Study of Seismic Activity at Ceboruco Volcano (Nayarit, Mexico)
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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 98 (2020) 102473 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of South American Earth Sciences journal homepage: Study of seismic activity at Ceboruco Volcano (Nayarit, Mexico) in the T period 2012 to 2014 ∗ Francisco Javier Núñez-Cornú , Felipe de Jesús Escalona-Alcázar, Diana Núñez, Elizabeth Trejo-Gómez, Carlos Suárez-Plascencia, Norma Rodríguez-Ayala Centro de Sismología y Volcanología de Occidente, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico ABSTRACT Ceboruco volcano is a stratovolcano located in western central Mexico within the state of Nayarit. Ceboruco volcano is one of the active volcanoes of the Trans- Mexican Volcanic Belt and lies within the Tepic-Zacoalco Rift structure. Eruptions at Ceboruco volcano have been reported over the last 1000 years with eruptions every 126 years on average, with the most recent eruption occurring in 1870. Current activity at Ceboruco volcano is primarily fumarolic emissions. Continued population and socio-economic growth around the volcano over the last 20 years, make urgent the need to study Ceboruco volcano. Previous investigations of seismicity classified the recorded earthquakes into four families using waveform and spectral features. In this paper, we present a seismicity study fromMarch2012 to July 2014 using four portable seismic stations within the context of the regional stress and structures near Ceboruco volcano. Of the 489 volcanic earthquakes recorded during this time period, only 33 could be located using P- and S-wave arrivals registered at least three stations. The P- and S-phase arrival times were obtained using particle motion. The epicentral distribution of these earthquakes is around the volcanic edifice along three structural lineaments with preferred ENE- WSW orientations, roughly perpendicular to Tepic-Zacoalco Rift and, following the youngest deformation pattern. Hypocentral depths locate within first 10 km, indicating the earthquakes are a result of local tectonic stresses, intrusions into the magma chamber, or both. 1. Introduction ended approximately 1000 years ago with a Plinian explosion of rhyodacite pumice (Jala eruption), which formed the first, outer cal- Ceboruco volcano (21° 07′ 30″ N and 104° 30’ 29” W; 2280 mamsl) dera. The formation of the Dos Equis dacitic dome within the first is located in central western Mexico, in the state of Nayarit, It is located caldera, which reached a size of 1.78 km in diameter and 280 m above at the northwestern edge of the Tepic-Zacoalco Rift (TZR), at the the caldera floor, characterizes the second stage. Nelson (1986) pro- northwestern edge of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB), close to posed that the second, internal, caldera was formed by the collapse of the boundary between the Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) (Fig. 1) the Dos Equis dome, but there is no agreement among researchers on (Allan, 1986; Michaud et al., 1993). the age or mechanism of this collapse (Thorpe and Francis, 1975; Luhr, Two concentric horseshoe-shaped calderas form Ceboruco volcano, 1978; Demant, 1979; Nelson, 1980). with one larger outer of and a second, smaller inner caldera The third eruptive stage began with the growth of an andesitic dome (Rodríguez–Uribe et al., 2013; Browne and Gardner, 2004; Gardner and inside the inner caldera and included andesitic lavas eruptions, which Tait, 2000). Within the inner caldera are several domes, and andesitic are more acidic and rich in titanium and potassium oxides (Nelson, to basaltic lava flows and cinder cones comprise the edifice and havea 1980). The fourth stage comprises the more recent eruptive processes generally NW-SE trend (Browne and Gardner, 2004; Gardner and Tait, originating in the inner caldera, including the extrusion of two dacitic 2000). Near the Ceboruco, there are small monogenetic volcanoes such domes and the lava flow of the 1870 eruption (Caravantes, 1870; as San Pedro Pochotero, El Comal, El Pinchancha, El Molcajete and El Iglesias et al., 1877; Thorpe and Francis, 1975; Demant, 1979; Nelson, Pedregal. To the northwest, at 42 km, there is another volcano con- 1986). sidered active in the area, the Sangangüey volcano (Fig. 1). Since the Jala eruption with a Volcano Explosion Index (VEI = 6) in The activity of the Ceboruco volcano has been separated into four the year 1065 ± 55 years (Sieron and Siebe, 2008), at least seven stages by Demant (1979), Nelson (1986) and Suárez-Plascencia (1998). significant eruptive episodes took place (Nelson, 1980; Sieron and The construction of the main edifice may have reached about 2700 Siebe, 2008), including the formation of fifteen cinder cones. This mamsl, and is characterized by andesitic lavas without pyroclastic number implies a mean of 126 years between eruptions; the most recent material between the flows, corresponding to the first stage. This cycle occurred in 1870–1872. Based on the types and frequency of eruptive ∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (F.J. Núñez-Cornú). Received 7 August 2019; Received in revised form 27 November 2019; Accepted 17 December 2019 Available online 31 December 2019 0895-9811/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. F.J. Núñez-Cornú, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 98 (2020) 102473 Fig. 1. Location of the study area and surrounding tectonic features. The enlarged figure shows the main normal faults associated with the Tepic-Zacolaco Riftand monogenetic volcanic fields indicated by red stars. The monogenetic volcanic fields have a NW-SE alignment and include: 1.