
_/- i -l I am a part of all that I have 1ret; Yet all e~~erience ls an arch whPrethrough G !.~t..:w U::t:~ t Ull L::-c..•JeJ..qd 1//0"j_, t1 v i.1ose Itl.C.trgin fudes Forever and forever when I wove. I

Page Three - l TN! ([ 2ID 11 &~War 1-c:'di tor-in-Chief. • • Rickard Akin Typists: Associate Editor . Charles \fhi te 1 Jo Ellen Blanchard, Dorothy 1 Sports Editor. • • Jack Goff Blanchard, Pauline Leverett, brt. • • • • . . . • John Ganann Jo Pe~rl Bass, Doyle ~cCuller, Shirley Sterling Linus Jhite, Jeanette Eiller, · Fe a -cure Writers: Juanita Hu~es. Richard bkin, Pauline Leverett, 1iii'leograph r·anagers: Daphne Baugh, Shirley Bickers, Jar'les F.nni s &nd Charles \lhi te Jack Goff, Russel Rogers, Jo Advisers • . • t:rs. L.B. Thomas Pearl Bass, Janes Ennis, Irene Ruth Flcr<.. Webb, Jo Blancht:lrd, Ju&nita Poet Hughes, Dorothy Blanchard. Shirley Sterling

I sa happy for you and I congratulate you upon your faithful and . diligent work both in crBde school and in hiGh school. The foun­ d&tion you have built for yourselves, the ideals of ri~ht and wrong, and the confidence you ht.ve as u result of havine; conpleted your first major job will strengthen you bud open the door for a life of service and happiness. Continue to grow through further study; continue to hold fast to the fundamental truths of religion and democrscy; purpose in your heurts that you will keep your ch&racter ~bove reproach and that you will always be honorable, honest and truthful. Many of you are going directly into nilitary service--several mem­ bers of the class have already eone into military service--n~ny of our former students are distinguishing themselves in battle--in order that our American principles of denocracy may live on and on. May we, this clc.ss and other st dents who have passed through this institution and those who will follow in the future, appreci- 1 ate the many sacrifices being made in order that this institution, our rights c...nd privileges un

You will hc...ve ue.my opportunities thro•,ghout life ~:..nd to be t:ble to take advantage of these o ..n ortuni ties, you !'lUst be pre])t.red to ac­ cept the responsibilities und to do the job efficiently. To do th:s you must continue to grow.

W. J. Holloway, Supt. Port Neches Schools i ~------~------~Page Four The Boc..rd of Educe: tion of the Port neches .:icLools is m .de up of three nen Hell kno\:n throuehou t the district.

'1. L. ~ enunont, c. prOS"'erous d iryman cmd farc.er, h.:.S lived ·.. t the sight of his ~'resent ho!'le since he \flS one year old. Mr. Bea~ont has ueen a Member of the uourd for four ye&rs.

tf. E. Pr,rsons, n grEldUE; t ·e of \Jesley£tn Un.: versi t~r of Illinois. He hns lived in Port Neches where he has 'orked for the Texes Co ·1p£ny for nore ttc n t\ en ty years. r·r. Pnrsons has served on the board sixteen years.

F. s. Deneler, a Ph. D. grC'duate of John EopKins University, has \ 'Orked for the Texas Company 1:1any ye ~ r3 h:, ving c.dvanced to the pos ·.tion of superintendent of the lo c&l plz n t. l r. Dengler it: ; . · i . I 1 servinG his t'Jenty-fourth yec.· r ~ s trustee.

Durine these busy and trying days of tar, tLese ttr~e men • find themselves all but subr.1errcn in the e.c1c1t;d duties thc!t short­ ar;e of le.b::>r he.s put on t.he.m, but they c..ll find tirle to t:.:ke a l direct interest in the adninistrs. tion :::>f tt.. c rc:.nic1ly c:ro\,ing school s.vsteo.

Par,e Five TO THE JENIORS It may seem t.::> y.::>u that you are facing the hardest set .::>f circum­ stances any praduation class has ever had t.::> face. ·;ithout in any way minimizing the difficulties of the ti~es let me remind y.::>u that each generati.::>n oust f oce ~nd S()lve its .::>~n pr.::>blems, and they are al 1ays ha rd pr.::>blems. The liberty- loving Athenians h~d t.::> defend themselves efiinst the desv()t!c Fers5 &ns; t he English of Ouren Eliza "leth' s time str ~~c;. ~le ;~ t:.-!eS er!::tely t;, ssve theoselves frofn the Sp3niards; · nc1 in ()Ur .:nn ccuntry .::>L'.r an0Pst;,rs ..: nd our­ sel es h -~ e faced - he h r dshi t s ;,f fr.::>~tier life, Indian w rfare, civil v 1 r, " orld-,• i : e l.'J ·r ; nc1 tirneo of cle ~J ressior1 s nd hunger.

, The trnth is tl- ·:. t t ere are n.::>t n.::>w nd 11 - ve nPvcr rwen ny "G.::>ld­ en J\<· es 11 that "e.:-e wttho •t ''J .::>rriPS nd. c · res. ·:e ,:·."'ricans have high ideqls .::>f peace pnd hw1an welfare ~nd hsve done ~uch in the ' pest in the direction .::>f attai~jng these ideals . The political ' and ec.Jn.Joi c frecd.::>n e have didn't just hap_en. It was brought a b.::>u t by the stru~e les of t .::>se \~ho have g.Jne bef .Jre us. r.le can- n.::>t keep it unles - we Are 'A~ il l ing and ref dy to work s nd fight for it. If y.::>u want a g~od world, d.:> your pert to make it ov accept­ ing your responsibilities in the home, the cl1tu·ch, end the s t ate. If you accept your resp;,nsibilities, your life ~ .::>n't be a dreary .Jne, because there are n.::> ~.::>re plea~ant joys than th0se t hat are 1 derived through social ~ctivities .Jf the higher type. hly best wishes to all of you, LeRoy HcClendon, ?rincipal SENIORS 1-,43 I wish that I might make you realize how rich you are today with ' youth in your hearts and the long years and op).::>rtunity b e f ~re you. As the m.::>rning h()urs are the bGst for beginning the duties ~f the day; the m~rning of life is the time for makine an earnest start .::>n the upgrade to success. Y.::>u have learned in your schv.::> l life that he who "Jorks, nins . You Jill find this true as y.::>u take up your nev: duties. The enerPctic young man and 1fJOman can climb high, but reme.o er that 1 "hile y.Ju have great .::>pportunities,you a l so have greater c~mpetition . · Make an effort to s ecure furths r e;ducnti.::>n or s pecial tra ining. Bec.::>me skillful in y.::>ur chos en line,whsthcr it be , .::>rk of the a ind or of the hands. Do n.::>t ~e a fraid t.::> toil. Uay you c c:J.mc upright ci tizcns, and honored membErs .')f your C01YJ.m .mi ty and serve your c.::>untry ':J ell in sny fie ld in which you .may 'Je cnll_c d t.::> se.!'ve. I shall alweys wish for you the gr eetest of suc ~e ss ~ nd b Qppiness. AlvJays y .::> ltr fr i...,nd, Ruth Flora

Pase Six Boys AKIN, RICHARD -'40; Minstrel in As­ "Spontaneous ~isdom breathed by sembly-'41; Homeroom Vice-Pres­ health, ident, Yell Leader-'42; Best Ac­

1 Truth breathed by cheerfulness." tor, Senior Play, S2oker's Club, Hall of Fame-Best Actor-'43. Junior Class Programs-'41; Shop Program, Junior Class Program, CHRISTY, REX Football Participation, Basket­ , .. hose nn ture is so far from d.J­ • .ball, Officer in S.H.T.C.--'42; ing harms, ' '43; Senior Play Cast, Editor­ That he suspects none." ;in-Chief of Vlar Whoop, National :Honor Soc i e ty::T43. Mem er of Pep Club-'40; ~ember of Scrap Drive, Pep Club-'42. ALVEREZ, TONY "Whate'er ~e're told, the noble B.A?RON, E.rtRL gold "Let every man ftlind his own Is truth of heart and manly business." dealing." League Typing-'41; Aid Ration­ IVice-PreEident of Homeroom--'40; ing of Food-'43· Sophomore Class Programs---'41; Homeroom Secretary-'42. ENNIS, JAMES no· ARD "And kind as kings upon his BAILEY, CHARLES c.::>r.::>nati.::>n day." "Your pockets can be emptv, but You're richer than a king." Homeroom Basketball Team, Band Concert, President of Homeroom !Member of Hi-Y-' 39; Band Uember -'39; Band Concerts, Homeroo~, Band Concert, Junior Basketball Basketball Team, Vice-President 1Team-'40; Secretary Homeroom, of Homeroom, Secretary Spanish IJunior Declaimer, Football-'41; Club-'40; Vice-President of the Football, Basketball-'42; Track Sol_)bonore Honeroom, :aand Con­ 'Team-' 43. cert, All-Star Band, Basketball Tenm, High School Band and Orc­ BARNES, OTIS hestra, War ·,!hoop, Senior Play, "'~as for the good of my coun­ onor Society, King of School, try that First Lt. in Cadet Corps, Hall , I should go abroad." of Fame-Best Boy Citizen-'43.

Member of Band, Hi-Y Club, Band G1~NANN, JOHN Concert-'39; Band Hember, Hi--Y "··rith the golden thrrads of Club, Band Concert, Homeroom­ anbition Reporter, Spanish Club-'40; Hi-Y '!oven int.::> the pure hite Club, Vice-President 4-H Club, canopy of ability." '41 ; Hi-Y Member, Homeroom Bas­ ketball, Honor Society-'42. 3asketball Team-'31; Tr ck-'40;­ Track; Junior Play--Sound Effect ! BOOZER, LUTHER '41; Scrap Drive, Smoker's Club 1 _"I am the guy whom you have met mrmber-' 42; ·\~ar ·.:hoop Staff-' 43. · '."Hiom -you' 11 always remember And--soon not forget."

o~eroom President--'39;· Junior Page Seven GOF:i', JACK KOLEHAY, RALPH "Dodges '"'ork as though it \\ere "Who has no quarrel ¥.ith any contagious." .man, Has no need to v.orry." 1 Captain of Homeroom Basketball Team, All-Star Team-'39; Base­ Hi-Y Hember-'39 -'40-'41-'42-'43; ball, Basketball, President of Secretary and Treasurer of F"i-Y­ Pomeroom, Member of the Senior Club, Pep Club -'42; Secretary­ Baseball Team-'40; Basket ball, Treasurer of Hi-Y Club, Hember I , Track, Vice-President of Home­ of Cadet Corps, Dramatics Club ,j , room, Junior Play-' 41; Baseball AssAmbly Proerams, Posters foi] Team, President of the Homeroom,­ Senior Play-'43. ' ' Football, Track, Basketball, and Baseball--'42; Football-'43; Pop­ LANI~, ELTON , ular Boy Sophomore, Junior Yeur. "Harvest is for those \o\ho so¥.; Heights for those aspiring." I:ILL, J"OHN GLENN "When more he got, the nore he Band Member, Band Concert -' 39; gave. '40-'41-'42-'43; Spanish Club,\ Withholding not the crust the Library Club, Pep Club, Assemb 1 cup." ly Programs, Homeroom Committee of Programs-'42; Dramatics, ana Class Reporter, Reporter Home­ member of Cadet Corps-'43. room, Hi-Y Hember, Football'39; · Class Reporter, Track, Football LEE, HERBERT Team, Fomeroom Reporter,---'40; I Pi-Y Hember, Football--'41; Home "Resolved, to live ¥.i th all mv I room Basketball, Honor Society, might, ' I Football, Hi-Y Club-'43. Hhile I do live."

EDGERTON, CLIFFORD Vice-President Homeroom, Foot~ "Calmly and peacefully he tread ball-'39; Basketball, Football) life's V\ay-." Track-'40; President of Homeroom Football J~nager-'41; Football, Member of Spanish Club -'40;-'41; Senior Track, Handsomest Boy in .fodel Airplane \'fork - '41 ; Scrap­ Senior Class, Prince in Corona­ Drive , Rationing of Food Books tion-'43. '42-'43; Lt. in the S. H. T. C., Basketball in Homeroom-'43. L:h."VERE'TT, GEORGE "Often faltering feet come JOHNSON, CALVIN surest to the goaL" "To me small matter if it rain­ Football-'39; Football--'40-'41; Tomorro\o\ brings the sun again." Football-'42--'43; Officer Cade~ Corps-'43; In Assembly Programs, Playground Ball, Hordball--'39;­ Shop Programs-'42. Track , 440 dash -3rd, one mile­ . relay-lst , 220 yard dash , Base­ LOT~, BENNIE I ball-'41; Football , Track, 220 11 A busier man than he you'd fin~ yard dash, h40 yard dash-2nd, l no\o\here, •mile rela~-2nd, Basketball -'41; Yet he seemed busier than Basketball-'42; Football-•42-'43. he ~as, I'd s~ear." Band Member, Hi-Y Hember, Jun.; JONES, JOHN HILTON ior Bnsketball Player--' 39--' 40 ;' "Young fellov.s lAill be young President of Homeroom-'40; Junior fello¥.s." Basketball player, President o~ Homeroom, Vice-President Class, tl Football-'40; Football -'41-'42 Hi-~ Member, Band Member-'41-'42. Track-'42; Track, Baseball'43. Page Eight ------


SECTION A /Front Row, Left to Right 1 Phoebe·Brouseard, Ameda Brown, James Ennis, Betty Barker, , Earl Barron, Geraldine Choate.

