Brazil and Mexico in Comparative Perspective
CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by Calhoun, Institutional Archive of the Naval Postgraduate School Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Faculty and Researcher Publications Faculty and Researcher Publications Collection 2009-06 Different paths and divergent policies in the UN security system: Brazil and Mexico in comparative perspective Sotomayor Velaquez, Arturo C. Taylor & Francis International Peacekeeping, v. 16, no. 3, June 2009, pp. 364-378 Volume 16 Number 3 June 2009 INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING Editor: Michael Pugh, University of Bradford Co-editors: Nina Graeger, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo Edward luck, International Peace Institute, NY Assistant Editor: Mandy Turner, University of Bradford Reviews Editor: Nana Pob, University of Bradford EDITORIAL BOARD Adekeye Adebajo. Centre for Conflict Peter Viggo Jakobsen, University of Resolution, Capt' Town Copenhagen, Denmark Dipankar Banerjcc:, Maj.-Gen. (Retd), Institute of Peace Alan James, Cheshire, UK and ConfliCt Srudies, New Delhi Kara:J Mmsst, University of Xenrucky Mati Bcrdai, King's College London Susumu Takai. Nationallnstitute for Defense Michael Doyle, Princeton University Studies, Tokyo TreyOJ' FiodIay, Carleton University, Canada Sir Brian Urquhan, New York Feu Osler Hampson. Carleton University, Canada Tom Woodhouse, University of Bradford Birger Heldt, Folke Bernadotte Academy, Sweden Articles appearing in this journal are abstracred and indexed in Politi",l Sdence Abstracts, Intenrati011al Politi",l Scierlc;e Abstracts, HistoriC4l AbstrQd5 tUld Amen",: HIStory and Life, the !...ancaJt" Index to Defence and IntemdtiomJl Security Lit· "atJlre, the lntemationa/ Bibliography of the Soddl Sciences, ABC·CLlO·Hilton",l Abstracts, and ABC·CLlO·Amen",: History and Life.
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