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9-1-1910 Special Libraries, Special Libraries Association

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Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, September 1910" (1910). Special Libraries, 1910. Book 7.

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Pt'RI.ISIII.:I) 11Y TIIF.: I'tsrent ktnt1.s of 1ilrri1r1e.r will plan co.oper- SPECIAL LII3RARIES ASSOCIATlOS n t iw schen~w and so fi~r :IR 110Rhll)le Editorial ORlce, State 1.ll1rary. Sllcbcial I.lbl:~r.irs \\ill be ~~sedIn carrying tllenl out until solllr other lnlbliration shall Indinnnpolis, Ind. see fll lo lake th(w mer. Tl~tlall11 is lo do nothin(: which shall tlul~llc.~teothtlr publi- ciitlons. I)ul~llcwtion cannot, of coarse, be entirel) prevcmed. Ilut it c:tn be reduc~d lo the nilnllnunl. Spcvlal 1il11nr.v co.ol)elxtiorr diners from tl?at of the genewl Hllraries Ilcriir~ar It deals Illore vit:illy w~thniater i:~l than with 11111thod. The general Ill~riir! has alrently tlei elolwd its lrading reference a~enrles: I he sl~eciirlIlbrirries II;I ue theirs largely to de\elop. It is the qucstio~lwhirh cannot Ire nnswererl by the gtbn~,ralIll~r:~rv which flniil- I! flnds its \la.\. III) to lest the resourres of the sperii~llil)r:~r!.. Ei1r11 class of .speclib1 lillri~ries will need specsial aids assn- ciatm has alr~roinlcdconlllttttclcs tcr de\elolr II~:IIIS for ;I tri~de~mleh i111d for ii 1111bllr :~ffalrs nnd newspaper ~ndes. Thrse will Ilc of grei\t 1al11e to :111 Ill~ri~r~c~s.general as well as sl~rcial Digest of Special Libraries Association, l)ur~n~tl~c conling year, Iwo meelln~s .\l:~ckinac Mreting ...... 49 will be held. The Hrst will IIP held 111 Ilos- Technology Notes and References, .lo- ton at R dikte in Sovtwber lo 11e anno~~neecl seI. \heeler ...... 51 tmd tile scwmd in ('hlci~go tl~trlng Iil~rary Public Affairs, Notes and Referencer. wvek, early in Janui~ry. 1h1 A III...... 51 The ahsocii~tio~~itt the Mackinae nreetina Legislat~ve Invest~gations ...... 56 forn~ally asked for affiliation with the A. I,. A. This step was taken in the I~ellcf thi~r the ca-olr(~r;iti\c Iwrlloses of the asso- The Sl~ecial 1,ibraries Absociatlon co111- ciation ct~uld Iwst he furthered 11.v a sep- pleted its first year at the rneerlr~gin con- aryctr, t llrrugh i~flilii~letlor~anlzation. nection ~~ththc A. I.. A. at !Jackinuc, June Tl~th edltor of Slter~i~lI.lbri~ries w~shesto :III to .lul.v ti. l!bIU, The year has been one exljrrss the tlarnesl hope that this ~~bli- of steady llrogress lor the association nnd cation Ile nlade truly PO-operatiic~by help r~larked Incre;~se in the Interest in slrecial ful suggestion and aid from every nlenll~er libraries. of 111~xssori:~tlon or s1t1)srriber. Only In Thus far the work of the association has that way can the associatlon st'cure the been largely in develolling the field of ends for which it was organized. sllecial libraries, discovering the \ arious kinds of libraries and their act~ilties,and CIGEST OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSO- In formulating by 'xperln~ent, sound plan?; CIATION MEETINGS AT MACKINAC of co-olleration. Many speclai libraries ha\e ISLAND, MICHIGAN, 1910.