EVALUATION REPORT (As Ner Llule 35 of Pl' Rules.2004)
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EVALUATION REPORT (As ner llule 35 of Pl' Rules.2004) l. Nameof ProcuringAgency: NationalHighway Authority 2. Methodof Pfocurement: SinqleStage Two EnvelopeProcedure 3, Titleof Procurement: Dualizationand Improvementof Pindigheb-Jand-KohatRoad qUpgradalioniDLralization of Motorway Link frorn Kohatvia Jand).Package -l: Pindigheb- Khushal Garh, Length 34.560 Km 4. Tendellnquiry No.: 21491-01) 5. PPRARef. No. (TSE): TS3?1403E 6. Date& Timeof Bid Closing: 07"'Ausust2017 at 1400hours local time 1. Date& Tirneof Bid Opening: 07'nAuetst 2017 at 1430hours localtime 8. No. of BidsReceived: Seventeen(17) Criteriafor Bid Evaluation: Cliteria olBid Evaluationis attachedat Annex-L 10. Detailsof Bid(s) Evalualion: As below Rule / Regulation/ SBD* / Tcchllical Financial (if Evaluated Cost Policy / Basisfor Rejection Name of firm (if rpplicrble) (Rs.) / Acceptancers per Rule35 applicable) of PP Rules,2004. PriceBid ACEC.NCC(JV) 5,076,307,t35 * 1" Lowest M/s Qualilied opened t'jriceBid M/s ZKlS-ReLiable(JV) 5,088,602,524 2u'r Qualifiecl oDened PficeBid MisKRC-MIM (JV) 5,204,854,721 3,.I Qudified opened PdceBid M/sSMADB-l ItlL-SEC (JV) 5,225,000,000 Qualified opencd PriceBid KNK (JV) 5,352,t98,013 5'l' M/s Qualifled oDencd PriceBid Calsons(JV) 5,407,378,998.56 6'h IVl/sMaqbool- Qualilied ooened PriceBicl (JV) 5,6'7 5,977 ,386 1'1' M/sESER-SN4C Qualified opened PficaBid M/s KAC-HASAS-RMS 5,890,.r00,635 g'h Qualified oDened PriceBid g'r' NLC 5,900,000,000 M/s QuaLifled oDgned PrioeBid 6,013,944,478.12 l0'r' Vl/sl-WO Qurlilied opcned PliceBid NICI-l(afcon-UJC(JV) 6,ts2,952,340 I l" M/s Qualilied opcncd Dis- PriceBid not PPRARule M/sCR20C-Al Mahreeu (JV) Qualified opened 36(b)(v) Dis- PriceBid not -do- (JV) ]vl/sSCDC-AMC Oualilied opened Dis- PliceBid not -do- JV M/s DES-MAAKSONS Oualilied opencd MA CRCCITBurcau Group Co PriceBid not -do- .lVAbdulLah Khan & Co. Qualified op€ned M/s NTF Consl- QalanderBux Dis- PriceBid not -do- Abro- SvedAllaudin (JV) Ou lified oDened Dis- PriceBid not (IV) V/s CRC-M(C Oualilied opencd t,owestEvaluated Bidderi M/s AC|IG-NCC (JV)' ]l'Anyotheradditionat/supportinginformation,theprocuringagencymayliketoshare: *Awald will be subjectlo final approvalby theNHA ExecutiveBoard qisnatr'e: .t--.'.L+$:--=--l OtlicialStarnp: ............Ftn et.:...', :. ..ggr (P&L A) Aurknii!"') *standurt!Bitkling Docikthti (sBD);ir,' ',.1,:::rt":bl: :i Annex-l GOVERNMENTOF PAKISTAN MINISTRYOF COMMUNICATIONS . GRITERIAFOR BID EVALUATION NATIONALHIGHWAY AUTHORITY Procurement& GontractAdministration Section 28-MouveArea, G-9/1, lslamabad. Tel: 051-9032727, Fax: 051 -926041 I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Fhdl KhtEnslOrrh,Lpn8lb34+560, @Pr.k!8p-t: Oheblo IdrtructlonsTD Blddcrs INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (Note:Theselnstructions to Biddersalong with Bidding Data sh€€twill not be part of the Contractand will ceaseto haveeffect oncethe confiactis signed,) A. GENERAL IB.I Scopeof Bid .Ll The Employeras defined in the Bidding DataSheet hereinafter called "the Employet'' wishesto receivebids for the co,nstructionand cornpletionof works as desoribedin theseBidding Docurncnts,and stmmarizcd Lr the Bidding Data Shoetheteinafter refenedto asthe "Works". L,Z The successfulbidder will be expcctedto completethe Worla within the time specifiedin Appendix-Ato Bio. IB.2 Sourccof X'unds al The Employerhas applied for/receivcd a loan/creditfrom the source(s) indicetedin the Bidding Data Sheetin variouscurrencies towards the costof the projectspecified in the Bidding Data Sheetand it is intendedthat part of the proceedsof this loan/creditwill be appliedto eligible paymentsundet the contract for which these Bidding Documentsate issued. IB.3 EliglblcBidderc (and QuallllcatiorCriteria) 3.1 This Invitstion for Bids is opento the biddersmeeting the following requirements: a. Duly licensedby the Pakishn EngineeringCouncil (PEC) in the category relevantto theyalue of the Works;and b. Meetingthe QualificationCriteria described in the Bidding DataShe€t' rB.4 OneBld per Bldiler 4.1 Eachbidder shall submitonly one bid either by himself, or as a parher in a joint venlure. A bidder who participatesin more than one bid (other than altematives pusuant to ClauseIB , I 6) will be disqualified. IB.5 Cort of Bidding f . t The biddersshall bear all costs associatedwith the preparationand zubmissionof their respectivebids and the Employerwill in no casebe liable for thosecosts, regardless ofthe conductor outcomeofthe bidding .nd lrn!rcrcncnt of Pindighob- Jand- KohatRoad, Paalrga-l : PtndiCh.i to KhushalGsth, lingdl IostructionsTo Blaldors IB.6 SiteVisit 6.1 The biddersare advisedto visit and examinethe Site: of Works and its sunoundings andobtain for themselveson their own responsibility.ty aall informaionthat may be noccssaryfor preparingthe bid and enteringinto a conlcontracl fof constructionof the Works.All costin this respectshall be at the biddet's oumovrnexpense. 