Mustang Daily, January 14, 2000
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PW C A U l‘F 0 R N I A P O I Y T € C H N Í C, 5 T A t I M N I V £ R $ I T Y , $ A%N " L Ú 1 S O B f S P O Another opener: Friday, January 14,2000 Women’s haskethall heads into Big West game without scorer, 8 Like spring: Relaxing );et- away with hot tub benefits, 3 High: 67® Low: 35® Students' English report reveals pollutants By Megan Shearn MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER “Peopledont think the numbers are right because I’m a student. They question where I got them. Ethically, I Duke Enerjiv’s expansion ot the Morro Bay Power Plant has two wouldn’t have put anything in that I didn’t believe.” entiineerint; students questioning’ Andrea Resch the numher of pollutants that will he emitted hy the new smoke stacks. engineering senior In a report written tor their is makinti more energy so it is run- health risks for Morro Bay residents. English 218 class, seniors Andrea nint» lon{>er and hurnint' more fuel,’’ Duke plant manatjer Steve Goschke Resch and Karla Spencer found that Resch said. said the emissions should cause no the plant will prt)duce more pollu Resch and Spencer split the significant impact on health. tants because of Duke’s plan to responsibilities ot the project. To find the emissions for 1998, increase its daily operation. "1 wrote the proposal and Karla Resch looked through Emission However, l')uke and the Morro Bay explained the mechanical aspects,’’ Inventory Air Pollution Control city council have challentied the Resch said. Document. She then compared students’ tindinfis. The students went throujih these numbers to the projected Resch and Spencer came up wit}! Duke’s Authorization for emissions for 2003. the idea from a paper written the Certification (AFC) hook, which is Resch is perturbed by the ques- l . previous quarter on the plant’s the proposal for its project. Resch tioninti of her numbers by Duke and expansion proposal, Resch said. The and Spencer scoured through the air the city council. "People don’t think paper’s objective was to compare pollution chapter. the numbers are ritiht because I’m a •■í'-U' smoke-stack emissions before and The five pollutants Resch looked student. They question where 1 ^ot after renovation. at may cause the following health them," Resch said. “Ethically, 1 They found that the new plant is concerns: hreathintj .lilments, can wouldn’t have put anything’ in that 1 more efficient in terms of emissions cer, and he.irr aitd luntt disease. In didn’t believe.” per met;awat lunir. However, Resch .iddition, the pollutants may con Gary Willey of the Air Pollution FILE PHOTO/MUSTANG DAILY said in terms of tons per year, most tribute to acid rain, deplete the Control District worked with Resch In a report written for their English 218 class, engineering seniors pollutants t^o up. ozone and create Mtioti. on the numbers. He said, "They "The pollut.mts (other than one Re>ch ^.ud that more research i> Andrea Resch and Karla Spencer found that the Morro Bay Power c.illed NOx) t^o up because the plant needed to determine the specific see DUKE, page 2 Plant would produce more pollutants if it expanded. Candidate rallies Protesters a; ¿m take bite out for student vote of fast food By Karin Driesen MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER By Kerri Holden Tlte Qil Poly Clolletje Republicans spoasored a tree bar MUSTANG DAILY STAFF REPORTER becue in the University Union Plaza Thursilay. The bar Carl’s Jr. is all over the place, becue aimed t»> ret;ister student voters in San Luis Obi.spo but some community members and endorsed Mike Ryan tor super\’is»>r. don’t want it in their face. “Tlte barbecue (was) free tor everyone,” siiid Tanias Simon, president of the Republican Club. “(.'Hir main tioal While most Cal Poly students is to retiisier students to vote, but also to have them join are indifferent to the restaurant’s the club and meet Mike Ryan.” newest liKation downtown, the Tlie club held the barK.