1 Second Row, Left to Ri~ht · Jo Pearl Basr, Clifford Edgerton, Billye Davis, Toni Alverez, I Virginia Cheek, ·.rohn Hill, Ruth Boyd, Shirley Bickers. 1 !Third Row, Left · to Ri~h~ 1 1 Ruth Flora, sponsor; Daphne Baugh, · Jack Goff, Dorothy Blan- ·! chard, Richard · Akin, Jo Ellen Blanchard,. Rex Chris ty, Pattye Erackin,l Charles Bailey, Helen Burns. 1

Page Nine '43; President Homeroom, d:em-­ OLIVER, 1.1. T. ber of Band, President of Hi-Y, "Hone but tlle brave deserves Football , Basketball Player--42, the fair.,; '43. Jr. Basketball Player--'40-'41 McBROOH, EUGF.JJB Placed SPcond in High Hurdles, 11 The nan that blushes Track ~eet-'41; Truck, Basket­ Is not quite u brute." ball letterman, Vice-President of Homeroom, Assembly Program, McCULL:ER, Du~'LE I.. '42; 3asl::etball letterman, Ca­ "And he will talk; great Ceasar det Corps, Track, Senior Play, How he will talk! 11 'L.,) • I I I IReporter on Jar lhoop ·'Staff-' ~l OSBORf8, Cal\D RICHAHD 1 Choral Club -' 39; '40: Typ1ng 1.n ;'Only he can hope to rise 1 Interscholnst1c 1:Ieet, Chorus-' 41 iho for God has seeing eyes." l 1 'h2; Junior Plv.y, Library Club, I · '41; Member of Cndet Corps, ~Jar Perfect httcndnnce-'39-'40---'41; I \!hoop Staff, Class Prophet, ueru­ Perfect ~ttendance-'42-'43. I ber of Dramatics Club-'43. I PARKS, GEORGE !.1cDO JT LD, JAu!:::S DOUGIJJ3 the strong love of a com.- j "Deep in ny soul there are tears rade true I I Tears that the world ruust not That will last •til the end I see. of tirae." For I bein~ famed ns a jester­ j There's only laughter for me.a Football Player-'40. I Band 1viember, Vice-President of PORTER, CtARD :CE I Ho.Gl.eroolil-'39---'40; Junior ?lay "He trudged along unknowing Cast, Hi-Y, Band Member---'41; what he sought, iI Senior Play Cast, Cadet Corps, hlld whistled as he went for Captain , Band Hen.ber-'LL). want of thou5ht." I

HcHI : ~--:-, KE1 TI?.:'li Pep Club--'39; Shop Program-'42; ' "He Has a self-oade man, und Assembly Programs-' l~3. I talked you blue With all the business deals ROGERS, RUSSEL P1~UL 1 that he'd put through11 "He must be a thorough Fool who 1 lho can learn nothing from his t l;fember of Band-' 39- '40. own Folly." I I MORRIS , LLOYD L. Band I:.Iember, Band Conce;r-t, Vice l "One who loves nis fellovJ nan. ~• ?resident of Homeroom, Cl~~~, Programs--'39-'40; Band Cuncert Junior Basketb,, ll rlayer-- '40; Aember of Band, Class Programs Hi-Y Club, Vice-Prrsident, Jun­ President of Hom.eroom--'40--'41; ' ior Pluy Cast-' 41- '42. Homeroom Officer, R tlh Cvncert, .. I in B' nd, ... .r:,· ck Team--'41-'42;In MUSGROVE, J. D. orchE.stra for St:tJ.ior Play, Band nHis charity is like the snow­ Concerts, C.!..(l.uS Prc., .... C:.ent, H l' 1 Soft, white, and silent in its Whoop Staff, Cheer Leader,--;-;;:2 I fall." '43. I I l Basketball Player--' 40; ... 1embE>r SHITH, JAMBS of Hi-Y Club, Library Club 1.1cm­ "Hutters will ~o swimmingly." lber, !,1embcr of Band-' 41- '42. _?age Ten 'I!


First ~ow, Left to Right Ralph Kalef:laJ; ..ory Francis Lay, John Jones, Guenette Hc­ Bro6n, Douglas r: cn-.nald, Hazel L:=ni' ry. Second Row, Left to Right ..:. lt".Jn Lanier, Letha T"(_ae Jones, Geor ,e LPverett, Edith Fer­ guson, "3ennie Lott, rorm£1 Rae "):J vis, I:r. lr8lson, r; roup s onsor. Third Row, Left to Ri.!=;ht Ruth Fuller,~. T. 0 l' ver, Juani ta Hu -·hes, Her 1)ert Lee, 3hirley Haley, Cs lvin Johnson, I:9rjorie ~ erpin, Doyle t!cCuller.

Fage Eleven . SIHTH, R. C. Program. Coor.1i ttee Chairman, ~.s­ "Hail f ellm~, well net.,; ' ('Hbly _)rograf1s, enber of -3e nd Conccrts--'39-'40; Herald at the Pep Club, 1ssernbly Progrurus in Got·ona tion, l-1". , _er of band, 1 s­ Fresru. an Class, ~rogram Chair- SFHbly Prosraus, Per: ect Attend­ an, Perfect 1~..t t. endance--' 39- 'l.,O o.ncf'-' 1.. 0- ' : l; Hoiu.eroot. 01'ficer, '41; Sophomore Progra11, Perfect Junior Class heJ? orter, J'rosrrun A~tendance--'41; BaskPtball-'42; Chnir.1<.n, Perfect Atte11 dunce in Footbnll, Basketball, dssembly '41- '1,.2; Ba nd 1 i H1b~r, Assembly PrograrJs, '.lr Hck- 'L~2- '43. Prot:;raiTJ., .tcmbFr of Chdet Corps, Se ior Play, Honor Society, 1"..S­ 'j? _ ~L RJ:;LL, uu ill J}_,D suubly ?rogrUt:l.S, Stnnp Sule sr an "I c.w1 slow of study. 11 in 8chool Defense Ilrive, Asso­ cidtc Editor of ·.lur 1!hool)- '43. Participut~d in Football, C .ss Proe;,ru.Lts, Basket ball l)ut·ticl--­ '-JII:::TE, J ..i·illS BL!.{PR pation-'39-'40; Football Partie "Thn gentle mind by gentle ipatiu.~.l, Truck .Let German-' l~oO- '41 dE:eds is l~ nown; ' lt2; Bas :etbull•' 42; Letter Llun For a -run by n o-ching is so well in Footo~ll, Trdck-'43. botruycd .~s by his Llt.lmers. u TE\.HY, • t 1hK II. "These del_ghts if thou cc:.nst Perfect nt-cenaance, Class Pro­ give, gram-' 39-- '40; Sophomore I)rogrom ~irth, with thee I Llean in hS ~ embly, Perfect At~cnddnce to live." Roll--'40-'41; ben1or Class Pro- gruns, Officer in C&det Corps, Hi-Y, Red Cross President, Iii-Y l)erfr. t l1.ttcndanc( , Sen_ or Play Club-'39--'40; eclaHation, Audi Ca...,t, Chuirnun in Victory Drive torium Progra s-- '40-- '41; De- '43. bate, Nationul r.·orcnsic Lea.~ue, ~ Honor SociEty, Or&tory-----'42; '!OODS, RO~:r.RT D:S Honor Soci£ty, Be .ior Play CC~st "Life is such a lovish thi1g, t ::>enior Prograus, Drru a tic Club, And I love lifr. 11 1 .~uditorium Progrm1s-'43. Homeroom hep~rtrr, Duke in Ifuy VAN BIC:::'EHAJT, JOE Coronation, dost IIandsouc Boy 1 • If you hesi ta t c , you're not in Fr shL'lnn Clnss, .Junior Track only lost, uut lc... t.'' Particip[.tion,-'39-'L~O; licmber of. 1 Jli-Y Club, President of Hou c- 1Participated in ""usketboll--- '40; room-' l~O-- '41; Foot bull, Sgt. of , 1 IParticiputr d in FootbE:ll, Trnck Cade t Cor1') s, IJ. r >1ck- '43. / 1 1 1 m1 f: ar1' B""skc.u v t bCJ.ll- I .2- 1·3.r GU~L[3 1 '•g; ·.:s, LEO "Alas, little do VJC know B J ;."; ~l':H, 3.,.''I'TY LOUISE '. . hat lies be fore us. a "If you bring a s n lline; visa ~ .F To the glass, you meet a s 1ilc~ Perfect A~tendance, Class Pro­ graQs-'39; Football Participa­ Howeroou re)ortrr on ' !ar 'Thoo .E tion, Homeroom Vict-:J:>residcnt­ Stuff, Bend, President of Bohle- J '40; Football Participation-'41 room, T\virlcr, Vi cc-?rcsidcnt of Fuotball Participation, United llo.wcroohl, ... ~s~c1ubly 1?ro6ru as, States Uavy-43. BROUSSl-Jill ' DFQJ:3:r. IHITE, ClL~- 5 DOUGL.S "Great deeds 1.ust root in great I nrtlle 6 e.:ntle nind 'by 6 rn tle deeds / convictions." is known.'' ~------~------~~J Page Twelve !I I 1 --~~ :I

S7";CTION C First Row, Left to Right Irene ·./ebb, Jo Van Breman, Lula Mae Turner, Clarence Porter, Mildred Williams, Charles vlhi te, Myrtis Rose nunez. Second Row, Left to Right Carl Osborne, Octavine McGraw, James White, Eunice Vallery, Robert \/oods, \leeda Pellerin, Madelyn Osborne, .alice Flora, group sponsor. Third Row, Left to BigJ.t Rosie Heed, James S1.:1ith, Ruby Smith, R. C. Smith, Vernon Rrunke, Russel Rogers, Dorothy lJicar, Harold Terrell.

- . Page Thirteen f I BA~S, JO PE.RL Home Economics Club, President "On mo nlight plain, and starlit of Homeroom, Playgr~und Ball sea, County Meet~-'31- 1 40; Se cretary Is life's lost charm, tranquil­ of Homoroom Class, Secretary ity. " of Home EconoBics Club-- 140-'41; Cheer Leader, Prompter for Jun­ Band llember, Band C~ncert, Home ior Play Cast, Secretary of 1 Economics Club Member, Homeroom­ Homeroom, Alr ha Beta Culb--'41- ' Officer, Home Economics Club , 42; Secretary of Senior Class, / Member, Pep Club, Spanish Club 1 Secretary of Homeroom, Member I ' }.~ember, Usher at Junior Flay- 41- of the Far 'wlhoop StE. ff, Pro1n pter I 142; Usher at Senior Play, Pep of Senior Play, Alpha 3e ta Club 1 l Club, ·Member of War ·./hoop Staff­ Reporter, Announcer in Corona- j '43. tion, National Honor Society-' 42- • '43. BAUGH, DRPHNE LOUISE "She is a form. of life and light BLANCHARD, JO ELLEN That seen,becomes a part of sight, "And you shall wander hand in j And rose,where'r I turn'd my eye, hand with love in summer's The morning-ster of liveliness." wonderland." I Homeroom Officer, Band Member, Secretary of Freshman Class, Club I Band Concert, Band Club Officer, Officer, Homeroom Officer, Play-- . Homeroom Reporter on 'lar •;Jhoop gr.:>und Ball at County ~.:eet-'31- t Staff-'31-'40; Homeroom Officer, '40; Sophomore Class Secretary, ! Band Member, Band Concert, Member Club Member and Officer-'40-41;- 1' , of Club, Club Officer, Spanish Homer.:>om Officer, Cheer Leader, Club, Home Economics Club Hember, National Honor Society, Usher j Secretary of Junior Class, Band at Coronation, Junior Play Cast- 1 !Member in Band Activities, Secre­ '41-'42; Homeroom Officer, Cheer !' ' tary of Homeroom, Secretary of Leader, Most Popular Girl, Sen­ IHome Econo·1ics Club, Duchess of ior Play, Member of Viar Whoop · Junior Class in the Coronation, Steff, National Honor Society I National Honor Society, Band­ Program, Announcer in Cor.:>na-­ ! '41-'42; Salutatorian, Vicc-pres­ tion. Prosident of Alpha Beta · : ident of Delta Beta,Nstional ~on- Club, Best Girl Citizen~'42-'43. I : or Society Program, Usher for the I lJunior Play, Usher for the Senior BOYD, ~UTH l Play, Rationing, '1lar ··:hoop St~ff, "Music washes away fr.:>m the soul jstamp Salesman in School Defence Tho dust of everyday life." i iDrive-'43. I Pep Club, Band iarching, Inter- : BICKERS, SHIRLEY scholastic, League Spelling C.:>n- J "Merrily live and long." test-'39; Pep Club, Band March­ ing, Student Council-'40;Inter- l Home Economics Club, Fop Cluo, sc ~ olastic League Spelling Con- I F;--csh!nan Cl'" .... s Programs, C.:>un­ test, Junior Play, Pep Club, · ty teet Bascball-'31-'40; wpan­ Choral Club, dtudent Council, ish Club, Pep Club, Class Pro- Usher for Senior Graduation-'41- 1 '"'; ra!ns-' 40-' 41; Uember of Junior '42; Pep Club, Choral Club,Ush­ JPlay Cast, Library Club, Eembcr er for Senior Play-'42-'43· of Pep Club, Class Programs-'41- . 142; Cheer Leader, SE.:nior Play, BRACKIN, PATTYE 1Best Actress-' 42- '43. "Her Gyes ~ere bright and t'lerry, :jl..A " CHh~D, DOROTHY H.ARIE She danced in a mazy whirl, I "Her modesty is a candle to her She took the world in its sun- merit . " sunshine, 1For she was a frivolous girl. " l~------.------.-----~~ Page Fourteen !chairman of Homeroom--'39--'40, Usher at the Sen- Home Economics Club, President !of Homeroom, Spanish Club, Pep · Club, Program Chairman, Usher , Dl.VIS, BILLYE MAE , at .run1or Play--' 41--' 4~ ? ; Senior "I take the world to be but 'Football Maid, President of the 1 a stage." ; Delta Beta Club, Uur , Tho of) Staff :.Member, Senior Play-'h2·- 1 43.--- Home Economics Club, 4-H Club­ ' 3. - '4C; ~.~e:1br:r of the Home Ec­ BROUS[LRD, PI:OE3E onomics CJ.ub-'40-'41; Usher at ·The gentle mind by 3tntle dPeds ;the Senio1· .Plc..y- 'h3. is kno-vm." D~ .VIS, lWRHA RfiE Scrap Drive, Make-Up Co:nra.i ttee "Type of the wise who soar, but .for Senior ?lay Cast-'42-'43. never roam, True to the kindred points of BflO' 1J, .AUP.:U.~.. heuven and home ." i:A sweet nttructi ve kind of Band Concerts, Ho!J.e Ec. neport- G:-~ce." 8r-'39-'4G; HoL1eroom Reporter, ' Band Concert, Ho:ne Ec. Reporter­ :Home Econo~ics Club, Piano Les- 'h0-'4L; Band .MGnber, B9.ud Con­ sons-'39-'40; Glee Club, Piano jccrts-'hl-'42; Band Member, Na- iLessons-'4J-'41; Horne Economics, ltional Lonor Socic ty, Usher for !Glee Club, H9neroom Secrot&ry, the Senior Play, Valedictorian­ ;Piano State Contest---'41--'42; l'42-'1~3. ·.Junior ·;. A • .A. C. , Glee Club, I iQffice Girl-'42-'43. j FERGUSOU, EDI'111 "Lift roc, guide me high and high BURlfu, H!::LT;U To thy banqueting place in the 11 Bright as the sun, he. eyes sky." the bazers strike, And lH~e ·the sun, they shine ice-president of the 4-H Club, on all aliJ:e . .. I omeroom Program Chairman--'39- I '40-'41-'42-'43. 'I CH!'EK, VIHGIHI.n. I ti ller ways are ways of pleasing FULIER, RUTH courtesy." "rl maiden never bold, I Of spirit so still and ouiet." :Freshman reporter on ,far 'fhoop, ,Groves News Reporter, Operetta, eportEr of 4-H Club, MembGr of Glee Club, Band Concert-'39-'40 fume Economics Club--'39--'40; :class Officer--reporter, Member lag Carrier, Band Concerts-'41- Iof Band, Band Concert-' 41; Band , 42- 'ld . .Member, Class Programs, Member !of Pep Club, Band Pro6 rnms-'42; I~~I, SHIRLEY .TuYCE ·Member of ,Jar '!hoop Staff, Of­ "She laughed, she played, she lficer in Scrap Drive-'42-'43. I sang, she danced, Through four hard years she CIIO.:-..T:"::, G!t.::..LDiliT:; gaily danced." 1 ; Pleasures ne\Jly found are sweet iembcr of 4-H Club, Home Econom­ \/hen they lie about our feet.H ·cs Club, Ploy6round Ball--'39- '40; Home Economics Club--'40- Homeroom Secretary, Declaimer­ '41; Senior ?lay, RationinG,Pep Second Place-'39-'40; Home Eco­ lub-'42-'43. r-'1omics Club-' 40-' 41; L.1ember of jJunior Play Cast, Junior Class Pabe Fifteen H-.l

