Please contact the members of the Bond Bill Committee to show your support for Governor Carney’s proposal to invest $50 million in clean water for Fiscal Year 2022. Contact information and an email template can be found below. For more information, see our Clean Water for DE Act Factsheet.

Contact Information for the Bond Bill Committee:

Chair: • Nicole Poore, Co-Chair: • , [email protected] Senators: • Darius Brown, [email protected] • Spiros Mantzavinos, [email protected] • John Walsh, [email protected] • Colin Bonini, [email protected] • David Wilson, [email protected] Representatives: • , [email protected], [email protected] • Ronald Gray, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Template Email for Contacting Bond Bill Committee Members:

Dear [Representative/Senator their last name],

I am writing to ask that the Bond Bill Committee support Governor Carney’s budget proposal and allocate $50 million for clean water in the Fiscal Year 2022 Bond Bill. Right now, during a public health crisis, investments in safe and clean drinking water remain vital.

The $50 million for State Fiscal Year 2022 for clean water could help with water quality improvement projects statewide, including municipal wastewater treatment, improvements to public drinking water systems, flood reduction, and stormwater management. It is particularly important to dedicate clean water funding to low income and underserved communities as grants, not solely loans, to remove additional financial barriers to clean water.

Clean water is especially important to me because [Insert why you care about clean water here. Adding your personal experiences will make your email to your Representative stand out and have a great impact.]

Thank you.

Sincerely, [Insert your name, and organization/business if applicable.]