Volume 47, Number 3, 2008
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Volume 47, Number 3, 2008 www.ventana.sierraclub.org MAGAZINE OF THE VENTANA CHAPTER OF THE SIERRA CLUB Vote the environment June 3 MAY-AUG OUTINGS Clip this handy election guide and take it to Z the polls National Anna Eshoo, House of Representatives Sam Farr, House of Representatives State Joe Simitian, State Senate Bill Monning, State Assembly No on Prop. 98 Yes on Prop. 99 Monterey County Jane Parker, Monterey Co. Supervisor Santa Cruz County John Leopold, Santa Cruz Co. Supervisor Mark Stone, Santa Cruz Co. Supervisor Ventana staff photo Explore, enjoy and protect the planet Upper Yosemite Falls in March hile it is the intent of The Ventana C HAPTER C HAIR to print articles that reflect the po- sition of the Ventana Chapter, ideas expressed in The Ventana are those of the au- Spring pleasures and vegetables that become available at delicious, and I found I was actually reach- Wthors and do not necessarily reflect the position pring wildflowers are in bloom and the farmers markets and grocery stores. ing for these goodies instead of empty of the Sierra Club. Articles, graphics, and pho- Like the wildflowers, some things come calories. tographs are copyrighted by the authors and adding so much enjoyment to our artists and may be reprinted only with their per- outings program. The hills in our re- into season at their peak flavor for only a Community Supported Agriculture is mission. Sgion are covered with breathtaking dis- few weeks. This month I began a program a real boon to small farms. Receiving the DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS plays of poppies, lupine, goldfields and a I had been interested in for a while but money ahead of time allows them to seek wasn’t available until now in Carmel Val- fewer loans, better plan a budget, and All materials for publication must be received wide variety of old flower friends we only by the deadlines listed below. No exceptions. see a few weeks of the year. ley. Our local version is called Commu- gauge their production to requests and nity Supported Agriculture or CSA but SUBMISSIONS FORMAT Another one of my favorite things popular produce items. The program is such programs are offered throughout sustainable, grown locally, and eliminates Please limit articles to 800 words; letters to 300. about this season is the variety of fruits All submissions may be edited for clarity and Monterey and Santa Cruz counties. driving to distant farmers’ markets. length. Email to [email protected]. Mail Donations needed for The concept involves subscribing for a Consider supporting Community Sup- hard copy to editor, address below. weekly box of certified organic vegetables ported Agriculture in your locale. The PHOTOS environmental work delivered the day they are harvested. My more subscribers there are for agricultural Photos submitted to The Ventana must meet the first box was really enormous, maybe too programs like this, the more resources we following requirements: No laser copies or our local Sierra Club Chapter and much for us to finish, so I may share a box save. inkjet outputs. Electronic photos should be no Group need financial support to or give some to neighbors. But the selec- And don’t forget to vote on Tuesday, smaller than 1200 x 1100 pixels or 300 dpi. carry on our fight to protect our tion of berries, beets, greens and herbs was June 3! Cover photos must be 3000 x 2000 pixels. Film —Rita Dalessio photos, slides, or negatives are fine. Please call Yspectacular coast, valleys, and mountains. the editor if you have any questions. We cannot fight for endangered and at- WHERE TO SEND SUBMISSIONS risk wildlife without money. We cannot save precious forests, mountains, water- Send submissions to Debbie Bulger, Editor, 1603 King Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Email: sheds, and open spaces without money. [email protected]. We know that you care about the en- F ROM THE E DITOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS vironment from your membership in the Club. Now we need your help. Do not call editor! Send address changes to: ad- Meaty decision Much of the work of the Club consists from torturing baby calves? [email protected] or use the mail in By the time the 1980s rolled around, I coupon in each issue. of non-glamorous, roll-up-your-sleeves ately the news is full of reports of was eating only fish, a little chicken, and POSTAL NOTICE labor. Volunteers study EIRs and make the rapidly rising cost of food and comments; activists get government staff projected food shortages in some turkey at Thanksgiving. In the 90s I The Ventana (015057) is published 6 times a year, learned about the cruelty to chickens, (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.) paid