True Hope is Found in Christ Alone

Jonah and Micah February 2020 Day 1

Who are two people or groups of people that you would not want to go and share what it means to know Jesus with? Write why. 1.


Why do you share your faith? If you do not, why not?

What is it hard for you to share your faith?

Jonah was a prophet of the Lord. God called him to be his mouthpiece to the people. Jonah shared the Word of God regularly with the Jewish people – people who would have been receptive to his message and others who didn’t want to hear what he had to say. He spoke because that is what God wanted Him to do. The Lord asked Jonah to go to . This would prove to be Jonah’s biggest challenge in his relationship with the LORD. He didn’t want to obey the LORD. He did NOT want to share God’s message with those people. Ask God to challenge you in your faith today.

Read :1-3

What was a person from Nineveh like based on these verses?

What was God’s attitude towards these people?

How do we see that Jonah did not like what God wanted to do in the lives of the people of Nineveh? What does this say about his view on God?

God called Jonah to be a prophet. God gave him words to say. Did Jonah deserve that office? What was he forgetting in how he judged the people of Nineveh?

How does your attitude need to change when it comes to the salvation of the lost people God has put into your life?

As Christians, we have experienced incredible grace and mercy. God sent Jesus to save us from our sin. We don’t deserve it and yet he chose us to be his children. Jonah forgot what he deserved for his sin – death and eternity separated from God, but God saved him. That grace and mercy needed to be in the front of his mind when it came to Nineveh. God’s grace and mercy need to be on our mind when we look at the lost around us.

PRAYER – For a lost person in your life you are afraid to share your faith with. Day 2

What was the worst tragedy you have experienced personally or have seen in the life of someone you know?

How did you react to that tragedy? How did others around you react to that tragedy?

What do people think about God in the face of tragedy?

When the towers fell in New York City it was surreal. Many people flocked to the church. People wanted to make sense of a senseless tragedy. People were angry at God. How could he let this happen? A loving God wouldn’t do this to people. This is not what we deserve. Yet there are others who totally trust in God and his plan – it is not easy, but they seek God to use them in ministering to others. Where would you fall? Ask God to use His Word to encourage and strengthen you today.

Read Jonah 1:4-6

Jonah thought he had escaped God. How was he wrong in this attitude?

How do we see God is in total control of all things according to these verses?

How did the sailors react when they thought they were going to die?

What would you say was the sailor’s belief about God?

Read Romans 1:20. So what did the sailor’s know about God according to these verses? What do all men know?

These hardened Pagan sailors pray during the storm. More than that, they encourage Jonah to pray hoping that one of them is praying to the God who is responsible for the storm that is upon them. They had the attitude that hopefully a prayer will stick. They did not realize that the problem lay in Jonah and his sin and rebellion. While the ungodly sailors were praying, Jonah was sleeping.

How are you asleep in your faith while people around you are struggling to make sense of all the garbage in life?

How is the church asleep? What can we do to engage our community with the Gospel?

PRAYER – For open doors to share our faith personally and as a church. Day 3

Who is somebody you can go to in the time of tragedy, who you know will encourage and comfort you? Why.

Who is someone you have you been able to encourage and comfort in a time of need? How did you encourage them?

Sometimes we try to look the other way, so we don’t have to help a person in need. We are busy, don’t want to bother, the cost would be too much, it would be awkward. We have all kinds of excuses. Let us look at the next part of Jonah’s story. Ask God to help you hear and respond to his word today.

Read Jonah 1:7-10

The sailor’s first prayed and called Jonah to pray. That didn’t work. The storm raged on. What did they do next?

What does this show about the men’s desire to know the truth?

How does God use this game of “chance” in the life of Jonah and the sailors?

Jonah is a prophet who is supposed to speak the truth. How does Jonah momentarily assume his prophetic role to these sailors? What does he say?

What is the sailor’s reaction to Jonah’s response? Why did they react this way? What did they believe about God to some degree?

I am sure when Jonah initially told the sailors he was running away from God, it was a comment that just rolled off their backs and they went on with life. But with the storm threatening their boat and their lives, they have come to realize that there is a living and active God who gets angry and is in control of the weather. They have never experienced God in this way. They were terrified.

