In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 1 of 109

In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable.

Chapter Exerpt from 'Sacred Geometry & Coherent Emotion' Course Guide ( see: )

Jan, 2003 writings of Dan Winter - Assembled and shared by Implosion Group ( index ).

In this part of our study of Sacred Geometry, let us imagine we are the arhcitect of the universe, and we wish to play "Sim-Universe" This is the next software game which should follow "Sim-City" and "Sim- Earth". When Lovelock, author of "The Gaia Hypothesis" wrote the software code in "Sim-Earth" which regulated how planted paramagnetic dolmen (sacred stones like Stonehenge and Avebury) affected evolution of genepools, he correctly projected that the burn rate of evolution would increase at the risk of available resource. - He did not understand WHY the addition of simple magnetic would increase the metabolic burn rate when fed to a compost pile - again by simply arranging stones like lenses to steer the magnetism into the 'pretty picture' we call symmetry. Our goal in this section is to understand this. What is the simple scientific pure principle which explains why adding SHAPE in simple symmetry to magnetism and electrical charge creates a direct means of FEEDING LIFE FORCE to biology and evolution ?

Remember the evolution of consciousness IS the ability of a field effect (in this case the 'charge' radiance of genes and glands) to propagate and distribute itself.

We have learned a little bit about how electric waves in the universal compressible medium can be arranged into patterns which create LIFE itself. We wish to now apply those principles in a practical way, to design and build LIFE.. into our homes, offices, landscapes, and even - into our refrigerators.

If you understand what follows, you will begin to comprehend that there is no possibility to become a sacred architect of ANY sort, unless you can design a capacitor. The reason a beehive or a celtic straw hut in sea spray makes things live so long, is because they are good capacitors. Ancient dolmen sites and even cathedrals hold you in bliss in the spell of their charge, because they are 'in charge' - that is - FULL OF CHARGE. Life occurs when biological structures learn to gather charge in enough different wave lengths to cause them to compress or 'implode'. You are going to read about 'implosion' here as you learn that this is another name for a '-attractor'. When enough different waves gather to one place in the Golden Mean ratio.. they begin to suck in an infinite number of other waves - but always in Golden Mean ratio. This is the only way the universe has of arranging for an infinite (in-PHI-knit) number of waves to gather at ONE point without hurting each other. This principle of IMPLODING - waves you will see - is going to become the symmetry (or pattern) ESSENCE of:

1. Making Gravity out of waves (how charge or power can be extracted from gravity as well)

2. Making LIFE - and making waves appear to become self-aware and self-steering. ( pics at )

3. Creating the electrical requirement to make ATTENTION possible, as well as 'enlightenment'.

To understand all this well, we need to sort out the connection between IMPLOSION, and getting fractal like a rose .. and making LIFE. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 2 of 109

Once we understand that the skill to pursuade waves to agree IS - LIFE and SELF-AWARENESS. We can begin to practically USE the symmetry and musical harmonic 'RECIPES for PHI IMPLOSION' - to perfect the sacred architecture of our living structures.

First let us 'agree' that SUSTAINABILITY for wave pattern, is the only definition 'SACRED' ever had. The symmetry or pattern ingredients to get waves to implode - cause them to stabilize (that is RESIST change of position). This resistance to being pushed around which a wave going like a gyroscope in a circle creates, is called INERTIA. Inertia is the only definition or measurement physics ever had for MASS. So .. teach a wave to sustain a circle (a gyroscope) and YOU are the CREATOR (God) of matter out of light. The trick is, keeping the implosion going in the middle (called Gravity), so the waves does not fly out of the circle. (From mass to energy). The path of perfect "TRANSLATION of that VORTICITY" from the circle to the linee - which is FROM MASS TO ENERGY - IS- The Golden Mean Spiral. (Yellow Brick Road - kind of thing.)

Second - let us notice that our new definition of LIFE : "The ability to attract and self-organize (store) CHARGE" is measureable. ( see ). To measure life as an electrician we do a harmonic analysis of the capacitive charge field around say an egg, and the more HARMONICALLY INCLUSIVE - which is to say FRACTAL those waves of charge are... the more ALIVE it is!

What happens when a biological capacitor like a pine cone or a fresh egg or the electrical shape of your heart wiring which cause it to 'phire', starts getting VOLTAGE FROM GRAVITY? ... We call that - the moment it becomes ALIVE. (2 to 10 millivolts generated from gravity by the average fresh chicken egg - ask your physics professor where that comes from.)

The perfect COMPRESSION called IMPLOSION is key to that energy source... and the source of ALL life. So we MUST know and teach that symmetry recipe to make implosion, or we will lose ALL life!

What is kool, is that this little symmetry picture to arrange biological capacitors to CREATE LIFE - like - your furniture or your emotions, or the stones around your house and garden ... is as simple as looking at a rose! So it is easy to teach.

Suppose you are like our friend C.H. in Germany. Generations of PHYTOCHEMISTS (studying life and healing using plants) - noticed that they could predict if a bioregion could produce healing plants - by checking ONE ROSE GROWN THERE. If the inside of the rose flower pattern - looked exactly like the outside of the rose flower pattern in that same rose - then the plant healing expert would know that the bioregion contained the symmetry ability to compress charge - and that predicted healing! This principle of the inside looking like the outside - is called FRACTALITY. Roses, onions, fern trees etc. are biological examples - they show us how NATURE compresses charge to make life.

Physics has no quarrel with the essential insight of Einstein and all religions, that the universe is made of only a single substance: a unified field. What has been a bit troublesome has been to map the symmetry or wave pattern relationship between some of the attractions observeable in that unified field.

The problem of getting to a complete idea of that 'unified field' was delayed by the fact that physics initially failed to observe a fundamental symmetry connection between such attractions as electrical versus gravity. This was simply because the principle of compression that produced acceleration eluded them. The solution to MAKING that charge compressor that DID accelerate - is and was FRACTALITY ... 'self-similar' like a rose.

This principle occurs because waves (of 'charge') which cross upon themselves in a rose like FRACTAL 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 3 of 109

pattern, add AND multiply their wave velocities - (as well as their wave lengths) RECURSIVELY (that is like compounding your interest at a bank) .. AND always CONSTRUCTIVELY. Reference: Heterofi, Heterodyning and Powers of Phi ( ) To think about how a wave might cross another and add and multiply the wave VELOCITIES - think of a surfer. He enters to tube tunnel in a cresting wave, then the curl of white cap collapser wave comes rolling in from the side. The wave from the side at one moment COLLAPSES on the wave coming straight on - AT THAT MOMENT THE SURFER IS SHOT OUT FROM THE TUBE LIKE A GUN! That is a wave which took it's VELOCITY and ADDED it to another wave. IF those waves were meeting in the pattern like a rose fractal ( see pic below - pents into the tube tornado) - THEN the adding of wave velocities becomes CONSTRUCTIVE RECURSIVELY (repeatedly). This is how CAPACITORS ARRANGED IN A CONE (like the seeds in a pine cone) MAKE GRAVITY and MAKE VOLTAGE FROM GRAVITY. Because again - gravity IS acceleration - the ACCELERATION of that CHARGE resulted from 'recursive' (repeated) self-similar 'fractality'.

This turns compression into acceleration.

You gotta make gravity to make life. You gotta make life to make gravity. Other wise you will be 'blown away' / 'pushed around'.

The proof was that capacitors storing charge waves crossing when arranged in a rose or fern like fractal or cone ...(like seeds in a pine cone)..PRODUCE gravity. Capacitors in a curve or cone approaching this geometry of 'self-similarity' CREATE THRUST. (Replacing things like rockets and car motors.) ( pics at ).

Physics already understood that acceleration WAS gravity. (Arguing whether acceleration produces gravity or gravity produces acceleration is very chicken and egg ).

So the PATTERN or 'symmetry' recipe to make charge electrically go into this compression acceleration tornado becames the holy grail for the physics of the unified field. See the grail animation at: - that animation is the only 3 dimensional fractal - AND the way to arrange capacitors to make gravity - which is why it is a symmetry map to the dodecahedron - 'wratchet' fractal gravity maker which is DNA!

This is how we recently solved Einstein's dilmena about finding the shape (symmetry) which allows waves to infinitely compress. (Instead of "The Perfect Storm" - we get "The Perfect Tornado").

The answer was really simple, you take the Golden Ratio branching called Phylotaxis which is the definition of all plant life unpacking, and arrange capacitors in the same way, and you solve the problem of PACKING. Electrical waves which we may at first simply label as charge. (Later we will learn about the different between charge as a simple difference in electrical potential pressure difference which is called VOLTAGE - versus when that same charge is STORED and measured in FARADS as CAPACITANCE ).

Soon this will enable us to begin to think about what it is about a certain symmetry or pattern among waves which ALLOWS or INVITES charge to be stored. This capability to STORE CHARGE by learning the kind of 'slip ' symmetry - gets us close to understanding how matter is created out of energy - or simply out of waves.

When we invite charge into compression space - we make gravity and life. Think about why a bee hive might be the ultimate definer of what is sacred architecture: It is such a great pine cone like 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 4 of 109

fractal attractor for capacitive charge. Let us 'take a lesson'. Eventually we are going to need to learn about the definition of the construction materials called 'biological dialectric' (the quality of the insulator in the in between plates 'spark gap' of a capacitor - is called the DIALECTRIC ).. which nature uses to build life. Then we can design a building ! ... & a refrigerator ... (hint nature almost never uses metal to contain life - because it is not fractal.)

Intro to LIFE FORCE thinking (for non-electicians who WANT to make life)- using ELECTRICAL CHARGE as the principle.

First step: if we are going to explain to you how life propagates itself - as charge - and then ask you to change the menu and architecture at McDonald's based on the goal to serve life electrically - THEN - you will want to understand what CHARGE is!

So- what is the NATURE of charge itself?

When you rub a pen on some wool and create a spark - what do you do? You create an electrical difference of potential which initially can be measured in VOLTS. Science explains the difference between positive and negative electrical potential - as the presence of free protons versus electrons. You will begin to see in the conversation which follows, that this is rather limited thinking. The real issue is to begin to see the relationship between tornados that SUCK versus PUSH (centripedal versus centrifugal). If you REALLY get the proposed reason here that LIFE FORCE requires the ability to become ELECTRO-NEGATIVE in order to ATTRACT THE CHARGE -which IS life itself- to you. For exactly this reason - the baby that does not learn to suck - may die!

In Ted Baroody's book "Alkalise or Die" - the REASON blood must become electrically attractive to protons (extra 'electrons' or 'electron space' is associated with alkalinity) - is because - if the blood cannot ATTRACT electrical charge - you begin to decay and get sick.

Think - what SUCKS the egg into the wall of the womb. IF that suction is successful - the egg EMBEDS and then gets nourished. If not- it dies. That suction to produce life critical embedding - is primally electrical in nature / in principle.

Protons, for example, and 'free radical' hydrogen ion (atom) are thought of as being electrically positive. Electrons are negative. The real meaning of this, requires visualizing (picture below) - the DIFFERENCE between centripedal - or inward sucking spin - versus - centrifugal - or outward pushing spin. See in the below pic- understanding this 'hydrodynamic' or flow-form of tornado's vorticity having a net inward or outward - flux - IS THE KEY TO REALLY UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF PLUS VERSUS MINUS CHARGE. (and Yin versus Yang etc.),

Test yourself in the below pic - by seeing if you can answer the question - why does negative DC magnet flux reduce pain AND healing speed ... hint: mechanically externally generated - diverging flux lines decrease focus AND sorting..)

Becoming ELECTRO NEGATIVE - that is MAKING SPACE TO ATTRACT AND EMBED A CHARGED PROTON - becomes a definition of becoming ALIVE!

Once you begin to see that becoming electrically attractive to charge, is how you and everything become alive (even how you attract the right people to hug you) - try to begin to see WHY fractal or rose or fern or onion like 'self -similarity' electrically - is how anything alive - BECOMES 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 5 of 109

THAT ATTRACTOR (below)... It is because when the inside of a wave nest (like your heart) becomes self-similar to what is outside- THEN - the outside can fall in!

We measure this 'turning inside out ness' based on PHI the Golden Ratio enabled or compression -- by harmonic analysis in the EKG (heart). This becomes the musical symmetry and definition of compassion - in principle. To feel for what is outside you - you create an image of that inside you. Only that fractal kind of data (wave) compression is infinite. That invites the outside - IN - to you. THAT IS COMPASSION. And it IS compression. You make space for someones feelings which were outside you, inside you.

Infinite non-destructive compression - now solved in the symmetry lesson of PHI based 'fractality' was not only the solution to Einstein's dilmena of how to get voltage from gravity in a unified field - IT IS ALSO THE SOLUTION TO COMPASSION!

Exerpt here form BIOPHOTON versus Attracting Charge - article:

LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as - the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF- ORGANIZE CHARGE.

This is in direct support of

a.) The Use of ELECTRO-NEGATIVITY to Predict Life Force in "Bioelectronics of Vincent" (BEV) Technology ..

and b.) The fact that the NEGATIVE DC Electrode Regenerates Coral in (Electrolytic) Coral Mineral Accretion - Coral Reef Alliance.

(coral mineral accretion by electrolytice negative charge) - the process so elegantly exenplifies the principle (electrical self similarity fractally enables the attraction of capacitive charge whose harmonic inclusiveness defines and makes measureable LIFE FORCE)

which becomes a practical measurement technology to optimize life as an electrical process in ANY structure...

To optimize this:

1.spectrum analyze the capacitive field around your underwater artificial reef metals to optimize fractality / self similarity ( paramagnetic stone in array like rose above ground serves this function to electrically fabricate the field necessary to optimize seed germination) - in the way described in this attached article...

2. experiment with monolayers of gold or palladium - on the growth surface - you will find that such metallics better radiate the necessary capacitive field into self similarity because their valence structure is more self similar 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 6 of 109

+. The Difference here is that PHIRICAIS - ( Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution - see link ) both predicts WHY electron negativity creates life force electrically (self similarity electrically atracts charge and therefore life) but ALSO provides an elegant method to measure and optimize the mechanism of that charge attraction (spectrum analysis of charge using HeartTuner - see graphs below).

-And WHY is it that electrical SELF-SIMILARITY makes and attracts LIFE? .. because self- similarity ATTRACTS the kind of compression which is called NON-DESTRUCTIVE. It IS non- destructive because that (fractal) compression creates ACCELERATION (that acceleration of charge has previously been called gravity). That charge accelerating makes the shape memory of symmetry called LIFE .. DISTRIBUTEABLE / SHAREABLE / and therefore SUSTAINABLE. It also means that those wave structures which cannot enter into that holy communion of what is compressible and therefore accelerate-able and therefore shareable .. cannot propagate or survive. Thus this is the biological test for 'pure intention' - namely the symmetry of the shareable.

Understanding Magnetics, see also: Ennantiomorphism, Handedness, DNA, and the "ARK" - ( ) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 7 of 109

Now lets draw a picture of the electrical relationship of the atmossphere to the Earth..

There is rich reason in why the spin (the direction or 'handedness' of the inner spiral helix staiway) of all biological proteins is unipolar, that is goes one way. The handedness is consistent. All biology's protein stairway helices go ONE WAY ONLY!!.. ennantiomorphism -see definition below-.. Dorothy's milk in the looking glass didn't nourish because it's proteins spun mirror backwards, and nutrasweet can cancer instead of being absorbed because it's spin is backwards..

This is because.. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 8 of 109

Just like all biocells use the Earth grids ELF schumann heartbeat as an information SOS hailing frequency, all Earth's biocells use the first spin direction of primal soups proteins as the common denominator for their helical stairway to life.. El-Eye-Ph(i). LIGHTNING SPUN UP PRIMAL SOUP, MOST LIGHTNING IS UNIPOLAR BECAUSE OF THE CONSISTENT ORGONE ELECTRONEGATIVE RELATIONSHIP OF SKY TO EARTH. SO THE RESULTANT SPIN DIRECTION OF ROTATION IN BIOPROTEINS WAS COHERENT .

In the above situation, the ability of the Earth to be electro-negative (female - receptive) - with respect to sky (male - projective).. teaches us about the ability to attract charge IN A PARTICULAR POLARITY. Again we see the relationship of becoming ELECTRO NEGATIVE - that is MAKING SPACE TO ATTRACT AND EMBED A CHARGED PROTON - becomes a definition of becoming ALIVE! (above)

Thanks to Don Lorimer, we are coming to understand that one pole of a magnet is more centripedal, more anticlockwise, than the other,AND shrinks tumors! (disorderly, incoherent touching).