‘Cue during UU Hour while stu o|H'ninn this week has caused a dents relaxed in the .sunshine and listened to music. In considerable amount of con addition to ser\•in^; food, the club handed out pamphlets tention amont’ city residents. aKiiit Ryan and other candidates, reni.stered voters and “If they let one in, then they sittned up new club members. will let them all,” (aiesta C'ollej’e Ryan, who w-as present tor most of the hour, met with student Kyle Roth said at Thurs(.lay nij^ht’s sm.ill protest in see RYAN, page 2 front of the restaurant chain, located at Hiyuera and Broad streets. “With all these small busi nesses, Claris jr. is just Koinfi to take business away from them.” Roth distributed flyers last week urninjj, “Don’t Eat at Carl’s jr. Don’t let Corporate America suck the life out of our local irea- OurL sures! I A' Another resident does not »Til' want San Luis Obispo to eventu ally take the shape of his former town and dissapproves of the lat est of the now four restaurants in STEVE SCHUENEMAN/MUSTANG DAILY San Luis Obispo. The new downtown Carl's Jr. restuarant on Higuera and Broad streets has caused “1 tjrew up in Pittsburt;h where some controvery among San Luis Obispo residents who expressed their feelings at a ASHLEE STEWARD/MUSTANG DAILY small protest Thursday evening in front of the restaurant. Supervisor candidate Mike Ryan chats with stu see PROTEST, page 2 dents at a College Republicans barbecue Thursday in the University Union. 2 Friday, January 14,2000 N ew s Mustang Daily 171 Cal Poly Police Officer Richard Graffiti sticks it to Poly Lara said cam pus tagging By Adam Jarman “We want to take a strong stand ing department may also reprimand has become prevalent since MUSTANG DAILY STAFF WRITER because we have such a nice campus resident students, he added. and want to keep it that way,” Lara John Heitzenrater, a painter for winter break. Campus lampposts and parking said. Cal Poly, said the most common Tagging Vtí» meters are just two victims in a wave Lara said a few commonly seen tags places to find graffiti are the high- includes stick of graffiti that has Cal Poly police on campus may he gang-affiliated. traffic areas on and around inner ers posted on looking tor culprits. Cal Poly police is working with the Perimeter Road. Lara added that light lampposts and parking Graffiti is sporadic on campus hut County Gang Task Force to deter posts and parking meters are also meters. doesn’t go unnoticed hy police, said mine such affiliations. He believes common targets. / 9 o 9) ó JV officer Richard Lara. many of the tags seen on campus are “I haven’t seen much around STEVE SCHUENEMAN/ The latest rash of graffiti happened not done hy students. here,” landscape architecture senior MUSTANG DAILY before winter break, said Lara, who is Police hope to complete their cur Katie Hall said. Lara said he hasn’t investigating the case. He said he and rent investigation within a month. always been aware of tagging on cam other officers want to send the mes Then, Lara said, he will work with pus either. “When you start looking, sage tliat vandalism on campus will Judicial Affairs and the County you end up finding a lot more,” he not he tolerated. courts to determine what can legally added. Police are most interested in cam he done to non-students. Restraining Heitzenrater, who is primarily spend time painting classrooms, Police said they are willing to take pus tagging, which includes stickers orders are likely to he filed against off- responsible for cleaning and repaint restrooms and the buildings that need one case at a time and use every i and stamps as well as more tradition campus taggers, he said. ing damaged surfaces, said he tries to it. method to solve them. al paint-type methods, Lara said. Students convicted of tagging may clean tagging as soon as he sees it. “I Stickers and stamps have become he heavily fined, sentenced to com am spending a lot of time cleaning “1 could he out doing the wotk 1 “Tliey are going to run out of paint j popular, he added, because they are munity service and face a review hy up,” he said. was hired to do instead of cleaning up before we run out of cleaner,” Lara , easily adhered. judicial Affairs, Lara said. The hous Heitzenrater said he would rather (taggers’) messes,” he said. said. just a matter of business and the more RYAN PROTEST the merrier. “It reminds me of urban sprawl but on a fast food level. continued from page 1 continued from page 1 “Tins place needs as many fast- When it gets to the point where they're so close I can food places as possible because it sup basically walk from one to another, that's bad.'' students while members of his cam- fast-food places were on every corner. ports a ton of college students,” busi- junior Amir Sheikhi said. paigii team shot footage for a commer Do we really want our town growing Tom Zarella History senior jillayne Lewis cial. into that?” Todd Adams, an biochemistry senior "A lot of the student housing in and Atascadero resident who is employed agreed but felt it was needed for a dif ferent