Today, people don’t really become terrified with they think of God and all the bad things that happen around us. What attitudes or emotions do people show more when it comes to God and the bad things happening around us?

What truths about God do you need to share with non-Christians in your life?

PRAYER – That God would change the hearts of non-Christians around you. Day 4

Who is somebody you know that became a Christian? How did their life change as a result of knowing Jesus?

How do you know if somebody genuinely knows Jesus and is walking with Him?

Sometimes when we read Jonah, we get so focused on Jonah and his disobedience, on the Lord and his power in sending a storm and then a fish to swallow Jonah that we miss out on the faith journey of the sailors. These are men who were pagans, prayed to many gods only in the face of trouble. In our passage today we get to see how these men had come full circle and now embraced the LORD and who he is. Ask God to grow your faith today.

Read Jonah 1:11-16

What did Jonah say the men needed to do to save themselves?

Now earlier in the story these men might have jumped at the chance to throw this trouble maker overboard to save their skins. How do we see that God has changed their hearts in this ordeal? Would you say these men were now followers of God? Explain your answer.

How do we see in this passage that this wasn’t some freak storm, but that God was in control of the storm? What does this say about God?

What is the reaction of the sailors when the sea becomes calm after throwing Jonah overboard? Why do you think they reacted that way?

What kinds of commitments do you think the sailors made to God?

How do you know you are a Christian?

What are 3 vows you made to God? Are you succeeding or failing? Explain. 1.



PRAYER – For the conversion of someone who is not a Christian. Day 5

Where is the worst place you would not want to be for a weekend? Why?

What would you do if you ended up in that place and were not able to leave? What would be your attitude? What would you do?

What are some of the most important animals in the ? Balaam’s donkey, the donkey that carried Mary and Jesus in the womb, the dogs that were predicted to eat Jezebel, the dove in Noah’s ark and of course the fish in Jonah. You got it, we come to the whale (or fish) swallowing Jonah. Ask God to build you up n your faith as you read the Bible today.

Read Jonah 1:17

Look hard at this verse. Write what comes to mind as you think of this verse.

What do you notice about the things that you wrote down? Make some observations.

What are some things we see about the character of God in this one verse?

The burning question, was it a whale or fish? Explain your answer.

What is significant about the amount of time Jonah was in the belly of the fish?

Read Matthew 12:40 and Luke 11:29-32. How is the story of Jonah so much bigger than just Jonah in his own situation? How is Jonah pointing forward to Jesus Christ?

What does this show us about the trustworthiness of God and His Word? Do you trust them both? Explain.

PRAYER – That you would see Christ in every page of scripture. Day 6

Describe a time when you wouldn’t talk to someone close to you because of something they did to you? What did it take for you to start talking to them?

How do you sometimes act this way in your relationship with God?

Jonah had not talked to God up to this point. He had been running. He told the sailors who he was and who God was, but he refused to talk to the Lord. Now he finds himself in the belly of a fish – cramped, dark, smelly and yet death did not come to him. It is at this point when Jonah finally talks to the Lord.

Read :1-7

How would you summarize Jonah’s prayer in your own words?

How does Jonah see and acknowledge that God is in absolute control of his whole situation?

Jonah saw his own sinfulness. He also saw the result could have been death. How do you see Jonah was confident in God’s forgiveness and restoration?

What is Jonah remembering about God, that he forgot up to this point when it came to the people of Nineveh?

How have you been doing in talking to God recently? How have you been neglectful in your prayer life?

What do you want God to help you with when it comes to prayer, how you pray and the content of your prayers?

PRAYER – Pray about the things you just listed above. Day 7

What is a hard lesson the Lord has taught you in your life - a lesson that dealt with your own sin and selfishness?

How has your walk with the Lord changed since that event in your life?

What are some of the idols you are worshipping in your life – things that are taking a more important role in your life than the Lord?

It took Jonah to be in the belly of a fish to realize the idols of his own heart, his selfishness, pride and arrogance. It was in this most powerless moment when he realized, God was truly a God of grace, mercy and that he held all the power. How many of us go into the belly of our fish before we realize how great the God of the universe is? Ask God to open your eyes to his truths today.

Read Jonah 2:8-10

What are some vain idols that Jonah is praying about in verse 8?

What does it mean that the person who clings to those idols forsakes the hope of steadfast love?