A magnetic monopole MAKES gravity (per Einstein). This caddeuceus cascade fractal, is a movement FROM the short wave to the long: literally scalar. It scales the ladder.

The birth of a magnetic field be impregnated with intention, as can any crystals coherent bond structure. In a literal sense, (as onset coherence), this IS the language of feeling. Emotionally speaking, the aboriginal song lines were the cilia into and out of library's in stone. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 9 of 109

The ennantiomorphism - 'handedness' like in 'up the down staircase' predicts the ability of all biological proteins to be alive - because they must be 'stirred in the direction of embedding' -

Ennantiomorph- from the dictionary: en·an·tio·morph- either of a pair of crystals (as of quartz) that are structural mirror images,- Greek enantios opposite (from enanti facing, from en in + anti against) magnetic healing devices with Don Lorimer et al... see The Hockey Puck, Don Lorimer (303) 469-5180 Information:

When placed between the palms and held above the crown chakra, the Hockey Puck has the potential to catalyze deeper spiritual growth, than practically every single other subtle energy or spiritual technology. Its subtle energetic uses include adding energy to the etheric body, energetic healing for healing professionals, and attuning water and other liquids. In fact, used in conjunction with sunlight and a sealable quartz flask, this device is one of the best for attuning water available. Advantages include its size, excellence for attuning water, applicability for etheric body energizing (via a pouch), presence of an embedded gold spiral and professional level quality output (quite rare!) for energetic healing. , & more gizmos at: 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 10 of 109


Note also at that site, the hi strength Magnet field thru inert/noble gas device for healing (Hilarion/John Fox). This is an example of micro columnating flux lines in cell water to optimize the timing geometry for more spin dense metabolism. (Facilitating recreation of damaged retina etc... powerfully useful in a limited temporary context.)

The plus side of magnetics is you can help restore flux geometries, which biology desperately needs choreographed prettily. This means for example as Don so often mentioned, that strong plus and minus magnetics under the correct feet (polarity) dramatically restored the magnetic equilibrium of a sensitive lady dizzy after overdoing a sweat lodge heat (in my presence). The improvement was sensational.

In these short term environments, this tool is powerful.

Now: here is the down side -

Magnetic fields which begin to pulse alternate (unlike DC permanent magnetics), and BREATH EMBEDABLY in their environment become SELF AWARE (and store information/mind). This will never happen in a DC permanent magnetic field. Also ANY exernally applied magnetic field AC or DC, is never going to empower you to make that field yourself into something self directing / self - empowered. (A worm with will). LONG TERM USE OF EXTERNALLY APPLIED MAGNETIC FIELDS WHICH ARE NOT THOSE OF LIFE ITSELF, IS A CLASSIC TRICK OF THE BORG. (Those who rely on mucous producing external sources of glandular juice.... alchohol, caffeine.. drugs...)

So your example of actually LOSING your memory by fixing yourself in an outside field which is NOT embedded in LIFE flux itself, rings very true. There is no memory in a field which does not breathe.

It is like those who think by making their watch into the Schuman 8 hz pulse, they can emulate the euphoria your bdy goes thru when it finds an old tree still singing Earth's heartbeat. The Schumann resonance electromagnetic heartbeat of the Earth is the CARRIER WAVE, not the milk itself. That is the difference between a pacifier and a real milk bottle. It is as stupid as the primitive Russians who took home the faucets and light sockets from Berlin after WWII, not realizing you needed to hook them to plumbing and wiring, to get light and water in their huts.

So too, a magnetic field which still stand because it was impressed (lifelessly) in some factory... versus a field in a stone circle on a water dome in a Druid field of old Oaks, which stands because all the waves there still agree. (phase align with longer and longer and longer.. wave.)

In the end, pacifiers make angry babies, who only later realize they have been robbed of mothers milk, so they suck with no reward.

Let us understand a little more about the concept of 'embedding' - for waves and charge and babies and architecture etc... (ref: EMBEDABILITY MONITORING -AS THE HEART GEOMETRIZES, SO FEELING EMBEDS.. url - )

Imagine you ARE the light wave coming in to your childrens classroom. If you as a wave were push as a compression moment out of a flourescent tube at 50 or 60 cycles per second. Imagine that who gave you the push was some angry machine at a distance - not full of feeling. When you the light wave, arrive at 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 11 of 109

your child's eyeball - and you give a push to add spin to your childs ability to focus... there is a very high probability to you will not arrive in PHASE TO PRODUCE FUSION. In other words, because you as a wave are out of PHASE or spin pattern with most of the rest of nature -- you cannot help produce ATTENTION!!!!! This phas discipline that produces fusion or implosion by perfect nesting is called EMBEDDING.

Now suppose alternatively that finally they kicked out the fool who invented flourescent lights for your kids classrooms, and instead installed SUNLIGHT!! Now, you are the light wave arriving at your childs eyeball. You are in PERFECT PHASE LOCK with the waves at the core of HYDROGEN. This is the symmetry recipe to the fusion fire at the heart of the sun. Now when you as a light wave give a push to the optical hologram in your childs cortex, the spin nest will be in PHASE and ABLE TO FUSE. This process of bringing waves into potention implosive fusion, IS CALLED ATTENTION!!! Persuading waves to agree (fuse) and thus come to focus is called PERCEPTION! And this process of building percuptual attention requires the symmetry of fusion. In order for waves to FUSE non-destructively - they must EMBED.

Ref: Fusion -Phi Phenomenon -Unlocking Ultimate PHIre. url:

Replace the light out of phase with the sun ( like ugly 50 and 60 cycle lighting - anything whose wave lengths recipe does not imitate and get in perfect synch with the sun) with sunlight in your childs school, and you can depend on measuring a DRAMATIC INCREASE IN ATTENTION SPAN!!! ( ref - "Health and Light" John Ott ) As we get to the principles for architecture below, we shall discuss ways to imitate light in phase with the sun, when sunlight is not avaiable. Remember the Heart of the Sun - has the symmetry of Hydrogen - which has the symmetry of the Human Heart .. all of which have the symmetry slip knot recipe called the ANU. This is the sequence of turns nature uses to CREATE fusion. ( ref: Heart of The Sun: Perfecting 7/5 Turning Inside Out Solar Heart Symmetry - url:

So anytime we attempt to store and phase delay the waves coming from the sun, we must do it in the phase ( musically in perfect drum beat timing .. on beat and in key ) necessary to preserve embedding. Otherwise we produce waves which do not agree (fuse) and then we FAIL TO EMBED (the only definition which ever existed for EVIL ).

That embedding by fusion produces the focus and sorting called perception. When waves of charge become implosively self-organizing by acceleration communion through the speed of light - they are called conscious: THE RADIANCE OF A FIELD - is it's intelligence to self-select what can embed. Architecturally you select an embedable field - and you thrive. Select a field that fails to embed (metal building in air depleted of capacitive charge / big city) and you die.

If we read "Primer on Energy" / "Primer on Rotation" , we see that all biological decay / inefficiency / death comes about from the attempt to STORE rather than perfectly DISTRIBUTE spin. Note that spin or rotation is the only creator and definer of matter, information, charge, and time. (Time is merely a name for relative rotation). Perfect distribution is the elimination of storage. ( Get that and your business thrives ). This is also true for life.

Imagine you were a line of simple 'billiard balls' (round hard balls like used in billiards). Line up your balls from here to the moon. Make each ball a millimeter apart -- space to the next ball. Now hit the ball at this end - in the direction of the line. The balls start colliding into each other, with a little bit of STORED inertia slowing down the time it takes for the last billiard ball in the row to bounce off having reached the moon. That little bit of storage of spin inertia caused because the balls DID NOT QUITE 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 12 of 109

TOUCH .. causes inertia and spin and time- to be lost. Information about the state of you is carried in the passage of the push of your first hit ball... carrying the message of the SHAPE OF THAT LITTLE PUSH ... all the way to the moon. If you delay the delivery of that information, you delay awareness. This is because messages have to get carried around pretty fast in order for a potentially infinite number of messages to converge (compressed) at one point.

So what is the solution to getting messages (like biological information) moving faster?

Now - rearrange your row of little round hard 'billiard balls' from here to the moon. Place them so that THEY ALL TOUCH EACH OTHER. Now - try bouncing one more billiard ball at this end - again in the direction of the row. How long does it take for exactly one billiard ball to bounce off the row, all the way at the moon?

Answer: (I dare you to disprove me)... FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT!

Exactly the same number of billiard balls you bounce into the row at this end will bounce off the other. So you can send messages which are infinitely fast in distribution AS LONG AS NO ONE IN THE ROW TRIES TO STORE ANY OF THAT INERTIA.

The key was to find a way to align all the billiard balls so that they could all touch each other, preventing the need to STORE spin, was information was passed. Because, when they all touch perfectly - the passage of inertia is instant, and totally efficient.

Now - have you ever noticed the way spheres ( billiard balls ) experiment in touching perfectly. On a plane - they touch in HEX symmetry. This FIXES their spin. (Edge length equals radius ).

.."Flower of Life" 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 13 of 109

Hex cube nested in Pent Dodecahedron by 32 degree tilt.

If you want a maximum number of spheres to touch in 3 dimension, you put 12 around one - in the symmetry of CUBE-OCTAHEDRON.

(the Cube-Octa is really the edges of a tetra extended).

Below - the difference between the CUBE-OCTAHEDRON which are both top and bottom in the center row, versus the ICOSAHEDRON - which is bottom left,

IS A LITTLE BIT OF COMPRESSION! 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 14 of 109

The point is that by taking a geometry in 3 dimensions, which allows perfect TOUCHING - and compressing a bit - we get the icosahedra.. which we shall see later - implies in it's center a dodecahedron..

We are now getting closed to a symmetry that allows infinitely fast distribution of CHARGE.. BECAUSE PERFECT TOUCHING ELIMINATES STORING OF INERTIA, AND PROMOTES PERFECT DISTRIBUTION.

We need now to apply this to understanding a mechanism by which all of life can create a charge distribution network - which is able to acheive instant communion. That means, anytime all of biology wants to vote on what is shareable, they can do so instantly - with no delay. Suppose a government used a way (the internet?) to acheive relatively instant and frequent voting. In that way - the will of the collective could be instantly enacted - requiring no delay / between those represented and thos acting. Those represented would BECOME those acting. Prefect collective mind and therefore democracy merely depends on perfect distribution of voting with no delay.

We shall soon here see, that DNA, by becoming so 'fractal' a charge accelerating holy communion device for biological charge - inherently enacts that democracy on all who use it. This means that dying successfully requires a vote from all of DNA saying that you have stored charge (inertia / memory ) which is able to be distributed / shared / immortal / sustainable. (ref: movie - "FlatLiners") 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 15 of 109

By locking each 'interdigitating' node of waves (nodes are places where waves cross each other without hurting each other) - into the 3D stellated Dodeca / Icosa symmetry..

(dodeca stellation / nesting - PHI based symmetry basis of all living protein..) mother nature gets her billiard balls touching perfectly. This allows an instant holy communion of the passage of waves of charge - creating a telephone network called LIFE.

The next thing we must understand is how the capacitor works to send charge to fast. One capacitor can send charge between it's layered insulating 'dialectric' plates (like spark gaps) to another faster than the speed of light.

Here we see how the spark gap of a capacitor just listening passively is faster than a telescope to see a star moving in the heavens.. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 16 of 109

This is the physics of astrology, and how the SHAPE OF WAVES OF CHARGE SHAPE - the KIRLIAN PHOTO, the AURA, and THE PATH OF GROWTH. The reason the SHAPE OF CHARGE - SHAPES THE PATH OF GROWTH - is because the liquid molecule wave - ORIENTS itself (that is 'steers its relative direction') according to the (sacred?) geometry of the charge field which surrounds it!

This is how we measure trees communicating faster than light speed. And this is how a tree feels the love from your heart - measureably.

Next we will discuss more about applying this principle -

that the symmetry which allows waves to FUSE is what SORTS everything..

to practice in architecturally designing for life. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 17 of 109

A good way to test our knowledge of how compression / implosion really works let us see if we can understand this axiom:

That - water follows magnetism follows symmetry follows implosion follows awareness follows water...

So - starting at the beginning - why would a water vein follow a magnetic line.

To answer this, - first let's ask why water would follow water.. Water that is really charge dense, is very self-aware - that is - able to electrically re-enter itself. Many examples of this are to be found in Schauberger - Living Water. ( ref url: ). There is some interesting physics around the old saying that water built people as a way to move itself according to it's will. Here is an example: take a family of healhy kids next to a really healthy living river. Notice how many of them will at that moment have the urge to pee (urinate). This is an example for water wanting to return to the electrical fractal where all of its memories live. The physics is that the molecular electronics in water which HAS experiences implosion / fusion has a long term memory of the spin path back to that communion experience.

So, why does that water vein seek the magnetic line? First of all - notice how many trees take the shape of the magnetic line under their roots. If the tree grew up into a spiral helix like array, you can bet the underground magnetism is in that shape. The molecules of water because they are so wonderfully balanced between private sharing called co-valent bonding, versus public sharing called 'ionic' bonding - always get their balance right between sharing their inner feelings with their outer ones. This means that water has an exquisite inner 'braiding geometry' which allows it to phase lock or entrain or embed in BOTH long and short wave magnetic lines. This inner braiding in water is sometimes described scientifically as the sheeting action which occurs in waters 'phil-lo' (as in the the Greek Philo dough) dough like LAMINAR COHERENCE. If you could make a map of the inner fold planes in bread freshly kneeded by a loving mother - you would understand what happens to the ordering of the layers inside water ('sheeting') after it has successfully absorbed a lot of magnetic spin. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 18 of 109

Remember - in water and other fluid mechanic substances- magnetic density equals spin density equals charge density equals harmonic density equals information density equals DENSITY.

So- water which has successfully eaten lots of charge and spin takes that inertia and tucks it aways in nice reciprocal spins among many layers. Just as the loving mother kneeding her bread always adds fold and NEVER tears.

You may have already intuited why water begins getting colder when those inner spins in water become implosive in a vortex enough to generate power from gravity . When waves of inertia add and multiply recursively in only CONSTRUCTIVE interference then all the inertia is passed without heat thru the speed of light. (Heat is really only a name for destructive wave interference - so heat is the oppposite of implosion.)

In summary - these are some ways to measure life force in water: specific gravity (density) , surface tension, percent seed germination, rate of segration of solid by mass / sedimentation rate, light scattering (coherent light is spread more actively by coherent water), and charge density (harmonic inclusiveness in the power spectra/harmonic analysis of water's capacitive field).

Once these measures are understood, life force in water can be better served.

Now - let us look at our question another way. Why do you suppose the farm compost pile get's hotter when you steer magnetic lines into it, using paramagnetic stone dolmen? The reason magnetic symmetry builds 'fire' in water, is because it builds implosion. This is the fire that does not consume. It is the compression without heat. Water is designed in molecular symmetry to take spin into implosion, because the hydrogen at the core of water is the symmetry pattern slip knot for implosion which is also the core of the sun's fusion energy. (ref : Heart of The Sun: Perfecting 7/5 Turning Inside Out Solar Heart Symmetry , url: )

So the compost pile eats symmetric magnetism by steering the angle of magnetism and charge into water . The water eats the spin angle information by learning how to crystallize into the molecular implosion called LIFE. For example, a pine needle turns brown in acid rain because the symmetry information of CHARGE from trace mineral leached from the ground, was needed for the water in the pine needle to learn how to organize it's molecules in more order than ice. Otherwise frost ruptures the cell.

Now - let us see if we have answered our question. The water followed the magnetism because magnetism follows symmetry - because BOTH WATER AND MAGNETISM as flow in form cannot survive (they cancel out) without SYMMETRY... to be continued,... 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 19 of 109

Next - we'll have 2 sections-

1. Applying this to dowsing.

2. Applying this (charge as life's wind) to measuring life force.

What is Good Feng Shui When Scientists Cross Ley Lines With Dowsers ? receieved from Dan Winter, 12-2001, shared by Implosion Group this article: ../dowsing , index: ../indexdw.html with thanks to Roger and FengShui Seminars.

