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Volume Two: The Black Cat Vs. HIM!

Anthology Edited By STEVE MILLER

Illustrated stories originally published by Black Cat and Rick Horne created by Alfred Harvey and Al Gabriele


Table of Contents and Legal Statement ...... i A Day in the Life of Linda Turner: Script by . Art by Lee Elias 1 Excerpts from the Diary of Linda Turner/Black Cat Roleplaying Characters: By Steve Miller. Art by Lee Elias, Al Gabriele, and Darrel Miller ...... 3 A Day With the Black Cat: ScriptSample by Gardner fileFox. Art by Lee Elias . . . . . 11 A Statue of Horror: Script by Joe Kubert. Art by Joe Kubert ...... 13 Him!: Script by Jill Elgin. Art by Joe Kubert ...... 21 War Paths of Blood: Script by Jill Elgin. Art by Jill Elgin & Joe Kubert . . 29 A Day With Linda Turner: Script by Bob Haney. Art by Lee Elias . . . . . 37 Doom for Traitors: Script by Jill Elgin. Art by Jill Elgin & Joe Kubert . . . 39


This edition of Film Fun Comics Volume 2: The Black Cat vs. HIM was published for exclusive distribution through sties by NUELOW Games, June 2013. Copyright ©2013 Steve Miller. All Rights Reserved. NUELOW Games and Film Fun Comics are trademarks of Steve Miller. This is a work of fiction. All resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. Questions and inquiries may be sent to [email protected].

Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller – 1

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Return of the Black Cat: Excerpts from the Diary of Linda Turner Art: Lee Elias, Al Gabriele, and Darrel Miller

July 5, 1941 But Dad’s last few months at the studio put me Rescuing Lyle Talbot from that angry bull at Dad’s on the road to where I am now. Joe, caught between 4th of July party made me realize how much I miss being a loyal friend to Dad and a responsible stunt work – how much I miss ACTION. I hear executive for Century Studios, started lining me up D.B. DePille has been hired to put Century back in for more speaking parts, forced me to take the the business of westerns. I know they’ll never let acting lessons I had always tried to avoid… and, me return to stuntwork—I’m too big at the box damn it, if it didn’t turn out that I was more like office now, and Dad would have whoever “Mrs. Tim Turner” than anyone had ever realized. authorized it nailed to the studio gate—but maybe Mom would be proud, I think. Dad certainly is. there could be some parts for me in one of those But this is not what I wanted. Hedy can have my films. It would be a little more action that what I’m fame for all I care. I wanted to be the Cat, not Linda getting now, in these comedies as “America’s Turner, film star. Sweetheart.” July 16th, 1941 July 10th, 1941 We’re wrapping production on Radio Follies Still can’t get a meeting with DePille. So much for tomorrow, ahead of schedule. One-Shot Beaudine star power and being the daughter of “Hollywood berated Hedy for missing her marks and cues again. Royalty.” At least I got Joe Steiner’s attention. He “You should be more like Linda—if you were, we promised to get me roles with more action. could have this thing done today,” he said. Hedy Larue cornered me in the commissary. She Poor Hedy. We can’t all be One-Shot’s “perfect told me I should be grateful instead of complaining, actress” (and I don’t always get perfect with the said that she would give her soul for the sort of first take perfectly in no matter what Beaudine likes fame and stardom I have. to pretend). As obnoxious as I find Hedy at times, I can’t I stopped by Joe Steiner’s office to remind him of argue with her point. There are girls who would kill his promise – that if he wouldn’t let me go back to to be me. But I didn’t set out to be an actress. I being a stuntwoman, he’d at least give me parts wanted to do stunts, like my Dad – andSample while I was filewhere I didn’t stand around talking. He brought up growing up, everyone always said I was more like the possibility of working with Howard Hawkes, him than Mom. “Linda inherited all of Mr. Tim and I told him that I would love to but that walking Turner’s grit and none of Mrs. Tim Turner’s fast and talking faster did not equate action. But as grace,” some columnist wrote about me, after my we talked, it became clear that Hawkes revisiting first small acting role back in ’38. Scarface territory and that there might be Everyone thought I’d be devastated, but no, something to “fill my itch for excitement,” Steiner because I knew the writer was spot-on. That part said, turning another colloquialism into a non- was supposed to be a one-off fluke. Mom and Dad sequitor. I was very plain with Joe today – if he both knew, I knew, and I was going to be back keeps letting them put me in these chatty comedies driving and riding, and leaping in anonymity, and musicals, I’m going to join my Dad on his because that’s what I was born to do. That, and ranch in retirement. someday take up the true family business. But Moms’ accident changed all that. Dad became over-protective of me, and he started nixing stunt ideas that he once would have said were too tame as now being too dangerous – just because I was slated to perform them. Sometimes, I think that if Joe hadn’t convinced Dad to take a leave of absence as head of Century, he would have been forced out… and I might well have been fired too, just because of the difficulty he was causing.

