20 CASH TRANSFERS AP & KARNATAKA TWO PARTIES Does the UPA wand have the magic touch? P26 IN TWO STATES OF DISARRAY P10 Society& JAGRUTI PANDYA‘WHAT’S MODI TRYING TO HIDE’ P22 Lifestyle Suneet Varma ‘Across age, fashion is all about sex’ P48



INDIAN MEDIA HEADING FOR A BURN Perhaps it is time for us to recall the parable of the frog. Are we putting in the correctives? Do we even agree the water is hot? BY SHOMA CHAUDHURY P34 EDITOR Tarun J Tejpal MANAGING EDITOR Shoma Chaudhury DEPUTY EDITOR Ramesh Sharma SATURDAY 15.12.2012 EDITOR, INVESTIGATIONS Ashish Khetan CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Ashok Malik EDITOR, FEATURES Aditi Saxton COPY EDITOR Srikanth S COVER ILLUSTRATION: ANAND NAOREM ASSISTANT EDITORS Rana Ayyub () Kaushik Kashyap, Shougat Dasgupta SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS Revati Laul, Brijesh Pandey, Tusha Mittal, Sunaina Kumar (MUMBAI), Riyaz Wani (SRINAGAR), Virendra Nath Bhatt (LUCKNOW) PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS Kunal Majumder, Ratnadip Choudhury (GUWAHATI) CHIEF OF BUREAU Jeemon Jacob (SOUTH) SENIOR CORRESPONDENTS Imran Khan (BENGALURU), Nishita Jha (MUMBAI), Baba Umar, Avalok Langer, Sai Manish CORRESPONDENTS G Vishnu, Shonali Ghosal, Prakhar Jain, Soumik Mukherjee DEPUTY COPY EDITOR, FEATURES Anamika Chatterjee ASST COPY EDITOR Shone Satheesh Babu SUB-EDITOR Aradhna Wal EDITOR’S OFFICE Ritu Sud (91.9810572889) MANAGING EDITOR’S OFFICE Megha Chhabra (91.9990997421) DESIGN HEAD Anand Naorem ART DIRECTOR Sudeep Chaudhuri ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Naorem Ashish DESIGN TEAM Ajoy Sen, Mahesh Singh Bhandari DEPUTY PHOTO EDITOR 11 Shailendra Pandey PHOTOGRAPHERS Garima Jain, Vijay Pandey The breakaway ranks will severely dent the BJP SENIOR PHOTO COORDINATOR Deepak Jha and the Congress’ fortunes in Karnataka and AP WEB EDITORS Karuna John, Debashree Majumdar, Sujay Chakraborty WEB DEVELOPERS Lal Singh, Rammurti POLITICS | TS SUDHIR & IMRAN KHAN MNGR-PRODUCTION Piyush Srivastava SYSTEMS HEAD Prawal Srivastava TEAM SYSTEMS Manoj Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, Arun Sehrawat, Nihar Ranjan, ~ 22 ~ ~ 32 ~ ~ 42 ~ Bhumesh Kshetrimayum FOUNDER GROUP: TARUN J TEJPAL NEENA TEJPAL, SHOMA CHAUDHURY GRITTY WOMAN TWENTY YEARS ON OBITUARY BRIJ K SHARMA, PRAWAL SRIVASTAVA RANA AYYUB BUREAU PREM SHANKAR JHA PUBLISHER Neena Tejpal Sharma CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Neena Tejpal BJP Slain leader Haren A cross-section of the youth IK Gujral and KC Pant were VP-CIRCULATION Bharat Bhushan Pandya’s wife Jagruti Pandya born around the time of the rare politicians who put the FINANCE MANAGER Brij Kishore Sharma on entering the polls Babri demolition speaks out country ahead of the self ACCOUNTS Subodh Mishra, Rahul Varma ADVERTISING Satheesh Kumar +91-9845001410 E-MAIL: [email protected]

