PRESENT: Councillors: Dr M Pitt (Chair), R Kirkland, L Harris, Dr P Hodson, J Richardson, K Thomas, C Turner, S Walton, Parish Clerk, 1 member of the public,

20/237 PUBLIC SPEAKING Councillor Orton had sent in the following report. Following the request for a ‘going concern’ report by the independent auditor, Borough Council has been issued with a ‘qualified statement’ relating to ‘Value for Money’ for the first time in its history. This is in respect of its 2019 -20 financial accounts, which are prior to the coronavirus pandemic. The Council is currently spending £2.8m a year more than its annual income and is rapidly running out of reserves. It has recently published a Budget Deficit Plan which shows it will take until 2022/23 before it hopes to reduce its overspending by £900k to £1.9m each year. The Auditor is not satisfied with this and has requested the Council provide a second Budget Deficit plan to address its continued overspend by 31st January 2021. In addition to crime increasing by 25% in Amber Valley, knife crime also increased in by 17%.

20/238 APOLOGIES Councillor C Short (DCC), Councillor Orton (AVBC)



20/241 APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was resolved that the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 20.10.20 were approved and will be signed by the Chair.


20/243 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS Councillor Pitt thanked Councillors Turner and Thomas for putting the poppies on lampposts. 83 handmade poppies donated by a parishioner have been placed in people’s gardens in return for a donation to the Royal British Legion. Thanks were given to Councillor Harris and Thomas for helping to distribute the poppies. A letter from Estate about Bunkers Hill permissive footpath had been received. A brief socially distanced Remembrance service took place outside and wreaths were laid. Councillor Pitt had been contacted by the office of S Dines MP. Constituents are reminded that if they have any problems to contact her.


Kedleston Grange traffic Management It was agreed to add an article to the newsletter and website asking residents to report any traffic/road problems with the site. Miller Homes have promised to try and keep us up to date as far in advance as possible. Councillor Thomas reported four lorries were attempting to get onto site recently which was very dangerous to try and pass through.


AVA-2020-1068 Queenies Tea Room 114 Church Road Change of Use from Tea Room (E) to Residential Dwelling (C3a) – No objections

AVA-2020-1070 27 Woodlands Lane Two storey front extension and terracing to front and rear and erection of a new detached garage - No objections, provided that the two obscure glass screens at the sides of the front and rear balconies are kept so in perpetuity to preserve the privacy and amenities of the neighbours to either side

AVA-2020-1044 2 Somme Road Application for outline planning for 2no. dwelling houses with some matters reserved - We are aware of the 2006 agreement with AVBC limiting the development of the Somme Road site to 16 houses, likewise the application breaches QNP Policy QH2 which specifically limits development at this site. There are a number of technical queries relating to flood risk raised by one of the residents of Somme Road which are beyond the competence of QPC to judge, as well as issues of right of access. We object to this application

TRE-2020-0841 8 The Common Various tree works – No objections

AVA-2020-1012 1 Poppyfields Meadow Allestree Proposed extension – No objections A slipshod submission; the location plan indicates the site of No. 5 Poppyfields Meadow

TRE-2020-0835 Green Bank Coach Drive See attached "201012 Mrs Hewitt Schedule" T6 Oak has a TPO, the rest is within a Conservation Area - – No objections

AVA-2020-0932 26 Woodlands Lane Porch extension and store room, single storey at front and double storey at rear comprising ground floor sun room plus extension to master bedroom including en suite - No illustration to show the impact on the street scene is included in the application. contravening QNP Policy QDBC1, however close scrutiny of the plans lead us to believe that there will be minimal impact on the street scene and therefore we have no objection to the application

AVA-2020-0885 73 Church Road Quarndon Proposed First Floor Extension, Front Extension and Associated Alterations Including Cladding / Render and Replacement Windows & Doors – No objections, provided that the hard-surfaced drive, adheres to QNP PolicyQDBC1 which requires the use of a permeable surface and ensuring that there is no increased water run- off onto adjoining land

There were no objections on the following two applications:- TEL/2020/0027 Land O/S Park Nook House Inn Lane Prior approval for installation of 9m wooden pole TEL/2020/0028 Land O/S Park Nook Cottage Inn Lane Prior approval for the installation of 9m wooden pole Land O/S Park Nook Cottage Inn Lane

An enforcement request had been submitted in respect of a structure in rear garden of Burley Lane.