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July 15th, 1941 certainly all over me as he making sure that I was Good old Joe Steiner! When he says he’ll do standing in a particular spot on the set, with my something, he does it. (I suppose his biggest arms and hands at angles he wanted to be just so, grossing star whining about being bored and with my head titled and turned exactly as he wanted threatening to break her contract for a life busting it. He must have spent two minutes making sure I broncos was also a powerful motivator!) had the pose right, all so I could say, “We don’t His speech about how important the film industry have much time. Hitler’s agents are on the move.” is in this time of growing barbarity across the Joe is happy with the way the film is progressing world, and how important the beautiful and and the way Gamboil is spending the studio’s inspirational figure of Linda Turner on the silver money, and I got to spend today sword-fighting screen will be if things get darker for America had with Nazi supersoldiers and swinging on ropes over me worried he was setting me up for the news I was a variety of death traps, so I really can’t complain. going to play Mary in a film about the life of Jesus. Am I letting the newspapers get to me? They But no! He said that I was going to play the lead in seem to be filled with stories about Hitler’s war and a spy thriller directed by German director Helmut how the Nazis are trying to bring their evil here to Garboil! Joe told me that Garboil (as he prefers to America. Am I letting those articles color the way I be called) fled Nazi Germany for America because look at Garboil? Am I really that shallow? he wanted the freedom to make the movies he wanted to make, and that this film would be full the July 28, 1941 glamour fans expect from a Linda Turner film Another fun day of filming—I’m getting a real while giving me the physical action I crave. workout and I right now, muscles I ‘d forgotten I A couple of hours later, I met Gamboil together have are sore. with the other actors who will be playing lead parts But Garboil is definitely up to something. The in the film. I’ll be working with Hedy again. odd scenes he is adding to the script as we’re Gamboil seems like he knows his stuff, He gave shooting are not making it into the dailies that he is everyone carbon copies of the script’s outline and showing to Joe Steiner—I confirmed this by paragraphs on each of the major characters, just so inviting myself to the screening of dailies tonight. we could start thinking how we want to play them. Contrary to what Dad thought, Joe was actually It’s refreshing to have a director who knows to give paying close attention to what was on the screen. I actors some creative space. The shooting title is trailed him last night, and I saw him hand off a film Shadowpuppets. canister to a shady looking fellow with the statement, “Tell him that Linda Turner is perfect for July 17, 1941 our purpose.” It’s only the second day of shooting, and we didSample a What purpose?file What is Garboil up to? Dad car chase. And I got to drive the car myself… and always says to keep a low profile until you have all to tumble out of it to take a shot at the Nazi spy as the answers, so that’s what I’m going to do. Plus, if he tried to run away. This was the best day at work it is something innocent, I don’t want to look like a in a long time. fool for accusing him of leaking our film to the Garboil’s proving to be a bit of an odd one to competition… or even of something worse. work with, though. He’s actually forbidden actors to watch the dailies unless specifically invited. August 3, 1941 Most of the cast doesn’t mind, but I’ve always It’s worse than I thought. Garboil isn’t just creating enjoyed watching the raw footage more than the a rough cut that he’s leaking to Monogram or finished movies. Metromount… he’s making what appear to be one-

reelers but are actually cleverly disguised July 22, 1941 transmission of American military secrets, As much I am still trying to decide if I’m just being paranoid, as I don’t want to believe it, I’ve been an unwitting or if there really is something up with Gamboil and participant in betraying my country. this script. Every director has their quirks, but he I have a choice. I can go to the authorities with seems to have more than most. what I have and trust that they will stop him and the I have decided that it’s not jealousy on my part, whole network of spies he is part of… or I can take especially since now he’s adding lines and strange this as the moment Dad once mentioned would bits of business to my scenes as well as Hedy’s. come, before Mom’s accident and his decision I Maybe he just wants to paw us while we’re wearing needed to be kept safe. I could take this moment to those tattered evening gowns; his hands were become the latest Black Cat. And I think I will. Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller – 5