In verse 9, how do we see that Jonah has had a change of heart and that he understands the lesson God wanted him to understand?

According to Jonah’s prayer, how many ways is there for a man to be saved? Why is that important?

How should that motivate us to put away our idols? How should that motivate us to share our faith with other people?

The prayer ends with what gross yet powerful show of God’s power and control?

PRAYER – Confess to the Lord the idols of your heart and life. Day 8

What do you think is the most dangerous country, part of the world and people group? Write down why are they dangerous? 1. Country –

2. Part of the World –

3. People Group -

Now if you were to be told to go and tell them about Jesus, what would be your honest first reaction? Why would you react that way? What judgments are you passing on those people or countries?

In the Lord of the Rings movies the dwarves hate the elves. They felt in their times of need that the elves never came to their aid. So they despise them and want nothing to do with them. That means there was some good tension between Legolas an elf and Gimli a dwarf in The Fellowship of the Ring. They eventually become friends as they fight beside each other. Most of us are not easy to turn an enemy into a friend. Ask God to teach you and grow you today.

Read :1-5

How are verses 1-2 different from what happened in 1:1-2? Write your observations.

How do we see that Jonah has changed? What kinds of things might he be skeptical about as he preaches the message God had given him?

Summarize Jonah’s message in verse 4. What is he saying in that one verse?

What happens in the lives of the people of Nineveh after hearing this message? How do we know they are genuinely repentant? Why do you think this simple little message had such a big impact?

How do we see again, God’s power and his perfect plan?

How should this challenge our attitude towards Muslims, Hindus and other hardened non-Christians?

PRAYER – Pray for Muslims, Hindus and other religions who are LOST. Day 9

Who is one man in history who impacted many people in a positive way? What was that impact? Write what lasting impact that they had.

Now think of your own life, what kinds of ways have you had an impact on the lives of others?

Who is somebody that has impacted you?

Harriet Tubman helped found and carry out the mission of the Underground Railroad that helped many blacks find freedom in the north. That means many were spared from beatings, death, dividing of families and they gained freedom. Jonah preached his message and people all over the city confessed their sins and repented. The message and all that happened reaches the ears of the king of Nineveh.

Read Jonah 3:6-9

Now the king could have been angry that all these things were changing and happening without him knowing. How does the king react when news of Nineveh reaches him? What actions follow?

They see their sin and violence. What is their hope according to verse 9?

What is great about how God used Jonah in Nineveh especially when you think about the first part of the story?

How should this have impacted Jonah and his own relationship with the Lord?

How should this story challenge our relationship with the Lord?

Name a person who doesn’t know the Lord. What simple message from the Bible can you give them? What scares you about sharing it with them?

PRAYER – For that person and sharing the experience you just listed. Day 10

Who is somebody that comes to mind that you have met or maybe just heard about who did some horrible things? What were some of those things?

Did they deserve compassion? What did that person rightly deserve?

If you were to Google the best bad guys in movies of all time, on just about every list Darth Vader is near the top. He massacred whole groups of people, had planets blown up, force choked people who failed him, and the list goes on. Of all bad guys, he is one that deserved to die. Yet in Return of the Jedi his Son Luke senses there is some good in him. Despite all he had done, Luke had compassion for Darth Vader, his father, and helped to deliver him from the dark side of the force. This would not have happened if Luke did not have compassion. God would have compassion on the people of Nineveh. Ask God to help you learn and understand the Bible today.

Read Jonah 3:10

How did God show compassion on the people of Nineveh?

What did their actions rightly deserve?

Does this verse prove that God changes his mind and alters his plans? Explain your answer.

Read 2 Peter 3:9. What does God want for all sinners? What is that a comforting truth?

If all men don’t repent, does that mean God isn’t all powerful? Explain your answer. Read Ephesians 2:4-6 to help in your answer.

Who is somebody you know who is living in sin, that you need to show compassion towards? How can you show compassion to them?

PRAYER – For the person above – and a chance to share your faith with them. Day 11

How have you complained about a person’s accomplishments? What did you say? Why did you say those things?

Turn the table. What is something you accomplished, and people complained instead of celebrating with you? How did that make you feel?