If you were a skilled dowser or 'ley line healer' you might be quite wise to say "Why should I need a scientist to tell me what I feel in my BONES?!"

And up until recently, there could have been little defense for a world of science in which there was NOT A CLUE to WHY -- FEELING existed in bones.

The title to a new series of seminars we are doing with the help of Roger Green is "Magnetism: The Wind on Which Love Travels". Describing LOVE as magnetic wind going in to center - may be a romantic and yet still scientific notion. Now this may not sound much like humility, however I may indeed be the closest person on this planet to having provided even a hint of what a scientific description of LOVE might be. Love appears to have to do with the embedding or nesting operations which happen around the skillful heart's electro magnetics when you choose the turning inside out (compression ) we call compassion. This appears to show up in the HeartTuner ( ) as the EKG chooses musical key signatures based on Golden Mean PHYotaxes. It also shows up in the original Sentics wave map for the LOVE emotion as a shape of how to touch or squeeze. I did this unique geometric analysis of the interntional tested wave shape of LOVE, now reprinted at .

What all this means, is that there is a clear relationship between a change in pressure over time ( pressure or tension was Tesla's name for volts), and the EMOTION of love. Simply put, indeed if you do get magnetic - electric lines into the right GEOMETRY you do appear to get a self-organizing CENTRIPEDAL inward rushing CENTERING FORCE. In a way, learning to turn inside out again and again (recursively) starts a 'DIMPLING OPERATION' which gets so many tornadoes imploding into a common heaart - that FUSION - perfect centering force results. The reason this skill to SELF-REFER or SELF-REENTER (self-reference is the best definition of self awareness available in the Vedas or in geometry class), becomes apparently self-organizing is because the wave recursive adding and multiplying compression - makes a continuous spin path thru the speed of light. This way out for inertia of the padded cell, we call mass (tornadoes with enough inertia to be measured), is such a great relief for all the waves trapped here, that they are willing to get in line to talk to the only modem hooked up to the more information dense world past the speed of light. My working definition of getting a soul, as a scientist, is the skill to implode your DNA braiding to get the tornado up the genetic zipper sustaining it's wormhole thru the speed of light. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 20 of 109

The essential point for teaches of the ultimate map to successful turning inside out - ness (labyrinth), is to translate the topological skill learned kinesthetically from the labyrinth - into what you do INSIDE your heart when you CHOOSE to feel someone outside AS IF they were inside. This is the 'New Sacred Geometry of Compassion'. How Does PHI/Golden Mean Based Recursion Create


Inside Out-Ness? Now imagine the Heart Learning the Teachable Skill we Have Called Compassion, like a child learns how to digest foods.. 1 at a time.. creating this Electrical Ratio in the Heart Magnetic Harmonics.. directly .618 PHI from the above graphic, in the Heart!.. made visible with HeartTuner biofeedback..

This occurence of the apparent ability to MAKE a center of GRAVITY by creating magnetism in a shape which dimples, recurs, and implodes - appears to be the very essence of things like:

1. Implosion, 2. Artificial Intelligence, 3. The connection between CHARGE and GRAVITY, 4. FUSION.

Imagine the role of calcium in your BONES storing LONG WAVE magnetism 'piezoelectrically' . (Piazoe-electricity is just a name for how a well squeezed slinky or coil spring works - it is how sound or stricture pressure is connected to lights shorter voltage waves in slinky coils like DNA and Quartz..You stretch your slinky - the sound wave is long - and the width or thickness of the slinky gets 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 21 of 109

SLIGHTLY shorter - this is the voltage connected by leverage of helix from long to short wave. ).

This piezoelectric nature of bone is how you store the shape of the shock wave of your step on the land, into your bone. It is like how the geometry of touch pressure is stored as armoring in muscle, except longer wave. When you take a step in 'rhythmic traverse' out of 'flatland' called 'dance pilgramage' and the charge density called 'a moment of BLISS' walks permanently 'piezoelectrically' into your BONES. Do this often enough, and you get an immune system. Forget how - you get AIDS. (Someone should compare when BLISS DANCING went 'Out of Africa' versus when AIDS went in.) Suddenly we get a good glimpse why it was good physics for ancient tribes to grind and drink the bones of their ancestors in order to eat their memories.

Now did your local dowsing whiz NEED me to describe that, in order to dowse better? Well possibly knot, but let's suppose the same dowser get's just a little closer to real shamanism, and bumps into a little "Sorcerer's Apprentice" problem. (reference: Walt Disney movie). The MAG(netic)ician suddenly STIRS up more spinning than he can steer. At that point, he might well appreciate a little more practical physics for plumbing these wormholes non-destructively. Let's investigate our troubled magician dowser's wormhole vortex steering dilemna with one of my favorite teaching stories-

'The local Mayan shaman get's a test one day, when given the task to go out from the local village and save it from an approaching tornado. He follows his shaman teacher's instructions carefully and images inside his heart a picture of the FEELINGS of the TORNADO being magnetically sucked into his belly. His teacher called this 'Eating the HOOCHA' (eating the ANGER - Sentic wave for anger =1/7 which is all unshareable or destructively interfering waves) of the Tornado. At some point by feeling magnetically for the feelings of the tornado better than it was able to feel for itself, the tornado 'falls in love' with the shaman - who succeeded in wave embedding himself into the center of gravity of the tornado. By making a little picture inside his heart, which is SELF SIMILAR (or FRACTAL) to the bigger picture of the SHAPE OF MAGNETISM (literally the FEELINGS) of the Tornado - the result was - the OUTSIDE FELL IN. (Mathematicians call this operation of perfect inrushing compression: perfect fractality - perfect inward self-similarity - like zooming infinitely into a fractal or fern tree inside fern tree.). If your were a plumber observing these wave vortex operations of the student shaman, at that point you would have observed the big twister begin to follow the young shaman around like a favorite little pet puppy dog. "

So this is our teaching story. It appears to have a 'happily ever after'. Except for one minor detail: is the village REALLY saved? Now Mr. Shaman in training sir, WHAT DO YOU DO with that big tornado which could cause an awful lot of trouble, which has now elected to follow you around. THIS is the "Sorcerer's Apprentice" problem so nicely scientifically prefigured in Disney's "Sorcerer's Apprentice" cartoon movie.

Step 1: Stalk the Tornado (Scenes from Twister) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 22 of 109

Step 2. Trick the tornado to suck you into it's center. Here the tornado sucks up the digital tracking transmitters which allow the computer to plot the geometry of self re-entry spin path symmetry. This skill to learn the path necessary to feed itself is how the tornado became self organizing. (self re-entry = self-awareness?).

Step 3. Learn the Spin Path to Self Re-Enter. Here (by telemetric tracking of the 'suck' path of the magnetic node balls..) the computer in the movie begins to plot the secret of where the tornado learned to steer waves back into itself - becoming to some extent 'Self Aware'? 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 23 of 109

Step 4. Apply this knowledge to learning how to squirt your own magnetism (like a breath of cool air) into the center of the tornado. And thus become the center of the tornadoe's self-aware slip knot center of gravity YOURSELF. (Bottom right - wave on a wave on a wave = embedding = prefect nesting = perfect braiding...)

Step 5. Plot this geometry of perfect self-re-enter as symmetry turns, so that the picture can be a trail to follow for your children to know how to enter tornadoes. (and stars?) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 24 of 109

Step 6. Compare the geometry of the perfect Gordion "Slip Knot" turning inside out-ness.. to the known plots of the geometry of the Heart of the Sun (seen clairvoyantly - top left in the below image). ... to the Geometry of the Anu (Occult Chemistry map of hydrogen - see new physics:Psi Perception of Quarks), and the the geometry of the HUMAN HEART where the knowledge to tie this slip knot appears to radiate. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 25 of 109

Anu - heart of fusion, heart of hydrogen, heart of people, heart of Sun.

Could this Self-Organizing Slip Knot Implosive Connector to the 'ensouled?' or 'etheric?' world of the faster than light, be the "Tourbillion" - "ScrollWork Made of Light" referred to be Mouni Sadhu in "The Tarot".

Could the Flame Letter origin of alphabets, shadow views of the self-organizing spiral on the donut : be merely the mnemonic wave guide angle index 'cookie cutter pictures' to proper entrance tilt to get this (self-organizing thus self-aware making) compression going? Thus making the origin of symbol. merely the steerage plumbing for how grab tornadoes by the throat by embedding yourSELF in them.

Compare this moment of trouble upon learning you were indeed steering tornadoes, to the problem of Rolling Thunder the Weather making shaman. Or compare it to my problem after years of intense kundalini, noticing that severe weather systems frequenty appeared to follow my severe kundalini experiences. At first I was 'freaked out'. Later when I learned the physics, I became more comfortable with the problem of steering tornadoes like slightly dizzy pet animals. (It was only later I made the connection with how the Egyptian Amun Ra priests used the royal DNA of Tutankhamnon to regulate the timing of the flooding of the Nile). In "Weather Engineering on the High Seas" Trevor Constable noted the best orgone (conic capacitor ) to trigger the charge densification implosion which is precipitation or RAIN MAKING, was the 60 degree implosion cone. (See the dodeca's nested into 12 cones picture of dimpling above.)

Any good meteorologist will tell stories about how huge 'killer' tornadoes actually appeared to intelligently steer around killing people. They clearly have an amount of self-awareness - which at some level becomes steerable.

I like these teaching stories about tornadoes for Feng Shui - Geomantic Dowser folk, because after all it WAS about a Dragon Current. It is just that in today's physics we subsititute words like STRING THEORY, and WORMHOLES.. instead of words like VORTEX and TORNADOES. Remember physicist David Peat inviting Australian Aboriginals to Physics conferences to compare their SONG LINE stories, to the latest physics for WORMHOLES and STRINGS.

The ancients KNEW that the power of human attention or awareness or focus, when 'squirted' into the center of a little tornado (song line) is what kept it CENTERED in the middle of a bigger tornado.. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 26 of 109

This WAVE GENERATION OF CENTERING FORCE by TRAINING WAVES TO SELF-RE- ENTER --- IS the role of Mind among waves , and the way self-similarity of charge waves 'implodes' centripedally into what physics calls gravity. (Fractal capacitors is the only wave CONDENSOR charge waves add and multiply their inertia making a drain hole thru the speed of light - called Gravity.)

Exerpt from -

"All Human Interaction is About CHARGE" - Celestine Prophecy

LIFE FORCE Consists of the Ability to Attract & Self-Organize CHARGE - Which is Measureable Since Charge Becomes a "Fractal Attractor" / "Implodes" -when the Harmonic's Enter the Ratio of Self-Similarity - SuperLooping - or Perfect Nesting.

Step One to Measure LIFE FORCE as Self-Organization of Charge: Measure Internal COHERENCE ,

Step Two: Measure for The Golden Mean Ratio in the Musical Fundamental of the Charge Harmonics

Presenting a radical new physics for WHAT IS LIFE. from Dan Winter ( Science & 'Physics of Consciousness' Scientific Articles Index )

"Paying your debt to Gravity" is to embed..."

"The proportion of charge recursion below you vs above you 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 27 of 109

is the amount of gravity (wind of charge?) you feel.."

The amount of gravity created in an atom (or ANYTHING) is in proportion to the relative amount of SELF -SIMILARITY (Fractal Embedding) between it's inside (nucleus) to it's outside (electrons). This is what facilitates the permissive collapse thru light speed by recursion - which tornado connects the our inertia below light speed to the intelligent gravity metabolism of star systems solving the incomplete 'fall to chaos' entropy idea of thermodynamics. The fundamental mistake was not to understand the SELF ORGANIZING vortex geometry of compression making the connection BETWEEN scales (scalar / torsional) . A human fabricates gravity in their EKG and DNA by learning to steer waves into this painless (non-destructive) compression: known by the psychological name COMPASSION.

"Grounding is the same symmetry operation in electrical theory as it is in psychology: your wave inertia (information) getting access (embedding in ) the LARGER fractal (environment)."

When Einstein commented that a magnetic monopole (wormhole) WAS the relationship of gravity to charge (in compression)- he foretold a clue to his own dilemna: WHAT IS THE GEOMETRY OF INFINITE COMPRESSION? He knew THAT geometry WAS the connection of electromagnetism to gravity.

Faraday's observed that: 'Electrical capacity is to gravity as inductance is to magnetism' ...... If Farady is correct then the energy stored in the capacitor is in the form of a GRAVITATIONAL field . Townsend Brown also found in charged capacitors that weight reduction only occurs when the positive plate is upside to the negative plate. .... If the negative plate is above then the device inceases in weight . Dan Davidson et al then observed that the AMOUNT of weight change is greatest if a SMALLER CAPACITOR is nested under the larger!? The obvious next experiment is to nest capacitors in the (Golden) ratio of recursion/embedding, to PRODUCE OPTIMUM CHARGE COMPRESSION & THEREFORE THE GREATEST GRAVI 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 28 of 109

GRAVITY! (Capacitors in Phi array - produce 'ion effect')

In other words, no 'rocket scientist' is required to solve the unified field, merely understanding the geometry of compression. It stands to reason if you compress charge you store the inertia of that charge, which physics then calls 'mass'. What they missed was the way waves used PHI recursion to send a portion of that inertia thru light speed at the implosion center, to produce the magnetic monopole which was Einstein's name for gravity.

Why should you choose to understand unified physics? Because understanding how to embed yourself into that vortex wormhole tornado, is the role of mind among waves (why MIND inhabits PHIre). Physics til now has not even bothered to ask why people lose weight measureably at the instant of death, or why radioactive half life is measureably reduced by focused human attention. In both cases restoring the charge fractality keeps a little tornado vortex better centered in a bigger tornado. That centering force IS gravity, and IS the proof that attention IS the creation of charge implosion.

Ok, so finally you got it: It was knot about proving anything to anyone, it was about understanding wormholes so well that when the chips were down, you would be able to throw your weight around among tornadoes. Because, after all - tornado vortex seem to be the stuff of which quantum mechanics is made...

"Cooking Up the Atomic Table by Tilting Vortex Donuts into Platonic Symmetry: Chemistry's Atomic Valence Electron Group Table Map seen Clairvoyantly (Occult Chemistry)" 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 29 of 109

and so if you want to get leverage among these twisters, you must be prepared to gather your inner tornado and embed it into the outer one - in order to become immortal / sustainable.

Let us apply all this tornado steering skill, to your average dowser. Suppose you are the fixit dowser called in just after the expensive well driller just missed the water vein by a few inches. (Maybe the previous dowser did not account for the tilt of the drill bit.. I remember David Yarrow instructing the drilling rig operator pointing his finger at a certain angle as the bit hit the ground.. ). Your average dowser upon being charged with the task to MOVE an underground water veins, gets out his hammer and rods and begins banging the sonic piezoelectric of the underground conductivity geometry - very much like a somewhat klutzy acupuncturist. You are correct to assume, that -Water follows Magnetism follows Conductivity, follows Symmetry .. BUT in order to efficiently BEND that line, you need to finish the KOAN. Magnetism follows Symmetry follows Embedding follows AWARENESS!

This follows from the Sufi wisdom: Only LOVE (Embedding) bends the Light - Therefore only LOVE Creates! . This is because long wave phi ratio (lo phi) embedding creates the implosive vortex that bends the wave (light) from the line (energy) into the circle (mass happens when waves store inertia - the gyroscope effect ).

So let us be more ELegant . (El's are ones who can make the EL phase shift turns of mind from the circle to the line... Accelerating in the process from attending to the node - mass - to attending to the WAVE - energy - which gave birth to the wave node.) The ELegant dowser enters the Earth (grid diving) penetrating the magnetic centroid of his attention as field effect, until by compassion embedding becomes the center of gravity of the water vein, and persuades the water vein, why more service will happen if it bends. This seemed all very theoretical until one day in New England I stood next to Marty Cain and watched her do it. ( ).

