Let Li denote the set of vertices of the artificial vertices. As argued in Section 3, artificial nodes primal graph G that are endpoints in the primal graph G of E on C do not affect the analysis. edges in Li .

510 Note that a vertex of G can be an endpoint of two edges at SimpleCycleSeparator G G V V Algorithm 3: ( ), is the tu- different levels i and j,soLi and Lj are not necessarily ple (G, K,T,T∗) disjoint. 1 let m be the number of natural edges in G V 2 let W := W (G) Definition 15. The level  (v)ofaprimalvertexv is de- ∗ ∗ F 3 compute e to be the 3/4–balanced edge separator of T fined to be minf  (f)overallfacesf incident to v. 4 let e be the primal of e∗ V C˜ e T Note that Li is not the set of vertices with level i. 5 let denote the fundamental√ cycle of w.r.t. 6ifC˜ has at most 4 m natural edges then return C˜ 4.2 The Primal Tree 7 let l, h be the minimum and maximum level V (v)ofa T The algorithm maintains a primal spanning tree .We vertex v ∈ C˜ T start by describing the initial value of and its properties. 8 while l 3W/4 then h := i−; continue vertex in {v, w} with the smaller level (again, breaking ties 14 repeat /* sequential search for level i+ >i0 arbitrarily and consistently). with small boundary */ V Since  (u)=i, u is not incident to a level-(i − 1) face. 15 i+ := i+ +1;let K+ be the unique component of v w i − Hence both and must be adjacent to a level-( 1) face level i+ that C˜ intersects  V V √ f  ¯ u ≤ i − < u i . Therefore, (parentT ( )) 1 ( )= . 16 until i+ >hor X(K+) has at most m natural T¯ To complete the definition of , we choose an arbitrary edges r f T¯ vertex incident to ∞ to be the root of by assigning it 17 if W (K+) > 3W/4 then l := i+; continue to be the parent of the two remaining vertices at level i =0.  18 let G be the graph induced on G by For convenience we set the level of the root vertex to −1. X(K−) ∪ X(K+) ∪ C˜ ∩ (K− − K+) 4.3 The Preprocessing Step 19 return GreedyCycleSeparator(G) To compute a simple cycle separator, one first computes 20 end the component tree K, the spanning tree T ,anditscotree T ∗. This is done by the preprocessing step (Algorithm 2), which runs in linear time. 4.4 Computing a Simple Cycle Separator We first provide an intuitive description of the separator Algorithm 2: Preprocessing(G) algorithm SimpleCycleSeparator (Algorithm 3). Let m 1 choose an arbitrary face as f∞ denote the number of natural edges in G. 2 compute face, edge, and vertex levels F (·),E (·),V (·), 1. The algorithm computes a balanced fundamental cy- respectively √ cle C˜ (Lines 3–5). If C˜ consists of fewer than 4 m 3 compute the component tree K natural edges, then C˜ is a short balanced simple-cycle 4 initialize T to be the tree T¯ as defined in Lemma 10 separator. 5 initialize T ∗ to be the cotree of T K,T,T∗ 6return( ) 2. Otherwise, the fact that C˜ is long implies√ that it inter- sects components at many (more than 2 m)consec- utive levels of the component tree K.(wesaythatC˜ RecursiveDivide The efficient implementation of ,which intersects a component K if C˜ has at least one edge in T computes the decomposition tree in linear time, recur- K − X(K) and at least one in G − K). The algorithm sively separates regions of G¯. It maintains the component l, h ∗ performs a binary search procedure on the range [ ), K T T V tree , spanning tree ,andcotree of the currently han- where l, h are the minimum and maximum level  (v) dled region R throughout the recursive calls. This is de- v ∈ C˜ T T¯ G¯ of a vertex , respectively. At each step of the scribedinSection5. is initialized to be the tree of . binary search, we identify RecursiveDivide maintains the following invariants: • the median level i0 = (l + h)/2 , Invariant 1. Let K and K be two distinct components.  • K C˜ X(K) and X(K ) do not share natural edges. the highest-level component − intersected by , whose level i− is smaller than i0 and whose√ bound- V V X K m Invariant 2.  (v) < (u) for any two natural vertices ing cycle ( −) has few (at most ) natural u and v of R such that v is a proper ancestor of u in T . edges, and • the lowest-level component K+ intersected by C˜, Since G¯ has only natural vertices and edges, Lemma 9 and whose level i+ is at least i0 and whose bounding Lemma 10 show that the invariants initially hold for R = G¯. cycle X(K+) has few natural edges.

511 The monotonicity of the primal tree T implies that the number of natural edges of C˜ between levels i− and i+ (that is,√ the number of edges of C˜ in K− − K+)isat most 2 m (see Lemma 13).

