Sons of the American Revolution
OFFICIAL BULLETIN FREDERICK GORDO WIGHT, Oakland, Cal. (26768). Great-grandson of Jo OFFICIAL BULLETIN seph Wight, Corporal, l\Iajor Allen's Company, Col. Rufus Putnam's Mass. OF Regt. OTIS BUCKl\IINSTER WIGHT, Portland, Ore. (2758z). Great-grandson of THE NATIONAL SOCIETY / Silas Marsh, lifer, Capt. Benj. Freeman's Company, Col. Jonathan Holman's Mass. Regt., Corporal, Col. Jacob Davis's Mass. Regt. OF THI!: WARDE \VILKINS, Newton Centre, Mass. (27443). Grcat2·grandson of Bray Wilki11s, minute man New Hampshire Militia, Sergeant, Capt. Archelaus SO NS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Towne's Company, Colonel Bridge's Mass. Regt.; great2-grandson of Thomas Organized April 30, 1889 Aikct~, private, Capt. Heman Aiken's Company, Col. Daniel Moore's New President General Hampshire Rcgt. Newell B. Woodworth, Syracuse, N.Y. Incorporated by Act of Conireu June 9, 1906 HEBER WILLIAMS, Scotia, N. Y. (27540). Great-grandson of Thomas Wil· Iiams, private, Col. Roswell Hopkins's Dutchess County Regt. New Yorlc DECEMBER, 1915 Number 3 Militia. Volume X l k Smitl sonian Jnsti· HENRY T. WILLIAMS, Schenectady, N. Y. (27541). Great-grandson of Thomas he <:ecretary General (A. Howald C ar ' Published at the office of ctober December, and March. Williams, private, Col. Roswell Hopkins's Dutchess County Regt. New York _I • Militia. tution ), Washington, D. C.. m June, 0 ' 8 at the post-office at Washington, Entered as second-class matter, ~lay 7, 190 ' HOWARD CIIESTER WILLIAMS, Easton, Pa. (N. J. 27707). Great-grandson D. C., under the Act of July I 6, I 894· of William Brown, private, Capt. Caleb Bruen's Company New Jersey Artili· cers 2and Capt.
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