AVA-2020-0774 Holly Bank Farm 52 Church Road Proposed two storey side extension to form double car port, single bay garage with study & gym over and storm porch to south elevation

AVA-2020-0773 Holly Bank Farm 52 Church Road Application in substitution of the previously approved AVA/2020/0182 for rear extensions

TRE-2020-0819 5 Sulleys Field Oak (T1) - at front of house - raise the crown of large Oak tree to around 4m in height. To reduce the lateral branch length by around 1m on the circumference of the tree to a suitable growing point and reduce the height by around 2m - work to be carried out by an arborist in accordance with BS3998 Oak (T2) - in rear garden of house - raise the crown of large Oak tree to around 4m in height. To reduce the lateral branch length by around 1m on the circumference of the tree to a suitable growing point and reduce the height by around 2m - work to be carried out by an arborist in accordance with BS3998

TRE-2020-0805 Rock House 12 The Common T1 Oak - Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 8-10 metres and removal of large limb grown out from 4m up the main trunk extending over the property, pictured. A large beech has been removed on a neighbouring property which abutted this tree. It has left this specimen with a one sided crown and a possible risk of limb failure due to being hit by weather on its now unprotected side. T2 Oak - Crown Reduction - Reducing the height and spread of the tree by up to 8 metres. This tree has a heavy lean towards a garage. T3 Oak - Remove major deadwood throughout whole crown area (Deadwood > 25mm in diameter ) T4 Oak - Crown Thin- Removing selected branches in the upper canopy to reduce current density by up to 10-15% 2-3m reduction of misshapen stem over hedge line and over summer house. The stem over the hedge line has formed a secondary bulbous crown leaving the crown looking like two separate parts. The reduction works aim to make the crown symmetrical to avoid and reduce the end weight on this outward growing limb.

TRE-2020-0806 184 Burley Lane Maple T1 located to the front of the property requires lifting to allow passage onto the drive and light to the lawn under the canopy. Propose to lift to around 3.5m.

20/245 POPPIES The Parish Council have received lots of messages saying how nice the handmade poppies looked. It was agreed to thank the parishioner who had made and donated them. It was agreed to ask everyone to keep them and put them up again next year.

20246 BROADBAND Quarndon is served by Allestree and Duffield exchanges. BT Openreach has a commercial approach at the Allestree exchange and is providing FTTP (Fibre to the premises) to properties without funding from Digital Derbyshire. Digital Derbyshire are providing funding to BT Openreach to provide FTTP from the Duffield exchange. FTTP will be available to properties on Burley Lane from Burley Grange downwards over the next few months. This follows pressure from Quarndon Parish Council on Digital Derbyshire over several years to improve broadband speeds. The Parish Council will continue to push for broadband improvements to other areas.

20/247 TOPOGRAPH The following letter had been received from Kedleston Estate. ‘I write in connection with the permissive footpath thot extends from FP6 out to the topograph on Bunkers Hill. The owners of the Kedleston Estate have become aware thot the route of the permissive footpath has not been correctly followed and people are not using the route thot was originally mode available. The owners of the Kedleston Estate ore undertaking fencing works io their fields which will include the reinstatement of on historic fence line which will close off one of the unintended pathways thot is used to access the topogroph. ln addition, the owners will from time to time close off the permissive footpath and notification of this will be clearly displayed by the footpath and permissive footpath junction. Any mowing or repair works to the footpath will not be acceptable without prior notification to the Kedleston Estate office and, in particular, it is asked thot the stone which has been loid to form o hardstanding track be removed and made good. The permissive footpath to access the topogroph can be revoked of any time and if the correct route of the permissive route is not adhered to in the spirit of the original proposal then the permissive route may be withdrawn altogether. whilst this is not the intention of the owners of Kedleston Estate, over the years the gradual creep away from the original route has resulted in the significant diversions that is evidenced on the ground today'

