VTT1 GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ! ! GRADE CROSSWfiS E DBRIDGE LEADER MUST^GO ! i AN INDBiPE^DiiKT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN TOE JNTEKEST OF WOODURIDGE TOWNSHIP fWENTY-FJRST YEAB Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, March 14, 1930 THREE CENTS PER ,,.- (- "tnil o< Bkod ..- . almost two years me man wno w». m ,„ —, , STATION Have with a youne *r*tl" because of his inMadtd . H Sottkcrn Banquet man 30 yearn to Europe. ''And then It m4dAI» old. He la • came to him that he did not HAVB Dempsey Knocked Out I to go if it worriatf-hlm — ao-Jw The twang-twang of a , fine man 'In ana ththee liraHau aroma of every way, hut 1. didn't. ' roartlng chicken emanated from Former Champ Ea»y Setup in Snappy Drawing Boat With Catholic, and 1 You don't TTITtf >• tmm till ' the home of Lee Harris col- am a sister ot one, and 1 think it w and Angelo Martinet, Woodbridge leader Comic Strip Artists Ihi' Eastern 8Ur vnii to wilt until you are sure yo» iJltat *?*' pn Almon avenue, lodge. lovf mrmeone enough to that , IHtt- [the Literary Digest Poll on Pr»- W^Sbrldge, on Wednesday "HP wys In' iernis will- are sure you love some one wrong* it ret.dt>, in part; senting the law of the Town-' .aUU^ Qf WoodbridK«, mid the ing to work. He wants me to to marry them under any clceuiu> '"The small fraction of drys who ..1 nive up mv flnnre. Whal la your stances. Inclined to vote Bhould not doj property rights of Mrs. George for by »o doing they will merely l Mitchell, a resident, of Almon the semblance if a real contesi | avenue. he poll. j "OW had followed a Beat- M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL PERSONALS [Evidently those wh/> are respon- ! ter* trail ot blood which led* froflr Mrs. Mitchell's chicken PLANS SPRING PLAY Miss Rosemary Matthews, physi- e for the Literary Digest POIIH cal training teacher, at WmulbridRe ACSAINST PROHIBITION." coop to the scene of the Bouth- Is the title (it High School, resumed her dutlw Jllice Judge Vogel Imposed P. mornlnK ftftpj" being ill at sentence of' Jo days In the the play to he «lveu wortnouse on all three, whose Sunday School Hoard ot the Method- her only, regret was that the 'law ist church. Mrs. A. H. Ilernen and Miss Marion Love, of had interfered with their plans I'. H. Locker were chosen as a com-attended the. convention of Harpt baton they had time to eat the mittee to chose the cast und date of Beauticians" at Commodore. Hotel, ohlofcms. the performance. New York City, Monday. Tbe next meeting of the Hard Mrs. John H Love, of Green R«v. James K. Shields, state , •intendent of the Anti-Saloon will bo held Tuesday evening, April street. Is recoverliiK from her recent elor New Jersey, writes as fol- i: A WloTtlALE ,i- SehnoiiovcrI&lli,, ul th. e home of MIHS Evelyn operation at I In- Hahway Memorial 1 Hospital.' Mrs. William Howe, of I agr,ee that these multitudinous, Mr. and " olal referenduras are nothing i:: Rldgedale avenue, entertained l|lu than stuffed rabbits pnt out ROUND - UP OF St. James' Sodality Cake Anna Klmblall, ol - Ikrnardtrille drys to chaw, or as wet Sale Tomorrow over the week-end. agamla, and the majority or I>einfia«y trjin to show up WfMHlbrldKe I.ead<-r Miss Muriel Berry, of Manhattan aw worked by an unseen, me- MOTORISTS K 1H shown at drawing avenue, Avenel, is ill at her ~n"bK<\'' board with left U) rlKh«: 1*« Stiuik-y, »(Md Home T<.«n sal device w«ll oiled, Jack Honih, sports cartooniat; CB The Sodality of 8t. James' church Mrs. Asher FltiRandolph, of Rail- u"^ ..I'****'• "•' <"""'•<'«>'•; I'.^l Xehor, "(Joofey Mml wijl liold a s^le of home made caki's, is a great advertising stunt ttally UiHhop, crwitor ot "MUBKH Mtii , , Wlllinm Hitt, sports writer, and way avenue and Mrs. Charles Sles>- the Digest, so what does it mat-Nineteen Herded Into Police Inset IH iliiiwjng nuulc by lleuipwy. • pies and hnad tomorrow from 2 tosel, of Avenel,'attended the Wom- which cause suffers." JACK DEMP^KY, Rreatest drawing card t,h» : 8 o'clock in tho auditorium of Stan'. s Club Presidents' tea, Tuesday, Court by State Motor Ve- turc reproduced here. He nald It wan a pic- JaineB1 School. Miss Susan Murpliv J ring hug erer seen, has tried to out-draw the ture of a girl. You' judse for yourself what It at the home.' of MrB. George Fergu- Woodbridge Leader's "Central Press " cartoon- Ar und (Miss Adele Kenna, are the coni- son, Third District rice president, hicle Inspectors. looks like. mitted in charge of the sale. ists and failed! nd at ABbury Park. Nineteen auloinoblle drivers w«r The lnk-and-paper hput between Jack and After Jack finished, the artists came out of > Miss Martha Sprague and MUa summoned to court last evening as the funny nfen «nded in the llrst round with their corner full of ftflit. Pens Hashed right —PERSONAL^— Wllhelmlna Bjorsen, will represent the result of a drive madi' on March tne former heavyweight champion flat on the and left, with Ink splashing all over the place. ' the, Methodist Episcopal Sunday 6th,, on New Ilrunswlck avenue, drawing board, llfcke.d to a 1'razzle. Wally Bishop led with his favorite punch, tho J Miss Ruth Erb, history teacher School at a conference of religion* Fords, by Deputy Chief Motor Ve Muugs McGinnls special, t'red Neher put over it-" at the local High School, has re- education to be held In Highland |il«rry Monaghan, former Leader It was a one-round • knoclcout. jack didn't n sumed her duties after a two weeks' Park today and tomorrowv hlele Innpectoi- Frank E. Snyder, o have a chance. a volley of Goofey Movie characters, Jack •ter, is happily married, at Newark,' assisted by Inspectors Em! Sords socktd home a couple of hot sport car- >n illness. * L Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelly, ot-' Ct. — Midler, Roger Hart, Joseph McCubr A great admirer M those famous comic char- toons and then Lee Stanley clinched things with ; Miss •Anna Stanlck. of Leone Ell«abeth, were ttie guests of Mrs. owner of Woodbridge Theatre, Allkert Dorfma^, Albert Fowllo and icters, Muggs McQinnis, the Ooofvy Gang, Mar- •the-Old Home Town attack. Jack fairly- reehid s; street, has returned rrotn the Kah- Kelly's mother, Mrs. Ell* Wheelet. |proud father of son, arrived TUPH- Jasper CumtnJnga, ^ shal Otey Walker, Sigh Pressure ,Pete and the under the barrage of talent. The groat Demp- es. way Hospital, where she underwent of Rldgedalg e avenue, last Sunday. \\ . — Doc Coot revived his old rest. Jack has alway*'secretly believed that he sey was "out on his feet." to an operation. * C. C. Mitchell, of Cdlonla, has re-V .* .!,„ n i, » ., UI.UI A Mo9t of *• drivers received « ar Theakl m H h nd himself wasn't luch a set-up when It came to 98' Mr, and MrB, Julian Grow, ofturned h.ome after a vucatlon in\ i im?£ .^' 8 '» : suspended fwatwcft trom Judge U. drawing tbtnje. l, last Night. - Uuddy llOK«n>, w Voeel at thev BrodiipM (help Art Director Roland J. Scott, acting as rof- Myrtle avenue, entertained Mr. and Florida. » un America's Boy Frlena" ap-j^f ' •*£? Cwho rl So whan lack came to Cleveland Cor a few eree, B aK<}ney, rends "3tudev "«et Together" Party Fire District No. 1 was borne into the church, {he Hoy" utreet, Bridgeport, Cunn,, who was ; your service you have noius uf tho ler Roastw, J445." — Wlnney charged without driving wltbout a Scout guu^d. stood at attention In- ilney dnert not expect to do mbcli license failed to appear,when ~Mt A,'"Get Together Party", will .bo honor of their comrade.. back-breaking', monotonous work of ing tliin spring, he's ml busy sell- name was called. . eld tomorrow evening by the Budget Adopted Father Richard A. O'Farrell offl rubbing clothes, The Thor CUIK. All»n McDonnell was Mr. Snyder, the chlfef] inBpectoi, ,wnej firemen in their new build- elated at the services. , Interment > ructiii^; two rookies In the art of told the Leader reporter last eve- is. "William Penna, is .chairman was in the fajnily plot in St. Jaiueti'se removes all the dirt from IIIIK (be nightstick the OtheV ning that this WBB the beat district ii chaVge of the arrangements. at Special Poll cemetery. • . each article, washing it set Inn Jimmy Cutano ahastlBeU' lu which he ever worked. "Despite KOII tbe utlici day for I raising the fact that traffic was unusually Patrick'* .nay Tarty sev«n or eight hoars to do by' haiiil. Von soon 1 4d be: James Walsh, O. S. ,Dunlgan, Wll- hurch, augmented to 25 voices, wflt Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Ooncaimon, aoquire skill in operating this ironer uiitl you can a kid "1 used to hang around lain Golden, Sr., Frank Miller, Mai' present the "Crucifixion" by Stalner, I'M re of unknown origin totally de- mid sonH, Bernard f»xi John. •Hi't) trac'ks, and bother the tin Snyder, Jr., and "WiM&m Ro on Sunday afternoon, April 6th., atstroyed a house In Fords, which was be comfortably seated while you work. As and handlers with question:! niond. Interment was in St. James the four o'clock service. formerly* occupied hy Isaac Flood. | Fords Fire Compujiy responded to be always asking to ride oho cemetery. . " The Plaza Beauty Parlor 1 THIS IHONEK i» email aad can be moveJ jjuuiily. You he race horMW, It waij'iuy ono I the alarm. AND cuu opfiiiitc it ui). ssy dtlon to bt» it-Jockey. WOHK WAXTK1> . Barber Shop Inully I got so they'd let m<; small table. Its ca«h the horse'B tor a swim in tho Woman wishes housework o Eugend Mpthod of Permanent because the wilt water hardens washing by da^ Phone MetuclVe ,000 Construction Program Waving • juici;.is just 379,50 tynl lees. There wiw on» tVo-year H9-R. . . * Phone 1745 for Appointment terms pric^e S81;2!>. Ithough, that would not go into QleajnJJp-to-P|te Service 'l'erius for tltv irout'r later, and he needed It, because W8T in Woodbridge Tow n4 h i p460 Railway Aveuue, Near" Oreen St. (Ks were soft: They tried every- Woodbridge, N. 9- iiiu the suaio a* (or liio to get him, to go In, but he Bank book In the name of WiUlan build u lie past month, when. Mr, Kayser washer-55 down and every time, the Public Servicu will Jolly Hank book No. 7,662, Reg station on Florida issued permits calling for construc- thought I could make him, ami lstered at Lonaacr-e Bunlr, 43r transforming eighteen uiputh. to pay Grove road, south of New V tion estimated at a total of $248,- fed Jolfnny ThayeV to let moBtreet, and *th aveiiue, New YorJ 460. This amount Incladef proposed the balance. flt avenue, Hopelawn, according to an J. BLAKE |if you cart tf that horse In- constructiotti n att ththe Slilj j pplanltt it water, you can ride him In1 announcement made this morning by CCommunicate wfth Mrs. Anna. !*• Building Inspector Fred Kayser. of tbe-Shell Oil Compaoy >i the cosjj. st race,' laughed Thayw, Ch0stuutt t streettt, A«Av«ftftff Th structurtt e willUl be madmadeoe off start of 1820,000. Tbe oil Mrapany in- — Clgari — ill sir, I wa« determined t« get lJ tend* to erect seveaw additional a Jockey. So. I jtt me and brjdc an* will be two stojrteo tch, scrambled on the high. ?h.e total cost of construction buHdUigs aid tanks, ', , - I backed switolwd his V4U' be |"44.7&P. The permit haw With, otMr bunding.WFOilU *•• NEWSPAPERS, •- PERIODICALS been awarded. d M far this lnonth| fii* tot»l for d for all I was. worth. Ha d March t» &$<{» well >ff* like «, rocket and I held Phone Woodjbrldg Buildining has reached a higgh ppeak 1 ' j.» _ *wwt __~Ll« AAMAAlnllil Jlinllttf O 4*0 Main (Oog * -» Pa|fl 4.) a5*» ln TownHilp, esiweUHy during abwe WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930