August 4, 1941 I have been rehearsing a voice and a gait and a The script for the next film I’m starring in for bearing that I will have to use at all times when Garboil is subtle of anti-American propaganda. dressed as the Black Cat. Linda Turner is too While the character he wants me to play seems famous for a mask alone to hide who I am. Darn it, heroic, I can see how the film can easily be recut Dad—why couldn’t you just have let me keep with and how scenes can be rearranged to make an the stunts? entirely different story, one that is blatantly anti- American. It’s an evolution of what he has already August 8, 1941 been doing. He and the other spies have to be Garboil will be meeting with members of his stopped, and I’m the one to do it. This is my time network tonight, and I intend to be there, listening join the ranks of the other Black Cats. from the shadows. Maybe I’ll get lucky, and the I wonder if this is how the first Black Cat felt 300 mysterious ringleader will be there; I’ve got faces years ago when she put on that mask and took up for at least three of Gamboil’s associates, but I’ve that sword against the British captain secretly yet to lay eyes on him. helping the pirates? Did my Dad feel this way when he knew it was up to him to stop the G-men who August 8, 1941 were in bed with the gang preying on shipping What a debacle my first outing as Black Cat turned companies? Did they feel the sort of anticipation into. I almost got caught twice, and Garboil now and excitement that I feel whenever they thought knows someone is onto him, thanks to that blasted about how they would track and bring down their fool Rick Horne. prey? I wish I could discuss it with Dad, but I am Rick Horne! My God, what is a gossip columnist certain I already know what his reaction will be. doing investigating a ring of Fifth Columnists I started designing a costume—or maybe I should anyway? If I hadn’t been there, he probably would call it a uniform?—today. I’m making it simple, have gotten himself killed the way he blundered something that can be concealed under whatever around upstairs at Garboil’s house. As it was, I other clothes I may be wearing, except for the boots barely managed to get the key lead—that Garboil and the mask. I want the boots to reflect those worn had a film laced with American secrets that he was by the earliest Black Cats, and the I’m not sure going to hand off that night to the leader of the spy quite what do with the mask yet. I know I want ring. And then Horne has the nerve to force himself something more than the kerchief Dad used to hide on my investigation. his identity when he took the role. I am also certain that I could have replaced the Something to remember: Gloves are a must for scene in the film with a take that didn’t have the this costume. Dad told me that he almost was secret transmissions in it if Horne hadn’t been unmasked when a police detective managedSample to get filedistracting me with his newshound patter and lame the Black Cat’s fingerprints. Criminology has come come-ons. I wonder if that idiot knows how close to a long way since Dad’s time, and my career would getting killed we were when Garboil and the Nazi be very short if I was leaving prints everywhere. spies showed up at the editing room as we were finishing? No matter how satisfying it was to introduce Garboil and his goons the claws of the Black Cat, I would have preferred to have gone undetected and follow through with my original plan of having Garboil lead me to the ring’s leader. So far, this leader has no face or name, but it’s certainly a man, because they are always talking about “him.” I will need Garboil or someone to give me more clues before I can take a crack at him. As for that—Rick Horne isn’t a total idiot. He agreed to not immediately out Garboil as a spy, because there may still be a chance of catching both him and his mysterious master. I also think the looks he kept stealing of Black Cat’s cleavage had August 7, 1941 something to do with him agreeing to hold the The costume is finished. I don’t know if I’m story; men are such fools. completely happy with the mask, but it does what it It still remains to be seen if Garboil shows up for needs to do—hides my identify, so no one will be work tomorrow. He knows that someone is onto able turn the hunter into the hunted. him, so he may just run. Time will tell! 6 – Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller

August 9th, 1941 After my brush with death, Rick pulled me aside Garboil is one cool customer. He showed up at my and confided his suspicions that Garboil was a Nazi dressing room this morning to discuss today’s agent. It was cute the way he tried to warn me scenes as if nothing had happened the night before. about the possible danger to my life, while at the His story for why he had scratches on his face and same time trying to recruit me to help him get land walked with a limp was rather uninspired—he “fell the “big scoop by getting the goods on Garboil.” down the stairs” and “cut myself shaving.” He also told me of the mysterious masked At least Horne and I didn’t spook him too badly. woman that ‘s working with him to crack the case. Perhaps he even turned the doctored film over his His delusions aside, he did let me know I needed to leader? Well, at least I have the time I need to take be a little more careful about what I say and do another crack at spy ring. around others when I’m the Black Cat. I revealed Today was another great day on the set. Garboil that I had knowledge of the film editing process, may be a two-faced Nazi agent, but he has a good and he suspects that Black Cat is part of the movie sense of drama, how to stage a scene, and how to business. At least he isn’t trying to track her down keep cast and crew humming along. for a “scoop.” It sounds like he’s more interested in a date. August 15, 1941 I don’t think you’ll have much luck there, Rick, Garboil has stopped posing Hedy and I like but Black Cat appreciates your compliments. mannequins in scenes he adds at the last minute. Either that part of the operation is over, or the ring August 26, 1941 has found a new way to transmit their stolen We wrapped Shadowpuppets today. Joe Steiner told secrets. us that we’re going straight into the next film Tomorrow, I’m going to have Rick Horne starting Monday, with essentially the same cast and shadowing me all day because of something the crew. I’d be starring again, and Hedy was cast as a publicity boys set up to get some advanced chatter nefarious Axis agent out to get me. going about Shadowpuppets and the chance to see Poor Hedy must have thought that she had a “Linda Turner in action like never before!” chance at the lead this time. She was an absolute I wonder what they’d come up with if asked to hag at the wrap party; she was ruder than ever to promote me as Black Cat? me, she almost bit poor Marc Gaymer’s head off when he tried to cheer her up, and she even yelled August 16th, 1941 at Garboil, apparently holding him responsible for Of course, on the day we have a “gentleman of the Joe’s executive decisions. press” present, a stunt has to go horribly wrong. At least Rick was good company as my escort, Part of it was Hedy’s fault—she missed her markSample almost asfile good company as he was last week when again, so I couldn’t stand where I was supposed to he and Black Cat staked out what we thought was without running the shot; and since the set was part of Garboil’s spy right but which turned out to going to burn down, I knew we only had one be just goons looking to rob a payroll delivery. chance at this so I would have to do the best and He’s growing on me. If there’s one thing about take what I thought was going to be a small risk. him I don’t like, it’s that he is constantly talking But instead of a smoke bomb with a little flame, about Black Cat. What am I—chopped liver? when the incendiary went off, it belched out a fireball that I first thought had engulfed the entire September 12, 1941 soundstage—and I was felt like I was in the middle The Eagle’s Talons is proceeding nicely. Hedy’s of it! If I hadn’t spent my life dodging and weaving settled into her role as the murderous Nazi and tumbling, I might have been dead, right then seductress perhaps a little too well; although maybe and there. Until I got clear of the flames, I thought her genuine dislike of me is fueling her ability to Hedy might have died, but she managed to dive to play the character so convincingly. Maybe it’s her safety immediately after the explosion. She’s not delight in the fact that Joe and Garboil cut some of an entirely bad egg—she was right there with a the more elaborate stunts and fight sequences from blanket to smother my smoldering dress when I got the film, and she knew was really looking forward clear. to doing them. She’s such a spiteful witch. Garboil kept the cameras rolling the entire time; I Joe told me that the stunts were cut due to budget don’t know if he realized the stunt had gone wrong and time concerns. He must have forgotten that I’ve or not. Rick Horne thinks he did—and that Garboil known him my whole life and that I can tell when may even have sabotaged the incendiary device. he’s lying. I’m sure Dad had a hand in it, being over-protective again. Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller – 7