6.2 The biddersand any of their personnelot agentswill l1 btbe grmtcd permissionbY the Employerto enterupon his promisosand lands for the; pwpurposeof suohinspectionb but only upon the expresscorrdition that the bidders,their heir personneland agents,will reledseand ind€tnni$,thc Employer,his personncland urd agentsfrom and againstall liability in respecttheteof andwill be responsiblefor dealdeathot personalinjury, loss of or danrageto propertyand any other ioss,damagg costs ost$ and expensesincuned as a resultof suchinspection. B. BIDDINGDOCTMENTS IB,7 Contentr of Biddhg Documetrts 7,1 The Bidding Documents,in additionto inviation for bidsbids, arethose slated below and shouldbe read in conjunctionwiih any Addendaissued ruedin accordancewith Clause I8,9. I, Instructionsto Bidders. Bidding DataSheet. J, GeneralConditions of Contrac!Part-I (GCC)' /l PatricularConditions of Contact, Part-II (PCC)' ), Speoifications- SpecialProvisions and Supplemantary Specifioations. 6. NHA GeneralSpecifications-I998 and its Addenda. t. Letterof Bid & Apputdic.esto Bid. 8. Bill of Quantities(Appeodix-D to Bid). 9. Form of Bid Security, 10, Formof Contact Agre€medt. 11. Forrrs of PerformanoeSmurity andMobilization ion AdvaAdvancc Guarantee. 12. Drawings. 7.2 The bidders are expectedto examine carefully the cconte,ntsof all the above ' documents,Failure to comply with the requrtementsof bi,bid submissionwill be at the Bidder's own risk. Pursuantto Clause18.26' bidsds wlwhich are not substantiallY responsiveto the requirementsof tlc BiddingDocumcnts Lcntsrwill be rejected. IB.8 Clarificationof Bidtllng Documentr 8,1 Any prospectivebidder requiringany clarification(s) in respectof the Bidding Documentsmay noti! the Employerin writing at thc EmpEmployet'saddress indioated in the Invitation for Bids. The Employerwill respondto aany requestfor clarification whichhe r€ceiveseartiet than 28 daysprior to the deadlinelline for submissionofbidsl will be forwardedto atlal purclrasers ,he$m Copiesofthe Employer'sresponse "f Documents,inoluding a descriptionof theenquiry but withwithout identifying tt{/1fdrce{ lfoft\e\ |I Duqlizstionand lmprowmcnt ofPlndtghrl - Jard- l(ohlt Road'P8lksgol: Knusftrlc.rh, t nglttY+560 \Rl8b\g.q{]l lnstructlonsTo Bldders IB.9 Amendmentof BiddingDocuments 9.1 At any time prior to the deadlinefor submissionof bids, the Employermay' for any reason,whether at his own initiative or in responseto a clarificationrequested by a prospectivebidder, modi$ the BiddingDocuments by issuingaddendwn' 9.2 Any addendumthus issuedshall be part of the Bidding Dosumentspwsuant to ts ?'1 hereof and shall be commrmicatadin wtiting to all puchasers of the Bidding Documents.hospective bidders stall acknowlodgereceipt of each adilendumin writing to thc Employer. 9.3 To afford prospectivebidders reasonable time in which to take an addenduminto accountin preparingtheir bids,the Employermay extenddre deadline for subrnission of bids in accordoncewith Clause18,20 C, PREPANATIONOFBIDS IB.l0 LauguageofBid 10.1 The bid and all conespondenc€and dosumentsrelated to the bid exchangedby a bidder and the Emptoye.rshall be in the bid languagostipulaed in the Bidding Data Sheet and PartioularConditions of Contract"Supporting documents and printed literature furnishedby the biddersmay be in any other languageprovided the same are accompaniedby an accuratet$nslation of the ralevantparts in the bid language' in which case,for purposesof evaluationof the bid' the hanslstionin bid language shall prevail. IB,1l DocumentsComprlring the Bid 11.1 The Bid shall comprisetwo envelopessubmitted simultaneously,one called the TectmicalBid andthe othertle Pricc Bid, containingthe documentslisted in Bidding Data Sheetunder the headingof IB ll.l A&B respectively'Both envelopesto be enclosedtogether in an outersingte envelope called the Bid. Eachbidder shall fumish all the documentsas speoified in BiddingData Sheet 1l'1 A & B' ll.2 Bids submittedby a W shall includea copy of the Joint VentureAgreement €nteled into by all partners, Altematively, a Letter of Intent to executea Joint Ventur€ Agreementin the event of a successfulbid shall be signed by all partners and submittedwith the bid, togetherwith a oopy of the proposodagr€ement. The role to bc playedby eachpartner to be specifiedtherein. Bids submitted by ajoint ventureof trvo (2) or morefirms shallcomply with the following requirements: (a) The bid and ia caseof a zuccessftrlbi4 the ContractAgeement shall h sigrr.edso asto belegally binding on all purtners; (b) One of the joint venturepartners shall be nominatedas being in charge; this authorizationshall be evidencedby submittinga pow€rof sttomey by legally authorizedsigutories