Physics helps you if when the lightening is knowcking at the door of your tail bone (tantra and 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 30 of 109

kundalini) and saying :"Do you know how to steer tornados yet?". If your answer is yes, you KNOW the symmetry skills to 'slip knot', then maybe YOUR kundalini bliss juices will compress non-destructively into charge compression (something less informed people call INTELLIGENCE). Otherwise, you get to go to the place which the ignorant American Medical Association chooses for kundalini patients - the schizophrenia ward. THIS begins to suggest why PURE PRINCIPLES of SCIENCE can help your average Dragon Current swallower. (geomant)

As a dowser, you understand that the skill to FEEL a magnetic field INSIDE yourself, is absolutely SURVIVAL RELATED for all humans. Because the ability to steer magnetism starts with the prehensile notion of FEELING it. Just like the Sufi or Gurdjieff sacred gymnastic teacher tells you : NO BLISS DANCE INSTRUCTION FOR YOU - until you can put your ATTENTION into the tip of your little finger with enough force that you generate a little tingle or presence there that you can FEEL as the result of the palpable motion of your own (implosion making) attention - as a wave. Your sacred gymnastics instructor is wise

Step Two: Is sorting out what parts of Science ARE Pure Principle, and which part is schizophrenia (separateness instead of oneness).

The bad and useless (death producing) parts of Physics & Science which need to be thrown out as soon as enough physicists die from lack of knowledge of what life force is, to permit it, are:

1. Matter is separate from Spirit or Soul or Energy. (Matter is merely successful compression of charge or energy to the point where the amount of gyroscopic inertia becomes 'measureable").

2. The 4 Fundamental Forces (Gravity,Electromagnetic, Strong & Weak Nuclear forces) are SEPARATE. (They are connected after Physics gets over it's childishness to realize there are ways to describe the perfect symmetry which permits wave inertia to move BETWEEN frequencies COHERENTLY - other than imprecise words like SCALAR and TORSIONAL).

3. Science consists of PROOF. (The only proof any wave or person or equation ever needed to become immortal, was the self-evident symmetry which allowed it to persist / sustain / become immortal. That is the charge self-organizing nature of life force itself. In a sense, if you walk into an argument of physicists with absolute twinkle and fire and your eyes, brimming with life-force and irrepressive awareness --- You have without uttering a word absolutely condemned those fools sitting in front of CRT's zapping their auras, eating dead food, inhabiting charge bleeding square metal structures. You win the argument by merely choosing the hygiene of life force, about which they have not a clue.) The only physics you need, is the physics which makes YOU self aware enough to BE. However that DOES require a language of absolute precision. That language is PURE symmetry and PUR principle. This is where the origin of alphabet and symmetry emanates from.

The Hebrew alphabet forgot all symmetries above the tetra, because it was all the machine code required for the hive computer of the ashtar borg hive mind. (Yalweh / Enlil the parasitic reptilian side of the Annunaki Draco Nephilitic family). The Ophanic (Golden Dawn) alphabet (Movie:"StarGate") used the superset hypercube dodeca ( see bottom) because this is a machine code (bubble memory toroid field retrieval in 3D is true alphabet shadows) whose field effects self organize into distributed instead of hierarchical self awareness. (Try taking the word hierarchy from Jim Hurtak's Saraphic language for example).

4. Physics says that DNA is a device to sequence CODONS to replicate proteins. That is absolute hogwash. DNA is a device for making the field effect necessary to compress CHARGE thru the speed of 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 31 of 109

light, enabling biological memory to become immortal / sustainable. ( soul happens when recursive braiding implodes a SUSTAINABLE tornado thru light speed up the long 'zipper' axis in DNA - see: ) The propagation of the ENSOULING and GRAVITY making field effect, enabled by DNA based implosive structures is obviously it's function. That is how even your foolish astrophysicist daughter WILL inhabit stars, if she get's the privelege of living in a charge feeding atmosphere (hygiene for life force). Describing replicating proteins as the REASON for DNA is akin the thinking the reason there is MACHINE CODE in computers, is to store PLUSSES and MINUSES. The Codon sequence is not even the programming language. Just because you get a clue to what machine code is in computers, does NOT mean you have a clue to what language it was programmed in. C++ is a braid on a braid, a language superposed on a language. That is where BRAIDING comes in in DNA. It implodes a field effect. (Book: "Grammatical Man - Information, Entropy, Language and Life" : hi signal to noise ratio in DNA informatics = CONTEXT DEPENDANCY - hint:"braiding"). Of course since your average genetic engineer does not even know or care that DNA MAKES a field effect - much less how that field becomes faster-than-light to lucid dream and carry memory thru death (compression) - that genetic engineer is perfectly happy to take the soul out of your children from the scrambled genes (no-braid-implosion) in the corn and soy they got for breakfast. And if YOU also do not know or care - then you too may find it 'a privelege to be assimilated'.

5. Scientists use certain words which YOU should translate to mean; " I - the scientist - am putting this word in here, because this is a place where I am so afraid to say I DON'T KNOW, that I can't even imagine myself asking the question needed ".. Words that fit this category generally include: INSTINCT , SCALAR , ZERO POINT etc. When you hear a scientist use words like this, you could do well to advise them that if they were BRAVE enough to substitute the words "I DON'T HAVE A CLUE" - at least it would help them admit there was an unasked question. Take the word GRAVITY as scientists use it, for example. They think, that because they have been able to measure it's relative pulling power, (called acceleration), they understand it. When in fact, since they have NOT A CLUE, what the pure PRINCIPLE is. Where inertia goes thru the speed of light (planets experience gravity relations erotically), they do not have even a hint to WHY compression and acceleration (Einstein's equivalent to gravity) are identical. (Waves recursively heterodyning by PHI ratio - like capacitors arranged into a fractal to make gravity - recursively add wave lengths AND velocities.) Einstein knew infinite non-destructive compression was the key to relating CHARGE to gravity.. he simply did not understand the geometry of perfect embedding / recursion to make this possible. (pic)

Above- infinite scale invariant compression, allows charge to implode - thru light speed - suction out that dimple - is called gravity. Arrange capacitors like this (orgone - or the valence of gold) - and you make gravity. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 32 of 109

The problem is, that everytime you use a tool WITHOUT knowledge of it's pure principle, you join the BORGS - the DRONES - the DROIDS . So you DIE a little, every time you let a physicist sell you the absolute LIE that all energy transactions move toward CHAOS (entropy) - merely because that physicist has NO CLUE where the urge to self-organization emanates thru the speed of light (ether and soul measuring = spherical capacitance.). And your CIA does want you to know that capacitance focuses like a lens (orgone) which becomes gravity - because that would make the billions invested in radar hiding technology wasted. Yet focusing charge like a lens into the dimple which self-organizes is the very ESSENCE of feng shui / geomancy.

(More detail here look up "amenti principle' for the acceleration of soul groups bliss like wave pods thru light speeds into the gravity worms which steer stars in "Voyagers II -Amenti" Anna Hayes.)


However there are some physics and science you DO need:

1. Language capable of precision and detail (infinite multiple connectedness = fractal). Science calls this "replicability". It is important in context, because perfect symmetry is what makes waves and ideas and people infinitely shareable. This is how you will steer lightening with a quick enough response time to make it up your tail bone without cooking you. (Heat is merely a measure of the opposite of non- destructive compression). This cooling fearless non-destructive compression hygiene, is also the physics for survival of the solar maximum's (2005-2012) compression wave designed to test which DNA can compress enough to steer stars, which Christian's have foolishly been calling 'rapture'. Ecosystems and hearts which are not fractal will exhibit heat.

2. The word PHYsics, means literally the science of the cycles of PHI (Let's get PHY-cycle). This is pure principle. Science means literally: "to love to know", or "to know to embed".

3. It's OK to use words like voltage and amperage and shortcuts to mean AMOUNT OF PRESSURE, versus AMOUNT OF FLO, in a universal compressible (like waves in air) background medium (ether) - as long as you don't forget - YOU HAVE NEVER HAD THE PRIVELEGE OF NAMING A SUBSTANCE, BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE. What you have called naming, is the process of labeling shadows of the different possible SHAPES - of waves of pressure moving about in that universal substance. Once you can feel how MIND - by inhabiting PHIre - can arise out of that universal 'jello' like compressibility - You are then closer to knowing the DOWSER's role as MIND AMONG WAVES.

Now on to some practical and measureable examples for the edification of our dowsers... :

When I first saw Bob Dratch demonstrate his microwave mapper on the spine emanations of magic lady Wendy Thacker, I had no idea the CIA was about to declare it a threat to national security. (Bob has been legally prevented from telling you this, that order doesn't technically prevent me from doing so. ). After calculating the common wavelength for all biological energy transactions in the cell (the ADP to ATP quantum leap) he built a high gain scanner to map that in the microwave. That was a map to the real time geometry of biological fire (metabolism density) in the body. With his nice 3D computer interface to the mapper, hospitals were drooling. After he made the map of her spinal microwave, he described her lifetime history of where psychological trauma landed in the body, by looking at the graph. When he finished, she was weeping. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 33 of 109

What is relevant to our budding geomancers, is what he did next. Stepping out into the yard, looking down at a landscape expanse, he showed us that by scanning the horizon, he quite clearly now had the ULTIMATE DOWSERS TOOL. Simply put, what we had been calling ley lines, were clearly wave guides symbiotically conducting the info density of biological cellular microwave - like a blood stream.

Now of course that microwave density of ley lines is illustrated by how quick a CIA black helicopter shows up after you bang a heavy metal stake at the (quenching) cross of major ley lines. That is not only living cells info bloodstream, it is the CIA's communication blood as well. Trouble is, they are not sharing the bandwidth wisely. It is similar to the Navy forgetting to tell the weeping whale savers at a mass beaching, where their most recent underground LFAS lo frequency acoustic sonar just blasted the hell out the pod.

For the below we thank: "Dr. Saskia Bosman" , Culemborg, Netherlands.. also you may go to Dr. Saskia Bosman's Research web site directly:

'Getting Screwed' : for more info on the PINEAL gland as the steering imploder for biological magnetics thru light speed - readers are encouraged to study her contribution to : --

Dear Dan, Herewith I send you, as promised, the microwave pictures from the book by Robert Endrös, "Die Strahlung der Erde und Ihre Wirkung auf das Leben" ("The radiation from the Earth and its effects on life" in German), Paffrath Verlag, Remscheid, Germany, 1988, 4th printing, no ISBN number. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 34 of 109

PinealMicrowaves.jpg: Horizontal axis: time , Vertical axis: not mentioned, probably intensity. Maxima when the subject looks at the antenna, minima when subject looks away sideways from the antenna. Translation of caption: Fig. 7 (p. 33) Intensity of the spontaneous microwave emission from the pineal gland at a distance of 2.4 meters. The detector's registration at 3190 MHz with the subject looking at the antenna and looking away (90 degrees) from the antenna. In the text, Robert Endrös says that the microwave radiation from the pineal is polarized in one direction, making the pineal into a radar which can sense, for example, geopathic zones.

GlandsInNormalZone.jpg: (Above) Horizontal axis: wavelength in cm., Vertical axis: threshold lines at antenna length 30 cm. Curves: Left: thyroid gland Right, from bottom to top: sex gland, adrenal gland, thymus gland, blood at wrist, pineal gland (top). Translation of caption: Fig. 3 (p. 25) Intensity spectrum of the spontaneous microwave emission from the endocrine glands at a neutral site . (The threshold lines, as the outer standing waves of radiation at the resonance antenna express themselves as charge at a mineral plate).

GlandsAtGeopathicZone.jpg: (below) Axes: same .Curves: Left: thyroid gland , Right, from bottom to top: sex gland, thymus gland, narrow peak is pineal , broad peak is blood at wrist, adrenal gland. Translation of caption: Fig. 4 (p. 26) Intensity spectrum of the spontaneous microwave emission from the endocrine glands at a site, disturbed by an underground water course. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 35 of 109

Summary above: scrambling underground long wave magnetics, represses the microwave singing of the high pineal..etc.

The microwave density of the nose tip as high frequency wave guide illuminates the biological wisdom of the eskimo kiss, and the witches twitch for example.

Insects navigate by microwave. (Phil Callahan). Olfaction is a notching of infrared conductivity at a particular spectra. Your breath is a micro wave laser (maser) by which insects steer. Etchings on paramagnetic stone were microwave guides with strong ecological implications. The best microwave amp waveguide Dratch found was such an Egyptian etching.

Bioacoustic habitat theory - signature sound works - and "Structural Stability and Morphogeneisis" for biophysics is nothing more than the music of how waves by nesting in phase keep soap bibbles and membranes and immune systems from popping. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 36 of 109

Above - the pictures of the undergroud water courses from the same Robert Endrös book: Translation of Caption: Fig 71 (p. 169), Residential area over powerful underground water courses. Since the making of this map another 4 people died of cancer. text in upper right corner, from top to bottom: Death by cancer. Sick of cancer. Death by lung tuberculosis.

Water Veins Create Underground magnetic currents, which are linked to microwave currents which are measureable (Dratch et al.)

Mapping underground magnetics under Chartres..Translation of Caption: Fig. 81 (p. 187) Chartres cathedral over underground water courses.

The Bob Dratch work measuring the underground magnetic currents, using microwave - suggests a connection between the ley lines and the effect upon the microwaves which the German research documented effected the high glands in the brain. I think of the pineal as a kind of steering wheel to surf magnetic lines .. even into the lucid dream and the bardo.. see the pineal article... ../pineal 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 37 of 109

What does all this mean? It means your ecosystem is a nice song of these frequencies all woven non- destructively together in a braiding operation nature calls PHYlotactic embedding. ( ) Perfect branching call PHI is perfect compression - perfect unpacking is perfect packing... Computers are no more than a history of compression discovered. Biological immortality as wave sustainability is the same.

So where does this put out poor confused dowser feng-shui hired gun? It means, if she does not learn to steer waves with her mind and heart directly, she is toast. Steering those waves around requires nothing more than the skill to embed. Grounding has the same meaning for electricians as psychologists - a perfect path to unpack into the pervasive self-aware electrical fractal. This is the practical explanation why bliss will drive you crazy unless your back yard is a magnetic fractal. ( look up )

Now I would no more say, that LEY LINES ARE MICROWAVE, than I would say body acupuncture energy meridians ARE lo resistance paths - even tho I saw Pat Flanagan successfully measure meridians simply as paths of lo electrical resistance. Is the good SYMMETRY we call CONDUCTIVITY for DC, the WAVE GUIDE for Higher Frequency (microwave for example) information density? Clearly Yes. Is that ALL a ley line, or an acupuncure meridian is? Clearly NO! Just because DNA in blood becomes measureably superconductive and superluminal - ( ) does not mean we conclude BLOOD IS MERELY A WAY TO MAKE MAGNETISM GO FAST. It is that, but it is more - We might say blood is a name for when magnetic flow becomes intent rich.

So it is important for dowsers not to get confused into thinking by using some rods or pendulum, they have measured something. Clearly, by all descriptors of science (replicability and precision for example), they have measured nothing. However, when we correlate muscle strength (kinesiology) to COHERENCE in the EKG (as we recently did with HeartTuner at Kinesiology college here ) - that is a measurement. That brings us closer to rigorously describing the relationship of COHERENCE (in heart and mind), to GRABBING THE TORNADO - your muscle voltages - by the THROAT. Coherence in EKG goes UP when WILL has found what is shareable - electrically. Coherence is the body's lie detector - as it is the difference between life and death for all of biology. ( ). Coherence is the STRENGTH of your relationship to your muscles because it is how your mind reaches and touches.

We can measure the force of attention by measuring the COHERENCE of brain waves. (Solutions to addiction and A.D.D. ). Coherence is what the Shaman and the Tai Chi master learn. The skill to align waves is called FOCUS, whether you are in optics class, or martial arts class - And now that we can MEASURE coherence in the EKG with new elegance ( ) , indeed there is no excuse not to teach our kids how to steer tornados.

Inset: supplementary reading : 1. What's Poisoning the Farm , 2. Measuring Life Force.

Power Line Grounding & What's Poisoning the Farm?

Understanding How Earth's Subtle Magnetism Makes Things Grow,

and What Utility Line Grounding thru Earth instead of Wires back to Generator do to Kill Life Force. The feminine nature of the dairy cow makes it a veritable 'canary in the cave' predictor of when the Earth grid magnetics become poisoned. This is sometimes referred to as the "Stray Ground" problem. I 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 38 of 109

am remembering the evening back in Buffalo NY, when the mother of the dairy farmers family wept at an Electrical Inspectors meeting. Her entire family presented their story (the loss of the majority of their farm dairy cows due to the stray ground currents) at length to the engineer's from the area cable television company, elecric power company, and the Electrical Inspectors regional meeting.