* beretofore been too little known when the significance of their uork is considered. Guy E. Marion, Secretary. Thew is a decided stimulus to sinlllar actlv- The second annu:il nlcet~rlnof the Slleclnl iries when the usefulnestl of such Ill~ri~ries Assortation nas c:illwi to order is alqlreciated The associatlon will con- 11y the president, .lolln Colton ])ma, In the tinue to )]ring such libraries olrt for public Casi~~oof the (;ri~ntl Iiolcl, Macklnnc inspection and 11osslb1.v ennilation by othrr Isli~nd,hilchigi~n, ;it !b.:W a. 111, July I, 1910, orgnnizatlons. with an i~udirnt~eII~C~CII~ of I~etwc~en II)O In ro-ol~erationthe policy \I ill he followed :111d 1:tl IIPI sons, III:III) of t11m I~II~IIIIJP~S of doing ouly those things which are not ;~lreadyheing done by other agc2nctes. T1.c A s.!~~ol~sihof thr ~ialw~h~~resenletl wns \ al-ious conlnllttees representing the dii- rinI rial Iilri~rits,In 1!111) SPECIAL LIBRARIES

01 the i~ssocii~tion.After a few genel'al re- 111arks he inlrotluretl All. S. ]). C. tlodges. pres~(lr~itof the A.:hovi:l- tion. I\ ho spoke \err lel~cilo~~sl)of his earlier ~on~i~ctiollswith il ~1)Wiilllibrary, t1)ing to justit!. 111s Ilrcscanee :11 sllcli a l)leptlnfi ;lh thnt of the Slrcrinl 1,il)rarich ,\ssoriatlol~. Ile then spoke i~ fo~well cl~osrn ortls of \\ elcolne to thosc in at-

.. . st;\{en\tsnt of the rrlations to eust in the c\ent that this :~hsociatio~lshould I)~conle scy-tion of tlie A. I,. A,. or if it ~hOllk1I)(%- colllc an ilffilinted organization This lnotioxl \\a:. rt~:tdil!. earned and. the niorllllig's Pro- al':1111 olrened wit11 ;In ill1 ~l'ehtitlg tillk I)?. (;. \r l,ees of the Stone & ivebt(sl ~-1~~~:ll'V. of Iloston, r~pon "l,il)~'ary llnllc~ins. Pull- licit! iind Nt~tllods ol Keelr~~~g:I Slleeial Cl~r~l~i~geI~iforn~ivl Co~icernl~~g ('urrcnt I,ttrri~t~u.e(11 I~~t~lehl."JIr. 1.w 111l1.\ il- IIIS~Intrd hi\ paper it11 II~XII~eulil1)it s hhO\\ IIIK IIOt 0111) nlrtllodh Ill gCn(~181 llh(>, IIII~ ~hosrlo1111d ti~o

bild been already taken in thr association, Architectural Drawing, and also that the outlook was very etiro~rr-- IhliIde~.~'COIIPS~ in :~rchitee~l~~illdrawing: wing. for the future The treasrlrer's Hrr:lii- I. IsI ~itrilsI I I XI1 cia1 statement was mobt Rratif!ing in the all^ 'Ill. hght of nne yp;ir's c1xl1rrienccb. The v;~~*itrus co~il~iiilleesrellortetl lor the yenr's \rork, iintl under ncw Ilrlsiness n cou~n~itleeor tll~w\\as aplmnted to confer nilh tll~S. A. S Id with regard to the 1)ublicntion of ;1 rilirnicllral year book. and n rotl~tlilttee of five was illIpolnted to fr~rlhe~'the work in regard to the Public Affairs Index alitl lIi(1 . . Sewsl~aperIndex, S('ill(s llsc,tl 111 a~.c~hr~c~ccursl(IIYIH infi. 11). 11. IN ,111ly, '111 Barn Framing. TECHNOLOGY NOTES AND REFER- ENCES.