Diamond Studded Watch Travelogue Show at « CXXXXXXXX Port Reading School UukAAAAAAAAAAAA**--- fill ! A platinum wr'lstwalch with 3.!' An Illustrated travelogue, show- H jijy^,elebrat e P u r i m, |(llnmotiit rh'ips around the face and'Ing "shots" of Interesting spots In M 4la»«ld band, was lost on St. the United States, will be presented XrftV 01 rCaSllIli: OPOWH avenue, bptwe«n« Main and this evening at 7:30 P. M. at the We Sell 'Em Cheaper Than '-. J 'o f Feasting° Green street, lam Monday morning, Port Reading School by ...the Robert , , ,, UftrordinK to a report made at police E. Roth Tourist party, the pictures . Today Hie Jewish Knplc in the headqU(ir,erg ny Sadie gherman, shown will be what la known «« Township nrt> rilobnitinj; the l'\V.i^.XVer^, 1&29, 126.42, In January, 1930. »„ £ Leidnetr Mrt AlbVt Hen^ "^""ali, ialmon flitting in the Colum large sales volume-small profit- satitHed We buy them right K li BlIU a balanre dun the DIs- customers r for that year. Brtd<«: Mrs. Alice Pomrroy, Mn, ff™"" The Roth party eUlnw to We are not forced to get high prices on D, P. belfoning, Mm. T, Cannan. . ,""'"treled 60.000 mile. In t" od h H Von-V.n: Elewiof Doelker. Mar- ,£ - ln. » « • tfl photograph AnU account of wild trading »F!RE GIRLS li,,. M.mknr MaHe ikav Mm J Ood tn-nic attraction! in natural colors. Jw.V'lto^^^Jlly.B^afti;^'1?*'- Rothwmbrtni with Mm Ma Vofame-~i» the secret GET LESSON IN ,, M«ry Cigrltor and 5 Herman, " ,tn4 dou*lmo dog, "which; made maa/trlpi r " The commlti" In.chaVge of the1 Polloth th, p«{J in Alaaki. lie will *mw TO COOKaffair was Mn. J. Jaeger and Mra. wrvancflo exhibit several oftdltlw »uch a<- j Lord's Irlned wood, a diamond back ,rat- Th« rfWl h«ttthtul way, of cook-f • $"***• ••* .their detmake, alligators, sponges and : foods, were demonstrated to the fully to rich eggs.. COMPARE THESE PRICES ember* and friends of the I-yo-pU i several • ':.•——J— th'e Ciuap Fire (Hrls IHHI Bearcats A. C. the mem "tdnesday evening by T. .H. Mur- were as dlvlslon manager of the House- I faith, Instilute and John Troyano,-nf 1828 Oldsmobile Coach in excellent condition Out Early for i Donnelly, th Amboy, at the home of the 'letter, Ian, Mrs. Herbert T. Sllber- Ball Games ;;:,; 1929 Pontiac Big Six Coupe - like new Murray lectured while Mr. j jnette an< yario prepared the food in tli? 1 • water-less way, whlth he iMuns for the bnseball season 1929 Chevrolet "Six" Coupe - Good as new Mi "preserved all'the best m In-! were made by the Bearcats A. C, at > matter In the foods. The tables,a meetinn held last Tuesday eve- attractlvely decorated in pink nlnp at the club's headquarters in 1928 Essex "Challenger" Coach - a sacrifice lavender. i the Choper Building. Although the! Affldnffldngg thee guests were: Mrs. KuKu-!«'«"?- !«'«"?»» t McBMhenny, MMrs. C. Olsen, Mrs. «•*•«• 1928 Nash Standard Six Coach - See this one Hll H.ll <\**™ 175.00 |0J, Mrs. J. Hufflap. Mia. J. E. 1927 Oakland Sedan - Real value *?re«cott, Mrs. A. Qrlmley and Mrs,letlc clubs in this section. Most of „.„,. TU C. Orlmley.' last year's players signified their in- *™. " tention of opmlng out for the game 1928 Dodge Cabriolet - Fastest Four In Chicago was continually again, 1928 & 1929 Ford Model A-Tudors, Coupes, ,they were only bullets. the benefit of the baBeball team sometime next month. to nion. Sedans - A pleasure to drive one P Many foreign visitors to.this coun- BENEFIT CARD PARTY Z,\tf bring their own motor-cars with 19271'" Ton Graham Bros. StakeTruck, thoroughly ft|>«m. But they use our roads, WAS WaL ATTENDED nt-duty policemen, petrol pumps, 445.69 pedeBtrians.—London Opinion. The benefit card party held at St. reconditioned James' auditorium Tuesday evening' The best cure for insomnia, says was well attended. The commute*) ' 'a dootor, Is to sleep With all the bed- in charge of the affair, Mrs. J. Bar-' m in sweet running order—clean—attractive cars you can well afford to be prowl 0/ room windows'open. This Is one of ron Levi, Lawrence McLeod and - the few sleeping drafts that can be James O'Hagen, wlBhes to thank all: "-Obtained without a doctor's prescrip- those who helped to make the party Get acqaaktted with our methods at the Mart ar.d yon too will be a booster tion.—Humorist. a success. Henry Ford says woman's place is in the home. But her refusal to Teachers to Meet stay there has appreciably increased! the demand for Henry's product. —\ A meeting of the Seventh Grade • THE TRADE- MARK. Florence Herald. • arithmetic teachers of the Township; THAT GUARANTEES Schools will be held this afternoon A SQUARE DEAL. at the High School under the direc- this year. They are tion of John H. Love, supervising Dad * Good News for you, CHURCH NEWS principal, The. purpose of the meet- ••• (Continued from Page 3) ing ft to have a discussion on the es are LOW. We are proper methods of teaching and Su o e jt to procedure in the classrooms. ouieo * , Monday night, ..Meeting of the some (3U3 display.' Titte 'fleur d« Lis. L Monday night, meeting of the St. time 1 7 Jv Margaret's Unit. Arapcan Homes Have money' : ' Payments _*. Tuesday afternoon at 4:00 r. M. nr"'no ^ower, Calendulas, —Evening prayed and address. Many Uses for (jas Fuel about ns, Sweet Peas, Free- Thursday at ff:00 A. M.—Celebra- tion of Holy Eucharist. A study of gaB"consumption for >wn exquisite roses,. , Thursday night, cheir practice at individual domestic needs shows .' We also have a wide USED QUl MART I P. M. these figures, says the New Jersey Munnfaiting your selection. >Mday evening—Litany and ad- Pnblic Utility Information Corp- W. L. , .$fe.,, 74-76 FAYETTfc. STREET - PHONE SjtWERTH AMBOT, iress. miUee, Troop No. 33, Boy Scouts," meets il the Parish House every Friday Bread baking—Twenty-five cubic ^s, full of floral beau- at 7:16 o'clock. feet of gas will bake from one to tight loaves at one time, according vy sup- ••••••••••••• to the size of the oven. p of Union *nd St Cecilia's Roast.chicken—Thirty-five cubic ist use flower-fone: feet of gas will roast one three- (ISELIN) pound bird. CHIL Bean soup—Six cubic feet of gas 98c. 1 Rev. E. C. Griffen, pastor will cook one quart. Coffee—One and one-third cubic Church on Oak Tree Road. Man PUBLIC SERVICE- feet of gas will prepare one quart. at 10 A. M. Sunday morning. ' Custard pie-t-Ten cubic feet of \gas will bake one or more pies, Avenel Presbyterian depending upon su« of the oven. \ Hot water—Twenty cMbic fee* >ph Delivery A TAXPAYER Rev. C. A. Morrow, 'Pastor of gat will heat 20 gallons of cold ALL OVER THE WORLD" water to » Umj>«#tur« of 105 Mail1 PACTS ANP FIGURES FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OF PUBLIC SERVICE CORPORATION OF N^W JIJMBTC 10:30 A. M. Sunday 'School/ ' degrees, id Hazelwood Avenues 11:80 A. M. Morning Worship. Washing^Thirty-five cubic feet *v Jersey WYleeB at the Avenel Schoolhouse. of gM will heat to the boilitfg point 7:15 P. M. Christian Endeavor. 1929, there accrued against Public 8:00 P. M. Special Christmas enough water for an average fam- : ii'Wjviee. ily wash. Service Corporation of New Jersey and Staf its subsidiary 'operating Companies St. Nicholas . Detroit's New Traffic ^ „ (PORT READINO) Plan Aids Congestion EV Federal, j State and municipal ^taxes in the SEY • amouiit of $15,458,564.64. (FORDS) , • Cities and towns In New Jersey i and other states, facing increased , A, Papp ft Rev. A. fJUnvpastora traffic congestion, Alight study a ie ch •t .], For the operating Companies taxes for the-^\ A. M.—Sunday Morning Maw. Hear '« P. M.-^eepers. . , new plan being tucceufuDy tried out in Petroit, a city which has .lent year amounted to eleven per cent of operating given as much intelligent thought Our lady of.Peate (0 .traffic problems at any in- th# revenue for the year and 26.5-per cent of their • country, according to the New Jemy Public Utility Information net income. 1 Committee. • '. . Raw O. B. Reagan, pajtoi The new idea takes Into consid- erore. you Th«r3tate of New Jersey and its municipali- eration the fact that the bullc of Masses on Sunday morning at 8 1 10 o'clock.. Sunday School foi- travel on the main city thorough' ties are partners in the operations of Public ling first Mass. fares is in one direction in the morning peak and In another in Servicfe-Companies in so far as a division of the daily at 8(o'clock. . f ort note Holy Rosary Socrety meets trie the j afternoon peak. In tjie morn- st Monday of each month. ig (here U provided an additional ' yeceiptsof those companies are concerned. Sodality of the Blessed Virgin lane for incoming traflk, and in meets the third Monday of the afternoon an additional lan» mon/h. for outgoing At other'hours the <}Tjtf in ess letter • The municipalities receive as a franchise tax Name Society meets the sec- incoming and outgoing lanes ar» Sunday of tke [month at 8 equal in- numberf five per cent of the gross receipts of trrc utility elook mass. On other "stop"1 struts an addi. compaflids. tional Una is provided by prohibit- St Anthony's ing all parking on tht side of the street carrying the hcivler traffic. In addition the companies pay, in lieu qf "Bev. O. Oalassi, pwtor Detroit usei the impounding system for enforcing it* parking garage jpersonal property tax,'a tax on their gross ch on Woodbridge Avenue; regulations with a total of $4.60 "it 6:30 \. U. and. 9:30 A, M. collected from offend«ri-l-|3 pen- receipts levied at the average tax; rate for the morning, alty $1 for towing and 60 cent* ilng Service, 7:46 t\.M. for storage. , •.• " State.' * ( ^ [: First Church of Christ, i telephone . And.they pay the. usual taxes'^a their real . Scientist lmost any 'y is ready. estate holdings. : ^ 4 * 1 8BWAKEN Serviccropeiatiiffl'titility companies liave toaid J. Pi GERITV 'Newjersey • It-tides' the average daily receipts of the of The Mother Church. ivnbytele* $134,828, J20.94 in taxes, v First Church of Christ, and i companies, for 40 out of the 365. days, of the • ' * ;Ut, 4n Boston, MiHx. Real EMat« Service—11:00 A. II. ... School—9:30 A.'Mi - year tonneet the Companies' tax bills. — Not only ihrdiigh % servicti^hegifb ay Testimony Meeting ~- Private Sales, Appraisals, Ex- Ut&i pert Testlrnony, Mortgage and vide, but also through the taxet tHey pty, do tloom *- 1:90 U>tLhs, Buainess Brokerage, ; '•' Since 1^03, when Public Servfce Corpora- Economical Management of tion of ftkw Jersey came intp existence; Public Public Service qompanies contribute to New Property a Speolalty Joey's welfare."

