West Museums Educational Resources

Worksheet for Romans film 2


We hope you enjoyed the film!


Can you answer the following questions?

1. What is archaeology? ______2. Can you name something an archaeologist might do? ______3. What is an artefact? ______4. What kind of objects from our time might be found under the ground? ______5. Name three types of material that would probably rot away if they were underground for a long time. ______6. What does the word ‘replica’ mean? ______7. What is the name in for a large Roman jar? ______



Look at this map of :

Can you find the following Roman place names?


Chester (pronounced ‘Dewa’)



Which of these Roman cities is the furthest north?


Art and design

Draw or make a model of archaeology underground, like the one in the film. Remember to include a variety of materials and some artefacts from different times in history.



Archaeologists digging in the middle of a city found the following percentages of materials underground:

Plastic – 40% Glass – 15% Brick/stone – 15% Pottery – 10% Metal – 10% Other – 10%

Fill in the pie chart to show the different amounts of materials found.



Imagine you are a journalist reporting an important archaeological find in . Write a newspaper article about the find. Include an interview with one of the archaeologists who discovered the artefacts. ______

Answers to the quiz:

1. The study of human activity. Also things that people who lived before us have made, used and left behind. 2. They dig down under the ground looking for artefacts, they clean and label the finds, and they identify them. Sometimes they write about the things they find. 3. It is an object made by a human being, from a time before ours. 4. Plastic bottles and bags, metal cans, glass bottles, broken glass, pottery, brick, stone, shell and bone. 5. Wood, clothing, food, skin, hair, paper, cardboard. 6. A replica is a copy of something. 7. A Roman Jar is called an Amphora/ Amphor.