JIICI~TIIIIr \\'Ilt-t.;~~r. 1'111111(~ I.I~I~III~>.I)I*II.II.~ 11r (~11~111I1~11.1.('ll;lll.lllllll III' '~'~~~~~lrlll~ll~) 1.111~:lritY ~'l~lnlll~l1l~~. Artisans' Trades Index. Thr work on the Artisans' Triiiles Index w111 be I~egr~nin ,Iann;~rv, 1!l11, and ~hc ni:rgnzinc~s I'or 191 1 wlll be indesed u it hout going over the r~intt~rialpublished in 1!110. As it is so kite 111 the year and a definite Beds. plan of pr~l~lish~ngthe ltldes has not j.t~t been forlnrilnted it would hal'dly seem feas. I)I~iilIl)(.i1l'111~ beds fol rconollty of sllilctx. i\)lc to go back owr the early ~llontiis of ,711. il. ACcGI! Sepr.. 'lit. 1911). The index of bullding nlalerial In a Bits. few Julv, Allgust nlld SelItcsnlber ni~gnxines :ihil~~wnirir: all augur hit. 1 II. SII wlll show r hr Soism of entry, choirc of snlb' AIIE.,'10, ject lirndi~lgsnnd the sele~tinnol ~ilatc~l~ialBlackboards. fro111 rlie nlngazines. A glance ;it Ili~ssim- Ill;wkl~oartlsnl i-onrl ctr !ill. IIA. .111ly, ple piece of indc\inx will 11ii11it41aI~l)dio\v ' 111. how 1nu(,11value i~ 1~111 h;t\e In any jlr~blic librar! und in offlrtlh i~lrtl fnctorirbh \\'llwe iwrk of I his nature is (wried on. It is qnlte eiident that the euilenscB of pul)l~sliing;i tr:tdes Index will not I)c rnrl Ity the returns l'rmi tlw roirivh sold. Sot ovor tilly librar~eswill wisli to sul)scril)e 1'ossil)lj Hft? tcvhniri~ililgli sc.hools. t~xtlc schoolh ;III~ collrges c-o~lltl 11~it, and an l~nkno~vnnunil)e~~ 01 III~IIIII~~L(~~~I~CYSand I~usillessesta1)lislinlc nls oultl find it vaIu- I IIrt\veeri ~io\v:rrltl .Inliu;\l'y :11i lirlelllpt will be ninde to intcwst n~anufi~c-t1Irc.1'~ in lhe lrlojecl tl~~wugllthe lethll0~0g~IllilRi1. xilies tlienisel\ es. Bulldlng Index, July-September, 1910. I'ntler this vary t)roird Iiend~ng1111' r21ii~1'- :\\I; , *Ill, iran Car1)entcr ;~ntl 1311lltler. Ill~ildln~AKP. Carpenter Shops (See Work Shops). and Sallonal Ihllldcr, for .l11ly, Alig11st i~nd Carpentry. Srl~re~iil)e~are indcsetl in the same 111:1nner Ilont~sl) In cs:lr(lcnlly \vork I SII in ~lllrliit is prol)osc~tIto conlllile ;in Arli- JII!), '111, bilns' TIildcs Index lor 1!I11. Sug~c~slions l'llt~ j~~llllil~?:vn~.pfIiI(~r :11i11 SOIII(- of his .!lid c~~~ticisnls;ire ~cqueslctl,in orclor that \\elk K, 11. ('111ssc1I. as llinriy tlrta~lsInay \)P deritlcd on as 110s- 11; I)~-a\vingIl~i~rd~ t~htlt- :11h(I T si1~11,c~. I)elore I)eccnihrl'. I 1211 11, lI.4. .I11ly, '10 Arches. I I.I , I orI f11llitu.111~ 1)esigns of arelies. (brick.) '/?I). 11. SII. ~1IilllS 2',ip 11, I!:!. A11g . .ill. July, '10. Ceilings. 1Sntt;tnre arch tor Trmlllnr coricl:l\c. St:111111orl1111'1i11 1'1)~ III):\III ts('l1ill~> I-;:II ~~ood.)3). il. ACBIL Sel~t..'Ill. 11. A('&lI. %?Ill., '111. Intersection of arclit~~.11)l'irk.l ~/J]I. 11.4 nnd siding 1-211. Sll, .111ly. SPpt , *I0. '111. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Chairs. .Jomts in 11c.a~y timlwr frnn~ins. 110~to make a. Dutch chalr. 111. 11. 4 Prollel splicing, fihhlll~.~(wfing, etr. AC&II. .JUIY. .in. 211 il ACT&il. AUK.,'11) Chimneys. See also rlnlnes ol' Iluildingi, ;III(I IJ:II'~Sto Placing n concrete jacket qn a crncketl be f~xmed. chin~ney. 11). IIA. July, 10. Gates. See alho Fireplaces. 1)elails of :I "pc~'gola" garden gateway. Coal Pockets. 1141). 11. AC&H Sept.. '10 I%nilding coal bins without a floor. %I). Gum Wood, Red. AC&li July, '11) Red gurli, the nvu \food ';I). 11. AC'kII Columns. Sq1t , *Ill. To squiu'e a, tapered column. 1. il. Heating. XI% Jul~.10. 