3. If W (G − K−) > 3W/4 we continue the binary search on the range [l, i−). Similarly, if W (K+) > 3W/4we continue the binary search on the range [i+,h).  4. Otherwise, the graph G induced by the edges of X(K−), X(K ) X(K+), and the edges of C˜ in K− − K√+ is a bi- + connected planar graph with at most 4 m natural X(K-) edges, none of whose faces weighs more than 3W/4. See Figure 2. The algorithm uses a greedy procedure, GreedyCycleSeparator, to output a balanced sim- Figure 2: Illustration of the cycle separator algo-  √ ple cycle separator in G in O( m)time. rithm: the fundamental cycle C˜ is shown in thick red (solid and dashed). The level cycles X(K−) and The pseudocode of SimpleCycleSeparator is given in X(K+) are indicated. The component K+ is shaded Algorithm 3. To avoid clutter, the pseudocode does not han-  yellow. G is the graph consisting of the edges of C˜ dle the boundary case where the loop in line 11 terminates √ that belong to K− − K+ (solid thick red) as well as without finding a level K− with |X(K−)| < m.Inthis the edges of the cycles X(K−) and X(K+) (black). case there is no need to shortcut C˜ at a small level. Specifi- cally, C˜ is entirely enclosed by K−, the condition in line 13 is considered false, and X(K−)isconsideredtobeanempty set of edges. A similar statement applies to K+. Proof. Since G has face size at most 3, the fundamen- tal cycle C˜ is a 3/4–balanced simple cycle separator. If it Lemma K K √ 11. The components − and + defined in Lines consists of fewer than 4 m natural edges it is returned in 11 and 15 are well defined. Line 5. Otherwise, the lemma follows from the correctness Proof. Since l ≤ i− ≤ h,thecycleC˜ must intersect of GreedyCycleSeparator (Lemma 14), provided that  √ some component at level i−. The monotonicity of the tree T we show that G is a biconnected subgraph of G with 4 m implies that once a rootward path leaves a component at natural edges, none of whose faces weighs more than 3W/4. some level it never enters any component at that level again. We assume that both K− and K+ exist. The cases where The lemma follows since C˜ is comprised of two rootward one of them or both do not exist are similar. Consider the paths plus one edge. cycles X(K−),X(K+), and C˜.SinceC˜ intersects both K−  and K+, G is biconnected. See Figure 2 for an illustration.  Lemma 12. For l ≤ i ≤ h,letKi betheuniquecom- To establish the bound on the number of edges in G , i C˜ ponent at level that is intersected by . If the weight not note that, by√ choice of X(K−)andX(K+), they consist of enclosed by K− is greater than 3W/4 then there exists a level fewer than m natural edges each. It remains to bound l ≤ i0

Lemma 13. Let G be a biconnected plane graph G with m Since any simple plane graph has at most three times as natural edges and face weights such that no face weighs more many edges as vertices, and since triangulating and making than 3/4 the total weight and such that no face consists of biconnected any plane graph G requires O(|V (G)|)edges, more than 3 edges. The procedure SimpleCycleSeparator we can restate Lemma 13 in a more general form that does finds√ a 3/4–balanced simple cycle separator in G with at most not distinguish natural and artificial vertices. 4 m natural vertices.

512 Corollary 2. Let G be a simple biconnected plane graph Consider an iteration of RecursiveDivide in which a re- with face weights such that no face weighs more than 3/4 gion R is partitioned into two regions R0 and R1 along a the total weight, and such that no face consists of more than cycle separator C. Note that, due to the recursive nature 3 edges. There exists a constant c such that the procedure of the algorithm, we may assume that first the representa- SimpleCycleSeparator finds a 3/4–balanced simple cycle tions for R0 are obtained and the algorithm is invoked recur- separator in G whose length is at most c |V (G)|. sively on R0. After the recursive call for R0 is completed, all changes are undone, and the representations for R1 are ob- The properties of the procedure GreedyCycleSepara- tained. To achieve linear time for computing an r–division, tor are summarized in the following lemma. See the full it is required that the update be done in sublinear time in the version for a description of this greedy algorithm. size of R. Essentially, the representation can be updated by performing only local operations on the vertices and edges of Lemma 14. Let G be a biconnected planar graph with m the separator C. This results in sublinear running time since edges and face weights summing to W such that no face C O |R| W/ O m consists of ( ) edges, and since each operation in weighs more than 3 4. There exists an ( ) algorithm the data structures we use takes O(log |R|) amortized time. that finds a balanced simple-cycle separator in G. The details appear in the full version. Since the cycle can be 2 4.5 Efficient Implementation computed in O( |R| log |R|), as established in Section 4.5, the total running time of the algorithm is linear. It is fairly straightforward to implement SimpleCycle- Separator in linear time. In this subsection we describe the data structures that support implementing SimpleCy- 6. ACKNOWLEGMENTS cleSeparator in sublinear time. Our preprocessing proce- Work by PNK was supported in part by NSF Grant CCF- dure initializes the tree T to be the tree T¯ (Lemma 10), the 0964037. Part of the work conducted by SM was done while ∗ ∗ cotree T to be the spanning tree of G¯ ,rootedatf∞,whose at Brown University. SM was supported in part by NSF edges are those not in T . T is represented using an Euler Grants CCF-0964037 and CCF-1111109. Work by CS was tour tree [24]. T ∗ is represented using a dynamic tree [46, conducted while at MIT and supported in part by the Swiss 15, 50]. The procedure also computes the component tree National Science Foundation. K and all level cycles in G. The component tree can be rep- resented by parent pointers. Level cycles are represented by K 7. REFERENCES splay trees [47]. 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