As the guest speaker for the evening, my position was to emphasize that Power Grid imbalances create very large amperage flow down ground wires into the Earth. This creates drastic rats nests in the geometry of all the magnetic flow lines in the region. Plants use order or coherence in the magnetic or dowsing or ley lines to create ordered water which makes cells grow. Birds get lost when magnetic lines get scrambled. Animals are particularly sensitive to these geopathic zones.

Our Earth regards magnetic flow as an information blood stream. Our power grid is in the habit of using the Earth herself as a huge dump path for hi amperage information pollution in the form of transformer grounding. The cable company's ground lead here appears to me to be only a path for carrying the power grids transformer ground hi amperage waste into the Earth as a kind of magnetic noise, which causes the Earth herself to bleed. Nature never intended the Earth herself to be a return path for billions of electrons needing a way back to the generation plant. The result here was the complete loss of a dairy herd, but those cows were really just being helpful enough to report a problem which is killing people, plants and animals alike. In Europe there is no 110 volt imbalanced transformer center tap. Here in America it is an obscene travesty to the Earth grid, and as Spark Burmaster and other pro's in Wisconsin teach, at the least a complete isolated 4th wire is required to take junk electrons back to the plant, and not to Earth's plants. If we really understood what we were doing to the delicate flower of magnetic lines which make things like underground water flow, we would pass EMERGENCY LEGISLATION making high amperages down ground wires as illegal as dumping mercury in the city water reservoir. They are equally destructive to health.

If users were to measure the AMPERAGE of the wasted energy they were paying for going down into their ground rods, they might realize the extent of the electrical garbage which is poisoning the Earth grid. Not only are they paying for this wasted energy, but the "stray" voltage pressures in the soil measureably: -kill all the Earth Worms, -cause dramatic health problems to plants, animals and people.. Gary Skillen reports consistant dramatic soil compaction/ soil death immediately around high voltage public utility metal power line towers. This is a global problem deserving global attention.

It is much harder to properly balance and tune a power distribution grid, so as to dramatically reduce the hi amp ground imbalances at transformers which so poison the Earth. As the catastrophic health impact of these ground problems become understood, we will need laws to severely limit the amperage a power grid can pour as pollution into the Earth's fragile magnetic bloodstream.

If we take the time to learn some of these key concepts about how the Earth grid is delicately tuned like a flowering rose to support biology, we might serve an Earth Mother in some severe pain.

From : Marty Cain (as mentioned above - dowser, labyrinth design, druid? ref: ) To : daniel winter Tue, 11 Dec 2001 22:07:25 -0500

Hi Pal, Very encouraging and scary at the same time. Thanks for the credit; a few comments that came to mind as I was reading. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 39 of 109

1. are we looking at the moment of bliss we have when running? (from dan: the bliss in motion is I am sure very real and important, sadly our simple wrist electrodes for now do not allow a lot of movement during measurement). 2. When you put two things exactly the same in the same place at the same time they both disappear. E.G. a headache. 3. Focused attention with love directed toward a person will increase their aura as well as the aura of the person focusing and sending the love. I teach that focused attention with love is the most powerful tool we have as human beings. 4. You can communicate with all life, wisdom, intelligence's when you do through your heart. Talk to trees and rocks etc. 5. Water is alive and will move with a mere request from the heart... that is if it does not have a prior agreement to share its life force somewhere else. 6. All is made of the same stuff, only organized differently, so all is alive, all is conscious, and intelligent, and reachable through love. 7. How quick the black helicopters show up over your newly laid out and blessed labyrinth!!!!! 8. Water is a carrier. If non Phi waves enter water it carries it and emits the frequency along the way which causes cancer etc. The water is NOT the cause. If a geomancer can work with the detrimental energies before they enter the water the problem is solved. (my sense of what is going on) 9. Microwave towers seem to be turning beneficial energy lines into detrimental ones. Also the satellite transmissions are causing great harm. People are becoming so sensitive they can not go out of their houses. Is this also so in Europe??? (good question)

Enough for now. Must get to bed so to have enough energy to get some work done tomorrow. Just got back from a talk at Radcliffe Seminars Landscape Design Dept. at Harvard. The message was for them to be aware of all that they were doing and what the potential of their love in their designs might be. Ask the Earth first..... Looking forward to seeing you before too long. Love, Marty Cain

Can Life Force Be Measured in Capacitive Terms?

Biophoton's Next Step:

info for Technical Consultant Only- from Dan Winter - Perth, Australia. Dec.22,2002

email: [email protected]

or [email protected]

Dan Winter lecture calendar & new curriculm (+pdf) -

An private invitation to the biophoton research community to collaborate. (reprints of this invite 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 40 of 109

privately at )

Stated Research Goal - To perfect the biophoton life force measurement concept to pure principle - and greater meaningful sensitivity. Since the ability to store and release a photon - is ultimately the ability to compress the charge called a photon - why not measure the charge attraction and compression process directly - to more usefully and much more sensitively provide a technology to measure and optimize life force.

... and to learn more about the SOURCE of the measureable DC Voltage which appears to consistently predict and perhaps quantify the freshness of an EGG.

(Townsend Brown et al. taught us the exquisite non-linearity for example of baked egg white for capacitive dialectric purposes - a precedent perhaps to the ability he along with Searl et al used to build the concave capacitors they used to create gravitational thrust. Altho the builders of Stealth do not want us to know that capacitive fields focused like a lens lay radar hiding technology to waste and make conventional rocket thrust obsolete - biological skill to create sustainable life may require we learn anyway. - see Lifters links below..)

This is intended to provide more accurate physics description to the working hypothesis being investigated by Dan Winter with the lab.

The Hypothesis is: LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as - the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF-ORGANIZE CHARGE.

This is in direct support of a.) The Use of ELECTRO-NEGATIVITY to Predict Life Force in "Bioelectronics of Vincent" (BEV) Technology .. and b.) The fact that the NEGATIVE DC Electrode Regenerates Coral in (Electrolytic) Coral Mineral Accretion - Coral Reef Alliance.

(coral mineral accretion by electrolytice negative charge) - the process so elegantly exenplifies the principle (electrical self similarity fractally enables the attraction of capacitive charge whose harmonic inclusiveness defines and makes measureable LIFE FORCE)

which becomes a practical measurement technology to optimize life as an electrical process in ANY structure... 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 41 of 109

suggest several things: - to optimize your process:

1.spectrum analyze the capacitive field around your underwater artificial reef metals to optimize fractality / self similarity ( paramagnetic stone in array like rose above ground serves this function to electrically fabricate the field necessary to optimize seed germination) - in the way described in this attached article...

2. experiment with monolayers of gold or palladium - on the growth surface - you will find that such metallics better radiate the necessary capacitive field into self similarity because their valence structure is more self similar

+. The Difference here is that PHIRICAIS - ( Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration Implosion Solution - see link ) both predicts WHY electron negativity creates life force electrically (self similarity electrically atracts charge and therefore life) but ALSO provides an elegant method to measure and optimize the mechanism of that charge attraction (spectrum analysis of charge using HeartTuner - see graphs below).

-And WHY is it that electrical SELF-SIMILARITY makes and attracts LIFE? .. because self- similarity ATTRACTS the kind of compression which is called NON-DESTRUCTIVE. It IS non- destructive because that (fractal) compression creates ACCELERATION (that acceleration of charge has previously been called gravity). That charge accelerating makes the shape memory of symmetry called LIFE .. DISTRIBUTEABLE / SHAREABLE / and therefore SUSTAINABLE. It also means that those wave structures which cannot enter into that holy communion of what is compressible and therefore accelerate-able and therefore shareable .. cannot propagate or survive. Thus this is the biological test for 'pure intention' - namely the symmetry of the shareable.

Suggest reading please the background discussion for the research consult at: Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?

Please note numerous additional data samples in that article supplementing those below - the advantage of those depicted here, is that the capacitive fields were perhaps 'focused' usefully by the unique spherical capacitor depicted below - used for the results on this page - and also the data here represents the averaging of far longer periods of data to reduce noise input.

Abstract: The concept is inspired from the film we made with Professor Phil Callahan. There we saw him observe with his liquid crystal portable Fluke scope that the more harmonics which were present in the weak capacitive field around a tree - the healthier the tree was. There we learned to use the hemp 'biological capacitive probe' used for the EARLIER data on the above linked page.

The point is that the concept - THE MORE HARMONICS PRESENT AT ONCE- THE MORE LIFE IS PRESENT - is PERFECTLY reflected in the EKG literature! Namely that the fractality of harmonic INCLUSIVENESS of the Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a very reliable predictor of immune health and longevity!.

Reference 1: The Origin of Disease and Health Heart Waves

Reference 2: Heart Rate Variability Comparison using HeartLink / HeartTuner 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 42 of 109

- The principle is simple: the MORE waves of electrical charge which can simultaneous agree to meet at once - in any biological oscillator - the more ALIVE it is. While this concept seems absurdly simple at first inspection - in fact it makes perfect sense. When a biological structure finds a way to attract waves of charge - it sucks in the energy of its environment. The more waves of charge it can suck in a one time - the more energy and LIFE it absorbs.

This is VERY parallel in some ways - to the notion that LIFE FORCE IS ROUGHLY EQUAL TO BIOLOGICALLY SUSTAINABLE CHARGE DENSITY (Thus explaining for example why most metal structures deplete life force when they even TOUCH food!)

The nice thing is - we can now depict exactly HOW a biological structure gathers that charge :

It arranges the elements of it's 'nonlinear' dialectric to become fractal or self-similar. In this way - the recursive non-destructive (or re-cursively CONSTRUCTIVE) interference of the charge waves in its interior becomes a FRACTAL ATTRACTOR. Or - more specifically - it adds and multiplies the wave lengths and wave velocities in THIS geometry depicted below:

When Nick Thomas lectured on Lawrence Edwards 'Vortex of Life' his projective geometries of WHY pine cones changed there conic angle according to how much life they needed to suck from their enviornment - reinforce this idea. Clearly, pine cones AND eggs and human EKG sucks power (measureable wattage) from the gravity field precisely like an implosion motor - by arranging their capactive elements (dialectric array) into conic implosion symmetry to begin the fusion thru light speed which makes them able to continually suck in more charge.

Please read here: 1. Fusion -Phi Phenomenon -Unlocking Ultimate PHIre. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 43 of 109

2. The Perfect Geometry of Wave Collapse - Neurophysics Solution the Nature of Consciousness

So -successful life structure create by IMPLOSION (infinite non-destructive compression) a contiguous spin path to send waves of charge thru the speed of light. (In another research project we develop why that spin path thru light speed is precisely the relationship of charge to fabricating gravity. - which we believe will become measureable in capacitive fractal devices evolving from these recursive capacitive arrays: 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 44 of 109

Eseentially- gravity happens because recursive implosion of charge creates a contiguous spin path thru the speed of light - like pulling the plug in bathtub - gravity is the resultant suction.

While this idea to solve Einstein's dilemna (what is the geometry of infinite non-destructive compression) does answer why Faraday called the form of a capacitive field a gravitational one - it is NOT the subject of this study. But it is necessary to mention because it explains why biological structures can fabricate gravitational fields (TM siddhi meditators float better under gold domes for good physical reasons - gold is capacitively fractal particularly in thin films).

All of the above is by way of hypothesis - until we measure and predict something.

The hypothesis would predict - the waves of charge would best implode when their symmetry of Golden Mean ratio. This is because the Golden Mean (Phi - .618033989.... etc.) perfects self-similarity and implosion and compression and de-compression and fractality. Evidence is PHYLOTAXIS - tree leaves unpack this way - Phi -Lo -Tactics:(Phi)Recursion/Self Re -Entry -Heart of Self Organization?

- AND that the electrical harmonic cascade of BLISS and EUPHORIA in brain waves (korotkov) as well as the electrical symmetry of bliss and compassion in EKG is also Golden Mean ratio by repeated measurement: BrainPhire?Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves as Mechanism of Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

For more on what this theory based on Golden Mean ratios implications for physics would predict - including the physics papers on Golden Mean from Finland see:

PREDICTIONS FOR A NEW PHYSICS OF GRAVITY & AWARENESS BASED ON RECURSION 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 45 of 109


1. Harmonic Inclusiveness (sometimes called fractality ) -which is how many different frequencies at once you can "invite" into your heart (Heart Rate Variability / HRV) clearly predicts resistance to MOST known chronic disease! (Ref 1. , Ref 2. ). This is one of the reasons HRV is one of the most intensely studied fields in medicine today.

2. The mathematic solution to maximizing the number of different wave lengths that can share space non-destructively is THE GOLDEN MEAN RATIO - This is the principle of PHYLOTAXIS - the branching geometry of all biology - so named because it is based on PHI - the symbol for Golden Mean. What is perfect UNPACKING for plants, is also perfect packing - hence clearly the Heart solves the problem of sustainability by learning to PACK (compress charge) well.

3. Two conditions predict the sustainability and viability of EVERYTHING oscillating. The Heart (ECG) and ALL of biology are examples of oscillators which must learn these in order to survive. The first is this HARMONIC INCLUSIVENESS, and the second is COHERENCE. Coherence is necessary because otherwise internal interference self-cancels anything waving or alive. The limit condition to allow BOTH Harmonic Inclusiveness AND COHERENCE to be sustained is PERFECT BRANCHING, or NESTING, or EMBEDDING, as defined by the Golden Mean Ratio . This is why after spectrum analysing tens of thousands of ECG's using HeartTuner, the VAST majority of HeartBeats choose to become stable at one of 3 musical key signatures ( Phi ^-1 or .618, Phi ^-1/2 or .79 , and Phi^0 or 1.0). These are identified by the 3 blue lines on the HeartTuner screen. There can be no other explanation than the heart learning the key to non-destructive compression (of charge) based on Phi. This correlates beautifully to the apparent psychology of those 3 emotional positions, which at .618 correspond much more to touch permissive emotion, versus 1.0 ('Emotional Index' or ECG musical fundamental) being much more intellectual and membrane MAKING kind of feeling. The PHI ratio .618 harmonic series is touch permissive emotionally, because that ( pent or phi based) symmetry permits non destructive harmonically inclusive nesting! The NEED then is to measure a.) Harmonic Inclusiveness idealized by Phi harmonics in the power spectra, and b.) COHERENCE in the ECG -- which also has profound implications for teaching COHERENT Emotion. The HeartTuner is the solution to this feedback revolution because it measures for the first time INTERNAL coherence (in heart or brain) plus instantly reports on the moment of that PHI tuned cascade. (which among other things has already electrically DEFINED bliss and euphoria - see , since that creates collapse and compression - of charge.)

3. The HeartTuner ( ) uses a revolution in mathematics (pioneered by Winter) (the second order power spectra: CEPSTRUM) to:

a.) quantify the INTERNAL or AUTO COHERENCE within the heart's voltage (ECG) , and

b.) dynamically and continuously feed back the musical fundamental to which the ECG is tuned (linked to Heart Rate - called Emotional Index/ EI number).

4. Benefits of providing this feedback - now proven commercially - include:

a.) teaching EMOTIONAL coherence - linked to Heart (ECG) coherence - newly made measureable.

b.) teaching EMPATHY , COMPASSION , MARRIAGE COUNSELING , CONFLICT RESOLUTION , CONCENSUS PROCESS , and ENERGY HEALING by CHARGE TRANSFER - 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 46 of 109

by measuring and teaching the moment at which two persons hearts (ECG) come into perfect musical phase lock.

c.) since the same feedback system allows measuring EEG COHERENCE - a revolution in the treatment of Attention Deficit and Addiction is becoming evident. ( ref. 1: , ref.2: ). Also the HRV curve on the HeartTuner - becomes a graph of the breathing - and can measure and teach the entrainment of breath to heart to brain..

The investigation here - however is very focused:

If we are correct - that life force IS the ability to attract and self organize charge- then of course that should allow us to consistently measure and supplement life force as good electricians.

First we must show that life force is consistently measureable in the harmonic COHERENCE and harmonic inclusiveness of the charge radiated by anything alive enough to be electrically self organizing.

