WrightUNIVERSITY State MAGAZINE Snapshots of our first 50 years FALL 2017 II WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE wright.edu/50 Explore Wright State University’s first half-century in depth on our 50th Anniversary website. Scroll through the interactive timeline, browse historical photos, and submit your own 50-word Raider story. FALL 2017 III FALL 2017 VOLUME 7, ISSUE 1 PRESIDENT Cheryl B. Schrader, Ph.D. WrightUNIVERSITY State MAGAZINE EDITOR & INTERIM DIRECTOR OF MARKETING Monica Snow ASSISTANT EDITOR Cory Owen COPY EDITORS Misty Cox Katie Halberg Ron Wukeson CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Seth Bauguess Andrew Call Jim Hannah Tiffany Johnson Bob Mihalek FEATURES Karen Strider-Iiames DESIGN Amanda J. Earnest-Reitmann 3 From the President PHOTOGRAPHY William Jones Around the Quad Erin Pence 4 A collection of social media, campus happenings, Chris Snyder university and alumni news DIGITAL IMAGER Chris Snyder Leading Lady SPECIAL THANKS FOR 8 CONTRIBUTING CONTENT Meet Cheryl B. Schrader, the university’s seventh president Dodd Camera W. Stuart McDowell Oregon Printing Celebrating 50 Communications 12 Snapshots of Wright State’s first five decades Chris Wydman WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY 28 Class Notes MAGAZINE IS PUBLISHED BY THE OFFICE OF MARKETING. DISTRIBUTION IS TO WRIGHT STATE ALUMNI, FACULTY, STAFF, AND FRIENDS OF THE UNIVERSITY. Wright State University has a robust social media network with nearly SUBMIT INFORMATION, COMMENTS, 150,000 connections. The only thing missing? You! AND LETTERS TO: Connect with us and share your perspective. Wright State University Magazine WrightStateUniversity WrightState WrightStateU 4035 Colonel Glenn Highway, Suite 300 Beavercreek, Ohio 45431 For the latest news, follow WrightStateNews EMAIL:
[email protected] 2 WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FROM THE PRESIDENT This is the right time to be at Wright State.