PBWC prepares for Hog hunting GBHS junior Valentine Voyage Kristin Goodroe leads fund raiser in Casablanca Times were different girls’ soccer into 7A in 1940s Gulf Breeze 1B the playoffs 1C County OKs funding to relocate Wildlife Refuge 4B February 7, 2019 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER $1.00 Fitch is new Gulf Breeze Mayor Longtime council member steps up to fulfill open seat ter mandates that, should the mayor resign principal. Two years later, she assumed BY GLENDA CAUDLE Gulf Breeze News© 2019 or have to vacate the office for some reason, the top administrative post at the school as
[email protected] Council shall select a new mayor, who will principal. serve until the next election cycle. After retiring as an educator, she tackled At the Wednesday, Jan. 30 executive The term for a Gulf Breeze mayor is two real estate, becoming a realtor with Levin- meeting of Gulf Breeze City Council, years, while Council members serve stag- Rinke Resort Realty in 2006 – a job she members agreed to place the selection of gered four-year terms. The next election continues to the present. Mayor Pro Tem Cherry Fitch as the new cycle will be in November 2020. She is a graduate of the University of Gulf Breeze Mayor on the consent agenda Fitch first began service as a Council West Florida, where she earned a bachelor for the following Monday, Feb. 4, business member in 2012. When Landfair was elect- of science degree in English Education. meeting of that body. They also put forth ed mayor in November 2018, she took his At Troy State University, she obtained her veteran Council member Tom Naile as the place as mayor pro tem, at the behest of fel- master of science degree in School Guid- new Mayor Pro Tem.