, •''•

's '.--i-- . -4 THE WOtfDftRlbGE LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1030 Three HURCHNfl Breakfast Room Should Be Gay Love and Tolerance Imperative Written for Central MO! Djr KUKAIlfcTfl |f. IUHHKM, When Couples' Religion Differs Defenwthm KdUor i M K M HI\T The American H<>ni« Mafrnxlnr ! !( iOO P. ^.\j-Junior and Int ! it rour family Is small, once'sliced old He Is i came to him that he did not HAVB e- fut, but not obtrusive, Mid the car to go if It worriwfhlra — to h* Je Chrlstian^Endeavor. pet or rug thick, that there may be 1 cold, and the ro nirtndoi made Inl'i fine m an In every way, but I. dldn t. |*B P. M.—Bentor Chrlstla i- no Irritating noise of feet or chairs, omleti oi twined -and served over 1 > with the table linen and china in toart. Catholic, and 1 You don't HAVB to starry ug lor. am a sister of one, and 1 think It would b« well tor 15 P. M. — Young Petp t harmonjous colors which blend with THIS WRICK'S (he Eastern star ynu to w«lt until >ou ar* Aura yon • eh I the. color, scheme of the room, A lodge. love someotve enough so that (Ut- '45 P. ST'-^-"Evening 8e §.; small break fai. t room or alcove . IU*« |*« of Lamb— Wipe- a four "He rtkjn hi' ter* or religion and finance* won't onal testimonies to Christ v ill the larger dining room a great dual to five-pound leg of lamb with matter so much. •Id. I ,of wear and tear, since it may bo damp eloth; rub with two and one- lovea me dearly Hnd can RIVP ni» To marry a man whMft rtiilgtoa inesday at 8:00 P. M.—Win- . ""«* not only f6r breakfast, but for half Ipudpoons MM' and •he-fourth , diffem from rours rwjulret l««, teaspoon pepper and ItoSir and place , I hunie, s.i Union Service at tfie OoiUte- the various Jnforraal- meals of the ame e n (nlerajace stnd undentundtBg. To rjiat Church. Dr. Boy Ian hf$- day:.,thVh«ue mothers luncheon, on rack, in roasting pan. Scar In a' v Kaged to him. ul- marry a roan who has little raone) ild will preach on "Two Kilns the children's supperB, and so forth. hot oven (500 degree* P.) for the requires the uin« qualities «out- first IE mlnutei and th,«n reduce though I was in Iyer". ' I | VA ftUKgeBWdbreakfas t room treat bkaed with a wttllngMM tud ablhty ment lB temperature to WO d«gr«M P. or doubt at t h« Dp 31, Boy Scouts of America. shown In the picture above. 1 time. to economltt - and Mve and to be meet in the Parish House ftt- The< woodwork Is painted cream, and slow oven. 'Cover bottom of pan 'with happy on a little. Tour e*M Is alw "- cup boiling ifat«>r and steam "Three we*k» SVeaing at 8 o'clock. ' * ; the wall paper has a-baefcground of I one iiKQ- 1 met a complicated by your dear boj. Toy — i— the sanw tone, with a simple design , ; roiiRt for two hours, i'lfcce peeled y»ung mail of 2!i much more my mrtelatr woahJ not be happy it you C* LHtt0m' ! outlined tn diamonds, all in apple pomtneB around m«st when It has type. Hut he does not hnvf any- mfcrrlcd a man who would not be a LFI. #WM» :green. The muple breakfast set of cooked 30 minutes. Daate potatoes thing except hlH car and hl« pay kind, good father to kirn. ' | a drop-Haf table, and Windsor I when busting meati' Served five to check, which In not us I a rue «i> My advice Is to WAIT until you R. 1. O'FlaiteU, pMtor chairs is llnlshed In mellow browns, | nls. the other nuin'R. He seems will are aure you love some one enough '•— and the Uttle wall cabinet which lo marry them under any clreup> 18*8 at 7:30, 9:60 and 10:30 holds antttiue'china and a colorful Imnili Cutlets — - Two^upR cold Hive up my nann\ Wlial I* your stances. k. |Stralfordshlre group is ot the same! cooked lamb, one cup white sauc.\ Bday School afttor 9:-00 o'clock lustrous wood. The two-toned run, few grains cnyenne, one tablespoon in greens, ' and the ruffled window ] j minced i;reen pepper. Add sauco to ptlsmn at 3:00 P. M. draperies In bfittercup yellow rayon,! meat, then add, seasonings. Spreau M. L SUNDAY SCHOOL PERSONALS Ining Devotions—7:39 o'clock, combine to make a springlike colon I on a plate to cool. Shape in the PLANS SPRING PLAY ek-day Senrtees-^Massts 7: SO. scheme .which would give_ the xfifiCt. | form of cutlets,, dip In crumbs, ?KR. Miss Rosemary Matthew*, phyal- •* ^ ' Kaln; fry in deep ul ral training teacher at WmnlbrldRe Day Service*—Masses 6:30 of sunshine ana cheer off even a the title oi High School, r*suni«d her dutUa 0 o'clock. cloudy day. 1 H t U a temperature of 3RU decrees K. III at Jlrst Fridays—Mass 7:30 o'clock.; In ' keeping with the Informal the hoiisek<'rs •e all children will cry. "So much time!'1"' one and one-half minutes, Drain. the play to be given JWiT) nfesslons hear* on Saturday character of the room is the break- colom of an artist's ii". iiml ul and labor Rjient l»y iimir Krpndma! Garnish with green leaves. Sunday School Hoard of the Metltod- Boons and evenings 3 to 6 and fast china, whic"h has green decora- j lew her to make lalil Ist church. Mrs. A, H. IlerRen and l>iiMu;-K of when she might have been doingi MUB Marlon 1<(1V1. of {ri o'clock. Eve* ot First Fridays tions on a cream background, with'infinite vnrtety.and Individuality •otlur thlnes!" Devils- Fowl <"«k«—One cup brown P. H. Locker, were chosen aa a com- attended the convention of ^ 1 Holy Days of Obligation as pale amber water glasses and fruit j It is very ponsibl< IHI when -a sugar, one cup .(one-half caKej mlttee to cfio»e tEe cast and date of Beautician" at Commodore, alurdays. |compote as accessories. Purple'few more decades of this "nipohnnical They will never know the °| unsweetened chocolate melted over the'ixirforniance. I4ew York C|tv Monday gfcpes piled high for a centerpiece century have rolled away, breakfast ™»»I"S down to a sunny breakfast tea kettle one_Uaif cup ,weet mllk ^ next meeUng Of the Hard Mrs. John H. Low, of Qreon Parish Societies eT P 6 em h asl8 t0 M f fl iaat1 y SWtt! rm yolk ot one B Cook unttl ? hia , (1 " ., P , ^'7 J° n\ " , I?" ! ' " Z*L nut tj \ir \n r ° «- »'»ooth will be held Tuesday evening r April street. i« recovering from her r**ni ry Society: Communion First taoietable, wiiilwhile mthe sparkling coffee loweda pellets, and it will amaze our <-nn«coffee» fllleHUB inethe- aainr witnh iragrancefragrance, nnaril^d thlc^,1,,k^ BnBn(dt ataniooww tt0o cooC00l | On,)„e„ tu eUp igtl..-) sti.. u,.ti thn,eo homi.nn,eo o«ff MlSBMI.. npvoivEvPlyn« operatio••...n. "a„t. th••..e. itahway"•_•. ' MemoVlax. ,-i. a of month. I service and flat silver pick up and descendants to hear how their "d the }olly table settings have bi'Own sugar one-half cup siiorten Schoonover, •'««"*»» ><-mor.w b Hospital. [y Name: Communlou Second, reflect the morning sunshine In a grandmothers used to arise' early een chosen to form a background' |OKj two egB() on^imif cup Bweel i of month, ' > !ar Mr. and MTB William Howe, of way which yould. warm the heart ot and, with the alcL ot a primitive the crisp eotfrses which please jmuk, two and one-half cupa lioui Hldgedule. avenue, entertained Misa 4alire _VM1W.W, Sawdwlch Fillings anlJ l8s A(lele home of Mrs O^ors1 e FwrgS- graceful dcs.t'n in a lighter silvery Iwafneu w.\ i syrup made from the shall th«- rising, generation still call With WhTtellrwd—Peanut butter *' Kenna, are the com- gon*"^|[r^"iMstr™cTTice" 'presWMiti S A. M.—Sunday School. Whit Bd m Uee ln t i id A. M, — Morning tone. Any color schema may bei the contented maple trees of Ver- a house a home, and hold it in fond and orange jelly; date, nut and ' charge of. the sale. ftt Asbury Park, developed with these, mont—all thought to be food for memory long after they have out- j raisins and crushed pine-' '. M.—Christian Endeavor. ' PJ u , Bh e od for memory ong a cnee3e Miss Martha Sprague and Mlm 5 I'. M. — Evening Worship, which bring within W Gods. "But what a waste," our grown'Its y»Us. I apple; chopped cucumbers; anchovy —I'RRHONALS— WUhelmlna BJorsen, will represent aday at 7:30 P. M. — Blblwj the Methodist Episcopal Sunday 01 orchestra. , With Wholewheat Bread—Cream Miss Ruth Erb, history teacher School at a conference ot religious E. T. Club meets the first Mon-| Movie Fashions cheese and candled orange peel; eel- at the local High School, has re- education to be held in Highland- of the month at 8:00 P. M. j PETER'S ADVENTURES cry, almond and olive; chicken sumed her duties after a two weeks' Park today and tomorrow. gma Alpha Phi Sorority wilt! HH1;«1; salmon salad; ham and green illness. " I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelly, of- at the home ot Mrs. A. G., Eyes Upon "Them seem to be more eyes. Of coarse I pe]i|ier. ; Migs *Anna Stanlck, of Leone Elisabeth, were Mie guests of Mra. Monday evening, at 7:30. j may be all wrong. It may be only I With Hje Uread^Swlss cheese; street, has returned from the ltah- Kelly's mother, Mrs. Elk' Wheeler. Bday at S:45 ^- O. J. Society, [T-i» one .thing to-be laughed with. my Imagination..BliiyLng._.Uicks upon i liver sausage and chili sauce; calveB way Hospital, where she underwent Of Rl&gedale avenue, last Sunday, Stile home of Mrs. Arthur G. another to oe lauelied at. Buti"»e. But things happen so quickly | liver and lettuce;' bacon and tomato ari operation. " i ~ C. C. Mitchell, of Coloula, has re Peter had learned to take a Joke on in inwettand that it doesn't pay to : (hot); cheese and celery; watercress' Mr. and Mrs, Julian Grow, of turned home after a vacation in take chances, I'd rather you jand onion. Myrtle avenue, entertained Mr. and Florida. inesday at 8:00 P. M.—Union'himself, BO he dljln't lose hlB tem- ; veek Lenten Service at our' per, but amjled Instead. ' laughed at- me tor a silly, than kee'p With Boston Brown Bread — Mrs. Frank Varden and daughtei, Mr. and Mrs. M. Block and fam- quiet and let danger creep up upon! 1 Cream clieese and preserved ginger; Barbara, formerly of Woodbrldsc Uy, ot Brooklyn, were guests of Mr; en • | "What'tr it all about, Dragon- idnesday at 8:30 P. M,—Cuplr Fly?" asked ha,. "I take It I cream cheese and mint Jelly; wal- now of Philadelphia, over th£ weel;- and Mrs. Edward Stahl, of Ford.8, i nuts and honey; bananas; tuttl frut' erid. lice. have Jjften jiere t'y the pool before, "Righto!"- shrilled Drason-Fly. but Tffienf*- • • f j **It always pays to' be on the safe I ti UKS, cherries, nutp . •- "Just *i^«»rt white ago," 'chuck- Ride. However, we're in no danger Mtthoditt Epiicopd DraKfto-Fljif. l."What were you'; this time. Those eyes belong to my Bake Cauliflower doing here? Watching the circus; brothers''.and my sisters, my uncles Break head into flowerets, watti, A. BoyUn Fits Gerald, pMtor and my ai allj Juiow.Bpme dniin. Place in greased baking dish, i of the ey) ' in the Tteador aprinkle with salt und pepper and! 15 A M — Sunday School. my •granddad. Curiosity has brought cover n'ivh milk. Cover tightly to I 500 A M.—Mornlng Worship.' the whole family out to see whjU hake/ 'ELECTRICITY has topic: "Holding Our Own". I'm up tot" |S P. M.—Epworlh League. Itead The Lender Ilegiilarly V. M—Evening Worship, j topic: "Splrituul Witch-1 Dinner Stories Eliminated the Drudgery I of Laundry Work St. Andrew's "And to think that n»J' son might have been Prime Minister." (AVENBL) "Hut what prevented him?" "H^ married and his wife did not It. 1. O'Purell, pastor want him to go in for politics." EFORE electricity was introduced into ^ vices at PubHc ScJiool. Masa One on I Jut Lawyers household labor, it -used to be the , A. M. Sunday morning. B A cross-examining lawyer said to middle of the week before the washing and a colored man accused of gambling: ironing were finished. ,Two whole days had Trinity Epucopd ':Now, than, Webster, I want you • r/M& i too* A WAY to tell the Jury Juat how you deal to be given over to laundry work. Elr«- Hev. J. B. Mywr^, pMtor • A/VO THEN S. craps." And the lawyer folded" his tricity has changed all this and lightened arms and smiled at the' jurymen CANDY S££M fX> 6£ MOK,£ £Y£S. benevolently. ' . . liy MMi: the work the laundress has to do, perfonnerfi." Peter gasped, but But Webster gave a queer stare. ! Dragon-Fly continued. VEN the dt-b.s have adopted all A. "Wha' dat?" he asked. "Whu' is one of our Sunday* "I always feel, restless .after I dat you sayin1, boss?" E black for their newest dresses, or have selected at least one black The lawaif- turn-ed back to him TiiOR eleetric washer at frock in which to look Itheir smart- ferociously aria roared:' best pources of „.. and I thought I'd Ulwio go Tor a fly. So est, ' • • • ' . your service you-have noije of the. morning I took you forjfrqun.d trip through! "Address tlie jury, sir, and, tell litany and sermon. • ,,manV'r^ J^rSsSStfl Cup " Dis Keriman g'wine HX me pext how | gently that the finest gar- kliariryy Study Class.._._.... . T.h .a class,«°^«ver. y ^one' I toltold yoyouu wawass nimyAh drinks a sandwich." sugar in the blood ]jeld every Monday afternoon ^ I nt my day '»* are uninjured. Lent. ."• J° 8 • 6 a 666., nday nlglA, at « P. M. vestry, wide oppn in Head Tlic I*ftrter Regularly •Tins WASHEfe is small in ng. is a Prescription fo^ . We Jiave your favorite kinds paday night. Meeting of size^jiftd compactly built. polnt N. Y. CANDY KITCHEN meeting of the It sells ut the very low Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Phone Woodbridge 43 cash price of $99.75 and at „ at 4:00 P. M. --• WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 105.75 when purchased on Tcnms prayer and address. .nlmseii Bilious Fever and Malaria ilxed me up. Say, terms. Only S5 is required Jjiuitsday at 9:00-A. M.—Celebra- seeing things, I It is the meat speedy remedy known i of Holy Eucharist. landed hero Sweeten the day with Candy for the first payment and |ursday night, choir practice at 1 have inousuv » =.— «« ifeerJnB eighteen months are al- through those reeds on the; other day evening—-Xltany and ild? 5 the pool. Every time [look lowed in which to complete '.away and than back again, there payments. (oontlnued on page eight)

156160 Smith Si Fferth Amboy HI The Electrie Ironer HE PERTH AMBOY. /orQuick Work

GAS LIGHT COMPANY FURNISHINGS Wmj THK THOU Speed Ironer you can acrunpVsJi DRY GOODS i» an hour or two the. work that used to icijinrd 206 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY o seven or eight hours to do by hsn;l. \ oa »oou R FOR • acquire skill in operating this ironeV mid you ca.u be comfortably Wuted while you work. ing and Cooking Appliances T MEN Tin; 1ROKER is small and ,can be moved i;aiil). can opernto it on »ny' n«.A Automatic and Storage Water Heaitri 'When SJM) *. NOtlONS H love lit roinl>aiii«* it. sntull table, lu caali Houwttiiu^ we Hud fault WOMEN (nice in just S7V.50 awl with tinotUer to avoid w» «vajn'»Atloi> of »or owu teritiB price $84:25. riiiorlwuilngx; To give Tt-rina tat tliis from* - wul forgive t« b««r and B lurbmr «r* kindly tt«H8 AND aie Uto fiuino tt"f" r lUc iiiltlvatljig. washer—-?5

  • wu and have pei'fected a eigbteeu uiontbs to pay aeiTice that anklet* aU,fl CHILDREN reguidless of station . GOOD9 the, balance. Modern equipment. Per- I sonal supervision,. I^fld- erated expanses. FUNERAL HOME A. V. Grelner^j^ A. p -1 * Telephone 3510 Perth Apiboy QRUBN Wt. 4 IWBBON AVH.