Secretary of Honeroom, Band M~m­ bcr Secretc.:rv of Home Econo!lllcs Club, '39-'40;Vice-president for ~omeroom-'40~'41; Secret ry of IHo.m.er ·, om, Home Ec. Club; Member

·- - - - -· sixteen MCJ=;ROm~, G' ffi!f'·~TTE Cust-'43. :'The m.ilt1est mnnners t nd the P.;entl~.st teFrt . 11 R " ~D, T

1 Mcn-R · 1, OCT. ·rnJE Sl!UliD~rtS, V~~~WS LORIHE 1 • : Be ~-ou not proud of tb.at rich ".:. m1nd so pure, so perfect I haJ.r• fine, r 'Vlhich wc- ntons q ith a sparkling Ah, 'tis not raditant, but air? a divine.u i chorul Christman Progr~ms--'41; TURlJER, LUL.i~ M./..E ' Choral Club-'41-'42. "She that could th.1.nk n.nd ne'er disclose her mind." NUl'.:,~, MYRTIS ROSE Home Econonics Club, Freshman acorJ.e End trip it as you go Program, Perfect Attendence, Re­ On the light fLnt•st~c toe." )Orter-'39-'40; .Assembly Pro-­ gram-' 41; Per:.-ect ilttendance-'42; ! secretar~ of Homeroom, Presi-­ Senior Play Usher-'43. l dent of Homeroom , Freshman Maid i (Football), Duchess, rost Po.;;>­ V.l\LLERY, Eill'I CE ; ulor Girl, Host Beautiful Girl­ "In small proportions '·e just ! '39- '40; TI:•Tirler in High School benuties see, I B~nd-'41-'42-'43; Entertained­ P.nd in short measures life ' between acts of Sen:i.or Play-' 43 may perfect be. 11 1 Cless Pro· rrms, Princess in the Homeroom O'fficer, Ho.me Zconom- j Coronetion-'43. ics Club, B8sketball--'39--'40;- Home Economics Club-'42-'43. . 08 -;ORNE , H .....,~LYN ::Friendship pure, unselfish HE !m, IRENE friend s:i1i i), ;;Be bolde, be bolde, F.nd every- fll through life's allotted where, be bolde.n span, Member of Chorus, Pro "r8ID. ChGir- 1 m?n of Homeroom, SecretE.ry or I Home ~cono .~. .1ic Club, SecretE ry- Reporter o'f Fomeroom, Junior­ 1 Baseball Tenm-'39--'40; Senior of Homeroom, He.mber or Pep Club Play Cast-'43. '39-· '40; Secretary of Homeroom, I Member of Pep Club, Declamation I PELLERIN, . - ~ .D.' at Lamar Meet-' 40- '41; Homeroom, ' 01 She WaS as fresh tiS is the Officer, Junior Play--'41--'42; . . ..~.on th o'f Hay . n Usher at the Senior Play, Mem .. , I ber of \/ar \lhoop Str.ff- '43. I 4-H Club Fernber, Home l:~cono.mics ! Club Per~.' ect .Attend~nce---' 39-­ "liLLD\MS, ~ITLDRED '40; Home Economics Club, Home "Thanks to the human hecrt by room Ofl icer-'40-'41; Usher for wh~ch wo liYe, the Senior Play-'43. Thanks to its tende1ness, its 1 joys, vnd fec.rs." 1 R.t.TE::: .L ., BOBBY JOYCB Home Econo.[l'lics Club, Perfect J~t- 111\ lo 1elier flower on earth tendance- 1 39- '40- 1 41; Junior Play j was never sovm." ,.:~ssombly Proc;rems- '41- '42; Honor- Society, Homeroom Pro~rr~s-'42. Dramatic Club- · 1 39; Senior Play. . Page Seventeen Leadin~ the class in schol ~ rship ~ith an av~rage of 94.1~ Norma Rae Davis is valedictorian. She says little but kno~s much, is a member of the National Honor Soci~ : ty, and one \\ho gives promise of / success in nll her futuro activities. I Daphne Baugh, kno~n both for h ~ r beauty and brains,is salutator- 1 iian 'ith an average of 94. Sho has bcon a mombcr of the high school! band, an outstr. nding and successful c ndidate in hip)l school ~.; l e c- 1 !tions, end is a member of the National Honor Soci •3 ty. Her sincerity! end cheerfulness have von thr· ROnuin(; adm .rntion of her associ<,tes. I I John Hill, leuding the boys in scholarship, has Qn everace of 90. : A m ~ mbor of th~ National Honor Society and a letterman in football, .. ,John has \\On .amn~r fri8nds throup:h his friendliness and good dispo-: ' sition. ; Shirley Bickers, selected btr the facultv as tho best actress, is !' Jpnov.n not only for her splbndid performance on th·..: stage but also 1 for her ability as a cheer lead ~ r on the football field. Temper- I m ntal, imns tuous, flrd vnt, and sincere , ~he \\ill long be cherished lin high school mc!lloritJs. 1• 1 I Luthnr Boozer, a cheer leader of 1943, is tho year'~ best actor and the stud nt's' choice for oost popult:.. r boy. His schoolroom '\A-his­ ' nrs and c~~rus rour h1vc mudc him kno~n to all fron the most timid lfreshmen to tho most dignified senior. l'lith the same vividness,pep, 'courage, and forti tude of his portr· yal of · nGramp," \\hich \\On him tho title of best actor in the s 1J nior play, he plays tho role of just ,plain "Booze." Respected by all end likud by most, Douglas McDonald, the little 'man lAith the big voice, ~as selected on the basis of morit as cap­ 'tain of the high school cadet corns by Captain Kelly of the Texas State Guard-Co 1~any B-43 Batta lion. : Vt,rnon Rrunke, u blonde, husky lad,is the faculty committee's se- lection for the best athlete of 1943. H~ has lettered in football :in both his ,iunior und senior years, \\as selected by his teammates ·as co-ca~tain, and chosen by the district coaches to participate in ,tho bi-st<. te gPnc in Oranp,e. I I1 1 bundle of loveliness and laughtf:r, ,.ith u v ink and a smile for I cv r: r:vone, "Jo" Blanchard is the stud;nt's choice for tho most popu- lar ...irl and the f :.JCult:v commi ttec t s choico for the best girl ci ti- I lzen. Cheer leader t ict ~ , prominent raember of the junior and senior I play casts, and u m;:mb,,r of the National Honor Society and Vlar Whoop Staff, this lass 'ith looks ond p~rsonolitv ha~ ~on the hearts of not onlv her classm· tcs but also touchers and undergr.duatos as ~ell.

I .Tames Ennis, acclaime;d king, by the stud ..:nt bod~r of Port Neches High School of 1943, and bost bov citizen by tho faculty coMmittee, is a favorite of the boys us ·11 c.s th~..; girls. ModGst, blonde, and fairly good looking, he is respected for his sincerity and friendli­ ness. Despite youthful pranks und a huppy-go-lucky disposition,- he . ) . First ~. ~ to Right Douglas McDonald, 1-lorma Rae Davis, Ja.t.1es Ennis, Shirley Bickers, Luther Boozer.

Second Row, ~ to Right Letha Rae Jones, John Hill, Jo Ellen Blanchard, Vernon Ramke, Daphne Baugh, Allen Landry.

!>age Nineteen -. - -

'le, the most vivacious, flippant, dignified, clap hapny, super seniors of the outstandin~ year of '43 do hereby make, publish, and declare this bit of v.hat-have-vou as our last \\ill of soleful confession and testiments. ' Vle do v.i th honor bequeath to the semi-dignified juniors not 1 only the key to all of our !3uccess but also a ke'r to our secret storehouse behind the Texas C. v.o.ter \\Orks, 'lt\.here they v.ill find a 1 tank of gasolinG, 10 shoe coupons, 5 no~ tires, 5 lbs. of steakcand . 15 lbs. of sugar--believe it or not--Ah, sv.eet mystery of Life, v.here art thou? Don't be surprised, juniors, if you find the key 1 doesn't fit the lock. 'Ve do, v.ith understanding experience bequeath to the soph­ omores a fc~ serious ords of advice in verse--it isn't original-­ about "lovey davey romance."

IT TAKES ALL IaNDS "The kiss of the blonde may seem quite fond When your lips meet in Hollyv.ood fashlon, And her eyes may seem bold, but her heart's stone cold For a blonde knov.s not of passion.

A gay brunette is an exotic coquette, As pell mell into love she dashes; And her kisses of fire are mad ~ith desire But, alas, they soon burn to ashes. The brov.n haired Hiss ¥rill throv. you a kiss Like the br ~ eze of a summer's day, But ~hen a rod haired'Hiss col!les along, don't resist-­ Just close your eyes and pray."

Last but not least ~c bequeath to the freshmen in all serious­ ness all the responsibilities that v.e have had to carry since "e · \\ere "fish" s,.,i.nwing helplessly along among the books, desks, stacks of test papers (questions that are so~etiaes v.cll distribut­ ed omone, us) also \I.e ~ish to express our best v.ishos for your sue­ ' cos in getting across the study hall to the s Jats of honor----more power to you. To the teachers v.e give our apologies for all our foolish fol lies that have caused them so much distress; yet ~a enjoyed every mo.ment of them. ve tho seniors do hereby nake our mark v ... - 1 'le have collected tv.o slups, five dominoGs, one bobby pin, tv.o gcrters (egads, rubber), a yankee dime, tv.o toothpicks, and tv.o , colle~e freshmen v.hom one senior ~irl has under control, all of v.hich v.e leave to tho seventh grade. After all they havc:to have · Something to start their four years. It anything has been omitted, it is to the fact that the funds •v.ere insufficient to stand the cost of ¥

Letha Rae Jones, a dimpled young miss, d~ar to the hearts of stu­ dents and teuchers is the student's choice for both queen &nd most beautiful girl of 1943. Her fresh, appealing loveliness and demure ! charm heve won the universal admiration of ell who know her. Allan Lsndry-freshman and the third outstt.nding student from the House of Landry-is by popul~r vote the handsomest boy in Port Neches High School of 1943. His quiet demeanor ~nd reserved personality combined with a lovable shyness give promise of winning ror him the . tr&dition&l ft.me or the Lt:ndry brothers in high school annc.ls. 1 CLASC PROPfTBCY Time: In the merry month of Hay, 1961. Setting: Eere and there. Where else? Occasion: The seniors of 43 are returning to Port Neches to attend an alumni banquet.

Scene I. T:.e city limits of Port "Neches, Texas. Ah! Port Ueches, the hEart of the Sabine Area!