The ugly and hard reality is we are all sinners. That means we get focused on ourselves way too much. When someone does something great and all the attention is on them, the handshakes, congratulatory words, the gifts and prizes, we find ourselves getting angry. Why? We are jealous. We want to be the center of attention. We want to be recognized and, in those moments, we are not seen at all. Have you been there? I know I have. I have been there when it comes to athletic achievements, academic awards, pastors who preach way better than me and the list goes on. Ask God to show you the attitude of your own heart as you read the Bible today.

Read :1-4

God had great compassion on the people of Nineveh. Jonah preached the message God commanded him to preach. What was his reaction? What did he have to say to God?

What was God’s reaction to Jonah’s comments?

What did God mean Jonah did not have a right to be angry?

What was Jonah angry about?

Why is it God’s right alone to be angry and not Jonah’s?

Read Romans 9:14-18. What do these verses say about God’s right to have compassion and to judge? Why are these hard verses for us to understand?

Who is somebody you need to encourage because of their changed life? What can you say to encourage them?

PRAYER – That God would give you compassion for the lost and opportunities to encourage the new people in the faith. Day 12

What is something you been angry with God about? How did you show your anger? What did you say to Him in your prayers? What did you say to others?

How was that situation resolved?

Most every children’s video on the story of Jonah ends with Nineveh repenting and there is great celebration. Veggie Tales does not end positively. It ends more like the Biblical story ends with Jonah angry and discouraged and upset that God would not destroy Nineveh. So you see Archibald Asparagus aka Jonah, walking into the sunset angry. We come to the end of Jonah’s story today. Ask God to help you read and think about the applications of this lesson to your life.

Read Jonah 4:5-11

What was Jonah angry about in this passage?

Compare God’s compassion with Jonah’s compassion? What did Jonah forget about himself in his anger towards God’s forgiveness of the Ninevites?

How angry is Jonah?

Why would he want to die over this issue? What does this tell you about his hatred and anger against Nineveh?

How does God describe the Ninevites in verse 10?

Read Romans 3:10-18 – What do we have to remember about non-Christians?

Who is someone you know that you have no compassion for? In other words, you almost hope bad things happen to them because of how bad a person they are? How can God help you to have compassion for that person?

PRAYER – For the person you just listed and an opportunity to minister to them. Day 13

In your opinion what would meet the criteria of wiping a country off the face of the earth – all its buildings, people, etc.? Be honest, nobody is going to look. ☺

How does our country fare against the criteria you wrote above?

Now we turn our eyes to the who was a prophet during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah all kings in the Northern Kingdom. You can read about these men in 2 Kings 15:32-16:20 and chapters 18-20 for more background information. Micah writes this book to prophesy the coming doom of Israel and Judah, but he also prophesies hope in the people’s future redemption and restoration. Ask God to teach you about your faith and about important things you need to learn through studying Micah.

Read :1-7

Israel and Judah were God’s people. They sinned against God. What were the sins that God’s people had committed? Not listed specifically but recall from your knowledge of the .

In verse 2, how can we tell God is angry?

What does it mean he is witnessing against his people? (Think courtroom)

But there is no trial. The verdict has already been determined. What does Micah say that the punishment is going to be? List all you find.

From reading this opening section, would you say God takes sin seriously? Explain.

Think about it, God takes sin so seriously that if we don’t repent and put our faith in trust in him, then we will spend eternity in hell, separated from God. So I want you to think about your life. What is some sin that you are not taking seriously, just assuming you will be alright, because God will forgive me anyways because I am a Christian? Write it here. How do you need to deal with that sin?

PRAYER – Confess that sin, give it to God, and ask help in overcoming it. Day 14

List 3 horrible things that happen in our country that leave you grieving. Write why next to those things? If nothing does, why not? 1.



Who is somebody close to you, who continues to live in sin, not repenting, and it makes you sad? How have you tried to reach out to them?

I see decisions our politicians are making regarding abortion, same sex marriage, gender identification, making pastors get their sermons approved, legalizing drugs and so many other things that make me sad and worried for the future of our country. Then I see in family, friends and neighbors the same kinds of actions that they either engage in themselves or approve of in others. It is saddening. It leaves me overwhelmed and sometimes feeling powerless at times. I know God can use me and he can use you. Do we feel grief? Are we trusting Him to use us? Ask God to encourage and challenge you in your faith as you read Micah today.

