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VTT1 GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO ! ! GRADE CROSSWfiS E DBRIDGE LEADER MUST^GO ! i AN INDBiPE^DiiKT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN TOE JNTEKEST OF WOODURIDGE TOWNSHIP fWENTY-FJRST YEAB Woodbridge, N. J., Friday Afternoon, March 14, 1930 THREE CENTS PER ,,.- (- "tnil o< Bkod ..- . almost two years me man wno w». m ,„ —, , STATION Have with a youne *r*tl" because of his inMadtd . H Sottkcrn Banquet man 30 yearn to Europe. ''And then It m4dAI» old. He la • came to him that he did not HAVB Dempsey Knocked Out I to go if it worriatf-hlm — ao-Jw The twang-twang of a guitar, fine man 'In ana ththee liraHau aroma of every way, hut 1. didn't. ' roartlng chicken emanated from Former Champ Ea»y Setup in Snappy Drawing Boat With Catholic, and 1 You don't TTITtf >• tmm till ' the home of Lee Harris col- am a sister ot one, and 1 think it w<Hild IM .Well fof ROADGASTING ored, 43> and Angelo Martinet, Woodbridge leader Comic Strip Artists Ihi' Eastern 8Ur vnii to wilt until you are sure yo» iJltat *?*' pn Almon avenue, lodge. lovf mrmeone enough to that , IHtt- [the Literary Digest Poll on Pr»- W^Sbrldge, on Wednesday "HP wys In' ier<t of religion and finances won't " tlon shows th« following prc- linna me dourly matter BO much. Inary figures for; the sovereign lie laty dronp of pUntatlon and ran Hive irt To inairy a man whose religion i of New Jersey; Mies could be heard, as o, good homo, ill Item from yrfurs requires" lote, Enforcement 1,742 *™5*' Martinez; and their I became e n tolerance and understanding. To marry a man who has little Modlflcntion „ 3,644 guetf, George Itobles, 80, also to him. ul- 1 nil Hi requires the same qualities Repeal : ..; :f 6,66<) ^pjUfed, reclined- &t ease in- an- ticipation of the feast. " doubt at tli» blned with a willingness aad aMiity 1 ballots counted to date 11,030 rl to economic - and sate and' to We • • • , L»dy Ihick seemed to roost lime. h , "Three wwl(» i n • i • » ^ happy *a a Uttta. Your oaa» la aJa* Ernest H, Cberrlngtoji, L.L.D., on***.. ronW, a,,a t|1B duaky )] trio.were atl set for a chicken n»o I met a viROINl'T-KB complicated by your dear hoy. You D., head of the educational de- d young mmi of 2!i much nunf my certainly would not be happy if roo nent of the Anti-Saloon League, ulniwr, wliou in walked none IS other than Capt. of DcteetlveB type. Hut he dues not have-any- married a man who would not be a [sending out a pamphlet, adviBlm; thing pscept IIIH car and his pay kind, good father to him. dry* not to vote In the Literal y JaineH Walili ..ml name Ser- geant Henjariiln Parsons, repre- rlieok. wlilrli IH not us huue us My advice Is to WAIT until yon felt Poll. the other innn's. He ne«>nis will- are sure you love some one wrong* it ret.dt>, in part; senting the law of the Town-' .aUU^ Qf WoodbridK«, mid the ing to work. He wants me to to marry them under any clceuiu> '"The small fraction of drys who ..1 nive up mv flnnre. Whal la your stances. Inclined to vote Bhould not doj property rights of Mrs. George for by »o doing they will merely l Mitchell, a resident, of Almon the semblance if a real contesi | avenue. he poll. j "OW had followed a Beat- M. E. SUNDAY SCHOOL PERSONALS [Evidently those wh/> are respon- ! ter* trail ot blood which led* froflr Mrs. Mitchell's chicken PLANS SPRING PLAY Miss Rosemary Matthews, physi- e for the Literary Digest POIIH cal training teacher, at WmulbridRe ACSAINST PROHIBITION." coop to the scene of the Bouth- Is the title (it High School, resumed her dutlw Jllice Judge Vogel Imposed P. mornlnK ftftpj" being ill at sentence of' Jo days In the the play to he «lveu wortnouse on all three, whose Sunday School Hoard ot the Method- her only, regret was that the 'law ist church. Mrs. A. H. Ilernen and Miss Marion Love, of had interfered with their plans I'. H. Locker were chosen as a com-attended the. convention of Harpt baton they had time to eat the mittee to chose the cast und date of Beauticians" at Commodore. Hotel, ohlofcms. the performance. New York City, Monday. Tbe next meeting of the Hard Mrs. John H Love, of Green R«v. James K. Shields, state , •intendent of the Anti-Saloon will bo held Tuesday evening, April street. Is recoverliiK from her recent elor New Jersey, writes as fol- i: A WloTtlALE ,i- SehnoiiovcrI&lli,, ul th. e home of MIHS Evelyn operation at I In- Hahway Memorial 1 Hospital.' Mrs. William Howe, of I agr,ee that these multitudinous, Mr. and " olal referenduras are nothing i:: Rldgedale avenue, entertained l|lu than stuffed rabbits pnt out ROUND - UP OF St. James' Sodality Cake Anna Klmblall, ol - Ikrnardtrille drys to chaw, or as wet Sale Tomorrow over the week-end. agamla, and the majority or I>einfia«y trjin to show up WfMHlbrldKe I.ead<-r Miss Muriel Berry, of Manhattan aw worked by an unseen, me- MOTORISTS K 1H shown at drawing avenue, Avenel, is ill at her ~n"bK<\'' board with left U) rlKh«: 1*« Stiuik-y, »(Md Home T<.