'~i r. Boozer! Mr. Boozer, look!" "Why, vlwt is it, Phoebe?" "Look at that big black limousine. I wonder whose it is?" "Oh! Tlflt is &n automobile . Why, thttt's Doyle HcC-..llcr and Charles White! They've come for the banquet. Quick! G~t my hat and coLt. I l r ft t~cm in th, 11 · r s~nctw,." "Yes, sir. l1~T ,:y ! Cla.. rlLs \L:. 1.c, r; <..:r'tLry of Stttte . Ec was , the; onf ho st&rtl d the now . 'O li ticol paJ ty lt. st yec..r, -rhe Lrtti- • Roost. vel t L£ c..gue. Ec WClS t.l!Jost r lcct· d lr• sic· I Jl t, t 00; but Roose­ velt's like the E.irplt.nc. E:..' s here to stc.~·." "I :_ucss you'rc right, Phoebe. J..nd ~.ith him is Doyle r·ccul­ ler, tho actor. His lt: test picture, T"e D;.:.k A gel, is ph.. ying ut l the Dolphin." i "Look. Jvhn G<·nonn is his cht uffc:ur. In rLturn for Jol-In's ' servicc·s, Doyle furnishr s .i1i11 with c.. labor& tory wt.. f rc he ct.n carry on his famous c&nccr c.:xpcrimcnts." / Scene II. It's still the city linit!:... (Be .Petie nt. 'Jc 'll got , • there) • . "Ch

P&gc T~~cnty-one ------4 PrOJ)hocy Continued

divorc~d, she got thE ~pnr. Lucky girl!" ni see John H .11 has kc pt thL Hill C!!cvrolet Co. t_;oing. I no­ tice they h& ve a n·~· building. I guess ~rou knm; tht. t their he1:1d mechanic is GE-lvin J~hnson, t..nd he'.., rec.lly good! 0~ I.J.Y goodness! L ok at that man running dm.n tlle street in shorts!" • i'T!~ .. t':. Jo.:...n ~ri 1 ton JoJ~es. -r.;·., er:roEe thinks he' ..; nuts. H~' s try inc to Inbkc t. cow back in :'oot b(j,ll t.nd tn ck. For tho pt st fi VD yc~:.rs he'l::l b n in ..r.L•Stin tr~ring to settle ttlD nee;ro question." "Oh, there go< s Joe F. .... rb rt Vc n B.1.·:..c an, the 1. ;ri tGr, I just fir.L.:. shod his lt. tE.st book, The Di ssip~ tr d ~Ian. I :...ec.r he'~ vJOr.King on & nt.w one call~a TE_ ;-; ... tidy of the Phil'OSOJ;hic l'ind." "Can thc.t be Eu .. icc Vallery stc.nding on the corner? It is, , and she's sellillg ot tbrat...... <:s." "John, turn dm n t '1is boulevc.rd. l;e•re cominB to Osborne : Field, one of Port lJcchl,S' s nw.1erous t.ir ports. Carl ulwt:lys did t&ke avie::tion seriously. Thcre's Rex Christy COLling in for c.. land­ , ing. He pilots for rorth AmerlCLn Alrwc..;rs 1 ow. Look WLY up there! The;. t must be Rolph Koe:lcmtty, chi ·.""~ f t c st pilot ht re. Boy! Can he fly c. plene!" "\ie'rc going by sor·e: of thP lovcli~·st hor:ms I've ever seen! , There's tho residence of "Lb..c forratr rormc. RLc Davis. It's a rogu­ lt.r mc.nsion." "I guess so! She f'l<: rri d <... rich 1ic,xiccn Bull--fighter who sp0culLtcs in synthetic rubbLr. Oh, therr's ~dith Ec.stlow (nGe Edith Fert;uson) s,;."Ltln._; on the lt~wn ph~Tjng •,ith one of her pet sm.. kes. I cvn't tJll 11b: thc r it's c.. gtrtc r or l. l:ir g snt~kc." "Thl.t huge colisrill1 on the left is thn Ol1vcr Opera House. N· tur&lly Vl. T. is -.:be r!lLnc..e;e:r. His chief sinc;e-r is debonair Ruth ' Bo~rd, who sin"'S the l c c.d in Ruf,fcll Roger's L .. test opera score, Esm<. rt:ldcc.' s Emotions. Thcr·o p,o the populc.r Blt-nch1:.1rd '1\Jins, Dot t.nd Jo Ellen. Tho~' run. the Twin Deck Poker How:; c,, '• hich is ~ lare,o g l. bl~_ ng ph cc right bGhind th(. First Hc.tionul Rc nk, now in hLnds of Tony Alvc.;rt.z. Ton~r st. ys the bt.nk is rc;c.lly k e pt busy c~:Arrying monev froLl the Pokt.;r Hous(; to the bc..nk. Th~t wonun going thr rc is ' F e len Burns. Dot t.nd Jo Ell(m SLY that H• len is thr: ir best custo­ mer. I Cbn't bclicvc it!" "Thc..t bir, ;wus~ with the go&t grc..zine in f1·o t bclon .. s to Dr. Shirley Bickers. She's suppostd to be th( bc:st chiropodist in this pt.rt of th . country. Oh, look at thc..t !OHc.n corning down the stroet with t.ll of those children. ~'Tb.v !--th< t' s none other thc.n tho forn\o:r D&phnc.. Bt.ugh. She nt..m s h'.r chlldrcn c.. ..':' tt..r· her exbcc.us, ~rou I kcow. I don't gut ss Eugc ne--Eu~~...;r,c, r,;cBroom--oinds. If I werc her 1 husbLnd, I certainly would." 1 "Look! Yonde:.r' s Mt.rk Terry on b soapbox me. king t. spc cch be- I foro his usut.l t udience. Let's usk o ..t G of them the dirccti on to 1 the bt.ncuEt ht.ll." J "Hey, girls! Could one of you tell mE: th.::. right way to the j high school building?" "Yes. Turn left t.t the next corner; then j'OU go s trLight L- head." · "I st.'H He edt.. Pellerin in the cro"1d. She's the president of j the Tomperu1~cc Union, Lnd they s<: y th<: t she's doing some fine work. Here's the BLrncs Fruit l~k rkc t on t:hc corner. I s e Otis grov,s his m•n fruit in the bt.ck. Look c..t t.ll of thf. br...n nb trees~" "Y(·s. And look OVt .. r there! Hc..r~).U. Tcrrr:ll is loc..ding up a hu~~e truek v1i th fruit to tt.kc to the v:_ricus homes in the --ci~y.

Pt.ge Twenty-two ;rophccy ContinuEd

r There's l\Iyrti s Ro~c UUl.uz . Ht.VE; you hcc..rd t bout h ·r? S!...c m .. rried Rich&rd bkin; but he wouldn't support her; end she left hin. ~~y, 1 it 1.~us the surprise love t.:. fc.S Jo P€.!..1'1 Bt..ss lL turnt d this l ftr rnLJon froo nc~ York

1 Cit", where she h s bcell cor1pr:C.. n 0 hct..vil,;r ·ith c:.,:·psy ~o~ .. Loe in the e:ntf rt<; inw nt .,. ..:orld. Th•.:. intern· tiom ll:.r ft..mous ]_) it.nist, ' Billie ,stolle Johnson, · llo is ju t l)t..ck ::'rum t. \Wrlu 1.ddc tour, st..ys thc..t it's good to b L~Y. Sh: .nd hcr prot r~cc , J.,ned c. Brown, fc.mcd portr< it <-IlC· lt.l!dscc.pc :..rtiRt, ht s ju ~1.. f1nis1t .. cl paintir g his ' fourth child, Louis: , bt tt, r k110 .n ~.~ Goo Goo Ey·::s . This ond r rful pt..inting is bei e t.uction(d orf' ,,ith ih,. r · st of his thinr,r.: tomor­ row t t the loc· 1 zoo. T H. t 's ~:: . 11 for this c vcning." flTht.. t WLS Ire: nne th Mci1inn. You'd t hinlc he'd r:ot tir :" d of doi ne the: t t.ubulc.. ncc msiness. Let 1 s :.. sk thc...t offic""r · hL th< r we 1 ro go­ ing in tho ri~ht direction." "Hey, o:l'fic .r! Ic this the r i 'ht wu.y to the high school?" :'Yes, o strt.ight t.llct.d c.bout •ight Horu blo~ks." Your f~c ... s ems v.:r~' fu"iliLr, o_:'ic.:r. "c...it! I k1ow! You I . f:..re Clifford ':dg rton. · 'ht t t :,.··, ~~ou doinc; on ·the polic~ force?" 11 I i 'rll, 1.... m· n hts to 1. ork ir' h"" \1t..nts to feed his fLmily." "Poor Jt.ck! They st.y h; .. Bpcnds t.ll of his ; .oncy on thl. t torch : sine· r, Rub'' Sr~1i th. She sings with Jc.H· s Ennis's orch• str .... , The . PurplE-ttcs. Jc..rocs r s tirt~d froB th(. r:....vy two y~ ·~;.. rs t.p,o, ~ nd now ' . he's (~ ot c. s ell 01·ch ~tr[ • They J}lt y L t the Bluck Drc..r.on, Puulinc · Leverett's most r xclusivc 1i3ht club. Pt.Ull..nG, ~rou lmow, c.ctcd in

\e f:l dicinc show for fiv. y "'· r: ~ I'm eltC. she's 5 ttlcd do·.n. 'Tc'd I bette~ pull ov;r now."

Sctnc III. The B~nc,u,t Hc:.ll in the new Port Neches High School , Building. ' "Lot 1 s just stt.nd hc.r-c j_n the cornc.r t nd WE. tch tht others 1 come in. Th :~ re 's qui tc L crm Ci hc:::rc now. Oh, t i l rc' s Betty &-,r- 1 kcr, the synth •. tic bubble d~. ncr.r. Th y ely ~ ou' d l1c surpris. d how 1 much HOD( y "'hr L ts for f..dvcrti sing tl nut' nee 'Products. '..1110's .. thc..t \Jith h r? Hhy, it's nichl rd .bldn. Sor~iconc ,iust told me thc.t sorrH·-. old mc..id sclloolt. ~ ch,.r di d lilG Vtill0d ~1ir.1 ,plO, 00. Unusur..l ~. isn't it'?" "Did you lmow thc...t Rohrrt De ~!oods ... rriv \, this 1.1ornin~ froru ! : Pttris? Fe's bL ckillG Venus S:....undt rs, th< dr€.SS de~it: H r. The 1 c t:.;ro 1 thr:_c of th fc.mous ·:ood Iuoc\i ls 1 Oi , : Jtounit~- Eugh s, I,e:>thEi Rt.;o Jones, t.nd Joyce: nutth. r. .! rc ,n't their gowns lovely!" "Let's s . c whLt's on the pro. rc.m. Cht..rlcs &..ilry, trLp zc 'ertist, is ~~in g to do Lll ki· ds of tcrobltics. Gcor ·o L ~vt rctt is s cond, phying his own Sc:coHd Conc(rto on thE. viQlin. I eucss you f hccrd t. bout Gc.or· . 's 1 t rryir. ~ th, t ·irl 1'ror1 Cc..li for nit.. Oh, my l t · This is t.. l t. ugh! Le o .. ks, vho is th~ own ~. r of the Gonet Tuxi Co., c:.nd Doroth~r iHct r, t.. b~ ot C.vJc..y .st< r, t r, (·oinp- to t;ivc c... fow sc, n :- s from. Ronr.. o ~· n m<. rricd sor.1e ft.rncr 1 s boy two )'C ~'f :vo t.r.d h ... sn't b ·.n i !.to tmvn r;l. ct.. I s (.. Vir; ini£., Ch ck is rrndoring t. number fro:1 Tc..nnhu.u. 'r. Ghc 's b en t.l:t. t 'rc..Y c v:.:.r si11cc