Read Micah 1:8-16

What ways do we see Micah weeping and mourning for his people, their sin and their looming destruction?

What does Micah say to the people to get them to see their sin?

In verse 9 how do we see that the disaster that is coming cannot be avoided? How would this play into how Micah feels and what he does?

What does God tell the people to do in verse 16 to show their love and concern for their people? What message does that send?

How do we see God cares about his people even during their sin and rebellion?

What are some of the sins of our people (America), that you need to be in prayer about? List 3 or 4 that are things you see around you.

PRAYER – For those sins of our nation listed above. Day 15

List five things that are in your power to do if you really wanted to? 1.





List 3 things that are not in your power to do? 1.



I hope you see from your lists that we can accomplish some cool things as men. We build bridges and skyscrapers, climb mountains, fly planes, bring children into the world, help people in horrible situations and the list goes on. The reality though is that you can do none of those things without the strength, power and plan of God. He is in control of all these things. We cannot bring life back to the dead, we cannot cure a disease, we cannot change the weather. Only God can do all those things. Ask God to show you who He is and who you are as you read the scriptures today.

Read Micah 2:1-5

How does Micah describe the wicked in this passage? What do they have in their power to do?

Because of their wickedness, what does God say they are powerless to stop in verses 3 to 5?

What do we see here about God and his power?

In verse 5, what is the ultimate consequence for the people continuing to sin and live in rebellion?

How would you react if you were to be totally cut off from God? Would that bother you or not? Explain.

What are some things you can do to help those living in sin around you?

PRAYER – Pray for God to open doors for opportunities to reach out. Day 16

What are false things that church leaders in our culture today are falsely teaching or falsely prophesying? List 3. 1.



Why are people so quick to believe their lies and not see what is true?

What are the consequences of their actions?

Some of the biggest churches in our country and world are churches that are being led by men and women who are teaching things that are not in the Bible. They teach there is no such thing as sin, that God does not judge us for our sinful choices, that all ways lead to God if you are serious. People love this message and stay to hear more. Why? It does not require them to change anything. They can live their lives the way they want and there are no consequences. They will be all right in the end. These false teachers and false churches are all around us. Ask God to help you read these verses and think about your church and see if it is faithful in preaching God’s word.

Read Micah 2:6-13

How does God describe the false prophets in verses 6 to 11?

What do false prophets say about the coming destruction in verses 6 to 7?

What do the true words of God, no matter how good or bad do for the man who is righteous and following the Lord according to verse 7b?

How does God’s word “do good” for the upright (person truly following Jesus)?

There was not much to look forward to. The nation was going to be destroyed and the people were going to go into exile. It had not happened yet. But Micah gives them encouragement before they go into exile. He gives them something to hold onto in the darkest days and nights. What encouragement does Micah give to his sinful and rebellious people in verses 12 and 13?

We find ourselves in a similar situation today. How are verses 12 and 13 a good picture of the 2nd coming of Christ?

PRAYER – Pray for churches and people to follow Jesus in our nation. Day 17

Describe the attributes and actions of a bad leader. List as many as you can.

Who are some people that come to mind that fit into this description?

Why do people follow leaders who are like this?

None of you will remember but Jim Jones was a leader of a cult in Guyana. He told the people many things that were lies and they believed him. They believed him so much so that he had them all drink poison so that they could go to be with God and escape this world. 918 people, 304 of them children, listened to Jones and died. This false prophet left much death and destruction in his “ministry”. Micah addresses the leaders of Israel today and their bad leadership. Ask God to help you listen to and apply his word to your life today.

Read Micah 3

How are the leaders of Israel described in verses 1-3 and 10-11?

What were the consequences to the leaders for their sins in verses 4 to 7?

Look at verse 4, what is a spiritual consequence of not repenting and continuing to live in sin? How serious does God take our sin?

In verse 12, what is the consequence to Israel because of the leaders’ sin and leading their people to sin?

How is Micah bold in confronting the people with their sins in verses 8 to 11?

Are you willing to confront “Christians” with their sins or not? Explain.

PRAYER – Wisdom and strength to speak the truth to those living in sin. Day 18

What is a wonder of the world that you would love to experience first-hand? What is it about that wonder that you want to see it in person?

