Diamond Track Mart January 15

VOL. 8 , N. V., FRIDAY, JANUARY J< 1927 NO. 13

Ham PrwMnf* Charma to rmWcmtio*ofN~ Book* ThreeNewSeismologicallnstaiments Presented Editor and Auittmta Th* FarsNiant Unlvtralty art**, To Fordham in Memory>rft William L. Spain '25 Like tvery ergsnlutlan In the wM«h has It* h«ad*.utrt*r* in tfc* sehoel, tht RAM hat a reward t* Waatwartt building, prvmlttt UM offer Ita faithful members. It it INlMMrtiM af Wllto • few MW only fitting that tht mtn who atrlve kMkt IN the Mar future. Tht Freikmen Hold CIMI Station Many Eminent Names te make tht collate waekly a sue- majority of thaat art an tepit* in the cess should be granted Mm* fH- •Mils*) with *dueatltn an* tht tins honor In recognition of their •rtM I* alraatfy ravalvlng an MM Meeting to Decide 7 Statoa. Gnce Junior Prom's services. And ao (ftr that* who Drat •>. Maarbauaa I. X. Millar, don't knew) a amall sold RAM'S •. J, alvta ua a prttaMatlM *f laporttBt Fettarei LoBf Patronage lift head attached by link te a gold- READY IN SIX MONTHS rlmmtd Maroon atant Inlaid with a Btld F. U. It the covtttd offering- Flaw for RuU Book and It I* • Tiffany work ef merit and Mm**. Or. Marlqua bat Three' new Instruments have been Potter Conunitte* Extends Date of Smokmt Under value. Thla year te far three men tb* third vatwn* *f a aat t< thrta donated to Fordham's already well- Date for Roeohring of tht Clan of '27 have received an Christian asteaatlan. Two athtf Consideration. equipped Seismic Button by Mr. and Now Entries. pin*. Antbtny Duprax, the Editor- warfca taan to a* r*lt***d art an Mrs. William J. Hnain, of , liMhltf, William Boyd, the Suai- •••••••isjfjMtMuleaMjt a"™W WaWaaavwreWk enVS—-*I H•> fjrefj•••••p• •—? * On Wedneaday, January 5, the . Mr. and Mrs. Spain Subscriptions for the Junior Prom- not* Manager, and Jerome Raf- enade, to be held at the Hotel Bilt- Ona Aat Maya wrKtan tas**l*lry repreatntatlrea of the Claw of ltso are a'so the donors of the Seismic Sta- forty, who wit Circulation Man- In more on the twenty-eighth ot this ager for two years, are tht proud held a meeting In Freihman D claai- tion. Their munificent gift waa given room and made eeveral Important month, have been going at a splendid potattaor* of tht embleme. Later In memory of their ton, William La- Itaalwn of many atnar IMaroaUng decltlone. The flrtt regarded the rate, A large number of eminent In tht year other like awarda will patrons haa been gathered, with a baaka thranshaiit th* yaar, Includ- Fretbman-Sophomore amoker. The veil* Spain, of the claw of '26. bt made te other-men who will ing • trltl*ut tf Sappho and a dally addition of new one*. Matter* date waa daflnltely act for Friday, have merited them by their length have been taking form ao well, aside January 14. It will be held, due to The newly acquired Instruments are from a let-up on tko part ot poster the dlreree entorUlnmenU planned, contestants, that almost everything I* In both the Auditorium and the Old Oal'ltaln seismographs, so called from In readinea* for the event. Oym. An eicellent program haa been the name of their Inventor, Oallitain, During the holiday*, the sale of *ub- prepared by the members of the a Russian. The Instruments, three In scrlptk>ns and supper reservation* Dates and Riles to Dtaa Posts Notice of Preehman cloat for the amuaement of number, consist ot one vertical and was so great that the remaining sup- their former rlvalt, the Sopht. As a two horliontal seismographs. Their ply lias dwindled to a meagre few. GoTernOne Act Plays Ceitest climax to an erentful aoaaon of inter- The committee warns all students olata rlTalry, they are oferlng a mor- registration is electromagnetic and who wish to make, euch reservations Annomed by Board Aid Awards for 1927 Ing picture, boxing bouti, an or- they are photographic mechanisms. to do so at the nearest possible con ckettra, rutreebmenU, and imokei. These machines magnify the ground venlence. To pay for thate, each man In the movements occurring as a result of Among the long list of name* ot Manuscripts Mutt Be Sub- List of tfce Aaaual Essay claw wai aatetaed a nominal tee, qunkes one thousand times and are patrons and patronesses, many promi- mitted Before Jan- which WM collected before Monday nent ones sre noted. Among these are and Oratorical Canwl of thla week to permit the ticket, to the last word in seismic instruments. Mr. Henry Helde, Colonel Michael uary 25. Op«a to Umknratk. be distributed on Tuesday. They possess a natural period ot thir- Frledsam, and Mr. I. Maurice Worm- teen seconds, which coincides with the ier, law school professor, and editor The sixth annual 'Vanity One Act of the New York Law Journal. Mr, Within tb* part (aw wttha aa- periods of the maximum wavea of dis- Play Content will take place on tke Tke tecond decision concerned It- tant quakes. Oeorge Bhret and Otto Kahn are also evening ot Friday, February 25. This noanoaaant hat been siren oat by tkt self wlt'i tke Rule Book which will be Included. These names are only a announcement was made by George Data of tbo aaaatl prlaa contest i to handed the elate that enter* next Two Machines at Present few of the many notables. Although Leonard, '27, president of the Mimes fall. With the approval of the Dean, the date ot this event Is very near, bt k*M for Fordham uadsriradattts. The two seismographs now operating and Mummers, which sponsors the A soot BMay of tbaaa coataaU «r* terora'i change* will be made. The many new patrons and patronesses contest. The rules that are to govern at the observatory are Mille-Shaw horl are being added dally. opta to all oollac* claim, two b*las book Is now being written and will the selection and production of the toon be lalshed to make certain that •ontal Instruments. The calibration ot However, the poster committee has raatnraa for tkt Baalon aJoaa. Moat plays were announced at the same there will be no delay In giving the these wl'l be changed for the register- received a certain disappointment, be- time. of tbatt aria** last yaar ware won by cause many conteatanta have not as Pteehmen tkelr cape and rule* in Sep- ing of local quakes and will be devoted All plays must be In the hands ot mtmbtrt of tb* Ssnlor Clan, but that tember 1M7. A vigilance committee yet submitted the three posters solely to detecting local disturbances. the selection committee by January •oat sot tisalfy that thla claw It any will be selected for their enforcement, which each contestant must present 25. This committee Is composed of The new acquisitions, namely the Gal- As a result, there is still ample room awr« aatttied to prltts tkaa any at the Class of '36 la determined to the Board of Directors of the society, lltaln machines, will be adjusted for for many more applicants to enter otaar, but ratbar that the Beaton art do as much aa poaelble to further the Mr. G. E. Waleh, S. J., Moderator, and school eplrlt of the men entering ford- recording distant quakes. Mr. John W. the Held. The committee Is oflering Messrs. J. S. Fecteler, A. J. Talley, about tka only one* wbo Interest two prises of equal value to the two ham ae the Claaa of '31. They es- Tynan, S. J.. who is in charge of the J A. McOann, and G. H. F. Leonard. thcmaslvsa tnoaskto tnttr tht con- best works, and is encouraging all Manuscripts should be handed to one pecially epecify that they mean to en- Seismo'oglcal observatory at fordham, tests. It happeas that the rabJacU force attendance at cheering practice college men wko kave any talents In of these members. The committee this direction. As a further induce- ckoteu for tklt yaar do not txclvdt to insure organised cheering at all states these as his plans for the layout will then spend a week considering ment, tke last date for submission of athletic content*. of the instruments. He expresses him the submitted plays and will announce aay clatt. Tke followlai It a list of entries has been extended from Jan- self as more than pleased with the on February 1 the live plays that will awards aad tka coadlttoas The PVeahman claaa la to be com- uary 14 to January 1*, thus oterlng mended for the quick organising and donations of Mr. and Mrs. Spain and be presented in the contest. How- A print of Mty dollars U offered tor sufficient time to all who have Ideas ever, In the event that a greater num- activity they have shown. Due to the promises that the new machines will for posters to develop them. This is the bait paper on a literary t«b}ect, isnpoMlblllty of getting all sections ber of plays than live merit produc- be Installed in about six months. an advantage over previous similar tion, a preliminary elimination contest the competition »tlai open to all col-together for meetings, the claaa busi- coatests and the committee is anxious ness ha* to be conducted by the sec- The Heismlc Station lately received will be held In private on February lege claaatt. The subject of the ettay through this medium to aid and 20. Last year for the flrat time it It "Bdsar Allan Poe and tke Short tional representative* working wltk the Inspection of such distinguished bring out new talent. the claaa oMcers. If the claaa con- was necessary to hold such a contest. •lory." guests as Father James B. Macelwalne, Announcement was also nmilo that tinues to fraction aa it has begat, It The plays that are selected will go 8. J., Ph. D., and Father Wil'iam Re- no subscriptions would be sold at the Into rehenraal Immediately. On Feb- The Mooaty History Medal is will make a name for Iteeif in the door. This Is In contradiction to a ruary 24, the day preceding the pub- awarded to the itadeat writing the annals of Pordkam. petti, 8. J. Father Macelwalne is the beat paper on Hlttory, sttld history to director of the central station and lic showing, a final dress rehearsal (Continued on Page 3. Col A) will be held. As in former years, all relate to the Remit Catholic Church. president of the Jesuit Seismologies! the work of composition, production, Competition It open to all college Association of America. He Is general- direction, and setting will be done by claatei. The aubject ot the paper It ly regarded as the greatest authority Work OB New BoildiBg the student*. In the last few years "A Day at School In tke Thirteenth Plu for Meftiigi 1 on Setsmologlcal ultalrx In the country. many of the author* directed their C.f.Ui /." plays ami acted in them beside** Father Repettl Is now specialising in Proceeds Satisfactorily Tke Joula Medal, founded by tkt designing the settings. In the csse of Now Syrtoa to Expedite Seismology at St. Louis University authors whose inexperience make* alumni In memory of Rev. Lotls Builder Says Future Prog- Joala, •. I., It flrtn for tke beat paper Class Businost, and Is very highly regarded In scien- it advisable, director* will be supplied on Kvldences of Religion. The sub- tific clrc'tix. While a scholastic lit ress Dopsnds on Weather. by the Mimes and Mummers. ject thla year It "The Book) of the Fordham hti wan director of thn old The contest will be open to all thu New Teitamont Are Authentic His- The last few weeks huve Been the | members of the three upper cliteses, The president of sophomore class, Seismic atmkin which WIIH maintained toric