Local Area Engagement Plan 2019

Northamptonshire High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has been tasked by the Department for Transport (DfT) with managing the delivery of a new national high speed rail network. It is a non-departmental public body wholly owned by the DfT.

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited Two Snowhill Snow Hill Queensway B4 6GA

Telephone: 08081 434 434

General email enquiries: [email protected]

Website: www.hs2.org.uk

High Speed Two (HS2) Limited has actively considered the needs of blind and partially sighted people in accessing this document. The text will be made available in full on the HS2 website. The text may be freely downloaded and translated by individuals or organisations for conversion into other accessible formats. If you have other needs in this regard please contact High Speed Two (HS2) Limited.

© High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, 2019, except where otherwise stated.

Copyright in the typographical arrangement rests with High Speed Two (HS2) Limited.

This information is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0. To view this licence, visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ version/2 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, TW9 4DU, or e-mail: [email protected]. Where we have identified any third-party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned.

Printed in Great Britain on paper containing at least 75% recycled fibre. HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 1 About this plan

Our Community Engagement Strategy outlines all the How we will engage ways that we’ll engage with people and communities We’re committed to being a good neighbour and we‘ll that are affected along the route. We’ve written this ensure that you can find out about our planned works Local Area Engagement Plan to explain how we’ll and activities in your area easily. Equally, we want you deliver our Strategy in your area. It sets out how we‘ll to have the opportunity to give us your comments engage with communities in Northamptonshire to and tell us your concerns. ensure that we meet our commitments and continue to be a good neighbour. This is particularly important We will engage with you by: in 2019 as we begin our main construction work. Informing. We’ll keep you informed through clear, This plan: timely and tailored communication about issues that affect you. This includes: • introduces you to your local Community Engagement team and partners working on • engagement events in your area; our behalf; • regular newsletters; • provides maps showing where our key works are • sending you information sheets about our planned in your area; works before they start; and • informs you about the different ways you can • making sure we keep up-to-date information on our contact us; and local community websites, called Commonplace. • explains how we’ll measure how well we’re doing against our 10 Community Commitments. Involving. We’ll create opportunities for you to get involved throughout the design and delivery of the Project. This includes:

• workshops and discussions on the design of key design elements along the route (such as stations, vent shafts, viaducts and hoardings); • interactive archaeology and ecology programmes; • meetings and events; and • local community investment programmes.

Responding. We’ll provide free and accessible ways for you to contact us to answer your questions about the Project and help with any problems that may arise from our works. This includes:

e epin g yo We u are comm in ab fo out wo itte rm r d to k you know kwh on HS2 eeping y ed . exp at This in ou info ect it, to e clud rme as w xpect es e d ell as and wh nsur ho ing Resi w we en to dents can h T ’ elp he es Chart . Contact ide er comm nts’ Ch and If you h u unicate arter Comm s peopl as is ou ission do ave e who liv clear r pro cu any qu www ly as mise er me est .gov e al we to nt, pl ion • our Helpdesk team, who are available all day, every ong poss ease s res .uk/gov or n ibly g abou iden er ear can wi et in t t ts-c nme the HS2 th tou his harte nt/publi ro ch. We a r cat ute. 24/7 lso h ions/ freep Comm ave hs2 hon an ind - M e issio epe inico 08081 434 43 to th ner wh nde m e prom ose nt es 08081 456 47 k i job i ide E eep i ses w s to nts’ mai 4 t und e ma ma l hs2 www er c ke in ke su enqui 2 .gov onsta the re w Wr r .uk nt re Charte e kee ite ies@h resid /gov vie r p to s ents ernm w. Find and 2.or -comm ent/co re to FREEPOST g.u Yo iss ll ports k u ca ion ectio at n con er ns/h : HS2 Community Engagement res tact s2-lt iden the d- tscomm Comm iss issi Web ion o Construction er ner sit a @h at e e : www r s2 A .or l g .h a T .u s c he k 2. o Con Co o L str mm rg.uk and uctio ission moni n Comm a tor i er n nd th ss a e ion l res w er P po ay in whi ’s t nd ro To n ca s le e n con to c ch HS2 is to keep m on e tact str me g com u Lt di up a th ct d at h to g e appe pla Con ion com man e da En ints str ag nin t @h ucti plain es g e w s2-cc.or on C ts. www.hs2.commonplace.isin y ith w Pro g omm You our ha e .u i a t r pe k ss i ion rea is h rt s y er , v n an at isit o : t d : p compe am th h e t lin ns r e a o of tio N www route n Ple .gov by vi ase contact .uk siting thi /gov : s d us Find ou ernme ocu if y t n eas me ou if you’ t/coll y r nt in ’d lik 9 ect e lar e 1 re a a 0 io d. ge p fr 2 eligibl n You ee day via Freephone 08081 434 434, Minicom s/ e hs2-p can rint, copy for com rop also Braill of Hol p erty HS2 contact e, au d ensat Ltd i dio ing ion If you wis com us or If y us at: mitte for h ou to a inf sh to know d to elp are unh ccoun ormat protect com g ion mo ing p pl appy f t ov.uk please re abou ers ain or /gov see t h onal com t via any priv ernme ou ow w info th rea acy-n n r Pri e u rmat plain e he s otice t/publi vacy N se y ion. ts p lplin on you ). cat ot our p www ro e. ions/ ice (h erso .h cess, For can high- ttps:// nal s2.or pl more ma spee www g. ease d ke a d-t . uk/how- vis eta wo-l it ou ils on ou td- to-com r we pl bsite r CS1062 ain : a High Spee d T wo (HS2) Limi ted, registere d in Engl and and Wal Northamptonshire es. 08081 456 472 or email [email protected]; • making sure that your local Engagement Manager is available in your area at least once a week; and

