Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 2

The Contents Of This Issue HMUG Business and Information Access the PDF Version of MacNews ...... 21 Apple Ambassador’s Report...... 11 Calendar of Events...... 3 Mac Attack BBS ...... 20 Minutes of the Informal Meeting ...... 4 Minutes of the Business Meeting ...... 5 Membership Application ...... 24 Officers and Volunteers ...... 20 Treasurer’s Report ...... 5 We Invite You to Join Us! ...... 23 Submissions to the Newsletter ...... 21 Submission Specifications ...... 22 Reviews and Articles An HFS Plus Primer ...... 7 The iMac Cometh ...... 16 HMUG Member Survey ...... 25 Mac Resource Has Moved ...... 3 Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 3

1999 Calendar Mac Resource of Events has moved… 1998 Calendar Business Meeting ...... January 9 Informal Meeting ...... January 23 … to 1570 The Boardwalk; of Events Business Meeting ...... February 13 Huntsville, Alabama 35816 Business Meeting ...... August 8 IEEE Computer Fair ...... That is almost directly across from Informal Meeting ...... August 22 ...... February 19–20 where they moved from. Business Meeting ...... September 12 Informal Meeting ...... February 27 The street “The Boardwalk” is located Informal Meeting ...... September 26 Business Meeting Business Meeting ...... October 10 next to the Budgetel Inn on University Election of Officers ..... March 13 between Monrovia and Wynn. Informal Meeting ...... October 24 Informal Meeting ...... March 27 Business Meeting ...... November 14 Dues must be in before ...April 1 Go north on The Boardwalk for about Informal Meeting ...... No Meeting Business Meeting ...... April 10 one-half a block. Mac Resource is on Business Meeting ...... December 12 Informal Meeting ...... April 24 the right. Look for the neon Apple! Informal Meeting ...... No Meeting Business Meeting ...... May 8 Phone: (256) 721-1700 Informal Meeting ...... May 22 Fax: (256) 830-1956 Business Meeting ...... June 12 E-mail: [email protected] Informal Meeting ...... June 26 Business Meeting ...... July 10 Informal Meeting ...... July 24 Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 4 Minutes of the Flashes (parameter RAM). They are reset to- Informal Meeting Further clarification was given on gether by holding down command- Norton Utilities (NU). You must use the option-P-R. Rebuilding the desktop June 27, 1998 G3 disk to boot on G3 systems. Use of might also be helpful. Finally, the 7500 by J. J. Weimer, Secretary the standard NU disk or CD on a G3 has a hardware reset button near the Call to Order system will cause a crash. CPU card on the motherboard. 10:05 Meeting Called to Order Problems were reported booting up MacOSX (10) will be developed on G3 Attending: 14 MacOS 8.0 or 8.1 with Conflict Catcher machines. Apple is not stating that it Apple Ambassador’s and Open Transport 1.3. An updater to will run on non-G3 machines or on Report Conflict Catcher should be available to machines that have been upgraded via resolve this. G3 cards, although it may. (This report was actually given near the end of the meeting) Discussion of HFS+ (Mac Extended Problems were reported tracking a ). See the separate discus- Type 2 error. The CompUSA store in Birmingham sion on this. has a wonderful showcase for Macs. Someone is in search of a Visual Basic The only problem seems to be, the Mac Resources has their open house guru. showroom for Macs is not well staffed. today (as the last day). Program New Business Problems were reported with a 7500. How to Install a Hard Drive - M. Informal Meeting Place The power went out while the com- Schamshula We discussed where we might meet for puter was in sleep mode. When Adjournment our Informal Meetings. Further infor- rebooted, the icons were garbled. Sug- 12:00 Meeting Adjourned ❑ mation will be available at the next gestions were to zap the NVRAM (non- Business Meeting. volatile video RAM) or PRAM Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 5 Treasurer’s Report Transaction Detail Report - June, 1998 Balance (Beginning of the Month) ...... $ 1,969.86 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Date Description Memo Category Amount 06-04-98 ... John McDonald.... Printing ...... Newsletter ...... $ -27.22 06-24-98 ... Deposit ...... Dues x 1 ...... Dues...... $ 30.00 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Balance (End of the Month)...... $ 1,972.64 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Total Inflows...... $ 30.00 Total Outflows ...... $ -27.22 ————————————————————————————————————————————————— Net Total ...... $ 2.78