I want to tell him that I’ve followed in his steps pronoun but a name. He is named Him. If it wasn’t as the Black Cat, but how can I ? all so sinister, it might make for a good Abbott & Rick and Black Cat had another false lead tonight Costello routine. and broke up an illegal gambling parlor in I suppose another good thing is that Rick finally Chinatown. If we keep this up, Black Cat will his Black Cat scoop in print, along with some juicy develop quite the reputation as a crimebuster! revelations about the spy ring we’ve been trying to unravel. He even has an exclusive photo of Black September 13, 1941 Cat to run with the piece. FBI agents raided the set today. They made it clear But now, I have to tell Dad about my becoming they suspected Garboil of being involved in the Black Cat before he reads it in the morning papers. theft of government secrets that were kept on micro-films. They left empty-handed, though, not October 4, 1941 finding any more evidence on Garboil’s person or I may have the best Dad in the world. his studio office than they had at his home. The sun was barely up when I got to the ranch, I did a little snooping of my own, and I found but Dad was already awake. He sat quietly and what the FBI had overlooked. Garboil had hit the listened as I went through the speech I’d been micro-film under stamps in his stamp collection. rehearsing for the past several weeks. Then he said, Black Cat turned the stolen goods over the G-men, “I knew your young man was talking about you last but not before thumping a few Nazis over the head. night, Linda. And it’s okay. I never want to see you hurt, and I never want to lose you the way I lost September 22, 1941 your mother, but I know you have a calling. It’s in This is getting a little complicated. Rick and Linda your blood, like it was in mine. Now, let’s talk Turner have been seen around town enough about how to keep Rick, and everyone else, from together that Dad wanted to meet him. That’s all connecting Linda Turner to Black Cat.” good and well—they hit it off instantly—but spent No—there’s no “may” here. It’s certain he is the most of dinner talking about how he felt Black Cat best Dad in the world. was somehow connected to the movie industry and that she possibly even worked at Century Studios. The whole time I was terrified that he would use the name, Black Cat. Thankfully, he didn’t—he’s saving that for his scoop. Dad laughed at the notion of Black Cat being in movies. He stated that movie people are “too busy dressing sets, dressing up on sets, andSample being dressed file down by producers to get dressed up to go fight crime.” He then proceeded to give Rick the advice he’s so often given me, back when he thought I’d be Black Cat someday: “Make sure your theories fit the evidence, not that the evidence fits your theories. Never settle on a theory before you have some solid evidence.” After Rick left, Dad suggested that I needed to “come on a little stronger to the boy” to get him off that mystery woman of his.” As always, dating advice from Dad mortifies me, but he was more right this time than he knows. I can’t have Rick talking to him about Black Cat, or he’ll catch on. Who can say what he might do then.

October 2, 1941 It finally happened. Black Cat has made the news. Dozens of people witnessed me stopping one of Garboil’s compatriots from assassinating a government scientist. The only bright spot is that I confirmed by suspicions that the “Him” Garboil and his goons have discussed is not a personal 8 – Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller

HEDY LARUE (Female) Brawn 21; Body 17; Brains 6 Traits: Busty, Egomaniac, Improv Master Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Castrate, Disarm, Knock Out, Seduce, Strike Pose Important Stuff Wielded/Worn: Fashionable clothes or expensive gowns (Clothes). Black Cat Roleplaying Characters Hedy Larue is a young contract player at We’ve previously presented Black Cat-oriented Century Studios. Managing producer Joseph roleplaying game material in Film Fun Comics Steiner thinks she is destined for great things—and Volume One: Stuntman and His Honor and… The Hedy agrees. If only that hussy Linda was out of the Demon. We now continue that tradition to by way…. giving you the Black Cat and some of her supporting cast as defined in the ROLF! game. You’re going to need a copy of ROLF!: The Rollplaying Game of Big Dumb Fighters or You vs. Me to use the material in this section. Traits and Combat Maneuvers possessed by the characters but not featured in either of those games are listed after the character statistics.

BLACK CAT (Female) (aka Linda Turner) Brawn 24; Body 18; Brains 8 Traits: Driver, Irrepressible Optimist, Martial Artist, Nimble

Combat Maneuvers: Backflip, Basic Attack, Hedy Larue, Bitch Slap, Disarm, Dodge, Murderous Mitts, Rival of Linda Turner and Would-be Star Signature Move, Strike Pose. Important Stuff Wielded/Worn: Superhero Outfit HELMUT GARBOIL (Male) (Armor, absorbs up to 1 point of damage). Brawn 15; Body 16; Brains 5 Linda Turner is a stuntwoman turned popular Traits: Cowardly, Dour, Improv Master movie star who is the latest in her family to take up Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Bitch Slap, the mantle of the crime-busting Black Cat. OneSample her Disembowel, file Dodge, Run Away father, Tim, knows her secret identity. Tim was the Important Stuff Wielded/Worn: Pistol (Small Black Cat previously, but he retired the role some Ranged weapon, 4 shots. Deals 2 points of damage 3o years ago. that ignores armor). Helmut Garboil is a talented filmmaker Nazi agent who works in Hollywood. He is one of the leading agents of the network operated by the mysterious spymaster HIM.