L En o N c 2 0 o g a 1 a l r 9 t g A Northamptonshire h e r a m e m a e

p n • replying promptly to information requests. t t o P n l s a h n i r e 2 HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire Who we are

It’s important for everyone working on HS2 to Who else is working with us? understand the impact that their decisions and We work closely with all our contractors to ensure actions have. This includes all the companies and that details of the Project are shared with you. people working on our behalf. Your local Community Several companies, known as our partners, will Engagement team is here to speak on your behalf help us to build the railway. These include our and to act as your voice within HS2 Ltd and our enabling works and main works contractors, who supply chain. Your local team is made up of staff from will help us deliver the new railway and stations. HS2 Ltd and our partners, all working together to Our partners also include other companies such as listen and respond to local communities. utility companies who will help us undertake the work You can see their details below: needed to deliver HS2. Your HS2 Ltd contacts Enabling works contractor Nisha Mejer Community Engagement Manager

Nisha is your first point of contact and is responsible for Fusion engagement in the Northamptonshire area. Carley Richards Community Liaison Officer Luke Nipen Senior Engagement Manager Fusion’s job is to prepare the land ready for the construction of the railway. The Community Liaison Officer for Fusion is Carley Richards.

Main works contractor

Eiffage Kier (EK)

Chris James Community Engagement Manager

EK is responsible for the design development and construction of the new high speed railway line between Evenley and Boddington. EK’s Community Engagement Officer for Northamptonshire is Chris James. HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 3 Our year ahead

Late 2019 and beyond, we’ll enter the main works This year, we’ll continue with our enabling works, delivery phase of the Project and so the impact to get us ready for construction. This includes and frequency of our works is likely to increase. site clearance, road improvements, surveys We’re committed to minimising these impacts and and archaeology work. There are a number of measuring the effectiveness of our engagement to archaeological sites that we’ll be exploring across this ensure that we’re doing the best we possibly can. section of the route, including battleground where a decisive battle took place in the Wars of the We measure and report on how we’re being a Roses. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity good neighbour through our regular progress that will allow us to reveal over 10,000 years of reports. These are published every six months British history. and show how we’re performing against our 10 We’ll also continue with ground investigation Community Commitments. surveys. This type of survey helps us to understand You can read our 10 Community Commitments on more about the ground where we want to build the page 21 of our Community Engagement Strategy. railway. It’s vital that we know about the soil before You can read our latest progress report and our construction begins so we can build effectively. Community Engagement Strategy online at Finally, we’re starting to build some of the compounds hs2.org.uk/in-your-area. For hard copies contact along this part of the route. Compounds are areas our Helpdesk team or attend one of our larger that will allow our workers to build the railway engagement events where, we have hard copies safely and effectively. They will include office space to hand. for workers. Our key works and activities planned for your area over the next year are outlined in the following section. There’s a map of the area to show you where they’re happening. We can’t include all of the works that we’ll be carrying out during this time as some of them are unconfirmed and may change.