Minutes of the Treasurer’s Report Webmaster’s Report See side bar (costs have been reduced A bad link was fixed, otherwise nothing Business Meeting because we have cut down on newslet- new to report. July 7, 1998 ters) Apple Ambassador’s J. J. Weimer, Secretary Membership Report Report 10:04 Meeting Called to Order We have 44 paid members as of today. Nothing new to report. Attending: 14 (Note added from Secretary) MicroMat is offering HMUG members discounts Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 6 on up-grade cards for all grades of members to get feedback on various ured for a pure G3 machine. G3 up- Macs. Please contact the secretary or aspects of the meetings. grade cards to older systems will not be Apple Ambassador for details. Responsibility for officially supported. Investments in G3 Old Business Projector System upgrades now might be better held to invest in a G3 machine. Problem re- Meeting Location We have a member who will pick up the ported uploading with ftp (Fetch). We will meet at the First Methodist projector, and two backups. We also Make sure that you know whether you Church for the next Informal Meeting. have a member who will take it back on are sending BINARY, TEXT, or other file A map will be posted on the Web page. Saturdays. type. This can be toggled in a dialog Thereafter, we will meet in different WWWChat Groups for HMUG box when you use the Put File or Get locations for the Informal Meeting in The WWW Chat groups still can only File buttons. If you drag a file to or from order to try out each potential place. shown the past weeks worth of mes- the Fetchwindow, it selects the default Please pay attention to the Web page or sages. This does not seem to be some- filetype for sending, which may not try to attend the Business Meetings for thing that can be changed easily. Send always be correct. RAM Doubler II further information. comments about the WWW Chat groups upgrade to RAM Doubler III will be S. Applebaum is supposed to be deter- to Marius. posted on the Connectix Website. You mining the feasibility of selling the old HMUG BBS System need RAM Doubler III for MacOS 8 video display panel. There are still some bugs in posting Problem reported in setting up net- New Business moderated versus unmoderated mes- work to connect via acoustic coupler. sages. HMUG Member and Former Suggestions were to find the proper AT Member Questionnaire Flashes codes and/or find appropriate phone A questionnaire will be available with Apple has reiterated at the MacExpo connectors. Continual problems re- the newsletter for members and former meeting that MacOSX will be config- ported with Norton Utilities on G3 sys- Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 7 tems. You must have 3.5.2 on System again, including such things as ferring files between HFS (the “stan- 8.x A growing consensus is to avoid MacLink, Java. dard” Mac file format) and HFS+. Let Norton Utilities. Use TechTools instead. Discussion of utility of Conflict Catcher. me first summarize what is involved in storing a file, and then discuss the Norton Antivirus is currently unsafe on Two places to buy memory - Chip Mer- issues involved in transferring files from MacOS 8.x machines. chant or Data Memory Systems. one format to another. What is the cleanest way to remove Program When a file is stored on a floppy, hard excess fonts? Move them to a folder Transferring Files between Macs and drive, or other storage media, it is called Fonts Disabled. This will speed PCs - M. Schamshula up opening software and booting up. stored in segments. A segment is a Adjournment Utilities exist to show fonts in WYSIWYG region on the storage media that con- 11:50 Meeting Adorned ❑ style. Utilities also exist to manage fonts. tains the information you are storing. This information is stored in the seg- Re-iterated discussion of HFS and HFS+ An HFS Plus Primer ment in the binary code that we often (see last weeks minutes). Codeword by Jeffrey Weimer hear about (1’s and 0’s). That code is for HSF+ is Macintosh Extended For- This summarizes the discussions on read back from the segment by the mat. HFS+ that have arisen in two of the computer when you go to retrieve Problems reported in MacOS8.x. If you recent HMUG meetings. (view) the information you stored in continue to have problems with the OS, The new file structure, Mac Extended the file. The computer automatically try reinstalling just the OS. You can do Format (also called HFS+), allows translates the text or image informa- this by finding the specific installer for larger capacity storage devices to store tion into the binary code and stores it in the OS, rather than using the top level files more effectively. The questions the segment, and it automatically trans- installer that will install everything that have arisen during the HMUG meet- lates the binary code back to text or ings have been primarily about