    i - f A - THE WOODBRrDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 —-— THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER PAGE ST. PATRICK! Parents' Must Keep St p With P'lblxnrd Every Friday by TOE W(M.DBH1DGE PRINTER!, INC. ' the Times, Spe terTelkP.-TA. 4t 104 Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J. « ih 1 i still living in tin' ,,! ' >!V« .1 W»odhr,dn, N. j.. •» S«ce«d CUM Mail Mai f "The chilPid at home. I* <">•' I" ' " and the" ehlld-at wln'ol •'» "'• It is your duty as „ ,. H p UlRld B eep up with' the new , , Kepobllcatioa of D«VI and editor *i inMur in tbeee eol- 7 ...irioiiirr.„ "' «alwn point of view. They forget i whether they art i\n. With the primaries approaching, candidates for local of-i that there are two sldts to ever; not. I have childr. I, lice are being discussed, and the £irtt Ward voters.art timtinc;' imeiilon.' That is one reason lor 11: at the Sewaren Boii,.,, ' .lie i'.-T. A. »The mothiTB and m aid • make- successful M1,... toward Committeeman JacoU WJ. Grausam, as the choice of'' teachers should get together and I great artlits, yet if.they . High School I know iim, the local Democratic party for re-election. Mr. Grausam's' Talk tilings over quietly, without ex-w to( •II. ment on either.tide. _ not graduate. There an career in publie office has been j tf-sehools emeVlndMstri.u „ marked by rare judgment, "Vi-ry often mothers wake e»- those children and it u for their children » /ayin#ayln* tJ, mother to lnrethgstr courage, and a. progressive ; th«t he or the. lnheiiU.. (. certain. ^^ Galalde,-conclude tin spirit which has left ita mark j tendency rrom some mmUvr of th« with-* warning to the moth ; .ainib That Is not so. The child ^ mn wd- look at the back on municipal history. When; comr into the world win. very rew report Mrd each, month as v first elected to office, Mr.' habits and you are re.i| >nslhle for ftt the marks, for (t Is then, n tlu- ones ht- acquires Int. r ,on. Th" teacher puts her personal ,, Grausam found himself in a SCIUHI! dm*» make sonii! habits bu' of each child. hostile atmosphere. He was' *>. most nf them are mode at home." The children's program ,,, Mi.-s Galaida told the story ol a completely outnumbered; he; 1 :t b»v in pee of the gra*imar glide* Th?;, ;; was the only Democratic rep-! who lolflli oirks tastier thsrt ft* "I;.,,, resentative on the Committee: police wjg|! a "bwcbv.1* graft***". nn teacher", said Miss Galiiida, dance dovn" and drifted with the "tried to romlml tin problem by Mm J. Wand, president >.i organisation, announced that I ,\ :i."kiiiu him whether ho over lieavd tfde of careless spending and it iiiilkfiiK-n who rntrh robbtrs and annual spring conference i,t disregard for the interests of thing and his p^rontit an-1 election of ofltcerr will be h.iii So successful were his efforts in behalf of a safer and saner other. the meettnK next month and air,, administration of Township affairs, that the following fall "The child of Today is livlim In; InK to thP new nitlng, the v>.- saw three more of his party elected to office, a splendid tribute a new world. He Iss liinlivingg In the:will have to be done byy hall»t ^SP of the airplan'-. while ''snms p nf-stead or verbally as heretofor fry the citizens of the Township to his leadership and an ex- pression of confidence which must have been a source of great satisfaction to him. Under the able leadership of Mayor Ryan, cording To tlie" "report 67'fhT ManyJWerit Badges Awarded - and with the collaboration of the rept of the administration, Funeral Tomorrow departaient. The stolen property; Air. Grausam has devoted fruitful years to the interests of his for Catherine Golden <*&*& ...» icti and r.-turned to owners I fellow citizens. His name on the ballot next fall is gpnfidently duiintr tl«6 mouth was valued at at Woodbridge Court of Honor Mi&s Catherine Golden, 65, died expected by all First Ward voters who place home-town loyal- Is Awarded to i-ivd Kayaer, building inspector,: • at her home on Bergen -street, emrlyl ill iivrr I on music, woodcarviiiK. in reported 13 permits issued during. ln th#1 ly and honest achievement above mere party labels. Wednesday morning after a short I tuS month. The estimated cost ..r hC0Ut8 and »are"ls ul frit-mis, tin: study, liathercratt, bookhimii: Illness.. She is survived by four ( 1 personal health, pioneering, IIK-UI Lowest Bidder production was |248,450. Fees coi- first 1930 session of the Wnoilhridm sisters, Miss Margaret Golden, or Court of Honor, of the Haritan work; Francis Nelson, swin.initi Woodbridge, Miss" Elizabeth Golden, contlnued from page one) 11 cted amounted to (354. Edward Reisman, first aid, i>Umr. —PKRSOXALS— ! A communication was read from Council, Boy Scouts, of America, MANY AT HOSPITAL of New -fmifilwtct. Miss Mary was conducted last'Friday. In I ho ing, flremanship, bird study, iiihl. Golden, of PlalnAeld and Mrs. Jo"Mr- . Jenseo this Committee is in-j Senator Arthur A. Quinn, of S«- tics, music; Melvln Sherman, .in,, AUXILIARY CARD PARTY Mr.s H. W. Von Bremen, of. Freo- terested in lowering the taxes of thejvruivn, endorsing the pending | man street, attended a *brtdg«- "j* Bader, or Rahway and one Howard A. Tappen, chairman of:Ing, mucks, Qremanshlp, bird .-IMI!. William P. Golden. -.Township not only now but all the i tax bills which provide that munl- ttime, and as to. fairness, 1 beiievsictpalttieB- should share in the gaths e Troop. 3L comniittee, prealded j Harry Wilson,, caroeatry,. ftrat aid t A successful card party was heM over the session in the absence or i animals, scholarship, woodcarvin Monday afternoon by the Wood- Funera7~servloes will be held to- tllts Committee is trying to be fair | tax collected by the state. A similar of ajl High score* were made In pino-, Mr. and Mrs. B. M-M,,!*.. ,,t! tela.ro be given the contract. Com- the matter, M M B h Card Pariy March 27 mltteeman Robert Saltier seconded j „__ .• rection of Scoutmaster John T. Tel-toinoblltng. «lile by Mrs. William Danner. I_, £, ^ ™-n " McNulty, at, ley, of Troop 33, the program of Michigan: iTrs. Henry Schrimpf. j1*^1™;»: Mra ^^^the^guesU ' The William P. Campbell Assocla- the motion and a vote was takei.. T- • * <(|« . » • •( Troop 33, Tom Currle, life *u\in, Bridge: Mrs. S. W. Jones, Mrs. J. " George F. Brewster. tion, of Avenel, will .hold a card with Mr. Jensen's vote (he,only d;.*- lirea Ju tltlOlunim LtIC awards v^s carniecW a#t>. >. The fol- swiminingf ftrenianvhtpV per^i>n;ii over the veek-end. party in the duK-hottse'on Pennsyl- senting one. lowing badges wei-e .-presented at health, woodcan-ing;' Henry InsH ?, son of Mr. andvania avenue, on Thnrsday evening. At Monday* meeting, protests Girl Sets Out for City, this time: ..-.-, Loukldes returnert berg, first aid. swloimlng,' won.' its Choper, Mrs. G. W. Hoaglftnd, March 27. George Tompkins, Sr..,were made against granting a per- , Second class badges: Troop 31, carving, carpentry; Prank Jo:.;. Mra. 0- A. Hoffman, Mrs..8- B. havtD the is the chairman ln charge of the af- mit to David Calvano and Sons, Un- But Is Stopped by Cops Oakley Blair, John Kenna, George swimming, metalwork. Brewstef, Mrs. A. Gusner, Mrs. N. f fair, works manufacturers, to tnanufac- j Kruium, Albert Outwater, James 4n«; Craig Senft, 'scholar's hi p. Henry, Dorothy Prall. S. W. Pel!, e h frlendR • iture and store explosives at . Port Pauline Gradoskl, 15. of 920 NorV Raid,. Julius Reisman, Malcolm wel^l on th.h e" roa d, to re- : Star Scouts, Troop 31. Kni Btrs. D. H. Ford, Mrs. A. F. SoHeld. ">at ne Double KxUngui«her ! Heading. Commltteemen GUI, Wil- !"*;••avenue, .•, Ne, w .-Brunswick7 • .-., • , wus|. i ""»»•••Rutan,• ftrnotd".»"•• > ' Schmidtmumiu., Charlenuuitsn 1 MTB. William Tobrowsky, Mrs. Kim- =9very. 1 u r d 0 ln to ^ Ray Jackson; Troop J : Jack—"What did the landlady do Ham Camj>bell and Jacob Grausam , h .°J S , ,S schooland helpius JTrautweln; Troop 32, Albert Pat- Hetty Inselberg, Craig Senft. berlln£, Mrs. Cruickshank, Mr*.'. whin she found that you had left declartd themselves opposed to thewith the dishes so she decided to eo | rick, William Dorke, Robert Hans, to the "blK city". She started out 1 p « Life Stouts: .Troop 31, Hun. (3hester Peck, Mrs. Ray Moore, Mr*, i \ Iofe Sentence the light burning for three days?*' erection of any. Sreworks pii.nt in ste h n Mmr; Troop 33 Nornlall WiiBon, FMward Reisman. William Prall, Mrs. W. A. Onboru.' Klumseigh obtained a job as Spratt—"She turned us both any section of the Townahij Ml. on a walking tour last Saturday, -and |Hansen, William Hamwn, Steve tl lu ldav n lng h el Pach Zenobta. . frs. Woodruff, Mra. S. W. Wyld, packer in \C china warehouse. Or. out."—Vancouver Province. GUI reported, that he went to the "•'v' * ' £'* . ?,"'", ' .-«'f!i Maygo, W. Patterson, Jack .Slater. ^ ' .- Eagle Scouts'with gold palm:' Mr*. George Brewster, Mrs. Thomas the third day he smashed a big ' factory with Captain James Walf'i woodbndge. While walking on (lie p Troop Jo Wand, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. C. M. Lid- vase. On pay-day be waB called in Kxcuse It, Please: and Sergeant Benjamin Parsons and sephjr8 Elliottt c]a8,8 Charles Jj . Farr, Frank Warygas, Troop. 32. she aroused the sus- Five year vetrans, Richard Sal die. Mrs. William Weiant, Mrs. S. the manager's office and was told "Imagine my embarrassment,".that they discovened.'a large amount P'cions of Offlcer Geoge-Balint, wooJost Thomas Currie; 'Troop .31,1 B. 'Bull. Mrs. Donald Manson, Laura that half his wages would be de-mid Dumb Dera, "when, according'of manufactured material stored in was on traffic duty at the time. VraA M.j.. , , tier, Joseph Warygas, Troop 32. The offlcer questioned the girl and Pred Meder. ,. . Ten year veteran, A. G. R. Quelcll. Cutter, Mra. J. McCreery, Mrs. Wil- ducted each week until the vase was to my ciiflt'om, I looked under the'the plant; Mr. Calvano was p M8 m r a es: TrOOp 11am Seip, Miss Alice Pomeroy, Mrs. paid for. > bed before retiring. I had forgot-,a day to clear the building 01 as her answers were not satisfac- •ii iL^ D w - - Scoutmaster. Troop 32. tory, he took her to the police head- SI. David Balfour, flremanship;. J, T. Ryan, Mrs. George Merrill and < "Haw much was the vaae .worth'?",.ten that I.waa in.an upper berth," Jaok Blair, swimming, bookbinding, I Miss Josephine Schaffer. 1 hr e 'askeJd --"anxiously' . j—-P. P. Magazine. ^ where she finally admitted A, petition signed tby ofeiuv-ieve,. ran woodwork; tremanshlp," publici NUMt IWIiiMt Mrs. F. G. Tisdall, hostess, waj "About $300, "replied the man- -. " BWay from llOme bff- assisted by Mrs. Chester. Peck, Mrs, ag«r. - 1 ~ Id.*! News for Satan W, A, Osborne, Mrs. Barron Brew-! "Hurrah!" shouted Klumseigh. ' The Vicar—"The collection this) believed it ling, leathercraft, first aid to ani- damaged a garage own^d by Iliub eter and Mrs. J E. Harned. The manager 'stared. "Whata- niornlng will be .taken in aid of the'the lives d:nj proiwny ci tiu notified and they came for s her Jmals, .woodwork, carpentr>', cook- Toth, on Luther, arenue and Cl»arl>s —— .hell?" * ' I Arch Fund and not as erroneously' ,n Tuat section, was rtad. Tuesday. • Mrs. C. D. Wl8wal],»of Albany,' "Well," said Klumseigh, "it look? printed in th Paf lsh got a steady job at'last.", of the Arch Fjend."—The By stand-' Silrestro Barbato, Anna Barba>'i. leering; Frederick Meder, carpentr;-,"at 2:30. Hopetawn Are ' die, of Cliff road, Sewaren. ^Brooklyn Ea^le. er (London), {Joseph Santoro, Castanzo Santoro. swimming, woodwork, pathftndlim, responded to the alarm. . rf-nR Santoro, Margret Santoro, Station P. D. Q. FranclBCO Dapolito,. Grurstjipiiiii (continued from page oua| Dupullto, Joseph Daniel, Tlbumen,n \ .—^7 Daniel. Louis Dapolito, Ma/ia Da !lim 'oward the water. He was go- A Cozy Littje Nest for the Newly weid's !)U ins fast' that Andrew " right For

    f Krysko, Johu Beliimke, Rats? lunded, r|Sht in the water, and k«pl La R,UBSO, Rocco Mereuro,, ConieTta on soing I couldn't swim, and as Anpierio, John ZuUo. Tappen strwt, »oon. *B ' «* "f* WBB ln over my C. ZuUo. Carmelo Zu^o, Paolu be.- hc'Bnt. I slid down, and somehtfw tblami. Giacouia Bertolami, Altnu 6ot ashore. Cavalluro, F. Cavallaro, Arturo "Th»\er. came along. • Lombardi, Anna Loaibardi, Barthal- " 'I told that boy, If he'd get that Giordano, Clementiiw Glor- horse into salt, water, he'd ride 'In jdano, Cesare Taeovone, Pasgunc ™ «Jst "«« anJthe will.' snid JTacovone, GulstuiJe Daprile* „ fS,," W Sot ° b" a J°<»ey. Arcangela Dapnle, Salvatore Ci; ° "* uffredu, F. S. Sunto. Raffaele Dalcsai Bnnuu Dalessio, Natal'! i BlTtht Priiiting I.Minuca, Asunta Ml,DUCa, Salvatore! Mario"Covlno, Danetta. Di f || f ,i, I|Covlno. T) () Ow nk bir

    bak, Carol.na Savlnd. Hike Homldt, JerBey avenue Tmtov John Homlck, John faanaharics, Mr! Thursday March ™h '.11 "' and Mrs. James Romagnolo, Alov A aon • ftS2 Evonlts, Victor Ketomonette, Jamt-J tn ,, ' , '* S * KnlKr, John Kutchyok, Michael 31g 0; *""

    1 - 1../ ^h*t l> '„ * sr1 • J r THE OSYKA-DESIGN 585 I Til, " - Jic\ .^..;-Z C^.»:." , gucci. ASTERN bungalows differ veniently placed to save steps, ttii bedrooms have ample closets. The ordinance readjusting the.! Forest Kadlo Talk Tonight E radically from those of the insure comfort to it* builder. The the mtlff. home is exceptionally election polls in the Avenel anni West £o*st, generally being well- built. Tpe brick are laid in • Iselin sections was Biased on tltet TRENTON, N. J., Mar. 1 more compactly designed and al- ~*V*— natural mortar, running, bond, the third reading and adopted. t ways with a minimum "of waste Two ordinances «ere introduced, joint* beinr flush out. With it* are* one for improvsHienu on Oak Tree "_*/ O epaee. This inevitably does awsy »slst

    » " I*. '"<»}*' z .V*..

    THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH U l»30 t PageFh* *« the abutting property owners, I H«d«* Boulevard and shall read aa follows: 1 str New Film Beauty Beginning at Its westerly extrem- Third WaW.rm Firth m.i.4 . n iiSnJ "^ **t; thMM northeasterly the center line of Homestead Ave- point or place of fceglnnlnty\ WHEREAS, TWra Ward, Fifth District: Be-lttlll alone the boundary line ot the nue to the center line of Ash been •ajd contract ha§ ity aa shown on Map of Avenel Park, tinning at a 4." This ordinance shall UM the sum to he the Penoayl- City of Rahway to the Rah war thence southerly along the flection No. 4, at laid down, and ex- l Rll the center feet Immediately « Is Rogers' Lead hag tending easterly 2,116 feet to tlv lug and adoption aa been therefore, West aide Avenue. Be t run" boundary line of WM. A, 8. Said atraaU nr the portlonn : thv liorough ot along the ot Myrtle in Latest Movie T. U C Uy •tistinn nue.nnue and dItTwrnproKtlon £ O»ta4 r»bruary l«Ui.,HI«. ><1 ^uth*rl3' rion« '"• *•*•'»* Boundary line of Woodbrldge Creek; theneTSoutherly A4wrtii* fUnny J8th, If**, s «»hJWi .«»>• Bwouih of Oarteretand the alom WoidbrMge Crwk7o thiPort and March Tth., mo. * boy friend" has a new Wij Mr Roa<1 to HolMe R Irl friend. igund^MlnejnheClt? ofRah^^ y ^^.****** "•" °,' jR* ' w^y^" _S7^B«"'»8 R«»road&; thenR.n^d^w WHtortv j Chart** (Buddy1) Rogers, who has a troddotlon ot this ordinance DUNIOAN. on universal retiown as the screen iJS U"tyO f Mldd1e' 3. Th* public right* arising from |f*weethe»rt ot^Napcy parr oil, Mary the dedication of said .atreets arc released from said %3tlCE OF TAX SALE Fty, will make love to Jean Arthur T «n.?»? 270 fM ordinance shall tak* effect his new all-talking, atarr _TI ratlfST I I, J' ,.-. upon Ita adoption and re, "Half Way to Heaven", which adVtrttMnjMt |« required by law. •-, u." • TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE B. J, DUNIOAN, ' , . .. J'^ Townahip Clerk SECTION 28 Introduced Jthd passed Brut read- ing Uaroh 14th., 19-30. of Taxes of the Townihlp ol Woodorlftge Count* To be advertised , March 14th., sale al'teraooa, Bomp time. MIM Arthur played Thousand (124(ton (Tn'i • tiljuS."" by lot and Mock number aa ahown M the Towdshlo AHHUIMI Man. Mth Clara Bow J, "Tha Saturday 3. ^pj^l ^'or^tt ar,i ,—IJBQAL Jill} f *w»« Itatott tax duplloatejogether with thVTotai a&SHS. iSS KM." recently and won hereby authorlied to be Issued fro lwrc618 of taBd wH1 iOld t0 ltt mttonti for her characterisation* in" time to time, in an amount not o ?" ^ •** » «**w«i»# cliMg«iw« against the s>mt on said Am of 1 puted sai together with lntantt on laid attivaat from said Brat day of July to the data of aa" JiMthe he Canaranary Murder C*se.utae." "The m»exceeBld. 11,the. .m. »m. -..ihn^"™™™™*- ..»""""•* "y..* ?' ... NOTICEOSHBRBB* GIVEN that Stub ta the folli di column Is shown thee estimated payment nqnlfcNqoircttOTtfBlt To Wold ittiatcc. - - • • " - ' ^• 1}•- th__.e . followin... g ordinanc, e passed sec- Mdwn lti8B tn th|r)J r?ft( lng Md WM Ing eight ° " PWM111 M w purc » •» » rat. of Inters, but not leads ln the '— of the Town- March 10th., and K^^^iJ^J^V^±^J^X^:^^2-to the right of Interested parties to redeem wltgl n the time fixed by aw'". ^ m«.,d.n, M^ent, c-n»rmM a«.r that dat. and mi u,«.