You can find details of the works not mentioned in this Plan in our Construction Forward Look published every three months for your area. You can find a copy of this on your local community website hs2innorthants.co.uk, or by contacting our Helpdesk team for a copy. Further details can be found on page 10.

d t 2 4 HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire Works in your area

Greatworth and

B4 525

Helmdon S

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d 1 R

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Greatworth B 45 25

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d R

y Crawfield e l Radstone k c



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d Aerodrome

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h W


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h i av o P Flying School e t


d h g i Hinton-in-the- B H an b Hedges Airfield u ry R Hinton-in-the-Hedges d

d R rd fo A43 Ox


Parkland Habitat creation site HS2 route Phase One overground

Water/river Construction site HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 5

We have a number of sites in the area which will help us to construct the railway. Each area is shown below with what is planned in the coming months and further ahead.

Greatworth and Radstone 1 Road realignment Part of Helmdon Road will be closed in 2020 for approximately 18 months, whilst we build Greatworth green tunnel. We’ll be diverting traffic along Welsh Road.

2 Habitat creation site The Halse Copse East and South habitat creation site is now complete and under maintenance. To build the site, we created a new pond, established new habitats for wildlife, built a bat house and planted new woodland.

3 Radstone Road overbridge An overbridge is a bridge that will go over the railway. Design of this overbridge is also underway and we plan to start building it in late 2020.

4 A43 Road overbridge We have started on the design of the overbridge at Oxford Road and we plan to start construction of the bridge in mid 2020. Before we start these works, we’ll set up a compound and start construction of a site access road. 6 HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire Works in your area

Edgcote, and Greatworth

1 6 3 A

Edgcote 1 Ln ury H Banb igh


Wardington 2

1 6 3 A 1

Thorpe Mandeville

n L ry bu Ban 3 4

525 B4 B 6 4525



e v a r

g Cherwell Edge l u 5 Golf Club S R d n

o d lm e H

5 52 B4 Greatworth


Parkland Habitat creation site HS2 route Phase One overground

Water/river Construction site HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 7

Edgcote, Thorpe Mandeville and Greatworth 1 Edgcote viaduct and Lower Thorpe viaducts 4 Greatworth green tunnel A viaduct is a bridge designed to carry a railway We have started the design works for this over water, a valley or another road. We’re cut and cover tunnel. We are due to start due to start works for the Edgcote viaduct building this tunnel in late 2019. This involves in mid-2020. We’re also due to start work on excavating a hole in the ground, building the the Lower Thorpe viaduct in mid-2020. We’ll tunnel structure and then backfilling around hold engagement events to inform you of the tunnel to the original ground level. We’ll our works. provide earthworks and woodland planting to screen the portal and cutting. Our aim is The two viaducts are also key design elements. to integrate the new infrastructure into the We’ll be engaging with you around the design surrounding landscape. of these structures. 5 B4525/Sulgrave Road (Dump Road) Currently, we’re working in these areas to junction improvement carry out archaeological work. We’re doing this We started work on the junction at the end because these areas are of historical interest. of last year and completed the vegetation 2 Habitat creation site clearance. We expect to start and finish the This habitat creation site is now complete main roadworks later in 2019. and under maintenance. To create the site, 6 Welsh Road (B4525) reinstatement we established a new pond, new habitats Before we can build Greatworth green tunnel, for wildlife, built a bat house and planted we will need to realign part of the B4525 new woodland. (you can see the area these works cover on the 3 Road overbridge map). This will last for around 18 months An overbridge is a bridge that will go over while we build the tunnel. Once we’ve finished the railway. We are due to start work on the our work, we’ll return this area of the B4525 overbridge in 2020. (Welsh Road) to its original route. 8 HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire Works in your area