Document*." foundation work on the now Illology j whether they nre members of the Mr. James K. Hlgglns, acting with tke here, Not*: Tkt essays mutt be from At consent of the Dean ol the colleaa, Hulldlng progress even beyond the j Mlmus mid Mummers or not. Fresh- teen huadred to two thousand words haa devised a n«w order for admin- Quakes Rstsrst**' builder's fondest hopes, Th« mllrt I<""" »fo uxi'ludml from Ihn '\ In length. They must be tubmltted to istering the affair* of the class, As Mr. Tynan, H. J,, uniinuiici'S thitt tlm December, with the fine wnathnr nf Oinitiwt, but thuy will liavo ththeii r op- tht olRoe of the Dean by May %, 1117, Ihn beginning nf JaniiHiy, li»v« portunity In Mnich or April, whim Ihn regular ulasa mentlngs proved unfea- twn i'Ui!lii|ii«»!'H which took nlitco III in typewritten form. Th«y are to be sible, the following plan has h««n In- nnahled tlio mason* In work Fri'Khmaii ('outwit will h« hold, Thn handed In under an summed name, miulh«rn (tellfornln on Ducdnilinr a» j ,|H||yi »„ \\im\ MIIW thn bullrlnr l» tthl"! fimt«im»ry prim's will li« offureil for Iroduned: 1 1 1 The assumed name, together with the I THmi shall tin a gennritl advis- I'ni'orilvil ill Ihn Hi'lxiiilr Hint Ion wllli Ihn gii'HttMl |ili'iti< I ""* ' '"'"»» I I l'" ' mi'Il ''('i'( t iicliirt , an wiilll real name, lit to b* put In » »«elt>il urn IhHl Ihn foiiiiilalliMi l« almost com- »" I"'1"1"1 f'"' «««'(iiul plucnH. Tim pi'lH> 1 ory (t»mmltf«e (iomvoit'il (if two mei* I «( ronlham Thn i|iiuk«'H wnrn ninil velope which In to I" nttuclimt to the iii*.t>', "Kicrjiliiim," Inv „,.!.:, -Svlll i fin1 ll»'Piny JuiUnil I" h« thn html will her* trout nach division of tits Huphu- null' In IIIII'IIMIIV uuil vni'.v Ini'iil, HMay, llnpniul mi Ihn wnillhnl', If mi mmw-1 h" * Wl'llly llollulH mill fnr Hi'cnliil mom ('lain whu«« duty It shall he to HHIIIIIIV Ihn iiicnrilliiK In IIIIN wet Inn Hlni'lllH llllKivniic, Ilin rniiniliillnii | Hflni'ii ilnllitt'M. Thn luntl iicliir will fi'. The Alumni Oratorical Mwlnl IK ant HH an Intermediary Iwlweeti thn ill' Ihc iiMllll IV nf 'lllilki-n I it It 111 at lilHl'n Ill MI'HIII IWII cnlvn u |irl«i' of llrlnnn ilullars, mill Ihn awarded t« th« ntntltml giving thti claim ohVt'i* *ntt th» itiniiilinm of th« iiiiuhl lii Im IIIIIKIIXII III I'ltlirnl'lllit U Illilli'Ullvn nr vlnldlll IK>XI IIIMI Inn .IIIIIUM In !ti'i'iirilntict< belt original npe*uh at Ihn annual rvapwitlve divisions of thn nlaaa. wi'i'kN Aflt'l' Hint, Illn nli'i'l limn will Oratorical Contest which la t« It* held mill ilitniKiiliiit illalui'liHiiinu, itll'lvo Mini I'M! up III" «t""l rl**lll*> wllli Ihn tl'llillllnll nf Ihn i'iilllii»l«, Thny shall vtiliw lh« sentiment* nf llmrn will hn mi iiilnilXHlnn ihm«i' on P'rlday, Martin IB, mi. limit- immediate olag«m*tt<* In miy work. VV'linlln'i nr nnl Um iiiitaniia Kiinlhuiii nmv now »*nll with II |ua 1 All Illn K|||in||Ktiil will tin ilnlritVllli ll.V tliih li o|M>h tn itll iimllui' of getieritl inni'nrn, lint Ihn* will lilt nhln In wink tin lit* witllN ill HIIMII •' (irliln III Ili'l' Mnlaiiilr Illiui'i m III" I'Dli'iini'tmnx uuil I'ltli'iniH, In HIM K uniit'iniiu ilnllil Iliiyn til" hlllhllhlt t'lUUJtlnlM liy Illn mill Mil« H'lll'a la iHliiiHnil lii knn|i ll|i l»>r mi Nil nlhlcnl «ntij»i'l TH* «uti hy K general vole nf thn I'I«H«, III.no Tim mliltrn limy himii uriii'lMl full, wn»lh«f lifrmlllllla; nf I'lillHn." Illn nlllllililt i| M.Mll.. Will hn I-.>OIII'HMI jo. I Dili* y»t IN, "Thn Btklcii nf K«lf >l However, Ihn ttfiiri'iiii'Mllniinil will sei'fti in |iBi|i<>limln Ihn limiiinrjf Wllli till* favnmhitt t-niKMI |l «>>niiia : f"l Illntn wllii |iilliniilK» IM#n»i>," 't'hn «WM* In In bt batcil enmrnllten HIIMII bn ilelflKatett lli» iif Midi i WllllitiH l,,t»nlli' M|iitlli, Itllllnol iPlllllll IHlll HP«I VMlll'ft 'Viil-»llv (Inn Ad 1'lll» I'lllllpNl, mi Ihn IMI'MBMI Inhi In I'IIHIIIBM It |mw»r ,i( lirlliallla Itlly llltttt»r In III" Mini "liui'l HO mi IMMIHIIU wi'nnlh In lilnlney ' lili="i will lie "III" In linn Illn The llttMIP, lltlll Illlatllllnil B""ll H'n Illllliinil (HI I'rtBn i Cnl 5) (O«nllHU«il OH (•»•« n, dot I) H'niitlniieii on I'neo a, Uul, 3) nil il, Cnl, i) THE FORDHAM RAM FrethioinForimPicki Seniors' Showing at ttUtklp Notice* Million Mats Praised Men for First Debate THURSDAY— Bophomore-Frethman Day 8tu- Dean Is Pleated Abo With (fend HodaUty mteti at lt:S0A. II., Soviet GoTernment to Be VOL. I. NO. 11 JANUAHV 14, 1127 in (he Hoitatity Chapil Conduct at Dance. Hand Rehearsal at 2:30 in Collins Topic of Discussion. Editor-ln-Chlof A mlilorinm. Anthony E. Dupraz, '27 Rev. Charles J. Deane, 8. J., Dean PRIOAV— The Freshman Forum at their week- ot St. John's College, In a letter to Junior-Senior ReiMent. Student! Managing editor ly meeting on Tuesday, January 4, Buiinon Manager Dennis Roberts, president ot the Sen- Sodality meet* at 1:15 in the So- Arthur M. Bheehan, '28 William P. Boyd, '27 picked a debating team tor their com- ior class, expressed his appreciation dality Chapel Auoelato Mitora of the splendid appearance made by SATURDAY— ing contest with the Freshman de- Krtwarrt J. Cullen, '37 Francis A. Fullan, '27 the Seniors at the recent Pontifical Batketball: Vanity vt. Army at baters of the Washington Square Col- Clarence A. Hadden, '27 Joxepli P. Fleaey, '27 Went Point. lege of New York University. The man E. Vincent O'Brien, '27 Edward A. Coan, '29 Mass and Mission service and took oc- Frank P. Van Allen, '28 Hobert J. MeCfirron, '29 casion In the tame letter to commend Athletic AtMOBiation Annual Dia- chosen were: Francis A. Dohn, of C; the class on the Senior Dance ot De- mond Meet at the Twenty-Second Francis P. Kenny, of A, and Andrew Sport Idltor cember 3. The letter was read at the Regiment Armory. Krnnula I. Howley, '27 class meeting on Thursday, December MONDAY— P. Qulnn, ot D. Albert F. Klrschner, of B, was picked as alternate. •porn Staff 9. It Is as follows: Frethman Workthop mcett at Daniel M. Daley, '28 George A. Callahan, '27 Mr. Dennis Robers, Z:30 in Collini Auditorium. The debate will be held In the Ford- Charles B. Medroddy, '28 Robert V. Keeran, '28 President, Senior Class, Council o/ Debate meet* at t:80 ham Auditorium on the evening of Robert J. Heln, '28 William C. Adama, '29 8t. John's College, in the Senior CUairoom, February 4. "Resolved, That the Nowl Editor Circulation Managar , Mendel Club merit at 2:30 in United States Government should Unbelt J.McCarron 'S!l William R. Walsh. '28 New York City. Jvuin Hall. recognise the Soviet Government of Dear Mr. President: TUESDAY— Russia," Is the question to be argued. N«wi Staff Edwnrd P. Whalen, '29 Charles T. Mlstnck, 'HO Kindly convey to the members ot Senior-Junior Day Studenti So- The Freshman team will defend the Prank 8. Carroll, '30 James D. Ivers, '3d the Senior class my very sincere ap- dality meeti at 1Z:M noon in the negative side at this question. Francis I. Seymour, '28 William F Lynch, '30 preciation, first, of the splendid show- Sodality Chapel. The tryouts ware held In th« or- IS. Paul Emnnuel, '28 ing made by the class at the Pontifi- Freshman Forum meet* at 2:30 dinary manner. Any member ot the cal Mass and Mission service on Fri- in the Senior Clannroom. Forum was allowed to speak for Un •winou Associate! Joseph 1*. Brennnn, '27 Edward M. Shanley, '28 day morning last: Cardinal' Hayes Wee Club Reheariat at 3:20 in minutes on either side of the above James E. Hlgglns, '29 J. Carl Evans, *2fl was enthusiastic about the floe ap- Collint ^«diforl«m. queatlon. Father Zema, 8. J., and Mr. pearance ot the Fordham Seniors; St. FiHcetir de Paul Society meef G. Walsh, 8. J., were the Judges who secondly, ot the very representative picked the team. SINGLE COPY, » CINTS SUBSCRIPTION. I1.M at 7:00 P. M. in St. John's Hall. and creditable Benlor Dance at the WEDNISOAY— This forthcoming debate will be the Publishad Waakly from Octobor to May by ttta Sliidanta of rorsham Unl. Ambassador last Friday evening. I Freihman Resident Student/ So- first public debate of this year's vanity, Pordham University, Paraham Road and Third Avo., Now York, N. V. have heard only words of praise from dality meets at T:tS in the Sodality Freshman Forum and promisee to be Entortd as socond class matttr Octobor 1, ISM, at tho Poal OfDca at Now all sides. Special thanks are duo to Chapel. Interesting. York, N. Y., undsr tho act of March 3, 1171 the chairman, Mr. Eugene Tarrant, Mimes and Mummers meeting at New York University'* Freshmen and his committees for the very effi- 2:30 in Collins Auditorium. challenged the Fordham team early cient manner In which the dance was Quill Club meett at 2:30 in Col- laet tall, but a debate ooald not be conducted, nnd also the members of tins Auditorium. arranged earlier. A challoncs has the class for their co-operation In ANOTHER GIFT TO FORDHAM Orchestra Rehearsal at 2:30 in also been received from the Fresh- the management. the College Theatre. men ot C. C. N. Y., and • debate will Very sincerely yours, Basketball: Varsity vs. Dart- be arranged as soon as possible. ITH the addition of the three new seismographs to the present CHARLES J. DEANE, 8. J., mouth at Hanover: An election ot new offieers for Ike Deanu, St. John's College, second term Is scheMei to take | observatory, Fordham will assume a still more authoritative poiltlon place at the regular meeting on Tees- in this field of scientific endeavor. These gifts ot Mr. and Mrs. day, January 10, in addition to the William J. Spain, ot Park Avenue, in memory ol their late son, William regular debate. Lavelle Spain, ot the class of )925, establish the University station as theRamtoGiTcBanqiet Army Officer* Preseit most important along the Atlantic Seaboard, and probably erect it Into the DATES AND RULES FOR finest in the United States. The present building was presented by these To Staffoa Holiday Priic of Gold Stber same oeneiactors ot Fordham, together with what was at the time the moat ONE ACT PLAYS POSTED highly improved recorder. This new donation has great bearing upon the On the evening of January 31 the (Continued from Pace 1, Col S) Scientific Department ot Jesuit education. Its standards have at all times RAM wl'l give a midterm banquet to Award to Be Ghrra to Bwt been lofty. But in the department of seismology, it is unsurpassed. Today, its staff. During the last few weeks Fitted MwntMr of R. O. T. C no college observatory excels Fordham's station. it was rumored that the future had now about to be presented for the some happy event In store for the col- Georgetown University has supported a splendid selsmological station sixth time, had its inception in 1H1 un- legiate newspaper men and now it has for many years and has made extensive study regarding the action and re- The regular army officers on duty der Mr. Robert Gannon, 8. J., founder been decided to hold a banquet. While action of earthquakes. John Carroll, in recent years, has certainly been no at Coast Artillery Reserve office at 31 ot the Mimes and Mummers. It will as yet the hotel has not been chosen, less active in this same field. Numerous universities from coast to coait Whitehall street have donated a sabre be recalled that the winner of the irst it is