Page Twenty-three Prophecy Continued she read Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer. Lookl The master of ceremonies is here! Gee! Doesn't Elton Lanier look elegent in that full dress suit? Say, who are those two women with him?" "The one on the left is Ruth Fuller, the woman v>Jho' s head of the local ~ater department. {When the w~men took over the men's jobs during the last war, they meant to keep them). The other one, is Geraldine Choate, the beauty operator. I think it's a ~ shame · the way Elton treats his v.Jife. He married l . ~ary Frances Lay, you know. She' 11 probably have to come alone.'' "I'm afraid you're wrong . Here she comes now ··ith Judge Ben­ nie Lott! Trust Mary Frances to manage. I'm surprised that Bennie would go out with another man's wife! Oh, there's the Glynna Hurst, Miss Port Neches of 1948." "R. C. Smith and his partner, James S.aith, are here. They run that big meat racking house we saw. ~ 1 ho's that handsome man over there?" "Oh, that is Rev. Douglas McDonald, vho's been abroad for eight ye~rs trying to convert the Japanese. See how reserved and dienified he is? Let's go over and speak to him." nne110, Mac, how are you?" "Velly fine! Velly fine!" "Here comes Madelyn Osoorne. S.:>me multi-millionaire saw her play the role of a maid in the senior play, The Mad March. H~irs, and gave her a job as one. She's talking to Dillye I~ae Davis, the i organist for the First Baptist Church. Yonder's Margie Herpin• They say she's taking in washings now. She was engaged to s0me ·wealthy oil dealer, but she jilted him. Look 0ut the windowl There's a wh.:>le string of cars stopping." "Vernon Ramke is getting out with his wife, th.e former Rosie Reed. Vernon, as every.:>ne knows, promotes football players. There's Lloyd Morris. He lost his first wife, y0u know; and ille just can't get over it. I see he has two lovely show girls with , him." "Earl Barron, 0wner of the Doodle Bug, Port Neches's finest hot dog stand, is here. And there's Lula Mae Turner. Everyone • calls her Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon. Did you ever see such lovely gowns? I see Ha~el Landry, who is teaching the ballet , now. She's quite g.:>od! Here come four men wolking t.:>Gether: J. D. iusgrove, Clarence Porter, James ''lhite, and George P£"r rks." "Aren't they all c.:>nnected in some big firm'?" "J.D., Clarence, and James are. They are the best lr.wyers in town. Geor" e Parks, winner of the title 'Most Likely to Succe- , ed,' raises peacocks just outside of the city limits." . "Isn't that Gw enette l.cBroom standing .:>ver there'? She's leav­ ing next week for Boston, where she plans to start a bean can- • nery." "Everyone must be here, for they're all going into the Banquet Hall. ' ait! It so·mds ::Js if someone's having a fiE:ht outside." "It's the doorman and some tall, dark, and hands.:>me man. Vhot ar~ they fighting for? I'll go see what the trouble is. !·vhat's the matter here?" l "I w s con tem!Jla ting a wonderful evening here with all of my old acquaintances, but the doorman refuses to let me enter. I assure you there must be some mistake. Please look just once more at your list ~ nd see ~hether you can find the name Herbert - Gra~y, Lord Leo!" ** THE END ** Page Twenty-four VJAR AC VITIES Because vf the war the students sub-macnine guns; and the juni.::>r .::>f P.::>rt Neches High Sch.::>.::>l have class, f.::>urth with a totf turned many .::>f their hours of ~l326.05,which purchased a motor- svcial enjoyment into activities cyclo, parachute, s veral gas ! to help the s.::>ldiers at the fight oasks, and a life fl.::>at. I ing fr.::>nt and the civilian popul- The entire high school c.::>ntrib- ation of the h.::>me front. Some of uted to tho Red Cross drive with , the boys have already joined the a total .::>f ~59.28. Each home ro.::>m 1armed f.::>rces; others who have received the Red Cross Jourr.al l been deferred until after grsd- monthly. The local scouts, with uation will rep.::>rt i~ediately to other students and many teachers, 1 various .military units. From tho have completGd first-aid courses, : junior c1ass,servicem0n are Reber and both teachers and girls have Smith and Thomas Collins;from the rolled bandages for tho Red Cross. ' senior class, Roland Bienvenue, In an endeavor to keep communi- : Aubrey FeldGr, John Miller, Eugene cable diseases from spreading, aP:' ; • •McBroom, and Leo Weeks, the lnst roxim.ately two hundred and fifty , tw.::> being granted their diplomas high school students, as well as 1 .as they were passing in all re- many teachers,. have bE:.en i >1!!lunized ' .quired work when they withdrew t0 at the local health ' unit f.::>r enter the service. smallp.::>x,typhoid, and diphtheria, In preparation f.::>r future mili- During the nation wide campaign tary service, a cadet corps was about eighty-five per cent of the ' organized for all high school students gathered scrap iron un­ :boys sixteen years or older under dcr the direction of teachors,who 1the direction of Captain .Kelley cted as officcrs,who in turn ap- 1 ,of Lamar College of Beaumont, wh.::> pointed officers to take charge .selected the following as offi- of vari.::>us activities. P.::>rt ' ccrs: captain, Douglas McDonald; oChos and Gr.::>vos were divided ,first lieutenants, James Ennis int.::> districts, each c.::>mpeting 'and Cliff.::>rd Edgerton; first ser- gainst the .:>thor to gather the 'geant, Richard Akin; sergeant of reater am.::>unt of scrap. first platoon, George Leverette; Because of the scarcity of reg- •sergeant of second plat.::>on,Robert istrars, students v.::>lunteored to Woods; guide of first platoon elp register f.::>r sugar, gas, and 'sergeant, R. C. Smith; guide of anned food ration b.::>oks, proving , second plato.::>n sergeant, James homselvos invaluable in each ac­ ~hite; and staff sergeant, W. T. ivity. !Oliver. On several occasions the During the Victory Bo.::>k Cam- ' iofficers attended me0ts at Lamar aign the students d0nated many

1College, where they received ad- ooks for servicemen, and some of ;vanccd training to instruct tho he classes even d.::>nated money to !cadets. urchasc new books. Also every 1 Practically all students have hrco weeks letters written by ( ~ bought defense staops, purchasing aculty members have been sent to la total of ''9691. 75. Tho freshman he servicemen who arc ox-students l 'class leads \Jith a total .::>f ~3926. f Port Neches Scho.:>ls. Many of j 60, which purchased a jeep, para- ho students not only contributed chute, motorcyclo,and many small- ney for the mailing .:>f these or articles; tho senior class, lcttGrs but individually 8doptcd • second with a total of ~28)6.85, ne .::>r more s.::>ldiers, thereby as- ! mhich purchased two jcops,a motor- uming the rosp.::>nsibility of mail- i cyclc,and several riflcs;the soph-~'ng the letters also. ! omore class, third with a total Each of the homo r~oms has c.::>m- i f ~1602.25, which purchased a iled a scrap b.::>ok in which the ( umber of rifles, gas roa sks, and j-~r ac~i ~i t~cs ... o~ ~ ~= -' 0f its stu- · ; _ _- .. \G~nt)h\10~ -{)n f>br;c _zq} • • J Page---'---- Twenty-five--'---""'-"'------~ · RMffiT.. I!i 'ROUt-ID

llell,"guys and gals," again the ing~ I've al~uys loved a uniform. time has rolled around that all Do'rle HcCuller and Charles Vlhi to 1 of us look fol"'\ard to--gra.duat- v. ~nt to get their names in this 1 ion; ho~ever, before ~e part from col unn; so hero they are! "\'line, I P.N.H.S. v.e'll try to ans\~er any v.o..ncn, and sone"is Russel Roeer's questions concerning the "v.hys present dc:.S' theme. Vle heard fron I, and v.herefores" of the ~romances a very reliable source that Daph­ I around here. nn Bnur h refused to go steady any longer - \ ~ ith Calvin Johnson, sh-­ l We haven't heard much about its s till & s ~ cret! Verna Jack- Bennv Lott and Rhea l•filson re- son, another fish, hns become ev- 1 cently. Vlonder ho~ they're do- or so fricndl,, Vtith Pollv Lever­ ing? Dickie Akin likes a certain ett; v.e feel that its because of ' senior, Polly Leverett; ~e knov. George. Hildrod Bailey and "Skim­ ' 'cause someone told us. I knoVv milk" have combined to r::J.Rke it a more of the boys in the service tv.o-somG. Dorothy B. nnd "Punchy" v.ished that they had girls like Goff arc "sitting on top of the Jo Ellen, you knov., one of the v.orld." l)attye nnd Shirley v.ere t !'ev. v.ho are 'Oroving that "absence having quito a bit of difficulty !makes the heart groVw fonder." We- v.ith tho l!avy o.t (sorry censored) ll 're Vvondering hov. EdVvin v.ill feel tho other night. Its quito ~ ~ell v.hen he hears that ll. L. Vvalked knov.n that ?~ark Torry is "nortz" dov.n the isle v.ith Haxine Brad- over 'Nita Young, and Shirley nnd ham as his duchess. By the v.ay, "Do-Do" aren't doing so bndly did you kno~ that she's sporting thonsolvos. John Ganann is still a bea-u-ti-ful diamond from him, v.inking his beautiful brov.n eyes Ed\\in I mean. 'Doc." B··iley is in the halls and classrooms of having all sorts of difficulties dear old P.N.H.S. "Curly" Boozer ke ~ ping C"".urlotte Jvncs, a fish, is quito a lady's man this year. rrom a certain N~dorland boy-- R.C.Smith's smile, t hough s eldom keep your chin up, "Doc." Oh-- seen, is lovely; ever noticed it? does Billie Johnson like the Na- It broke up n beautiful romance vy, or does she';! Speaking of the v.hon "Cherry" Hiller loft Anna INo.vy, v.hy is it that all of the Hue behind. Jnmcs Ennis is on tho 1 tgirls go to tho skating rink ov- loose again---this is n v. ~ rning, ery Thursday night? \1ondor Vvheth- girls! First its ''this one" and er a couple of "gobs" have any- then "that one" v.ith Pattye Brae­ thing to do ~ith it? Have you cv- kin. Harold Brau seons to be go- •er seen a couple us cute as Letha ing out for a record of being Rae Jones and Gerald Uudd? Vle sent to tho office; another year Ihear that it is to be a permanent like this one and you'll hnve it, 1 match. Douglas He. soe.ms to have Eorold. Mrs. Thomas never real­ !found his heart's desire ~ith izcd her v.ish to have a recording 'Hellen L., a recent addition to of her fourth period English "our gMg." Juo.ni ta, v.o hear that class in order to shoVw Hark Terry you simply can't make up ~rour ho~ mnn~r tines he asked ~' -:~-·~Where mind. Gas rntioning hasn't seem- are v.c nov.?" Hovo in the l\orld do od to hinder Konni th HcMinn' s- the Floras find out EVERYTHING frequent trips to Beaumont. Did thnt they do~ GVwon King Pnd Doris 'ja kno~ that Carol Cash is just Hebert arc having hoops of fun "krazy" over Robert De V/oods? ¥.ith a couple of Port Arthur High Betty Barker ha.s lost her heart School boys. Bo"s like .Jack Goff to a medical student in Gnlvos- ought to be r.shrumGd of themselves ton. Better v.ntch it, Bctty,thero for putting 0 ~r - rt big frog in are a lot of cute nurses there. th~ classrooms to acnrc the lit­ Girls, don't you think tho cadet tle girls. Frnnk Atki·,s is got­ Corps uniforms are just dcvastat- ;ing ~long "Sv.<1ll" Vvith Jackyo Page Twenty-six (Rachlin' 'Ro d Continued) InoV\ that WGrnic is in tho U.S.N. guoss v.c' 11 have t0 t"lukc the best [Have you noticr.,d the ring thnt of it." :Winnie Wet son has on her left Thus r r- n th· thoughts ct:1lmett''.of • ~Pnd? "Chick" Hines is Still tho s~niors of P.N.H.S. the lottcr 'corrying the torch for P: tsy Vice ,art of Sc.-pt ... nbvr. No hon s for 'even thouph her fl:;me has , gone th•: unnuc.l s ~ nior ,!)icnic in HE:.y. 'out. Delores, u ncv. fish, has re- 86 it v.<1s :. nurprisc to ov • ry one 'ally been pi vGn th.:- socic:l Vi hirl. -.hen th•. offic. boy c; n o in v.i th u Myrt hc.sn' t nnvone in p:1rticulo.r note instructing c.ll of us seniors tied to hor npron string right to o to th0 st<· diur.l . t tho uctiv­ nov., oven though v.o do knov. of ity cried. Of course th~re v.us a some that v.::>uld not mind it ut lot of s1cculrtion , bout the n c nn­ rll. The boys from P.N.H.S. are ing of this. ![' J olly nt e loss since Lorette. Im r: ~<:inc our cur:Jrisc ~hen Hr. Prejean prefurs T~rlcr bovs. I ullo-~ny told us thnt v.e could ;3upposo thnt G Vc ryone knm\s th ~. t ;4v e: thG ryincic ,.~ rl~r in Novembe r ~.1:r-;rgic Holmes is eng· {"Dd, didn't oforv thG /Z •. solino r 'ltioning. And you? It's e. mr·tch ''·i th Jo Anne ho v ore v\u to ob,j,;ct" The com- Schi ldknccht end Lorr:.r Bro"Ytn .Al- 2. ttco onchin.-:ry st ·trtcd m.ov ing len Lnndry, our hnndsom.G boy, is lnd on Frid~y morning, Nov (.. mb·•r j ; still "foot loose nnd f · ncy free'! h i3 sixth, '"c ~-11 tro p..:;d into the . Arc you Rirls just going to stand .udirotiun for th,; f' '· ln sf:. ndoff. by end l ot thnt condition cxsist" The nro~rrn--a burl •. snuo on the 1 ' "Mrd.cse" Osborne is c ., rr~ring the rop,rt: Gs of the clrss fron fresh- I torch for Terry McKco f; vcn though men to seniors--cot und OI"\\£'Y v,i th l ' he's f r from. home. Vle often v.on- Ji'!In, ~ S Ennis :-- s mc.:stor of ceromo­ d r. r '"hY Jt;:'..n Russc 11. ncv-:.r is at ni s ; nd Dou,cslr;s McDonald, Unrk home a.ny more-could it b •J b ~Ct"usc Torry, Da.phne Br, ugh, Ch rles Bni- •of F'. f6llm•. cclL.;d "Nicky"? Hns ley, Ch rlGs Vfhite, c.nd Do,rlc Mc­ t:nvono noticed hov, th., bovs flock Cull.:r as m.;mb ~ rs of tho cast. to' the libr: ry th:.: firnt' period? The skit sho '\ d our iP'nor •. nco ns But, just look "'Ah~t libr. ry a.ssis- frushm., n, lov ...~ sickn ti ss f'S sonho- : t ~ Jnts lfi's. Tr(1xlcr h : s. Joe Vnn ,:~.orcs, v.is .-nc ss as juniors, nnd : Breem~:!n nnd Maxine Hughc s [ 'rC at so>Jhistic~~ tion < s S { niors. 1 it f gain. Kcni th Alnond r..nd J· mcs As the pro£;r . .m ond.cd,, ·, \\'ith ·a . 1 Beilcy, thu fr · sh.r.:tf.n Ron,,os, sc ' In hoop ....! lld ~ rc 11 thnt m: d e th .... roof • to ryr c.. fJ .:- O':! Ch oth r' s con....,ony, vibr t\,; ~ c _'Jilvd into the c~ ; rs <;.nd 1 r ; thor then th·. girls .J:::m.es Ennis took off for the Poco Club ncco.m- , so id thut ;rou 1 rn to Plr.y"fi ve- .11r nicd by Ur. Hollo ,,y, Coach hundred" aft ~ r yoL lo:::.... . r. bout $5. :light, ;: nd Hiss Rugh Flora. The 1 'ltTond :, r if the r.rtificinl mu :: t~ch- orning v. .:. s ~lorious! Coc.ch \'light cs like thosL m.:--. uc f · m~us by ·J. T. triod fishing; the bo,ys hr..d n 1 in the s ~. nior ploy, tickles JJ.uch? ns c.J ball f-' nc; nnd tho juke c.nd Ugh •• Hnry Fr < nd after nnd pin

