User Guide 5.2

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User Guide 5.2 USER GUIDE 5.2 Author Çağatay Çivici First Edition PrimeFaces User Guide Table of Contents About the Author..................................................................................................................................9 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................10 1.1 What is PrimeFaces?.............................................................................................................10 2. Setup...............................................................................................................................................11 2.1 Download...............................................................................................................................11 2.2 Dependencies.........................................................................................................................12 2.3 Configuration.........................................................................................................................13 2.4 Hello World...........................................................................................................................13 3. Component Suite............................................................................................................................14 3.1 AccordionPanel......................................................................................................................14 3.2 AjaxBehavior.........................................................................................................................18 3.3 AjaxExceptionHandler..........................................................................................................21 3.4 AjaxStatus..............................................................................................................................22 3.5 AutoComplete........................................................................................................................25 3.6 Barcode..................................................................................................................................35 3.7 BlockUI.................................................................................................................................38 3.8 BreadCrumb..........................................................................................................................41 3.9 Button....................................................................................................................................43 3.10 Cache...................................................................................................................................46 3.11 Calendar...............................................................................................................................48 3.12 Captcha................................................................................................................................58 3.13 Carousel...............................................................................................................................61 3.14 CellEditor............................................................................................................................67 3.15 Chart....................................................................................................................................68 3.15.1 PieChart.......................................................................................................................69 3.15.2 LineChart.....................................................................................................................71 3.15.3 BarChart.......................................................................................................................74 3.15.4 DonutChart..................................................................................................................76 3.15.5 BubbleChart.................................................................................................................78 3.15.6 Ohlc Chart....................................................................................................................80 3.15.7 MeterGauge Chart.......................................................................................................82 3.15.8 Combined Chart...........................................................................................................84 3.15.9 Multiple Axis...............................................................................................................85 3.15.10 Date Axis...................................................................................................................87 3.15.11 Interactive Chart........................................................................................................88 3.15.12 Export........................................................................................................................89 3.15.13 Static Images..............................................................................................................90 3.15.14 Skinning.....................................................................................................................91 3.15.15 Extender.....................................................................................................................92 3.15.16 Chart API...................................................................................................................93 3.16 Clock....................................................................................................................................98 3.17 Collector............................................................................................................................100 2 PrimeFaces User Guide 3.18 Color Picker.......................................................................................................................101 3.19 Column..............................................................................................................................104 3.20 Columns.............................................................................................................................106 3.21 ColumnGroup....................................................................................................................108 3.22 CommandButton................................................................................................................109 3.23 CommandLink...................................................................................................................114 3.24 Confirm..............................................................................................................................118 3.25 ConfirmDialog...................................................................................................................119 3.26 ContentFlow......................................................................................................................122 3.27 ContextMenu.....................................................................................................................124 3.28 Dashboard..........................................................................................................................127 3.29 DataExporter......................................................................................................................132 3.30 DataGrid............................................................................................................................135 3.31 DataList.............................................................................................................................142 3.32 DataScroller.......................................................................................................................146 3.33 DataTable...........................................................................................................................150 3.34 DefaultCommand..............................................................................................................175 3.35 Diagram.............................................................................................................................177 3.36 Dialog................................................................................................................................181 3.37 Drag&Drop........................................................................................................................186 3.37.1 Draggable...................................................................................................................186 3.37.2 Droppable..................................................................................................................190 3.38 Dock..................................................................................................................................195 3.39 Editor.................................................................................................................................197 3.40 Effect.................................................................................................................................201 3.41 FeedReader........................................................................................................................204 3.42 Fieldset..............................................................................................................................205
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