1 11) i1 S ll Au~, '111 Con rete. Stores \s. ~~rotlrrnIicnting. ::!I. ACfill Sept., 'I I) Cfncrete notes ( mising and titq)ositili~). 1"rl). SII. Aug , '1O. Joints (Brickwork). Sefl nlso Fo~ms. Joints and po~~~tings2-311. 11. SII. AII~, Derricks. '10. AII i~nlworisediron or stone setter's der- Knots and Hitches. rick. $$]I. il. PA. Aug, '11). Knots, Iwnds and hitclws rrsed 111 Iluiltl. A novel l~ooni-seat for hoisting derrick. ing 21) 11. AC&Il. Ji~l),'10. I~II, il, [{A. Sept., '10. Lettering. Raising large derricks in huilding con- A good system of lettering for ~llans. "11. sl~wclion, 11). il. r\I, ii ACBII. I.:xca\xtors'. I)r~cklayers' anti III~SOIIS' dug.. 'I 0. quantities antl nre~~~ori~ndn.1)). SI% Lumber Sheds. ,111l>, '10. I.un~iw~~storage shed co~ixt~~~clrdol' ~ri~htc 1. I'ncertnintv of csstininting. 31). 111ateria1. 1:3&[1. il. IlA. J11ly. '10. AC"&ll. JIII~,71). Magazine Stands. :! Costs that sho!~ltl I)e Rgurc>d. :;I) How to make a li~agazinestand 131 iss~orr AC&IL Alig.. 111, styica, with cupI)oit~.d). 1xi). il. AC&l%. Excavating. Sept ., '10. Ia:\c;ivators'. I)~.~cklaycrs'antl niasons' Mills. q~~antitiw:111tl lirenlornnda. 111. Sil. I~iil)ro\cwentin 111i1l consl~wtion. 311. .1\1Iy, .I 0. Sll Aug , '10. Fireplaces. Mitering. Open firelllaces and house rhinineys 21). Clanill for III~~~Iing. I il. AC&ll I, A Jv1 I 11. I1A AIIR., Aug.> '11). 10. llhp. il. IIA. Se1)t . '1IJ. flow to Inlter the l~ecl niold. I 11 Fireproofing. ACQII ,July, '10. A fireproof house. I I. XI1 J111y. Molds (Concrete) (See Forms. Concrete). '11). 1 XI). il. XI1 Aw, '10. Music Racks. Floors. Plans. Y211. 11. XC&I%. Aug.,'ln Oak flooring Grades and s~zes 2'41). 11. Painting. AC&II AUK., '10. Flour Bins. l'ainr~ng old \rails and !vood\\o~.k. (Oil I t ant I A Scllt. A handy flour 11in I- il. ACAll *It). Sopt , .I 0. Pa~nting(Interlor). Forms (Concrete). (;l;lz(, colo~ p;~irits for walls and ccilinjis. Form work for concrete constrr~ction. ':II I il. Arkill. Aug, '10 11, IiA. AIIE,, '111. Soles or1 ~)ln~nand rc~inforced,concrctc Pine, Yellow. ronstruction 211. il, l%A .l~ly.'1 0. Yelh [line for interior fln~sll. 411. 11. Sectional steel n~oldh in concrete con- AC&i1. JuIj, 'I0 srin . I IIA Aug . '10. Planing. Fram~ng. SVIC~I)~~ahd art of hand ~rl:~ning 1I,!!II. 1)oor and wnclow framing for "Str~cco" ACNII .ll~l\,'Ill. houses. 11). of details. AC&II Aug.. Plank Framing (See Barns). Plans (See also Architectural Drawing). SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Plastering. Saah (See Windows). Esternal plastering. $1). Nn. July, '10. Scaffolds. Internal work. 11). SH Aug.. '10. I'ortallle sc;~fYolds in Englatltl for steel Plate Racks. f~'a~llo,I)uiltlln~s.I. 11. I. Sept., A hanging plate rack. XI). il. Sll. ,July. *Ill.~. 1). Screens. Plumb~ngSpeclficationr. Incon~pletenessof details, 1 %I). ACLR July, '10. Seats. Po~nting. A corner or wlnrlnw xci~t. !4p. 11. IIA. Jomts and paintings. 2-311. il. XI3 Aug., Sept,, 'Ill. . '10. Septic Tank. Porches. Constr~~ct~o~~or a AC~I~C ~nnk 11). 11. Details of porch with plastered colunlns I3.A. Sep1.. 'Ill and ex1)osed rafters. 11,$(1 il. ACLTI. S~deboards. Sept , '10. Scale tlt~teils for "l)uilt-In" l)\lff~t. 211. of Porch details: colonial porch. 1 !hp. il. d~tn~ls.ACCII. Aug. 'in. AC&II July, '10. Skylights. Rafters (See Roof Framing). Verlical rersus irwlll~etl ~il\v(onlh sash Roof Design. 111, 11, IIA. Sept. '10, Intersection of gambrel nnd halt-p~lch Stairs. roofs. 1/21). 11. AC&Il. Sellt., '10. IA! ing o11t pnnt~lsofflts for :I georn~tricnl Roof ~~Ianning.