trans- Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 8 image information when it reads the How do you set the FAB size of a storage maximum of 100 people using your segment. media (floppy or hard drive, for ex- address book. Under standard HFS, The smallest sized segment that can be ample)? Under standard HFS, it is nor- the MacOS can only store or find at put on a storage media is called the file mally set for you automatically most 65536 files in its address list. This allocation block (FAB) size of the stor- depending on the total size of the stor- means, any size storage media can only age media. We understand that a byte age media. The reason is, under stan- contain at most 65536 files. of information is 8 bits (units or pieces) dard HFS, your computer can only Geek Note: The value 65536 is 2 raised of 1’s and 0’s. For example, each letter store 65536 files on any size storage to the 16 power. This limit arises be- of the alphabet takes up 1 byte of media. Why is this? Well, your com- cause the address list for the file ad- information (8 bits of 1’s and 0’s in a puter keeps track of the physical loca- dress list only has 16 bits of storage certain pattern). By analogy, a FAB of tion of the file in an address list, which room. An equivalent is like having an information is a certain number of stores an address corresponding to the address book that can only have one bytes of information. Under the “stan- position of the first segment on the address per letter of the alphabet - you dard” HFS storage format, the smallest storage media. The computer only has could only store at most 26 addresses. this many address lines that it can use FAB size that any storage media can One point that you need to understand to store the addresses for the files, so have is 4 kB (4 kilobytes, where 1 kB = about FAB size is, it is the absolute that it can find the file when it needs it. 1024 bytes). This is 4 x 1024 = 4096 minimum size that a file will occupy on An analogy is to consider when you bytes (letters) of information. The FAB your storage media. If the FAB size is 4 have an address book. Suppose your size may actually be larger than this, kB, even if your file has only one letter address book only has 100 pages, but it can never be any smaller. I will (one byte) of information, it will be where each page can store address come back to this point further below. stored as a file that is 4 kB long. The information from one person. You will rest of the space will be “empty”, but only be able to “store” and “find” a Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 9 your computer will not be able to store 200 MB hard disk will never be able to and it will be stored in a segment that is anything in it. This is equivalent to have more than 65536 files because 15.2 kB long on a 1 GB hard drive. You giving every person in every household any one file will never be allowed to be can easily see, when we get to 1 GB and a defined amount (say 10 acres) of smaller than 4 kB. The fact that your larger hard drives, that standard HFS land as a minimum for their living address book will never fill up, even wastes a lot of space in storing small place. As you can see, for files with a though very small files occupy lots of amounts of information. small amount of information (i.e., for space, was considered to be a “Good How does HFS+ help? Well, Macintosh files with less than 4 kB worth of “let- Thing.” Extend Format (HFS+) adds more lines ters”), the standard HFS storage Geek Note: The limit where a 4 kB FAB to its address list and correspondingly scheme actually wastes a lot storage size is actually met by the total size of allows files to be stored in smaller space. the storage media is 4 x 65536 / 1000 segments. HFS+ allows the computer Let’s do a few calculations here to show = 262 MB. to store about 4200 million files (rather this in practice. If you have a hard disk Now consider a hard drive that is 1 GB than 65536 = 0.065 million files) on that is 200 MB (megabytes, where 1 (gigabyte, where 1 GB = 1000 MB) in any given storage media. It also allows MB = 1000 kB = 1024000 bytes) in size. Because we are limited under you to set the FAB size to as small as 512 size, and you can only store 65536 files standard HFS to storing 65536 files on bytes (0.5 kB). You can very easily see, on it, then the smallest FAB size your this drive, the smallest FAB size we can for storage media with lots of space (1 hard drive could in principle have is have is 1000 x 1000 / 65536 = 15.2 kB, GB or larger hard drives for example), 200 x 1000 / 65536 = 3.1 kB. However which is larger than 4 kB. This means, HFS+ is a much more efficient way to under standard HFS, you cannot make a file that contains only one letter (one store lots of very small files. a file with a size any smaller than 4 kB. byte), will be stored in a segment that So, even though the address book can is 4 kB long on a 200 MB hard drive, hold 65536 addresses for files, your Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 10