Page ~enty-oight dents have been recorded. ~as the roughest playing both Practically all of the students teruns did all r,eason. It ~as a work in their own individual vic- "KnoJk dov.n and drag out" -~\ith tory gardens or in the f~mily gar- the Indians doing the knock~ng den. dov.n and the Pir" te:.s dr< s.f; f"i 'lg out. In every way tho teachers and The Indians v, ere pushed arounrd the sidelines, John Jones Indians !il ght. Tho scoring of t\\o scooped it up and ran for a touch- touchdov.ns by VanBreeman and ,~oods do\\n. The Indians kicked off and put the Warriors in the lend 13 tv.o plays later the eun v.ent off to o. This ns one game \'hen the ending the gfit!le. bau.rers of the !JUrplo and \\hi te Off to a flying sttirt the Indi- v.ere glad to hear the final gun. ans nroved their caliber by Journeying to Silsbee, the Ind­ sleughtering Kirbyville 53 to O. ians \\ere tngain victorious 12-0. The first quarter ended ~ith a 0 Playing a\\ay froa home the Tribe to 0 deadlock, both teams playing did not shov. its usunl scoring hard, clean football. Vrith the punch. The Tigers v.erc hot ::ind i opening of the second nuarter,the v.ore turned a-.uy from the Indians j Tribe v.ent on the ~ · rpath v.ith goal sovorel ti ~ es by Punchy Goff Johnnie Jones scoring tv.ice on and his bnrc foot booting. ~ long runs. The Indians kept this For their first defeat of the j scoring pace ,,ith Vernon Ramke soo.son the Tribe traveled to I and Joe VanBreeman cofling throu~ Beaumont on a hot Saturda~ to tie ~ vd th o. touchdov.n apiece. The u'' v.i th the non-conference St. score at the hnlf v.ns 26 to'O,fa- Anthony Bulldogs. \fuen tho dust voring the l!arriors of the tribe. cleared on the dry field, -the The Tribe came back at the start Indians came our losor by 13--6. of the second half ' ith another Discourn~cd, but not "hipn,.d, the bi~ scoring spree, \\hlch netted Indians tor.e into their next foe the Indians three m0rc touchdov.ns French High Buffs, for a trounc­ v.ith Johnnie Jones, Calvin John- ing of 45-6. The ~o best lays son, and Joe VanBreora.an scoring. of the c.vcni~Ej ...,ere Goorec Lev­ To start the fourth nuar-tor, the C:i. ett, \'>ho blocked a kick, running Indians added six more points for a touchdo\n and Calvin John­ Jones hitting paydirt again. The sor1 outrunnin~ the distri t fast­ score had mounted to 53 to 0 by est man for 97 yards and a touch­ the end of the game. dov.n. This v.as tho \\orst tho Next came Vidor, v.ho bo~ed to Buffs had ever been beaten by a the farriors might 39 to 12. This Iteam in the history of thn school. PngeTwenty-nine \ Tho Nederland Bulldo~s cun0 to BACCULAUREATE SERVICE 1Port Neches "Ready an1 rElrinP,'; to 1~ay 23, 1943 to. VIi th tho start of the ca.mo ! anyone could see the Ir:nians ~oore 1 heving an off duy. 'l'ha Tribe Presiding Officer ••••• 3upt. ~1 . J. fou~ht hard but the Bulldogs hit Holloway · paydirt aftor a lo.r..g h··rd strug- Pr.::>cession~:: 1. ..•••• r~iss U: ry Emma ela. The Indians made a co~~b~ck Hickox 'just beforo tho half. Tho ,~r­ , riors \\orkcd tho bull do n ~o the 0 America" •••••...••.• Congregation ' NederJund 3 rd. line. :.:t v-.e.S CF)C­ In"~Jvcati :I~ ••••• • Re'J, R.E. 3\Janner : ond do .nand 3 yd~. to EO ru: u , touchdc n . 'hen a :l].vo Y•.1"d ')c;uc.l- "All Eail he :-- o~er of Je ... us'Name ;tv 1as lvcn the Tr1'bo fc'!' i.oo Srecial Chorus • m.any tir.:e outs snct 'l:Jroko tl.o "Clwrubin fjong" .•.•..• 3crt.lliansky , spirit of tho al~ofit. cr ·._ )~ 1 o•~. I.r''" ~ SyEci l Jhorus 1dians. ThG Tr'.bo C'!Y·n.rd U?'·.:."t!1 1a sprced fo-rn~_tion trut l.1c.d .:;··.,1y '.)cripture !n ..••• :i.e v. ·~iller Sr.1 i th = s~nson thF. t the Inji :m for\\ "'.rri. :Re cessi.:>nal. .•••••• Hiss Mary :E.mm.a I v.a·ll did not all~\\ c. Hickox i to through. Tho~· c:-o by nlac ing t\.0 m...,n O.Ll tb ..... :1l.~- CO: lJ}:.:TCK ~. T EXE •:;rs_ S 1 district tea-'1, Jnct. Gof~ c:..nd. 7~;.H- II ay 28, 1:143 non Raroko. Th ~ t' 0 p2.ckec1 · to : partici n6.te in tho Di -8t ~.to piTl.o Fr~sidint; Of: icer ••••• Supt. '•l. J. ' at Orango, Tr:XL..:> 1.-\G" "C Ecrurrt V '·G II.::>lloway and V~rnon Rumke. ThJ Trlbe l0d IPr~ccssiona 1 ...... r.~iss l:ory Emma in alaofit hvcrvthinG in the; d. .. s­ =r- ckox . trict. John ie Jones ~c8 hi ~ h Fr2Bent3tion of Col.::>rs ..••• Ge.::>r~e I score; .Jack Goff had the hif'h·;st Chi t"~Jood, :oy1"'lond 3ni th : punt5.ng avernge; Calvin Johnson "3tar 3pan · J E( ·3~ nner" ..• Rudi ence mnde the lonuost run; and the Pl(d~e or Alle~iance and Salute :team had the hiP".t.1ost scoring to the Fla~ .• Lrd by John Hill !average. Inv.:>ccti.:>n ••••••• ~cv. F. L. Gayer Members composing this teaGl of Salutat~ry ••••••••.•• Daphne 3augh 1943 ~~re Pat Allen and Vernon 11 Dea ..c Land of :rome" ....•• .-3ebelills R~e, ca,tuins; C~lvin Johnson, "L3nd of H.:>J.€' end G·lory" ..•. Elgar .Jack Goff, G.. or e Lover,_. t t, nt~r ­ Special Cr.orus bert Loo, Joe VanBrr:• ~ ma:J., 0b.:;·ell.;S aledictory ••••••• Norros aae Dnvis ,Bailey, Aubrey F,,lder, ;r·.l r. •. ~l­ Cls ss .r~ddress •.•• }Tr . John .C . b·ray ' ler, Richa .. J. Aki 1, Joh.L J <)qt;.: , r. sident of Lam<-r '·Jvllege Robert \foods, Si:"!on !,nr ... st.o, resentation of Class Uift . ~ussel Victor Rav Terrell> anJ I~rs~nll Rogers ' Luquette, ·V\.i.r;h Rubbr't Shepard rcscntati.:>n of ~wards ..•.•• Prin. 1ana J. D. M·ls {;;;ova .mun~G o rs. Re­ ".n:lerica the deautiful" ••. 3p8cial I turr~~ng next; .... ~r:.aso~ ~1ro Hnrs~~ll Chorus Luquettv, Jv.r_es ..;elloy; 81 on r(..sc.ntation Of Diplomas .• .t~r:.i .E. Verre tte, and \lie tol' Hu;r TcrrulL, Parsons, ~res. , Board of 0chool Iall squadncn. It ·ill bo tho •rrustC?cs first vear that Port ~octcs has ~onediction ••• Rev. C. P. ~ullivan not had· a lettorman roturni , . --by Jack Goff L------~------~------Page Thirty CORONATION BreE:l'·ing tr&di tion in both time &nd place, the long awtd ted crown­ ing of the King und Q.ueen of Port Neches High vn .. s held in the foot­ ball sthditll'l c.t 7 o'clock on the evening of Mt.ay 12. Simple yet at­ tr&ctive, the decorf.ltions reflected the gener&l attitude of the av­ er&ge .Americt.n school. F.:.t.nked with baskets of white lilies E:tnd roy­ al blue cornflowers, the white blue-trir::.llilOd throne was placed before a huge ~~erican flug, which formed the bt.ck~round for the program. As the "pin-drop" silence of expectation spret.d over the eager spect&tors in the st&dium, six members of the c~det co~ps marched forward--W. T. Oliver, Cbrrying the Tcx&s flag, guarded by G~orge Leverett and R. C. Smith, to the right; Robert De Woods,carrying the

Un.i ted Si.""tes flbg, gunrded by James Vlhi te &nd C.tifford EG 1 _,erton, to the left. THen with a melodious blast from the golden trumpets of Frank Attins an~ J. P. D~rrick the procession began. Wearing white trimcsd sBilor dresses of n~vy blue sheer, the her­ alds, Durothy and Jo Ellen Blanchard, cumc forw~rd to announce the E:tttendllnts of the king End queen. Ats the soft me l ody of the "Coro­ nation March" beean, the duchesses, wearing unifora evening gowns of white waffle pique tri:Jllled in either red .:>r hlue rick:rack,ca.me sl.:>w­ ly c ~~n the side .:>f the stadium, attended by their respective dukes: Duchess Maxine-of-the-H.:>use-of-Bradha.m, attended y Duke ··1. L. --ofr the-H.Juse-.:>f-~ruek or·... tho · j.mi.:>r class;· follvwed by Duchess 1 axine .:>f-the-House-of-Hughes, by Duke Charles-of-the-H.Juse-of-Hines of the s.:>pho.m.:>re class; Duchess Car.Jl-.:>f-the-House-.:>f-Cash, by Duke James of-the-H.:>use-.:>f-Bailey .:>f the freshman cl ss; Duchess Nelda Rae-of the-H.:>use-of-Cowart, and Duchess R.:>se Lynn-of-the--H.:>use--of--Hester attended respectively 0y Duke Shelton-of-the-H.:>use--of--the--Sellers and Duke Kennith-.:>f-the-H.:>use-.:>f-Whitmire .:>f the Kingd.:>m .:>f Groves Sch.:>ol; Duchess J.:>hnnie Beth-.:>f-thc-H.:>use-.:>f-J.:>nes, by Duke James-of the-House-.:>f-· la5ener of the Kingd~ of Building One; Duchess Bertie Lee-of-the-H.:>use-.:>f-ifilkars.:>n, by Duke Dudley-.:>f-the-Ho~e-of-Parish .:>f the Kin ~ do.m of Building Two; and Duchess Jillie-of-the--H.:>use--of Ha.tch, by Duke Charles-.:>f-the-H.:>use-.:>f..:Hawley .:>f the Kine;do!il of Camp Neches. The attendants having taken their places .:>n thG platf.:>rm, the an­ n.:>uncers pr.:>clai.med the entrance .:>f the King end : uecn of P.:>rt Nech­ es High Sch.:>.:>l and their r.:>yal esc.:>rts as f.:>llows: blonde Ki ng-elect James- of- the-House-.:>f-E:lnis, a ttcndcd by Prime H~ inister Ler.:>y- vf- the House-.:>f-I.IcClend.:>n, f.:>llo~·Jcd by tiny Cr.:>wn Bearer Lorrison--of--the H.:>use-.:>f-Ha!lliD..:>nd; peti tc Princess l-iyrtis R.:>sc-.:>f- thc-H.:>uso-.:>f-iTunez, j wc ering a v1hite g.:>'~ '· 'n simiV:~rly styled as the c.. uchcsscs', attended by 1 Prince Hcrbert-of-the-Houso-.:>f-Lee; precGding the ~u r en 8nd her roy- 1 al csc.:>rts, flo,.-.,er girls, Shar.:>n Jcan-.:>f-thc-:H.:>use-.:>f-rlhitG and Bet­ ty J.:>-.:>f-thc-H.:>uso-.:>f-D<.'Vis; Q.u ccn-olect Letha Rae-of- the-Hous e-.:>f 1 Jones, wearing a beautifel '~Nhitc net a: .:>~n, at i~ end e d by L.:>rd High , Chancellor .., i llia.a J cssc-.:>f-thc-H.:>usc-.:>f-Ho ll.:>w cy; and train bearers, l Billy-.:>f-thc-House-.:>f-P-:>'' ~ 11 and Ch a rlcs-.:>f-the-H~us e -.:>f-Bl a nk e nship J As the r.:>yal esc.:>rts t.:>ok their pla ces .:>n tho plotform, the King and ! Queen kncl t bef.:>rc tho throne , wh c~ rc :Prime Hinister Lor.:>y--.:>f--the H.:>use-.:>f-McClcnd.:>n cr.:>wned them King rnd Q.u r en of P.:>rt Ni. Chcs High 1 Scho.:>l fvr 1943· 1 The entertainment of the C)urt cons · Ftcd .:>f svngs ~y the Groves Ch.:>ral Club, the P.:>rt N0ches Ch.:>r~l C ~ · b, and the P.:>rt Neches High Sch.:>.:>l Choral Club; a tep dsncc by Norene Al~.:>nd, and a pian.:> s.:>lo by r:le rgie C.:>rJ!Ulnder.

