The 17Alley Tribune
th e 17alley tribune VO UMf 9 NUMBER 6 QUITAQUE, BRISCOE COUNTY, TEXAS — THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1968 PRICE FIVE CENTS PER COPY Sick Report They Bite For Some airs. Charles ( -am returi i home from the hospital in Tub. Heavy Rains Continue Friday of lest week. She is imorms slowly. -0 — Mrs. Jerry Morgan seas admitted To Fall In This Area In the Hall County Hospital Satur- day afternoon. It was reported that The area south of Quitaque that she would remain there several was hit severely just two weeks days. Her illness was diagnosed HIGH PLAINS RESEARCH ago with hard rains and hall, as a heart condition. Service Thursday FIELD DAY DATE SET I caught another hard rain and The Twelfth Annual Field Day possibly some hail In spots in the Mrs. Jimmie Sue Mullin was in For Ola B. Stubbs of the 'Ugh Plains Research early evening hours last Saturday. Lubbock Friday to see the Doctor. Foundation will he held on Thurs- Allen Matthews, Joe Edd Smith, Funeral services for Mrs. Ola B. day. September 12, at the Founds Ford Jihn.son, Bob McWilliams and Stubbs, 60, were conducted at 4:00 others in that area reported re- Mr. and Mrs. Lon McKay talked lion Research Farm at Halfway, p. m. Thursday, July 19. 19a3, at ceiving upwards of 3 inches of rain with their daughter, Charlotte Rog- Texas. Dr. Tom Longnecker, Dir- the Church of Christ in Turkey . and it fell in less than an hours' ers, who is in the hospital in Gal- ector and Executive Vice - Presi- Officiating were Herbert Gipson of lime, according to reports.
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