Geek Note: The address list under HFS+ (the actual files) unless you have MacOS any problems. Problems arise only if can contain 2 raised to the power 32 8.1. you try to open a file that is stored addresses. What happens when I transfer (copy) a under HFS+ format using anything Let’s now answer some of the questions file from a device with one format to a other than MacOS 8.1 or later. that arose during the HMUG meetings. device with the other format? Here is a Does HFS+ change the contents of my When can you use HFS+? It can only be table that addresses that issue. file? No. If your file contained the text used under MacOS 8.1. It is really only Copying from standard HFS to HFS+ “Hello world!,” it will contain this text appropriate for storage media that are For example, you copy a file from a whether it is stored under standard 1 GB or larger in size. floppy disk onto your HFS+ formatted HFS or under HFS+. The only differ- ence is, under standard HFS, those 12 Will floppies that are formatted under hard drive. The file will be stored on bytes (including the space) of infor- MacOS 8.1 computers be formatted in your hard drive under HFS+ format. mation would take up 4 kB of physical HFS+? No. Floppies will always be for- Copying from HFS+ to standard HFS space on your hard disk, whereas un- matted in the standard HFS scheme. For example, you copy a file from your der HFS+, they may only occupy as HFS+ formatted hard drive to your ZIP Can I read an HFS+ formatted storage little as 0.5 kB of actual hard disk disk, which is formatted in standard device under MacOS 7.6? No. You must space. have MacOS 8.1 or later to be able to HFS. The file will be stored on the ZIP Having the OS 8.1 CD ROM is urgently read a storage device that has been disk under standard HFS format. recommended, if not mandatory, if you formatted with HFS+. You will see an In other words, you can format your intend to use HFS+ as your start-up icon on your desktop for that storage hard drive under HFS+, and you can volume. You may partition your drive device, however you will not be able to give your files to others on floppy disks and format one partition HFS for your see what is inside that storage device or ZIP disks that are still formatted as startup and the rest HFS+. standard HFS, and you will never have Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 11

How do I reformat my hard drive from lems. So, always backup your files what information is stored, only how it HFS to HFS+? You must understand before you convert from HFS to HFS+. is stored. that you will have to erase all the infor- When should I convert my hard drive What disk utility programs support mation on your hard drive (with one from HFS to HFS+? If you will be using HFS+? Norton Utilities apparently still exception mentioned below). So, the MacOS 8.1 or later (a requirement), if has problems recognizing HFS+. first thing you must do is backup ev- you have a MacOS 8.1 CD ROM (highly TechTool Pro apparently is doing very erything you want to save. Then, start recommended and almost essential for well in supporting HFS+. up your computer using the MacOS 8.1 starting up and reformatting your hard Where can I find more information CD ROM. Open the DriveTools utility. drive), if your hard drive is larger than about HFS+? Read the technical notes Initialize your drive and reformat it 1 GB (smaller than this makes no on the Apple Web page. ❑ using HFS+. At this point, you should sense), and if you work with lots of consult the Help file for Drive Tools small files, you will probably see a gain Apple and read the Apple Help files that come in storage space if you convert to HFS+. Ambassador’s with MacOS 8.1. Some applications (Code Warrior, Al- Do I always have to erase (re-initialize) pha, and OzTex for example) store lots Report my hard drive to reformat it to HFS+? of little files as part of their installation by Keith Putnam Well, not really. You can buy the pro- process. For special offers mentioned in this article, or to request evaluation soft- gram called PlusMaker from AbSoft. It Will this affect the operation of any of ware, contact me via e-mail at supposedly allows you to reformat an my applications? No. It will not cause AppleAmb@traveller. HFS hard drive to HFS+ without having any problems with any of your applica- com or at my daytime phone number: to erase all the files. However, be tions or other files. It will not change warned! Even this path can cause prob- 256-890-4549.

