Irish Bat Monitoring Programme All-Ireland Daubenton’s Bat Waterway Survey 2006 2006 Report Irish Bat Monitoring Programme All-Ireland Daubenton’s Bat Waterway Survey 2006 2006 Report Tina Aughney 1, Steve Langton 2, Niamh Roche 1 , Jon Russ 3 and Philip Briggs 3 1. Bat Conservation Ireland, 2. steve&
[email protected] 3. Bat Conservation Trust UK, Citation: Aughney, T., Langton, S., Roche, N., Russ, J. and Briggs, P. (2007) All-Ireland Daubenton’s Bat Waterway Survey 2006, Irish Bat Monitoring Programme. Bat Conservation Ireland . Cover Photograph © Frank Greenway ii CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iv 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Why monitor Duabenton’s bats Myotis daubentonii ? 1 1.2 Daubenton’s bat Myotis daubentonii : a brief species profile 2 1.2.1 Distribution 2 1.2.2 Surveying Daubenton’s bats Emergence behaviour of Daubenton’s bats during summer months 3 Feeding behaviour of Daubenton’s bats during summer months 3 Echolocation calls and foraging style of Daubenton’s bats 3 Identifying the Daubenton’s bat using bat detectors 3 Bat passes: a tool for surveying Daubenton’s bats 4 1.2.3 The BCT Daubenton’s bat Waterway Survey 4 2. THE ALL-IRELAND DAUBENTON’S BAT WATERWAY SURVEY 2006: AIMS AND METHODS 2.1 Aims of Report 5 2.2 Methods 5 2.3 Volunteer uptake and participation 5 3. RESULTS 3.1 Training 7 3.2 Volunteer participation in 2006 7 3.3 Waterway sites surveyed in 2006 9 3.4 Number of completed surveys 11 3.5 Number of bat ‘passes’ recorded in 2006 11 3.6 Statistical Analysis of Results 15 3.7 Power Analysis – detecting Amber and Red Alerts for Daubenton’s bats 18 4.