A LIGHT TO THE NATIONS SUMMER 2013 Liaison: Rev. Francis J. Karwacki Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church 47 S. Market St, Mt. Carmel, PA 17851 Associate Liaison for Hispanic Ministry: Phone: 570-339-1031 Rev. Rodrigo A. Arrazola

Senior Advisors: Msgr. Robert Lawrence ∙ Sr. Helen McCormac ∙ Rev. William Weary

The Charismatic Gifts: The Power Tools of Evangelization

by Fr. Frank Karwacki, Harrisburg Diocesan Liaison for Charismatic Renewal

Some theologians believe that the charismatic gifts described in 1Cor. 12 verses 8-11 (Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healings, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Speaking in Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues) were manifested in the early church only because they were needed as the nascent Church was being buffeted by persecution. However, many Church Fathers such as (c.330-379), (329-389) and (347-407) saw the charismatic gifts as normative manifestations of the Holy Spirit that occurred within the Initiation Liturgies of the Church. 1

These manifestations have also occurred in the lives of the saints throughout the ages. Leon Joseph Cardinal Suenens wrote, “A careful reading of the lives of the saints - I am thinking of the Cure of Ars, Don Bosco, and many, many others - will show the undeniable presence of the charismatic gifts: discernment of spirits, prophecy, healings and other manifestations of the Holy Spirit”. He went on, “It cannot be said that charisms belong to a bygone age”. 2

The premise that only the early church needed the charismatic gifts to survive the persecutions does not mesh with the fact that church has been persecuted throughout history even to this day as the Chaldean Rite of the is being subjected to extreme violence in Iraq as well as multitudes of Christians and Catholics being massacred in the Sudan. Catholics and Christians are being imprisoned in Islamic countries such as Iran and Communist countries such as Northern Korea and China.

The Church needs the Charismatic gifts more than ever in these situations as well as in so called democratic countries such as our own where the practice of the faith is being squeezed out of the public square. We need these gifts more than ever as instruments (power tools) in the New Evangelization! The gift of discernment is sorely needed in our present age which is clouded by relativism. The gift of prophecy is needed as a clear call to renewal and repentance as well as a call to a holy boldness in the proclamation of the truth! The signs and wonders of miracles and healings are needed to break through the walls of skepticism! So why would some ignore these gifts? Why would they not want to receive these gifts of the Holy Spirit to build up the Church in our day?

1. McDonnell & Montague, Fanning the Flame Liturgical Press 1991 pp. 18 & 19. 2. Cardinal Suenens, A New Pentecost Seabury Press, 1975 N.Y. p.39

Most Reverend Joseph P. McFadden May 22, 1947 – May 2, 2013 “Pray for me as I pray for you.” “At his kneeler in his chapel are the names of people he prayed for, the pictures of his prayer partners from Good Shepherd School, and, as a lasting reminder, the indentation on the kneeler which is a sign that he kept his word in praying for us.” Father Joshua Brommer, Administrative Assistant to Bishop Joseph P, McFadden

Day of Renewal with Father Bill McCarthy, MSA “A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS” September 21, 2013 – 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Cardinal Keeler Center


PLEASE MAIL REGISTRATION BY SEPTEMBER 10 According to Center regulations, no outside food or “brown bags” are allowed to be brought into the building that day. Registration (same $20 fee, lunch NOT included) will be accepted by cash or check at the door.

1. Name:______Address :______Phone:______Check One: Ham____ Turkey____ 2. Name:______Address :______Phone:______Check One: Ham____ Turkey____ 3. Name:______Address :______Phone:______Check One: Ham____ Turkey____ 4. Name:______Address :______Phone:______Check One: Ham____ Turkey____

Send check made payable to “Diocese of Harrisburg” by Charismatic Renewal September 10 in the amount of $20.00 per person to: Attn: Jaclyn Curran, Family Ministries 4800 Union Deposit Rd Harrisburg, PA 17111-3710