Boddington and


Upper Boddington Boddington

2 Reservoir

Lower Boddington

B a n bu

ry R d

A 3 6 1



Aston Le Walls


4 1 W 6 e ls 3 h A R ok d ro g B n o l r u f h

ig H

6 Appletree Industrial Estate 7

Chipping Warden 8

Key 1 36 A

Parkland Construction site HS2 route River Phase Cherwell One overground


HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 9

Boddington and Chipping Warden 1 Works in Wormleighton (Heave Trial) 6 Chipping Warden compound This area of works is in Warwickshire but it Fusion is currently using this compound. We’ll is close to the border of Northamptonshire. also use it for civil engineering works between Excavation is being carried out in the North Thorpe Mandeville and , East area of the village of Wormleighton, to when the railway is being built. We expect the enable monitoring of potential soil movement compound to be open and operational for in areas of deep cutting. These works are approximately five years. already underway. 7 A361 Chipping Warden relief road 2 Claydon road overbridge By building a relief road, we’ll direct An overbridge is a bridge that will go over the construction and through traffic away from the railway. We plan to start work on the Claydon village centre. Road overbridge in late 2020. We’ll lower the number of vehicles in the 3 Highfurlong Brook Viaduct centre of Chipping Warden. The relief road A viaduct is a bridge designed to carry a railway will be a permanent feature so the village over water, a valley or another road. There will will continue to benefit once we’ve finished be a series of embankments and cuttings building the railway. and a stretch of viaduct over the Highfurlong 8 Road widening in Brook. We plan to start work on the High We’ll be carrying out road widening works in Furlong Brook viaduct in winter 2020. Wardington along the A361 later in 2019. 4 Green Tunnel Chipping Warden The Green Tunnel is a “cut and cover” tunnel. This involves excavating a hole in the ground, building the tunnel structure and then backfilling around the tunnel to the original ground level. We’ve already started the design work for this and we’ll start preparatory work later in 2019. We intend to integrate the new tunnel into the landscape.

5 Welsh Road/A361 junction improvement We’ve already started work on the junction improvement at Welsh Road, which we expect to finish by 2019. We’ve carried out a variety of works, including hedge clearance. 10 HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire How to get in touch and find out more

Our HS2 Helpdesk team are available You can meet us at our drop-in sessions all day, every day of the year Our engagement team hold weekly drop-in sessions You can contact our Helpdesk team with any at Chipping Warden and Culworth. These are hosted questions you may have, to request copies of by your local Engagement Manager Nisha Mejer. documents, to register and track complaints, and To find out more, including the times of your next to coordinate incident responses. drop-in, visit www.hs2.org.uk/events/ or contact our Helpdesk team. Our Helpdesk team are available via: We’ll also hold engagement events to inform you Freephone 08081 434 434 about work around the viaducts in Edgcote and Minicom 08081 456 472 Lower Thorpe. We’ll publish more information on Email [email protected] Commonplace hs2innorthants.co.uk, or you can contact our Helpdesk team to find out more. Keep up to date with the Project and sign up to notifications from your local Our Engagement team also attend Parish Council community website meetings and give regular updates at the HS2 Liaison Group meeting held at The Forum, Towcester. Commonplace is a local community website where For details about these meetings, please visit you can find out what is happening in your local Commonplace hs2innorthants.co.uk or contact our area and sign up for updates about our activities. Helpdesk team. For regular updates on works happening in Northamptonshire you can sign up for news alerts at Our Construction Forward Look is hs2innorthants.co.uk. You’ll also be able to find out published every three months information about roadworks and closures, our noise insulation and property schemes, our community This provides you with a more detailed overview engagement initiatives and how to apply for our of the upcoming works that we plan to undertake community and business funds. in your area over the next three months. The plan is available to download on our local community website hs2innorthants.co.uk

If you’d like a hard copy, you can contact our Helpdesk team or come along to one of our larger engagement events. HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 11