[email protected] Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 12

“The iMac Cometh.” See separate Area. I hope that you will join me for an I could, potentially, watch any movie I article in this newsletter. informal chat on user groups and Apple. choose to the envy of my seat mates and News from Brighid The first User Group chat will feature the frustration of the flight attendants. Brady-de Lambert your’s truly, and in the future, we’ll It also means that PowerBook G3 users Apple User Group invite a special guest now and then to will be able to take full advantage of Program Manager answer your questions on specific Apple DVD through an elegant and easy inter- (Smooth edges chewed off by K. topics. face using the new DVD-Video Kit. Putnam) Keep up to date with the transforma- For more information on DVD and the Check out a photo retrospective of tion of ClarisWorks into AppleWorks PowerBook, please visit: http:// MacWorld. And, don’t miss the recap at: or http:// of Steve Jobs’ surprise keynote: http:/ ucts/claris/clarisworks.html / High-Quality DVD Movies 1998/jul/8dvd.html featuresmacworldnywrapup1.html Coming to a PowerBook Screen Special Offers or Near You CE Software Special Offer on featuresjobsmwnykeynote. Ever walked off a plane with stiff neck QuickKeys for User Group html and a headache after straining to see Members Regular AOL Chat Scheduled for the in-flight video of such fine films as CE Software is offering members of all User Groups and Apple on AOL “Paulie.” Well, if you’ve been waiting local and national Macintosh user Thursday, July 30 at 5:00 p.m. PST I’ll for one last reason to give in and buy a groups a special deal on QuicKeys 3.5.2 be launching the first in a monthly new PowerBook G3, here it is: DVD and the new PowerPak, a set of a dozen series of chats for user groups, Apple, full-length movies on the PowerBook plug-ins that work with QuicKeys. and customers on AOL in the Apple G3. In my small world this means that Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 13

Until August 15, user group members the Web, E-mail and the desktop faster includes interactive games, talking sto- can buy QuicKeys and PowerPak for and easier than ever. Get PowerPak ries, digital toys, contest, music, puzzles, $69.95. That’s almost $80 off retail. and give your productivity a jolt! trivia, chats, Disney characters — Or, members who already own User group members, call us today to whew! — updated daily. QuicKeys and want the latest version get QuicKeys and PowerPak for these Learn more about Disney’s Blast and can get the upgrade plus PowerPak for special prices. Contact Keith Putnam link to the Beta Testing site at: http:// just $45.95. That’s $20 off retail. for the special purchase code and QuicKeys reduces the time and effort phone number. features/disney0.html you spend on your Mac every day. With For more information on QuicKeys or Special User Group Prices QuicKeys, you create your own short- PowerPak, visit: http:// from Aladdin Systems cuts that automate all the time-con- How many of you are aware that Aladdin suming, multi-step tasks you do on qkhome.html Systems offers ongoing User Group spe- your Mac. Best of all, QuicKeys works Be a Beta Tester for the cials on their products? Indeed they with all of your applications. It’s the New Disney Blast for do, and Aladdin has asked us to share only automation utility your Mac will the Mac their special user group order form ever need! On of the new products announced at with you so that you and your members Plus, if you really want to add more MacWorld for the Macintosh is Disney’s can take advantage of this pricing. To productivity-pumping power to Blast. You, and any little Disney fans order at this special User Group pric- QuicKeys, you need PowerPak. you have at home, can sign on to be ing, please call (800) 732-8881. PowerPak’s plug-ins expand the beta testers of the recently announced unique, time-saving value of QuicKeys Disney’s Blast On-line. Disney’s Blast is with new tools to make working with a unique on-line service for kids that Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 14