known that the men are to seat have made research Into the science but probably none has been as fortunate contest was James Coacagh with themselves before the offerings of oneto be awarded to the member of the as our own in the appropriateness ot location and In donations ot equipment. "Heat;" the second year "Ol Cadis," of the city's famous chefs. After the Fordham R. O. T. C. unit who Is ad- With equipment ot such superior quality and adequacy, there is little by Elmer McDevitt won the prise. The banquet the newspaper men have de- room for vanity in saying that the station on the campus should accomplish Judged best fitted to .become a reserve winning production ot the third year cided to add" a theatre party of their more than most stations have ever presumed to attempt, as well as speak officer in the Coaet Artillery. How- was "The Jest," by Godfrey Schmidt. own. In this same contest Pierre Martsjae from a most commanding position on the subject. Accuracy will be the ever, due to the fact that no one will This plan was approved by all. The took second prise with the "Cobbler" primary factor of the present system. complete the course this year, It can- Immediate exchange of action-records with other Jesuit universities has choice of the play aroused considerable and NoXo and Carroll took the ac- been established for many years. By this means, location and strength of discussion. After the merits ot thenot be awarded until 1(29, when the tor's prlies. The following year tremors are ascertained as rapidly as possible. In fact, the Jesuit selsmo- current bills were considered, "Oh, first class will have finished the "Outside Granada," by John A. Me- logical system is the only coast-to-coast system now functioning as a unit, on Kay!" at the Imperial Theatre was course. In making the award the de-Oann won, and Schmidt was Judged which account it is receiving the most interested support of national organ- preferred. best actor. Last year Pierre Marlase This party, taking place as it does portment, marks, proficiency In drill carried off the honors with "Buppo" izations concerned with this work. and general appearance of the cadet Seismology la being more and more heralded by hitherto Indifferent on the mid-term holiday, will celebrate and Nolfo, who Impersonated "Buppo," scientists. Through the medium of the best obtainable equipment, Pordham a half year's most successful showing will all be taken into consideration. received the prise tor best acting. Sec- may well do much in leading the way. However, seismology has passed by of the RAM. The sabre Itself is the finest that ond prise for playwrights was taken a good many years the experimental stage. Us significance and value are could be obtained. With It are aby McDevitt with the "Adorable Crank," and Nevin took second prise being felt by countless authorities in the world of science and added equip- scabbard and belt of equal quality. EXAM SCHEDULE for acting. ment of unsounded possibilities will cast much light on the future road of Colonel Ross is having a display case research. Stnier made tor It, and it will be exhibited in Mr. Spain has expressed an especial interest in research work ot this Jan. 22, Sat.—Quantitative Analysis, 0 A the office ot the R. O. T. C. unit in the The University ot Pennsylvania has nature and, In memory of his beloved son, who succumbed to a sever illness M. (Hut. Cliim), ' basement of the Auditorium building, In Its possession a batcher's bill dated while yet a student of St. John's College, he contributed these Instruments 1150 B. C. The bill la a stone tablet Jan. 24, Mon.—physiological ChemiBtry, where also are displayed the stand ot ot the most advanced construction and finest workmashlp. His ready support Jan. 24, Mon.—Organic Chemistry calling for payment tor three lambs placet! a debt of gratitude upon Fordham that she feels cannot be overpaid. Jan. 25, Tucs — Economic* 10:10. colors which were recently presented delivered to the temple In Babyloula Nevertheless, may he know by this word of thanks, which, however little the .Ian. 25, Tui-s.—History of phlloaophy, 1:2c to the unit at an impressive ceremony. for McrMclal purposes. T'2(i Tui!"-~HI"tol'Sr of Foucatlon, I Import it may have beyond the campus walls, contains the heartfelt gratitude Junior of the university, Fordham's deepest respect and appreciation for all that a great benefactor has done for her. Jim. 22, Hat.— Quantitative Analysis, 9 A. M. (Hat. Claim). •lun. 24, Mini.—organic Chemliitry, 12:30. .Inn. 24, Mon.—Kounomlci, 12:90. Promenade VOCATIONS .Inn. 25, Turn.—Advanced EnglUh, 12:30. Jan. 20, TueB.—quantitative Analysis, 12:31) (Itpa-ular Clam). Do you remember—one promenade, .Ian. 2«, Weil—- I'lilluHiipliy, 8-11. Silver-dreaafd and silver shod, "|T 18 woll fur a man to respect his own vocation whatever it 1«, and to think .Ian. 26, Wed.—History of Education, 1:20 " himself bound to uphold It, and to claim for It the rnspect It deisrvee." .Inn. 27, Thum.—Kvldenceil, 1-11, The silver twinkling night we trod . t .Ian. 27, Thiirn.— Hltituiy, 12:80. Jlut before a man respects his vocation, It Is naturally necesiary to determine Jan. 27, Thura.—Illology 1, 12:30. MUHIC drencheg cyeM and hair, what sort of a vocation lit' Iiitmids to follow. .IIIII, 2S, Kr|.—I'hynitts, I) A. M. Jail. 2«, Fil. -Ailvnlioinl lllolOKV, 1»:»0, Tinirlex in the wine-witched air Now Is the tlnui for us, an college »tiiil«ntn, to decide what our future .Inn. 2*, I'll lOililriilliniiil rayiluiloiy pursuits will lid. Many (if us do not begin to consider the Importance ot thin With lovely, lithely curving flare, .question until wi> hitve <liH'ii HI iiniiiiriilly evi.ic hliiil ,.f u VIMUIIIIII. Tiin mimuriiiiN nxlm •IIIII iir,, Tin'": ciitiinlMry, H-ll Joy with nllvor !«i!«jht.«r trlp« Inn an. Will lili.li.«» mill Maiii, li-ll rill'l'li'iiliir III'IIVMIMH inn H MIIIHTI. nf KCKIII II»H|HIUIII'» In ninny |iurMlltN. It IIMI ?il, Will Mini LIIIICIIIIHI, iM|nl> On NIKI on, WI' Illll" !l' III PI'I'IUII'K fill' II III III!' lll'Hl lUUlIK IIU1IIIH'I ' ,I,HI VI, 'I'llllll, I'liyati-H, II II. 0 DHIK'CI'NI Would thHl 1 miirht run Illll •.'». I'VI Kvllll'lll'I'N. II l| Pur IIIIIKI' u( HI. wlni Imvi. nni yul ili'lniiuliii'il wlnil In ilu with ||fii, w» frtohman A, •, And iNuifhlriK, Kttntly touch each on« NIIUUIII M'l'ltlllnlv nililM||||i|itlh Ml" Vltriulln lH|iil|M'«»hu |,IM| imifnimlnliii, W" •Inn 'I Mi'" *>:tiailtMli 1,11 , Ml, 'Til tirnun Mini tlrmrn »r« done, i,Hi:, nlliiulit IM> itlil" lii Mum., wlml ,n M nur iiiiliit'iil |i.iiili.iii't«n liiwiiril ilnitorlakltlsD .1,111 .'.. -| !)••» III,.,I, |,|l Mill! On on ! mill III Kiln wiiy *n will iU»< itvnr lh» l»»l imn In whii |i wti ruiilil hut nur ••' li Inn VII Ww| l,i,l||i |,|| , n,|| 1 talhlllS: WH BIMIIIIII ai-i'lt mlHn. rinlll HIM Illirxilln, |il iitti^HM, ,lll<| ll|i,nii Wllll inn ;'i 'ri.iiio III«I,IIT, ii II Thin In mil year, thin our night, Ml" lilt "'"'I l» il« HIMI IIIII HIIIM III mlvlan nii'iiii'llv. Ami <*>• "linill'l |iti«»«i'li • Inn lr, Mllll 1,,'hB'hKJ, W»> rnnnot IIHK Ihtt l(iv»«ly flight- |i|v|l1n||l MlHI Wllll in HIM lifnl t Kllllxol In Illll ||tt In ,,ul ( ||ut, „ '" I'll A Mul Mwlfl Info Ih*' iiKitnlnd'H Ilifh CnlillilclirK In IIHI t'lntm fni H niniUnii, iiinixfuix, will i m luliil* litn,e We Imrry on! = l|irnn= Til,. HIM In Iliilhl io III niiii'xtillitlx Illl mil' full no n,,|tnl|aly I||HIII n t, I, lll>tlllllH llhljxi-l Wl> ohuillll Mlil'li-l lll.lllt.lo Will) il MM' |l|n|N|ll|o|l|.n In ti||f 11'" i'l I'll I'lltali- lh> unit ri'ii I I »| |,|i,t.».,a|iMi Wi, J I I. I ln-i iillH- IIIMIIIIIKIIIV ,II ,|IIHI li I '.I ftllh OIIIMI.IOIII ttt-t tVI- || ,Mlllt(Vj (| Hlh'f'i';ih'p irml III tli'iil. mlllvitln lli» n«t' nf iihvililiii! no.| i.tnitUHMe Mini *j|| in,M r nNHliit- .(•ill St. ThHI« Mm) fallieiMlMo itlun In u« In nur tmnil.MI ' In 11 M n i h Q, 1,111 H. |r|l |iH|.1u||l-»«, Mi, THE FORDHAM RAM 8

SOPHOMORES MAKE Rollins College, Florida, will do QiUl Club Stories PLANS FOR MEETINGS Lunch Room and Rmftetwy Officers Elected at away with lectures in the near fu- Shorn Jtccmt lmpreptm*nl» ture, substituting instead a two-hour Appear in Monthly Harvester Meeting study period under the supervision of (Continued from Page 1, Col. 2) The passing of the Christmas a professor. The Innovation was op- Holidays has witnessed some posed by all the modern disciples ot The current December issue of the attention of the class offlcers and changes In the College dining room The Harvester Club has reorgan- Morpheus, but their objections were Fordham Monthly Includes In It* con- their opinion shall be sought before and the lunch room. ised and is preparing to continue Its not sustained. tent! three stories written by members any matter Is put to a general vote. The dining room in the Freshman good work this year. The election of • * • Building was thoroughly re-palntsd 'No matter how hungry a horse is, of the Quill Cub, the Sophomore short 4—Furthermore, these representa- offlcers took place at the first meet- he can never eat a bit"—says the tives shsll be chosen by their respect- and new curtains were hung, Both Ing. The president, Mr. Keats Boyd, story guild. The lint of the stories these Improvements add a bright Catholic University "Tower." Is this ive divisions, not later than Monday, and the vice president, Mr. Lawless, "saying a mouthful?" was written by Vincent T. Bheehan, December 13. Notice must be given and cheery touch to the room. and provided the Christmas Spirit for the president not later than the above The college lunch room has also were elected last spring. Mr. Mc- the Issue. "Klrkman Sees a Christmas date. made an Improvement In adding a Alvon, secretary, and Mr. Zlnn, treas- good deal of counter space which Moon" was the title of the story which 5—In the event that any division urer, were elected at the initial meet- will make the store more conven- ing this year. proved to be • Scroosje-type of fiction falls to exercise Ita right of vote, ap- ient for those who frequent It. pointments shall be made by the class with a surprise ending. The alteration will do much to- The members of this club visit nine president. different school* In Manhattan and Spring, the Square, and the Passers- wards giving quick service by add- t—This measure In no way invall ing mere table apace. Also, the and give short talks. Last by, by Joseph 0. Hopkins, was Uie sec- dates the right of the class president new soda fountain and other new year the Harvester Club was very ond story. Llfe.aa viewed through the to call a general meeting of the class fixtures promlss a pleasant ysar active and held a dance to raise windows of a tramp's eyes was the key' and should the occasion arise such for the lunch periods. money for the Foreign Missions. shall be done. Mr. Lawless has been made chair- note of this literary effort. Incidental- man of the Harvester Pin Committee. ly, the setting of the story was laid in The meetings are held on Tuesday of a Spring scene, the description of Work on New Building MANY PATRONS ON every other week. • which sounded a pleasant note In these Proceed* Satisfactorily JUNIOR PROM LIST wintry days. Ward Clarke's story, These Two, was (Continued from Page 1, Col 4) (Continued from Page 1, Col. 4) J. B. SIMPSON, Inc. the third Quill C?ub contribution to Looked at your shoes lately? the current Issue of the Monthly. This 19 West 14th It. facilities of this latest addition to There's a lot of slushy story was a romantic description of a Pordham's campus. The advantages current opinion among the students. NEW YORK CITY weather ahead of 'em and if child's love, and was characterised by that It will offer to the biologist will From the rapid sale of tickets, the they're not husky you'll get a simple charm. The fact that three be manifold. It will contain the committee finds It will be Impossible wet feet. stories have been contributed by the latest and most modern equipment. to accommodate any but those who ALL WOOL But don't worry—we've a Quill Club to A -single issue of the It will have the best features of are buying tickets beforehand. Some special oxford that laughs at monthly Is a strong indication of the numerous other class rooms and SUITS * OVERCOATS rumor has arisen that the subscrip- blizzards. support the Monthly may expect from laboratories Incorporated within Its To Your Measure Sturdy, tan Scotch calf— this organisation In the future. walls. The basement will contain an tions are fifteen dollars, whereas It Is aquarium to aid the student study his rawhide slip-sole—waterproof officially announced that they are on reversible welt. specimen alive as well as dead. The i>ale for twelve dollars, Including the $23.80 — $31.50 third Boor will afford live laboratories and a special technlc room, all ol supper reservations. TUXEDO* ROGERS PEET COMPANY which will have northern exposure. With the arrangements with the $27.00 — $34.50 Broadway Broadway . Broauway In addition to this, the seniors' new Hotel Blltmore, and George Olson's at Liberty At Warren at lltll St. class room Is to be located on the "Sonny" Orchestra and the selection At Yeur Service B«raM 8q. New York Filth Ava. first floor. The new year started very success- of favora concluded, practically all de- FRIDAY*—11 A. M. at 35th St. City at slit St. tails are settled, so that the commit- fully Indeed, (or we haven't yet made Tremont at Bromneld a mistake In the date. tee Is smilingly awaiting the grand A. H. Boddy Q. W. Mildeberger Boston, Massachusetts DEAN POSTS NOTICE OF march. TWA* IVH THUi CONTEST CONDITIONS (Continued from Page 1, Col 1) Among the good gifts under the tree On Chrtatmas morn was one for me. and XXXV of "The Virginian," b It chilled my heart and atralned my Owen Wister. eyes, Note: The essays are to be from fif- Par It was one of those Chrlsti teen hundred to two thousand words ties. in length. It must be submitted to the office of the Derti by May !, 1*17, li "To Joe from Peg," the white card typewritten form, etc. (ct. othei read. note). But know you all, that Peg's «y The Hughes Medal Is awarded th slater. student passing the best enmlnatloi I almost died yet never said in Mental Philosophy. Just what I thought, but thanked and kissed her. FOUNDMD Iff She said she hoped that I'd be pleased With what ahe termed a "New Creatfcn." To me It seemed as If ehe chose A banner for the League of Nation Firiln Uilverjlty But I will wear It till It fades, COLLEGE, LAW Though my friends will laugh and PHARMACY scot, GRADUATE SCHOOL While in my heart I'll nurse the hope That some tough guy will tear It oB SCHOOL OF SOCIAL (Editor's Note: Only those from SERVICE New England can make the last line ACCOUNTANCY rhyme.) BUSINESS LAW •OARDINC AND DAY "Tht fact It, that eMM- The Seniors heard their marks STUDENTS MtUmt ramairat tiara*. Wednesday mourning. Thm Or—it nn afaUa Writs for BulUtln A right Mm. (Mm Mere Don't bother about making any New REV. WILLIAM J. DUANE an mlavtt to 4s Ma Htr, Year resolutions. Juat make sure that horrikh, mnlmtarattimt you don't ttrqnlre any new had habits. 8. J., Ph. D., Preddnit work, Guitar* and earn- imnftUtlan bmcauaa atmagt impoa>i*/«. Jfttaian tltvtry l» CIIIW, ami | On mtehaulaal ism, on M* mltrary or* •*• M«MM, M* fmhm at Uia warkHamtmda." SLAVES EDWARD —Otcar WIMa In a quarter-century the General Electric Company hai produced electric motora having *—'CLOTHES a total of more than 350,000,000 man-power. Electric light, heat, and traniportation have alao MADE FOR YOU contributed their part to the freeing of men. Theee 7J are America's slave*. Through their service '28" mt *38 American workers do more, earn more, and produce quality goods at lower cost than any- ALL the ityle the college You will And thin mono- gram on all kind* of where else in the world. man demand* —at leu ltkl machinery. To than he UMtally pay*. Fine MI fc f It on equipment wh«n you The college-trained man in the tint to graip fabric!*. Smart pattern!. tiny ftw Factory, iimi*, these facts which mine man from a mere source Faultier (it. Bcnch'tailored A «c!k« ill O to your iniliviilu.il memure. nirttt* tliowlni what of physical power to be a director of power, >l». (Mr lly U lining IH iimitv ftcltla will be lent thui realizing the true economic value of the nn reuuftt A«« fnt liHtik' Tfi* EDWARD TAILORING CO., Inc. IM «KK-II, human mind. 141 West 42nd Street JM*I ti «ir|» /loin lirmtdmty GENERA0 ML 9 A ti ¥ELECTRIC V N 1 ft A k I k I « f * I 9 M • w ten THE FORDHAM RAM VARSITY SWEEPS TO SIXTH STRAIGHT VICTORY MaroonStretchesWinningStreak Nine Football Games atExpense of St. Joseph's, 43-10 Schedaled for 1927 All But Two Contwti to Be Yale, Toronto and Lehigh Played inJNew York. Cavanaugh to Hold Three Are Other Victim*. Weeks of Spring Football The Fordham football schedule for 1927 was announced early In the Whan Major Frank Cavanaufh wawass week by Graduate Manager Jack Cot- TEAM BACK IN FORM In N«w York two wHkt ayo for ««hho fey. Nine games hare been booked AAmtricai n FtblFootballl CoaehoCh a Asaoelal - tion mt«tin», ho announctd that tho for the first Cavanaugh coached football toam would hold serins »rac- eleven at Fordham. Of this number Last week the Varsity basketball tlco from March M to April 1J. Tho three games will be played at Ford- Another Champioiuliip? team stretched its winning streak to now coach looko forward to about twenty praetico woolona. Intonaivo ham Field, three at the Polo Grounds, six straight victories without a defeat It is a fortunate happening that a few more or ten easy training will bo tho vofuo ao Cava- one at the Yankee Stadium and two to spoil the perfect record. Three naugh wanta an opportunity to cast games bobbed up on the basketball schedule after the Christ- his oyo ovor th« 1M7 outfit at Its bolt. outside the city, one at Providence teams bowed to the Varsity during the mas holidays. Before the two weeks respite, the Vanity was Cavanaush «« toattmaotor of tho ai- and the other at Washington, D. C. course of the week, Yale, Toronto and •ociation'o banauot and waa prominent at the peak of its form defeating Lehigh in a convincing man- In tho dlocuosion concerning tho aboli- Ot the nine teams to be met fire St. Joseph's, of Philadelphia. tion of tho ohlft. Ho was ono of tho were played last season. The four ner only to lose that edge by the time of the Yale conflict. Were With only one practice session after fow who voiced hlmaolf as strongly newcomers are Bethany and Lebanon the Bulldog a trifle stronger he might have turned the tables the two weeks' Christmas holidays, opposed to It. Valley, to be played at Fordham since the Blue had the benefit of playing during the vacation the Maroon took the floor on Monday Field; George Washington, at Wash- period, Toronto failed to produce any opposition but served night against the Yale five, and ington, and Providence, at Provi- to put the Maroon back into playing trim. In both game* the emerged the victor, 26-19. The play Leary, Maurice Woods and Ray Brett- dence. The Maroon has never played was somewhat ragged due to the long general play of Ed. Kelleher's pupils was naturally rather nan played In their usual fine form. the first' two teams before, but Provi- lay-off, but the Varsity was never In ragged but in the tilt with St. Joseph's, a team which had been As is the custom, Kelleher started dence was on the schedule two years danger. expected to extend Fordham to the limit, the Varsity displayed his second team. Adams and Landers ago. Wednesday evening the Maroon were mainly responsible for the lead form that would be almost sufficient to defeat any of the re- The first big game will be that with played its first International game, de- of nine points which the first team maining teams on the schedule. The first third of the campaign New York University, to be held In feating the Toronto quintet, 52-23. In was handed. Without much trouble will be completed with the Army contest and it looks as though the Yankee 8tadtum October 15. This this game the Varsity's play showed the regulars rolled up tbe points, hold- Is the earliest these two ancient rivals Fordham is ready to sweep through the other two-thirds as it an improvement over the display In ing Toronto In the meantime. At ball have met, and with each being coach- has the first. the Yale encounter, but It was still far time Fordham led, S0-11. ed by distinguished Instructors, one ot from what it should have been. In the second halt the entire squad The return to form of Jim ZakuewsU, the bounding the best Maroon-Violet games In Friday evening showed far better of nineteen players saw action. The basketeer, was one of the high spots of the St. Joe's game. He years Is expected. what the Maroon Is capable of doing. second team again took the floor at fitted in with the passing game better than at any other time With almost perfect team play, sup- the start, but gave way to the third On October 29 the Maroon will meet this year and his individual play was beyond reproach. Tom plemented by brilliant Individual ef- and fourth string players before long. Boston College at the Polo Grounds. Leary and Frank Dougherty did some of their best guarding. forts the Maroon swamped the suppos- The first team played the last few This will be the first time these teams hare met In New York since 1921. which is quite good enough, and Johnny White and George edly strong St. Joseph's five, 43-10. minutes of the game, scoring at will. Schneider and the members of the second toam showed that The visitors were held to two field The following week Holy Cross will goals, both on long shots at the end St. Jos't Sixth Vletlm be played. This game likewise will they, too, are ready to go through the season undefeated. of the game with several members of Flashing lta most brilliant form be held at the Polo Grounds. The Football ScbeAiU a Good OM the third team defending the Fordham since Ed Kelleher took over the coach- game at Providence follows on No- record. Only three points were scored ng assignment several yean ago, tat vember S, the second game for the The announcement of the Varsity football schedule early on the first team, so closely did they Varsity quintet easily defeated tbe 8t Maroon on a foreign gridiron. The in the week shows that Fordham will be playing nine games in guard thair opponents. Joseph's five of Philadelphia 43-10 season will close