Transition from , & to alternative risk-free rates

The universe of risk-free rates is facing a major evolution. Deadlines are approaching, from 2019 onwards and this will affect any product or position linked to EONIA, LIBOR & EURIBOR.

Global Context parliament led to the creation of a major interest rates benchmark , management companies, new risk-free rate in the following LIBOR and EURIBOR asset managers and any other called ESTER (European Short Term manipulations and false reporting. users of risk-free indices are Rate). facing a serious challenge, as The underlying change across all most of the existing indices will ESTER will become live by benchmarks is that they should be stop reporting over the months October 2019, and should be based on an objective criterion: to come. utilized by banks, asset market transactions prices. managers, funds and any other Regulators globally have signaled players from 1 January 2020 that firms should transition away onwards. from existing risk-free rates to alternative overnight risk-free rates. How did we get there In this context, LIBOR could no Benchmark transition has been on longer be assured by the end of the global agenda since 2014, when 2021. In Europe, Regulation (EU) the Financial Stability Board 2016/1011 of the European published its report of reforming

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Transition from EONIA, LIBOR & EURIBOR to alternative risk-free rates

Impact & change Our services

Any entity exposed directly or Actors exposed to these indices indirectly to non-compliant rates is need to be ready to manage large at risk and exposed. Current rates data that can be complex, anticipate will have to migrate to the new financial changes and to do so standards. The impact will be within a short timeframe. To this threefold: extent, Deloitte can support you in several ways:  From 1 January 2020, non- compliant rates cannot be used  Identify all financial instruments anymore for new products. concerned in your product  For existing products, the catalogue. existing historical  Determine the financial impact, can be used but there is a direct and indirect. liquidity risk as liquidity has  Develop a coherent strategy for been decreasing on several of all products and clients these rates since the concerned. Contact us: announcement.  Assess and determine the impact  Repapering and rewiring for the on any strategy (ie. hedging). Xavier Zaegel new rates in all areas: from  Structure the work to be done: Partner | Financial Risk loans to derivatives to treasury update legal documents, advise Management Leader strategy or issuance of rate client and/or renegotiate terms, +352 45145 2748 instruments. update IT tools, detect potential [email protected] accounting impacts. Simon Ramos Partner | IM Advisory & Consulting Leader +352 45145 2702 [email protected]

Pascal Martino Partner | Banking Industry Leader +352 45145 2119 [email protected]

Jean-Philippe Peters Partner | Advisory & Consulting +352 45145 2276 [email protected]

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