Door Prizes In Process information. Searches can also be saved 3. Move the Alias to the I am still in pursuit of FileMaker and for reuse at a later time. Items folder Canvas by request. I have, in hand, five Making the Apple Menu 4. Remove the word “Alias” iMac T-shirts and posters. a Power Menu Now select the Apple Menu. You should The User Group Connection The Apple Menu, located in the upper find an icon of your hard drive with an HMUG members are encouraged to left hand corner of your screen, is arrow to the right. The Arrow lets you subscribe to the UGC Mac member more than just a pretty picture. It can know that you’ll see more information listserv. E-mail to mug-member- become a powerful tool, making navi- if you select the icon. (This is called a [email protected] gating your Mac even simpler than it hierarchical menu.) Slide your mouse “subscribe” in subject line. already is. down to your hard drive icon and you MacHome The information you see in the Apple should see another section of the Apple Hot Tips eNews Menu is actually stored in a special Menu open up. Now you’re one level July 6 &12, 1998 folder within your System Folder ap- deeper into your hard drive. Amazing Apple announced that Mac OS 8.5 will propriately called the “Apple Menu huh? be shipping later this summer as prom- Items” folder. Anything you place in Now you may have noticed that your ised. There were demos of several of this folder will appear in the Apple hard drive icon appeared somewhere the new OS’s features including a very Menu. As an initial time saving feature near the middle of the Apple Menu. Not fast network file copy and a brand new try this: very convenient if you want quick ac- Find File program that’s incredibly fast 1. Open your Apple Menu Items Folder cess to your hard drive. If you click on and allows you to quickly search the 2. Create an Alias of your Hard Disk the Apple Menu again you’ll notice that Internet, your hard drive or the con- (Click once on your Hard Drive it displays everything in alphabetical tents of your documents for specific icon and press command-M.) order. So “Aardvark” would appear at Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 15 the top of the list and “Zachary’s Hard “space-space Apple” appears before at or near the top of the Apple Drive” would appear at the bottom. An “space Aardvark.”) menu. absolute pain in the neck, unless you The Apple Menu Christopher Schmidt offered the fol- know the next little trick. Continues… lowing option for adding an Alias to the 1. Open the Apple Menu Items folder Greg Burgin offered the following Apple Menu Items folder. Sorry gang, 2. Find the Alias of your hard drive means of bringing items to the top of this tip is OS8 only... the Apple Menu. It’s really better than 3. Rename the Alias using a space as 1. Open your Apple Menu Items Folder using spaces because it doesn’t gunk- the first character 2. Holding down command and op- up Menu Item names with horrid look- tion keys, drag your Hard Drive 4. Now select the Apple Menu ing spaces. Here’s Greg: icon to the Apple Menu Items folder 5. Your hard drive appears at the top 1. Open a new blank text document. (creating an there without the of the list! 2. Hit the “Return Key”. word ‘alias’ appended). In the world of text and characters 3. “Select All” thereby copying the in- Finally, Farrence forwarded the follow- spaces appear before numbers and visible return character. ing: letters. So when you add a space to something’s name it jumps to the top of 4. Paste the invisible return character An even better way to organize the an alphabetical list! as the first character instead of the Apple Menu is to use Amico. space. This will look cleaner in the Try adding applications and commonly So what the heck is Amico? A great little menu because the return character used folders to the Apple Menu. Re- shareware program that allows you to will not use a space but will still put member that the more spaces you add easily organize all the files in your the alias at the top of the menu. You to the beginning of a file’s name the Apple menu so they display in whatever can also experiment with multiple closer to the top it will appear. (Thus, return character inserts to put items Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 16 order you choose. You’ll find the link Peek-A-Boo DocMaker, a product of Huntsville’s below. Ever wonder just what was going on own Green Mountain Software. Issue Hot Files behind the scenes on your Mac. Well 4.05 has a very nice summary of short- now you can make it all very clear. cuts under Op Ed: The Personal Com- Unless Otherwise Noted All Peek-a-Boo gives you a peek at every puting Paradigm. Current and back Listed Files Are Shareware process that’s running on your issues can be acquired from the ATPM Once again the transience of the web Macintosh. Web Page: bites me in the behind. Electromag- and via anonymous FTP at: ftp:// netic Poetry, which I mentioned last Get your copy at: http://www. week, is now only available if you pay for it. Amazingly, I had just downloaded Mac Hot Tips Copyright © 1998 Mac Info-Mac and all its Mirrors http:// it two days before without a problem. Home Journal Magazine or http:// ❑ Sorry! Pertinent Hot Tips Info Amico Send