Tuesday, 24 th June 2010

Present: Councillor Wilson (in the Chair); Councillors Mason, Robinson and Wells.

In attendance:

Co-optees: County Councillor Wells

Officers: A. Roberts, S. Watson, M. Cunliffe and E. Mercer.

Police: Inspector A. Winter

Fire Service: J. McIvor

Residents: C. Armer, K. Ashworth, J. Aspden, J. Aspden, B. Ashworth, N. Aziz, C. Cockett, D. Cockett, P. Eatough, K. Edmundson, T. Ford, P Greenwood, I. Hacking, F. Hartley, P. Holden, M. Hoyle, A. Lankshear, M. Lansdale, S. Lansdale, I. McTurk, J. Miller, M. Murray, C. Parkinson, D. Pickering, M. Rutter, F. Saynor, M. Simpson, J. Slynn, J. Smith, D. Theaker, K. Theaker, E. Wall, P. Wall, I. Wilkinson, J. Wilkinson, G. Whitaker-Bridges, R. Whitaker (No. of residents: 35)



The Area Manager, Ann Roberts welcomed residents to Area Management Council.


Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillor P Clarke, D McClusky, B Sharples, J Duckworth, A Whalley and M Douglas.


Ann Roberts informed residents that at Borough Council’s Annual General Meeting, Councillors Lynn Wilson and Peter Clarke had been appointed Chair and Vice- Chair respectively of Great Harwood Area Council for the Municipal Year 2010/11.

Resolved - That the appointment of Councillors Lynn Wilson and Peter Clarke as Chair and Vice-Chair of Great Harwood Area Council for the Municipal Year 2010/11 be noted.


Ann Roberts also referred to the need to appoint representatives to serve as Co-optees on Great Harwood Area Council for the Municipal Year 2010/11 and recommended the re-appointment of the existing Co-optees. All the Co-optees from 2009/10 had indicated their willingness to be reco-opted.

Resolved - That the following representatives be nominated and re- elected to serve as Co-optees on Great Harwood Area Council for the Municipal Year 2010/11:-

 County Councillor Ciaran Wells, County Council

 A representative from


The minutes of the Great Harwood Area Management Council held on 16 th March 2010 (paper A) were submitted for approval. A resident requested a correction in the Lancashire Police update that a church is at the top of a hill, and not on Hill Street.

Resolved -(1) That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 th March be approved as a correct record subject to the amendment as set out above.


The Chair, Councillor Lynn Wilson referred residents to paper B in their packs which included updates and actions taken since the last Area Council meeting and the Chair reported on the following issues: –

Open Forum

Three open forum questions were received and responses given at the last meeting. A further one Open Forum question was raised at the meeting on 16 th March 2010. A full response was given at the meeting and is recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

What’s happening about…..

PENNINEREACH – The scheme is currently on hold pending Central Government’s review of all transport schemes in the Autumn.

Expansion of the CCTV system – All three new cameras in Great Harwood are up and running and images being received back at Greenbank Control Room.

Monroes Site – It is anticipated that the application will be resubmitted early next week The application will include a reduction in the number of houses and more of the site will be retained as a landscaped area to ensure an improved buffer between proposed houses and the abattoir. Neighbours will be notified when the planning application is submitted - individual letters, site notices and a notice will go in the paper.

Hyndburn’s Core Strategy – A consultation on the latest edition of the Core Strategy took place from 19 th April to 14 th May 2010. The section on Great Harwood has been amended to include a reference to further re-development opportunities in and around the site of the former abattoir. This area has been identified as an area of change that could accommodate appropriate commercial and residential development provided the constraints to development are adequately addressed and sufficient quality and quantity of open space are retained. To ensure that development is properly planned, and local residents are involved in the future of this area, a Development Brief will be prepared during the first phase (between 2011 and 2016) of the Plan.

The Core Strategy is now being finalised and will need Council approval to be submitted to Government Office for the North West. Prior to submission there is a legal requirement to hold a six week consultation period.

Once the Core Strategy is submitted there will be an examination in public chaired by an independent Planning Inspector. The Inspector will examine whether the Core Strategy is ‘sound.’ In other words whether it is justified, effective and consistent with national policy. In assessing whether the Core Strategy is justified the Inspector will examine whether it is founded on a robust and credible evidence base and is the most appropriate strategy when considered against the reasonable alternatives. In assessing whether the Core Strategy is effective the Inspector will consider whether it can be delivered, is flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances and is able to be monitored. The Inspector will determine the key issues to be examined and will invite participants to discuss those issues. Once the Examination has finished the 3 Inspector will produce a report which may include recommendations regarding changes to the Core Strategy. Those recommendations are binding on the local planning authority. The Core Strategy is then formally adopted and will provide the strategic planning framework for Hyndburn up to 2026.