on November It at 1927. While no new major opponent has been added the Friday night in the gymnasium. the Polo Grounds with the traditional Maroon will be doing well enough in combating its four tra- 3,000 Stt Yalt Gams The 'Philadelphia team, fresh from a Georgetown encounter. ditional rivals, New York University, Boston College, Holy Cross September 24. Bethany, at Kordham After a layoff of two and one-half victory over the strong St. John's Ore Field. and Georgetown. No one expects Major Cavanaugh to turn in weeks, the Varsity basketeers re- of Brooklyn, was conceded an outside October », Lebanon Valley, at Fordham an undefeated season in his first year at the helm there are sumed their court activities by defeat- chance of defeating the Maroon quin- red: 8. Manhattan Collea-e, at Fordham Field; IB, New York Univeralty. at the many who believe that a victory over Holy Cross Is the only Ing Yale, 28-19, before a crowd of tet, but It was soon apparent that the Yankee Stadium; II. Otorgt Washington some 3,000 spectators. The Maroon's Fordham winning streak was In no Univeralty, at Washington. D. C: M, major game which Fordham might be expected to win so why Boeton College, at the Polo Grounds. make the passage more precipitous by clogging it with trouble? long period of inaction visibly affect- danger of being snapped. With Nick November 5, Holy Croea College, at the ed its play, especially in the second Landers doing moat of the scoring, Polo Orounda; II, Providence Collea*. at The N. Y. U. game should be one of the features of the football Providence, R. I.; IS, Georgetown Unl- season while Fordham's Jesuit opponents, all to be played at the stania. Floor work was ragged and the second team soon ran up a lead of vemlty, at the Polo Orounda. easy shots were repeatedly missed. 11-2. At this point the first string Polo Grounds, will be rubbing up against unlooked-for diffi- The Eli outfit, on the other hand, had took the floor, and at halt time the The line-up: culties. Bethany, Lebanon Valley and Manhattan will serve to been playing all through the vacation Fordham team held a lead of M-3, FORDHAM (II) YA1J3 (19) put Fordham right for the struggle with Chick Meehan's forces. season and seemed to be at the peak mainly through Zack'a sensational Lander* L.F Ward Schneider ll.F McNulty Playing two minor games out of town, with George Washington of its form. playing. Deljtny C Hlmmrn and Providence College, has caused a little consternation among ' The shock troops started for the With about halt of tbe second half Reardon I*Q Carmo.lv Womla R.O.... Charlesworth the student body. The Maroon might as well go-a-viatting as Maroon and presented the first team gone, Kelleher replaced the regulars Ooala from Held—Fordham: White with a 34 lead. With the regulars in with the second team. At this time (3), Dougherty (3), Schneider (I), Ad- play to a small gathering at Fordham Field while foreigners are ami, Leary. Yale: Fodder (I), Sim- •tntertaining local fandom at the Polo Grounds or Yankee Sta- the battle, White and Dougherty broke the Fordham lead had reached 35-5, men (2), Reeves, Ward, Cook. Ooala away tor frequent scores and brought St. Joseph's having scored all Its from foul—Kordham: Dougherty (3), dium. Besides, Boston College is listed for New York instead White (2), Schneider. Yale: Slmmen of the Hub and what would the boys do if they had to go the count to 16-6 at tbe half-way mark. points on foul shots. It was in the (4), Carmody. In the second session, however, the last few minutes that the Quaker City Substitutions—Fordham: AdaniH for through an entire autumn without making a single trip. Maroon foundered badly. At one time Landero, White for Schneider, Zaks- team scored its two field goals, both lewakl for DeLany, Leary for Rear- the score was as close as 18-15. At on long shots. don, Douarherty for Woods, Schneider TiMClreeA Half Mile that point Schneider was rushed Into Fordham defeated the powerful Le- for AdaniH, Adania for Schneider. Hweetman for Zakasewakl, ZakMewakl The Fordham Half, one of the highlights of the indoor the fray in place of Adams and the high quintet, 31-27, on the evening of for Sweetman, DeLany for Zakasew- home team seemed to function more December 15. The game was played •ki. Yale, redder for Ward. Blllhart track season and the feature of the annual floor board car- for McN'ulty, Conk for Ullllmrt, Reevea smoothly. While, Dougherty and on the Maroon's court and before a for Charlesworth, Brookelman for nival conducted by Fordham, will be one of the greatest race* Schneider caged Held goals in rapid large gathering. With that victory Ed. HeeveM. at the distance seen on a local track in years. Practically all of Referee—Ed. Thorp, De La Halle. the most prominent middle distancers have been invited to com- succession and gave Fordham an ad- Kelleher's charges atoned (or last Um|>ii*'-Ed Hastings, Cornell. Time vantage that was never effaced. year's setback at the hands of the of perloda—20 minutes. pete, including Alan Helffrich and Pinky Sober who thrilled the Dougherty proved high scorer for Pennsylvanlans and advanced their crowd n year ago with their memorable battle. Others to be the Maroon, gathering three Held present winning streak another notch. on the storting line arc Lloyd Hahn, whom Jake Weber regards goals and as many fouls, White fol- For Fordham Jimmy Zaksewski The line-up: FORDHAM (52) TORONTO (23) M the favorite, George Maratera, former Georgetown star, lowed close behind with one foul less. and Tom Leary turned in scintillating lAnders L.F W. Potter Charley Judge of Notre Dame, Al Granning ot Colgate and Phil Zakstewskl and Adams, however, performances. The Maroon's Mires Adamn R.F Snlderman Hweptman (' Hutchlmion Edwards of New York University. At any rate the field has a were decidedly off form. Both missed slve pivot man caged four Held goals Keardon L.G Curric many easy tries at scores from the and a couple of fouls while he was Woodn ltd MtOlllvray distinctly collegiate tinge. Thirteen other events including the OIMUK from Held—Fordham: Adrtnift "Two Mile Special" should go to make up one of the best set ot Held and their floor work was far be- holding his opponent scoreless. Leary, (5), lender. (3), White (3), Hchndilcr low par. on the other hand, starred on the dc (3), iircnuan (21, tioughcrty {Z}, games thai Fordham has yet conducted, Hweetman, DeLany, Reardon, Leary, Canadian* rail Hard fense. He prevented the redoubtable Woodn. Toronto: W. Potter (S), Snl- G. Schaub from scoring a single (eld ilennan W, Cuirlf- (2), o. tatter, TIM Major Cracks His Wke. Playing KB second game since the Huhhinmm. Ooadu from foul—Ford- goal and gathered a goal from the hum: IJ»II.I.I« (2), IKiuaherty (2), Major Cavanaugh has announced that he will take over the Christmas holidays, Kit Kelleher'i floor himself. Ueimlon, White. Toronto: Hnldernian, reins in spring practice which will last for about a month be- Varsity quintet scored Its fifth suc- liutihlnnon, McOlllvray. cessive victory of tho sessnn, defeat Mulmtllutlon*— Kordlmm: While for tween March and April. The sessions will resemble those of Frank McOrath, captain and star |jamli>r*, Hrhnelder for Adaiim, SEHkR- Ing the Toronto University team, 62- 1 the fall practice, including scrimmaging and the fight for posi- end nf nnnrantown . 1*26 football iewnkl for Hweetman, I^eary for Hear- 2!l. In the first International game don, lliiufherty for WOIKIM, l*«iiary, Wnoda ffir ])ousherty, Syracuse wlngmen, Hanson and Arch- Whltx for Ijdtdem, KHknanwiiKl for the Major is putting his team together in September. Captain st'oru of the season, using nineteen oska, worn given ttrst call with Tom Hwi't'tman, Hi'hiifliliT fur AdnniH, Hill Feaster will not devote all of his time to baseball as he has players In tho course of the eveuliiK- HreniiMn for Hrhnelder, l>eljHliy for I.imrlng getting a mention KukHiewiikl, rollttN for llHlMiiy, Loary done previously but will take a turn in a football suit. A revamped MScoiul tw»m took the fi>r Wood*, Hiully for Lnary, Imuah- floor at tlm outset of Inn content and I'i'ty for wtiodM, Hi'Mhloii fur iniUKh- when tliuy gavn way In tlin tlrst five The Holy ('ro»* baaehall team, nrty. Tiirnnln: Irf'Wln for Mrlllllvray, Th« cheering during the Yale game was marred by a alight which had Us honors an Intercollnglats I". Putin- fur Lwwla HID Muroon l«'il, INfl, Ho AriiimH, Ili'ftrii' I Tulwy, I to will (Million. grain of booing. Such a practice in both unbecoming and un- Krouli mar last y™r anil inKiilar for chiiiniiloiiH wrustiiil from It laat year I'Miplrn .In. Ii.'HInn Tliiiii "f Inilvi'K productive, thn flint four KiimnK, wits li'in In tlif hy Knrillium, will |ilny Iwniityflva ail IMlllUll'H. No mow hait been mado to start interclaM hockey. Ye Kiimiw Ilili Htirlng. MiiNinil li'iiiu, taking linn it|• III'IIIKII hy IWIIIK Ilii' IPHIIIIIK Hi'iirt limn 11,1,1 I'uHllnun f,nk> MnlV CI'IIN* IN KuillK In pi'lliilll't* R <, u.kl HI, lallliliia Hi Ailiiuia 1)1, .Im-K 1'iillul, u lurk I" nf lh« fimlhull Orallan in Ik* llsklh*«»x ilawi wllk Nick liMllitnrn, iilxi of lli« (union* Fii'iMh (11»v In llm IH'HI future, II ImilllllitH 131, MiliiH-l.li i, Wlllli. loam, liait li""ii «i'|xrlml »* Ih* Al (ItirMWi aa Ih* mMdlawntfkts, M*l* Kruxh llvi', iiml ill |III"vnr prmlucnii i» piny th lli.mil,,ll, MMIIII'III HI hio, pi, « ll,,luB TliHllnl ll.lllla (in,,, r,. •> I weight miulliliilx (or Ih* »H,| jmlin ar* tk« w*ll«r«, rarral anil i,f Hi,, atii'iiiiit Vitinlly i|illnlnl, clniit.|y MIIMIMI, tliiit will ln> tixwa! |i',,M|li«IM: 1 ••••Hall"' tv 1(1. Wi llllr.|lt> r miliali, II w*« ajitmtllireit hr VnmM Ml'lttml AlllUlU !|, lint ",'t, 'n n. isi, /,,il,»»,>»oii| iiii, WiuiiU • a>, M"iii- 1 IV.Mlli.I'., U, l,|i, III. I rrmik nil,HIM M.t wtwk, rnirt will Ih* f*llln*r, i minimi fin I III n>' Hi'l'l KU*U ii ml ii JBM'JT ThmitMKiui nf Mutuil Vot'iimi, ill'I^N hfi MI!