all Hot Tips correspondence to: The iMac Cometh As I noted above, Amico is a shareware [email protected] by Keith Putnam program that lets you organize your Subscription Information: To Subscribe Apple Ambassador Apple Menu in any manner you please. to MacHome Hot Tips - go to www.mac August 15-16 iMac Launch: Steve Jobs Sharp little program! You can grab it at and select the link for Hot announced at MacWorld that iMac will the following address: http:// Tips. launch on the weekend of August 15-16. About This Particular Mac gine/File?archive=info- iMac for You ATPM is a free newsletter packed with mac&file=gui%2famico% As of July 18th, Larry Stram has pre- news, tips and opinions. It is presented 2d211%2ehqx&size=106087 ordered 50 iMacs. Check with in the stand-alone document format Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 17

MacResource nearer to the launch to weeks ago. It looks like Apps are Back • Simplicity Shootout Video… Drum see if you can get your hands on one. for the Mac! roll please … In answer to the most Also, Apple Computer, MarketSource Take a look at what’s coming up: http:/ asked question since MacWorld, Corporation, has announced another / “where can I find that wonderful Apple Demo Day in conjunction with 1998/jul/8soft.html ‘Simplicity Shootout’ Steve Jobs used during the keynote? You know the the launch. I will be representing Apple The iMac page lists the following as the one with a boy and his dog?” and HMUG at the CompUSA store in bundle for iMac: Hoover, AL (read Galleria Circle) on And the answer is… The iMac pages: • AppleWorks 5 (formerly August 15-16. ClarisWorks) Jobs also announced that the iMac will simple.html • FaxSTF from STF Technologies ship with 56 Kbps modems, rather than iMac and Games the 33.6 Kbps modems originally • Quicken Deluxe ’98 from Intuit Meet Kathy Tafel, Apple Partnership planned. Read the full release at: http:/ • MetaCreation’s Kai’s Photo Soap Manager for Games. She has been very / • MDK from Interplay busy these past several months being 1998/jul/8wrap.html • Pangea Software’s Nanosaur certain that when iMac ships, custom- Flood of Applications ers will be able to enjoy their favorite • Williams-Sonoma Guide to Good gaming titles on their new Macs. Take Announced for Cooking from Broderbund Macintosh a look at some of Kathy’s hot picks at: Owing in large part to the excitement • Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and and expectation around iMac, devel- Outlook Express 4.01 features/mwexpogames.html opers have announced an incredible • Earthlink’s, Total Access 2.01 177 titles since iMac was revealed nine Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 18

USB Bonanza (USB hub), Syquest Technology (SparQ Reminder If you have been wondering what de- 1 GB removable cartridge hard drive), You Can Receive vices you can use with iMac, take a look Thrustmaster, Inc. (game controllers), Regular iMac updates at the long line of third parties already UMAX Technologies, Inc. (scanner) If you’re interested in announcements lining up to provide peripherals for and Zoom (desktop video camera). leading up to the launch of iMac, you iMac. The list includes Alps Electron- can subscribe to the iMac news list at ics, Inc. (printers), Canon U.S.A., Inc. brary/1998/jul/8usb.html the Apple Store: http://www. ❑ (printers), Connectix Corp. (desktop And, visit the iMac web pages for up- video camera), Entrega Technologies dates: (USB hubs), Epson America, Inc. imac/ (printers), Hewlett-Packard Company Third Party Software (printers), Iomega Corp. (Zip 100 MB and Hardware disk drive), Imation Corp. (SuperDisk Companies Support iMac 120MB floppy disk drive), Eastman For an exhaustive, and impressive, list Kodak Company (digital still cameras), of hardware and software companies LaCie (hard disk drives and DVD ROM who have already announced support drives), Momentum (USB adaptor), around iMac, take a look at: http:// Advanced Gravis Computer Technol- ogy Ltd. (game controllers), Kernel 1998/jul/8third.html Productions (game controller adap- tor), Newer Technology, Inc. (floppy disk drive and adaptor), Palm Com- puting, Inc., Peracom Networks, Inc. Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 19

