RF Annual Report
The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report 1930 The Rockefeller Foundation 61 Broadway, N. Y. ;!/: ii v \v i M 3520 CONTENTS FOREWORD 1 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY II REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION. 23 REPORT OF WORK IN THE MEDICAL SCIENCES 145 REPORT OF WORK IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES 185 REPORT OF WORK IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES 213 REPORT OF WORK IN THE HUMANITIES 241 REPORT OF THE TREASURER 257 INDEX 339 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE Dr. Richard M. Pearcek Jr 4 Dr. Theodore B. Hayne 7 Dr. W. Leland Mitchell 8 Map of West Africa showing region where protection tests were carried out 35 Animal house of the Foundation's yellow fever laboratory, West Africa 35 Removing mosquito larvae from water containers, West Africa 36 Squad employed to collect mosquitoes for laboratory studies, West Africa 36 Searching for mosquito larvae in a roof gutter, Brazil 47 Oiling a dock gutter as a precaution against mosquito breeding, Brazil 47 Antimosquito squad, Pernambuco, Brazil 47 Cages used for breeding and storing mosquitoes, Brazil 48 Tank in which larva-eating fish for stocking water containers are bred, Brazil 48 Catching anopheline mosquitoes in connection with malaria studies, Italy 67 Seeking out anopheline breeding places, Southern Yugoslavia 67 Laying main irrigation conduit, Isola Sacra, Italy 68 Concrete sections for irrigation channels, Isola Sacra 68 Antimalaria drainage, Trincomalee, Ceylon 68 Laying a tile drain in Costa Rica 68 Type of rural latrine being installed in Colombia 77 Sanitary latrine, Java 77 A school lecture on hookworm disease, Mexico 77 Hookworm patients receiving treatment, Java 78 Patients assembled for hookworm treatment, Mexico 78 Cruz Bay, St, John, United States Virgin Islands 85 Tuberculosis dispensary, Kingston, Jamaica 85 Tuberculosis hut, Henderson, Kentucky 86 Tuberculosis hut, Mezokovesd, Hungary 86 Map showing types of health work in which the Foundation is assisting in Europe 88 Hand car used by educational division of the Public Health Service of the Netherlands Fast Indies for transporting equipment.....
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