It was confirmed that the Parish Council had not laid the stone; it is in Duffield Parish. A quote had been received for the refurbishment of the topograph. Additional quotes are sought and it was agreed to add the refurbishment of the Church memorial. Concerns were raised that the route could be closed off and the refurbishment of the topograph would be wasted. The bench had been removed today following a request from Kedleston Estate. It was agreed to respond to Kedleston Estate.

20/248 AVBC CLIMATE EMERGENCY Councillor Thomas gave feedback from the DALC Autumn 2020 Climate Emergency survey (organised by Marches Energy Agency): · 38 parish/town councils responded, including Quarndon. · 2 have drafted a Climate Emergency plan; 11 are WIP; and 25 haven’t, including Quarndon. · Heavy focus on parish council owned buildings (not applicable to Quarndon) · Quarndon got a mention in the presentation for showing interest in: Domestic renewable energy systems. Unbiased advice for homeowners required to explain options, benefits, and suggested contractors, that could be published on the parish website. · Marches Energy also quoted from the Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan: The Quarndon Neighbourhood Plan (2018 to 2033) includes policies promoting renewable energy. “Development of renewable energy provision has strong support in the community. However, installation of renewable schemes needs to be balanced with the need to retain the attractive rural environment of the Parish; specifically its Conservation Areas…” · 52% “Yes”, and 45% “Maybe” to Parish Council collaboration to develop carbon reduction plans. Quarndon is strongly in favour of collaborating to share best practice. The June 2020 NE Derbyshire District Council – Parish Council Climate Change Pack (how to reduce your carbon footprint), and the Bath and NE Somerset Parish Council resources for responding to climate change were shared. These are to be reviewed to glean ideas that may be applicable in Quarndon. Item 13 – Traffic & Transport Group Report Planned visit of Police & Crime Commissioner, Hardyal Dhindsa, on 11 November to witness Quarndon CSW and see main road safety issues in the village postponed due to Lockdown 2.0. Update from Cycling Group (DCG) on space for walking and cycling: · Money from the DfT "emergency measures for COVID" for cycling and walking has been provided to Derbyshire CC in two tranches. Tranche 1 focused on "market towns" in Derbyshire. · Tranche 2 funds have just been allocated. Derbyshire has around £1.6million. DCG believe that most this has been dedicated to the creation of a new cycle and walking route in Chesterfield. · The DfT say that all future spending on cycling infrastructure should be driven by the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). Derbyshire, Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham have been working on a joint LCWIP for at least 2 years with no signs of it being published yet! However, drafts suggest that Derbyshire has concentrated on long distance routes (e.g. Derwent Valley Cycleway) and Derby has concentrated on short links between key places in the city (e.g. University to city centre). Routes from areas just outside the City boundary, such as Quarndon and Little Eaton, into the City appear to have had little or no consideration. · Getting proposals, such as the Markeaton/Vicarwood bridleway link to the Miller Homes development, Quarndon, and Kedleston need to be in the LCWIP to greatly increase their chances of getting funded. Support needs to be shown at various levels including parish, local councillor and MP. Before the LCWIP is adopted there should be a consultation. This might allow for modifications of the plan particularly for areas just outside the Derby City boundary.

20/249 QPC TRAFFIC & TRANSPORT SUB GROUP REPORT. Councillor Thomas provided an update. The planned visit of the Police & Crime Commissioner on the 11 November had been postponed due to Covid-19. The first tranche of government monies for traffic improvements by DCC had been used in Market Towns and the second tranche appears to have been put forward for a cycling and walking route in Chesterfield. It was agreed to write to S Dine MP to ask for support with traffic improvements in the Parish.

