Snapshot: Nuclear Transport Elizabeth J
SnapShot: Nuclear Transport Elizabeth J. Tran, Timothy A. Bolger, and Susan R. Wente Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 37232, USA S. cerevisiae Metazoan Transport Karyopherins Karyopherins Complex & Other & Other Category Receptors Cargo(s) Essential Receptors Cargo(s) I Kap95 Kap60 adaptor Yes Importin-b1 Importin-a adaptor for cNLS proteins for cNLS proteins, Snurportin adaptor for U snRNPs II Kap95 — Yes Importin-b1 SREBP-2, HIV Rev and TAT, Cyclin B Kap104 Nab2, Hrp1 t.s. Transportin or PY-NLS-containing (mRNA-binding Transportin 2 proteins, mRNA- proteins) binding proteins, histones, ribosomal proteins Kap123 SRP proteins, No Importin 4 histones, ribosomal histones, ribo- protein S3a, somal proteins Transition Protein 2 Kap111/Mtr10 Npl3 (mRNA- t.s. Transportin SR1 SR proteins, HuR binding protein), or SR2 tRNAs Kap121/Pse1 ribosomal Yes Importin 5/ histones, ribosomal proteins, Yra1, Importin-b3/ proteins Import Spo12, Ste12, RanBP5 Yap1, Pho4, histones Kap119/Nmd5 ribosomal pro- No Importin 7 GR, ribosomal pro- teins, histones, teins, Smad, ERK Hog1, Crz1, Dst1 Kap108/Sxm1 Lhp1, ribosomal No Importin 8 SRP19, Smad proteins Kap114 TBP, histones, No Importin 9 histones, ribosomal Nap1, Sua7 proteins Kap122/Pdr6 Toa1 and Toa2, No — — TFIIA Kap120 Rpf1 No — — — — — Importin 11 UbcM2, rpL12 Ntf2 Ran/Gsp1 (GDP- Yes NTF2 Ran (GDP-bound bound form) form) III Kap142/Msn5 Replication pro- No — — tein A (import), Pho4, Crz1, Export Cdh1 (export) — — — Importin 13 UBC9, Y14 (import), Import/
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