Day of Renewal September 21, 2013 Father Bill McCarthy, MSA, is a Spirit-filled priest and a gifted author, teacher, and evangelist. Father Bill, ordained a priest in Rome, has served the Lord in the Archdiocese of Hartford Connecticut and as a Retreat Director in the Diocese of Norwich. He is now a member of the Holy Apostles Community and Co-Founder and Co-Director of "My Father's House" Spiritual Life and Retreat Center in Moodus, Connecticut. Fr. Bill has been curate, pastor and spiritual leader in the Ecumenical, Cursillo, Charismatic, Marriage Encounter and Marian Movements within the Church. Fr. Bill is a gifted speaker and has spoken at parish missions and parishes throughout the US and Canada. His talks are healing and inspiring. Father Bill has authored many Catholic books including The Our Father, The Joy of Being Catholic and A Personal Relationship With Jesus. His many articles are available at www.myfathershouse.com such as “Baptism in the Spirit: Our New Life in Christ.” Father Bill McCarthy

Danville Retreat August 9 – 11, 2013 Rev. Francis J. Karwacki, M.Ed., M.Div. is the Bishop’s Liaison for Charismatic Renewal for the Diocese of Harrisburg. Born Oct. 7, 1944 in Danville, Father graduated from Mt. Carmel High School in 1963. In 1967 he graduated with a B.S. in Education and a Master’s Degree in 1971 from Bloomsburg State College. He taught Biology and Science at Mount Carmel Area High School from 1967-1978. After graduating from John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, MA in 1983 with a Master’s Degree in Divinity, he was ordained on April 9, 1983 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Harrisburg. Fr. Frank has been Pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mt. Carmel, PA since 2005. He was Chaplain to Holy Spirit Hospital in Camp Hill from 1986 to 1990. He is the Founder of FFCAAD (Family and Friends Concerned About the Abuse of Drugs) which is a support group designed to increase community awareness

Rev. Francis J. Karwacki of the problems of drug abuse. He is a published book author and has published in national religious and pastoral magazines.


“THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE SACRAMENTS” Presented by Rev. Francis J. Karwacki Harrisburg Diocesan Liaison for Charismatic Renewal Friday, August 9 through Sunday, August 11, 2013 Saints Cyril & Methodius Villa Sacred Heart, Danville, Pennsylvania

The retreat begins with check-in beginning at 4 pm on Friday and ends with our departure after lunch on Sunday. Dinner is served Friday after check-in. Registration Options: A- Commuter – meals & conference only Friday $20, Saturday $35, Sunday $20 or $75 total for all 3 days.

Name: ______Phone: ______Address: ______Email: ______B- Single Room with sink and all meals: ceiling fans only (9 rooms available): Price per person: $157

Name: ______Phone: ______Address: ______Email: ______C- Double or Multiple Room – Two or more persons per room and all meals: Price per Person: $142

1. Name: ______Phone: ______Registering for Address: ______two or more persons Email: ______2. Name: ______Phone: ______for one room? Address: ______Paying by one check? Email: ______List each roommate’s For Double Room: Check one: AC ______Ceiling Fan_____ name on the check. Multiple Rooms (3 or 4 in a room) are all AC. Multiple checks? 3. Name: ______Phone: ______Please mail checks Address: ______together with Email: ______reservation form 4. Name: ______Phone: ______in one envelope. Address: ______Thank you! Email: ______

All payments must be by check. No cash or credit cards accepted. Questions (retreat only): Call 570-339-1031

Registration is “First Registered, First Saved” so get your reservation in early for your best choice of room! Send check payable to “Diocese of Harrisburg” c/o Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, 47 S. Market Street, Mt. Carmel, PA 1785 Sts. Cyril & Methodius Villa is located directly opposite the main entrance to Geisinger Hospital, N. Academy Ave./Route 11 – follow signs for the hospital.

Graces of the Holy Spirit - Charisms

A Spiritual gift by which the Holy Spirit moves through us.

Purpose of Charisms

1. To Build up the Church 2. For the Good of the People 3. For the Needs of the World

We need to accept them with gratitude and use them in conformity with the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

In John 15:5 Jesus tells us: “Whoever remains in Me and I in him will bear much fruit. Because without Me you can do nothing.”

The Holy Spirit wants to make all Christians fruitful. The 9 charisms of 1Cor.12 are gifts given to serve the community, which the exception of the gift of tongues which is "to build up one's self (1Cor.14:4). These charisms are mentioned three times in 1Cor.12:8-12, 28-30, and the gifts of prophecy, tongues and interpretation of tongues are specially treated in 1Cor.14.