THE WEEK’S TOP READS OWNER » Sweet Deals are Made of Anant Media Pvt Ltd, HYDERABAD SPORTS M-76 (M-Block Market), Gas BY Ashish Khetan ON Greater Kailash II, WWW. » Editor’s Cut BY Shoma TINDERBOX POLITICS HIDDEN VIRTUES New Delhi-110048 TEHELKA Chaudhury PRINTER & PUBLISHER The Charminar-temple The suspension of the » To claim that the arrest of Neena Tejpal Sharma .COM Zee’s editors is an attack on PUBLISHED FROM row could escalate Indian Olympic Associa- media freedom is ludicrous Anant Media Pvt Ltd, into a communal frenzy tion by the International BY Shoma Chaudhury M-76 (M-Block Market), if political parties do Olympic Commiee is »Putting the House in Order Greater Kailash II, New Delhi-110048 not cease their an opportunity to clean BY Ashok Malik PRINTED AT »The War on Terror M.P. Printers, polarising activities up Indian sports BY Baba Umar B-220, Phase-II, Noida, UP BY ROSINA NASIR BY RAHUL MEHRA HEAD OFFICE M-76 (M-Block Market), Greater Kailash II, New Delhi-110048 VOLUME 9, ISSUE 50; DECEMBER 9-15, 2012, RELEASED ON DECEMBER 7, 2012; NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 70 TEL 91.11.40575757 FOR ENQUIRIES & COMPLAINTS CALL - DELHI - 011 3249 4466 | MUMBAI - 022 3204 7766 | BENGALURU - 080 3297 4466 or E-MAIL - [email protected] FAX 91.11 40575757 E-MAIL [email protected] PHOTO: KPN, SYED MEJHER ALI E PLEASE SEND IN YOUR FEEDBACK TO [email protected]


GeoGlobal, A dubious company registered in Barbados will enjoy a windfall of 20,000 crore at the cost of taxpayers thanks to an agreement inked under Modi’s watch



Nice job on the investigative report. Since the Modi about time questions were raised on Modi and the likes. I would like to congratulate brigade is known to debunk anything anti-Modi, you and TEHELKA for your impartial investiga- especially evidence that is against his non-corrupt tions. OMAR AZIZ, ON EMAIL and pro-development image, I urge your to upload the Thank you for the ripples that you’re creat- original documents online so that his army of online ing. trolls satisfy themselves. MOHAMMED IMADUDHEEN, ON EMAIL

GUHAN, ON EMAIL No politician or political party is interested in the welfare of Muslims or Hindus or even the country. They are vultures and do every- CURRENT AFFAIRS

20 QUOTA DEBATE CLUBBING P26 UNEQUALS PERPETUATES INEQUALITY Sangh’sSpin DoctorWhose Game is Gurumurthy Playing? P42 GAS DEALS thing for material pleasures, a team of Society& ADONIS The Arab World’s Greatest Lifestyle Kareena Kapoor Khan Moving Past the Last Name P48 Poet Wants a Better Revolution P56

FREE.FAIR.FEARLESS VOLUME 9 47ISSUE Refer to ‘Sweet Deals are Made of Gas’ by industrialists owning big media is also a part

NEW DELHI SATURDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2012 Ashish Khetan, 8 December. of this loot. It is commendable that journal- ist Ashish Khetan is at least puing the dirt THE Nitin Gadkari not resigning as the president in the system out in public. His editor Tarun LADY. of the BJP is justified when his possible Tejpal deserves more commendation for AND MYANMAR’S MIXED MOMENT replacements are worse than him. GSPC, taking on the system. I understand how

With America, China and jostling for influence, can Aung San Suu Kyi shape a genuine voice for her country? under ’s watch, gave stakes difficult it is to manage financial support for BY BERTIL LINTNER P30 worth crores to a six-day-old company in the a publication like TEHELKA. KG-basin gas blocks. GSPC has over 65 blocks AHMED SOHAIL SIDDIQUI, ON EMAIL



ISSUE 48 RAVINDER SINGH, ON EMAIL SUBSCRIBER COPY REVERSE STING NEW DELHI SATURDAY 1 DECEMBER 2012 Refer to ‘Editor’s Cut’ by Shoma Truth and scientific reason exposed. Proud Chaudhury, 8 December.