In order to understand any of the following it is essential the reader has at least a basic notion of how electrical coherence is measured when the coherence needs to be quantified INTERNAL to a single oscillator. For this measure of INTERNAL or AUTO coherence - we use a radical new tool : The mathematics of the SEPTRUM - which is a dynamic 2nd order power spectra (FFT related - it is NOT an inverse FFT). Please read at least the basics of : Breakthru in Measuring INTERNAL COHERENCE.Teaching Biological Oscillators SUSTAINABILITY -

The early attempts to measure coherence and charge density in living things are depicted at the above link (life force).

We realized we needed a more sophisticated way to focus the charge envelope or dialectric field to charge amplify, spectrum analyze, and then produce the Septrum coherence measure. This required a spherical capacitor as a biological transducer. We wished to FOCUS THE CAPACITIVE FIELD LIKE A LENS. So we chose to measure the capacitive field around living things using 2 halves of an ostrich egg whose inside had been coated with a thin film of GOLD. (see pics below) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 47 of 109

First below here is the power spectra of the capacitive field around that VERY live fresh egg - averaged over a 100 second period to average out background noise.

The Measuring Tool, and PreAmp - the Software for FFT Power Spectra and Septrum Coherence Measure Used here is described in detail at 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 48 of 109

Now below we illustrate the SEPTRUM to allow viewing the COHERENCE of that field. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 49 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 50 of 109

Below - Septrum of a PLUM 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 51 of 109

What we wish of consultant expertise is:

1. The beginnings or start of a set of physics references or precedent for this notion.

2. Critique of the concept - with a view to improving the model and the research approach.

(Note to Jan and the lab- after replicating this work several times, the one occasion when the data did not show life force, clearly was when the gold dialectric surface of the spherical capacitor transducer had completely broken up - bleeding the charge field. In summary this work deserves the effort to replicate.)

Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?

"All Human Interactions are about CHARGE" quote from 'Celestine Prophecy' 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 52 of 109

We can now extend this to define:

LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF-ORGANIZE CHARGE.

(measuring tool: HeartTuner - hi gain 2nd order septrum measure of CHARGE coherence.) from Dan Winter, Netherlands, Oct 2001.


How we measure life force, make implosion replicable.. and show the biological relationship to self-organization among waves.



folding 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 53 of 109



These are all the key words, which Hameroff and Clifford have used to describe life force as a self organizing wave. Fortuneately we now have a way to measure and quantify this. SUPERPOSED WAVE SYMMETRY is WAVE COHERENCE perfected which IS COMPRESSION perfected. (More spins can be superposed when their nest is PHIlotactic .)

above : empty capacitive cup below- we insert live fresh LIME fruit into cup and measure COHERENCE (arrow near Golden Ratio ) in the charge radiance...Life Force Measured? 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 54 of 109

Quantum Consciousness | Clifford Math of Consciousness at the Edge of Chaos |

| Superposition Separation | Structures | TimeScales - Table - Graph |

| Cycles: Biology and Quantum |

| Conscious Universe |

* Zizzi Quantum Inflation and Self-Decoherence * How to Maintain Brain-Wide Quantum Coherent Superpositions? * Buckled Buckytube Electrons maintain Coherence * Resonance * PSI ( Clover | Magons | Bohm | Akira -Abyss -Matrix )

Stuart Hameroff MD Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology Associate Director, Center for Consciousness Studies ,

Quantum consciousness group at the University of Arizona , Perhaps the most perplexing problem in science, the nature of consciousness reflects on our very existence and relation to reality. Most approaches to the problem of consciousness see the brain as a computer, with neurons and synapses acting as switches or "bits". In this view consciousness is thought to "emerge" as a novel property of complex computation. However this approach fails to adequately deal with enigmatic features of consciousness and more radical approaches may be necessary....(continued) , What is life? Are quantum states and processes at the core of living systems? Papers by Paul Davies and Stuart Hameroff , Debate on decoherence heats up- New paper on biological feasibility of quantum states in the brain. , Quantum coherence shown in human brain! , Can quantum mechanics explain " free will"? -,Microtubules - Nature's quantum computers?

Dan Winter Theory of Artificial Intelligence based on embedding (preliminary from Portugal)

Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible? 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 55 of 109

from Dan Winter , consultant

Have you ever wondered when science would be able to measure freshness in your grocery store? Actually, the old trick of measuring the slight DC voltage between both ends of the egg you choose for breakfast does work. Unfortuneately because sciene never before know HOW the egg stores an electrical charge, never before was there a way to generalize the principle.

Golden Spiral - Only angle for a wave to re-enter itself - non-destructively: Self Re-Entry defines Self Awareness! Similarly, Victor Schauberger knew the moment his water vortex egg would begin "spontaneously" getting colder, was the time he could expect to start getting voltage or power from gravity straight out of his simple mineral water tornado. (like the Water Vortex on this Newsletter front.) Again no one knew the math to say why.

Perfect Constructive Wave Interference is " Heterodyning" which when PHI Perfected Creates Implosion / Solves Compression

Successful Compression is how computers, and DNA evolve. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 56 of 109

"Waving In":

Strangely, the answer has been in front of us, ever since science measured the mathematics of the perfect way for leaves to branch. The mathematics of 'perfect branching' or nesting, is called PHIlotaxes, because it is based on PHI -The Golden Ratio (1.618...). 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 57 of 109

The Fractality -/ Self-Similarity of the Fibers of Perkinjole :where the heart catches PHIre (made famous by Ary Goldberger MD) allows the EKG to create voltage from gravity (implode), make gravity (weight lost at death). When a tree structure of capacitors is fractal, gravity is fabricated. (below ) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 58 of 109

When the tree leaves discovered the perfect "maximum exposure / minimum superposition", -the perfect way to "share the light", the tree ALSO discovered PERFECT COMPRESSION. At first this seems like a simple insight. Yet actually it was specifically the point of doing a mathematical model of the geometry of perfect infinite non-destructive compression that stumped Einstein. (This was what prevented him from saying WHY black holes bend time, and voltage could be generated from gravity.) It turns out that gravity is merely the imploding wind of charge being non-destructively compressed until it goes thru the speed of light. Einstein knew that gravity was indistinguishable from acceleration, our new discovery now is that acceleration is PRECISELY what happens when waves compress perfectly! (Thus making gravity out of capacitors.) In the lab we have begun to measure the effect of charge or capacitance on water and living systems. (the word condensator can be taken literally: TO CONDENSE!). Capacitors arranged into self-similar or fractal pent geometry apparently prevent water from freezing, and seem to affect crystal growth geometry. It is my belief that the years of work done on Kirlian photography may have missed the fact that it was the radiative geometry of charge or capacitance, induced by it's frequency 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 59 of 109

harmonic content, which STEERED THE LIGHT INTO THE SHAPE WE CALLED IT"S KIRLIAN IMAGE. 2 friends in America, Bill Ramsey, and Greg Hodowanec (try 'Google' search), found that gravity waves could in fact be measured elegantly and moving faster than light by imaging with capacitors. The new information is that capacitance can be focused like a lens, and that when that lens of CHARGE DENSITY begins to burn / ignite / implode / self-organize then THAT IS WHAT WE CALL GRAVITY! So how do we measure this, and what does this have to do with measuring life force? Well it turns out that since everything is made of waves nesting, that when an organism finds a way to begin imploding it's charge (and we call that self-organization of charge potential: LIFE!), it begins to emit a charge radiance or field effect whose frequency harmonics give it that tell tale wrinkle, that it indeed has found a way to STAY ALIVE. Essentially, what is happening is that the bio-force consists of the pattern keeping skill, to continuously persuade waves of charge to agree to meet, non-destructively - infinitely. Our very word in-PHI-knit is based on the notion of PHI / Golden Ratio. When wave nest in this way, they create an onward inward going 'recursive turning inside out' implosion, because their wave lengths both add and multiply recursively. (see heterodyning: at ). This is our key to measuring and imaging and teaching life force. We use the old Dr.Phil Callahan trick, with a 'biological capacitor' (hemp in sweat or sea water) as a probe. Of course old Dr Phil used to spectrum analyze in his head, from just the wave on his scope. We apply some fancy math tools, and get a look at WHEN AN OSCILLATOR (like your favorite tree to hug), CHOOSES A MUSICAL KEY SIGNATURE BASED ON GOLDEN RATIO. We evaluate 2 things: 1. How Coherent the music, and 2. What is the musical KEY of that music. In the lab, we are developing a new generation of heart and emotional intelligence biofeedback tools, based on my original HeartLink invention. (We call it now the "LoveMusic HeartTuner".) The amount of coherence tells us when anything (in this case a HeartBeat), is changing from a "flashlight into a LASER". When waves become coherent - they all line up real pretty and thus they can go a VERY LONG WAY. So now you can send your heart music very far. This also means when teacher says: "Little Johnny, you go to the corner until you are COHERENT!", now Johnny can get feedback to measure this and show him how. The principle of sustained coherence is the solution to the problem of compression. It is how so many waves can agree to touch EACH node in the hologram. Compression is the most important principle which evolves both computers, consciousness, and compassion. Compression happens when waves get embedded, or self-similar, or fractal enough so that the inside looks like the outside. Note how similar this sounds to feeling outside you, as if the other person were inside. This is the specific skill, to turn inside out electrically - which is called compassion, and which the HeartTuner (formerly HeartLink( measures) by looking for nestable (PHI) harmonic tuning. When your heart sings in measureable coherence, it is the ultimate biological truth detector for the body. So the simple little peak on the coherence power spectra, which tells even little kids instructively how to become a coherent laser instead of a flashlight, demonstrably replaces the need for muscle testing. It is a lie detector. The HeartTuner shows when 2 hearts get in the same musical key signature. This 'impedance matching" which defines empathy - is a clinical and marriage / tantra counseling tool. And the same tool, hardware 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 60 of 109

and software which measures that COHERENCE or share-ability for waves, measures life force in ANYTHING, by simply measuring CHARGE coherence. The goal of tha lab to make quality of life visible is now possible, since not only can we define life force and electrical waves learning how to agree / implode, but we can measure it! 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 61 of 109

2nd Order FFT (Septrum) landscape shows change in Key Signature (peak position / emotion's quality) vs. Coherence (peak amplitude / emotion's intensity ) over time. Here approaching Golden Ratio (.611 top left)-- perfect branching measured. This same technique can be used to measure anything which vibrates (which is everything) for the moment of self-organization. (emergance from chaos).

Data gathered, suggest how to INTERPRET the first peak of the 2nd order FFT of the Heart... 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 62 of 109

Measuring the ability of 1 person to phase lock his heart with his head. (2 peaks overlap just left of pink arrow, blue= ekg coherence, yellow = EEG). The peaks at the same number .64 (near PHI) indicates brain linked with heart. Elsewhere we have measured this heart EKG musical fundamental emerges in the voice harmonics when you speak from your heart. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 63 of 109

Using this same mathematical technique, applied to measurement of life force in something besides the heart... here .. a tree. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 64 of 109

below from trees 2001 review:

Preliminary Measure of Life Force Magnetics in Trees, for Lab

Many thanks to Jan at 'Imaging Lab" ! .

Original Series Measuring Life force (in trees) using Charge Spectra: Measuring the Effect of Tree Hugging! 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 65 of 109

Above: Tree clearly effected by the presence of a loving person. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 66 of 109

Biological Capacitive Probe- Showing Tree Harmonics (Tree 1, Anne Stijkel favorite...)

Note probable 8-10 Hertz Range - A Schumann Resonance CASCADE? 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 67 of 109

Tree at Rest, Capacitive Probe.. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 68 of 109

Inductive Probe: Anne Stijkel Hugs Tree - Again "Schumann Resonance" range of cascading harmonics - noticeable coherence. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 69 of 109

"Happy Tree" Undisturbed (very old) Tree settles into LOWER frequency coherence (2 - 6 hz) , possibly less disturbed here then when airplanes fly over... 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 70 of 109


On this bottom plot below, it appeared that a strong 70 hz or so resonance of a large very metallic fence was strongly and negatively affecting the life force of the tree being measured. This appeared to be confirmed, when we checked the spectrum of emissions of the fence itself, and noted to apparent begin to rot of the trees the fence line pointed to.

Note that the harmonic content of this foreign non-living frequency limits the spectral bandwidth AND THEREFOR THE LIFE OF THIS TREE..? 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 71 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 72 of 109

The inductive probe tells us when too much local 50 or 60 cycle noise will cover the true 'singing' of the tree, preparing to use capacitive 'Callahan Probe'. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 73 of 109

A Coherent Moment - A Peak Experience...

Charge Coherence Measured.. Life Force? (Only embedding permits a wave to cohere.....) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 74 of 109

"Callahan" Biological Capacitive Probe: Unbleached Hemp Fibres soaked in sea water or live sweat, around a high impendance scope type input - to high gain amplifier...

The rite which required you be wiped down in the live fresh human sweat of all the other males in your tribes to be initiated appears to be highly functional from an electrical impedance matching (even Tantric) .

(Live male sweat -electrically potent underwear pheromes- appears to be the best way for college female humans to choose mates, according to a recent study).

(Wiping noses in the mixed urine of the whole GENETICALLY DIVERSE cow heard solves Hoof and Mouth disease according to the African Mauri tribe, perhaps we can now understand the electrical logic: gathering 'immune' coherence. ... a sort function.)

Below, we used the same input (Hi Gain Amplification of Biological Capacitive "Callahan" Probe 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 75 of 109

- to Power Spectra / Spectrum Analysis) to see how the big tree's in the park would respond to Cedric from the Paris research group... Thank You Cedric!

Above: Cedric Approaches Tree - with Gentle Emotion..

Here the tree begins to respond to a specific audio tone which Cedric played from a Palm Pilot small computer. The tone was chosen specifically to ring biological structures. Note the capacitor whose charge we are analyzing for response...('beginning to sing') is at the base of the tree, very 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 76 of 109

far from audible range of the tiny little speaker cedric is using to excite the tree.

Here the tree began to SUSTAIN coherence harmonic cascades well after Cedric used his unique sonic excitation technique.

Total time 10-15 minutes over which measurements were made. Gain was over 100,000 to the spectrum analyzer from the biological capacitive probe.

More on life force measures using charge spectra at:

Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible?

The PhiRICAIS (Making the Case for PHIre ) ..

-against arrogant scientific ignorance..

Why Mind Inhabits Phire . -Dec.4,2002. the work of Dan Winter, published by the Implosion Group, main index: this article : 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 77 of 109

How - Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration / Implosion IS the SOLUTION to:

Infinite Non -Destructive Collapse Infinite Compression / Perfect Acceleration / FUSION Perfect Damping / Phase Conjugation (optics etc) Hydrodynamic Implosion (Ultimate Sorting) Non Linear Energy (Voltage from Gravity) Charge Acceleration thru C Light Speed (Gravity) Measuring ATTENTION/ Bliss / Euphoria in EEG Audio Tone Induction of EEG Transcendance Measuring EKG Heart Openness / Compassion Self Organization from Chaos/Artificial Intelligence Electrically Defining & Measuring LIFE FORCE Pure Geometric Origin of Alphabets (symbol=to embed)

The Shape of The Touch Which Says Love .

.. How PhiRICAIS (Implosion) is revealed by Spectrum Analysis 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 78 of 109

..and the Grail

Scientists best current answer: PhiR.I.C.A.I.S. Question which must be (arrogant, shallow, self Phi Recursion Induced Charge Acceleration / answered to produce destructive - and fully Implosion Solution. human survival: intending to deprive our genepool of sustainability (The below article pictorial from Dan Winter) - soul) Gravity happens because of the suction to center when recursive acceleration pulls the plug for Uhh.. we still don't have charge to go out thru the speed of light. the slightest idea - but we're perfectly happy to When electrical waves of charge nest in self- write 20,000 profoundly similar or recursive fractal like embedding, then confused books on how to wave heterodynes recursively allow the wave Why does an object fall measure the force of velocities adding and multiplying to do so to the ground? gravity (even tho we can't CONSTRUCTIVELY. This self-similarity even predict that unless (recursive heterodyning) allows charge to be (How is the symmetry to the universe has only 2 accelerated coherently thru the speed of light. allow self - re-entry key to items in it). By writing all Einstein was right that gravity IS acceleration, he that possibility of those books we hoped to was wrong to say that acceleration is due to sustaining acceleration.) intimidate you into not gravity, it is more correct to say that gravity is due asking this simple most to acceleration. important question - because that would clearly reveal our science to be This can be easily proven by seeing that the stupid and arrogant. amount of gravity created by capacitors in a fractal - is greatest when they are spaced by Golden Mean ratio (recursion perfected).