What are places in our world that people are drawn to – every race and religion?

There are few places that come to mind: Grand Canyon, Great Wall of China, Stonehenge, Great Pyramids, Mount Everest just to name a few. The pictures of these places are breathtaking. They fill us with awe and wonder. Today Micah seems to make a break with what he has been talking about confronting the teachers and leaders with their sin, to paint a picture of the Kingdom of God and to give the people a bit of hope. If you are an Israelite, you have heard some pretty hard words from Micah. Words that make some angry, some nervous, some worrisome and others a bit sad. Micah wanted to encourage his people. Ask God to encourage you today in your faith as you read Micah.

Read Micah 4:1-5

What is Micah describing in these verses? How does he describe it?

He is talking about the restoration of Jerusalem and the temple. What are some words or phrases that would be hopeful to the people? Why would that be hopeful to the people?

How do we see in these verses that God has in mind not only blessings for Israel but for all the nations?

Micah is describing the restoration of the temple and Jerusalem. How can you see a parallel here to the eternity we will all look forward to of being in heaven forever as God’s children?

In what ways are you longing for an eternity spent with God in heaven?

PRAYER – Pray God would give you a desire to worship and serve Him forever! Day 19

What would you do if you found out today that some country that hates us is going to overrun our borders and take over every city and town? What preparations would you make? Where would you go?

How would you be helpless in the situation described above?

In the movie Red Dawn the Soviet Union invades North America in the northwest. They put Americans in camps, kill leaders and impose a new law on the towns and cities. A bunch of children escape and try to fight back as much as they can. It is a situation in the 80’s that our country toyed with. What would we do if the Soviet Union attacked us? How would we prepare? What would we do? Now think about Judah. They were helpless to prevent the impending disaster and exile that was coming. God told them that. No amount of preparation would stop it. Ask God to open your eyes to this story and how you can apply its truths to your life.

Read Micah 4:6-13

What day are verses 7 and 8 describing? Is it past or future? Who is the king here?

Now we flip back to the past. What is Micah foreseeing in verses 9 and 10?

What hope does Micah give them at the end of verse 10?

Now we can clearly see as we read the Old Testament that the enemies of Judah and Samaria swelled with pride when they triumphed over God’s people. They said, look at all our hands have done and accomplished. What key thing do these people not understand about their victories according to verses 11 and 12? How were they victorious?

Read Daniel 4:35. What does King Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of one of the nations mentioned in Micah 4 have to say about his victories after God made him a wild animal because of his pride? What does this all tell us about the God we say we love and serve?

What does God say about his people’s ultimate victory in Micah 4:13? How would that have encouraged the people at that time?

How should these truths encourage you as a follower of Jesus Christ?

PRAYER – Ask God to help you in trusting Him and looking to him for all things. Day 20

What are 5 things you can think of from the Old Testament (people, events, etc.) that point forward to Jesus Christ and who he would be and what he would do? 1.





When you take time to really step back you see that all of history has been pointing forward to our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, what does this say about God and his plan?

Jesus the son was at work creating in Genesis. God provided a ram to be sacrificed in the place of Isaac, just before Abraham killed him. Jonah was 3 days in the belly of the fish before being spit out. Noah and his family were saved through the ark. Isaiah talked about a suffering servant in chapter 53. All these and so, so, so much more point us forward to Jesus Christ. Ask God to encourage you with His words today.

Read Micah 5:1-5a

Verse 1 is the final blow to Judah – their king is struck down. Read 2 Kings 25:7 to see that event. How is Micah the prophet proved to be a true prophet?

Imagine you were an Israelite. What is going through your mind and heart about yourself and about God?

Then we have a great Messianic prophecy. How do verses 2 through 5a point forward to Jesus Christ? What details are we given about the Messiah?

Now if you are the Israelites, you are looking forward to being a nation again, with a ruler and maybe have even started dreaming about it. How does God have so much more in mind than an Israelite nation in these verses?

How are we included in this flock that is talked about in verse 4?

What do we see about the character of Christ?

He will be there peace. He is our peace. What does that mean for you?

PRAYER – Pray God will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding! Day 21

What are two movies or stories where it seemed like the bad guys were going to stay in control or power and there was no hope for the good guys at all? Briefly describe that theme. 1.