FDI DEBATE THE of it. MOUSE THAT GARY BAGHA, ON EMAIL I agree with what you wrote. Some media houses are unwilling to introspect. Your

It may paralyse Parliament damagingly, but are both sides overstating the case? SHAILI CHOPRA P38 | BHAVDEEP KANG P44 Exhaustive and meticulous efforts, sans bravado in bringing it out is appreciated. scandalising. That the corrective happened PRINCE VARGHESE MADATHILETH, ON EMAIL

20 is good. Indian talent must be respected and ADIVASI WARLORD KUNDAN PAHAN THE FALL GUYS P10 How 33 Muslims paid a huge ‘terror’ price AND JHARKHAND’S MAOIST MESS P26 Society& MAN OF THE MATCHKAMAL NATH IN THE HOUSE P32 Lifestyle The History Project Reclaiming Our Heritage P53


ISSUE taken on board; we should not be carried Immunity can’t win crime and misconduct. 49

NEW DELHI SATURDAY 8 DECEMBER 2012 away by loud-mouth foreigners. Jindal was a scamster, and ZeeNews fell into NEELAM MANMOHAN ATTAVAR, ON EMAIL the trap of greed.

INVESTIGATION WHAT IS S KANNAN, ON EMAIL GEOGLOBAL? And why has the Modi government given it a gas deal worth more than Excellent piece. 20,000 CR TARIQ AZIZ, ON EMAIL BY ASHISH KHETAN P36 I read your editorial on the ZeeNews scam. You bring a breath of fresh air to today’s jour- What is our mainstream media doing? It is nalism. Many news channels are no beer


Both national parties, the Congress and the BJP, are in deep trouble in their key bastion states — Andh CURRENT AFFAIRS

T WAS said of YS Rajashekhara Reddy minister next door — BS Yeddyurappa, who that each time the then Andhra led the BJP in 2008 to its first government Pradesh chief minister met Prime in Karnataka. Minister Manmohan Singh between Today, both parties are bereft of the sure touch 2004 and 2009, the latter would tell of these men. Reddy died suddenly in 2009. He left I the state to the Congress and his political legacy and him, “I’m here because of you!” It was the Congress’ excellent performance in controversial riches to his son, YS Jaganmohan Red- Andhra Pradesh in the 2004 elections — re- dy. Yeddyurappa, forced out of the chief ministry peated in 2009 — that gave it the strength after corruption accusations, found himself alone in a party that didn’t know how to balance his prob- to run the UPA and ultimately the govern- lematic profile with his identity appeal and political ment in New Delhi. Rajashekhara Reddy acumen. Jagan’s rebel party is set to do well in 2014 was an unusual state strongman in a party and deprive the Congress of a key state, one it won that doesn’t encourage regional chieftains. even in 1977, at the height of the Janata wave. As for He had a rough and ready persona, faced Yeddyurappa, his breakaway party could cripple the charges or corruption and cultivated his BJP in its one southern bastion in 2013. Reports on favoured crony capitalists. It is telling just two national parties — with a common Deccan how similar his profile was to the chief headache.


