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Sample File TM Your ultimate source for offic,ial -D&D®adventures. · Sample file TM 5~~ VolumeI. Number0 WhcdsWithin Wheels: Spring,591 CY Grcyhawk"sCirdc of Eight. ........ .. 4 .August,2000 By GaryHolian andErik Mona Editor Mordenkainenand his powerful companions havep lans for Greyha1llk's Erik Mona worldin the eraof the Living Greyhawkcampaign. Di scover their Art Director historyand per sonalities within. Robert Raper Graphic Designer Leanne Kerrigan Production Donna Woodcock . .. 2 Worldwide RPGAManager The campaign.the magazine. charactercrea tion. and more. David Wisc Publisher Dispatches. ..... .. .... ........ .........Sample 12 file Wizards of the Coast. Inc. Ne1llsfrom around the Ffanaess. On the Cover Artist Mark Zug depicts the enigmatic TheRegional Triads ........................ 13 Circle of Eight as they attempt to Contact informationf or your Home Region. summon an extra-planar ally. MapIllustrations Rob Lazzarctti The World of Grcybawk created by E. Gary Gygax Li"iog Crcyh.awk™ Jourul (the oHicid m.1.guiDCof 1hcRolc.pUyiag Came A,.,ociatioa• Nc1work"sL iviog Crcyb,n,k umpaign). is publishedbi-monthly by Wi-urd, of the Gout, Inc.( Wo1C) PO Box 707. Rcoloo. WA 98057'-0707. Pbooc: 800/32•-6196.Fu: •25/687-8287.£m1il: [email protected]: , Crcytmrk Jourt11Iis mailed free 10.alJ Cuild ·kvd• RPCA• Network members.Yculy membershipmes uc USUO. Gaud.a ar.d Mexico US$25. ln1cra11ioa.alUS$ •0 (:airm.ail ). Prices subj« t 10 chaagc.wi1hou1 notitc . Changeof addressmust be recci\~d at lcut 30 days prior 10 cffccrivc dale chuigc to cosurc unintctrup1cddelivery. Unk.u spec-id unngcmc.nls 10 the conuary arc made prior 10 publication. materials submitted for publication in L,vi.ngCrcyb.awk Jourul arc accepted .t0lcly on tbe condition that tbc material may be edited .aodpubliJhcd in Living Crcyb.Jwk JourHL Wo1C .aodthe RPCA Nc1work shall make no other use or materials unless Wo1C and the au1boror 1r1is1 cn1c.rin10 a writrcn agrcc.mcotreg.uding use. Wo1C grants authors a non-udusivc right 10 \lJC copyrighted malcrids or WotC in submissiou to Wo1C An author. .allhave. DO right to publiJb or someone 01bcr tbao WotC to publish a submission 1h1tiodudd u1y copyrighted malcrids of Wo1C without firsi ohuiaing written permission to do so. Letters addrcssc:dto 1bc RPCA Network or Wo1C.J .nc..will be c.oDSidercdsuhmission.s 1ad may be prinlc.d in whole or io pm at the di.scrclionof the cdi1or uoku the tender spcciliully requests 01bcrwisc io wri1iag. Uolcss 01bcrwiscslated. the opiaioos expressed ia Living Crcybawk Jourul arc those.of 1bc individual authors. DOI ncccss.arilythe opioions of WotC. lDC..1bc RPCA Network. or its staff. Suodud Disdo:sure Forms. Writers CuiddiDCS.Scc.omo RequcsrCuidclincs.. Sceu rio Request Forms. Membership Forms. .aodClub Forms arc availablefrom the RPCA Network a.t® aod ™dcsigoatc trademarks owocd by Wiurds of the Cou1. Rights Reserved. 01bcr product oamcs .uc trademarks owoc.dby 1bc compaics publishing 1bosc.products. Use or a product's name without mc.01ionof uadc.marksshould aot be coos1rucdu I cbalkagc 10 such sutus. The RPGA Network has split the United States. Canada. Europe. and Asia-Pacific Bet he First to PlayL iving into numerousregions . with the rest of Grcyhawkat the Gen Con"' the world soon to folJow. Each real-world Game Fair! region is matched with a region in the Th e Living Greyhawk campaign Grcybawk campaign. gets its start at this year's Gen Each region is moderated by three Con Game Fair. Three epic adventures welcome players to local administrators(known collectively the RPGA's newest c.impaign. as a RegionalTriad). who alJow local explori ng the streets of the Living_Greyhawk"' -Takine an playersto take on positions of importance notorious City of G reyhawk and affect events in their assignedpart of and the d.ingerous Cairn Hill s Old World in New Directions ;a the game world. This decentralizedchain nearby! C reate character, come Welcome to the sneak preview issue of to the convention. and get ready of commandallows the campaignadmin ­ the LivingGreyhawk f ournal.the to experience the best in· istrators (a group of RPGA members newest publication from Wizards of the ized play campaigning! known as the Circle of Six) to oversee Coast and the RPGA"' Network. Living the entire internationalcampaign and Grcybawk is an international shared­ tackle ma;or issuesand problems. world Dungeons 6 Dragons"' campaign. Each player's real-world addressdeter ­ Network members also receive the in which players shape the future of mines the home region of his or her char­ all-new Living Greyhawk Journal. an Grcybawk's world through participation acter in the Living Grcybawk setting. and exclusive bimonthly magazinethat in gamingevents at conventions large each home region bas particularadven ­ details the evolving history of the and small on the Internet. and in home tures