For general undergraduate enquiries contact: Student Services Centre University of Nottingham B Floor Portland Building University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD t: +44 (0)115 951 5767 f: +44 (0)115 951 4376 e:
[email protected] w: The University of Nottingham Undergraduate Welcome Guide 2010/11 The University of Nottingham The University of Nottingham Undergraduate Welcome Guide 2010/11 Undergraduate Welcome Guide 2010/11 Contents Vice-Chancellor’s welcome Section 01: Section 02: Section 0 3: Section 04 : Getting started – before you leave home 00 Getting settled – arriving at the University 00 Your first week 00 Your first year 00 Registration and uploading your photograph 00 Arriving at the University 00 Completing your registration 00 The learning experience 00 Pay your tuition fees 00 Here to support you 00 Register with the University Health Centre 00 Web guide – your essential information resource 00 Confirm your accommodation 00 Living in University accommodation 00 School induction and module enrolment 00 Start developing your career now 00 Open a student bank account 00 Living with others 00 Personal tutors 00 Studying abroad 00 Take care of yourself - vaccinations 00 Getting connected: setting your computer up 00 Supporting you throughout your time here 00 In the community 00 Apply for sports membership 00 Be safe, secure and happy 00 Financial Support 00 Protect your environment 00 Start your student experience online 00 Getting organised 00 City life 00 Get packed 00 Students’ Union and your social life 00 University transport 00 Prepare your computer 00 For our international students 00 Section 05: The essentials 00 Contacts and term dates 00 Index 00 Maps 00 Health Centre registration forms 00 Lakeside, the University’s public arts centre, has rapidly established itself as one of the most exciting arts venues in the region.