Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Notes Meeting Title: & South Community Network Panel

Date: 4 September 2019

Time: 6pm – 8.05pm

Location: Isaac House, Tyacke Road, Helston, TR13 8RR

Chaired by: Carolyn Rule CC

Present Title/ Representing Loveday Jenkin CC Councillor ( and ) John Keeling CC Cornwall Councillor (Breage, and ) John Martin CC (Helston South) Julian Rand CC Cornwall Councillor ( and ) Carolyn Rule CC Cornwall Councillor (Mullion, Grade-Ruan and ) Cllr Simon Caddick Breage Parish Council Cllr Colin Macleod Breage Parish Council Gill Lidgett Clerk to Crowan Parish Council Cllr Simon Sugrue Parish Council Cllr Kathy Doeser Germoe Parish Council Cllr Peter Freeman Grade Ruan Parish Council Chris Dawson Clerk to Helston Town Council Cllr Victoria Parker Landewednack Parish Council Cllr Michael Toy Parish Council Samantha Alexander Cornwall Council Cornwall Council Officers & Speakers Kerri Gendall Cornwall Council, Communities Support Assistant Jessie Hamshar Cornwall Council, Service Director – Strategy & (Corporate Leadership Team Representative) Engagement Maxine Hardy Cornwall Council, Community Link Officer Jane Nicholas Cornwall Council, Head of Service (Adult Social Services) Jon Price Cornwall Council, Service Director Transformation and Commissioning (Adult Social Services) Sgt Paul Kelly Devon and Cornwall Police Commander Martin Barlow Culdrose Leanne Cox Volunteer Cornwall Sarah Martin Volunteer Cornwall

Information Classification: CONTROLLED

Bev Wilson Village Works Ashley Fuller Village Works, Village Spotter Jo Mcloughlin Village Works, Village Coach Apologies for absence: Mike Thomas CC (Helston North), Cllr Marianne Baxter (Landewednack Parish Council), Cllr Mike Rowse (Mullion Parish Council), Alastair Cameron (National Trust)


Item Key/ Action Points Action by 1 Welcome & apologies

Councillor Rule welcomed everyone to the meeting.

The notes of the last meeting (5 June 2019) were agreed.

The notes of the AGM and Panel held on 3 April 2019 were agreed (these were not discussed at the last meeting due to that meeting being held at Goonhilly).

It was agreed the notes will continue to be distributed via email and available online, but at future meetings printed copies will not be available. The notes will be viewed via the presentation. This is to reduce paper waste.

2 Standing items

1) Member feedback VAS (speed cameras) – Cornwall Councillors discussed the Community Network Highways Fund at a meeting this week. They are currently seeking further information on the costs before asking the CNP to make a decision.

2) Town and Parish Council updates (to be submitted in advance in writing) None received.

3) Climate Change updates Jessie highlighted to the meeting that Cornwall Council passed the Climate Change action plan in July.

Landewednack Parish Council declared a climate emergency in July. They are working with and getting support from Helston Town Council.

Breage Parish Council has received funding for 420 trees to plant a hedge.

Sithney Church has requested a wild flower meadow.

4) Police update – Sgt Paul Kelly Please see the attached presentation: Appendix 1: Police Connectivity plan

Community Speed Watch – please see attached information: Appendix 2: Community Speedwatch information

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5) Culdrose update – Commander Martin Barlow

Commander Barlow gave a briefing on the current role, processes and flights at Culdrose, as well as:

 The programme of redevelopment for 102 military houses  Grass cutting around the housing estates. Following an earlier discussion regarding wild flowers, Commander Barlow will take this idea away to investigate for the Culdrose housing estates.  It was acknowledged that traffic is a concern. The site has recently taken on 3 additional personnel, his will help maximise the opening of the gates at busy times. They are currently addressing issues with opening the side gate to aid traffic flow. Culdrose is also encouraging people to cycle to work and has staggered shifts times.  During August there was a reduced operating period due to periods of leave. Flights will increase over the next week to the normal tempo.

Questions/ comments:  Grade Ruan Parish Council would like Culdrose to be included in discussions with Highways regarding the Cottage Hospital roundabout traffic concerns – Commander Barlow agreed.  Concerns regarding fire engines not be escorted were raised again. It was Commander noted that the large fire engines are being escorted. Commander Barlow Barlow & agreed to investigate the smaller fire engines having escorts in future, and Maxine liaise with Maxine. Hardy

3 Cornwall’s Adult Social Care Directorate – Jon Price, Service Director Transformation and Commissioning and Jane Nicholas, Head of Service (Adult Social Services)

Please see the attached presentation: Appendix 3: Cornwall’s Adult Social Care Directorate.

4 Viva Loneliness - Leanne Cox, Volunteer Cornwall

Please see the attached leaflet: Appendix 4: Viva Leaflet

5 Village Works - Bev Wilson, Village Works

Please see the attached presentation: Appendix 5: Village works.

6 Any Other Business

 It was suggested Cornwall Councils investment in to waste and anaerobic digesters could be a CNP agenda item. Victoria explained her work role and suggested an update at a future meeting as this is currently being worked on by officers. It was agreed a future meeting will focus on waste.

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 Town and Parish Councils are invited to bring topic ideas to the CNP – please email them to Maxine.

Dates of future meetings

Wednesday 6 November 2019 at 6pm Isaac House, Tyacke Road, Helston, TR13 8RR

Contact Officers:

If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:

Name Role Telephone Email Community Link Maxine Hardy 01209 615007 [email protected] Officer Community Support Kerri Gendall 01736 336732 [email protected] Assistant

Address: Localism Team, St Johns Hall, Alverton Street, , TR18 2QR

Website: Helston & South Kerrier Community Network

Social media: Facebook and Twitter

Notes published: 12/09/19

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