|IH^|I(BI , Ilimnfuiti ii|i|ici«» Al "T, N, f," I<#»» KM Murphr, Haw m*n n«. A.li.ino |M, »l,ll,, lira.ro iif nuiKiaaflll full) Itllx ,ti 1)1 IIIIV <|i>iiit!i, lli» I'H'f ri'iliililii rmwnnt, IMI : 1 It,,,,,, .l-n,,., feh.,n>n M |i lll1 Oil' MtlM Hint ItlltV fllrTnti fill lt||i r^Mllr ts|t>y»l|, *IM-II Illn lenhn" film* •lll)H< Ntl* IIKko 1 Illnxf, >lkll(tlliij A foot, 4 Im In fur (III fiM llftt" III ftillf fOia, Bllii*"i1 I-CIIHIIM tlXHl'if fut W»lK"l »*mlHH»I« 'Inline till' *M»«II Itll.l ftlt= tin 1(10 l M l ' IH Mfi well, pl»*ltin In Bii'pllo»il (iifw. ImtH'h fm n*e vrr-t-k*, will IH|IIKI|| (hi: Miii*M ,(( till Nl«iw fl h*« »hnwn hlm«»lf l« Of the thirteen m*« pli>k*it, «it«ii ftouihoHj, Hal! H#»Mnn, torn Nil ton? MOIM In iMT. tt* aklfir in vertmit In ts« tm win mcmktu & ik« lMtk*41 H«W, THE FORDHAM RAM HALF MILE SPECIAL TO FEATURE ANNUAL MEET Remaining Swimming Moota Seniors Score 22-14 Victory Over Great Field Entered in Half Mile Announced by WortMagton Manager Frank Werthlnajten, '17. Champions in Interclass League Special, Feature of Diamond Meet has rinaNy announce* the remaining meets en the swimming schedule whieh eeene* last menth with the vistery ever C. C. N. V. Four mere The line up: Two Mile RUB Alto Draws Vg*BMH)simsu^wjp nsuVjaj sVBmum llssHjenssj* smiBWflrvsng^Bjw,- RegUter Surprise M Race Junior (») Freihman (I) Freskmen Halted by New Verk University, Rutaere ane Daloy \-t Waters Stellar Entry—More Than Unlen. All hut Rutgere wills* met Goat Into Triple Tie Fetorer R.F MIMIecame In the Fereham Peel. achwenk C O'Cennoil SOOtoCoampete, Ertnder Childi Team While the eentraet fer the Amherst With Froah Last Hlnlne LA Mannlnt ensaeement has net seen yet receive*, Burno RO Leo It Is oiaeetee' to he In ohertly. Other Ooalo frem fleM—Daley *, Clancy t, meeto are eontempletee) but ne Fedorer, Mlgiloe, Ourns, MeCsulllf, But Defeats Do Witt Clinton definite arransements have heen maas. The line ua: Con, Morrlooy" Watere f, O'Cenner i. FORDHAM ENTERS 14 The dato fer the Amheret meet is Senior (tt) toshomere (II) auhatitutlone—Clancy fer Foeoror, and Fordham Prop Easily. Fehrusry 4, with N. V. U. a week Gallagher L.F...... Walsh MeCaulilf for sehwenk, Merrleey fer later ana Rutiere the week after the Hewley R.F O'Cenner Hienins, Cox for Burns, Foeoror for With the anal preparations com- tut with the violet. The seheaule as Hartnett C Murphy OaTcy, O'Connor fer Lee, McOennell pleted, the stage Is all set for the an- It ttenes sleeee with Unlen en Feb. M. Cueaek L.O Tebianekl fer Mlddeumo, Murray fer Watere, Coach Kelleher's Freihman outfit Werthlnsten ...R.O Cebb Mulvey fer O'Connor, Waters fer Me- nual Diamond Track Meet, under the Oesls frem field—Hartnett 4, Worth- Oennsi, O'Cenner fer Murray, Mleaio- auspices of the Athletic Association, performed In three pre-Vanlty con- ingten I. OaHaaher f, Cusaek, Teal- came for Mulvoy. 1 Referee—Jerry Kereaoy. to be held this Saturday evening. The tests last week and the yearlings were anekl a, Murehy, gansone, Cebh. Oeela successful in capturing two of the frem feut-^Oallaeher, Hewley, Waleh Time of halves—ia minutes. et la due to start at eight o'c'oek games. Considering that there had FordkamtoMectArmy 'Sukctltutlone-Worthlnaten fer Oal. at fee MM Regiment Armory, at lUth been only a couple ot practices dur- lagher, Gallagher for Werthlmjton, street aad Broadway. Madak fer Oallasher, Santone fer The line up: ing the Christmas vacation, their At W«t Point Saturday O'Cenner, achmldt for Cchk, Famianc aephemore (24) Freshman (I) The entire Fbrdhani aquas! has been showing was very creditable. It was fer Welch, cesa fer tehmMt, Waleh Mersan L.F Waters entered In the various races. They to be noticed that the speed and gen- for Famlano. Baker for Cebh, O'Con. Clarke R.F McDonnell have been working oat dally In tha Murehy C. Connelly eral efaclency ot the quintet showed The Maroon will be offered an op- Refer Jerry lansene L.O Huahes gym aad a number were entered In the Time ef hstvss-s—SVB minilutes. Teblsnski R.O Mieeilecamp marked Improvement as the week portunity to avenge a' defeat of last Oeala frem fleM—Tebianakl 3. Mer- Knights of Columbus meet last Satur- wore on they fell once more into san », tanssne t, O'Connor 2, Clarkf, day; With these workouts aader their the form that they displayed In the season when It meets the Army at Murphy, Waters, HuBhoe, MIMIecamp. Oeals from foul—Teetlaneki 2. belts there Is no reason why the Ma- early season games. West Pont next Saturday, January IS. The line up: auketUutlone—O'Connor fer Clarke, roon track men shou'd not give a good No one who saw last year's game will Senior (14) Fhelan fer Watere. account of themselves. There are a The first tussle ot the new year Cuesek M-fai-j— tarn CAIBBSI found the Evander Chllds fire oppos- mlsa this one If they CRn possibly h«!p Werthlnsten naj|sjg^es^^^snsj ej^appBBt number ot faults that atill crop np In It, tor the Maroon went down to de- M.rliutt Time of halves—*» minutes. the afternoon drills, bat Jake la con- ing our talent. The Creston Avenue J*Mrray team was In full stride after holiday feat by-one point only after playing C.Bah n PLft nuance Meat about eradicating these errors, Ueala from flete—Werthlnften I, fordkam has entered fourteen men games and practice and snatched the two extra periods. The winning Hartnett t, Murray, Csllahan, Hughee In various races besides entering a wreath of victory. Kelleher's men basket for the Cadets was scored In b team la the one mile college relay and aever stopped trying, but were unable the last few seconds ot play. The auhetltutiens—Hewtey fer Cuesck, the Medley relay, la the century dash, to outdo their rivals. Cusaek fer Murray, Maheney fer Cal- The following Wednesday proved coming game will be bitterly contested lahan, Murray fer Maheney, Wallace Anticipation Coach Weber has decided to start Wal- by the West Pointers In an effort to fer O'Cenner, HerbournHarhourne fer 'Waters" * , ter Coyle aad George flhefilot. Coyle, gratifying when the Tie Witt Clinton Miller fer Connolly, Neylen fer representatives, P. 8. A. L. champions prove that their former victory was Greater If he can overcome his tendency to 1 ef halves—M minutes. beat the gun, should have a successful of 1»M-'S7, bowed to the Maroon, who deserved. Referee—Barney BeHmiet. sesson, Judging by his work In the looked and were flfty per cent better. Than practice sessions. In the ISO Shefflpt. The home outat won handily and The Cadets are without the services Sauveur aad Mitchell will wear the showed good class In all departments of Roosman this season, and thla has The line up: Realization of the game. Junler (a) Sonlor (14) Maroon. The 44* will see Artie O'Con- diminished their scoring power con- Daley L.F Hewley nor, Johnny Gibson and Frank Di< Previous to the St. Joaeph'g-Varslty siderably. There is no dearth ot floor Clancy R.F Worthingten ? ? ? ?? Lacia striving for tke victory. game, tha Frosh met and decisively McCain* c Hartnett defeated tha Fordham Prep quintet In men at West Point, but this year they Merrlssy L.0 Ferter There are three men entered In the Ceil R.O Murray an afalr that resected little credit to seem to be handicapped by the lack half mile. Hayden. Brewster aad Da Oeale frem flow—Clancy 4, Daley I, either team. Much of the time was of an accurate ehot. Dartmouth came MeCaullff 2, Merriew, Cox, Worth'ne- rants being the men whom Jake has ten 2, Hewley a, Hartnett, Murray. The taken up In fouling, running with the decided to start In tha mUe Braaaaa, to West Point from Hanover and was Qeala frem feut-Merriiey 2, MeCauli*, ball, and slow returns to action on Hewley f. Beagan aad Menagh w'il! face the start- successful in defeating the Army auhetltutiens—Clancy fer Merrleey, outsldes. er's gun. These three men are all while the Hanoverians were unable to Merrleey fer MeCaulHf. Feeerer fir JuniorProm good mllers, but will have pleaty of repulse the attack of Manhattan. competition, the mahtap of the re- CaHahan fer s>erter, Ferter for Cilia- Sobsr. who Is also entered. This llcM Gives Realiiation lay teams has not been decided anon. should bring out a little grudge en- The Maroon will go Into the game Referee Joe Cos*. Time ef halvse a* minutes. There Is a wealth of material for the counter aad give some great p'easure determined to show that It is more Greater two relays aad Jake will not aai to the audience. Besides these stars, than the master ot the Cadets on the his starters until Just before the there are Gorge Maraters, Francis Me- court after the contest last year which The line up: Than events. Closkey, Al Granning and Phil Bd- proved nothing, for the Maroon held aephemere (11) (7) Junier DespMe the tact that all the entries wards, the N. T. U. entry. With this Morgan L.F Clancy the lead tor the greater part of the O'Connor R.F Daley You Can are not yet la the Athletic Otace, there field It will be bard to pick the winner Clerk c McCauliff are eaoagh men catered to Insure a until the tape Is broken and even then game, only to lose in the final few seconds of play. The Fordham Var- •ehmleU ,...'.'..• .'.'•I'o'.^'.'.:: •Morrleoy successful meet. The two special Invi- It will to tough for the judges. OoaiOoaloc frem Hole—TehianekejoM—Teeianekl I, Clark, Ever tation events that usually Mag oat The mile run has a large field en- sity will have almost an entire week Clancy t, Ce>. ooalo frem foul— the beet competition have drawn a tered. Amoag the stars competing In to overcome any faults In Its playing Anticipate number ot competent runners. The this event are Charles Judge, the Notre that the St. Joseph's game may dis- twe-mlle special has attracted such Dame runner and N. C. C. A. cham- close to Coach Kelleher, and to polish m as Willie Oeedwla, the national pion, and Frank'yn Osgood, the former up ths attack with which It hopes to ehamploa tor the distance; Ore Ander- Dartmouth track captain. The 449 has sen, ths Intercollegiate three thousand brought forth the entries of Jlmmie defeat the Cadets. meter champion of fialaad; Bill Cox, Burgess, the Georgetown star, and the seasatleaal mldd'e distance gjrer George Blake of tke Boston A. A. from Peansylvaala, and Leo Lermond, Bob McAllister will attempt his brother ot the well haown George Ler- come-back on the boards In the Ford mead, the great New Maglaad runner. ham meet. The flying cop has been The half-mile special has a choice training In the gym for a number ot list ef starters. Lloyd Habn, the man weeks snd seems to to In good skape who dsmeastrated to the Australians for his return. It Is two yesrs since tha Aawrlcaa sty'e of ruaalag aad McAllister has been seen Indoers and cleaned up the Asores during the past track followers are awaiting his try mmer, has signified his Intention of eagerly. competing. Opposed to him will be Tickets are now on sale at the Gym Alan HeWrlch, who lost tke race last and will go on sa'e at the Armory year oaly by dlaaaalltcatloa to Pinky before tke meet. College Store A SUIT FOR A New Facilities NAME Better Service A Suit for a Name goes to the Fordham Student who offers the beat tuggeation for a MM for our Three Button CoNegiata Suit. The judges will consist of the man* Patrons of the Store Are aging board of the Fordham Ram. Patrons of What Can You? Suggett • Athletics CON I IIS I CUttllS JANUARY 24, 1917 JOSEPH HORDES, Inc. Con$&rimtit* Cloth*$ S. B. Cor. 129th Hi, ft St. Nidtolai Avc. THE FORDHAM RAM DEPARTMENT OF LAW Third Year Afternoon man to take up a permanent residence goes blithely on his way day after day LAW SCHOOL STAFF in the new K. of C. Club Hotel at without giving the matter a second Fifty-first street and Eighth avenue, thought. . Miter Attt. editor Spurred on by tho encouraging last week earnestly pleaded with a deora* A. Brook* '27 William R. Mauher '27 words of Dean Wilkinson, representa- group of mutual friends of dapper Ray AHoclat* gallon tives of all classes of the echool met Sweeney and affable Joe Bill (who. Evening Pre-Law Di practically destroying it, or where it the building." From the findings of 20* OFF or part of it is essential to the support "Danny" Houde, who bears the dis- fact made at the trial the court drew of that to which it is attached" (De- tinction of being the first Fordham OnAHRir«»ahtna»talI»H the conclusion of law "that by the Sl- Bevoise v. Maple Avenue Construc- ing of the said conditional agreements tion Co., supra). Except for such lim- SMrtt SUk DrwaJnf Qmmt and by the furnishing of the said elec- itation, the plaintiff would still retain trical wiring and uleHrkal fixture*, Panama* its title to the property, and cou'd de- It's so easy to get your ticket Qlotwt the plaintiff acquired and now has a mand Its return; and if Its demand be good and valid lien upon the real refused, could sue for the convention for the Prom now before Swwolm StuMlcr Sett property above described and against of Its property. If such limitation ap- the rush. Make y«Hiriiliitla» sad all the right, title and Intercut of the plies tO the CliXUUJr»tillii;brt of lllti pt«»- defendants." ent case the result will be that the plaintiff has lost Us title to the per- y CtfReYf ~ Mat CMMfMVV Bonal property, just as any other owner Tho statutory provlHlons regulating of personal property loses tlt'e to his "CuntwctlH for the conditional Bale of property when ho attaches It to real Grayson Clothes Roods and chattels," now article 4 of property In such manner that as a mailer uf law It losus its character nf Why Wait? tho l'orsonul Properly Law (Cons. personal property, regardless of tho in the January Clearance Sale Laws, chup, 41) do nut In turnix or Intent with which It WIIH attached. Tho by fair lntendmont muitii any new llmlimlnn upon Hie effect whleh limy Such clothes at such prices I It !