    . DUNIGAN, Computed Kitimatod Clerk. to Arnouat AX ^ July 1,1119 to Satiatr Block 3F Lots 31 & 32 Clyde Ave. House 25xl00Ea Alex Cottrelt ; $ 418.06 $ 488.98 To Amend' «n En. " 1181 & 1132 Florida Qroye Road Irregular Ethel Sitnisky : 540.18 566.16 "Why titled, "An thorlzed to execute and tame said' to Ite-wl- 1688 & 1589 JamM St. Just the Klertloh Districts of 25x100$* Ltiigi Scappatucio 179.32 189 87 temporary notes or bonds. , j 1 ho Township «f WooIbrtdge, 1315 & 1316 James St. clta Sabel 208 65 21 4. The entire cost of said lm-' In the County j>f MHdl" 4H 1529 to 1634 Word.f»,Ave. 2&J22!* ^ ^' - »-86 lights Visit Retreat provement payable by the Township Adopted Mar Mnl., 1W81, an 1861 & 1862 Woi-deh'Ave. 26xl00Ea Alex Balint, Jr 57S.64 602 80 under the contract aforesaid shall Amended April 4»th., 1«2« and 1358 to 1858 Wordaa Ave. on Inspection be assessed urJon the lands ln thol May 13th., 1U201 tl 26X100B* John Urbanit : 170.32 188 87 vicinity thereof benefited of in-; Whereas, at the general election 4J 1870 Worden Ave. 2&X100E* Ajex Balint, Jr „ 328.16 31l!08 ex-li<>M In November, 1929, over sl.\ 4J 1375 1376 Lee Ave. 25x100' Adam & Agnes Palmcy 93.42 99.42 hundred votes were cant in one or 1383 tQ 1386 ,,, „ ... 5. This ordinance shall take Lee Ave. 26xlO0B»i' Alex Balint, Jr \ 529^io 555.«i idlcsex Council, No. •»- more election districts In the Town- 867, Knights fect immediately upon Its adoption 1889 & 1390 Lee Ave. 25xlOOEa Hans Thompson 244.86 258 38 Col.lnibuB, motored to WeBt End, flhjp of Woodbrldge and by reason 4L - 1156 & 1156 to Inspect the San Alfonso Re- and advert.,^ as recced by; hw., iheWr thV T^nsh.p ComimTeeT Worden Ave. 26xlOOUa Hans Thompson 122.17 130.17 B. J. DUNIOAN, directed to re-adJuBt thu Townshii) L 40 1393 & 1394 Lee Ave. 25X100B* Grpzeo WrrilTa 179.32 188.87 at Houne. ; township Clerk The private boardwalk and beach, election districts by the controlling iD j 1397 to 1400 Lee Ave»- 25x1 OOBa Vincenzo Ceres 186.84 196,84 Introduced and pasRed nrsl read provisions of an act to regulate the two spacious houses, wereIng March 10th.. 1930. 4P 1468 to 1473 Luther Ave, 25xl00Ba Vjnconzo Ceres ...^rC^.... 373.68 391 ;60 iirned over to the Woodbrldge: elections, being chapter 349 of the To be advertised March 14th. laws of 1920, aV-aupplemented anil 4B 1104 to 1106 Florida Grove Road Irregular Vincenzo Ceres :JS>. 606.67 634.77 arty with Instructions . to make lftSO. and March 21st., 1930. heniHelws at home. , amended. J 5H 181 . Juliette St. Irregular David Hynun TB7.4O 771.70 Be It Ordained by tlie Township 5H 199 & 200 Loretta St. Father Joseph Turner, C.S.S.R. In; —LVAlAl A»>VKKTI8EMRNT— .26x100. George Kogan 97,46 108.64 harge, praised the activity of the Committee of the Township of 17E 256 & 257 Hoy Ave. 26xlOOEa Joseph Dihenes 212,88 228.98 Poodhrldge Club and outlined the Woodbridge, in the County ' of 17H 176 & 177 Hoy Ave; 25xl00Ea "Charles Blitza 882.77 868.44 dvnntases of the retreat, 1 NOTICR tiV HKAItINU ON Middlesex: "A delightfut' stopper" was fotTOwcrt" —l..Tn.e- oirdlnaac* -entitled, - "An 17J 20JL MaxwelLAve, _ ' 25xl00Ea Herman Shore 825.64 860.94 a meeting, at which it develijpeit' Ordinance to Re-adjust the Election 17E 150 & 151 " Hoy Ave. 25x100 Joseph Mat nay. 42L8Q 440,4ft at the local retreat club already NOTICE IS HEREBY RIVEN ths t Districts of the Township of Wood- 17K 152 & 158 Hoy Ave. 25xlOOEa Ned K. Miller 927.93 967.78 sixty members of the one huu- lhe orclu.iiii* iin-i set out, bridge, in the County of Middlesex", 1TL 71 & 72 Hoy Ave. 25xl00Ea Chris Rasmussen t... 1,898.13 1,972.75 < needed to make the retreat on t0 v«<»te. release and extinguish adopted May 23rd., 1921, as amend- iuguHt 30th. and''sist.*"and"septem" tlle vnWic rights In portions of theed April 13th., 1925, and May 13th., 17M 99 & 100 Hamilton Ave. 25xlOOEa Elmer Merrill 772.06 806.91 er jut. . , streets therein described, has been 1929, be and is hereby amended to 17M 104 & 105 Hamilton Ave. 25xlOOEa ^Theodore Ronalder 281.69 294.97 The next meeting of the retreat Introduced and passed on first read- read as follows: 17N 41 & 42 Hamilton Ave. House 26xl00Ea Josephine JUravich -. 272.83 286.84 will be heJd at the Knights of inB by tlie Township Committee of 1. That that part of section 2, of 170 17 & 18 Hamilton Ave. Irregular Louis Hahsen 369.00 887.00 ilumhiw home, Friday. March lhe Township of Woodbrldge, in thesaid ordinance which describes the at 8:30 P. M., following.the County of Middlesex, and said or sixth district second ward, be i7P 5 & 6 Hamilton Ave. Irregular Elmer Merrill 168.21 176.68 nten Services d I nance will be considered at a amended so that Raid description of 18A 37 New Brunswick Ave. House Irregular Grace O'Brien 264.84 276.98 Anyone interested in retreat .meeting of said Committee to be the sixth district, second ward, shall 18A 38 to 41 Hoy Ave, 25x125 Stephen L. Balint : 1,940.38 2,024.84 ,ovfmertt is requested to communi- held al the Memorial Municipal read as follows: 20 ft pf 14 & 25xl50Ea Mary Gajdos 1,767.52 1,840,95 e with the officers. Andrew aJBqlldlng, WrTrfohday, MSKh Z4rlt. ( Beginning at a paint In the east- xn sinond, president; John Btnhorn, 1»3<>. «l 5:30 °'clock ln 'he after- erly boundary line of Tlaritan"Town- New- .Brunswick- Ave. House 45x160 --, Henry Anderson ...TT^---: -7^6.44 798.a8" ce-presldent; George Biltton, noon, ship where the same 1B intersected 136 Commercial Ave. 25x100 Michael, Geo. & Susanne easurer and Lawrence Campion, At said meeting of any adjourn- by tbe Pennsylvania Railroad and Pollock : 162.71 172.11 nient thereof, all persons whose from «ald beginning point running 148 • cretary. llunds will be affected, by said or ieasterly along the Pennsylvania 81C Commercial Ave. 25x100 Mary Gallos 144.40 152.90 E T Dl J D «_ J dinanoe or Who may be interested Railroad te the cehter line of Mid 31C 167 Erin Ave. 25x100 •, City Land & Investment G. L. 1. rUiy rOStpOned j therein, will be slveh an opportunity ,^,leB®3« Avenue; thence northerly and • -> Co. !r 162.85 161.22 • ;to be heard at said meeting. Northeasterly along the center line 31D 185 & 186 Erin Aye. House 26xlOOEa John & Pauline Sopinsky ... 261.52 274.26 "The Heart of a Clown", '4 tlireo Said ordinance is as' follows of Middlesex Avenue to the norther- 31D 195 & 196 New Brunswick Ave. Store Irregular Michael Pollock 489.00 512.84 which was scheduled tu IJI. ly line of block 448; thence easter- 31D 203 & 2M • E^imett Ave. 25xl00Ea John & Pauline Sopinsky ... 261.52' 274.26 by the G. E. T. Club la»t 1 AS OIUHNANCK ly along the northerly line of block 448 and block 449 to tlie Pennsyl- 31E 229 ••1 . •>['' Emmetit Ave. Irregular Michael Pollock 152.67 160.94 at the Congregational church ••W-i V been postponed until a- later Tu VHCHM, .KPIWMM- >Aliil Kv- • •54A 13 New' Bniw»ick. Ave. 25xU)0 Jenttie Herbert .....: 271.69 284.06' ti]i||Ui8h the'I'ubllc ICiKMtH in same; thence soptheastKrly alonn 54A 14 New Brunswick Ave. House 25x100 Joseph Herbert 269.56 271.38' I'oruimn of CIIIUH> .ivt-iiur, Hie northerly line of block 428 to the center line of Chain O'Hills 59A" 266 Ling St. Irregular Mfetuchen Realty Co 280.39 294.67 —h¥AiM, ADVEKTWEMflfrT— Mndiwin AvtMia?, i'ark Avenue, Firth Avenite, lilvuivilmi Ave<- Road; thence easterly along the cen- 59B 230 & 231 Paul,St. 25xl00Ea Anna Nagy 711.59' 743.16 "I iiur, Maple Avenuw, Wt'Ht Side iter line of Chain O'Hills Road to 59B 263 & 264 Ling St, Irregular Julia Olcesky :..... 465.61 485.44 AStiKNSMKNT NOTICU i tlie westerly line of blook 387; Avenue, Leirtx Avenue, laii|K'n 59C & thence southerly along the westerly 157B, 158 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Hint j f*tre.t, Ik-ltfriuU' Nirtret ..ml Hudson IWmlevurtl, ln Hit' 1 line- of block 387 to the northerly 159 , . Ryan St. ; House Irregular C. S. Deppe 1,151.84 «• 1,219.40 ftlie Township Committee of the j line of block 395; thence westerly 59C 180 & 181 New Brunswick Ave. [•Township of Woodbrldge, at a me( Avtnel Park, (i-ftlwi ttan Township; thence northerly 59G 10 &11 Hornsby St. House 25xlOOEa William Deak 352.24 369,70 ot au&eHsments and benefits Incurred ] alonj; the easterly line of Rarltan upon lota and parceU of land ami No. it'.', mid "Map uf -Avenel 59H 1L & 1M New Brunswick Ave. House Irregular Kate Gdldstein 640.61 673.36 I'ark, Section No. A", DttUxl Township to the point or place of real estate by reason of the lmprovu- [beginning. 59H 6 Lang St. House 25x175 Ira R. Crouse 3,567.93 3,706.25 ineuts knowu as:— , . ti'ebi-uAry, liKiO, Made by I«J-> , :> wm anil K(», <'ivil 2. There shall be added to section 137D. .8 ft of 260 Howard Street, Hopelnwnr Paving MMI Dul) FUUJ in the two of said ordinance a new district alt of 261 & aiid Curblog Office ot". kpt>wn us the aecond ward,, eighth ,4 ft of 262 Ford Ave. Irregular "John P. Pctruska ,..„ „ 562.35 586.65.... (.'muiptou Avenue, WouJbrlrtge, district, the following described raving and UurbluK. If It Ordained by the 138C ^ of 91A& territory: 4 -„ Mniinon Avwjue, Fords, Untdin); Committee, of • the Township Of , all 91B Ford Aye. House Irregiriar Elizabeth Lesko 685.42 716.62 Woodbridge, in the • c-)fi Beginning at a'point in'the east- I'uvbig, Uurblng and Houso Con- 'erly boundary line of Rarltan Town- Grant Ave. ' House 75xl50Ba Mary Boll , 1,074:54 1,11«.58 \1 ialdltiHCX * •" 139C 49 to' 51 . 8hi|> wne e the sam e lK Woodland Ave. 75x150 John Hansen '. '. 527.98 562.54 l>ougliw Street, Fords, 'Uradinj; 1. That those portions of tlu'| J' , Intersected 139D 72 r»vliig ahd Curbing 1S9E 39 Grant Aye. 75x150 Daniel Meade - '620.69. 648.80 The purpose of such llieetlng Is. to 139F 82 *' Woodland Ave. 75x150 John Hansen 454.95 477..88 AvenuT {northwesterly and noithdrly among other things, am the easterly line ot Raritan Town- 139H 105 to' 107 (M'ary Ave. 75xl50Ea Bernard M." Gannon l;505.54 1,575.80 bjectton or objections thut\ nw Ueglnniiig at the southerly «i\-| ship (the same being the center lin£ 139J 15 Ford Aye. House Irregular Irat R. Crouse :. J.B84.00- 1,962.07 ffners of property named In, eaiB tremity as .snown on map now op jof- Mutton Hollow Roadt to the file known an Map of Avenel Park, | 142 '5 King George's Road 'House Irregular Clarence Dunham ,...,..„ ,'..... 2,125,62 2,219.98 may pinseut against the con- unnMiei'iv northerly^ line of block 440'; thence Tniuttou of such ugsesHiuenlii, und Section No J. easterly along the. nortlfmiy line of 143 1.0 &.U King George's Road House Irregular Jiftmes Dunham -1,648.67 1,721.10 , ttake such further action as mayapproximately 850 U* block 440; thence" easterly along the King. George's Rcfad House Irregular J'ame^ Dunham ,...'. I 784.99 821.75 deemed prupur, and as right ami Uoulevard. .northerly line oft blocks 440, 441, 80x70Ea .Julius LevirJe & Nathan • a shall require. The repo'ru . Madison 153 • 195 to 197 / Mary Ave. . ' ...j 442J.- 442K,- 443C, ;447PU 447L to i CcAien u. 1,848.54. il,408.14t ve referred to are now on file hi H at the wuthc l5 llm center tine of Middlesex Avenue; office of the-Taw»8hlp Clerk for treuiltilty aas shown on mai' "«*°» 1 Hence seutherly .along the center 154 256 & 257 Fairfleld Ave. 30x70Ea Joseph Kanick .'. i... 239.79 '251.60. imlnatlon by parties Interested M f Atl Pa K 866.58 knou-n as Map of Atenel • Pa. K. . .MlddJe Avenue to the , J54 265 to267 ^airfield Ave. j. 30x7OEas J. Miller ". - 338.74, lerein. • \ N0 1 1 ; f di | VmnSy^n[9 RaWa; thc eafit 80x70Ea 'I^Jrorris & Annie Braun 592.99 621.84 aiuiroxlu.alel',y *• S5.rn0*." tetst" ^t o"HSho Hudson'._,.u i i Sns"ylvantt"Ha"irroadi'thp:n«'*»j. .', ^....sn 1.....J... «_••; 155 ai-0 & 211 Mary'Ave. Hip use H. J. DUNICAN, ^ ^ ^ Pennsylvania Rail- 155 247 to •249 Fairfield Ave. "80x7OEa Amelia Gross 375.92 392,92. •, Township -€l8rk. liuulevard. n-bud to, the point or place-of begln- 30xTOEa Paul. Fecsik 3,67.92 385.66 be advertised March 14th., Avrnuv 1[ 156 133 & 134 Izola Ave. and March 21st., 1930.' lit thu Houthi fly "] 'A. '3ectlon three of said- ordinance 156 137 Izoja Ave. 30x70 John Avemaria 165.25. 1.75.05 treuilty a* shown on mu|i' now 958.62 ,.k | shall \be amended so that the third; |56 160 & 161 ' A Mary Ave. 30x70Ea P^ul Fecsik ?. 912.49 L~LI«JAL ADVKHT18EMKXT— ft((i k-nown ae Hap of Avenel Park, -240.75 1 '159 94 & 95 . I Izola,.Ave. S0x7QEa Abraham Dayidaon • 228.95= Section No. X' extending southerly follows: — I 8Qx70Ea J'obn & July ZoWos 865.70 882.26 N O T 1 t' K apiiroxlmately \ *&0 feet lo Hudao|. Third Ward—I'iJst District 159 de to 98 Izola Ave. NOTICE IS H1CHEBY GIVEN that Bualevard. \ Beginninj; on Staten Island 160 22 to 2!4 Hansen Ave. 28x70Ea JqS Ondrik 818.0" 328,2.0, Township Committee will hold ji Fifth Avenue Suund at the Carteret Line; J60 29 to 35 Hansen Ave. Irregular Jr*n Zoldos 1,109.60 1458.88 etl.ig at the Memorial Municipal UeglimiiiB ut tlie southoily ex- thence uorfhertiyi'lMd northwest- 175B [Maif Ave, House ri 75x160 J. Boelhauer 833.92 871.82 iiK, WoodbifdKe, N. J., uu tremity aa shown on map. now on eilly along said Carteret line to 152 ^ arch 24th., 1934. at S:30 o'clock tile known aa Map of Avii.H'1 Park, Blatr Road; theuco southerly 333 2 Fovdi Aye. House : Irregular Joseph Nagy, 302.4i 316.28 the afternoon, to consider the Section No. 2. extending southerlHudsony along Blair Hoad to where it 346A 1 to6 Ford Ave. I 25xl00Ea Al^x Tobias^ 601.34 626.64 .1 passage of the- following or-' approximately 630 feet to HUOBQH inteyOtelH the center line of 347 2 A Ford Ave, 2.215 acres Joftn Csordas' - 872.24 388.84 nee, at which time and place ob-1 Boulevard * Homestead Aveuuu to the cen- FguLtAve. JLiM »W88 John Csordas •. 186.12v 195.17 Ions, thereto may be presented! l ter line of Asli S'treel,;. thence . 347 »/• 195.17 the southerly along trm.'center llhe 349A fill House t' 60*10^v Richard Dickson .j 186.12 any taxpayer ot the Township.- j .Beginningshown »n map i ow 287.88 .. .- • 197.40 207.04 Woodbrldge Creek twjrer, Jr , 197.40 207.04 Authorize, IUtlfy Mul Con- ' thence'easterly 'along aald Glen- Vove Avenue to Sewaren JVve- 849B Cutter Ave. 60x100 Artio Wblf .: 189.51 > 198.80 • hu the M-ltlng ot *' Contract • 350 /«* to Hudson 862 the Repaying «l OtJfTMe nue, also lwiown as the Old 349B 864 Cutter Ave. 2 Houses 60x100, Hans Theilfoldt T 58Q.83 654.68 tut a Local Improvement Road; thence northerly along 526 4B Fulton St. • -»• Irreirular Catherine Ebner .>. 197.76 208.60 Providing for t|w Tern- Avenue Sewaren Avenue to Central Ave- 920.56. the southerly ex- nue; theace easterly along. Cen- 526 Fulton St. House Irregular Ellis Jacques , 881.44 now u Irregular Stephen Juhas 445.92 , 464.92 tral Avenue and Us easterly 526 ••**.-:-• Fulton St. House prolongation to Staten Island 527 24 to 28 ' Fulton' St. Howe Irregular El«k Fortenbacker ., 2,7€5.71 2.874.27 a extending Sound; tlience • northwesterly .authorlied to" i(*eeute « Section No.» 2, 627 29E • Fulton St. • . Irregular loMph Rachlin 246.72 ' 260.50 fcl Hudson along the Sound to the point or ament with the County of Mid- approximately IA» « place of beginning. . 627 . 29G . Fulton St. . Irreirular Joseph Rachlin 246.86 .259.64 ex for the repavement of Oak Boulevard. 529E Fujton St ', Irregular Joseph Rachlin - ~. 665.85 666.87 Road tu a width ot iorty i*°) Avenue The Third Ward, SJBcond District, Uto 15; t liall read as follows: " 529F 4 , Fulton St. Irrftgulw vFrwiV Pajlp .;....;».,.....—.. »..»< 12Qfii69 Beglmring at a 0t>lnt In St. George 529F 26 Fulton St. House Irregulw Andrew Bartwoy 891.68 , said f Avenue where the same la. Intersect- 542A Main St. House Irregulw Kopper & Klein — 418.77 payment by «M» Township ot m v ed by the Port Reading Railroad and Hi from said beginning polat running 544 88 &84 Main St. House Irregular J. J, Collins •' » -•. 594.57 s* «'»«*« use northerly along the center . line of 656A Grove Ave. House. 40»10tO . S, C. Pew „...: :... 981.89 In addition, the coufcof return. 0 test Jg St. Georges Avenue to the southerly 559 51, 5S; & »8A Grove Ave. _ House Irregular Ella Schendor* ~ ~V~ 667.00 Vi00 boundary line of the City of Ha*, 657 RdQ»evelt-Carteret way; thence .easterly felQBg tbe Avenue , ^ Hoftd th« southerly boundary Hne of the QHy IrrMEulw ArtHur QWmn ,:; *—^.'• 283,81 tha Town»hlp O of .Avenel of E»h*ay to the FMiwyrTwUa B«a tend tug Railroad; tbeuce southerly alone the mprovement of 6»k l 7JS6D 19 ft 20 t t» y -to ""* -'••-"-•'• to tbi Port CarterSt St, Wwterly 107a E. Humphray ...^. Dated March 7th., 1U-, sHHl »MM W Adverted March 7th.( 14th,, 21st, and 28th., 1980. ad41tlo»al paragraph whleh by t^aTowUlhlp to be MMWp4 proxlj»atary. 38«

    t, _ ^ . Ir.M^ ,Kii_ *V THfe WOODBR1DGE FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 By W ALLY BISHOP Urges Sportsmen to Back Public Land Legislation 1 Advocating I ho prompt enactment *(2N0ON!» f of the nlir>ito-W before the Legisla- ture for cntaoliRhlng public hunting w grounds and, fishing waters In New Jersey through an Inergiw in tl» h'untihg llcenw tee., Pish and Game Commissioner George 3. McCarty. of Newfleld. sayn the plan hacinaal fold advantages that should eiiKup tha...attention and support of -art sportsmen. Hunt< rg and fWiermen, now Hlmt out by the posting of many private lands, he says In «4U met appeal to Bportsmen, are de- • in and In K thetrTown game Siinctua- rius, hunting grounds and op«n ftFuams for ashing and he shows how the proposed act proyidt* a means for obtaining them without cost to the general taxpayer, "All land and water In thla state Is privately owned, with the excep- tion of state forests," say* Commis- sioner McCarty. "Most of our L tpmtsmen realize that now practl ?, cally they can hunt and fish only "•" over private property and are liable By PAUL ROBINSON f > to be stopped any day. Already ttiey EHA KEH By the DawnVEarly light have been restricted from hunting ft and fishing on some of the best land and water In the state. While this condition Is more in evidence r . in North Jersey, the posting ot . lands Is spreading In every county. DAO _ "Do you ttuortsmen want this to COMING IN AT THIS continue, eventually resulting in the TIKE IN THE fi closing of all properties- In the THE STCK3ES ARE OPEN- ftate Wf think not. Most posted ING- GEE-TtfAT €1\ISS lund now Is In the control of prl UTTLE STtA A vate clubs and wealthy individuals, many of whom do not even live In New Jersey. "We cannot In fairness ask the mnn who does not own a dog and a gun or fishing rod to contribute an;- thing to remedy'this condition. The gunners and fishermen must furnish the funds and H must bo. done -noon, or it will he too latfi. The present license fee noAV barely, covers our .•• rrreaent expenditures for wardens .',_, flsh ' hatchery, game farms, office ' work and supplies). Your comm eioners serve without Balary or fees of any kind. "We believe that if each of you " gunners and fishermen will contrib- ute through your license 'foe one dollar to the State fund to be used for the purchase or leasing of land nnd water, to bo evenly distributed in every county of the state, that in t\ few years, you can control not orily land ond water enough for your •immediate hunting and fishing but . enn provide for your children places - which none can take away from them. But this pan only be accom GOOFEY MOVIES Bad News ByNEHER " pllshed through your co-operation . and help. "Your Senators and Assemblytnea undoubtedly would be glad to com n'v with requests which they are convinced represent the majority -.., sentiment or sportsmen in thel county. Individually you can do little. The time has come when in WORST EUECTftlO\L .'• every county Sportsmen should get ; together In organization, not only to protect themselves .from lnjurlou - legislation,.: b# -*t. procure-, law that are needed to promote Sport. ITirough such' an organisation, 'also j'our state commissioners could more definitely know your wishes and aid THE ^j our county In promoting fishing '.nd gunning-. For £he' Fish and GOOPEV Game Commission's- constant inter- est Is ,to provide for New Jersey sportsmen now and in the future, opportunitie8 (or more and better hunting and fishing."