Pray God will help you to see and understand the Word of God today. One of my favorite films of all time is the original Star Wars trilogy. The Empire has taken over most of the universe and is seemingly in control. Scattered throughout is a band of rebels who continue to be a nuisance to the Emperor, Darth Vader and all their minions. They are constantly trying to snuff out the rebellion and yet they cannot. There is one Jedi left – though he has not risen to power and hasn’t been trained. But as he is trained, and then fights, he leads his rebellion to victory over the empire.

What is it about stories like this that gets us excited to keep reading or watching and telling others about the story?

Read Micah 5b-15

How do we see in this part of the story, Micah saying you will all go into exile, but be ready, God is not finished with you yet? What imagery does he use?

How would this be a surprise to the Assyrians and the Babylonians?

In verses 10-14 what things can God’s people not trust in delivering them from the hands of their enemies? Why not?

How will they be delivered?

It would have been easy for Israel to take vengeance and exact punishment for all the Babylonians and Assyrians did to their people, temple, and cities. From a human perspective they would have been in their right to get revenge. But what does God say in verse 15? How do you see this in the New Testament also? Hint: Read Romans 12:19

What does this show you about the God you serve? How is this truth hard for you?

PRAYER – To be a testimony to our enemies, not act in revenge and trust God. Day 22

What comes to mind when you think of a courtroom? List 3 or 4 things.

What kinds is a court room supposed to represent?

Here is a thought for pondering before you go on. If you were on trial for being a Christian, what would the evidence say? What would the verdict be? What is going through your mind? Take time and think and pray about these things. Ask God to use the scriptures today to show you your faith, to show you if you are truly following Christ or just the idea of Christ. Ask God to help you see the truths of his scriptures.

Read Micah 6:1-8

What did God challenge his people to do in verse 1? Why, considering all we have read up to this point in Micah?

They don’t have anything to say. They have no defense. What does the Lord have to say in prosecuting them in verses 2 to 5?

How has God been there and provided for his people? (For references of events here you can read Exodus 12 for Moses; Numbers 22-24 for Balaam and Balaak, Joshua 3:1, 4:19 for Shittim and Gilgal)

What does he say in the last part of verse 5 was the whole reason he did all these things in the life of his people? How is this awesome of God?

What did the people think they needed to do in verses 6 and 7 to please God?

What 3 ways can we please and serve God according to verse 8?

How are you doing all 3 of these things? How are you failing at them? Explain.

PRAYER – Pray verse 8 – focus on that today – ask God to help you! Day 23

What usually happens to a person who is declared guilty in a court of law? What kinds of punishments are carried out?

Do you think most criminals if they knew the punishment would have avoided committing the crime? Explain your answer.

What things have you kept from doing something wrong, knowing what the punishments or consequences might be both long and short term?

God’s people knew there would be punishment for disobeying the Lord and worshipping idols and not doing the things listed in Micah 6:8. In Joshua 24 when the covenant was renewed, it says God will bring disaster on his people if they disobey and are untrue to God. They knew these words and yet they sinned anyways. Maybe they didn’t believe God. God was not joking. Ask God to help you see His truths and take them seriously as you read today.

Read Micah 6:9-16

In verse 9, who is the one exacting the punishment? How did he appoint punishment?

The court case is over. It is time for the punishment. In verses 10-12, who is guilty and for what?

In case they forget, what is the reason they are being punished in verse 13? Then summarize the punishment Micah writes about in verses 14 to 16.

What parts of the people’s lives are targeted by God in the punishment he carried out?

How do we see God is true to His Word when you think of all that happened to the people?

What is a sin you are struggling with? How are you struggling with that sin?

PRAYER – Confess that sin; cry out to God from your knees for forgiveness. Day 24

List 5 Godly people that God has placed all around your life. Next to their name write one reason or thing that comes to mind when you think of that person as a Godly person. 1.





Is it easy or hard to find someone Godly life? Explain.

How have you taken those people for granted? How have you taken advantage of those relationships? Explain.

Most of us have Godly people in our lives: parents, youth leaders, teachers, friends, siblings, neighbors, coaches, etc. Because we see many of these people on a regular basis, we take them for granted. We don’t seek them out in times of doubt, crisis or even when we need someone to pray with us. They are familiar and we are always looking for “someone” else. Why? God put them into your life as a resource. Take advantage of them. Ask God to apply his word to your hearts today.

