Kings River Ophiolite, Southwest Sierra Nevada Foothills, California

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Kings River Ophiolite, Southwest Sierra Nevada Foothills, California Kings River ophiolite, southwest Sierra Nevada foothills, California JASON SALEEBY Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION In the lower Kings River area, rocks older than the Sierra Nevada Distinctive rock sequences consisting (from bottom to top) of batholith include a disrupted and metamorphosed ophiolite. The peridotite, gabbro, mafic dikes, and pillow basalt are referred to as Kings River ophiolite consists of tectonically emplaced slabs as ophiolites. Ophiolites are believed to represent fragments of oceanic much as 20 km long that are separated by serpentinite-matrix crust and upper mantle that were detached and emplaced into melange zones and by crosscutting plutons of the batholith. Within orogenic zones along once-active plate junctures (Dietz, 1963; the slabs, various segments of the original ophiolite section are Thayer, 1969; Coleman, 1971a; Dewey and Bird, 1971; Church, preserved. From the base upward, the reconstructed section con- 1972; Brookfield, 1977). The widespread occurrence of ophiolite sists of (1) a harzburgite zone (more than 4 km thick), (2) a transi- remnants now documented in the Sierra Nevada of California tion zone between ultramafic and mafic tectonites and cumulates (Morgan, 1973; Menzies and others, 1975; Moores and Menzies, (2.5 km thick), (3) a gabbro zone with cumulates (2 km thick), (4) a 1975; Ehrenberg, 1975; Saleeby, 1975a, 1975b, 1975c, 1977a, mafic-dike zone (0.7 km thick), and (5) a pillow-basalt zone (1.8 1977b; Behrman, 1978) is important because they record the role km thick). The pillow basalt is overlain by at least 20 m of metal- of plate-margin processes and the involvement of oceanic liferous radiolarian chert. After tectonic mixing and emplacement lithosphere in the pre-batholith tectonic evolution of the Sierran into the Sierran terrane, the ophiolite was metamorphosed to the terrane. hornblende-hornfels facies by the batholith. Ophiolite remnants exposed almost continuously as a 125-km- The Kings River ophiolite is interpreted as a disrupted fragment long northwest-trending belt in the southwestern Sierra Nevada of oceanic crust and upper mantle. Isotopic ages along with struc- foothills are referred to informally as the Kings-Kaweah ophiolite tural and petrographic data indicate that the igneous part of the belt (Fig. 1, inset map). The Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt forms section originated in latest Paleozoic or possibly earliest Mesozoic part of the western wall of the Sierra Nevada batholith in the re- time. Intense deformation of the ophiolite began at its point of ori- gion. The Kings River ophiolite is located at the northern end of the gin. Deep levels of the ophiolite were penetratively mylonitized, in- belt; it is exposed for 33 km along strike and covers an area of 340 termediate levels were deformed by ductile faulting, and upper km2. The purpose of this paper is to (1) describe the general setting levels were deformed by brittle shear. As deformation and disrup- of the Kings River ophiolite and its relation with the rest of the tion progressed, serpentinization of the ophiolite's lower levels also Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt, (2) describe in detail the petrology progressed. Serpentinization and differential tectonic movements and structure of the Kings River ophiolite, and (3) discuss the were concentrated along zones that became serpentinite-matrix emplacement and related deformation of the ophiolite. A more in- melange. The inclusion of only ophiolite-assemblage rocks in the depth discussion of the emplacement and regional tectonic sig- melange zones indicates that the melange mixing was oceanic. nificance of the entire ophiolite belt is presented elsewhere (Saleeby, The ophiolite originated and began its deformational history at a 1977b, and ms. in prep.). mid-ocean spreading center where that center was cut by a trans- Prior to my work, the northern part of the ophiolite had been verse fracture zone. The progression from brittle to ductile be- mapped in reconnaissance and studied petrographically by Mac- havior with stratigraphic depth during initial deformation is at- donald (1941). The southern part had been mapped in reconnais- tributed to a steep thermal gradient, typical of an ocean ridge. sance (Mathews and Burnett, 1966). Neither of these studies rec- Progressive deformation and disruption and, ultimately, ophiolite ognized the existence of an ophiolite. Mafic and ultramafic rocks of emplacement occurred along a wrench zone that cut obliquely into the region have been generally