Apply for funding for a local project We have more printed materials through the community and at our engagement events business funds If you would prefer to have more information in We’re offering two funds which are available to a printed format, or you don’t have access to the local communities and businesses – the Community internet, we have takeaway materials at our drop-in and Environment Fund (CEF), and the Business sessions and other engagement events. Please come and Local Economy Fund (BLEF). Both funds and meet us at our regular drop-ins, or get in touch give local communities and businesses the with our Helpdesk team to request printed copies of opportunity to receive funding of up to £1 million information. We are available via: for projects that aim to improve their local area or Freephone 08081 434 434 economy. To find out more and how to apply, visit Minicom 08081 456 472 www.groundwork.org.uk/hs2funds. You can also Email [email protected] contact Groundwork UK by calling 0121 237 5880 or emailing [email protected] Alternative formats Groundwork UK are an independent charity that If you need any of our printed materials in large assesses applications and manages the funds on print, Braille, audio or easy read please contact us. our behalf. You can also contact us for help and information We also have a dedicated HS2 website in a different language. You can find our website at www.hs2.org.uk – this website is for the whole Project. You can find out more about where the route is planned, the timeline of construction, and more information about Hd t our compensation schemes. To view information reephone specifically on what’s happening in your area visit your local community website hs2innorthants.co.uk inicom 2 Email 22 12 HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire Keeping your information safe

If we ask for your personal information, we will: To help us keep your information accurate and up to date, we ask you to give us accurate information • let you know why we need it; and tell us as soon as possible of any change • only ask for what we need and not collect excessive of circumstances. or irrelevant information; You can find out what personal information, • make sure nobody has access to it who should not; if any, we hold about you by making a ‘subject • not share it with other organisations unless we have access request’. told you in advance or unless we are obliged to do so by law; If we do hold information about you, once we have • only keep it for as long as we need to; and confirmed your identity, we will give you a description of it, why we are holding it and who it could be • not make it available, or sell it, for commercial use, disclosed to. We will also provide you with a copy of such as marketing. the information in an intelligible form.

We do share information with our contractors to It will help us to locate any data we might hold about enable robust and informed responses to queries. you if, in making your request, you could state what dealings we have had with you and why you expect us In dealing with your personal information, we will: to hold information about you. • value the personal information entrusted to us and It is not the policy of HS2 Ltd to charge for subject make sure we respect that trust; access requests. If you wish to make a subject access • abide by the law when it comes to handling request, please contact us via the details below. personal information; Our HS2 Helpdesk team is available all day, every • consider the privacy risks when we are planning day of the year. to use or hold personal information in new ways, such as introducing new systems; and They’re available via:

• provide training to staff who handle personal Freephone 08081 434 434 information and respond appropriately if personal Minicom 08081 456 472 information is not used or protected properly. Email [email protected]

Write to us at:

FREEPOST HS2 Community Engagement

To read our privacy policy regarding your personal information, go to: www.hs2.org.uk/privacy-notice/ HS2 Ltd Local Area Engagement Plan: Northamptonshire 13 Our key documents

We have a range of documents on hand to help you understand our approach to community engagement and keep up to date with our works in your area.