• not scandal, it is rights In Ilin vendor under u contract he Klven In tlin cmiti'iicl of I'ondlllninil Act Now! plain stealing, legal of course, but hardly credible. of coiulltlomil HUII\ Tile vemlor'H wile eiinnot result. In the ereiillini of right" miller I lie eon! met inn ilellneil n lien on, or Interest In, Ihn rciil prnp- $33 SuU$ 0 OtvrcmMi NOW $29.79 by tlm InrillN of Ihn colitnict ll»eir, erly not creiitml by unuil, nilnel|i'o <>r Don't Delay! 40 " " " " JJ.7J Mllliject, liownver, In Ihii |H'OVIH!»MM (if common litw, or nlulule. Hero '.!<< Hen 41 " " " " 36.7B tho sluliittt Dint "every mich contrurl III! ,',,l,| [„.„,,„,.»,, ,,..,« ,T1..,|,.(| |,J. ,;(.,.„(, fi.T Hiti fiilillllliilliti mile .if it 11 > KnilIlN The contrite! of mile merely |inivliled 30 " " " " 41.71 mill chilli el* ultiielieil, or to lie u! rnr I'l'lenflnli of title. No lieu on tlin II " " M " 44.73 Illclieil, to u liiillilliitt, Khali lie void H« rmil |irii|inrly I'XIMIM iintler Hie innitnnii «O " u » " 49.73 IIUHIIIMI H|lin,n|i|c||| Iliilin till" pill hiw, mill tin mn h lien In crented liy Hie He niirr of getting your* clmneix or InciMMluiincniFi of I lie IHHIII NlHllllc, It fu'luw* Hint HIM Jmlunii'llf Mild Th# cfMm of tht mag to twrly «rrfcwlf iKt'N Oil Wllll'll Klllll lillllllllIK ..lull.In, mill dlniillil he remiHMil liml Mie loiiinlulnl n« to tht'lti Hie H!ili< ahull tin IIWMIKII .ll.Ulllomul, Wllll I'II»(H ||| nil I'llUI'ltf. I* "Happy pvrr after," IlllUulllle, tlllleim, nil III' h»fiiri> the llnln Miami I,, I'll, ,1 , <'nrlllti| lipilll Illla B|l|ie!il We Illlty ll>Vlew Ilin 1, tn/ iinti'ltioy I MHtllti<» S.. John'* I Ml, *« uf the wnnltwi niiiiiiiK «f , IMItnc)


u Thrice h He Armed Who Hath Hit Quarrel Just."—Shakespeare.

Second Year Evening ed Interest to "Buck" Jones. The Our Miss Class Secretary doesn't Cooey, ot Becond Year Morning, bari- startling Increase In attention and fre- mtas a thing In class. She Is an tone soloist of the Fordhsm Univer- quency of questioning wae a source of ardent admirer at times. 'Twaa a sity Glee Club, and now conquering TORTS iid RETORTS All of us have enjoyed "the calm wonderment to some ot Buck's class- certain youth (right section, rear), fields anew on the Keith circuit will before the storm," and if examination* mates. The explanation, however, Is while reciting the other day, came positively appear to fling at our claaa TIM Law Student*' didn't loom up so near In the future simple when the evidence is closely under her fixed glance. So young and dance. Enough said! Drwun of Fair Women we would be having quite "a Happy considered. Mr. Jones haa Joined the so fair—ebe thought! Whereupon, ranks of the "Benedicts" and is still New Year." However, they are sev- "Wouldn't It be a ahame when he happy though married. The members has to shave?" she wss heard to re- eral weeks off still, so we will turn of the class wish to express their What matter Larceny, grandiose or mark. petty, to more cheerful thoughts. hesrtlest congratulations to Mr. Jones When lomeone to "burning the road We trust that everyone bad a profit- and wish him a long and happy mar- Generally speaking, meeting or no up" with Betty. able Christmas and received a better ried lite. meeting, our secretary Is ever wide B , bonus than that suggested by Paster Some few weeks ago we noticed awake—taking the class minutes. We Why quibble OTer a wife's necessary. i crate of lemons. Not many ot us upon the cover of a popular weekly a repeat, she doesn't miss a thing. When eomeone U saylni, "Oood Hve- would give a "tinker's dam" (the kind picture of an absent-minded professor nlnt. Roseaiary." Mr. McOlvney told ua about) tor the wearing one black and one tan shoe. Bill Feaster, as modest a fellow as C latter. At the time we scoffed at the Idea as ever there was; and withal he haa Why think o! Forgery, Trespass, or We are glad to hear that Grouse being ridiculous and impossible. We "greatness." Ot course, everyone knows Bill is the newly-elected cap- Felon or received tor Christmas one chair. how stand corrected and heartily tain ot next year's Fordham grldders; Burglar when someone li dancing Now there will be no danger of his agree with the artist on the possibility but everyone does not know that with Bleenor. being left seatless when his law school ot such decoration of the pedal ex- chair has been tortuously carried off. tremities. There Is a member ot the Dame Rumor has It for Bill to be D given a testimonial dinner by his What matter the righU ot a mere Among the New Year's resolutions class, a pedagogic uplifter of youth, who appeared in class one nlgbt wear- classmates In the ni*r future. Oh, Judgment Debtor, reported to us are the following; yes! And whUe we're scribbling about While someone Is seeing a show with McCtoftey has resolved to pro- ing a mlsmated pair of shoes, one tan, the other black. Other great men Bill, It occurs to us that we shall very Loretta. nounce- Irrelevant correctly. (By the much appreciate someone to write our way, which is It, Irrelevant or irrele- were shot for lees. • 1 prominent classmate'a biography. We What's the advantage In hoc sUtn vant? would like to use It la detail In this q«o, Morgan has resolved not to get to column next Issue. Were It not for When someone Is seeing Lon Obaney, class later than a quarter of a minute First Year Evening the tact that we knottr Bill well—In with Flo. after six any evening. We are still fact only too well—we would write hla PUN ». LOPB. marveling over his arrival the other Mr. Robert Plynn has been added to biography ourselves. night at half a minute before six. the class dance committee. This will One ambltkms stndent was looking Grouse and Powers have resolved relieve Clem Graves of some of the (or the world court practise act. to get their sleep after leaving Law burdens which have so weighted him "Joe" DavlB (second row, center) School. down of late. undoubtedly one of our aspiring "I *m about to detend the light- "bench" warmers, be It known to all, weight champion," said the lawyer, as Mr. Sullivan favors us with the in- Is on the Board of Directors ot the he received his retainer to detend the Second Year Uptown formation that a mixjolnder is an Mark Strand Theatre up Broadway. coal king. erroneous joinder, and that a man un- This is just another way of saying;, ot Just before the Christmas holidays, der anasthetlc Is unconscious. course, that anyone who happens) to Several classes now boast Indoor a very, very important class meeting be fortunate enough to know "Joe," may become a weekly visitor at the aviators with winged collars. was held. The President called the Jack Shea's ehlrts Indicate that he members of the class to order and Strand without any customary Incon- hae been reading "What the men will venience whatsover. Enough said! No, asthma, a formal assignment Is presented for their approval the ques- wear." We hear rumors that they are not an assignment dressed up In a tion: "To petition or not to petition?" to be barred on grounds of public tuxedo. After much discussion It was decided policy. Hear ye! Hear ye! Everett D. Me- that the class might turn Its thought The famous case on revocation was to more serious matters of state and Cited as "Bernle vs. Van Tlenhouen." not let a basketball game, even This to probably due to the Jus Influ- though one ot the Big Three was con- ence creeping Into our schools. cerned, Interfere with even one hour of our claaa work. If such a precedent Consolation may be found In the was allowed to be established, who tact that the editors who are so prone knows what disastrous consequences to knock the legal profession, gener- might follow t Petitions would be ar ally consult a lawyer to see If the ranged for teas, bridge parties, article la a libel. dances, weddings, banquets and what not. The revised honor system of St. When the engineer was called In to College Stephen's College provides that fix our rattling radiators—and how "trots" are not to be used unless the they do rattle—one of our profs came Instructor gives his consent. After very nearly calling on him for a reci- all, there are better systems than the tation. Too bad he didn't. We would honor system. have seen in all probability that after gentlemen all these hours of labor and study he John Carroll University' Is giving knew as mnch about the law as we do. over the entire management and ar- rangement of Its weekly newspaper Fine Year Uptown to the Freshman Class for a period prefer of one week. That Is the supreme gesture ot a hopeless optimist. After several weeks of inactivity the class up on the heights has shaken of Us lethargy and held a class meet- The University of Minnesota has a Ing. At this third formal conference faculty which numbers twelve hun- the class decided to make Its social dred and «ty. It Is rumored that debut at the Big U, appointing as several students also attend the Uni- guardians of Its first faltering steps versity, when room can be found for In the social world the following: them. Messrs. Kearns, Koppls and O'Bourne. The date of the affair has not as yet been settled but It Is expected that PA: There is a society known as The Intercollegiate Organisation of Win- the hotel and date will be chosen dew Cleaners, established at several within tho next few days. universities In Colorado and the Wet t. Since the resumption of class after Although such collegiate activities are the Christmas holidays It was noticed a part of every cinema "University," that Domestic Relations bore an add- BLOND gtntlwnin and they are rather unusual io real life. diffidtnt* fiwahnten and august • • • The smaller colleges ot South Da- Prince Albeit is the kota proposed to do away with Inter- favorite of every type and every pipe. (Yea, collegiate athletics. Disproportionate The emphasis on Intercollegiate competi- the pipes do have a voice in the metier. They