Scientific Bulletin Vol. XXI No 2(42) 2016


Marius PRICOPI [email protected]


ABSTRACT: Facing the current issue of migration, leaders managed to scrap together a (widely contested) plan for the re- distribution of asylum seekers between the member states. But they also undertook pro-active measures to counter illegal migration; such is the case of the military Operation Sophia. In this paper we do not disavow in any way the existence and necessity of Operation Sophia. Instead, as a way to hereafter identify new opportunities to enhance its’ efficiency, we analyse the criticism brought against it, which mainly concerns: the lack of full transparency, the fosterage of illegal migration and the fail to address the root causes of the on-going migration crisis.

KEYWORDS: European Union, Libya, military operation, Sophia

1. Introduction military operation named „Sophia”. But in No one can currently deny the fact spite of the major successes that it scored, that migration has rapidly become a major Operation Sophia lacks the public notoriety issue in the European Union (EU). Tackling it deserves. In the hope of stimulating an migration has generated gaps in the academic debate around it we submit, in the European community, has given new following, an overview of Operation Sophia impetus to extremist parties and their and an honest analysis of its’ main advocates and even risks ending the career shortfalls – analysis necessary to also of otherwise successful and much increase its’ efficiency, building on the acclaimed political leaders (the case of already indisputable achievements that Angela Merkel). Operation Sophia made possible. As part of a broader strategy to respond to the endless flow of migrants the EU launched, over a year ago, a new

DOI: 10.1515/bsaft-2016-0046 © 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.


2. Methodology the southern Central Mediterranean In writing this paper we used, as a (EUNAVFOR MED)”. research method, the analysis and synthesis According to a factsheet updated by of social documents, as it was best the European Union External Action described in a comprehensive compendium Service on September 2016, the mandate of on scientific methodology in social sciences EUNAVFOR MED is to “undertake (Chelcea, 2004). systematic efforts to identify, capture and dispose of vessels and enabling assets used 3. Overview of Operation Sophia or suspected of being used by migrant The migration crisis had been going smugglers or traffickers”, thus actively on for some time, but the event that supporting, with military means, the EU’s triggered the military response of the EU wider ambition to disrupt “the business was the sinking, in April 2015, of a boat model” mentioned in Council Decision carrying approximately 700 migrants, near 2015/778 of 18 May 2015. the Italian island of Lampedusa, resulting in Simply put, EUNAVFOR MED is a the death of almost all its passengers. This search and rescue operation meant to baffle was the distress call that made European the flow of illegal migrants from Libya and leadership realize that concrete measures neighbouring states to , thus reducing had to be taken. people smuggling and death at sea. It By the Council Decision 2015/778 of achieves this by patrolling, gathering 18 May 2015, EU leaders determined to information, rescuing migrants and conduct a military crisis management neutralizing vessels used by smugglers. operation in order to disrupt “the business Later in 2015, EUNAVFOR MED model of human smuggling and trafficking was renamed “Sophia”, after the name networks in the South Central given to a baby born on the ship that Mediterranean”. According to the official rescued her mother – although the document, the operation was to be launched “EUNAVFOR MED” denomination still after the approval of the Operation Plan and appears in some EU official documents. the Rules of Engagement forwarded by the According to the factsheet cited Operation Commander, appointed through above (European Union External Action the same official document. Service, 2016), although no less than 24 A month later, by the Council countries are listed as contributing member Decision 2015/972 of 22 June 2015, a new states to Sophia, only 6 of them have been EU operation was indeed launched on the able to subscribe operating military same day, under the official denomination capabilities (Table no. 1). of “European Union military operation in Table no. 1. Military capabilities of Operation Sophia No Capabilities Type Contributing Countries 1 light aircraft carrier Italy 1destroyer 2 frigates , 1 Ships 1 mine hunter 1 survey ship United Kingdom 1 auxiliary ship Germany 2 Helicopters 4 organic helicopters Italy (2), Spain and France 3 Air assets 3 of unspecified type , Spain and France