20/250 FOOTPATHS It was agreed to find a location for the new bin and look at combining a skip with a litter pick.

20/251 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH A patio door on a house in Montpelier had been smashed (this could have been caused by a bird strike/other reason) nothing had been taken. There had been some ASB in the village hall car park again. Councillor Pitt to look at grant funding for items such as CCTV.

20/252 WEB SITE Councillor Turner gave an update on website statistics. The wellsite has been well used recently.

20/253 VILLAGE PLANTERS - REQUEST FOR FUNDS FOR WINTER PANSIES It was agreed to spend approximately £30 on winter plants.

20/254 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Councillor Richardson to liaise with M Booth to put up the Christmas lights and clear the Chalybeate well. There are also a lot of leaves on the footpath from Coach Drive.

20/255 CLERK’S REPORT • Overgrown pavement on the west side of Church Road just uphill from the Joiners Arms reported to DCC 21.10.20 • Oak trees on Bunkers hill have two damaged branches reported to Kedleston Estate



Monthly accounts circulated

Receipts Bank Interest to October 2020 £1.09

RESOLVE: That the Accounts listed below be accepted for payment.

Payee Item £ Mrs L Storey Salary/Expenses 263.90 HMRC PAYE 49.80 EON Electricity 13.85 C Turner Travel 18.00 John E Wright Printing 49.56 Total 395.11

20/258 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION • DALC November newsletter • Councillor Short Invite to my Facebook County Council Page • AVBC Community Response - access to food supplies • Damaged stile and trees at Footpath 10/Footpath 11 intersection - Do It Now - Contact reference F744411 • Foundation Governors at Curzon school. • Keeping in contact with your local Beat teams • DCC Community News - 30 October 2020 • AVBC Improvement & Scrutiny Committee Annual Crime and Disorder Meeting 18.11.2020 • PCC Hardyal Dhindsa's Vulnerability Fund • Census 2021 • Supafast Broadband Quarndon. We are currently installing an FTTP (Fibre to the premise) upgrade to the 6 premises at the extremity of the Duffield cabinet 2 connected houses on Burley Lane. The service should be available at the end of November.Unfortunately, we do not have any further upgrades planned to the Burley Lane area under the Digital Derbyshire programme. However, the extension of the fibre footprint afforded by this installation should assist with the future upgrade opportunities for the Duffield exchange served homes. • Residents requiring a faster broadband service in the Burley lane area may wish to consider an Openreach Community Fibre Partnership (CFP).Under a CFP scheme, Openreach will provide a bespoke fibre solution to the community and will contribute towards the costs. The remaining costs may be funded through the Rural Gigabit Voucher scheme. Currently Derbyshire County Council has provided additional funds to “Top Up” the voucher values for Derbyshire residents and businesses. With the Derbyshire contribution, voucher values are up to £3,000 per residential and £7,000 per business application. Vouchers can be pooled together to cover the overall remaining costs. Openreach will manage the voucher application process as part of the CFP scheme.The CFP scheme is due to close in March 2021 and the Derbyshire Top Up fund has led to increased interest in the scheme. As a result, the CFP team at Openreach are recommending that interested communities should make an application ASAP to ensure that they do not miss this deadline. Please follow these links for further information on the Community Fibre partnership programme and the Rural Gigabit Voucher scheme.https://www.openreach.com/fibre- broadband/community-fibre-partnerships https://gigabitvoucher.culture.gov.uk/ • Bunker Hill Bench replacement. Your email has been passed on to me to respond to. Unfortunately, due to the increased levels in anti social behaviour around Bunkers Hill, the owners of Kedleston Estate do not want a seat to be located on their land anymore. As the current seat is beginning to rot, and the QPC are looking to replace it , now seems like a timely opportunity to remove it. • Standards matter 2: public consultation and public sector surveys • Derbyshire People's Voice Survey

20/259 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING • Tuesday 15 December 2020 7.30 pm via Zoom