Read Micah 7:1-7

What words does Micah use to show it is hard to find godly people in his day?

How do we see the sinfulness of the people impacting negatively their close and personal relationships?

In verses 2 and 3, how does Micah describe his fellow countrymen?

Put yourself in Micah’s shoes, how would this be frustrating and challenging for someone who desires to serve the Lord and follow Him with their lives?

Yet Micah doesn’t give up. He doesn’t throw in the towel. He doesn’t let himself get totally discouraged. How does he find encouragement according to verse 7?

As you look at all the horrible things people do around you, what gives you hope? Or are you discouraged? Explain.

PRAYER – Ask God to give you hope, peace and a heart for the lost. Day 25

What is the greatest comeback story that you have ever read or heard about? What was it about that story that really gripped you?

Why do we like a good comeback story?

In baseball Josh Hamilton played for the Texas Rangers. He was a player that had so much potential and yet he got addicted to alcohol and was kept from baseball for several years so he could kick the addiction. He finally did it through great family, friends and a relationship with Jesus Christ. He not only made it back to major leagues to play baseball but become one of the premier home run hitters and batted for a high average. He struggled with his addiction, it didn’t go away, some days were easier than others, but through Christ he found a new meaning, a new goal, a new drive in his life. I use this illustration to jump us into our passage for today. Ask God to impact your life with His truths today.

Read Micah 7:8-13

Micah puts himself into the shoes of his people here, almost as if his sin has landed all of them in hot water with the Lord. Why do you think he does that?

What does Micah admit is going to have to happen because of sin?

But this isn’t a throw them in prison and throw away the key scenario. How does Micah show that there will be some light at the end of the long, dark tunnel?

What impact is the redemption of Israel going to have on the nations who thought they would keep them down?

Why would they be ashamed? What kinds of things did they say to the people of God in verse 10? How do we hear that today from people?

How do we see in verses 11-12 God is going to bless Israel and the church? Who is going to come? Who will be a part? How do you see yourself in this verse?

Verse 13 is part of the blessing of God’s people. The previous verses were describing where God’s people would be – Canaan. Everywhere else will be desolate, judged, because of the sin of the people who didn’t repent and turn to the Lord. The earth is used to symbolize all non-believers here.

PRAYER – That God would use you in bringing people into His Kingdom. Day 26

What is the picture you have in your mind when you think of that day when Jesus comes back again to gather his people to Himself?

Why can this be hard for you to imagine or think about?

There is a part of me that likes the Left Behind stories of the end times. I like the action of the book. I like that there is a clear message that we are only saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. The action is awesome as the remnant hurdle towards Christ’s coming back. Then the cheesiness of the story comes in the last book of the series. The way the scenario of all the Christians gathered together is written left me cringing and hoping that it would not be like that. But to their credit the authors were trying to give us a hope of what is to come one day. We do have much to look forward to. Ask God to show you that hope you have in Christ’s 2nd coming as you read today.

Read Micah 7:14-20

In verses 14-15, how do we see that the Lord is the shepherd who will lead us to where we need to go?

What is going to happen to the enemies of God according to verses 16 and 17?

God is victorious in verses 14 to 17. We are victorious. How should these truths encourage and impact how we act and live out our faith?

Verses 18-20 are a fitting conclusion not just to this chapter but to the whole book of Micah. What are key attributes of God we read about in these verses?

How is this encouraging to you, a person who struggles with sin?

What does it mean in verse 19 that God hurls our iniquities into the depths of the sea? Read :17 with this verse. What is it saying about God?

God doesn’t hold our sins against us if we have truly repented and confessed them to Him. He forgives us and forgets. He will never say to you later, “remember when you did this or did that.” No, he puts them behind his back; he hurls them into the depths of the sea. He forgives and forgets. We are not so easy to do that as humans and yet the perfect God of the universe does. That is so encouraging to me and I know there are people in your life who are beating themselves up over their sin struggles. They need to see verses like this.

PRAYER – Chance to share this hope we can have in Jesus Christ. Thank him for his mercy, forgiveness and compassion.