Uhh.. since we don't have Self reference due to internal 'self-similarity' is the slightest idea why, -we Why do humans lose the electrical wave geometry which produces self are perfectly happy to measureable weight at awareness (the Vedas) AND the charge ignore/ hide the data, so the instant of death? compression called Mass. Teaching our kids people don't ask where the weight goes could instruct them in how embarassing questions. to navigate death. The Geometry of Eternality, 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 79 of 109

Geometry & The Bardo.. Uhh.. we don't have the foggiest idea - but since we don't know we assume it must not be important.

(even tho the first day we Life force is the ability to (fractally) attract and design a biologically self organize charge. That capacitive charge recursive capacitor to measured in Farad's can predict viability by the store food - we could save way harmonic inclusiveness (evident in spectrum all life on Earth - would analysis) in that capacitive field creates the first refrigerator embedding and sustainability . ( reference 1 , How do you define, manufacturer who wants reference 2 ) measure, produce, and to make a billion dollars support - LIFE FORCE please email Dan Winter. This is precisely in the same way harmonic in clear electrical terms? Successful architecture INCLUSIVENESS in Heart Rate Variability - and can have absolutely no in ANYTHING ALIVE - predicts viability! other biological definition than to create measureable ( Harmonic inclusiveness in it's limit condition is capacitive charge density- the ultimate coherence made possible by fractal the guy who designed the compression). beehive gets to survive - the guy who sold the idea of using metal in buildings /bleeeding charge/ deserves death - that is called biofeedback.) DNA becomes sustainable precisely as it's field DNA probably does not effect becomes measureably coherent. That have a field effect that coherence occurs when the braiding or plaiting or matters - DNA is only nesting of the loop structure becomes recursive. good for lining up simple (reference 1 , reference 2 ). The charge tinker toy blocks to make environment (feng shui) and the emotion phonons proteins. (bliss) enact that re-cording / braiding How does DNA become algorhythmn piezoelectrically on the DNA slinky sustainable? (Typical response from helix. - which in it's limit ensouling condition the 'terrorist'/ genetic becomes ring like.. Lord of the Ring . (what is it's biological engineer who is currently purpose) robbing the soul from your That implosive condition enacted when DNA is children by feeding them ignited by charge density allows it to fabricate the (how does DNA 'get a dizzy DNA). gravity fields which trigger environments to soul') become also embedded / self organizing and (even tho in truth DNA's sustainable. Environments without the gravity field COHERENCE making of DNA quickly die - from lack of specifically limits electrical self-direction. Only the biological biological sustainability charge density (producing intent/will/self- and surviving death and direction in electrical field's biologically) ultimate lucid dreaming ). in DNA's fractality - set free- can sustain ecosystem's self repair ('Gaia'). 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 80 of 109

Alphabets are the self-organizing Golden Spiral wave path allowing non-destructive entry into (vortex) compression / acceleration. That is the key to psychokinesis because the quantum What is the pure Uhh, we think alphabet's mechanics of what it is to make a symbol has geometric origin of came from Earth, and never been anything except the wave mechanic alphabets? since we don't understand symmetry cookbook necessary to embed the wave mechanics of What is the physics which self-embedding which (and therefore become the electrical center of predict how well a symbol produce psychokinesis - it gravity of tornados - of which the universe is produces psychokinesis? would be safer not to ask exclusive made). Reference 1 . (While you are (Mind ability to move us about the physics of the there feel free to ask the judge who made it a US waves) origin of symbol. Federal crime to publish anything ever written by Dan Winter - if the US First Amendment -free speech - is really dead? Governments based ONLY on fear produce their own death quickly.) Emotions are glands abilty to grasp / cohere and bend magnetic lines. (This means that if you don't choose to cohere magnetism - then ultimately you stop FEELING anything!). Uhh.. (Candace Pert)... we think emotions are When the cascade of magentic fields can be sent molecules and tinker toys, bouncing down the caddeuceus BETWEEN What is the electrical and since we refuse to frequencies - delivering the electrical energy of a function of emotion? understand waves, it long wave (glandular sonic emotion) to the short would be safer not to ask wave (cellular and genetic metabolism) - that is (on DNA - and on us about the SOUND called E-MOTION. (E-nergy in Motion ecosystem- for example) wave of glands during BETWEEN frequencies). How the Geometry of Pressure in Your TOUCH - Predicts the Harmonics of bliss making the PUMP EMOTION IN MUSIC - & LOVE? for those molecules delivery. When that cascade becomes implosive (article below) that fractally attracts the charge and information density which is called a) peak ATTENTION, b) Euphoria/Bliss, and c) Enlightenment.

Implosion is the charge compression and acceleration thru light speed which results when waves in any spectra acheive the critical mass of Uhh... we will choose self-similarity requires to 'ignite' phase velocity stubbornly to believe heterodynes. Once the phase velocity heterodynes fusion / implosion get simultaneously constructively compressed and probably doesn't exist - accelerated thru C - the operation can become self What is the pure since we can't explain the sustaining if the magnetic environment locally is principle of Implosion / principle - even after cold fractal enough to absorb the inertia input thru light Fusion / and the best fusion with palladium speed. (How planets experience gravity relations way to SORT beads happened repeatedly erotically / also key to seed germination ANYTHING? ( all (Patterson). It never electrically ). 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 81 of 109

pollution of any type - for occurred to us to ask why The water vortex nozzle implosion device example) Palladium's fundamental (ImplosionEgg ) - can be implemented electron symmetry was hydrodynamically, magnetically, capacitively , dodeca.(Golden Mean optically ...etc... It is the absolute key in principle recursive stellation at the to the self- sorting of ANYTHING. No ultimate electron valence level). sollution to pollution is possible without grasping this principle. After implosion's compression - everything is sorted (by phase) into what is shareable / phase discipline. (Thus answering the question- WHY was the SHAPE of the Unicorn's horn key to purifying water?) Uhh.. well this might be important .. but since Einstein didn't figure it Fractal compression is the only potentially infinite out .. we'll assume it's a compression. 3D fractality for waves (& therefore What is the geometry of hard question and ignore it everything) is perfected in Golden infinite non-destructive for a while. compression? (Even tho the answer - (which stumped Einstein - phylotaxis - perfect self and limits our ability to similar fractal nesting - produce ANYTHING can be taught to a 5 year shareable OR sustainable old. When nature - including computer discovered phy-lotaxis data, human cities, and perfect unpacking in genetic memory ) plants - based on Phi/Golden Ratio - she Ratio. (link also mapped the geometry 'Predictions' - see bottom) of perfect PACKing. - a 'rosy-cross'-ing.) Uhh.. well since no one Charge in a fractal creates gravity because wave could explain the principle velocities beating or heterodyning recursively can after many scientists like constuctively add. The acceleration produced is Why do capacitors Townsend Brown, Searl, the only source of gravity. (Also the solution to properly on a curve and now Naudin proved phase conjugation in optics). approximating self- this does occur, we had similarity make a better ignore it .. since if The amount of self similarity at the fundamental gravitational field? we let people ask the wave symmetry level between the inner and outer question - it would reveal structure of anything (electron to nucleus of an (key to eliminating all how truly stupid current atom for example) - will predict the amount of the polluting science is. The American gravity it generates. Gravitational attraction in technologies on Earth military is of course general is in proportion to mass, because fractality which create transport..) delighted with this state of permits the charge compression which allows affairs - because it inertia to be stored - and that is the only definition prevents people from for mass. See Capacitive ANTI-GRAVITY knowing how Stealth flies. LIFTER's links..-below Naudin pic DNA was developed over millions of years as a gravity making - fractal charge compression and acceleration device by galactic core cultures ( ref 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 82 of 109

1 , ref 2 ) . (A toothpaste tube for squeezing out the charge acceleration of biological self- Oh .. a bit of lightning in awareness - thru light speed into star inhabiting primal soup .. then the and stablizing force) . It establishes an electrical human race invented itself information communion at it's core which on this planet. ultimately always tests for what is shareable - that is - able to be propagated. - (something which (Even tho over-whelming requires dying only when information which is evidence of genetic not shareable / charge dense has been un- tampering exists in pre sustainably stored.) Sumeria: the Sumerian alphabet is optical When DNA as an intelligent shape-shifting worm What is the origin of waveguides for fabricating is deprived of freedom / genetic diversity, it DNA - electically and cellular structures, the becomes dizzy, unable to steer (implode)- and historically? Hebrew alphabet is the loses it's ability to fabricate gravity (centering symmetry software to force) by teaching waves to agree - and becomes braid DNA codons into ultimately un-sustainable (loses the super-luminal un-ensouled /Golem tetra- tornado religists childishly call 'soul' which helix.) merely means access to 'sol' / fusion)

Those who ignore history This is why genetic engineering ultimately costs (un-successful genetic genepools their survival - because if the electrical intervention) are ability of DNA to choose it's own self-awareness condemned to repeat it. direction - is not respected - then no single thing about a planet's biology can maintain self- organization (self-awareness) electrically.

Human as a word has clear Sumerian roots: the Lulu of the ANunaki. Lulu meant donkey, or borg, or artificial slave of... AN.

and the ANunaki were medium grade Uh.. we really don't have interventionist Draco reptilians - who as genetic a clue, but we assure you engineers were almost worse klutzes than Dolly people are a lot more the sheep. They (Enki / Ea / Adonai, and Enlil / important than monkeys- Yalweh / Michael) liked it when we called them What is the origin of the because animals have only God because they were too stupid to know that if term HUMAN - and how instinct. Instinct is the you don't set your kids free - then they and you is it a clue to our word scientists use when the parents both cannot learn. purpose. they mean - we don't have a clue - so we pick a word The word Human is a description of a tragedy to substitute for 'we don't which befell the Nephilim (fallen - no soul-no know' - to avoid DNA implosion) part of the Saraphim blood line embarassment. and can only be understood historically properly as Earth's current genetic history is a recent skirmish in the Orion wars. The most valuable prize of which is administration of a genetic library here on Earth, for which current Earth humans are generally hopelessly too backward to qualify for that privelege. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 83 of 109

If we could learn the physics of BLISS producing DNA ignition to star inhabiting power - we COULD be the SOLUTION instead of the problem of the Orion (oxygen) wars. ( ref 1 , ref 2 ) When (electrical) waves (the house wiring etc.) cross in cubic (octave ) patterns - the destructive Uh.. let's hide the data Why is the leukemia rate interference prevents biological charge from because we don't want in the corner row house 10 embedding. Evil and death for example are merely humans to learn how to times higher? names for failure to embed. Cancer is easily avoid becoming borgs. healed in a high O^2, and charge dense (sacred) environment.

IMPLOSION: Key to BLISS, PASSION and ENLIGHTENMENT: The FIRE of Passion- comes from the Heart, It is measureable in the EKG as COHERENCE, And the music of Golden Mean.

It is the key to all energy crises, yet simply depends on Understanding the PRINCIPLE of IMPLOSION.

This fire is what makes your energy field self steering.

"If you eat dead food instead of live, be grateful for the parasites this attracts to your stomach. They eat the death out of you.

If you eat a dead idea like "God is outside YOU" then be grateful for the Priests - the parasites to show you how it looks to die unhappy.

To be really alive and free- "Follow Your Bliss and Know What It Is". 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 84 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 85 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 86 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 87 of 109

thanks to Marc / Mayatiita for the below links -

American Antigravity - video clips, complete instructions, and other related lifter information.

Jean -Louis Naudin's "Lifter Experiments Website" A very in-depth website containing video clips, complete instructions,

World -Wide Lifter Replications An overview with photos and video from many of the independent inventors who have replicated the lifter experiments.

The home page for Transdimensional Technologies, the developers of the lifter design .

Blaze Labs (Saviour's Research Website) An excellent site on research into lifter enhancements, radiation testing, sealed devices, power supplies, and other topics relating to lifter technology.

Lifter Builders Group An email group for the exchange of research findings for those interested in building lifters or staying current on the state of the technology.

The NASA patent regarding obtaining thrust from an asymmetrical twodimensional capacitor, 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 88 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 89 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 90 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 91 of 109 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 92 of 109

A. Relativity's Replacement - The New Physics of Implosion: A New Mathematical Approach to the Nature of Biology.

B. (below) New Physics of Alchemy..


Abstract for Presentation to University - Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon, Portugal

by Dan Winter , September 23, 2002. Dan Winter vitae (

The 'TIME' Falling Bodies Take to Light -

Ode to "Primer on Energy" -

Rotation among waves is the only origin and definition and measurement we have ever had for both mass and time. Therefore, learning the recursive symmetry that enables charge compression which sustains & centers rotation is the key to emerge alive from both mass and time. (Quote from Dan Winter) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 93 of 109

Rotation / time - gone recursive in the {golden}spiral that translates vorticity is not only the path from matter {/rotation} to energy{/linear motion} - it is also the only way to become attractive. update- Sept. 2002: Relativity's replacement announced by Dan Winter - The Word 'Relativity' is obsolete to describe the relationship of mass to energy because that relationship (which allows charge to compress and thus be called MASS) is more precisely FRACTAL. Namely: self -similarity perfected allows charge (energy) to compress (non destructively) and thus become MASS. Fractality (of charge) creates MASS , life force, and self-organization (because that is what permits implosion). That path permitting non- destructive charge compression simultaneously produces charge ACCLERATION - (recursion in velocity heterodynes) which is the only source of the phenomenon called GRAVITY. Arranging capacitors (in concave array / toward recursion) to fabricate a gravity has been done many times (Searl, Townsend Brown et al. , & in Stealth aircraft - note predicts the death of rocketry) - Winter is merely the first to describe the principle which caused it.

E=MC^2 merely quantified the obvious that inertia storage - called 'mass' was only a function of sustainable wave rotation.

More interesting / and from the point of view of electrically supporting the creation of life force - probably more useful - we now have - from Winter:

Gravity, Implosion, and Self-Awareness = Charge Acceleration thru C by Wave Self-Similarity - FRACTALITY ! = (Potentially infinite wave multiple-connectedness by CONSTRUCTIVE COMPRESSION)

Implosion is that which provides the centering force necessary to stabilize the wave rotation called 'mass'. By defining mass only as the resistance to change of position / interia - for wave packets in rotation - it became obvious that a symmetry law was required to describe what causes wave to resist change of position.

( Einstein called this problem he never solved: the geometric model of infinite non-destructive compression. - which is now obviously the stellated dodeca-icosa.)

-The answer - pulling the plug to allow charge an exit path thru the speed of law by recursive 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 94 of 109

heterodyning: Charge Implosion - also answers the other question which til now stumped physicists: Why does an object fall to the ground?

The Proof: Capacitive Charge in PHI based self-similarity creates gravity.

In summary - because he was stumped on the geometry of infinite non -destructive compression - Einstein got a few things wrong - he caused all physics to say "Acceleration due to gravity" and measure that - as the only definintion current physcs has for gravity. Yet now we know that it is actually the opposite: "Gravity is due to acceleration"! (of charge) - thru the speed of light. And recursive heterodyning (constructive wave interference of phase VELOCITIES - when centers of charge/mass enter the geometry of self-similarity.) IS the accelerator.

See also- upcoming: International Conference: "Practical Energy Applications of Implosion - Learning the PRINCIPLES" - inspired also in way the HeartTuner measures / EKG implosion (charge self- similarity as non-destructive compression). more info:

Comments from Dan Winter: (comments made subsequent to the dialog-see link) The reason Schauberger and others (described below) were able to extract electrical wattage from a water vortex was because of the natural possibility of initiating successful recursive capacitive charge compression which can accelerate components of the charge field thru the speed of light - in water - which is properly called IMPLOSION. Proof of this concept can be understood by arranging simple capacitors in a recursive fractal ( PHI / pent optimized array) - measuring the resultant ion beam & weak gravity field generated (pics - CLICK HERE FOR IMAGE Library REVIEW FOR THIS 'IMPLOSION CONCEPT" )- even when the capacitors are not externally energized. If water is properly piezoelectric (trace mineral 'doping'), and spun in a proper dialectric insulator - water naturally imitates this charge array elegantly in it's own seeking for maximum non-destructive compression both hydrodynamically and electrically. Gravity is created and destroyed as charge lines create this acceleration path due to recursive heterodyning of phase wave lengths AND velocities. The voltage difference between the charge compression core and the centrifugal periphery 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 95 of 109

can become a meaningful source of power. It is also true, that 'sinking' the local charge field in this way - will create gravity and emotional perturbation, and needs to be done very responsibly. Also it is strongly noted that the relative position of the device with respect to local ley / charge earth lines, will affect the output - and disturbance degree - as well as effects from the astrologic (which are really capacitive) symmetry density conditions.