%I). iI XI1 JIII~,'10 sta11%:1). :Ip, 11. IjA, JIII~,'lit Roof Framing. sr Lessons in architectrrml drawing for be- Questions on alr-buildlnl: answered. 141). A('& I!. Sq11.. 70. ginners. Stairs. 7. Roof fran~~ng2 2-31). il. 13A AIIR, Solne conlmwts on th~rnnslrllct~nn of 10. outside sti111s 1 (&I). 11. IIA. AUK..'111. ~rol)le& solved. Stai~~-l~r~iItlr~~gtlelnlls. 3, 11, il. Sit. AUK.. 7. Finding lengths and cuts of rafters for any shapeit corner. 21). 11. ACGrIl. July, '10. R. Fmding angles in degrevs by stmeel square. 21) 11 AC&II, Aug., 10 9. Vse of Imaginary cube for finding curs. 21). il. AC&I1. Sel)t..'ll). A question in rafters. I Dihcllssion of length and run of common and hip rafters) 11) 13A. ,1111). '11). ?-::I), 11.4, ,l11ly.'10. 11, HA. Aug..'lll. 31). 11.4. Sel)t.. '10. To iraie a broken hip I-oot'. $1) il. AC&R. July, 'LO To frame uneven ~~itcl~es.31 1). il. ACLll July, -10, See also Trusses. Roof Trusses. How ICI flnd strehs by sitnple gral~hir nlethods. 41) il. AC&l3 Sept., 'lo. Loads on wooden I rnsses: 11rol)ortlon borne by each membcr. 21). iI. ACfi.11 JUI), 'in. Roofing. Economy and ~~racticalndv:~ntages of tin roofing 21). il. ACkII. .I111y, '10 Gravel roofing, spec~ficat~onsa~ld dircbc- tions. 21). ACBl3 Aug . '11). 1,ead roofs in England il. SII lul, 0. 1 I SII. Aug. '11) Metal shingles. 111. AC&I3. Sept., 'ill Rules for the nleasrven~~ntof slate and tile roofing. 2-311. IiA, July, '10 Safety in Buildings. Symptoms of an unsafe 1)oildIng. I-:;II, XI3 Aug., 'lo. Sandpapering. A snndllaper plane. XI). il. XI1 JIIIY, '10. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Wall Framing. what other departments are doing, can ald Lessons in nrzhitectural drawing for be- and be aided greatly. Work done by one ginners. dewrtment could be secured by other de- 6, Wall framing. 3 2-211. 11. nA. Ijartments merely for the cost of copying. .111ly, '10. This presupposes, of course, that all de- Walls. Ibartments are unselfish in their zeal to Importance of party walls; construction promote the con~nioninterests. and legal points. llhp. 11. AC&K References and notes should be sent to Aug., '10. the chalrman by the flrst of each month Windows. except July and August. All refer- A circle top sash x11. Kn. Aug., 'lo. ences not used in Special Libraries will See also Skylights. be minleographed and sent to the contribut- Woodworking, Machine. ing members. These references should U'hy n~achine woodworkers get hurt. indicate briefly the scope of the article or 21,41). AC&Ij. Aug., '10. report, the place where obtainable and the See also Planing, Machine. price, if any, the number of pages and the Work Shops. date of preparation or publication. Kqulpnirnt and power for the, carpenter Bibliography-Philanthropy. The library w o11. 1151) ACRrlI. Sept., 10 of the Sew York School of Philanthropy. A small9 carpenter shop. %]I. 11. riA. Mrs. Helen Page Bates, librarian. issues .r~ly,I I). frequent one-page mimeographed lists of nlater~alon social and civic questions, in- cluding books, pamphlets, reports, articles. PUBLIC AFFAIRS, NOTES AND REFER- etc. ENCES. Bibliography-Public Utilities. The li. 1)ral.y ot the Public Service Commission, Sew York City, issues one-page bibli- The references given by the con~n~ittee ographies once or twice a week, giving ref- on legislat ive and nlunicil)nl reference de- erences to public utility material, mostly ~lartmentsweek to supl~le~nentexisting bib- from the technical journals, dealing with I~ographivs I,!, ~naklng a selected