Journal of Mormon History Vol. 37, No. 2, Spring 2011

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Journal of Mormon History Vol. 37, No. 2, Spring 2011 Journal of Mormon History Volume 37 Issue 2 Spring 2011 Article 1 2011 Journal of Mormon History Vol. 37, No. 2, Spring 2011 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Religion Commons Recommended Citation Journal of Mormon History: Vol. 37, Spring 2011: Iss. 2. This Full Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Mormon History by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact Journal of Mormon History Vol. 37, No. 2, Spring 2011 Table of Contents PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS --Alexander H. Smith: Remembering a Son of Joseph and Emma Smith Ronald E. Romig, 1 TANNER LECTURE --Mormon Women and the Problem of Historical Agency Catherine A. Brekus, 59 ARTICLES --The Power and Form of Godliness: Methodist Conversion Narratives and Joseph Smith’s First Vision Christopher C. Jones, 88 --The Convert Bride and the Domestic Goddess: Refashioning Female Spirituality in Mormon Historical Films Heather Bigley, 115 --Shaker Richard McNemar: The Earliest Book of Mormon Reviewer Christian Goodwillie, 138 --The Seminary System on Trial: The 1978 Lanner v. Wimmer Lawsuit Casey Paul Griffiths, 146 --Changing Portraits of the Elect Lady: Emma Smith in Non-Mormon, RLDS, and LDS Historiography, 1933–2005 Max Perry Mueller, 183 REVIEWS --Royal Skousen, ed. The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text Brant A. Gardner, 215 --Gerald N. Lund. The Undaunted: The Miracle of the Hole-in-the-Rock Pioneers Morris A. Thurston, 220 --Mary Jane Woodger, ed. Champion of Liberty: John Taylor Kenneth L. Cannon II, 230 --Kevin L. Mortensen, comp. and ed. Witnessing the Hand of the Lord in the Dominican Republic Jared Tamez, 234 --Robin Scott Jensen, Robert J. Woodford, and Steven C. Harper, eds. Revelations and Translations: Manuscript Revelation Books, iv Facsimile Edition John W. Welch and Dallin T. Morrow, 237 --Alexander L. Baugh, ed. Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery M. Guy Bishop, 244 --Mary Jane Woodger and Joseph H. Groberg. From the Muddy River to the Ivory Tower: The Journey of George H. Brimhall Gary James Bergera, 246 --Richard E. Bennett. We’ll Find the Place: The Mormon Exodus, 1846–1848 Melvin L. Bashore, 250 --Morris A. Shirts and Frances Anne Smeath. Historical Topography: A New Look at Old Sites on Mountain Meadows, and Caroline Keturah Parry Woolley. “I Would to God”: A Personal History of Isaac Haight, edited by Blanche Cox Clegg and Janet Burton Seegmiller Richard E. Turley Jr., 255 BOOK NOTICES --Catherine H. Ellis. Images of America: Holbrook and the Petrified orF est, 259 Cameron Udall. Images of America: St. Johns, 260 D. L. Turner and Catherine H. Ellis. Images of America: Latter-day Saints in Mesa, 262 Catherine H. Ellis. Images of America: Snowflake, 263 William W. Slaughter. Forefathers of the Latter- day Saints, 265 Michael O’Reilly. Mysteries and Legends of Utah: True Stories of the Unsolved and Unexplained, 267 Carolyn Jessop with Lauren Palmer. Escape, 269 Truman G. Madsen. Joseph Smith the Prophet, 270 Drew Briney. Silencing Mormon Polygamy: Failed Persecutions, Divided Saints, & the Rise of Mormon Fundamentalism, 272 Douglas J. Vermeeren. When I First Met the Prophet: First Impressions of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 273 Francis M. Gibbons. George Albert Smith: Kind and Caring Christian, Prophet of God, 274 Sterling D. Sessions. Where Safety Lies, 277 This full issue is available in Journal of Mormon History: 1 JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY SPRING 2011 ii The Journal of Mormon History Front cover illustration: Alexander Hale Smith, son of Joseph and Emma Smith, apostle, counselor in the First Presidency, and presiding evange- list/patriarch of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Courtesy of Community of Christ Archives, Independence (H802. 29). Back cover illustrations, left: Elizabeth Agnes Kendall Smith, ca. 1910. She and Alex were the parents of nine children (D1821.1). Center: Alexander H. (left) and his brother, Joseph Smith III, Church president and prophet, at Bushrod Park, near Oakland, California. Alex was preparing to leave for Ta- hiti, 1901 (D501.2). Right: Alexander Hale Smith as a young man in the 1860s (H802.2). Mission Statement of the Mormon History Association The Mormon History Association is an independent organization dedi- cated to the study and understanding of all aspects of Mormon history. We welcome all who are interested in the Mormon past, irrespective of reli- gious affiliation, academic training, or world location. We promote our goals through scholarly research, conferences, awards, and publications. Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Histori- cal Abstracts and America: History and Life, published by ABC-CLIO. © 2011 Mormon History Association ISSN 0194–7342 Copies of articles in this journal may be made for teaching and research purposes free of charge and without securing permission, as permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. For all other purposes, per- mission must be obtained from the author. The Mormon History Associa- tion assumes no responsibility for contributors’ statements of fact or opin- ion. Staff of the Journal of Mormon History Editor: Martha Taysom Copy Editor: Lavina Fielding Anderson Editorial Staff: Elizabeth Ann Anderson, Laura Compton, Linda Wilcox DeSimone, Sherman Feher, Zachary R. Jones, Linda Lindstrom, Craig Livingston, H. Michael Marquardt, Rene Romig, Jerilyn Wakefield Book Review Editor: Boyd Jay Petersen Compositor: Brent Corcoran Art Director: Thayne Whiting Adversing Manager: Steve Eccles Board of Editors Polly Aird, Seattle, Washington Ruth Knight Bailey, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee Samuel Brown, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City Keith A. Erekson, University of Texas, El Paso David J. Howlett, University of Iowa, Iowa City Hollis R. Johnson, Bloomington, Indiana Jennifer L. Lund, Salt Lake City Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Susanna Morrill, Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon Christopher A. Newton, Terre Haute, Indiana Jonathan A. Stapley, Bellevue, Washington The Journal of Mormon History is published four times a year by the Mormon History Asso- ciation, 10 West 100 South, Suite 610, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 {}, (801) 521-6565. It is distributed to members upon payment of annual dues: regular mem- bership: $55; joint/spouse membership: $65; student membership: $25; institutional membership: $75; sustaining membership: $125; patron membership: $250; donor mem- bership: $500. For subscriptions outside the United States, please add $20 for postage, in U.S. currency, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Single copies $15. Prices on back issues vary; contact Patricia Lyn Scott, executive director, at the address above. Also a fully digitized copy of all back issues up through 2007 is available on DVD for $40 plus $2 for postage ($15 for international postage). Contact the MHA office. The Journal of Mormon History exists to foster scholarly research and publication in the field of Mormon history. Manuscripts dealing with all aspects of Mormon history are welcome, including twentieth-century history and contemporary history, regional and lo- cal history, folklore, historiography, women’s history, and ethnic/minorities history. First consideration will be given to those that make a strong contribution to knowledge through new interpretations and/or new information. The Board of Editors will also con- sider the paper’s general interest, accuracy, level of interpretation, and literary quality. The Journal does not consider reprints or simultaneous submissions. Papers for consideration must be submitted to Martha Taysom, Editor, Journal of Mormon History, at, preferably in Word. The au- thor’s name and contact information must be located on a page separate from the manu- script. Illustrative materials must be attached in a separate file, not embedded in the Word document. The Journal’s style guide, based on the Chicago Manual of Style and the LDS Style Guide, and specifications for photographs and other illustrative materials, are available on the Mormon History Association’s website {}. iii JOURNAL OF MORMON HISTORY VOLUME 37, NO. 2 SPRING 2011 CONTENTS PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Alexander H. Smith: Remembering a Son of Joseph and Emma Smith Ronald E. Romig 1 TANNER LECTURE Mormon Women and the Problem of Historical Agency Catherine A. Brekus 59 ARTICLES The Power and Form of Godliness: Methodist Conversion Narratives and Joseph Smith’s First Vision Christopher C. Jones 88 The Convert Bride and the Domestic Goddess: Refashioning Female Spirituality in Mormon Historical Films Heather Bigley 115 Shaker Richard McNemar: The Earliest Book of Mormon Reviewer Christian Goodwillie 138 The Seminary System on Trial: The 1978 Lanner v. Wimmer Lawsuit Casey Paul Griffiths 146 Changing Portraits of the Elect Lady: Emma Smith in Non-Mormon, RLDS, and LDS Historiography, 1933–2005 Max Perry Mueller 183 REVIEWS Royal Skousen, ed. The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text Brant A. Gardner 215 Gerald N. Lund. The Undaunted: The Miracle of the Hole-in-the-Rock Pioneers Morris A. Thurston 220 Mary Jane Woodger, ed. Champion of Liberty: John Taylor Kenneth L. Cannon II 230 Kevin L. Mortensen, comp. and ed. Witnessing the Hand of the Lord in the Dominican Republic Jared Tamez 234 Robin Scott Jensen, Robert J. Woodford, and Steven C. Harper, eds. Revelations and Translations: Manuscript Revelation Books, iv CONTENTS v Facsimile Edition John W. Welch and Dallin T. Morrow 237 Alexander L. Baugh, ed. Days Never to Be Forgotten: Oliver Cowdery M. Guy Bishop 244 Mary Jane Woodger and Joseph H. Groberg. From the Muddy River to the Ivory Tower: The Journey of George H. Brimhall Gary James Bergera 246 Richard E. Bennett. We’ll Find the Place: The Mormon Exodus, 1846–1848 Melvin L.
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