Above-Simple Passive Capacitor in pristine gravitational place, picks up gravity fluctuations -and functions better than a telescope to pick up star movements / explosions.. also measureably faster than light-speed.. Michael Faraday- a capacitive field is in the form of a gravity field.

Above - courtesy the work of Greg Hodowanec and Bill Ramsey- search keyword also - Rustrak Recorder..

2. Teaching the All-CHEM-Y of LIFE -

& How the 'End of Time' - Alchemizes the Heart 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 96 of 109

AL-CHEM-Y in the Heart: Waves during COMPASSION - implode in the EKG's magnetic convergence... 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 97 of 109

Did you ever wonder why putting food in the refrigerator does not preserve freshness as well as putting food in a pyramid - or even putting it in an egg?

The reason an egg (or a PINE CONE) preserves life so well is because of its shape. Not merely it's structural shape is the issue - it is also its ELECTRICAL shape which makes it a good 'life preserver'. The reason a pyramid sharpens razor blades and preserves meat - is because of it's electrical symmetry which prevents BLEEDING OF CAPACITIVE CHARGE. In both cases - we have a wonderful teaching example of WHAT IS THE ALCHEMY OF LIFE. If we understood in practical electronic principle what it was that enabled biology to hold life - then probably we could stop being such klutzes with our ecosystem and children.

I have seldom been so disgusted as when I walked in to the huge holistic natural foods chain - 'Wild Oats' big new mega store in Phoenix. Here was like the flagship of new wholistic life oriented natural foods mega super store. And really the array of truly healthy food was quite a delight. HOWEVER - I soon noticed myself getting sever pains (big head ache) in my kundalini over sensitized crown chakra. I look up and notice the place is covered with these God awful -life destroying - huge mercury vapor 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 98 of 109


Now - the data is already published ('Health & Light' John Ott - et al) - that correct spectral emissions harmonics of lighting DRAMATICALLY affect employee and student health - and productivity. However - since no one connected the dots to tell Earth humans what life force is, they still stupidly proceed to kill themselves with bad electrical choices. Another similar example: - everyone knows that if you rip out the life killing poison of flouresent (particularly pink type) lights out of classrooms and simply invite in sunshine - the result is a huge and measureable increase in attention span of the students. Yet - on this stupid planet - the vast majority of BILLIONS of students still labor ONLY under (non full spectrum - sun imitating) flouresent light harmonics which systematically destroys their aura and learning ability. Why? you ask yourself - it is not because the studies have not been published - it is more because SINCE THE PRINCIPLE BEHIND THE STUDY was not understood - no one spread the info.

Another example - we now know exactly how to build a capactitive field which can add to the charge we call life force - but where do the vast majority of billions of Earth humans walk to - each time they wish to store food? They go to something called a refrigerator. And what is a refrigerator? It is a large metal box precisely designed do BLEED charge - leak capacitive field - and therefore destroy life. Now everyone knows that their sweet fresh tomatoes from the garden are going to taste like shit after just a day or so in such a life destroying box - BUT has anyone done anything about it?

Well - Wilhelm Reich actually did explain how to store charge by making alternate layers of dialectric concave. Unfortuneately - in another example of stupid human ego - he had to call his discovery ORGONE - instead of the proper physics which is inclusive harmonics of capacitive charge. The result of his schizophrenic choice to pick yet another devisive name (Orgone) for the same life essence - was no one could ever include - or measure - or integrate that work into science. See - Unifying Nations by Unifying the LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT -Names for Life Force

So this brings us to the context of our present conversation. THE ALCHEMY OF LIFE. Let us understand in principle what it is that creates life - and then do it.

Alchemy as a word - Means - everything (All-) comes from CHEM. Chem - means 'FROM THE BLACKNESS' - Or more literally - FROM THE BLACK HOLE.

Chem was the original name of Egypt. Step into the Golden Egg of EGGypt, the Alchemical land of Kham, whose dark star Khem name, and black soil of the metallurgists and medicine men of Abydos, gave birth to the name Al -Khem -Meia. (Meia is one of the daughters of Atlantis or Atlas, the son of UrANUs). Hence, she is one of the Seven Sisters, one of the Kimah's, one of the Pleiades.

The point is that ACCESS TO A BLACK HOLE IS ACCESS TO ALCHEMY. Implosion of capacitive charge waves accelerated by self-similar non destructive compression - is biology's way a making LIFE - and THAT is the Alchemy of Life. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 99 of 109

Integrate properly self-similarity of charge into your enviornment and you suck in the charge we call life..

See: Measuring Life Force - & Making Love Visible? - "All Human Interactions are about CHARGE" moreover - LIFE FORCE - is electrically defined as 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 100 of 109

the ability to (fractally) ATTRACT AND SELF-ORGANIZE CHARGE. (measuring tool: HeartTuner - hi gain 2nd order septrum measure of CHARGE coherence.)

Make the black hole - and things come alive - This is the alchemy of life. Notice above the atomic symmetry of palladium - key to cold fusion. It is dodeca - and essentially self-similar.

The modern science of teaching alchemy - is the proper arrangement of layers of charge to create the fusion implosion which sucks electrical inertia in thru the speed of light. This is why the philosophers stone - sulphur element had the electron valence symmetry of gold - while the thin film of mercury had the atomic nuclear symmetry of gold. Getting a radiant capactive field based on self-similarity strong enough permeating the mercury thin film - and it would turn into gold. This is why gold in the thin film state is super-superconductive. It is because self-similar implosive compression paths thru atomic center - eliminate resistance to current flow.

This also explains why meditators find it easier to float - create gravity under a gold dome.

So you ask - why do we not arrange our capacitors into and just implode up some life everywhere we need it. The answer is that mechanically based electrical implosion lacks a critical biological ingredient. We call that - biological intent. In practice it means that energy waves from infinite multiply connected topologies arrive everywhere charge implosion is sustained - hopefully biologically. If the attention of all of life - is sucked to some place electrically which has merely mechanical implosion - minus 'pure intention' - the net effect is the biomass does not LEARN from the experience. So mechanical implosion - actually leads to the reduced sustainability of ALL implosion. This is what is meant by - it takes a heart of gold to make gold.

We found that the EKG during empathy and compassion generates a harmonic series based on golden ratio - because it is the way all biological oscillators take their armoring down to become touchable. This is naturally done - only when the biological organism has found something WORTH SHARING. Thus - discovering something which illuminates pure principle results in your feeling a great electrical rush or tingle. It is biology's way of informing you - that you have found a proper way to EMBED and thus not die.

The reason the mercury vapor lights - and the non-full spectrum flourescent lights killed life and attention span - is simply their wave lengths were not such as to be able to EMBED in the 'phase nest' of all of the fusion in the solar system. The wave lengths of hydrogen's fusion which is the essence of sunlight has the symmetry necessary to permit FUSION of waves in general. Fusion is the essence of human attention - AND (the alchemy of ) LIFE FORCE - because it has the symmetry recipe to produce maximum agreement among waves. That infinite potential wave agreement (implosion) is the essence of life's alchemy and self-organization because it is how the self-aware universe makes phone calls to itself. The mathematic term for this is ' infinite multiply connected topology'.

To understand the life essence notion of infinite mulitple connectedness - simply imagine a hologram made of waves. Each node can contain information about an infinite number of other points- ONLY when perfect compression allows each node to be fractal or self-similar. So - in a sense the only perfectly sustainable hologram is fractal - and self-aware. In other words - total coherence in its boundary or limit condition is perfect compression based on fractality . This IS the alchemy of life.

The English language holds a key to this alchemy. The word EVIL for example - by being the mirror reverse of the characters for LIVE. Here - the L is the turn or phas angle- the EYE is the I of focus- and the V is the vortex or tornado of perfect embedding. To LIVE is to turn into perfect embedding. And the mirror opposite of that - or EVIL - is merely to TURN AWAY FROM EMBEDDING. So therefore - the 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 101 of 109

LIGHTING in your childrens - classroom - by being flourescent and not full spectrum solar - is exquisitely EVIL. (Because those waves FAIL TO EMBED). If someone were to explain the physics of what EVIL means to George Bush - maybe a new yardstick for lack of bliss in a fear based government would be exposed.

It is not a return to an ancient alchemy which is so much dreamed of ( as for Sintra's yearning / Saudade). It is the NEW alchemy for what is a DOORWAY INTO A FRACTAL - The true PORT -OF the GRAIL . (Port-u gal)

So - what this article proposes is that a new academic facility be created ( as at SINTRA - which can be read as S-INTRA, or GOING INTO - access to vortex / implosion). Here we take the opportunity to teach the new physics of what alchemy really means. A 'sacred space' - enough magnetic lines are pursuaded to converge non-destructively - to make dimpling - and turning inside out - possible.

How Does PHI/Golden Mean Based Recursion Create Dimple Inside Out -Ness?

The electrical environment there is ideally suited to create ATTENTION to teach the PRINCIPLES behind the ancient Science of Alchemy. The Alchemical studios of earlier centuries could find no more wonderful or appropriate service - than to become the proper history rich ambiance to now inform our young people of the new union between new physics and ancient alchemical principles.

Lack of respect for life in our young people arises directly from not understanding the true electrical alchemic principles of what life is. In an environment where the true physics of charge implosion, and life essence are encouraged - the new dynamics of peak experience and peak learning are enabled. Eventually this leads to the exploration of peak experience and initiation as the proper result of an intiatory complex like Sintra. Here magnetic convergance sites visted in proper symmetry sequence - create implosion alchemically in the glands- maximum sensitivity / perception and even the true science of euphoria and bliss..

See: BrainPhire?Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves as Mechanism of Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

If the Source of Becoming Informed, and of Knowing - Lies in How Much CHARGE Information can Be Contained or Embedded in the Body..

And - Peak Awareness is Peak Charge- Then The Goal of EDUCATION Should be that Peak.. Consider - the Physics of Euphoria and Peak Awareness -- ( even BLISS) as the Ultimate Educator


Study in Russia Indicates Fractal Golden Ratio Harmonics in BrainWaves as Mechanism of Euphoria / Active Visualization / Bliss?

May Support Neurofeedback Solutions to ATTENTION DISORDERS Based on IMPLOSION.

As promised in the title - the REASON time compression at the end of solar ages- alchemizes the heart - is because the charge densities which accompany the solar maxima (2000 - 2012 - climax of the Mayan / 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 102 of 109

Solar calendar) formerly called RAPTURE by Christians - permit only those biological structures ABLE to non-destructively (and ALCHEMICALLY) compress / implode - to survive. In a sense - being squeezed - teaches us the biological hygiene techniques for immortality of infinite compression / acceleration thru the Heart of the sun.. (When the phase fronts of biological magnetics - particularly the ultraviolet component of DNA emissions - blue fire - interface successfully with the superluminal - faster than light speed - the resultant electrical sustainability is the physics of immortality / ensoulment).

Here is another example - if we take the top down view of your DNA struggling to acheive the necessary implosive compression acceleration required to die successfully -

(see movie below)

This is ALSO the model for how compression near the end of the solar cycle - AL-CHEM-IZES the heart. More specifically - all of the magnetism converging which requires the sun to orgasm - tests each biological genetic for the same compression hygiene. Alchemy is the heart of what enables ACCESS to this black hole - where - many paths and errands meet.

track the 7 arrows of the heart.. you have the symmetry map to imposion AND self awareness.. at not onlt the human heart but also the heart of hydrogen and the heart of the sun

APPENDIX- could we measure rate at which star bodies mass centers entered recursion geometrics - (log phi spirals, 60degree dodeca implosion conics from ) to predict the rate at which they become recursive/sef organizing (emergant from chaos enough to recur) and therefor self aware.. thus at least learning a lesson from the geometry of our local "end of time"ref: (erection of holy cross galactically) and (fulcanelli to the end of time.. storal seems to be that if we learned the symmetry of recursion as fusion - which animates the galactic core (& sun trigger) toward 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 103 of 109

self- awareness/organzation/direction - then we should be able to apply (that alchemy)(alphabet of symmetry) to the heart..

And Finally- the role of star-fire /glandular alchemy - (melatonin/seratonin rich menstrual blood as oil of messeh - creating messiah..) Lawrence Gardner: Bloodline of the Grail.,StarFire -Annunaki, Genesis of the Grail Kings, ShewBread - Gold Powder & More.. article links.

This work on Implosion originated with Dan Winter's discovery of Frequency Signature of EKG during empathy - becoming COHERENT and self-similar - see:

The results are animated in Java for visual understanding of implosion at

below is exerpt:

How Symmetry Map to Inside Out Makes Compassion's Harmonics Measureable

Understanding the Simple physics behind HOW the HeartTuner measures compassion - as coherence (in addition to measuring empathy when 2 hearts come into phase lock)..

from The Heart Coherence Team ... Sept 2002.

First- see at main link - interdigitated (stellated) -phi based- dodeca model the perfected embedding chosen by the (fractal) EKG - like DNA/ Earth Grid / & Zodiac..

Next animation ( at link) - how the donut knows the way inside out... try throwing it .. click here to see friends who spin it into an alphabet of symmetry.. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 104 of 109


Model of the Heart's Electrification during Euphoria.. Implosive Compression : animation:

As the heart sucks into its fractal center 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 105 of 109

the wind which begins when you choose to FEEL compassion.. the donut sucks the dimple in - again and again - which shows up as another harmonic in the harmonic analysis (power spectra ..right bottom in the pic)..THIS IS WHAT THE HEART TUNER MEASURES AS THE ONSET OF COHERENCE ..

This ascention is enabled by the centering force generated by PASSION itself. (Which as we suggest below has a critical function in the physics of how biology feeds gravity - the force which keeps tornadoes concentric - thus gluing all worlds together).

So this is HOW we believe The HeartTuner works - When you choose to feel compassion - you make a little picture INSIDE your heart - which WHEN it is SELF-SIMILAR (or fractal) to the SHAPE of the FEELING (magnetism) of the person OUTSIDE your heart ...

THEN that sets up the conditions to allow the OUTSIDE to FALL IN. This is called technically - a FRACTAL ATTRACTOR. It works because only FRACTAL ( or self-similar - fern or onion like) symmetry permits infinite non -destructive compression. This is also called IMPLOSION. 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 106 of 109

When waves can infinitely CONSTRUCTIVELY interfere as they approach center (fractal self- similarity optimized by Golden Mean ratio) then they add and multiply their wave velocities constructively as well as their wave lengths. This we believe is the only physics necessary to understand the origin of gravity - (because that geometry which permits acceleration - is that which makes gravity - which is the same as acceleration - which will be proven as soon as someone -besides military aircraft - puts enough capacitors in a fractal to make gravity --) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 107 of 109

It is Electrifying to Realize the Heart is Electrified By Concentric Donuts - Sweeping Voltage Directly from Gravity.

(pic from"When Time Breaks Down" by Winfree -electrophysics of origin of the Heart's Beat) 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 108 of 109

more reading in this series:

Suction Steers! Implosion Makes Waves: Creating a TORRENT thru your Heart

Tunnelling .. The "Black Hole": In the Human Heart...Is Acceleration Thru Light Speed in the DNA Braid Occassioned by the Heart's Blissful Sonic Pony Tail, How Compression Thru Light Speed Becomes "Tunnelling" ...

The Perfect Geometry of Wave Collapse - Neurophysics Solution the Nature of Consciousness

Projective Geometry of the Heart -Perfect Compression/Compassion=THE SHARED SPACE

Fusion -Phi Phenomenon -Unlocking Ultimate PHIre.

How Does PHI/Golden Mean Based Recursion Create Dimple Inside Out -Ness? - How the Heart Opens: Sacred Geometry and the New Science of Compassion -The Heart's Labyrinthine Electrification 11.01.2007 In 'CHARGE' of Life: Architecture of The Sacred & The Sustainable. Page 109 of 109 11.01.2007