Classes of Charisms

The 9 gifts or charisms of 1Cor.12 can be divided in 3 classes:

1. Three Charisms of the mind: The word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, the discernment of the spirits.

2. Three Charisms of action: The gifts of healing, the working of miracles, the gift of faith, that faith that moves mountains (Mt.21:21, Mk.11:22-23).

3. Three Charisms of the tongue: Prophecy, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues.

Principles of Charism

Fr. Bill McCarthy, MSA on www.myfathershouse.com website under “Articles”.

“C”: Community – We are Christ’s body and individual parts of it. We are all contributing to the building of the mystical Body of Christ. We need to belong to some type of group: a rosary group, a Bible study group, a marriage encounter group, a charismatic prayer group. If and when need be the group can pray for us.

“H”: Healing – The Holy Spirit is dwelling in us, working on our spirits, changing us, converting us. The fruits are: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GENEROSITY, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF-CONTROL.

“A”: Attitude – Ours should be that of Jesus. John 15:4 states: “Remain in me, as I remain in you.” Do we really believe that Jesus remains in us through His Holy Spirit? TAKE YOUR HAND AND PUT IT ON YOUR HEART. INDIRECTLY TOUCHING OURSELVES WE’RE TOUCHING JESUS. Jesus is going to lead us in sharing with people, in giving love, in giving consolation, in giving instruction, in wisdom. SAY “YES”, Holy Spirit, MOVE!

“R”: Revelation – Jesus is revealed through charisms. They are a revelation of Jesus’ presence in our midst.

“I”: Interior – Jesus says: “Whoever believes in Me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these…” . Jesus works in and on our hearts to draw us into a deeper relationship with Him.

“S”: Service – We’re called to minister to the Body of Christ.

“M”: Mission – We all have our own mission. No one can replace us, no matter who we are, no matter where we are. [email protected] is available for updating prayer group information or notification of future events to prayer groups throughout the diocese. Any leader not having email may designate a contact person. Keep your group’s activities current. Let us use the new technology of the internet to spread the New Evangelization to our brothers and sisters who thirst to know His Mercy.

Pope Benedict XVI said on May 11, 2008, "Today I would like to extend this invitation to everyone: Let us rediscover, dear brothers and sisters, the beauty of being baptized in the Holy Spirit; let us be aware again of our IN AND AROUND baptism and of our confirmation, sources of grace that are always present.” The Renewal GOOD SUMMER READING: “The Spirit From Father Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. CAP.: cannot be given “The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus” by any man, “Sober Intoxication of the Spirit: Filled with the Fullness of God” not even the Pope “Sober Intoxication of the Spirit, Part Two: Born Again of Water and the Spirit” or a bishop, because no man From Fr. Michael J. Sears possesses by himself “The Charism of Tongues: A Gift of Prayer and Edification” the Holy Spirit. Only Jesus may give From George T. Montague, SM the Holy Spirit; “Holy Spirit Make Your Home in Me: Biblical Meditations on Receiving the Gift all the others of the Holy Spirit”

do not possess the Holy Spirit, YOUR PARISH BULLETIN is an opportunity to share information about life but rather are lived with the Holy Spirit. Please ask your parish secretary to place information possessed about the two upcoming diocesan events in the newsletter with words from you by Him.” about living life blessed by the Holy Spirit. Let us share our joy with our parishes

Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, about the charismatic life in the Spirit!

O.F.M.CAP. Preacher to the Papal “The exercise of the charisms of the Holy Spirit should impact every aspect of our Household since 1980, personal lives and our relationships with others. Otherwise we are like the person author and speaker who buried the talents, or the person who hides the light under a bushel basket.

We received the power of the Holy Spirit to make a difference in the world, to further the kingdom of God, to build up the Body of Christ. If this is not happening, it is not because the power of God is lacking. It is because we are not fulfilling the plan of God for our lives. The power comes from God and the fruit is of God. What He desires of us is the willingness to be active instruments through which He can renew the face of the Earth.´ Bishop Samuel Jacobs, Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana

OUR NEW “CHARISMATIC” POPE ’ homily on April 16 was centered on the theme of the Holy Spirit and our resistance to it. He took his inspiration from the first reading of the day which was the story of the martyrdom of St. Stephen who described his accusers as stubborn people who were always resisting the Holy Spirit. “The Holy Spirit upsets us because it moves us, it makes us walk, it pushes the Church forward.” He said that we wish “to calm down the Holy Spirit, we want to tame it and this is wrong … because the Holy Spirit is the strength of God, it’s what gives us the strength to go forward but many find this upsetting and prefer the comfort of the familiar.” “Nowadays, everybody seems happy about the presence of the Holy Spirit but it’s not really the case and there is still that temptation to resist it.” The Pope said one example of this resistance was the Second Vatican council which he called “a beautiful work of the Holy Spirit…. but 50 years later … have we done everything the Holy Spirit was asking us to do during the Council?” he asked. “The answer is no,” said Pope Francis. “We celebrate this anniversary, we put up a monument but we don’t want it to upset us. We don’t want to change and what’s more there are those who wish to turn the clock back.” This, he went on, “is called stubbornness and wanting to tame the Holy Spirit.”

Mission Statement As a lay organization, the mission of the Charismatic Renewal is:

1. To help all people come to know the love of God in their lives as demonstrated through our Lord, Jesus Christ. 2. To help our brothers and sisters respond to God's love by loving God in return through a commitment to serve Christ and His Church. 3. To assist them to listen and follow the movement of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives. 4. To help our brothers and sisters recognize the ministry that God has called them to, and accept the gifts that God desires to bestow upon them for His work in our Church and in our world. 5. To lead them to a New Life offered to us by the Holy Spirit. (Reprinted as expressed from Diocese of San Francisco: sfspirit.com) A LIGHT TO THE NATION NON-PROFIT Charismatic Newsletter of the Diocese of Harrisburg ORGANIZATION 4800 Union Deposit Rd US POSTAGE PAID Harrisburg, PA 17111 LANCASTER PA PERMIT 242 REGISTER TODAY FOR THESE UPCOMING DIOCESAN CHARISMATIC GATHERINGS



TO ADD, REMOVE or UPDATE CONTACT Or ADD Prayer Group INFORMATION to website email: [email protected]

Proclaiming the Lordship and Love of Jesus Christ!


THE CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL NATIONAL SERVICE COMMITTEE has launched a new e- newsletter. You can read the e-newsletter by going to http://www.nsc-chariscenter.org/enewsletter.asp. Read about what the NSC is planning for the Jubilee Year of the Charismatic Renewal in 2017.

MONTHLY HEALING MASS is held at St Theresa Church, New Cumberland on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM except Holydays or Vigils. For info call Mary Ann at 717-564-7709

“UNBOUND” by Neal Lozano is available at bookstores and from his website: http://heartofthefather.com. Translated into many languages, this is a magnificent tool for “The New Evangelization". There will be an UNBOUND: “Freedom in Christ Conference” Saturday, July 27 in Arlington, Virginia. Go to http://unboundfreedom2013.eventbrite.com for registration information and registration form. This is a one-day seminar. Invite someone to attend with you whom you feel is being called to a deeper life in the Spirit!

NEW CHARISMATIC WEBSITE: www.aliveinthespirit.net is now available to post your prayer group’s information, charismatic happenings, teachings, prayers and prophesies for others in the dioceses to read and know about as well. Log on and see two additional pages of the newsletter.

VIVA IL PAPA! Pope Francis brought the charismatic breath of life to the church in Argentina. Read his affectionate and enthusiastic greeting to the Rimini Fair of the 36th National Assembly of Catholic Charismatic Renewal on April 27 in Rome, a greeting delivered by Archbishop Fisichella: “Before beginning this celebration, I bring you a greeting. Before I left this morning, I was with Pope Francis, and I told him: ‘Holy Father, I have to leave soon. I’m going to Rimini where there are thousands upon thousands of faithful of the Charismatic Renewal: men, women and young people.’ With a great smile, the Pope said: ‘Tell them that I love them very much!’ Upon leaving the Holy Father, Archbishop Fisichella recounted, the Holy Father added: ‘Look, tell them that I love them very much because I was responsible for Charismatic Renewal in Argentina, and that’s why I love them very much’.”


Founder of Charismatic Renewal in Harrisburg Jean Tamanini 1924-2013 In memory of A Woman of Deep Faith She started prayer groups in her home and taught Life in the Spirit Seminars

for over forty years even in the retirement home where she last resided.