«n sal device w«ll oiled, Jack Honih, sports cartooniat; CB The Sodality of 8t. James' church Mrs. Asher FltiRandolph, of Rail- u"^ ..I'****'• "•' <"""'•<'«>'•; I'.^l Xehor, "(Joofey Mml wijl liold a s^le of home made caki's, is a great advertising stunt ttally UiHhop, crwitor ot "MUBKH Mtii , , Wlllinm Hitt, sports writer, and way avenue and Mrs. Charles Sles>- the Digest, so what does it mat-Nineteen Herded Into Police Inset IH iliiiwjng nuulc by lleuipwy. • pies and hnad tomorrow from 2 tosel, of Avenel,'attended the Wom- which cause suffers." JACK DEMP^KY, Rreatest drawing card t,h» : 8 o'clock in tho auditorium of Stan'. s Club Presidents' tea, Tuesday, Court by State Motor Ve- turc reproduced here. He nald It wan a pic- JaineB1 School. Miss Susan Murpliv J ring hug erer seen, has tried to out-draw the ture of a girl. You' judse for yourself what It at the home.' of MrB. George Fergu- Woodbridge Leader's "Central Press " cartoon- Ar und (Miss Adele Kenna, are the coni- son, Third District rice president, hicle Inspectors. looks like. mitted in charge of the sale. ists and failed! nd at ABbury Park. Nineteen auloinoblle drivers w«r The lnk-and-paper hput between Jack and After Jack finished, the artists came out of > Miss Martha Sprague and MUa summoned to court last evening as the funny nfen «nded in the llrst round with their corner full of ftflit. Pens Hashed right —PERSONAL^— Wllhelmlna Bjorsen, will represent the result of a drive madi' on March tne former heavyweight champion flat on the and left, with Ink splashing all over the place. ' the, Methodist Episcopal Sunday 6th,, on New Ilrunswlck avenue, drawing board, llfcke.d to a 1'razzle. Wally Bishop led with his favorite punch, tho J Miss Ruth Erb, history teacher School at a conference of religion* Fords, by Deputy Chief Motor Ve Muugs McGinnls special, t'red Neher put over it-" at the local High School, has re- education to be held In Highland |il«rry Monaghan, former Leader It was a one-round • knoclcout. jack didn't n sumed her duties after a two weeks' Park today and tomorrowv hlele Innpectoi- Frank E. Snyder, o have a chance. a volley of Goofey Movie characters, Jack •ter, is happily married, at Newark,' assisted by Inspectors Em! Sords socktd home a couple of hot sport car- >n illness. * L Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelly, ot-' Ct. — Midler, Roger Hart, Joseph McCubr A great admirer M those famous comic char- toons and then Lee Stanley clinched things with ; Miss •Anna Stanlck. of Leone Ell«abeth, were ttie guests of Mrs. owner of Woodbridge Theatre, Allkert Dorfma^, Albert Fowllo and icters, Muggs McQinnis, the Ooofvy Gang, Mar- •the-Old Home Town attack. Jack fairly- reehid s; street, has returned rrotn the Kah- Kelly's mother, Mrs. Ell* Wheelet. |proud father of son, arrived TUPH- Jasper CumtnJnga, ^ shal Otey Walker, Sigh Pressure ,Pete and the under the barrage of talent. The groat Demp- es. way Hospital, where she underwent of Rldgedalg e avenue, last Sunday. \\ . — Doc Coot revived his old rest. Jack has alway*'secretly believed that he sey was "out on his feet." to an operation. * C. C. Mitchell, of Cdlonla, has re-V .* .!,„ n i, » ., UI.UI A Mo9t of *• drivers received « ar Theakl m H h nd himself wasn't luch a set-up when It came to 98' Mr, and MrB, Julian Grow, ofturned h.ome after a vucatlon in\ i im?£ .^' 8 '» : suspended fwatwcft trom Judge U. drawing tbtnje. l, last Night. - Uuddy llOK«n>, w Voeel at thev BrodiipM (help Art Director Roland J. Scott, acting as rof- Myrtle avenue, entertained Mr. and Florida. » un America's Boy Frlena" ap-j^f ' •*£? Cwho rl So whan lack came to Cleveland Cor a few eree, B<W the bout was becoming a slaughter 7- Mrs. Frank ..Varden and daughtei, Mr. and Mrs. M. Block and fam- K ln und sent th« boys to their corners. He waveij on silver screen of The State 'lYed a SUBpendwl wntenoe were days William RItt, Central l'ress sports editor, rt BarbaraBarb, , formerlyy of Woodbridge, lly, of Brooklyn, were guests of Mr.