Page Thirty-:me SENIOR PLAY

P.N.H,..S. echoed v.ith c;ust:r ~cles of laughter on the niehts of ~pril 15 and 16, as an ell star senior cast presented the u~nual senior play, u t t· r ·~e-nct coned 1T, 11 ~1e l!ad Mc·rch Heirs," to capac- it~r crov\ds. Admission v.as refund·.d tecause of lack of room. This sparkline performnnce is the story of the sliRhtly lun­ atic familv of Grandfather Obidah Barch, ~ho conspires ¥~

Pngo Thirty-t\\0 ..

Those ar , th ,~ boys v.ho h~ vc left u to fight, To dcf~>nd lib"'rt:r, fro t- do!'l, and n.ll that is rieht, Thc~r' 11 do thGir part in this cfll!lp ign of ours, To rid this \\Or ld of Hi tlers, To jos, and liars.

Sidney .Adams George Blanchard Paul Delahoussaye C. J • .Adams Pete Blanchard Jack Drm' horn George Allen Ilton Bodoin Loyd Dupree Roland Allen Clc.r,ncc Brau C. E. Do;rlc Joe Al v,:J e z Bill Brackin \'layne East Hcrschell And t; rson VlilJ iam Broussard Frank Evans Alton Aycock Edmund Bruce "larron F,vans Elmer A'rcock Harold Bwnst .ad Shcldon Evans J. c. Aycock Jamus BW!lst c&d Jack Edv.Drds Bill Avcock J. B. Butl• r E. C. Fav.vor George Ayers VTillimn. Caffey Jiflllltr Fan t George Bass "rall!ice Cajrard Billy Foldchau N. K. Batnette Ho¥.ard Cash Aubre;y Felder Robbie Lee Barn3S M. C. Castillo J~es Fitzgerald Harold Barnes C~cil Carre Harris Fruge Pr: nticc Borv.ick Lo~cll Cash Harold Garrott Ivy Bornflrd Warren Ch . ck Glon Garrott J . D. Bernard Paul Cla\'•son H. J. Giblin ~orost Boaum.ont Thor.1as Collins Forest Godkin Erren B{. gncaud John Collins Laverne Gore Chester Bcnick Anthony Cormier George Goodv.in l Homer B llair Leroy Cormier John Grubb I A. D. Bcllair John Cor.rllcr ,'!illiam Grubb I Emmett Billiot R. C. Cook Ralph Gr~gory I Roland Bi c nv ~ nue Ray Crosv.ill Alfred Grayson I Charles Bluffin R. G. De1vis Jack Gray Otis Block Milton Dcc: rinB John rtuidrey Bill Blanchnrd San D...:.npl Lr CoopGr Havthornc Ellis Blanchard James D c lahoussay~ Gcor{"G Hardin Walt~r Blanchard Ellis Dra,1 horn Donald Haoilton

P~ge Thirty-three H01TOR ROLl. (cont.}

Leon Hall Billie Oakley Leonerd l cDonald Harlan Hall ticlvin Osborne Thom.s Turner Raymond Hebert Felix Osborne Vance Vicl:crs Ervin Head l.})rennon Owings L(.lf.nd Vcu1un R.D. Hitt Eddie Ozio -lilliE...m Van Brc~man Gordon Hines Leslie Payne Honer ··• llaco Lewis Hines H.O. Parks Joilct "ioods W.C. Howard R.B. Parrish Zrn:.st .. ebb John Huhn Edwin l:.a::_ncr ·&J olmny :·Tall Rolph Jackson Ellis Psllcrin · Faul :'fE:l tcrs Calvin Jones Al;:;:: Pellm·in I~t:.'1llC t.h .. lr ldrc p Jirr...mi_o Jones Herbor t Porl;:ins J c. ck '=f~llo.cc Ed'Nin Jones Brc.r1~r Perl::ins ;JJ .c. · Jsllacc Alf::ecl Jo:mson ijJndlny Peri o J.lf:rcd ··v~c.ks Goor~o Joneco Coy PerV..ins Oric 'lc.cks BilLy 1:irkindall cE:jrce .LE-o :ccks John I'"oit~ Bill ~crt.:'r Leon :inton nels u Rlose Ro Jf'!'"L 1'ortcr B.S. ·roodrLun Earl }\.r.i.q)l t Hil;;r·:..r! . })(,ole Riley ~Jooloy Gate :..ar"'on r; .u. ,,,Jf 1 ·.:-o ,j can c ..T. :;yatt 1 Hilton Londry 0 C', }. t:.:'b..• Joe ··;,;rtt Regan Lend::y JJa .l."~ L '~ttlJ ord Edwi~·Y0un~blood Charles Landry T2"!l: ,;_c .t...no Rimes Ho;·,.-.r Z:; ... r.. n..:;uc Hor.ter Leverett Tnu ~p~·-1 !lc:·nolds ':AlJ.'rc,Ci z.~r -;lcrman Leroy Lc. r J .'i. xh:v e ~ric ZL,lf:lcrman Weston Lee P c:--~:~r f. ii'~le Leonard Lindenmayer C<-.li ~:c1 I?·'J binson SENIORS IN SERVICE Korr!li t Lopez Ch '1:-'J -:s :::.oe;ers Vial tor Lyons ..Hush RC'::;crs Navy Wesley McKno 0 • .1. '-'e.vant Gearee Leverett E.V McMinn Boll Snvoy J. D. ~.Ie.sg rYJe Robert McEachern Hic;hc.rd Sharum Ric!13r .kin J.D. McDonald .J::ll11er Sllopr::..rd J.D. McGruw Jtay Sheppard Eucene h"cJraam Terry 1.cKee ~uinton Sims Jt:nes En.r:is &.Alvin :r.:a rti n Leonard Sims Rv.ssel .bgers Charles l ire Lawrence Sterling R. C. Smith J.D. Mire Cl[, udu Stone He.rk ·rcrry VI. C. Mills Robort Stone Jemes · ihi te John Uiller Joe Sto',-:.s Horman :t-:iller Willmrn Stokr. s Marines Noro&n llorris "Robrrt Sp[lkcs Jac!c Gaff L.H. Moore · "illh fl Spc-rks J0hn J0 es Lindon Hudd -" vcrctt G;:.,ndifcr Herald Terrell Stanley 1.~illins .Ch .. rlcy :Jwor J"ahn Gr.nann James 1iusgrove Leo Suire Verney Nero Chc...rlcs Talbot .Army Haxie Nelson .Jos~nh T&tc R.::>bert ·:aans Adolph Nelson Byron Tcrr·cll Jcm.eo 8Jli tn Hollis Nowlin uT e.ck Thr..ycr Her~ert Lee Vernon ..Jolhnd Hube-rt Theriot J,:,hn IIill Sidney Uoble :aton Tri bblc Cc..lvin J.:~hnsan Victor Nowlin John Turner Earl Barran Leon i..cCu tchcon ~~obc..rt l.:cCoy Canst Gnords Clarence P,:,rter

Page Thirty-four President • • • • • • • • • • Vl. L • Brueck Vice-President. . • • • Maxine Bradham Secretary • . • . . • • Jean McKee Reporter. • . • • • • • • Calvin Reed Class Sponsor • • Mrs. Lovedy Bever Thomas · ll.A :Mrs. Lovedy Bever Thomas Frank Atkins Charles Byrom Ruby Cash Roland Bailey J. D. Collier Nellie Clark Richard Becke Norene Almond Gloria Colbert Herman Bostick Maxine Bradham Rita Dupree Harrell Brau Charlotte Brown Lottie Dyson Wilbert Broussard Willie ~. 1ae Brown Eelba Fitts w. L. Brueck llB Miss Dora Mae Kelly Woodrow Cotton A. W. Gentz Gwendolyn King Virgil bavis Arthur Grier Merila Kutcher C. D. Dearing Malcolm Groff Dail Lasley Wallace Delahoussaye Dorthea Gregory Helen Lawrence J.P. Derrick Velma Hines Jean HcKee James Feldschau Betty Kavanau(")l Jeanette Miller Herbert Findley llC Hiss Kathleen Burnett Bobby Jene Grubb Donnie Loe McCoy Margie Rhodes R. B. Harrison Lulu t1ae Nunez Jo Elaine Rogers John Hassler Wanda Outhouse Maxine Rodgers R. C. Hughes Katherine Puyne Jean Russell Wilmont Jones Mary Lou Pedigo Bernice Seibold R. C. McFarlane }tinnie Ruth Pullin Dorthy Serrette Johnny Mcl-inn Adele Reeves Shirley Sterling J. E. McQ.ueen Betty Anne Rhodes llD Miss Mary C. Hickerson Billie Moore Rex Taylor Violet Vaughn Billy Palmer Leland Y/aldrep Unifred Watson Bob Reaves Linus White Jeanette Wheat Calvin Reed Maude Ellen Stone Lima Vlhittley Kermit Richter Velda Rae Swinney Madeline Wise Glenn Schildknecht Anna Loo. Talbot Anita Young Robert Sheppard Gloria Jean Trant

·------1! Pbge thirty-five Prvsidont • • • • • • Throsa Stvv,art Vic0-~r0sid0nt. . . . Don ~ ld Flurry Secrctcry • • • • • • Joyce Robinson Roport0r ••••••.Jbrjorio Cayard Clcss [;l")onsor • 1.iss Grace ~1andt:d:r! er lOA ~:iss Greco Rt.nkac~cr Jar... os Arrington B~tty i.kin Hortha i3roussard Ccrl Carlquist. Josephine Alv0roz Billie Bunste8d George Chit·. ·cod Bot ty .t\.lldrus i::ar j orio Cayu.rd Chl)rles Collier Lucy Ziu<..uwont Vida li'aye Corluy 1:vnneth Cook: ... undn :Sock Dorothy Cowurd. Jock Dunicls &~rah Bottorton Gloria Crain Ludio Duvis Dorothy Billiot ~lLino Davis Alfred DeRoche Iro 1~11 ~rLu 3uctrice DolLhoussuye L. C• ..l.rickson J~gnvs Broussard L. Z • ..jast

lOB :L:r~. L...:roy r1cClundon Robert ~. FcrBuson Carolyn G<.yvr Lc:.r joric Jones DonDld Flurry 1: (:,xino Giblin :J :ildrud Jones ' -:vrshcl }l'r':l Zi..Jr Lorrc.inu Groff GlorHl K as pur ! Charles Hines Doris H~b0rt Joan Keith Lev Roy Folcom.b ~stvr lUcks Ju.c.:..:ie K.1.rkindall I j .ohn Robert llubvr Ct.rol Hu[:;hus Arnn Hr,c K ... r!:m.e .. 7 er l1rold Jottun : u:xino !Iuches Ar!::lc H · r- L~ird

'I J. V. Justice Lol bG Hurst Mary D.... ll Lo_!)ez , Doris Frnzi0r 0La Johnson Syl-.~e~ J:fcBride Florence HcCt.wley lOC Mio~ L-~~llo 0(C"~: G

Page thirty-six President . . • . • . . . . Carol Cash Vice President. . • . • . Ruby Rogers Secretbry . . . . • Elouise Bailey Reporter...... • Mary Wilhite Class Sponsor • • Mrs. W. J. Holloway 9A Mrs. VI. J. Holloway Brooks Allen Cleveland Billiot Earline Bernard George Allen Warren Blanchard norma Jet..n Boulet W. T. Allen Hartin Block Vivian Bourriague Thurman Allred Donald Bodin Joyce Marie Boutin Kenneth Almond Larry Brown Maxine Brau C. C. Arsement Jr. George Carlquist Betty Jo Briggs James Bailey Rayond Carre Helen Broussard J. B. Barclay Marietta Allen Attie Mae Brown Grady Barnhill Elouise B&iley Dorothy Nell Brueck Milton Bertolio Iris Ellen Barnette Janette Byerly Preston Bertrand Joyce Baye Joyce Lee Byron Raymond Berwick Rebecca Baye 9B Mrs. H. G. Robertson Don Chambers Jimmy Foster Billie Daniel Freddie Carbella Ivy Gaspard Bonnie Daniel Harold Coward Rayr.1ond Grahm neva Jo Davis Horold Delaney Robert Earl Gray Goldie Decuir John De Villier Bobby Griner Peggie Decuir Charlie Dial Sam Dyson Sylvia DeLord Elridge Doucet Carol Cash Charlene Dial C • VI. Drawhorn Noama Cayard Betty Ann Dixon William. Ernst Betty Champagne Dolores Evans James Fennell June Courmier Roland Ferguson Miriam Coward Jimmy Flowers Kathleen Crane 9C Mrs. Mable H. Traxler Allen Greif Stephen McKenzie Barbard Hicks Charles Hardin Philip McMinn Yvonne Hoffpauir Murvin Hurst Russell Merrell Margie Holmes Charles Johnson Bobby Jim Miller Verna Jackson . John Kelly Jr. George Mott Charlotte Jones Sidney Lackey Billy Moulder Faye Justice Allen Landry Billy Nance La Verne Lawson w. c. Lindsey Roy Nierth Louise Kitchen Marshall Lugeutte John Ozio Anne Lyons Bobbie McBride Mildred Godkin Dixie Homby Le Roy McClendon Chaillv Guidry Ruth Mcintyre Edward McBride Hazel Hebert VI. H. McCurly Ruth Hemphill (continued)

Page thirty-seven FRESHMMT CLl.SS (cont.} 9D !..!iss 1:ury Hickox James Palmer liorvin Sr:ll th Loretta Prejean U. J. Perio norwood Smith Katherine Reed I James Ponder Andrew Sobcrt Jebnnc Rhodes Bobby Pruitt DonGld Steffler Junolle Rogers Billy Reaves Roy Steffler Ruby Marie Rogers ' Harry Robinson Poul Stone Carol Senders Gayle Rogers Billy Rue S~ydcr Daisy Dell Singleton Harry Romero Oneta Nations r•urgt.trct Scott Kearney Sauxi c- r Lois Hclson Louise Self . Billy Savant Sable O'Pry Juanita Solomon Richard Scott ~ary blicc OWings Joan Sportsaan Robert Scott Jewel Paltlor Dolores Parsons Claude Sheppard Joyce Pippin Johnnie Schoeflaker Katherine Pitre