by sub- reports and keep tabs on proposed devel- Lcountries. One way I markedly lowered jammed into cages like prisoners in scription included in membership fee, by The opments or policy changes; sometimes the my family’s food bill Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club, 1001 Cen- Club files suit. years ago was to decease a concentration camp, with much of ter Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060. Periodical Although our volunteers do not charge the amount of meat I pur- their beaks cut off so they didn’t de- postage paid Santa Cruz, CA and at additional chased and prepared. stroy each other. mailing offices. for their work, many expenses are in- curred: Now, I discover that cut- Meanwhile, I had become a fan of Postmaster: Send address changes to Sierra Club, Molly Katzen. When I was living in The Ventana, P.O. Box 604, Santa Cruz, CA • Legal services and expert testimony ting back on meat not 95061-0604. cost money. only saves money and is Ithaca, New York in the early 70s, Editors: • Photocopies of legal records can good for your health, itE Katzen and others opened the now- Debbie Bulger, [email protected], also helps fight global warming. famous Moosewood restaurant. I Virginia Draper, assistant editor cost thousands of dollars. • Sometimes the Club hires the serv- For the most part, I am a vegetarian. It was already using recipes from Diet for a Production: Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe. Debbie Bulger, Vivian Larkins, ices of a hydrologist or a botanist to pro- kind of crept up on me. It started in the Dale Nutley vide data to influence public decisions. 1970s as an economy move. My husband Lappe’s point was that there would be a Writers: • Every month we have routine of- was a graduate student, and I was home lot more food to go around in a hungry Rita Dalessio, Debbie Bulger, with two babies. I decided not to buy any world if we cut back on eating meat. Then Virginia Draper, Julie Engell, fice, phone, and computer expenses. Please help us continue to protect and meat that cost over $1/pound. John Robbins took up the torch with his Barbara Bass Evans 1987 book, Diet for a New America. Photographers: preserve the Central Coast. To make a do- Little by little cuts of meat dropped off Erica Crawford, Bob Evans, Ventana staff, nation please send a check made out to the shopping list. Then, after I joined the In 2006 the landmark U.N. report, Sheila Dunniway Sierra Club to Sierra Club, I saw the famous photograph Livestock’s Long Shadow pointed out that Proofreaders of the veal calf looking with sad eyes at meat production is responsible for 18 per- Charles Koester, Wolfgang Rosenberg Monterey County: Joel Weinstein, treasurer, 140 Carmel Riviera Drive, the camera, separated from its mother, cent of greenhouse gas emissions—more Virginia Draper, Robin Drury than transportation! Distribution: Carmel, CA 93923. and unable even to turn around in the Keith Wood, Esperanza Hernandez, Santa Cruz County: Aldo Giacchino, tiny pen where it was confined. Who While I still eat fish occasionally (from Beth Lilienthal, Debbie Bulger treasurer, 1005 Pelton Avenue, Santa could eat veal after learning that it came the list approved by the Monterey Bay Advertising Sales: Cruz, CA 95060. Aquarium), even in these times of expen- Debbie Bulger sive groceries, I am still astounded by how Carpentry & Software: Anonymous far my grocery dollars go when I buy Chapter website: mostly fresh fruits and vegetables in sea- http://ventana.sierraclub.org son and few processed foods. Eat your way to health and help save the earth at the same time. Bon appétit! 2008 Ventana Publication Schedule —Debbie Bulger Issue Deadline Mailing Date #4 Jul. 14 Jul. 30 #5 Sep. 15 Oct. 1 #6 Dec. 1 Dec. 17 To change address by email: [email protected] Membership inquiries: Articles received after deadline may [email protected] not be published 2 The Sierra Club/Ventana Chapter, Volume 47, Number 3, 2008 Printed on recycled paper Sierra Club endorses Bill Monning for State Assembly L ETTERS The Ventana welcomes letters. ill Monning is endorsed by the support for it. At the state level, Bill will Send to: Sierra Club for the 27th Assembly introduce legislation to see that General LETTERS TO THE EDITOR District. Bill’s work as an environ- Plans are regularly updated as required by The Ventana, 1603 King Street mentalB and civil rights attorney, and his law and that they meet standards for en- Santa Cruz, CA 95060 unique skill at bringing people together suring the protection of farmland and sen- or email to [email protected] make him the clear choice to carry on the sitive habitat. Please include a phone number with your work of Assemblymembers John Laird Bill shares the Chapter’s opposition to letter.