The current mandate of the operation Ulm (Germany), Larissa (Greece) and is approved until 27 July 2017, and Northwood (United Kingdom). Sophia’s headquarters is located in , And although Operation Sophia has a in one of the five Europeanised national duration of just over 1 year, it has already headquarters from which the EU can scored significant successes, as observable conduct an autonomous operation – the other in Figure no. 1 (Operation Sophia, 2016). four being established at: Paris (France),

Figure no. 1. Achievements of Operation Sophia in Numbers

On the opportunity and necessity of “information contained in the documents Operation Sophia, these three numbers forms an inseparable whole”, the General speak for themselves. Secretariat also excludes the possibility of releasing parts of the documents, thus 4. Discussion on the Shortfalls of offering at least partial access. Operation Sophia On the one side, we can understand One of the first criticisms referred to that, due to specific concerns, the content of Operation Sophia concerns the general the OPLAN must not necessarily be issue of transparency and in particular the disclosed. After all, this is a military classified Rules of Engagement (ROE). document that develops in an extensive The ROE – along with the Operation manner the Concept of Operations issued Plan (OPLAN) – have been initially by the Operation Commander. approved by the aforecited Council But on the other side, we consider Decision 2015/972 of 22 June 2015. But, that the ROE ought not to fall under although mentioned in the text of the classified information regulations, and official document, the ROE are not public. ought to be made public and brought to the In a response to a request to declassify full attention of all the non-military actors these documents, an EU General Secretariat involved in the operation: civilians that may official argued that these are sensitive be tempted to migrate, migrants, illegal documents, classified CONFIDENTIAL, and traffickers, the general population from the that the release of such information „could Area of Operations (AO). Releasing the affect the operational effectiveness of this ROE would definitely enhance the so operation and put in danger its personnel” necessary transparency of Operation Sophia (Thomsen, 2015). Furthermore, a disclosure and would add major points to the overall would “undermine the protection of the feeling of trust of the population within the public interest as regards the public security AO towards the intentions of the EU forces. and European Union’s defence and military Operation Sophia also received matters”. And finally, because the consistent critiques in an official report

124 presented in the Parliament of the United more dangerous for the safety of the Kingdom. Thus, the 14th Report of Session migrants; 2015-2016 was drafted by a special body of d) The mandate and the Conception of the House of Lords, namely the European Operations for Sophia have been established Union Committee, and was released to the prior to the intelligence-gathering phase, public on 13 May 2016 (prior to the and this does not necessarily represent a referendum that resulted in the Brexit) modus operandi in planning military under the full name of “Operation Sophia, operations; the EU’s naval mission in the e) Moreover, as long as intelligence is Mediterranean: an impossible challenge”. collected only from the high seas areas, the It is true, a part of the British European political-military deciders will leadership has never been very enthusiastic have only a limited understanding of how about the process of the illegal traffic networks operate on the or, likewise, about European defence mainland of Libya; integration, opting instead for a strong f) Finally, Operation Sophia responds commitment within NATO and for their to the symptoms, but does not address the strategic partner, the United States. Yet, we causes, because it fails to reach the core of appreciate that the facts and arguments the problem: the weakness of the Libyan specified in the House of Lords Report are state structures and the poor chances for an valid and ought not to be neglected, despite improvement of the overall security situation the particular view of the British on in the Middle East and North Africa. European affairs and, also, despite the Brexit. On the other hand, the same report The document first acknowledges the (House of Lords, 2016) contains plausible operational progresses achieved and the recommendations, such as: high number of real human lives saved a) On the short term, focusing efforts thanks to Operation Sophia; but it then on the illegal financial flows generated by forwards a set of shortfalls and the smuggling of migrants; recommendations that we consider to be b) On the medium term, accelerating both precise and well argued. the implementation of the next phases of On the one hand, the main criticism Sophia, thus becoming possible for the contained in the report (House of Lords, European military capabilities to operate in 2016) refers to the following aspects of Libyan waters and onshore Libya; Operation Sophia: c) On the long term, improving the a) The search and rescue missions general security climate in the countries of could act as a “magnet to migrants”, who origin for the migrants; although, overall, would only need to reach the high seas this is a matter that falls into the through illegal smuggling, in the hope (or responsibility of those countries’ certainty) that from there they will be spotted governments, the EU could also be of help and brought to safety by the European naval by providing expert advice and practical capabilities involved in the operation; assistance. b) The arrests conducted so far have Deficiencies of Operation Sophia are only been low-level targets, making it also ascertained in an analysis published difficult to obtain major successes in for the Royal United Services Institute by a countering the flow of migrants; British author (Roberts, 2016). Roberts c) The destruction of illegal vessels considers the plan adopted by the EU to be has generated a change in the tactics of the nothing less than “a failure of EU advisers, smugglers, who now prefer not to invest in ministers and bodies to understand the wooden boats, but to mostly acquire the entirety of the problem to be addressed, to lower-price rubber-dinghies – that are even seek relevant lessons on counter-migration policy, or to develop the kind of