hst of public utilities. Mimeograph. Stone & material of rise to such 'dellurtments which IVebster, iloston, also Issue slrecial lists of would not ortl~narilybe discovered by most n~aterial on classifled subjeqts relating to of the lilwariiins, and to lessen duplication public utilities especially from the side of of effort by references to unpublished in- constr~iction. vestigations n~;tdeI)y any department. Ob- Bread--Size of Loaf. Ordinance of Chi- viously to nr;tke this work most effective, cago fixing weight of a loaf of bread. up- $111 si~chtlel);r~'tnients should co-operate to held in City of vs. Schnlidinger on the rstent at least of sending to the chair- rehearing before Ill. Sup. Ct., , 1911L man or thtb conlnlittee, references to im- II:! S. E. 24.1. portiint sl)ecial features of any state or Bulk Sales. Michigan law (Pub. Acts local tlocuments and unpul)lished material 1905, So. 223) upheld by the Vnited States conil~leted in their own libraries or which Su1)remr Court in Kidd Dater & Price Co. ~nilyI)c knov n to thcm. vs, Musselman Grocery Co., 30 S. C. Rep. The chairman of the conlmittee will es- 606. an~lnethe court rt11)orls and g~vethe lead- Child Labor. Report of special conmit- ing constit~~tionaldecisions of general in- tee on a uniform child labor law. The best terpst. He will also examine and indou ~~rovisionsof the laws of Illinois, 3lassacliu- any sltecial featureh In the English parli:l- setts, Sew York. Ohio and \V~sconsin have n~entaryI)al)ers and the 1'. S. docun~ents betan included. Amasa Eaton. secretary. which may Ilc dt*en~cdof significant value. Providence, R. I. It is r~rgcntly requvstcd that other libra- Conservation. Addresses at the hIinn. rians and directors of departn~ents euanline Conservation and Agricultural Develop- carefully their state and local, general and ment Congress, held Mar. 16-19, 1910. Dis- sl~ecialrelrorts, with the view of reporting cusses many 1)hase.l of conservation. Pub- any signincant features Repo~.ts of c~ty lished by Minnesota State I3oard of lnln~i- and btatcb officinls. 1)oards of t~ade. and ration. 1910. 246 pages. coli~nierrial I)odieu, refornl organizations Criminology. The Journal of the Ameri- iintl special interest s which ~wblish mate- can lnstltute of Criminal Law and Crim. rial will yield much n~arerlal of great inology began publication May. 1910. Chi- value. cago. 87 East ~ake'street. Iiimonthly. $;?. It is hoped alqo that dtq~artments will This pul)lication has much of interest to incl~ratr ant. sl)cci;il studies which they lib~arians liesides special articles there are undertaking or I~il)liographies which are the followin.g, relating to crilninology: they are ~lrellarine;and thus help lo lesstln Soles on current and recent events: judi- the duplication of work. In a t:u- systenl c~alderisions and statutes; book reviews of co-olwi~tlone;lch department, knowi~~gant1 index to 11eriodm1literature. T!I~JIII~ SPECIAL LIBRARIES number contains also a list of United States Prohib~t~on.Its reliltion to temperance, government publications on criminology. gmcl niorals and sound RO\'e~llIllent. Selec- Disoriminations-Petroleum. A Iiiw of t~o~rs~IIIIII t;lr'ic~lls \\ritill~sopposed to pro- hIinnesota (1907, ch. 2G9) prohibiting dis- h1l)ition. Con~lriled by .Jose~~hDebar, Cin- criminations in price of ~)etroleunr and cinnati. 0. 311 pages. 1910. products thereof between places to destroy Pure Food. The act of \Visconsin, laws competition was upheld by the Minnesota of I!)OT, c!