Great Harwood Town Centre Conservation Area Plan - Discussions are taking place with the consultants commissioned to prepare an appraisal and management plan for Tottleworth and Great Harwood Conservation Areas on finalising exhibition material for public consultation on a range of proposals. In connection with Great Harwood, the public’s view will be sought on whether there should be extensions to the south and east of the existing conservation area and whether there should be a further conservation area around St. Bartholomew’s Church and Churchfield House and gardens. There will also be the opportunity to make other suggestions. It is hoped to carryout the consultation over the summer months. The public consultation will be advertised in the local press. People wishing to be individually notified of when the consultation will take place are asked to leave their details with Ann Roberts, Area Manager.

Caretaker - The Area Management Council Caretaker works in Great Harwood every Wednesday and we also has two additional caretakers every Friday.

As the Caretakers now have more capacity, we need residents to tell us where you would like to see them working. Residents are invited to submit suggestions using the Community Caretaker Form, or by telephone (01254 380679), fax (01254 380122) or e- mail to the Area Management Council office ([email protected]).

Over the past few weeks they have been following their usual routes and listed below are some of the tasks that they have carried out:-

• General tidying up of the area • Litter picking around the town including Alan Ramsbottom Way, Railway Terrace, Bridge Street, Edge End Lane areas and Windsor Road Recreation Ground • Caretaking duties in Memorial and Lowerfold Parks when required • Cutting back of shrubs, strimming round pathways • Weeding and tidying up flower beds • Litter picking Bank Top emptying bins clearing running stream of litter and debris for a steady flow to underground drains • Removal of debris, soil, moss etc from entrance areas of the town • Plus other caretaking duties as and when required



Lancashire Fire and Rescue

John McIvor from Lancashire Fire and Rescue based in delivered a presentation on ‘How safe are you in your home, find out what you can do to protect your family’. John explained that he works in Community Fire Safety Development which involves attending public events, school visits, neighbourhood management walks and working with partner agencies such as the Police and NHS.

Another part of his role is to carry out home safety checks, this is when the fire service visit homes and fit free smoke alarms. These allow you vital time to get out of a building when a fire has started.

John informed residents of a scheme to rid homes of chip pans and explained they could exchange them for deep fat fryers. He also gave useful advice to prevent fires and how people can prepare for one.

• Turn off electrical appliances when you leave the house including washing machines as they can burn out if left unattended.

• Replace old electrical adaptors with extension leads of no more than 13 Amps.

• Only remove used cigarettes from an ashtray after a minimum of four hours before they are placed in a bin.

• When cooking pay attention and try not to get distracted, especially if someone is taking medication. A timer can also be used to remind people not to let food overheat.

• Close doors in your home at night to stop smoke and fire spreading.

• Have an escape plan and route from your home, have your keys handy and take a mobile phone upstairs with you.

John then invited residents at the meeting were to ask questions.

Q. Are new smoke alarms any better than the old ones? A. The button is now placed in the centre of new alarms and bigger so it can be tested by a broom handle. They are also fitted with a 10 year battery in a sealed unit and don’t go off with cooking smells. We install them on escape routes of homes and put your details on a database so in nine years time we can come back and replace them.

Q. If I move house, can I have another one. A. Yes, the database records the property which has been fitted and not the person.

Q. Are fire alarms fire proof? A. No, they would melt in a fire.

5 Q. How is this being funded? A. The fire service budget is set out so not all finance is spent on attending incidents but also on preventing fires. Lancashire Fire and Rescue was recognised in the UK for doing this kind of work which has seen a reduction.

Q. What percent of houses in the area have smoke alarms fitted? A. 120 homes have been targeted to install alarms within the next five months and we visit the most vulnerable first. One new member of staff will have 900 homes to do in the next 12 months, so 150,000 properties will be completed in over three years by Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service.

• Local resident, Mr Frank Saynor addressed the meeting to talk about the cheap transport to Blackpool. Frank commented that the plan for pensioners to get free travel to the seaside was not working well as the bus which first departs Knuzden was full by the time it arrives in Great Harwood after stopping in other parts of the Borough. He stated that some pensioners from the town are having board the bus in Accrington to guarantee a seat. Frank asked that on a monthly basis the pick up points are rotated between areas so it’s fair for all.