The Black Cat, Helmut Garboil, Hollywood’s Most Mysterious Leading Lady Nazi Agent and Minion of HIM Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller – 9

NAZI AGENTS & THUGS (Male or Female) New Traits Brawn 11; Body 10; Brains 4 Dour: The character is immune to the effects of Traits: Improv Master Infectious Good Cheer and Strike Pose. Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Bitch Slap, Irrepressible Optimist: The character believes Dodge, Run Away everything will always work out. He receives a -2 Important Stuff Wielded/Worn: Varies. Roll 1d6: adjustment to all damage suffered. However, he 1-2. Nothing. 3-4. Club (Small Melee Weapon, must always roll 3d6 to ATT checks to resist the deals 2 points of damage). 5-6. Pistol (Small Infectious Good Cheer and Seduction combat Ranged Weapon. Two Shots, deals 2 points of maneuvers. He cannot have the Dour trait. damage that ignore armor).

These generic, cannon-fodder level goons for Black New Combat Maneuvers Cat to fight her way through before she faces the Backflip: By rolling a successful Basic Attack on main bad guy. 4d6 (instead of the usual 2d6), the character performs an impressive acrobatic feat while kicking a target foe for 3 points of melee damage and immediately moving to ranged attack distance. ATT Brawn. Bitch Slap: The character can’t use this skill while wielding a weapon. It deals 3 points of damage to the target. If used following a successful use of Strike Pose, the maneuver deals 4 points of damage that ignore armor. ATT Brawn. Knock Out: Successful use of this Combat Maneuver followed immediately by a successful Body ATT check on 3d10, lets the character knock his opponent out with a single hit. The character may not be wielding a weapon, but deals 2 points of In the film-world, they call them “extras.” melee damage whether the target is knocked out or not. (The target is out of the fight for the following RICK HORNE (Male) round.) ATT Brawn. Brawn 22; Body 17; Brains 6 Murderous Mitts: The character’s fists are like Traits: Improv Master deadly weapons. When not wielding any sort of Combat Maneuvers: Basic Attack, Disarm,Sample fileweapon, the character deals 3 points of melee Dodge, Knock Out, Murderous Mitts, Run Away damage that ignore armor. ATT Brawn. Important Stuff Wielded/Worn: Travel typewriter Run Away!: In addition to the function described (Medium melee Weapon OR one-shot Ranged in the core rule book, can also be used to prevent Weapon, deals 3 points of damage(, another character from closing to melee range or Rick Horne is a Hollywood gossip columnist and retreating to a distance where they can use a radio personality with the instincts of a hardnosed Ranged Weapon. The player rolling the ATT check investigative reporter. Yet the identity of Black Cat declares how he intends the character to use the continues to elude him. skill before rolling. Seduce: In addition to the function described in the core rulebook, this combat maneuver can be used to convince the targeted character that he or she should refrain from attacking the user. This function only works if the user hasn’t previously attacked the target. Signature Move: The character has a unique and particularly deadly attack that only he or she knows. Once per combat, adds +10 to the damage caused by a Basic Attack. If the target’s Brawn is less than half of the original full score, the character

adds half his or her current Brawn ATT to the Rick Horne, damage. ATT: Brawn. Two-fisted Newshound & Black Cat Fan 10 – Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller

MORE COMICS FROM NUELOW GAMES Each title features great comics and game material inspired by them!

Available Now (June 2013)! Film Fun Comics Vol. 1: Stuntman by Simon & Kirby (With art by and Lee Elias) His Honor and… The Demon by Bill Draut (With art by Bill Draut and Lee Elias) ROLF!: Turkey Shoot starring Sally the Sleuth (With art by Adolphe Barreaux

Coming Soon! Film Fun Comics Vol. 3: British Agent 99 – The Soviet Connection (With art by Al Gabriele) Film Fun Comics Vol. 4: Black Cat Mysteries (With art by Lee Elias) Tomb of Terrors (With art by Al Williamson and Lee Elias)

Get Your Golden Age Comics Gaming Fix With NUELOW Games in Three Steps

Step One: Get a copy of ROLF!: The Rollplaying Game of Big Dumb Fighters.

Step Two: Get a Copy of ROLF!: BulletsSample to the Head file (starring Bulletman and Bulletgirl) and/or ROLF!: Turkey Shoot (starring Sally the Sleuth).

Step Three: Invite Some Gamer Friends Over, Roll Some Dice, Have Some Fun!

ROLF! Game Products Are Available Now at and DriveThruRPG.COM! Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller – 11

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12 – Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller

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Film Fun Comics Vol. 2 by Kubert, Elgin, Elias, and Miller – 13

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