Taffls,Frfflilausustln Duncan in the Title Role
THE SUN AND flEW YORK HERALD, WEDNESDAY," SEPTEMBER 22) 1920, 11 MRS. E. C. STOCKTON tehsonax itjteixigenoe, THOMAS W. SHIELDS, Plans Completed Sailing Europe Aquitania. New Rigoletto in Synge's Drama of IS DEAD OFAPOPmy, NISW YOHIC, for on the j for Several Early Mr, and Mra, aernldyn I. Iledmnnd of VerdVs Opera at Irish Life Makes Hewlett, L, I nro ut the Bt. Ilegls, PAINTER, DEAD AT 72 Funeral of Prominent Wont' whero also nro Mia, Chlld.i Krlclr, Mr, an to Be Held To-da- y. AutumnWeddings nnd Mra, Georso D, Wldettor and Mr. thd But Slight Appeal Manhattan I nnd Mrs, Itobert 10, Btrawbrllse of Mrs. Kdwnrd Cantey Stockton, a Philadelphia ami Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hroolclyii Fiuno C, l'ruyn of Albany, Artist Won member of a noted Southern family",' rpho JIIssch Jonjroi's, tortor Vinconto Ballcfltcr Hoard in Ooltlo riuvora Open Tlioir jrifl NotQil long a resident of Now York, died Mon, Mr. Harold H, "vamlorbllt and Mra, with "Mozart's IohIiov Aro Soon to Mmo. Wp-kowsl- ca of day In Ht, Luke's Hospital from ft atroko nnfl Hamilton McJCny Twombly were amonu Titlo Itolo mid Sonson With 'Dlordro Last Jloqulcin." BiliTcs, thoae who entertained ut luncheona nt (Hid". of npoplexy, Tho funeral will bo held Hocomo Delmonlco'i yesterday, Mr, Itcglnnhl Is tho tho Sorrow's.' nt li o'clock thla morning In tho chapel 0, Vandorhllt was the mieat of friends ,of tho hospital. ' (hero at luncheon, Thomas W, flhtolds, nil artist, whose Mrs, Atockton, who had lived for Arrangement tsr several early autumn The Manhattan Opera Homo was Tlw Celllo players openod
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