The Chair, Councillor Wilson said that Councillor Mason had raised the matter with the leader of HBC, Councillor Britcliffe and she intended on talking to him further about the matter.

Councillor Wells moved that the Great Harwood Area Management Council wrote on behalf of the committee that the service was not serving the people of Great Harwood and .

• The Chair announced that a hanging basket competition for Great Harwood would be taking place again this year with a winning prize of £50 and £25 for the runner up.

Ann Roberts added that nomination forms are available after the meeting and at various locations around the town centre. The closing date will be Friday 23 rd July with judging taking place in early August.


• The Chair reported that four open forum questions had been received prior to the meeting. The Area Manager, Ann Roberts told residents the questions and responses as follows.

Mrs Webster Q. Mrs Webster has commented on a Caretaker form about the state of the gardens outside Mercer Hall.

R. From 2002 Mercer Hall fell under Leisure in Hyndburn, which is a charity and can obtain external funding. Community involvement comes from members of the board and HBC has little influence. The buildings are still owned by HBC and regards replacing trees outside mercer Hall, the Leisure Trust can only spend money on internal

6 repairs such as a new boiler. With the current economic climate the Chair explained that the ‘Community Payback Team’ which is of no cost had been painting the street furniture with black paint and £300 from the Leisure Trust had been given to spend on planting. Although these are only temporary measures people use the area and long term we would like Leisure in Hyndburn to improve the front area of Mercer Hall. A resident commented that the men who worked on the gardens recently did a good during during the recent hot weather.

Gaenor Bridges Q. In 2006 residents of Edge End were promised improvements on Edge End play area. In 2007 they were given £5,000 as a start towards a bid for further investment. Meetings were held, plans were drawn and then nothing. Three years later it is still a scruffy looking play area with a broken football pitch full of debris. Where has the £5,000 gone and what are the future plans for the play area?

R: The Chair, Councillor Lynn Wilson declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the above because she lives near the area. £5,000 did go towards funding, but the money for Edge End went back in the Parks budget. It needs attention, the residents group has disappeared and groups are important to secure funding. We can request that the Pay Back Team do some work and paint the play area.

Joan Smith on behalf of Great Harwood Mothers Club

Q. When is the Town Hall being opened so that residents can look round the building prior to the renovations?

R. Ann Roberts said she has struggled to get an answer to the question as she only received it this morning and the officer who could let her have an answer is out of the office until tomorrow. A written response will be sent to you The Chair added that Councillor Clarke would be better suited to answer this question as Globe Enterprises would need to be contacted with health and safety issues to be considered.

Joan Smith said she remembered seeing it in the local paper about the Town Hall being opened up to the public for viewing. At the last meeting she asked if the Town Hall had been sold and for how much. The Chair said she thought the deal had only recently gone through and could not see a problem visiting the venue. A reply will be sent back to the email you submitted.

Councillor Mason added the Town Hall was a rich historical building and it would be a good idea to have some photos taken for records. He would ask David Welsby, Managing Director at HBC as he attends the Globe Enterprises meetings about opening it up, possibly on a market day.

• Resident Ian McTurk asked about the gasometer. Councillor Mason said he welcomed every effort to get the area around it cleaned up. He stated that it was hard for HBC to put pressure on multinational companies to tidy up the areas that belong to them.

7 Mr McTurk added he hoped the Council would chase the matter up as the improvements around Aldi were very welcome. He commented on the barb wire at the top of a stone wall being illegal under health and safety laws and hoped HBC would write a letter as it would carry more credit than one from a local resident.

The Chair agreed with the barb wire to be removed and would fight for that action.

• A resident asked why the Chair and Vice Chair of the Great Harwood AMC was appointed by HBC Leader Peter Britcliffe and £700 could be saved as they only Chair three meetings a year?

Steve Watson, Head of Area Management stated a resident is not allowed to chair a meeting because of Government legislation concerning council committees. The Chair is an elected representative and a resident is not accountable to the electorate. That is the law although you can have non voting co-optees.

The same resident added why does the Chair get this added money, who sets the £750?

Steve Watson said it was set by HBC, and the Chair does not attend just three meetings a year, but there are six planning and progress meetings, travel to Scaitcliffe House to sort out problems and all Chairs get an allowance for being on a Committee.

