Aluthgama as at 16.06.2014 (mid-day)

Summary Religious tensions between Sinhala Buddhists and Sri Lankan Muslims flared up in the Muslim majority areas of Aluthgama and Beruwela located within the with unverified reports of 3 deaths and 80 persons injured, some with gunshot wounds after the Sinhala Buddhist Bodu Bala Senawa (BBS) held a rally to protest against an earlier incident on 15.06.2014 (see Background below). A police curfew has been declared in both areas amidst fears of violence spreading. Background On 08.05.2014 a Muslim owned shop was set on fire by a mob led by Buddhist monks in relation to a police investigation into the alleged sexual abuse of a Sinhala 12 year old by the shop owners brother. On 12.06.2014 further tensions broke out in Aluthgama, after reports of a Muslim man allegedly attacking a Buddhist monk and several others. Tear gas was used to control protests. Three were arrested. A vehicle of a minister, Kumara Welgama, who visited the area was also attacked. From 13.05.2014 the police and Special Task Force (STF - counter terror police unit) were deployed in the area with armored vehicles etc. Request for According to newspaper sources a delegation of Muslim organisations security by met with Western Province DIG Anura Senanayake in Kalutara on Muslim 14.05.2014 yesterday to hold discussions about security in the area. community Police assured the organisations that they would ensure maximum leaders security in the area. Deputy Minister of Investment Promotion Faiszer Mustapha wrote to the Secretary of the Ministry of Law and Order, Maj. Gen. Nanda Mallawararachchi urging him to prevent the Bodu Bala Sena rally from taking place. In a letter to IGP N.K. Illangakoon, the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama, Muslim Council of , the Wakf Board of Sri Lanka, the All Ceylon YMMA and the Masjid Federation said that “extremist organisations” Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya had organised a rally in Aluthgama to protest against an alleged attack on a Buddhist priest in the area last Thursday. “This is a dangerous situation that could develop into a major riot, hence we call upon you to take immediate and decisive action to safeguard the lives and property of Muslims in Aluthgama and surrounding areas,” stated the letter to the IGP, that was also copied to DIG Anura Senanayake yesterday. Sinhala Sinhala Buddhist right wing Extremist group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS – Buddhist Buddhist Power Force) held a rally in Aluthgama on Sunday 15.06.2014. group holds Its leader and General Secretary Buddhist Monk Galagodaaththe rally Gnanasara, questioned the heavy police presence in the area. He referred to Muslims in derogatory terms and accused sections of the Government of being in collaboration with the Muslim Community. He stated in Sinhala that “They keep calling us racist and religious extremists. Yes, we are racists”. The crowd had cheered him on. He then stated that “This country still has a Sinhalese Police, this country still has a Sinhalese police and a Sinhala army. It will be the end of all [Muslims] if a Muslim at least lays a finger on a Sinhalese” he said. He also added that it has come to the point where he also has to question the intelligence of President Rajapaksa in allowing such minority communities to flourish. The crowd continues to cheer him on (video - Beginning By late afternoon 15.06.2014 the Bodu Bala Sena proceeded to the of clash Muslim majority area of in Alutgama in vehicle convoy. People in the area pelted stones at the convoy, triggering clashes. Several people were injured. Note that it is unclear as to who started the clash but that violence continued even after a police curfew was declared with information to indicate that Muslim owned shops and houses had been torched. Police From 6.45PM 15.06.2014 the police declared a curfew in the Kalutara Curfew District towns of Aluthgama and Beruwela. This curfew was declared due declared to to continuing clashes sparked by the earlier incident. Around 1200 police control personnel and including 400 Special Task Force were brought in from situation different parts of the region to control the situation. The curfew was to be in place till further notice according to the Police Media Spokesman. Violence Over 10 shops in the Muslim majority Dharga town area in Aluthgama continues were torched with police and Special Task Force personnel firing tear and mobs gas and rubber bullets to disperse the mobs to no avail. Houses in the disregard Kotapitiya, Meeri Penna and Adhikarigoda areas in Aluthgama were also the curfew set on fire with Muslim residents fleeing their homes to take sanctuary in several mosques in Dharga town. It is confirmed that several buildings have been torched through video footage and pictures obtained by the media in the area. Ground reporters also described seeing heavy clashes. Telephone lines in Aluthgama were reportedly disconnected whilst rail and road services were also disrupted. Meanwhile footage showed armed personnel carriers and newly-imported water cannons being brought to the Aluthgama area. Violence Despite the curfew, Muslim families gathered at the Dharga town continues Marikkar Street Mosque and several other mosques in the area as and starts homes came under attack by violent mobs who continued to move to spread to around ignoring the curfew. In fact shops had come under attack in the other areas Beruwala area at 9 PM on 15.06.2014 in spite of the police curfew according to sources in the area. Ground reports indicated that crowds of people were on the march again in Aluthgama at 9PM, 15.06.2014 with police warning Muslim residents to stay indoors. Fixed line telephones in several areas of Aluthgama also went dead late last night. In a seemingly related incident Harcourts Pharmacy in Dehiwala, Colombo has been pelted with stones with minor damages to the shop front. Reactions The Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and Defense Secretary and Gotabhaya Rajapakse are currently not in the country. President responses Mahinda Rajapaksa, who is in Bolivia attending the G77 summit, called for restraint via his twitter account and said those who are responsible for the violence would be held accountable. Sri Lanka Muslim Congress and other Muslim organisations expressed concern, and called on the Muslim community to remain peaceful. Bodu Bala Sena says the organization was protesting peacefully when they came under attack. BBS spokesman Dilantha Vitanage told Reuters that the incident was “unfortunate” and should not have happened. “There are damages and casualties to both the parties”. Meanwhile NewsFirst Reports that approximately 80 people have been injured in the clashes with at least seven people with gunshot injuries. BBC Sinhala has published a video that captures the situation in Aluthgama. Curfew is now in force from Aluthgama to Beruwala, unverified reports of clashes continued to emerge. Reports from human rights activists indicate that there are also some efforts under way to arrange for diplomats from Muslim- majority/OIC countries to accompany Muslim politicians on a visit to Aluthgama tomorrow (to provide protection).

Sources yesterday/ Tense situation in Aluthgama after assault on a buddhist monk more.. 'Muslims have a different law in Aluthgama: Police live n Mosque' more.. JHU demands deportation of Muslim extremists more..** Muslims concerned over Aluthgama incident more.. BASL concerned over BBS more.. Mini-battle in Aluthgama: Curfew declared more.. Video: SL shaken by religious violence more.. ACJU requests all Muslims to remain calm more.. Alas Aluthgama! more.. protesters.html muslim-owned-shop/