    Plans Made for BUT, OJE 1930 Scout Rally 1««. br Central Freu Anociatlon, U)t. and Field Day Plans lor the 1930 Ually and Field Day of the Harltun Council BIG SISTER Those Things Takes. Time Boy Scouts of America, got under By LES FORGRAVE wa; this week in a meeting of the Bpetlul committee qf Scoutleadera '*, .consisting ot H. Clinton Baldwin, if » chairman. Scoutmaster Troop 10 * Perth A in box; Norman Coleman\ as- s[a(ant Scoutmaster, Trbop 6, Perth C3OMMI&! UDOWCKTT Amboy; John T: Tetley, Scoutmas- - ter, Troop 33, Woodbrldge; John ' Parker, assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 91, South Amboy, and Mer- . , rill B. Huber, BdoutmaBter, Troop 82, Carteret: |- The committee has decided that the events this year will consist of the dressing race, fire making by 'flint and steel, fire making by ,bow and drill, knot tying, International .Morse signaling, and water boiling, for these events, one «ntry. from ouch troop in the liaritan Council •oiganizafion may be made-and. from present indications there will be an. tntei)B« interest in this big annuaj eyent. , It liua not been decided whether It will be held in Woodbrldge as In former .years or in Carteret. All Scoutmasters have received copl ot the events and rules,and the mu- £V JQElty of Troops are already prepai- tng for their part In the contests. The date ot the Rally has been But tor May 24th., and It is expected that well over 600 Scouts will be in attendance on this occasion.. HIGH PRESSURE PETE Prepare Diamond More Than a Nickel's Worth (or High School . Baseball Season Baseball practice will start at tin- High School as aoon a» the. diamond is put Into shape, according to Coach Orion Rice. • The field, is full ot iutb on account ot trucks using tfee grounds atf a short cut to the street. As plans titand now Coach Ityoe hopes to be ab.t,e to start work $V un a barrloade aryl a back atop by tl^t first of next week. New etjulp- mOTt, iocluding bats, balls, miU and iuask«; is also expected n»xX w«k. Although Coaoh RUse has. n«i is- 1 any call for candidates, he n- a to nave many new men «om# th# gftmti •* Mm U several ers who *eow. •<» last' y«rn which iMiaA4\' Dlmock

    "Paulton, Olos, THE WOODKniMSfJBK i LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1930 P«fte Seven LEADER SPORTS