tion, and a tendency towards profes- Junior Class can act in a docile, friendly manner or they CM sionalism, are given as the reasons for the action. Announce* be mean. It depend* on what you feed them.) • • • Open • tidy red tin of good old P. A. That The students a»d (acuity ot Santa tKc Clara University are organising a first fragrant whiff will tell you why gtndsmsn mavsmeat to restore ths famous prefer Prince Albert. Tuck a load into the bowl Hants Clara Mission, which recently has been destroyed, for the third time PROM of your pipe and light up. Fragrance and taste since Its founding In 17TT. alone arc enough to win you. with But P. A. doesn't stop there. It is cool- HtMlltiMt George Olson smoking. It is mild a* Maytime, yet k ha* plenty of body. It is kind to your tongue and WHIR.IAS, 0e«\ In His Infinite in person. wletfem, has sailed wnte His keaem throat. You can hk k up all you like and k MM setil ef Hie, mother ef Lie never hit* back. Try a tin of P. A. You'll O'Srlen ef firs! »••'' Evtnina, Dance ferstham Law Ssheel and, certainly prefer it after that. WHIM.AI, We, first Vear Ive- to lite finest nlnt, rertfhsm Law teheel, silent eur sincere eymfwltty •• •»" •'•••• At the tinett mate and hie family In Ihtlr •*• resvsmsnt, be It MIHI •JliOLVIO, Thai s tety »» these rsselirtlens •• ferwirrftsf te >RINGE ALBERT with th« fiwut ths heresy** family tn* ht •«•• —no ether tobaeeo h like lit Mine* In (he Fers'ft.im MM. VIA* 1VININS, Hoirl Miltttioff LAW iCMOOL I'wrnly rljjlilli ai*ji, & Dtlltt* ToM gwttrl* frsd, r>r«*l««M. o»i-H., N' j,Hn I, ilrfhsH, l««ritary, ttmmt, ' THE FORDHAM RAM 1. PHARMACY NEWS -u- Advertising ••with Personality plays a Great Progreu Made Advertising which • he • had - noth Ptrtenallty dominant part on the Class Note* ing-to-do" created for anal practical stage of the In Study of Cancer man the demand of the articles which Pharmacist Pharmacist. This, ot -\Clmons\ the druggist sells. Some of these ar- course, involves also The expectations of the Entertain- ticles he sells at a net loss because ol the manner In which he presents his ment Committee hire been enhanced Result of Extensive Work prevailing cut prices. services to the public. by the progress being mads by the Will advertising "with-whlch-he-has- Above all, two outstanding factors band. The musicians are utlllilsg Gives Much Knowledge. nothing-to-do" help the druggist ex- concern personality. They are listen- their lunch hoursso as to assure tk* tend his trade in goods he can dell at Ing and Inquiring. To listen well and guests a good time. Not only the a reasonable profit, and so allow him Interestingly enhances the Pharma- band but also the other actors ara One of the most extensive labora cist In the eyes ot his cuatomers. It preparing themselves tor this occasion Vrimful of Style! torles tiBed for the study ot Cancer is to mlnlmlie his trade In cut-rate goods? reveals that willing spirit to help peo- •ealously. the Crocker Laboratory at Columbia ple and also to respect them. University. The question arises from a discus- A representative of the American sion now being carried on in one ot On the other hand, the ability to In- Druggist Magaslne visited the Sealer Here, nine thousand pedigreed rats quire or ask questions tends to reflect and Junior classes. He expounded the are under scientific observation In the the magazines devoted to advertising, esteem upon the Pharmacist's charac- value ot a pharmacy trade Journal to hope that some day complete knowl "Direct mall" advertising', it aeemi ter and Indicate! a personal Interest edge of this disease will bo obtained. has cast off Its swaddling clothes. Va- the embryonic pharmacist. Hit dis- concerning the physical welfare of the course certainly took root This waa Dr. Francis Carter Wood started rious agencies and printers and mer- TU 1927 patient. shown by the wIllugMM ot the eta- this experiment with rats In 1018. chants have been developing It, Since that time, he has tried to find ing It the same careful, "artful" su- dents to subscribe. out if heredity plays any part In this pervision which has brought national disease. The life period of a rat Is magailne advertising to its present three years. During the course of its high state. And under such supervi- Senior Clan Holds life, it is infected with parasites, sion "direct mall" has arisen to chal- Overcoat which In time go to the liver and lenge "periodical" advertising as a Smoker December 22 cauie a cancerous growth. Records medium for getting the maximum for are kept of each rat from the time of the advertiser's dollar. birth, of the course of the disease, Its Most druggists, of course, do some Musical Program Features death and autopsy. With this data, direct mall advertising, but generally Entertainment. the medical history of the rat is kept of a haphazard, intermittent charac- for generations. ter, it hasn't occurred to many that The Senior Clan held > smoker In A rat, at the end of its third year, thiB form of advertising may be made the lecture room on December 21, has a life span comparable to that of to pull trade with a power that will a man of ninety. In thiB way, man rival the advertisements In any na- 1928. From all viewi it waa a dia- can chart the medical history of rats tional magailne—so far as results at tlnct success. The program started through four generations, whereae, it the druggist's own store are con- with an orchestra number. Then to would take a century to measure sim- cerned. liven things up a little the whole clan ilar human epochs. No rule-ot-thumb to attain the de- sang the Fordham RAM. This was followed by the well-known violinist, Since Cancer has come into promi- sired results can be laid down. But Henry LevlUky. The two numbers nence only In late years, no accurate certain basic principles must be ob- l4tell reports of the progress of this disease served. IC the druggist can command which he played for us were Indeed of three or four generations back can the services of an agency or a printer ably rendered and most entertaining. be had. The main fact was to con- familiar with the trend ot modern ad- 8uceeding Levltaky was a saxophone ceal the idea that some member of vertising—so much the better. Cheap solo by one of the Juniora, Llcker, on Step on it one's family died of this disease. Only circulars to a haphazard list will not a petite saxophone. It might also be 1 per cent of the people of the United pay. Neither will the advertising of stated here that several of the men States are autopsled. Since an autop- certain goods just because they yield who played In the orchestra were sy is very often necessary to detect a good profit. They must have the Juniors. The Senior Class thanks the Cancer, it is hard to determine the merit to become repeaters. And ex- Juniors for this co-operation. We cause or causes. perienced advertisers do not publish must not here forget Mr. Zellman nor Some shoe! one or two advertisements, and stop Mr. Herman, who are always ready The results in the last seven years with the sax. Following a pleasant show that while Cancer la not be- at that. number by our orchestra we were lieved to be hereditary, the suscepti- A program for at least six months bility to the disease Beemi to be sub- should be laid out and a budget made treated to the only original Interpreta- ject to the laws of heredity. up. The program should make provi- tion of the "Black Bottom." The next sion for periodical letters to physi- was a recitation by Harold Kaplan, cians, if prescription trade is a desid- entitled "Fleurette." Gifts were pre- 12lW.42dSt,N.Y. The Pharmacy Academy sented to the faculty by our noble Msafrw-JsswCtsnma eratum. A selected, classified, up-to- Madc of woolent that And Its Reforms date list of customers and possible class president, Sampson. The affair customers Is of course a necessity. ended with a snake dance up Fordham selected with in eye road as far as the . (At Washington Av«.> aeirweuinf qualities With the opening of the second The druggist will find a wide selection _ rWriAve. (Hr. UHk Bt.) on On the way up the Senior Class be- th meeting of the Pharmacy Academy, ot articles from which to choose. The 1 w> MN •o they wil pr*« the best there have been launched certain first consideration Is that they must came Imbued with sudden strength *»th" a ita Av...) problems or reforms of vital Impor- have merit, and the second is that and lifted three policemen on their tance. they must yield a reasonable profit. shoulders and cheered them to the The lawjsst islsrrtosi a«d For Instance, the problems of com- Chemicals for household use wll skies. It goes without saying that a IN DMC v8«isM HI •owtii , merclallse-l sidelines and educational prove a fertile source as subjects for good time was had by all. standards concerning Pharmacy. In advertisements. Trade magaslnes will quoting some of the active spirited supply many suggestions. Nationally and conscientious words, the following or otherwise widely advertised articles was (aid by a very active member: should not be overlooked, provided "Either wo have professional Pharma- they qualify as to merit, and profit- cist! who are capable of looking after yield. Direct advertising of them by the health of the public or ordinary the druggist will influence his sales buBlnes* men whose anxiety and de- very favorably. .amC^^^sW ' amlBammmmmmmmm ' * In erery season of col> sire is to attain financial gains." As to the outlay, that may be modest Such a strong and sincere expres- at the outset, but sufficient to carry lege sports — basket- sion certainly indicates a new and out the definite program outlined tor hopeful spirit In which this Academy the first few months. The cost need ball, hockey, baseball, proposes to handle the ever-present amount to only a fraction of the good, evil and fraudulent conditions In the round sum that the druggist loses rowing, football and Pharmaceutical profession. Thus with every year through selling articles he the Joint co-operation of the medical Is compelled to handle at no profit. around the year agate men, it is intended to wipe out and Most advertisers set aside a certain jla^ammmW^ammmln^^ \ obliterate all such conditions. percentage of the gross profits of their ^ammttmmmmmmmmV^amW ^^^^^^ ^asmmmmt 1 * —The New York Times Hence, turning to us tyro Pharma- business and consider it as much a ^ammmV^nVP^V^kVsmmW ^^amV ^a^smmtmm«i J clBts, it is our devout duty to help part of necessary expenses as light, newa ia 'carry on this great cause for which heat, and rent. the Academy stands, namely, "to bet- ter Pharmacy," in the future. This can be done by attending the meet- ' Complete ings.

Instructor: "Now, in doing this ex- ^^LmmmmV ^^gf / '• Accurate periment, hoys, strict care should be The taken, for a severe explosion may re- sult and every onu of us, Including the Fair laboratory, miiy lie blown out. Now nil come done to mo Hint you may fol- PROM Experts, most of them low mo." a^ga^aHSr comet but once college men, write Hie

* year Times college sports news. JUt««lllh«cli«r. tcttr irul cortKt* Mil nU(i lUuin- The '28 PROM V % The Timei Daily roniei but once

« lifetime.

! ! ! ! ! B* W!M<,