~. Xi;, regulating tiales of syrups Supreme Court in State vs. Standard 011 aud proh~bitingunlawful adulterntion, was Co., 126 X. W. 527. ulheld by the Supre~neCourt of \\'isconsin, Employers' Liability-Railroads. In con- >la) 24, 1910, in A1cl)ermott vs, States, 121; forniity with the weight of 01)inion of the S. \\' , 686. Kot an interference with inter- courts in many states and of the I'nitril state con~~t~erce States, the employers' liability law of Se- Railroads. The Rail\vag librar). A col- braska, which affects emlrloyers of rail- lectiun Of cShap~rrs,midresses and papers roads engaged in operation of cars or trains, relating lo railways. Compiled b. S1;rson or in construction and repair work. was up- Thorn~)son.1niinagcxr of the I!ureau of thll- held by the Suprenle Court of Sebraska, way Sews and Statistics, Chica~o,Ill., ,111ne. June. 1910, in Swoboda vs. IUon Pac. R. 1910. 403 pages. Contatns ei~hleen sep CO., 127 S. W. 215. arate titles by nuthorities. Employers' Liability. The ITnited States Railway Commirelons, State. Digcst or Circuit Court of Al~pealsof the Eighth dis- the powers, duties and work of state mll- trict declared the South Dakota enlployers' way conln~iss~ons.Pror. Sat. ASHII. Rail. liability law of I907 (ch. 2191 void. In Chi, way Conin~isslot~ers,l!)0!1, 11 47-lT0. Inter- 11. & St. P. Ry. Co. vs. Westby, Apr~l12, state Coninierce Con~n~lt;~ion,A'aehlngfon, 1910, on the ground that it included all em- 191U. ~~loyersof con~n~oncarriers, whether en- Registration of Votes. The S. I). prl- gaged in the si)ecially hazardous employ- niary electlon law of 107, ch, lo!), 1)rovlded ments of such carrier or whether the busl- that a list of \ottlrs at the pri~nary~hould be ness of t!:e carrier is hazardous, thereby kq)t md the lis( shortld take the pinre of denying the equal protection of the laws to the first registration required under the common carriers, 178 Fed. Rep. 619. , gtr:er:il law. Held void as an anlendmen1 Hotels-Regulation. An act was passed of the general renistratlon law. wlthout in Iowa, 1909 (Acts Thirty-third General l)rir~ge

'more, Madlson, Wis., on riparian rights in Corrupt practices in N. Y. legislature, N. Y Wlsconsin; Hmitations thereon growing out (19111. of the public nature of the water. Gov. Delays in administration of justice in civil Printing OfRce. 66 pages. Senate Doc. 449, cases. Mass. (1910).* 61st Con., 2nd Session. Direct prfmarles, N. Y. (1910).* Drunkenness, Mass. (1910).* BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Election laws, prin~ary and registration Under thfs head will be ~)rlnted each laws of Pa.. (1911). month a list of syeclal~bibliogral)hieswanted Employers' liability and coml)ensatlon for in any field of special library work. Any industrial accidents, N. Y. (1910)*, Wis. person having need of any special bibliog- (1911), RIinn. (1911), I11 (1911), Ohlo raphies should Hst the same with the editor (1912), N. J. (1911). Mass. (1911). before the first of each month. The lists Factory inspection, hlass. (1911). will be published unless the desired infor- Fire insurance regulation, 111. (1911 1. mation is at hand. Fraternities and sororilies, Wis. (191 1 ) It Is important that all members and sub- (Trustees of the University of \+'is.) scribers examine this llst carefully and send Guarantee of bank deposits, Wls. 11911) lnforniatlon of any published or unpublished Homesteads, ass. (1911). Hsts, whether complete or not, to the editor. Income tax, Wis. (1911 ) The interested co-operation of the members Industrial education, N. J. (19103 (continued can make this department at once highly from 1909),* hiaine (1911) (Supt, of pub- useful. Lists asked for should not be such lic instrnction), Mich. (1911 ), Maryland as are given in the general library journals, (1910).