    Competition Keen HORSE DEALER A f SORDS POINTS By $4,000 FOR ANIMAL in "Inter-class" Dlmock g 20 Daypr „ g Bad Flippers Now Beharing (or Glenn and Gabby l.KXINGTON, Ky.—Eastern denl- Claims Township li era paid things™»toad last G. F. •1'. for the promising show *eldtn*. WoodnrldKe A C d^.tVrf t£> evening, tli* Juniors Were ahead 18 7 4.t; 1 11 01 A C - with threo wlnB and no losses. The li 2 so: w'TiSSlilS HSSS'S" . WSSEC A A.. *, W'SIJS 9 20; seniors won two names and lost ono, 2 bon Star, a san of Rourbon Kins t^ to 28 - tlio nophutnoreB won two games and . 3 0 and out of a mare hy Montgomery lost one and the freshiiien did not 2 2 lipnter, brought the top priw. ' The two teams, played on even In any and lost three. Montague _ ...„ 2 i S IIAI.I...... J 'twmit throughout the first half of In the drat rounds at the bo^ln- ". - 48 15 111 nlng of the week, the sophomores t»-Ht the freshmen, 23-3, the JunloiV , suddenly turned seon-r. Or- pod -the seniors beat the froBh, Nelson ,..^._ o rln (irinu gave a fine exhibition ot Bt-19. *- . M, Sherrann 0 1 play, consistently outjumptng The Individual scoring by mem- , 25 Season With Win upponent, "FtMoes" He«nan, (continued on page eight) former St. Mary't and Industrial ii-aguo sUr, Jimmy "Moon" Mul- Over Merck Team •ling starred tor th« -losers with 10 ——— nolnts to his credit. His paaalng Desptte an unsuccessful m-unon, watt snappy and his shooting wu ac- the Steel Equipment A. C. banket- curate. bait team made a "grand slam1'in with 15 victories t6 Iti eredit, the ltd last game of the season by d<» Woudbrldge A. C, believes that It is fuilin^ the Mercka A. C, 29 to 23, entitled to olaim the Woodbridfe Civic League Banquet last Monday evening »t the Rahway Township basketball honors. To- Y M, C. A, morrow evening, the "Red DerUl" A meeting of leaders in the Civic Bowling League will be As usual, Pomeroy,-of the 8ec«j, will -tmrel to Bridgeport, Couft,, held at the Woodbridge Fire House, on Sunday, March 23rd. came to the front Jiith six field where they will play the Btate Tr* goals and one foul goal to his credit. School, the Connecticut Bt*te cham- ke plans for a league banquet and prizes to be awarded J. Thomas, the centar, was secotid ptunshtp team. at that event. Awards wilt be made to high teams and individ- highest scorer when He tallied four The line-up; *-•"— baskets and two foul shots. Mooney, Womlbvldge At C. ual high scorers. . . the forward on the Merck team was, The banquet #iH.inark-the wind-up ot what Jiaa proved a consistently good shot. He shot fttQ^rjU (. four baskets without rewivlng much jaeeer f be the most successful bowling league ever started in the aid from his team mates. Gerns' c DWnship. Its success has been due to proper leadership and The game was fast and full of i>eter8on e snappy passing." Only one substitute ' spirit of sportsmanship of each team. * was used by the local team, while There is still talk of matching the, five highest scorers of their opponents dtd not use any. The line-up: ':• Township against the picked teams of Perth Amboy and Equipment A. C. ther nearby towns for a county championship roll-off. Wood- O. P. P. Pomeroy, f bridge's quintgt would have an excellent chance of coppmg the orey, f. Bounty title. J. Thomas, c. _ E. Thomas, g. Messlck, g*. Mtefe, g Cwk LetgwRwuluTbii Week In; OUTDOORS Three Promising Fighters Woodbridce Umu Wear Bearcats' Colors Hnuka T. Sullivan „/-,. Mooney, f. Tralnor M. KMeen A "Regular Gay" Three promising fighters are wearing thq colors of the Bear- ^wick. f. .. Demarest and J. Oaeelola. HMWWJ J. Keating •Never judge a horse by Its color, us what a One tJVwcli of - —slackers [Brandt, c. . . Ryan J. EtQhorn cat A. ; C.,V of Woodbrtdge. nor a hunting dog by its looks, and,we are; he rustle's the firewood, and They areV«e Mandell, feather- Comboy, g. too Much Htgen . H. Nedfr Mother—"Why 4id you Btrtfce Peterson tlZ' you'll never go, -wrong. Some of the/ gets everything ready for supper, be- weight, "thei fighting .wop"; "KIOB, g M. Setanbert roughest and* toughest ot us havf I fore he* wets a leader. He's one Young Gilbert, a welter, who Is your little slater)" ' J. Powers _ Ideals that no one would suspect.!swell guy. training faithfully tor a ring 11 X 23 Young Bobby — "Well, w« were playing Adam and Eve, and instead We ran across a stranger In a tackle ..An. the funny j»rt ot it is, he career, and "Kid" Fancho, who Referee, Drake. Time ot quar •tore the otku>r~i»y *nd» the mer-] . j^jy u theflsh he catches, packs a wallop in. both mits. ters, 8 minutes. of tempting me with the apple, she f gIv e8 a ate it- herself." — Vanoouver Prov- chant asked our opinion on a cer-jIt may ^ t Wtf )n the party that WlHIQinil^ tain trout rod of well known make. . n day. Of it may Re«d The leader Regularly. Read Hie Leader Regularly ince. Bin horn hftan t had a wte a In the course of the conversation, be a neighbor. I know he's caught SohwarU _ McCann , g some flsh In his day, but I ain't Levi the hard-boiled gent referred to' some Naf lor _.- feveral al hhi a friendds In the anglin- l g-„„,„ neve.r ^^a a photograph of any. You SlmoDsen fraternityfraternity , and it wags JnteresttnJtett g totoi ^now/he's got the rest of the gang hear his comments on their respec-!^, that ,f the flsh are biting at all, tive sportsmanship. . - 1 they'll put back anything under Finally, In speaking- of one he eight inches." said "THERE'S A REGULAR GUY; And" right here we want to cal bcilevfl rae that guy's a F1SHBR- attention to the value of getting,, a Cannan MAN,"what I mean." Our tntere8t*"0™j"*^ample! If there are enough P. Elnhorn „..„.., 14« 170" 147 was aroused, especially since he W jimmies, the fish-hoga will dlsap TWO Selssel 142 Larson C McCann 181 179 nounced the word "flsherman'W as pear (rom the streams^, because Larson Aaro« -~ 153 140 126 though he were bestowiilg a great thev-n ^ a8hamed to bring home a • '9. Osborne — 128 139 191 compllm«nt, such as one might, in creel fU]rof six inch baby trout. 843 97'J'.Al- Slmonsen ....„_, 163 222 191 rspeaklng of Ja^k 'Dempcey, Babe — j Ruth or Helen Wills. 850 73; i We repeat, as closely as-possible, Burning Words MEW American Legion , 771 F. WHfteridge _...:..- 140 M&« UK « I what our roughneck friend .mea,n8, Dr. FranF k VIzetellyy,, g Si.)1 Fords Lkoas hy ,"a .regular guy and a fleh*r- is busy dickering with Al Smith am \y, Messlck - — l«». »&9 134 L liltte — - 1*1 «7 160 C. A. Larson —— 110 133 man." Others raay have said the Nathan Haakell Dole on the ques- 141 103 j. Silas - - H» 16* ~143,H. Peterson 107 same thing in g«p»tler words, but not' tion" of the proper pronunciation ol 136 1S4 more sincerely, said he: the radio. There is a third party, A. Baggec - 148 ;1«6 1S9JW. Little - 114 I "Jim Is; the kind of a guy who' congiBting mainly of wives who be- 740 796 792' 331 409 42J makes you feel good, Just to have|Ueve that wimt their husbandB call .him along on al trip. Say, he never jt when jt-sou t Of order Is more iui- squawks, It may rain like hell, and; prOt)er than either of the others.— jthe rest of u* .will be cusslii' our Bostdn Herald. luck, but not Jjuuny, He's always _; . duin' sor/ thin' fer somebody else. | ^m^m^.^^^ Those FamousBoners lit may be flxln' a tusted wlndln' ou • irt rod, or 4iggin' -worms for the kids. Buck Herzog, Now Athletic Passenger Agent, Was ,Or else he's takln'off time cleanln', thu Hpark plugs dn somebody else's Teammate of Merkle, Snodgrass, Zimmerman 1 I car while the refet of us are flshln Keep in the Btream, and—say—is that by NOItMAN K. IHIOW.N ! auy a fisherman. . . . ? with added improvements 'K-SM Sports Writer j "Ht can cast a fly *s-pretty au any guy Tve ever seen. I . never 1 u o Fit! yes, every bast-'tyill f* *li j cared much" for the fly racket;. but was wearing lunn imuls wlijin| I've tried It. Wtveu they're not .j ' country" went dry remciiibt-rn. I takin' the fly, Jhnmy'll iftit on a Regular exercise and red N(erkle'8 bonehead ylay 1 i worm. He alnt got no high and 1HT5 TWO NEW'HOOVEBS off(?r yjilues in 1 fancy ideas about sport. DoeB he healthful recreation And" Fred BnodgraaB' famous |30,-j 'get fish? Well, buddy, to tell you DO mud, , ' the honest truth he don't always get will keep you physi- electric cleaning efficiency never before fAnd Heinle Zimmerman's grout! HH njany flah as the rest of us, and (ice utter Eddie Culliim. I 1 never got wise to why he always cally and mentally equaled. ' • • ^They stuud out as the prise boners | had lust one' or two big flsh, while "on your toes" bubeball. l the rest of us had a flock of little ones. Then one day I watches hiuU MODEL 725 shows an increase in efficiency over its predecessor of 25%! »Uut wl4 waB the one player who, from behind a bush, and Bees himj .-_ through all three of these mo- put a ten iuch rainbow back in the pnts an a member of the teaiu that drink. BOWLING Tered us u result ot tUe mistakes t MODEL 575, which replaces the popular pric«J.Hoover, offers a great in- FBuck Heizog la that man. I " 'Hey,' I yellp, and startles hiir is the ideal indoor |"When anybody starts digging u»>i ao hu damn' near fell into- the] crease in efficiency, and additional improvements which include a hall- Ei past on me," says Buck, "they drink. 'What's the big idee putting sport for men and me credit for having played l»j that swell rainbow back.' The poorj bearing motor. Both Hoover* have reflnemenU never hefore available, world series. They tell how 1, sap just kinda smiles, and says, /He and women of all ages the Job ot managing Clnc|nna-| wasn't big enough to use for bait.' in similar Hoover models. along with a doxen other fellows, "Well, that's the kind of a guy got out alive. Jimmy is. He never puts on airs about what a swell sportsman he is, 1 PERTH AMBOY 'But they forget that when Fred .YET, with all this important increase in^irt-remoyln.g capacity and with kle fulled Jm touch second — 1 like you read in. these here, maga-| there. aim's, but believe me, oe's got It over a lot of tNse fellers that write RECttEATION the new conveniences, thetw two, new Hoovers sell for tho same pric« «s "That when Fred Snodgruss about It. " . I 't catch it—I WBB there. | ut It. . when Helnte ZimmeruiHii I never seen Jimmy hurry to get: "Where th« l.udles Bowl" earhW models. TV terms also are the *apie—only $5 down, the balance the foot race to home plate into the stream, either. Now us monthly, with a liberal allowance for your uld cleaner. Edti)e other guys, as soon as we hit the MAUKBT, MAW80N old camplji1 grounds, we rig up and I'And seeing the money inakB a bee-line fer the river. Not . |y every tlme^ ' JUmmy He puts up the tent, telltn' A DEMONSTRATION or home trial of either model may be had on rermest Vhen they start talking eball bone iilayi, imagine the , I get out ot it," says the olu without incurring an obligation to purchase tfonal league Inflelder. lick has been out of baseball tui' years now but is still follow- lie activities of the ball tossers. Dorsey Motors er he is directing 8om« of their nents. For Heriog has the INCORPORATED of General Athletic Passenger the nVst Juu|P a of a welt-known iftilrWd. His the country, PVBLIC SEHVIC place him In ch»rtt of- han- southern to route all the itln»rarte«. t>l baseball "And with a chunoe AUVHORU^O B football teams., w»4 crowds ilia unlplri' . during "" th* prttbodUs of ' "" son, on frelBht trains 1 giw be>t r«i#rvation» we have, Buck, WWoh shows tBat ••'J tut WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, MARCH U, 1030 SStfht ,„, September is ln,, Two C«« Deitroyed In book 758 of Deeds, page s77 "" M Woodbridge of the following a« „ UBcrCT* amonnthn to amiimi mately 1*1.100. thoriwd Isaues;— _mIll in Gartfe BU Irene! Marksmen Flowers Indispensable to Well ,„! General Improve™ nt i Together with all and MnKuim Rev. C. A. Morrow, Faator Bonds, $555,000^00 dafd the April 1, 1930, due April Show Up Well in 10:30 A. M. Sunday School. Appointed Home, Says Dealer 1 1933 11:30 A. M. Morning Worship. Cb) Tax Title lloflds. $250.- Service* at the Avenel Sehoolooute. The.display room at Baununn «, "Pew of us are BO poor that we 000.00, dated April 1, First Competition 7:15 P. M. Christian Bndeavur. 19JO, due April l. I"33 Christmas well known Railway florists, u a cannot afford to have flowers or 8:00 F. M Special Home kind the. year around,' write* (c) Tax Anticipation Bonds, The Avenel Hiflf Club was de-service. busy plaee theae dsys aa the urge Mr. Baumann. "Olv^n the proper $100,000.00. dated April feated In Its first small bore compe- of spring brings increased demands CMTe potted' plants and growing 1 1930, due Mar. 31, tition last Friday evening, when ' for ffowerg of every description. Tus flowering plants will become a tiling 1991 they net th« Maplewood Rifle Club, (PORT READING) most popular at this time of tlio of beauty and Joy. They give u All of the bonds will be coupo, of Kant Orange, at thp letter's gal- year, W course, ar» the spring toueb of life and gayetyto tne home It ry. Despite thp fart that the .blooms, such as daffodils, tulips, and even In winter time, and diffuse an ' Maplewood club ha» an experienced | narcissus. These are grown In tho atmosphere of abrtag, during that SHERIFF'S SALE tea in and that It .wss thS" drst com- r». A, Papp A lift. A.vMka, iiaslm I Baumann hot-houses ID a prolusion Joyful season when the CUCDIITVC SALE petitive match (or the local team. • A. M.-^-8anaar*Mor«W>t Mass. ; of variations, and la color schemes staru to »wakes, d IN CHANCERY OF NEW JII, the victors won by only « margin that will blend delightfully with: "flowers arft so beautiful, an,l P^P? " {JjSld% National ,N CHANCERY OF NEW 1 P. M— Vesfsn. the decorations ot the hostess. jhave such a ttfneftdal InHuense on »»>t« *tbe .WoodBrio?e ^ >.> <- * . yoitwe anew <> - of In prone shooting. A 76-foot nai- ld Ar- ant and Charles Chapim, .1,. 1 Oar Lady of f MM people are realising that flowers no «•• should regard them as-an f" n5^1| .tindard of ««Bl'» lery target was used, A return shoot are essential to the well appointed occasional luiury* 'he Present standarinaarda omji »«-•».•*_" • •;• , als., Defendant!. Fl t» r.,, will be held In about two weeks, (FORDS) home, not only for festive occasions,! "Not only as~ decorations In our fineness.« The bondbonds will bear In of mortgated premises rial. •nrticitlni'ly doacrlbed, situate, 'and being ln the Township of \\ E. Obropta 73 74 'clock mass. Council, Boy Scouts of America, Io f RulBel.., diversity and New, provement bonds will, and being in the Township of ' I bridge in the County of Mi.i.i _i held this week, it was decided that j€raey iMW School. » "former mem bids therefor are bridge, In the County of > •and Slate of New Jersey. and Stute of New Jersey, 532 822 the 1930 campaign for the Boy her on the Rutgera debatlnp team t* the bidder or bidders nun I Being known and denl.un.i'. St. Anthonfi Scout movement In this territory no\ 1 by property entitled "Woodi 1 lU'v. C. Oalassl, would he conducted for one wllh the westwily «lde of P. N. O'Hare before the members of the Wood,.™- .amoun t -necessar y- to be , lake Lawns, situated ia 31 86 'from April 24 to May 1, inclusive. street and running from 88 80 bridge Lion's Club, at a meeting the sale of. such Issue andot dlesex Counly, New Jertay. \hu C. Hick Church on v^oodbridge Avenue. Howard W. Thorn, of Carteret, (1) southerly and along said C. O'Hare !)7 held Monday evaaint; nt' the Crafts- therefor the.least j.niount 1911," Property of the Bache H U Masses-at 6:30 A. M. and 9:30 A. M. •••--•• issue i»nd if two - Hyan Street. 100 feet to a polnl; B. Demarest 89 90 Co., 220 Broadway, NeW Y«riu Sunday morning. and vice presidents, Ray C. Tyrrell, Professor Kasi declared that edu- bidders offer to take tin' MI theiice (2) westerly itud parallel ti C. Smith _-_ 95 90 Evening 3ervlce, 7:46 P. M. of Woodbridge, L. L. Russell, 0; should touch the students amount of bonds of the saw ss Being the same prefliineH P. J. O'Hare ..... Parlin; Henry McCullough, of.Pertli how live. Borne teachers have then the bonds of that issue v.-i\\ J. t\ Michael », - 98 thence |3) northerly and deed from Cllflord E. Shipnum Amboy, together with Dr. Charlet _Jseipl|ne over their students sold to the bidder or bidder with the first describe*1 F. O'Hare ..:.._ 8« W. Naulty, of Pferth Amboy, consti- becsnse they in furn are disciplined ing to pay the highest fldi ux.. bearing date May 11. l!)2s 10. w0 fee,v~t .t .o- _ point on mil!recorded In Book 920, page 2:,?, 5d«1lfM. tute a committee to make arrange br school officials higher up. In price. The tax title and lax ' [Noi "w BBrunswick Avenue; thence (4i this way the teachers suppress the pallon bonds will be ™M 1 Decrees amounting to SEWARBN : ments for the campaign.. and along said New Ilrunr I Because ot the phenomenal in natural aueetloninf: instinct of their bidder offering the east cre \ Branch of The Mother Church, I *se in the growth of the Boyotm'.ls. Professor Kass eald that .rate expressed in multiples of 1/1" "chrfst Scout work in this territory durfnt in of one per centum. If however one Competition Keen ! The First Chflrch of tt.tnte -,„ DP,ng aUBCked Scientist, in Boston, Mass. ',tne past year, 'the Efecfftive Bosnt gome 0, the jMdi higher educa:mor;moree b bidderi s offer Sunday Service—11:00 A. M. :has set up an objective of |la,SO<' tlpM, in.tlUHons Thee only remedy irate then the biddebidd r who offers I to meet the expenses of the -Scout- h f <.on\& BU ggestt waalgrtatesaalgrtatestt additionaadditionall premiupremiumm shalshall be Sunday School—S:JO A, M. 1 thst lhe in "Inter-cla$s" Wednesday Testimony Meeting — j'n8 program In -addition to the i-00 P M ' maintenance of a headquarter*! ot- Court Tourney I Thursday Readkg Room — ?:00 ^. » l"ge proportion of this n:r u> r>:00 P. M. i money will be used for the opera (continued from page 7) LtlonplCamp Burton.-at AUahefoir Announcement was made the Scouto of ifielTarlUn C«n9t~.fttam~wijl be no Li.ns Club Kreshmen OarRtdtemer for the operation of elementary and lag next Monday evening. Instead days from the.award thereof, they will entertain the members of [right is reserved to reject all bids, i ~ I'redmore 3 (FO|tD8) courses, and the budget will also the Rotary Club Wednesday evening j Proposals should be addressed to » Baka 8 Si Rev. A. L. KrejrllnfE, pMtor provide for the numerous badges when Judge .Harold Pickersglll, of,the undersigned Clerk ef the Town- Casey 2 ___ s scouts at the « h ship of Woodbridgf, New Jersey., 1 Evangelical Lutheran, Fords Ave-, C°urU of Honor and at least 12,500 'sad endofed in a sealed envelopi ; J. Lee of thu money |B t0 put 48llle Markas 0 sue and Fourth Street. ^ •" _i,HGAL ^"VERTISBMBNT— .marked on the outside "I'roposii'.-i j 8:30 A. M—9unday School. a 8P«cl»> fund to •» **AtsA t0 *** I for Bond". Bidders must at th.'] an 9 0 OC 10:45 A. M—Monlng Worship. I ^ * Roessler Memorial Fund of NOTICKOF SALE I time of making their bids deposit O t.1 I »!r,000, which was made to the Rarl- a certified check for 2, oi the fact- Insurance 9555,000.00 OBKBRAL IMPROVE-'amount of the bonds bid for, drawn WOMEN MAKE POPPIES Roessler In memory in her husband. MnfT-BOKDS upon as incorporated bank or trust Representing L CHURCH NEWS for the pur-9290,000100 TAX TIT1.K • BONDS'company to the order of the Tonn- Life, Fire, Burglary, Aflcldem Private Sales, Appraisals. Ex- •?-*—• — • (Continued from Page S> FOR MEMORIAL DAY SALE; 1^0^ permaoent camp site »100,000.0« TAX ' ANTiriPATK)* ship of Woodbrld^s, in the County and Health, Teams. Boilers, money for thb BONDS !of MiddVesex, to secure thp Town- pert Testimony, Mortgage as soon »B enough Loans, Buslnesa Brokerage, Druggists', Employes', Land- Troop No. 33, Boy Scouts, meets I Over three hundred poppies werf • special project has been collected. of the | ship against any'loss resulting from by the Woman's Auxiliary of, Since 1926, the Boy Scout mem- TOWNSHIP. OF WOODBRIDGE, 'a failure of the bidder to comply Economical Management of lords', and Contractors' Liabil- tn the Parish House every Frldsy Property a Specialty ity, Marine, Tourist, Salesmen evening at 7:15 o'clock. r Woodbridge Post, of the American bershlp of the Raritan Council, nan NEW JERSEY I with the terms of his bid and thaj Legion for their annual memorial'. increased from 312 to over 750 Sealed proposals will be received; requirements of this notice. and Transit Insurance, Auto- pp The snecessful bidder will be fur- poppy sale at a special meeting helil Scouts, who are now registered and by the Township Committee of the mobile Fire and Liability Com- fnYhe tegion room of the Memorial!In good standing In the Council's 27 T0W"nghjp of Woodbridge IIn ththe j Inished with the appfoylng &i.lt:ion Bonds ft Mortgages panies and Plate Glass Building, Monday evening. Monday Troops. The Rarltan Council is one county of Middlesex, New Jersey, at of Messrs. Caldwell tc Raymond, oft (ISELIN) evening, another meeting for the: of the most efflcienfCouncils ln New the Memorial Municipal Building,,New York City, as to legality, WooAridge same purpose will be held at the!Jersey , according to statement* woodbridge, Neai Jersey, until B.. J. DUNIGANDUNIGN. i 93 Main Street Telephone 283 Township Oeri Ret. B. C. Ortflen, pastor home of Mrs. Harold Whitaker, of \ made by officials of the JJational Monday, March 24. 1980, at 3:S0 G^iRITY BUILDING Valentine place. 1 Council. M., when said, proposals' wilt le', Dated March 13, 1930. 14th Church on Oak Tree Road. Mass opene~r.'ned for the purchase at not leslesss ' To be advertised March at 10 A. M. 8unday moroini- It ad The Leader Read The |jeader ftcjp tart y thah n par of bondbd ^ oft thth e TownshiThipp 19301930 , aand dMaWi ?l3t,, 17S0. :ixxxxxxxxxixiixiixxxxxiiiiiiiixi^^


    c M Williiiui I o\ i They won t million dolkn oo M the English Derby-and then bt$i H SUNDAY, MONDAY, MARCH 16 -• 17 it hot for Parii and a hoc time! M H Dirtcttd by tbi m*» wfr* H HER FIRST TALKING PICTURE 6 M THAT H « CURTAIN Joan Crawford H Vox m oriel one H jtll talk inn , M IN H Yard H M mystery M Warner and Lois H M BAXTER MORAN M UNTAMED M SATURDAY, MARCH 15 - ONLY H H TUESDAY ONLY! ! -MARCH 18 M CHARLES H M M BUDDY' ROGERS M RICHARD DIX H IN M timtntuing bit uthiytd M IN advntum witb H riFI LOtSAV CL CDCNDCI H H HALF WAY M*rj »»d dmttit* \y CACUL WAiSH M l itmg) »« Wtlur Dtasldt** mud BJgsr Lulu M H WILLIAM POX M THE LOVE 1 TO HEAVEN Bigger and Better Than "THE COCK-EYED WORLD ' M

    ' .T.. - - - • i - . . i . •- . _ ' ' • ' " " ' ••'•'-" 1st. Chapter Serial ATTRACTlOliT 'I Ui( l| • '-'4