Councillor Mason added that allowances are challenged at scrutiny meetings each year and it can be a battle with any ruling group.

• A resident asked why there was no water available to visitors at Great Harwood Cemetery for the past six months.

The Chair apologised for this matter on behalf of HBC and as portfolio holder would put the relevant pressure on officers to fix the problem. A response had been received from Ian Hoole and the waterbutt suggestion was a good idea.

Ann Roberts added the resident’s question was not read out at the meeting earlier because the resident had emailed three or four different officers already instead of contacting the Area Manager who could have obtained an answer as the relevant department shares the same office space at Scaitcliffe House.

A resident added that when the old chapel was pulled down in the cemetery a water burst could have happened then.


Great Harwood Regeneration Board

The Chair referred residents to Paper C in their packs for an update report from Great Harwood Regeneration Partnership Board which included information on: PENNINEREACH, Aldi/Tesco, The Town Centre Plan, Planning, Conservation Area, Primary Care Trust/Health Centre and new members.

8 At the last meeting all Board members indicated that they wished to continue on the Board for another 12 months.

John Duckworth was re-elected as Chair for 2010/2011. Peter Holden was re-elected as Vice Chair for 2010/2011.

The Board Members for 2010/2011 are as follows:- • John Duckworth – Chair • Peter Holden – Vice Chair • Noordad Aziz • Elizabeth Taylor • Barbara Sharples • Cllr Peter Clarke • Cllr David Mason • Cllr Ian Robinson (replaced Cllr Roy Atkinson) • Cllr Lynn Wilson • County Councillor Ciaran Wells also joins the Board as a district councillor

Resolved - That the report from Great Harwood Regeneration Board be approved.

Lancashire Police

Inspector Andy Winter provided the meeting with an update on policing issues as follows:

o Crime figures during the past few months have seen statistics reduce in violent crime, vehicle theft, burglary, criminal damage and anti social behaviour.

o Anti social behaviour in the main is caused by adults, with only 40% being attributed to youths. Proactive work is being undertaken in schools with groups of young people. Tasks such as litter picking and leaflet drops which provide a service to the community are being praised with trips to outdoor pursuit centres.

o The Paul Hunter Foundation Snooker Club has been set up in Great Harwood and takes place between 6.00- 8.00 pm every Tuesday.

o Alcohol related issues are being targeted by going into schools before the holidays and talking about alcohol misuse and the consequences. Test purchasing for traders selling to under 18’s will also be taking place in local stores working alongside trading standards.

o Allotment watch has seen a few break-ins across Great Harwood.

o Investigations into the scrapyard burning tyres at night have been taking place alongside the environment agency.

9 o Domestic violence can increase by 40% during sporting events, pocket packs of world cup fixtures saying show domestic violence the red car have been distributed across Hyndburn.

o A persistent offender who had escaped the police by climbing on rooftops in Rishton and Great Harwood causing a serious nuisance has been jailed.

Residents at the meeting were then invited to ask questions.

Q. A resident reported that the flats opposite the skate park have five windows broken and questioned whether squatters are sleeping there. He also reported a motorist who keeps using their mobile phone whilst driving and vehicle speed on Blackburn Road has doubled.

A. We can target hot spot speeding areas with mobile cameras and if you note the registration plate of the driver who uses their phone then we can add their details on our system to target them. We have requested that the owner of the flats repair the windows.

Q. A resident said they had seen on television some children using a community speed camera and what did the police think about that to tackle speed in Harwood Lane.

A. The Police are 100% behind that idea and we already do it with schools, which involve drivers facing children and hearing of the effects their speed could cause.

Q. The public are meant to be the eyes and ears of the police, I reported someone fly tipping and got told it was a matter for HBC.

A. It would be an environmental issue but as it would come under anti social behaviour we are the principal agency and have a duty to help people.

Lancashire County Council (LCC)

County Councillor Ciaran Wells gave the meeting an update on County issues in the area and thanked residents for signing the petition to support the recycling centre staying open as others in the county closed.

o Grants are available to local groups for over £100, some grant money was given to the Great Harwood Agricultural Show recently.

o 50 children from the local area went to London to hear a talk by a former boxing champion and visited Hyndburn MP Graham Jones at the House of Commons.

o If residents know of any potholes please report them and resurfacing work has been completed on many roads in Great Harwood. Queen Street to the Co-Op will be fully re-surfaced after talks with United Utilities.

o Trading Standards and Lynwood Avenue Residents Association have made the area a no cold calling zone. 10

o Northcliffe School which provides special education is closing September 2011 and the use of the building will be offered to other LCC departments to use the space.

o A resident thanked County Councillor Wells for the letters he produced so local people could sign them.

o A resident asked about gritting, saying in the winter Water Street to the Health Centre was impassable, whilst other streets were fully gritted. County Councillor Wells said he would see if gritting areas needed re- addressing.

o A resident stated that Bank Mill House is used for various meetings which attract senior citizens and during the bad weather the steps outside were dangerous. Could some grit be stored inside so it can be used in bad weather?