Community Residents’ Charter www.hs2.org.uk HS2 Ltd Residents’ Charter

We recognise that as we develop, design and build the new railway, our activities will impact on Engagement Strategy the communities in which we will operate. We are committed to being a good neighbour by treating Our Residents’ Charter sets out our 10 affected communities with respect and consideration, and by focusing on minimising and mitigating our impacts, whilst maximising the benefits both locally and nationally across the UK. This charter sets out our ten commitments to you and explains the roles of the Residents’ Commissioner and Construction Commissioner in ensuring we are held to account on the commitments we make. Community We will keep checking on our progress and looking for ways to improve how we do our business. Engagement Community Commitments. It explains Our commitments to you Our Community Engagement We will 1 Continue to build respectful, long-term 6 Respect the wellbeing of communities, Strategy relationships with communities and minimising disruption to their lives actively encourage our workforce to listen with local mitigation plans and activities, Updated November 2018 to local concerns and be considerate and ensuring we meet the standards set out accountable for their actions at all times. in the Code of Construction Practice. HS2 Ltd’s approach to community the roles of the independent 2 Work with communities to develop local 7 Leave a positive and sustainable legacy two-way engagement and communication for the communities in which we operate. Strategy explains all the ways engagement and what it means for you programmes, ensuring they are accessible Respond to questions and complaints quickly and tailored to local needs. 8 and efficiently, with an acknowledgement 3 Make sure communities are made aware within 2 working days, and responding within in advance of any activities taking place a maximum of 20 working days if we cannot in their area. answer the query straight away. 4 Operate a freephone community helpline 9 Promote awareness of all our property Residents’ Commissioner and the 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. schemes so that anyone who may be eligible has all the information they need and is that we’ll engage with people, Make health and safety a priority for 5 aware of the support available to them. communities and our workforce. 10 Display the Residents’ Commissioner’s and Construction Commissioner’s contact details on all relevant materials along with HS2 Helpline businesses and communities along Construction Commissioner in information and complaints procedure. the route. It also includes our 10 ensuring that we’re held to account Community Commitments. on these Commitments. You can read our Community You can read our Residents’ Charter here: Engagement Strategy here: www.hs2.org.uk/documents/hs2-residents-charter/ www.hs2.org.uk/documents/community- Construction Forward Look engagement-strategy/ Every three months, we publish a Construction Forward Look. Area Central Our progress reports Spring 2018 3 month construction look ahead These provide a high-level overview Our six-monthly progress reports are Being a good of works coming up in your area. published twice a year and measure neighbour Our progress The most recent Forward Look for how well we’re performing against July to December 2018 your area is published on your local our 10 Community Commitments. community website: You’ll be able to read about practical real-life examples of how we’re hs2innorthants.co.uk fulfilling our Commitments in areas surrounding the route. Land and You can read our latest progress report here: Property guidance www.hs2.org.uk/documents/community- We have several guidance engagement-progress-report-july-to-december-2018/ documents about our different property schemes. These documents

1 Local Area help you to understand the different Engagement Plans types of compensation that’s Local Area We have a collection of Local Area Engagement Plan available if your property is affected by the HS2 route. Northamptonshire Engagement Plans for Phase One. 2019 These documents include specific booklets about Each Plan is localised to a specific the Need to Sell scheme, Rural Support Zone and Brackley area and explains how we’ll deliver safeguarding and compensation guidance. our Strategy at a local level. It sets You can find these at: out how we’ll engage with you to make sure that www.hs2.org.uk/in-your-area/assistance-for- we meet our Commitments and continue to be a property-owners/ good neighbour. Our most recent Local Area Engagement Plans are published on your local community website: hs2innorthants.co.uk Keeping you informed

We are committed to keeping you informed about work on HS2. This includes ensuring Contact us you know what to expect and when to expect Our HS2 Helpdesk team are available all it, as well as how we can help. day, every day. You can contact them via: Residents’ Charter and Commissioner Freephone 08081 434 434 The Residents’ Charter is our promise to communicate as clearly as we possibly can with Minicom 08081 456 472 people who live along or near the HS2 route. Email [email protected] www.gov.uk/government/publications/hs2- residents-charter Write to

We also have an independent Residents’ FREEPOST Commissioner whose job is to make sure we keep HS2 Community Engagement to the promises we make in the Charter and to keep it under constant review. Find reports at: Website www.hs2.org.uk www.gov.uk/government/collections/hs2-ltd- residents-commissioner To keep up to date with what is happening in your area, visit: You can contact the Commissioner at: [email protected] www.hs2inyourarea.co.uk Construction Commissioner The Construction Commissioner’s role is to mediate Please contact us if you’d like a free copy of and monitor the way in which HS2 Ltd manages this document in large print, Braille, audio or and responds to construction complaints. easy read. You can also contact us for help You can contact the Construction Commissioner at: and information in a different language. [email protected] HS2 Ltd is committed to protecting personal Property and compensation information. If you wish to know more about You can find out all about HS2 and properties along how we use your personal information the line of route by visiting: please see our Privacy Notice (www.gov.uk/ www.gov.uk/government/collections/hs2-property government/publications/high-speed-two-ltd- privacy-notice). Find out if you’re eligible for compensation at: www.gov.uk/claim-compensation-if-affected-by-hs2

Holding us to account If you are unhappy for any reason, you can make a complaint by contacting our HS2 Helpdesk team. For more details on our complaints process, please visit our website: www.hs2.org.uk/how-to-complain


High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, registered in and Wales. Registered office: Two Snowhill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham B4 6GA. Company registration number: 06791686. VAT registration number: 181 4312 30.