interpreted as magmatically western North America and truncated earlier-formed tectonic ele- emplaced "forerunners" of the Sierra Nevada batholith (Mayo, ments. The wrench zone is believed to have been an extension of 1941; Bateman and others, 1963). It will be shown that rocks of the mid-ocean fracture zone that widened and became more com- the Kings River ophiolite are not magmatic forerunners of the plex with time. During the later stages of wrench movement, a batholith and that the ophiolite is of a petrogenetic domain re- component of eastward underthrusting commenced. Disrupted moved from that of the batholith in terms of both time and space. ocean floor of the wrench zone was left as an accretionary hanging Magmatically emplaced mafic rocks do occur in the vicinity of the wall of a newly formed subduction zone. A Jurassic volcanic arc Kings River ophiolite (Saleeby, 1975c, 1976a, 1976b; Saleeby and was built across the already weakened oceanic basement as it un- Sharp, 1977), but these rocks along with other batholithic rocks derwent transverse shortening and continued wrench movements in will not be discussed in depth here. response to oblique subduction. Final truncation of North Ameri- can tectonic elements and emplacement of the ophiolite probably GEOLOGIC SETTING overlapped in time with arc activity. Similar deformation and trun- cation zones are a common feature in modern subduction-arc The Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt is exposed along the western complexes of the circum-Pacific. edge of the Sierran foothills between lat 36°00'N and 37°00' (Fig. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 89, p. 617-636, 7 figs., April 1978, Doc. no. 80413. 617 Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 618 J. SALEEBY Figure 1. Geologic location map showing entire Kings-Kaweah ophiolite belt and area covered in adjoining detailed geologic map of the 1, inset map). The southern half of the belt consists of a tectonic since some of them contain mappable internal stratigraphic units. melange in which the various rock types of the ophiolite assem- Collectively, these slabs are the Kings River ophiolite. blage are mixed within a schistose serpentinite matrix. The A complete ophiolite succession is preserved within the tectonic melange is referred to informally as the Kaweah serpentinite slabs of the Kings River area. The slabs are separated by melange melange and is discussed in detail elsewhere (Saleeby, 1975a, zones containing ophiolitic material and by crosscutting plutons of 1975b, 1975c, 1977a, 1977b). North of the Kaweah River area the the Sierra Nevada batholith (Fig. 1). The slabs are elongated in a tectonic blocks increase in size (Fig. 1, inset map). The large blocks northwest direction and range from 5 to 20 km in length. The slabs of the Kings River area are referred to as slabs (after Hsu, 1968), form the topographic highs in the area and are named informally Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 KINGS RIVER OPHIOLITE, CALIFORNIA 619 Kings River ophiolite. Geology by Saleeby supplemented by Macdonald (1941), Matthews and Burnett (1966), and W. D. Sharp (unpub. data). after the highest peaks that they underlie. The Bald Mountain and The melange zone that bounds the east side of the Hog Mountain Hughes Mountain slabs consist mainly of metamorphosed pillow slab separates the ophiolite from metasedimentary rocks of the basalt, breccia, and mafic dikes. The Tivy Mountain and Hog Calaveras Complex (Saleeby and Goodin, 1977). The melange zone Mountain slabs consist mainly of metamorphosed gabbro and that bounds the western margin of the Tivy Mountain slab is simi- peridotite. lar to the Kaweah melange and forms the western known border of Contacts between ophiolitic slabs and adjacent melange zones the ophiolite. are vertical and gradational over short distances. Exotic blocks of Plutons ranging in composition from olivine-hornblende mainly metabasalt and metachert characterize the melange zones. melagabbro to biotite quartz diorite intruded and metamorphosed Downloaded from by guest on 26 September 2021 620 J. SALEEBY GENERALIZED RECONSTRUCTED OPHIOLITE SECTION OCEANIC uj co BASEMENT PROTOLITHS METAMORPHIC DERIVATIVES 20m km o —I METALLIFEROUS AND PURE METAQUARTZITE LAYER OQ RAD IOLARIAN CHERT 2 PILLOW BASALT ZONE PILLOW BASALT WITH LOCAL INTER- MAFIC HORNBLENDE BASALT, 7.0km PILLOW CHERT, PILLOW BRECCIA, HORNFELS AND SCHISTOSE DIABASE MASSIVE BASALT AND MAFIC DIKE ROCK AMPHI BOLITE Figure 2. Reconstructed co- MAFIC DIKE ZONE lumnar section of the Kings LAYER BASALT-DIABASE DIKES WITH LOCAL MAFIC HORNBLENDE River ophiolite. Brief lithologie 0.7km DIKES AND SCREENS OF CLINOPYROXENE HORNFELS AND
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