9E tirs. J . A. Wight Weldom Tatum Douglss l.:Jallacc Patsy Vice Charles Terrell Ro~r 'Tcbb Hilda Vincent Ray Terrell Chalr:.1os lite Verna Lee Waddell Charles Thor.1pson Don \Iiggins Rhoda J"can Waldrop Vlesely Townse;n G. E. Williford Betty Joyce Vlheat Richard Traxler Elton \loodrom Hazel \·/hi taker 1 William Triche RubJr Theis J ~ ary Vlilhi te I Frank Van Breeman Betty Josn Trow Earline Wilkinson · Tom Vernon Flora Hac Tjrlor Lynette Williums , Simon Verett Delores Van Landingham

Pbgo thirty-eight Time, rushing on its ceaseless The 3lanchard t wins have led the way, yells, Tolls off another year, 3€en e cto.ts--cit'zens sHell. Then seniors \Jan t to start anew, 1J,: ost ro .... ~ lar in all ·::.heir class, 3ut time ~.Jn't wait they febr. jThey've earned tlleir honors ·ell. I School has b en s ell; they know j Of bril 1_ i a.:1t .ind i.s Norna Rays-­ it now, ,Ranped highest in her cla ss. They didn't tn0w it then. IThen fol'wing closely Da phne They're now trust out to sink or I Baugfl, I swim, i A bright rJnd blushing la ~- S. I I In life they must hegin. I I I I I 1-J ow Douglas ::c. nnd Terry,- too, I l ·Some boys will fight for Uncle 1: ~de all the spirits soar, Sam ll~ nd 1 ~ ita 'i-{u .hes and Joyce Rather And good old U •• n •• ·Th n oll t e boys adore. But som.e to college, i11dus try, Or homes will l!ake their way. S0 la~y, shy is -e0r~ e A. P3rks, .Anu S!I1Po;.1 t anr., s'leet is .=: arl, N0w here they are both gre · t and ·:hile delen 3 Jrns tries dod3ing sf!lall, w0rk, r o matter ~ ·~h·1t they d0, ." t ldred's tho ,:,ffice .:., irl. T·lh.Jse lE!•tp:.hs · nd loves in I'.l'LEigh In mem'ry ~ill ring true: : bile Clifford has a wit that's dry, Erratic Russell led the cla~s James ~lith's a quiet runette, ~n d p l ~ ys a hot clar'net . End C a lvi~ Joh~son's a courteous .A nd i:yrtis Rose, a .9ri ·cess fair, one Just "·1ows 11 tne boys ·he 1a1 ets. As aldO Gear e Leverett.

Then James, the king, who lo\ es There's a temperar:tentnl Bi l lye D. to dance And quiet blond Lula ... :ae, ~nd plays a sliGe tro~bone, Lot. lear's the Artistic type, lected Cit'zen first • nd best, Rosie drives a ~ odel A. A gentleman vJell-known.

Now Glynna works and ~unice too, Sweet Letha 3. .... ye, the queen \!as nerla 3.ro m is new, she, "!hile ~ hoe'>e i3. is Tery quiet, A lovely di ~ ling lass, r ;nd : ·-: r t; ie HErpin too. ~nd frie d l~, jol ly L ~ ther B. ~ ost popular of the cla ~ s. l ~nd Venus ~aunders to0 is shy, 1~ nd ~ v enettc, who l 1t s to sing. The handsoi:le b '"' ~ 7 •a s !Ieri)ert Lee, H 8 z ~ l roust plr y hookey yet A.1d 1ri1. ce wAs ~e also, And Clerence's a friendly thing, 1Then Fe ttye J., so very ra.v, 1So very li~ht of toe. l ------· ~· - ·---- ··- -· --·- ·- ·-- ·------~ Page Thirty-nine CLASS ? OEM ONTINUED ' \ Nv 'J Ruth and Ruth(Euth11F .. ,Ruth B) bnd John Glenn Hill and Harrvll T. I .~re sw f' et s sweet cnn ·)e, Tore up a bus a day, 1'.hi le Hary Franc is Lay SF ems just ·~ lhile ·,,·. T., the handsorae brute, Sv haPl·Y, gay , and free. Ke~ps girlish eyes his way. . : If y~u cvuld look up high enough Sv sincere, jo~1n g , serivus, gay' I : You might see R1.chard A., D.:>es Bennie win e~ch heort, And if y0u care for airplane fans And .3hirleJ"Bick",so full of fun, j • Try Os~orne--Koelemay. Has held a leading pert. I Nv '·J Charles ·.lhite has a b i l liant Of fine physique ore fvvtball bvYSl .mind The tv ·ering Vernon R., And E ~ glish accent, tvo, And Ro "Jcrt De and Ch- rles and Joh And James · "h.l te, too, is very Each svme girl's football star. bright A schientist 'tis true. Quite talknti ve is Jetty B. But quiet is J. Pearl 3ass, Tall Jack is always full vf fun, 'bile V ir ~ inia Cheek is oth in · He's full of .mischief too, vne, ' And J.D.Husb,svme girlie's dream, A very wholesome lass. Is blond ~ith eyes of blue.

Now ~dith is so very quiet, . Ll.:>yd Mvrri s is a dru' t;i st proud, And Tvni dJ r k nd short, : Jvhn G. an artist true, And there're three who aren't her A ~ d Octavine and Ruby S. That deserve a special p3rt. Red-headed are those t~.:>.

There 's Otis Barnes :.· t .&.1:., 1 D~yle Me is crazy bout the sta~e, And Leo a sailvr boy, 1 He'd act the live long day, 11nd "Jeep" who's 1n the army now, .f ut Elton L. end Rex Christy They ere the reQl ~cCoy. · Don't have so ~uch to say. f I Thes~ senivrs ~ust say fare-thee- ' Irene is r retty, stately, tall, well I : A hit among the b.:>ys, ~o joys and fun they kl1BW, .And Ke ~ neth lie a taxi ar 1 vcr, Set said-lnunch out their crafts Fvr cars arc just his t ~ ys. so ne'v To sail the unknown olue. I Cute fGeda Pellerin is such fun, And Billie Johnson gay, So goodbye te ~ chcrs, friends and I Rnd R. C. 3nith, th~t cute ! all I brunette, Dear Alma ::etcr too, Plays basketball each day. !They gave you all their lov --goo luck; They'll ever think of vu. "Rep" Shirley Haley loves to dane And tiny "Gerry", too. ·ornile Pauline L. and Had'lyn o., I 1here are no s •eeter two. "--=------L...I ______------____,. Page Forty FACTJLTY

Alice Flcra--History, civics, public spe king; !!. A. degree University of Indiana, Bloomington, Indiana. I Ruth Flo:e.--B?okkeepina? ty;:>ing, T~X8S histo~y' econoi'lics; n. A. I de.c;ree, Ur.. lversl.t•r of Ind1.e.na, BloorUlJgton~ Ino.L:na. ,i Grace I;ankaner--English; B.A. C!egree, Sam I'iouston State Teachers I i College, Hu~tsvill~, T=xtis~ . I+'~ I ~·~ . ~ 1'-~ "..-, iJ~- ~~fi. '1.,.. ~'? ; ary Emma Hickox--English and chorus; A. I B. degree, Arkansas I : Stete College, Jonesboro, Ark~nses. 1

Mrs. w. J. Hollov.ay--Mathe.me. tics; B. A. degr!;X ~~~- ~~~' of Texas, Austin, Texes. ~~~,-.../~ · (!/.7 · ~---;~ 1 Dora Me Kelly--English and Spanish; M.A. deRree, University or ; Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. 1 1 Urs. LeRo:v McCl~:ndon--Home Econo.:rlcs; B. S. degree • Texas State Colleee for Vlo.mcn, Denton, Texas. I

Mrs. L. B. Thomas--English; H. A. de~Sree, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Gordon Nelson--Commercial v.ork; B. S. degree, Stephen F. Austin, Tim.pon, Texas.

Kathleen Burnet't··-Public spuakinc and nodcrn history; [. A. de- t gree, E. T. S. T. C., J)itts"ourl", Texas. I I I Luzflll Oden--Lathcnatics; B. s. Ste !_)hen Ft Austin, I Tatlllll, Texa '}·~ I I!!_M f(:'J? . ~ Mal5lc Traxler--Library; L. S. dc,c:ree, Denver L. S. Port Neches, i Texas. l Roy Lee Segars--Athletics and ~oneral science; B. S. degree,Tox~ J as Wesleyan College, Fort Vlorth, Texas. Mary Watkins--Science and muthcrr.mtics; B. A. degree, Rice Insti­ tute, Kcm~, Texas.

(continued on page 42)

Page Forth-one - -· -

Mary Hickerson--Mo.thcrnatics; B. A. degrue, Hary H, rdin-Baylor Colle~e, Rosebud, Texas. '1111\-t 'iJ. ~ . f( ~I Mrs: H. G.~Rober~son--Home econo~ics and r.uneral science; B. s. degree, University of To:~as, Port Neches, Texas. The follov.ine teachErs h-:v,j r -:si("ncd froa thf hif.h school: 1 Miss Mary Emma Hickox, Hr. Nelson, Mrs. Robertson, Hrs. Traxler, Mr. I1 Miss V/atkins, Scga1·s, and Mr. McCll:-ndon. r Urs. Lorino Singleton, Hrs. Eleanor Metcalfe, Hiss Ruth Button, and Jane rle Bland hc-ve rt::si(nt:d from Port N(.cbes elem. :ntary school.

I The State Dcp~ rtmcnt of Educatioh a ·1proved an ,mcrgcncy census for 485 nev. stud<::nts v.hich had ..... ntered our scLools and 1. oro not on the c~nsus rolls. The scho1l received $22.50 pQr pupil or $10,912. I 50. I I

Football: Receipts ...... $1693.40 Expenses . •....• :-...... • 1972.27 DEFICIT .••••••• $27P..87 Basketball: Receipts .•.•..••.•••...•• $ 48.49 Expenses . .•••.•...... • 26.16

BAL.:~NCE • ••••••• $ 22.)3 Track: Receipts ...... ----- Expenses .•.....•...... • 26.19 DEFICIT .••••••• 26.19 ~305 .06 DEFICIT T'OR 1942-43 SCHOOL YE.\R 282.73

Bl-.LANCr: mr F. ~liD G!!:PT. 1, 1942 1232.90 BALP.! cr. OF' r ;UID HAY 7 , 194 3 $ 950.17

I ~------~ PORT NECHES PUBLIC SCHOOLS--FINANCIAL REPORT April 30, 1943 j I. CURRENT PA~TS: This Month To Dnte Budget Balance

' A• General Control: 19. Educational Administration 279.63 2,284.18 3,287.50 1,003.32 20. Business Administration ••• 279.63 2,284.20 3,287.50 l,OC3.3C 22. Census Expenses •...... ••• 89.48 234.98 100.00 - 134.98 23. Other Expenses ••••••.••••• 82.50 112.50 ~c.co 4,885.86 6,787.50 1,9C'l.64 B. I nstruoticnal Services: 25b. Elementary Salaries •••••• 3;028.25 23,960.72 37;400.00 13,.439.213 25d. High School Salaries ••••• 2,366.15 15;755.10 24,030,00 8,274.90 25e. Subst, & Special Teachers 3,200.00 9,056 • .21 5,282.50 - 3,77~.71 27. Supplies for Special Courses • ...... • 11.40 1,137.31 1,670.00 28, Usual Teaching Y~teri~ls nnd Supplies •••••••••.•• "150.53 lj025.3l 1,433.37 408.06 I 8,756.3.3 5C, 934.65 69,815.87 18,881.:::: !c. Operation of School P1~nt! 37. Wages of Janitors, etc •••• 527.05 7,230.00 2,665.47 38, J~nitors' Supplies •••.•••• 18.24 725.00 - 58.64 39. Fuel, Light, Water, Telephone & Telegrams ••.• 14f..20 1,550.72 2,180,00 · 629.Z8 6,898.89 10,135.00 .3,~~6.11

. D. .aintenance of School Pl:'.nt ••• 181.05 89r-.66 3,550.00 2, 659 •.14 tE. Auxiliary Agencies: 43. Transportation costs •••••• 440.07 2,843.89 4,659.29 1,815 •.:..('

44. Cnfeterin Expenses •••..••• .70 46.08 75.00 .2f3 0 92 I 440·77 2,889.97 4,734.29 1,844,32 I

F. Fixed Charges--Insurance ••..•• 1,350.00 1:LI. CAPITAL OUTLAY: 51. New Schooil3uilding .•••••• lCO,OO - lOO.CC 52, School Building Sites ••••• lO,OC "500,00 490.('(' t 54. Alterations & Additions ••• 85,90 . 965.37 1,350.00 . 381..6? 55. Equipment ••••••••••••...•• 2,989.91 4;740,00 1,750.09 56. Furniture ••.••••.•.•••.••• f-;381.02 1,ooo.oo - 5 ;381,02 10,446.30 7,590.00 2,8_5r,JO

'TOTP..L CURRENT PAYN.EIJTS & CAPITAL OUTlAY, ••••.••••••..•...... •• 10,804.28 77,440.57 ;III. DEBT SERVICE: • 61. Interest on Bonds ••••..•• 6~145.CO 6,775.00 · E-_30.00 63, Re<'l.emption of Seri:c.l Bonds 1 7,ooo.oo 9,000.00 2 1 00(' • CC' 13,145 .oo 15,775.00 2,E3o.co

.•GRAND TOTAL OF BUDGET...... 10,804.28 90,585.57