125 comprehensive approach that could stand a human security in the migrants’ countries chance of working”. of origin, by tackling the conventional A harsh critique indeed, based on the threats, but also the vast array of ever- following drawbacks of Operation Sophia: evolving hybrid threats (Cîrdei, 2016). a) A full inspection of the illegal Finally, one last criticism on Operation vessels, prior to destruction, to ensure that Sophia has been overtly forwarded by they do not conceal civilians (migrants) in Libyan authorities. In a June 2016 interview, less accessible areas (below the deck) is the Head of the coastguard operations very difficult to undertake, as it requires argued that, since the existence of Sophia, considerable human and time resources; migrants fell even more prone to risking b) It is unclear how the disruption of their safety for the promise of a more the business model of illegal migration can decent life on the European continent. The be accomplished from hundreds of miles official even described, in a very accurate away from the Libyan territory; and prosaic manner, a new tactic employed c) Even more, this disruption requires by migrants with the launch of Operation investigation and prosecution – skills and Sophia: „People, when they get rescued, authorities that are rather specific to police call their friends to tell them that there are forces, and not to the typical military EU vessels only 20 miles away from Libyan personnel; waters to save them” (EUobserver, 2016). d) The operation could divert naval military capabilities from other priorities. 5. Conclusions As the assumed search and rescue area is The EU military Operation Sophia is rather large, supporting Sophia in an effective currently short on popularity, although its’ manner would require redirecting already achievements suggest otherwise; in just scarce military capabilities from other national over one year, conducting this operation and regional security concerns (such as resulted in 87 prosecuted smugglers and countering Russian influence in the Baltic traffickers, 263 neutralized boats and 25.00 Sea or combating pirates in the Gulf of Aden); lives saved at sea. e) The plan does not consider But, even having scored important successful lessons learned from similar successes, like as any other endeavour of its operations conducted by other naval powers kind, Operation Sophia is far from being (the United States, Australia), especially the perfect. Revisiting its main shortfalls, we need to repatriate the migrants; can assert that: it lacks a certain degree of f) The operation fails to address the transparency, as the Rules of Engagement root causes. As the author figuratively have not yet been made public; it tends to argues, “migrants in boats are symptoms, impel , as migrants now not causes of the problem”. Even if the feel that they have a better chance of Libya – Italy route for migrants will be reaching Europe; it addresses the symptoms, cleared, illegal smugglers will surely find and not the root causes of the existing other ports, coasts and boats to get asylum migration phenomenon. seeking migrants straight to Europe (Spain In our opinion, all these analysed is, in this regard, mentioned as an example deficiencies ought to constitute new for an alternative to Italy). occasions for reflection that should generate, The long term solution consists (as in return, concrete, workable solutions for also noticed in the 2016 House of Lords enhancing the so opportune EU military Report) in enhancing the overall state of Operation Sophia.


Acknowledgement This paper has been elaborated during the sustainability period of the project entitled „Horizon 2020 – Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies: Promoting the National Interest through Excellence, Competitiveness and Responsibility in the Field of Romanian Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research”, contract number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/140106. This project was co- financed by European Social Fund through Sectoral Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013. Investing in people!


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