The MACNEWS is published monthly by the Huntsville Macintosh Users Group, a nonprofit organization of users of the Apple Macintosh family of personal computers located in Huntsville, Alabama. Everything written in these pages is ©1998 by the Huntsville Macintosh Users Group, unless otherwise noted. Articles not specifically copyrighted by authors may be reprinted by other nonprofit MUGs as long as you give the authors credit. Other copyrighted articles may not be reproduced without the contributing writer’s permission. All photography and original artwork remain the property of the respective creators and may not be reproduced without their permission. Apple, Macintosh, Mac and any other Apple trademarks we have used belong to Apple computer. “The MACNEWS is an independent publication not affiliated or otherwise associated with or sponsored or sanctioned by Apple Computer, Inc. The opinions, statements, position and views stated herein are those of the author(s) or publisher and are not intended to be the opinions, statements, positions or views of Apple Computer, Inc.” Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 20 Officers Apple Ambassador Mac Attack BBS Keith Putnam and Volunteers Mac Attack BBS [email protected] (256) 882-6573 President 205-890-4549 Diane Boylston Voice Assistance IEEE Computer Fair Chairperson (256) 882-2802 Vice President Vacant Marius Schamshula E-mail Publicity Chairperson [email protected] Secretary Bob Doehrman Jeffrey Weimer System Operator Web Master Geoffrey Hintze Treasurer Marius Schamschula Pete Belcher FirstClass Graphical BBS System us- Web Apprentice ing a 33.6 kbps Supra V42.bis mo- Programs Chairperson Keith Putnam Marius Schamschula dem donated by Larry Stram of MacAttack BBS System Operator MacResource. Hundreds of megabytes Membership Chairperson Geoffrey Hintze on-line including the HMUG library Shelley Le Roy and the latest BBS in a Box CD. Disk Librarian Shelley Le Roy Newsletter Editor John McDonald (See Submissions to the Newsletter) Newsletter Distributor Ann Noren Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 21 Submissions to Access the PDF the Newsletter Version of contact John McDonald MacNews —on the MacAttack BBS— Please, send directly to John or McDonald, —by phone— or on the MacAttack BBS Home 882-0766 or Work 721-1188 (Ext. 113) —by E-Mail— [email protected] or [email protected] —by mail— 12010 Temperance St. SW Huntsville, Al 35803

I cannot be contacted through the Mac Attack BBS because I presently do not have a computer that can dial an outside line through a modem. I hope to have this situation remedied before long. Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 22 Submission ics in the text by Figure or Table num- anyway that you can and we will at- Specifications ber. tempt to read the files. Step 2 - Save the text as Text Only Deadline for the (TXT) format, or in the Interchange Newsletter Format (RTF). The deadline for the newsletter is the first Saturday of the month. That gives Step 3 - Save the graphics in a format us about five days to get the publication suitable for importing into PageMaker ready for reproduction. such as PICT, EPS, or TIFF. Remember the five Ws - Step 4 - Use the Figure or Table num- When turning in news items or an- bers to name the graphics files and an nouncements, try to answer as many of abbreviated name of the article for the the following questions as possible: text and graphics files. For example an Who?, What?, When?, Where?, and article about Norton Utilities could Why?. have the following filenames: NorUtil-Text.rtf Formatting Submissions to NorUtil-Fig01. the MacNews NorUtil-Fig02.pict Step 1 - Create the text in your favorite NorUtil-Fig03.eps word processor. Please identify your- self by inserting a “by line” after the Step 5 - Place everything in a single title. Create the graphics in your favor- folder before submitting. ite application. Keep the graphics and Alternate - If you cannot do the steps text files separate. Refer to the graph- above, then send your submission in Macintosh, It Just Works! The Huntsville Macintosh Users Group Newsletter for July 25, 1998 Page 23

ceive a free membership on the local Informal Meeting We Invite You To bulletin board service. All of this and a 4th Saturday of Each Month Join Us! monthly newsletter for only $25 per at 10:00 a.m. Join your fellow Macintosh users in a year (families may join for only $30). The location for the Informal Meet- free spirited evaluation of software, or Visitors are always welcome, you ing has not been decided at this time. ask the membership at large for help do not have to be a member to Check the HMUG Website for the with your own problems. Each meeting join us at our meetings. location, or call John McDonald a starts at 10:00 a.m. and features a Business Meeting few days before the meeting. demonstration or a tutorial. All mem- 2nd Saturday of Each Month for more information… bers have access to the group’s large Huntsville Public Library Auditorium. call John McDonald at library of public domain software, First door on the right at entrance 882-0766 books and videos. Members also re- at 10:00 a.m.