Community Action Group

Peter Holden gave a report on the Great Harwood Community Action Group’s (CAG) activities and referred residents to paper D in their packs. He provided an update on the following:

o A good example of resident actions was working together to keep the recycling centre open. o The Passion play on Good Friday was well attended by over 200 people. o CAG recent and current involvement o Civic Society o Rotary Club of Rishton and Great Harwood o Friends of Memorial Park (FOMP) o Churches Together in Great Harwood o Great Harwood Rovers FC o Great Harwood Agricultural Society o Great Harwood Mothers Club o Harwood Bar Residents Association o Young People’s Service (YPS)

Peter Holden asked that local people support the above groups as the voluntary sector does a big job in Great Harwood.

• A resident asked if HBC could offer a prize for the best kept area in Great Harwood or maybe Hyndburn as a whole.

Councillor Wilson said she would discuss the mater at an Area Management Panel meeting next week.

• The same residents asked about HBC reviewing directional signage around Great Harwood and in particular the industrial site near Whalley Road and on Alan Ramsbottom Way. 11 Ann Roberts reported that Corporate Property would be looking into it and the removal of A- boards should be taking place in the coming months.

• The Area Manager reported that an area working session would be taking place on Friday 9 th July between 10.00 am and noon in the library. Councillors will be present and there will be five sessions until the 6 th August every Friday.

• The Head of Area Management added that a Twitter page has been created and would be a good way of engaging with young people.


The Area Manager, Ann Roberts referred residents to paper E and provided the meeting with an update on the Area Management Councils budget for 2010/2011.

Total Capital Budget £13,000.00 Total Revenue Budget £ 6,300.00

The Area Manager reported that no money had been spent from Capital resulting in the budget remaining at £13,000.00.

£2,000.00 had been spent on Hanging Baskets which was approved at the last meeting from revenue leaving a budget remaining of £4,300.00

The Area Manager informed the meeting of the following requests for capital funding that had been received by the Area Management Council:

 Towngate Bunting – Upto £400.00 To provide and install bunting on Towngate.

The Area Manager informed the meeting of the following requests for revenue funding had been received:

 Christmas Decorations on Lamp Posts- £364.00 Installation of the Christmas Decorations along Queen Street.

 Hanging Basket Competition- Upto £100.00 Prizes for winning entries.

 Landscaping Mercer Hall Gardens- £200.00 To provide landscaping of the gardens outside Mercer Hall

 Gateway Signs- £3,200.00 To replace and refurbish damaged gateway signs

 Spring Bulbs- Upto £1,300.00 To provide spring bulbs for residents groups to help brighten up the area.

12  Lancashire Police- £400.00 To set up an Asian Ladies Club where ladies can socialise and learn new skills

 Lancashire Police - £800.00 To provide a scheme where youths are rewarded by a day out paintballing for carrying out litter picking and posting leaflets in their own time

Resolved; (1) That Great Harwood Area Management Council approved the following capital budget application: - Towngate Bunting- Upto £400.00

(2) That Great Harwood Area Management Council approved the following revenue budget applications: - Christmas Decorations on Lamp Posts- £364.00 - Hanging Basket Competition- Upto £100.00 - Landscaping Mercer Hall Gardens- £200.00 - Lancashire Police- £400.00 - Lancashire Police- £800.00

(3) That Great Harwood Area Management Council approved the following revenue budget application subject to an under spend in other areas: -Spring Bulbs- Upto £1,300.00

(4) That the following revenue budget application be deferred for determination at a future meeting (Subject to receiving further information on insurance claims): - Gateway Signs- £3,200.00

NB: A resident asked if the local community could be involved in the design and choosing the locations for the gateway signs should funding be granted. Another resident stated that any women no matter their religion were welcome to attend the Great Harwood Mothers Group.


The Chair thanked residents for attending the meeting and advised that the date for the next Great Harwood Area Management Council would be Tuesday 16 th November 2010.