* but should relate to special topics of the ~ndustrialInsurance, \Vis. (1911 ). speclal libraries. Inebriates and persons addicted to drugs The flrst list will be published in the Octo- and narcotics; Treatment by the state, ber number. Ohio (1912). Labor colonies, Wis. (1911) (State noard of BUREAU RAILWAY ECONOMICS Control). A Ihreau of Railway Econonitcs has Ueen L~feinsurance taxation, \iris. (191 1) (Tau established by the American Railway Asso- Commission). ciation, with headquarters in Washington, hrining methods, with reference to conserva- D. C. Its work has begun th~smonth and tion of life and property, 111. (1911). will consists of the collection of informa- Sew York Ctty charter, S. Y. (1910) tion relating to the econohlic aspects of 0ccul)atlonal diseases, I11 (1911) (continued transportation that may be useful to the from 1909). railways. The director of the bureau is Old-age pensions, hlass. (1910) .* Mr. Logan G, hIcPherson; the assistant to Railroads; physical cond~tion,management director, Charles E. Kern; statistician, J. to effect safety, needs, and Ihe relat~onof A. Lord. the state and municll)al~t~esto railroadr, The librarian Is R. H. .Johnston, who 111 (1911). slnce 1898 has been connected with the ref- School system reorganization, IVis. (1911 ). erence del~artmentof the Library of Con- State aid to highways and use of cc?n\irt gress and has a large acquaintance with labor thereon, Wis. (1911) railway and econoniic subjects. The acqui- State charities-Control of stale institutions sition of a library will ~~ecessarilybe slow, by a board of control, S. Y. (1911 ). and the collections of the government will State hosl)ital for cases of nervous break- be drawn on for some tinie. It will be noted down, Mass. (191 1 ). that the mechanical side of railway work Taxation, R. I. (1910) (continued to 1911 ). Is not a~thinthe scope of the bureau's Taxation for state and local purposes. 111. work. (1911) (Tax Commission). Telegraphs and telephones-Cont1.01 bv 11ub- LEGISLATIVE INVESTIGATIONS. lic service conlnlission, N. Y. (1919).* Trade schools and night schools, \VIS. I 191 1) The following investigations have been (Pres. IMv, of Wis., cltreclor of e~tension authorized by the legislatures of different department, legislative reference librarian states. The reports are to be made on the and supt. of schools of Mil~aukee) dates indicated : Tube~~culosis;care of ~lxtirntsby slate and Classification of property for Ilurpses of local authorities. Mass. (1911 ). taxation. Mass. (1910) .* Cold storage, Ohio (1010).* ITnenil~loyment.S Y. (1011) (Part of the in. Conservation-Census of non - productive vestigation of elnployers' Ilabiltly and lands, R. 1. (1911). worknien's con~pensation Conservation of natural resources, drainage Vagrancy, habitual drunkenness, ctc, >lich. and waterways, Iowa (1911). (1911).. ~ Corl)orations and revenue, Pa. (191 1) . Writer power-Control 1)s the slnlc, \\'is. Criminals; increase, Mass. ( 191 1) (1911). Cost of living, Mass. (1910)*, U. S. Con- gress (1910). QThe H. R. Hunting Company, Springfield, Mass., makes a specialty of looking up and reporting on speclal items. Classified catalogues are issued monthly. Correspondence ~nviled. Special library binding.