SOCIALIST REVIEW (Formerly Socialist Revolution) Number 39 (Vol 8, No
SOCIALIST REVIEW (formerly Socialist Revolution) Number 39 (Vol 8, No. 3) May-June 1978 SOCIALIST REVIEW (publication number 947780) is published bimonthly by Agenda Publishing Co., 4228 Telegraph Avenue, Oakland, California 94609. Subscription: $12.00 for six issues ($13.00 foreign); libraries and institutions $24.00per volume (six issues; $25.00foreign). Singlecopies $2.50. Copyright 1978by Agenda PublishingCo. Secondclass postage paid at Oakland, California, and addit.ional mailing offices. CONTENTS SANFRANCISCOCOLLECTIVE:Tomás Almaguer, Fred Block, Nancy Cho- dorow, Harry Chotiner, Bruce Dancis, Barbara Easton, Diane Ehrensaft, Candace Falk, Carol Hatch, Candy Howes, Michael Omi, David Plorke, Michael Reich, Michael Rockin, Jim Shoch. BOSTONCOLLECTIVE: Paul]oseph,Joel Krieger, Bill Lazonick, Elizabeth Long, Sonya Michel, Larry Miller, Peggy Somers, David Stark, Kathy Introduction 3 Stone,Rosemary Taylor, Bob Wood. Feminism and the Contemporary Family 11 ASSOCIATES: Robert Allen, Julie Burron, Mina Davis Caulfield, Daniel Barbara Easton Ellsberg, Richard Lichtman, Colleen McGrath, Jim Mellen, Rhea Wilson, Eli Zaretsky (S.F.Bay Area); Carl Boggs, Barbara Zheutlin (Los Angeles); ' Political Partiesand Class Conflict Lou Ferleger, Karl Klare (Bosron); Herb Gincis, Peter Herman, Persis in the UnitedStates 37 Hunt, Louis Menashe (New York); Richard Healey, John Judis, James Weinstein (Chicago); Leonard Helfgott (Bellingham, Wash.); Martin Mur- Michael Reichand RichardEdwards ray (Binghamton, N.Y.); Barbara Stuckey (Starnberg,Germany). Safety Pinsand Class Struggle: Cover from The City, by Frans Masereel l PunkRock and the Left 58 Bruce Dancis Regular articles should be sent to the SanFrancisco Collective. Reviews of books, films, music, TV, ere. should be sent to theBoston Collective at SR Making the Connections: East,30 Carver St.,Cambridge, Mass.
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