assignedto it. If a player travels to a campaignand gives new insights into gaminggroups. Thousands of players conventionin a state or country control­ the Grcyhawk setting itself. will work together to create a massive ling a different game region. that player's To ;oin the RPGA Network. send story. taking character takes a trip to that part of the $20.00 (U .S.) to: RPGA Network the World of Flanacss.too. Regionals cenarios arc not Memberships. P.O. Box 707. Renton WA Grcyhawkin Dngonsca1csat availablefor ordering outside the real­ 98058-0707. You can also ;oin the RPGA exciting new Morningtidc world areas to which they arc assigned. Network onlioc at: directions. By K Reynold s In addition, many Living Grcybawk Stnn gc black current s and The adventuresarc set in neutral (unassigned) Tlacl:,ir,in_g droves of bc.ichcd fish uc Living lands, wild regions. or evil kingdoms. Gnyhawi-Gazetal' being linked to ;as trange Greyhawk new cult in the city of Players from all regions may participate This November.the World of Grcybawk ­ Grcyhawk. Ar c the culti sts f in these adventures.creating grand stories comes alive in the Living Greyhawk videdas a free responsible. or just part of in the overall campaign and forming a Gazetteer.a 192-pagccomprehensive ;a lug er dingcr ? benefitto common ground for adventures all play­ sourccbookdetailing more than 60 Guild-lever Sample file ers can cn;oy. zens of gods.and hundreds members of The character generation rules on the of adventurehooks. The product includes the RPGA. will be your bi-monthly following page wilJ help you locate your a giant poster map of the Flaoacss.the guide to the happeningsin the Living home region. primary continent of the World or Grcyhawkcampaign . The magazinewilJ Grcyhawk.and hints at new ncvcr-before­ feature alJ aspects of the backgroundof The RPGA Network rcvcalcdGrcyhawk locations. Grcyhawk's intriguingworld. providing a The RPGA Network is an international All adventureshave a setting. and all greater understandingof where the organization of gaming enthusiasts that adventurershave backgrounds. The world of Grcyhawkhas been, and where bas provided top-quality gameexperi ­ Living Grcybawk Gazetteer provides it's going. ences to members for over twenty years. both. updating the oldest D6D fantasy RegionalFocus Members receive a subscription to setting to the new era of 591CY. It's an The Living Grcyhawk campaignis inter- Polyhedron"'Maga zine.a bimonthly invaluable;umping -on point for home national in publication filled with gamingarticle s. gamingand for players of the Living scope. with interviews. andinside tips; a free annual Grcybawk campaign. The Reckoning heroes traveling professionally designed limited-edition By John Richudson alJ corners of adventure;the chance to playtcst upcom­ and Sein Flah erty ing Wizards of the Coast rolcplaying Ocrth in search The Riverof Blood A 1oc.umcrdwit ilSks you products; and much more. m;ake;a simple trip to retrieve of adventure. By Erik Mou m heirloom from hisfa mily However,a pri­ Members also cn;oy special benefits in The Mil lstr= runs red with farm justnorth the city of mary focus of the Living Grcybawk campaign.including the blood of the .ibducted chil­ dren of Greyh.iwk's lower the CairnHills. the campaign the chance to play special members-only cliiSS,tr iggering memories of ii Wb.ita.waits is more tbm you adventuresand additional character­ hid bugilincrlfor . lies at the crisis thought ;averted long .igo. regional level advancementopportunitie s. RPGA CharacterCreation Guidelines A cleric must serve a specificnon evil determined by where you actually live. • These guidelines( version 1.0)give you the deity from the Player'sHandbook or the You may choose a different home region basic informationyou need to create a Living GreyhawkGa zetteer. A paladin for your starting character, but your starting Living Grcyhawkcharacter. All need not (but may) serve a patron deity. character then suffers out-of-region Living Grcyhawkcharacte rs must comply A character may begin play at any age penalties when you use it in the game with the most current versionof the D&D from Adulthood to Old Age. as defined region assigned to where you live. If you Player'sHandbook and these guidelines. in the Age section of Chapter 6: change your address in real life. your Some aspectsof character creation Description. in the Player'sH andbook. character's default home region moves might require information from your Age modifiers to ability scores arc not with you. If you move but choose not to RegionalTriad. To find your Triad"s used in the Living Grcyhawk campaign. change your character's home region, contact information. consult the Living The character may be of any height and your character againsuffers penalties for Grcyhawk homepagein the Campaigns weight allowed by the height and weight out-of-region play.
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