N A hot summer evening in April a hard place in AP, the two being Telangana 2009, Rahul Gandhi was to arrive and YS Jaganmohan Reddy. Both problems O at an election rally in Malkajgiri of its own making. OMFORT Lok Sabha constituency in the First Telangana. Delhi cannot but regret suburbs of Hyderabad. The Congress can- blundering along on this highly emotive didate was Sarve Satyanarayana, who was issue. Announcing Telangana on 9 Decem- inducted as an MoS in the recent Cabinet ber 2009 and then retracting on the 23rd ra Pradesh and Karnataka reshuffle. Just as everyone was waiting for showed the Congress was neither thinking the meeting to begin, YS Rajasekhara Red- ahead nor had any credible political intel- dy’s Man Friday was found grumbling. ligence coming in from the ground. The Let us call him Mr X here. Mr X started state of confusion within the party on how talking about how meetings like these were to deal with the contentious issue lay such a waste of YSR’s time. Such talk com- naked. Subsequently, it has tried to handle ing from a Congressman was surprising it the Congress style. ‘Manage’ the different because after all, in the Congress school stakeholders like the Telangana Rashtra of sycophancy, the Gandhis are seen as the Samiti (TRS) and buy time through the star campaigners and every state leader is Srikrishna Committee first and then hold expected to fawn over them. rounds after rounds of inconclusive talks. “Rahul’s team has specifically asked for those constituencies where the Congress is certain to win and wants him to address The party has been torn meetings only there. What’s the point? Sir apart by fierce infighting, feels that if Rahul really wants to make a difference, he should tour those con- with the not-so-charitable stituencies where the TDP will put up a stiff joke doing the rounds that fight. But he won’t,” explained Mr X. Eventually, when the Congress won 33 in AP, Congressman ka Lok Sabha seats out of 42, the high com- haath, chaaku ke saath mand was more than eager to take credit. A Congress leader from Delhi pointed out Rahul’s report card in Andhra Pradesh. He “The Congress politics of procrastina- CURRENT AFFAIRS had scored 100 percent, as the Congress tion and delayed tactics have been com- had won all the seats he had campaigned pletely exposed,” says political analyst K in. In the building up of Brand Rahul, AP Nageshwar. “That has led to anger among had played a significant part. the people of Telangana. But the Delhi Come 2014, Rahul is bracing to repeat leadership looks at bigger storms it has the show. Except that this time he will have successfully faced, like the Gujjar agitation, to do it all by himself. Which is perhaps Tikait’s demonstrations, Kashmir, Maoist ANDHRA PRADESH why he sent an advance team of a dozen- violence and trouble in the Northeast, and odd politicians and techies in November thinks this too can be handled.” to undertake a survey of the Congress’ Its leaders on the ground, however, find The Hand health in AP. The team has been touring no light at the end of the Telangana tunnel different regions and meeting Congress- if a positive decision is not taken. “It will men, intellectuals and journalists to get a be very difficult for the party to do well in that Rocked sense of which way the wind is blowing. Telangana if this indecision continues. We Most people have told Team Rahul that are only asking our party to honour the it is a case of ‘gone with the wind’ for the word they gave to the people on 9 Decem- the Cradle Congress. Not that the writing isn’t on the ber,” argues Madhu Yashki, Congress MP wall. In the bypolls to 18 Assembly and one from Nizamabad. The Telangana factor and Kiran Lok Sabha seat in June, the Congress won Only if it was such an open-and-shut Reddy’s leadership could cost the just two Assembly seats. Calling it a terrible case. The Congress is only too aware that performance would be an understatement spelling its stand on Telangana either way Congress big, reports TS SUDHIR since all of them were won by the Congress will mean it burns its fingers in one of the in 2009. The party has been torn apart by two regions. Which is why it is trying to fierce infighting, with the not-so-charitable stay out and allow the fire to simmer, joke doing the rounds that in AP, Congress- hoping that by the time the elections come N Mascots all The Jagan (le) and man ka haath, chaaku ke saath. around, the intensity would have reduced. Yeddy factors in AP and Karnataka The party is caught between a rock and But realising that the Congress is in the


Jagruti Pandya, 46, GPP Candidate, Ellisbridge ‘When I approached Modi for help, he got IB officials to follow me. What is he trying to hide?’

JAGRUTI PANDYA had her first tryst with politics CURRENT AFFAIRS at the age of 20 when her conservative Brahmin family married her off to , then a budding star in the Gujarat BJP. A Sangh Parivar favourite, Pandya rose to prominence in the party and served as one of the most popular home ministers in the state. It was his proximity with the then chief minister Keshubhai Patel that saw him dominating the Gujarat Cabinet. However, it was not long before Narendra Modi entered the scene and replaced Keshubhai Patel as CM. His first target was to axe Keshubhai’s acolytes and Pandya was unceremoniously booted out. Close on the heels, Modi got the BJP high command to make Pandya vacate the Ellisbridge constituency so that he could contest the bypoll from there. Pandya courted controversy during the 2002 riots for his role, but Modi shrewdly sidelined him, defied the party high command and refused him a seat during the 2003 Assembly election. Modi swept the election and Pandya was left with neither a ministry nor a position. It was at the peak of their rivalry that Pandya was assassinated on 26 March 2003, allegedly by a bunch of Muslim youth for his role in the riots. His father Vitthal cried foul, but it didn’t ruffle many feathers. A decade later, Vitthal, who is no more, has found a voice. His daughter-in-law Jagruti is set for her second tryst with politics. A chemistry graduate and mother of two,