- Pochotero, 2.- Molcajete, 3.-Pichancha and 4.- Pedregal. Significant stratovolcanoes in the region are indicated by red triangles. Other important regional structures include the Late Cretaceous-Eocene “Granitoids” (green shaded regions), the Oligocene-Miocene aged “Sierra Madre Occidental” (SMO) (pink shaded region), and the Late Miocene to Recent Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) (grey shaded region) (modified from Ferrari et al., 2005). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) episodes of this volcano, the volcanic hazards of Ceboruco are one of 2. Tectonic framework the greatest in Mexico and provide a compelling need for consistent volcano monitoring. Moreover, the continuous increase in population The TMVB originated during the Middle Miocene and continues to and socio-economic activities around the volcano necessitates a thor- the present (Gómez-Tuena et al., 2007; Ferrari et al., 2005, 2012). The ough evaluation of the hazards and risk similar to that done in Chile volcanism along the TMVB is due to the subduction of the Rivera and following the eruption of Chaitén volcano (Lara et al., 2006). In this Cocos plates beneath North America. The oblique position of the TMVB paper, we present the first results of a systematic seismic survey ofthe with respect to the Middle America Trench (MAT) gives rise to an in- Ceboruco volcano to characterize the seismicity and define its re- tricate plate interaction that generates a complex magmatic history lationship with the main regional structural features. (Ferrari et al., 2005). The volcanic rocks have calc-alkaline to alkaline affinities, mafic to acid, together with the volcanic edifices ranging 2 F.J. Núñez-Cornú, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 98 (2020) 102473 Fig. 2. Seismic network (black squares) and structural features of the study area. Structural lineaments (red) were interpreted from aerial photographs and the topography. The only normal fault (pink) on the map is from Ferrari et al. (2003). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) from stratovolcanoes to monogenetic volcanos and domes (Ferrari Rodríguez-Castañeda and Rodríguez-Torres, 1992; Duque-Trujillo et al., et al., 2005; Gómez-Tuena et al., 2007, 2016). 2014). Whether the lateral component is right lateral (references) or Deformation in the study area is to date associated with the TZR left lateral (Ferrari et al., 2005) consistent with the Jalisco Block motion evolution. The origin of the TZR structure is associated with the ~2 mm/year to the southwest (Selvans et al., 2011), local evidence of opening of the Gulf of California during the Late Miocene (Ferrari et al., accommodation zones has been observed (Ferrari et al., 2005). 2003). This rift has an NW-SE trending and is composed of segments of The NW-SE structures appear to have acted as pathways or conduits normal faulting, along some of which volcanism has occurred (Nieto- for magma ascent and emplacement at various scales, including Obregón et al., 1992; Ferrari and Rosas-Elguera, 1999; Ferrari et al., monogenetic volcanoes, domes, and stratovolcanoes (Nelson, 1986; 2003). The stress regime is extensional with σ3 oriented towards the E- Ferrari et al., 2003; Sieron and Siebe, 2008). Volcanism along the TZR W to ENE-WSW with a lateral component (Nieto-Obregón et al., 1985; has occurred from the Pleistocene to Recent, including Ceboruco 3 F.J. Núñez-Cornú, et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 98 (2020) 102473 Fig. 3. Simplified geologic map of the Ceboruco Volcano, with names of the lithologic unitsafterde Ferrari et al. (2003); Sieron and Siebe (2008). The subdivision of the Post-caldera lavas follows Nelson (1986). volcano and its associated volcanic features. The initial stages of the features described the TZR, in a regional view, together with their geologic evolution imply that some volcanic episodes locate along the tectonic implications; but local features were not described. Ferrari NW-SE trend of the TZR (Nelson, 1986; Petrone et al., 2001; Sieron and et al. (2003) described cinder cones and domes aligned WNW at the San Siebe, 2008). Pedro-Ceboruco graben boundaries. They informally named as northern and southern volcanic chains whose emplacement is fault controlled. Though the main structural trend is NW-SE, it is not the only one; the 3.